

Long ago in a time when queens and kings ruled the world and many creatures roamed its lands. A great evil arose in a man. The man married a princess in the Kingdom of Baltias. A week before the wedding the man sent out letters to seven different people, three girls and four boys. Each of these people were well known for their ability to perplex crowds. The seven people arrived six days before the wedding. One of the boys fell in love with the princess. The man put a spell on the kingdom and its people that when the wedding was over it started once more at six days before the wedding. The only people who noticed the change were the seven entertainers, the evil man, and the princess. The princess and the seven entertainers banded together to defeat the evil. Soon the evil was destroyed and banished from the land. Now 200 years later the evil has returned as two men ready to concur the kingdom once more and this time it wants not only one but two princesses. Nevertheless, sadly our heroes no longer live. However, a few unlikely and surprising heroes come to the rescue.

Spells and love lost

Princess Ciara sat looking out the window at the people below, she had soft golden blond hair and sparkling sapphire blue eyes, her skin a soft tan. She sighed as her golden retriever, Sam, laid his head on her lap. “Oh Sam! What am I to do? I do not wish to marry anyone! Especially not him!” she made a face at a man standing in the middle of the crowd.
Sam growled in agreement. If only you knew how badly I want to be the one to marry you my friend! He thought
Ciara pouted for a moment then got up and went over to her wardrobe. “I might as well get dressed…” she sulked. Ciara opened the wardrobe and picked out a blue and green dress. She slipped off her nightgown and undid her golden blond hair. It fell over her shoulders. Ciara got on her dress and finished brushing her hair as a knock sounded on her door. It opened and a girl slightly shorter than Ciara came in.
“Guess what!” the girl cried. She had dark brown hair and bright emerald green eyes. Her skin had a medium tan to it.
Ciara smiled, “You know Alaina I can never get enough of being taller than you though you’re older than me by a year.”
Alaina made a face at Ciara. “Still! Guess what!” she cried once more.
“What?” asked Ciara her curiosity sparked.
“That man’s brother has asked mamma to marry me!” cried Alaina. She seemed very displeased. “And momma said yes! Then she died! Why did she have to say yes? That man is so annoying that I have thought many times of slapping him in the face!”
Ciara looked out the window. What are they playing at? Are they planning something? She wondered.
The man looked up at the window and quickly Ciara turned away. She walked to Alaina who sagged to the ground. “Alaina… I also have no wish to marry, but we have no choice… life will go on and if he try’s anything with you that you do not like I will protect you.”
Alaina smiled at Ciara, and hugged her. They left the room Sam trotting close behind. When they arrived in the great hall Alaina jumped as a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned to look at a man with dark brown eyes. He had black hair that was kept short and a dark tanned skin. He also had a medium muscular body. Alaina looked at him her eyes cold with dislike. It was Eric.
“Alaina… are you ready for tomorrow?” he asked as he pulled her close. Eric fingered Alainas’ dark brown hair. Alaina shuddered a little at his touch.
She got ready to speak but one glance from Ciara made her think twice at what to say. “Y…yes. I guess so.” She said shakily. Tomorrow was the wedding, and Alaina was to be married to Eric while Ciara was to marry Alex. “Where’s Alex?” she asked. Then lo and behold Alex came into the room. Well speak of the devil. Thought Alaina angrily.
Alex took Ciara by the hip pulling her close. He had cold gray eyes and soft tan skin, his brownish-blond hair slightly long, and his body medium muscular. Alex bent his head to kiss Ciara but she moved her head away. Alaina smiled at this.
“Soon you will have no choice,” whispered Alex in Ciaras’ ear. He let her go and walked away into the throne room.
Eric bent and kissed Alaina holding her head to his with his strong hand. He pulled away and followed his brother into the throne room. For the rest of the day Alaina stayed in the garden feeding the birds and squirrels. She conversed with the fairies then went inside and into bed.

The next day Alaina and Ciara both got ready for the wedding. Alaina wore a strapless dress of emerald green with brown leaves around the chest. Ciara wore a dress of sapphire with a small hole in the middle of the chest in the shape of a raindrop. They walked into the dance hall their dresses trailing behind them. When they reached the end where Eric and Alex were waiting the girls hesitated for just a millisecond. The reverend said his does and they exchanged rings. Each man kissed his bride and they left. That night Ciara’s golden retriever Sam trotted out to the garden where the fairy queen Lee-Anna was waiting.
“What is it you want Sam?” she asked using her gift of tongues.
“Something is wrong I can feel it yet I don’t know what…” he replied, “I came to ask for your wisdom.”
“All I can tell you Sam is that a great evil is at work in this castle. And now it has what it came for.” Explained Lee-Anna.
Sam whined and trotted inside. His hair stood on end as he felt something very wrong happening. Something is about to happen to Ciara and Alaina! Where is Samuel when you need him! Thought Sam.
Right then a cat appeared from under the stairs. “Sam! There is something wrong! Oo! If only I were human than Alaina wouldn’t of had to marry that Eric!”
“Samuel! Stop chit chatting and come on! Something is about to happen to Alaina and Ciara!” cried Sam.
Samuel hissed, “If any one try’s to hurt Alaina I will rip their heart out with my claws.” He threatened.
Samuel followed Sam up the stairs then they split, Sam going to Ciaras’ room and Samuel going to Alainas’ room.
Samuel arrived at Alaina’s room and found the door open a crack. He squeezed through it with ease and found that man Eric in Alaina’s room. He drank something that smoked slightly and then crawled over the sleeping Alaina. He gently turned her head then kissed her. His hands pulled off her nightgown than restrained her. Samuel hissed and leaped at Eric but was knocked back by an unseen force. Samuel watched in horror as Eric pulled out a dagger. Samuel jumped onto Alaina’s nightstand to see what Eric was going to do. Eric took the dagger and carved the shape of a leaf into Alaina’s arm. Alaina cried out in pain as blood flowed through the open wound. Samuel hissed and once more jumped at Eric but once again, he was knocked back. This time Samuel hit a wall and lost consciousness.

Eric smiled as the blood flowed through the wound. He bent and licked some of the blood then kissed Alaina. Alaina squealed and Eric pulled back. He took up the dagger once more and carved the shape of a cat in Alainas’ other arm. Alaina cried out in pain as tears sprung to her eyes. She tried to move but Eric held her still. Eric flipped Alaina on her back then there he carved four symbols into her skin. Alaina cried out in pain. Eric squeezed both of Alainas’ elbows making her arms immobile for the time being. Then he squeezed her kneecaps making her legs immobile. When he made sure she could not move he flipped her onto her back. Eric then backed off her and stood. He bent over her forehead and carved a symbol in the middle of it. When he finished, he stood back and started to whisper a chant. Alaina moaned as blood trickled down her fore head she tried to move her arms and legs but found she couldn’t. Now afraid Alaina opened her mouth and tried to call out to her sister but what came out was a cats meow. Her body changed the wounds closing and emerald green hair sprouting over the lines the dagger had dug while all the unharmed skin sprouted dark brown hair. Alaina’s arms and legs shortened and her feet and hands became paws. Her head changed and her ears grew furry and pointed. Alainas’ nose became that of a cat. When the transformation was done no longer was there a human but a cat. The cat had dark brown fur and it had emerald green fur tracing the shape of a cat’s head on one arm, and the shape of a leaf on another. On its back the shapes that Eric had carved were gone but on its forehead the shape was still there outlined in emerald green fur. Eric smiled at the cat and began to mutter once more. The cat’s body began to change and once more Alaina was there, the wounds no more than scars. The wounds that were on her back were gone with no trace of them left. Alaina was asleep and Eric left kicking the cat that had tried to attack him into a corner.
Sam reached Ciara’s door and trotted into her room. There he found Alex standing over the sleeping Ciara. Sam was cautious watching what Alex was doing. Alex bent and kissed Ciara on the lips while his hands pulled off her nightgown. Ciara awoke and tried to struggle but Alex was too strong. He held her down with his body weight as one of his hands pulled out a dagger. Sam growled and attacked Alex, but was knocked back into a dresser by an unseen force. Sam lost consciousness as he heard Ciara scream his name.
Alex took the dagger and dug into her skin carving the shape of a raindrop into one of Ciaras’ arms. Ciara bit her lip holding back the urge to scream from the pain. When Alex finished with that arm, he turned to her other arm and there he carved the shape of a dog into her skin. He then flipped Ciara onto her stomach and carved four symbols into her back, and then he flipped her back on to her back and pinched both her elbows making her arms immobile for the time being. After that, he pinched her kneecaps making both her legs immobile. Alex took a hold of Ciara’s head than carved a single shape into the middle of her forehead. At this Ciara cried out in pain. Alex backed off and whispered a chant. Ciara’s body changed and the wounds closed. She grew golden blond hair all over her body. When the transformation was done instead of a human, there was a dog with golden blond hair. All the scares, except those that were on her back, were outlined in sapphire blue fur; those on her back were no longer there. Alex murmured another chant and once more the body transformed. Now Ciara was lying on the bed asleep in her human body. Alex smiled and left ignoring the dog by the dresser.

Devils Plan

Alaina woke up the next day to Samuel whining. She got up to find she no longer had her nightgown on. When she looked around her room, she found Samuel in a corner. She quickly ran to him and picked him up.
“Poor baby…” she soothed, “you must have been protecting me all night.”
She jumped when the door opened. Eric came in and he eyed her longingly. She then remembered she was naked. Alaina turned her back to him and placed Samuel on her bed. She then turned to her wardrobe and got out a rose colored dress. She felt Eric behind her and sighed when he wrapped his arms around her. Eric kissed her back than turned her towards him.
“Life will go on…” he whispered, “and you will play your part for as long as you live.” He kissed her and she kissed him back. Eric kissed her neck then sank his fangs into it. Alaina cried out and her mind fogged then she knew no more.
Ciara awoke her head throbbing with pain. Then a name came into her mind. Sam! She crawled out of bed and walked toward the limp heap by her dresser. That’s when she noticed she was naked. Ciara bent down and lifted the golden retrievers head. “What has happened to you?” she asked. Someone kissed her on her neck and she turned to find Alex behind her. He kissed her lips and then kissed her neck again. Ciara struggled but he held her still as he sank his fangs into her soft flesh. Ciara’s mind fogged and she knew no more.
When the girls came to, they found themselves on the floor together. Ciara got up and rubbed her neck as she remembered Alex biting her, but she felt no holes or marks. She looked Alaina and saw nothing on her neck. They got up and were surprised to find themselves both in evening dresses. Ciara looked at two daggers on the wall then got up and pulled them off. She tossed one to Alaina just as Eric and Alex came in. The girls quickly hid the daggers behind their backs. When Alex was close, enough Ciara attacked but she paused when she heard Alaina cry out. Alex grabbed Ciara’s hand and twisted it forcing her to let go of the dagger. Ciara saw that Eric had Alaina by the hair with one hand and was twisting her hand with the other. Eric looked at Ciara and smiled as he began to mutter. Alaina changed and her dress dropped. Now Eric was holding a brown haired cat by the scruff of the neck. Ciara could see some shapes outlined in emerald green fur. She then knew that the cat was Alaina. Ciara cried out and tried to wiggle free but Alex held her still. She heard him muttering but paid no attention. Ciara only had eyes and ears for Alaina. The next thing Ciara knew, she was standing (at least she thinks she was standing) looking up at two enormous figures. What’s going on? She thought to herself. She looked down and saw paws. Oh no! I’m a dog!’ she thought. Alex advanced toward her. Oh no, you don’t!
Ciara ran forward and tripped Alex making him bump into Eric who dropped Alaina.
“Alaina you’re a cat!” barked Ciara
“I know! Isn’t it awesome! And you! You’re a dog or… nope you’re a dog but with cute pointy ears!” meowed Alaina.
“Will you stop laughing and run!” cried Ciara. Alaina and Ciara ran and heard the sound of something following them. They didn’t dare look back for fear they might get scared and freeze. They reached the castle doors and sat meowing and barking at the door hoping somebody would open it. Then Ciara felt somebody grab her fur at the back of her neck. Ciara howled and tried to get away but it was no use whoever it was, was strong. Ciara looked at Alaina and found Eric holding her in his arms. Eric was stroking Alainas’ back making her purr. What is he doing? Wait! Oh no! He’s stroking her to keep her calm like you would a cat! Ciara thought. She wiggled as much as she could and Alex, after seeing Eric she knew who it was that was holding her, still held on. Ciara whined and Alex and Eric took them both up to the tower where they talked to the people to announce stuff. Once there, Ciara saw all the towns people gathered together below in the square.
“People of the kingdom!” cried Alex, “I have here a demon that has killed my beloved wife and your beloved ruler Ciara!” the towns people hissed and cried out in rage. “I have arranged today at this time for an executioner to kill this demon! For you see the cat in Eric’s arm? That is our beloved queen Alaina! This demon has cursed her! But first we will have our wizard remove the curse!”
At that a man, whom Ciara has never seen before stepped forward. Ciara herd Eric muttering as the wizard just started speaking made up words. Then Alaina changed back into a human. All she had left were brown furred cat ears and a tail with green fur on the tip. Alaina looked around and then at the tail she now had. Then she looked at Ciara and was about to tell the people who she was when Eric covered her mouth.
“It seems,” Alex, told the people, “that Alaina is afraid of the demon!” Alaina glared at Alex her eyes full of hate. “Eric, take Alaina inside so she doesn’t have to watch this horror.”
Eric grabbed Alaina by the arm and pulled her inside the castle. Ciara growled and as the executioner tried to grab her she bit him. Then she bit Alex. Alex cried out in surprise and Ciara ran into the castle. She ran down the stairs and didn’t find Eric or Alaina. Ciara heard Alex shout so she ran. Ciara ran past Sam and Samuel who ran after her. When Ciara reached the main hall, she found the doors barred and all rooms closed and locked.
“Oh no! What am I going to do?” howled Ciara
“Ciara! Follow us!” replied Sam.
Ciara ran after Sam and Samuel who went towards the kitchen. Then they took a sharp turn and dove into a hole in the wall. Ciara followed and found herself outside of the castle.
“Follow us we’re going to bring you somewhere safe!” cried Sam
Alaina struggled all the way to her bedroom. “What do you want!” she sobbed. “Give me back my sister! You can’t kill her! You can’t!” Alaina turned to Eric and beat her fists against his chest. “You’re no normal person! What are you! Please kill me! I can’t live without her!”
Eric looked at Alaina and touched her cheek making her flinch. “I am no mere human yes…but I do have a heart…”
Alaina looked at him her eyes full of tears. “If you do have a heart than it is one made of ice!” she cried. “You don’t need me! You have our kingdom so why don’t you kill me like you did my sister?”
Eric grabbed her arms, “you do not understand! We needed one of you! In addition, you are the weakest! If you wanted to die than you should have tried to attack me!” thundered Eric, “you are…”
Right then Alex came bounding into her room. “Eric she has no need to know our plans. Now that there is only one left I will go.” Alex disappeared and Eric turned back to Alaina.
“I’ll send for you when dinner is ready.” He said, and then he left.
Alaina fell to the floor sobbing. “Why?” she wailed, “why us and not someone else?”
Ciara looked around when finally Sam and Samuel stopped. “This is a place where no evil can enter.” Explained Sam
“The forest?” wondered Ciara
“No…” said Sam. He trotted through a bush and Ciara followed. “This.”
Ciara gasped. There was a beautiful waterfall and surrounding it were hundreds of little houses.
“It’s a fairy village!” cried Ciara. “But how can I live among them? Their so tiny!”
“Just keep walking and you’ll find out,” said Samuel.
Ciara trotted forward and the closer she got the bigger the houses and its people became. “What! Sam what’s happening?”
“It’s a spell they put on it. All those who are welcome can shrink to the size of a fairy. Those who are not welcome can’t see it nor can they get through the passage we got through. All they’ll see is a wall of rock.” Explained Sam
A fairy came up to them and smiled. “Sam! Samuel! It has been a while.” She said
“Marianna! It has been to long!” Samuel cried.
“I need to ask you a favor.” Said Sam, “I need you to protect this girl and if you can help her. She has been cursed.”
“I will see what I can do about the curse and as for her staying here… she has far more important things to do.” Said Marianna
“Like what?” asked Samuel
“Like finding a way to get rid of the evil that has come to our land.”
“And how is she supposed to go about that?” questioned Samuel
“She must ask Lupinus about that. She is the most ancient fairy of our kind and was there when the evil was banished long ago. She will tell you how to destroy the evil.” Replied Marianna
Ciara nodded, “than I will ask.”
“First I will do something about your curse. Follow me to my home.”
Ciara, Sam and Samuel followed Marianna to her home. Once there Marianna took out a book blowing the dust from its cover. She muttered something and the book flew open its pages flipping until finally it stopped. “Ah! Here we are! These are the ingredients you need. You need the legs of a centipede, the mucus of a stone troll, a table spoon of vampire blood, the fire of a dragon, the feather of a phoenix, the hair of a were wolf, the tear of a unicorn, and a ancient fruit called papoose. Oh dear me! I am all out of these ingredients. You need to go get them for me.”
“Are you kidding? Mucus of a stone troll? That is gross! Have you lost your mind?” cried Ciara, “and tell me how am I supposed to get this stuff if I have no hands!”
“I’ll send my apprentice with you. He can help you collect and hold the stuff that you can’t”
“And how is he supposed to do that?”
“He can shrink the stuff to his size so he can carry it.”
She called in her apprentice his name is Kurama. He has wild light blue hair and green eyes that you could stare in forever. He has slight muscles and a friendly smile.
“He’s so cute.” Cried Ciara
I think not! Thought Sam. He glared at the fairy his eyes burning holes into him.
“What you looking at dog?” sneered Kurama
Sam growled at Kurama making him fall back in surprise.
“Sam stop that what did he do to you?” cried Ciara, “Marianna what are we going to hold these ingredients in?”
“For the legs of a centipede, the mucus of a stone troll, and the hair of a werewolf, and the blood of a vampire you will need four vials to hold each. For the fire of a dragon, you will need to get an orb from the water nymphs. For the feather of a phoenix…well you will not need anything to hold that. In addition, for the tear of a unicorn you must get a dwarf to give you a sliver vial. To start you off here are the four vials you will need.”
“I am sorry but I must go and stay with Alaina to make sure Eric doesn’t try anything.” Said Samuel. He trotted out of the house and on towards the castle
So now Ciara, Sam, and Kurama set off their first objective the legs of a centipede.
Alaina sat in her room waiting to be called for dinner. She has already tried to open the door but it was locked. She heard a key being placed in the lock. She jumped up when the door open and found Eric in the doorway. Alaina saw something different about him as he advanced. Eric grabbed Alaina and kissed her on the lips. Alaina struggled and squealed. When Eric stopped Alaina cried out, “you’re a disgusting perverted freak!”
Eric growled and lunged. He grabbed Alaina waist with one hand and pushed her head to one side with the other. “If you can’t work with me while conscious than you will have to deal with being unconscious.”
“And not know what you’re doing with me? No way!” cried Alaina trying to get out of his strong grip.
Eric laughed. He sank his fangs into her neck and started to suck.
Samuel ran through the hole in the wall and up the stairs towards Alainas’ room. He found the door wide open which was not good. He snuck up to the door and looked in to see Eric sinking his fangs into Alaina’s neck. Samuel saw Alainas’ eyes grow wide then fog. He screeched and lunged his claws striking home on Eric back. Eric cried out in pain releasing Alaina’s neck. Alaina slumped to the floor moaning for she was not unconscious but if Samuel had waited longer than she would have been. Eric growled as he grabbed Samuel and threw him off his back. Eric’s eyes grew red as he lunged at Samuel. However, Samuel was quick on his paws and jumped out of the way. Eric ran into the wall. Alaina moaned and staggered to her feet only to be knocked back down by Eric who was once more after Samuel. Alainas’ mind began to clear and finally she began to notice what was happening. Samuel hopped into Alaina’s arms and snuggled against her acting as though he were scared. Alaina got up her legs slightly wobbling.
“Stop scaring Samuel!” she cried at Eric.
Eric looked at her and his red eyes disappeared. “Look at what the cat did to me! And I wasn’t doing anything” He turned to show her his back.
Alaina scolded Samuel and turned to Eric totally forgetting about what happened to Ciara. She ordered Eric to take off his shirt so she could get at the wound. Samuel meowed in protest, Alaina what are you doing? He is evil! He tried to hurt you remember! Alaina looked at Samuel with questioning eyes, oh darn! Humans cannot understand animals! He yowled. Alaina took Eric to a tub of water where she took a rag and washed his wound. Then she took an old dress of hers and ripped long strands from it to wrap the wound. She wrapped them around his back and chest making sure to cover every ounce of the wound. When she was done Eric turned to her.
“Thank you.” He said. Then he kissed her and Samuel hissed jumping between him and Alaina. Eric looked at Samuel then left the room.
Ciara, Sam, and Kurama traveled through the forest looking everywhere for a centipede.
“For a bug it is sure hard to find.” Whined Ciara
They traveled for a while until they came upon a girl. “My god!” cried Ciara; “she has hands in place of her feet!”
“Look who’s talking canine!” sneered the girl.
“Sorry…” apologized Ciara
“So what brings two talking dogs and an overly dressed fairy to my neck of the woods?”
“Overly dressed?” cried Kurama angrily
Before Kurama could say anything else, Ciara interrupted, “we are looking for a centipede to take its legs.”
“Why do you need centipede legs?”
“To get me back to normal and to save my sister.”
“What do I get if I help you?”
“How about the satisfaction of helping someone in trouble.”
The girl glares at Ciara. “Have you lost your mind?”
“Huh? Well what do you want?”
“Well I want normal human feet.”
“I guess we could do that. Maybe Marianna could do something.”
“Well in that case follow me. But you better keep your promise.”
Ciara turned to Sam and whispered, “Can Marianna actually do that?”
“I hope so,” replied Sam
They followed the girl to a rotting tree. The girl pulled back the bark and hundreds of centipedes poured out of it. She picked one up and started picking its legs off. Kurama gave her the vial, which she placed the legs in. then the vile shrank back to fairy size and Kurama place it back in his belt.
“By the way what’s your name?” asked Sam
“my name is Pricilla.” Said the girl
Alaina sat in her room thinking of what to do now. Samuel sat by her. He yawned and jumped off the bed. Samuel trotted out of the room and down to the Garden. There he met with the fairy queen who lived in the garden.
“I need a favor.” Said Samuel
“ Do you want that wish we had suggested?” asked the fairy queen.
Samuel nodded and the fairy queen chanted a spell and the next thing that happened Samuel was a human. He still had both his tail and his cat ears. Samuel smiled and looked at his hands. He left and ran into the castle and up to Alaina’s room. When Samuel went into her room Alaina jumped up in surprise.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“It’s me Samuel made human by the fairy queen herself!” cried Samuel happily.
Alaina looked him up and down then smiled.
“Well I’d say you look pretty good as a human.” She said

Finding the Ingrediants

Ciara, Sam, Kurama, and Pricilla all traveled farther into the forest to look for their next ingredient, the mucus of a stone troll. They traveled for a while than came upon a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was an apple tree. However, there were two enormous rocks blocking their way. Ciara began to climb the rocks with the others close behind. When they were part way up one of the rocks, it shuddered and then a rocky head appeared. An enormous hand shot up and grabbed the four companions in one sweep. Then the second rock stood up and Pricilla shrieked.
“Stone troll!”
All at once, the stone trolls began arguing. Kurama snuck from between the fingers of the beast and flew toward its mouth. He took out a vial and caught some drool that dripped from the beasts’ mouth. He quickly recapped the vial and flew back to his companions. The beasts took the companions toward the apple tree where they noticed a cage. The beasts put them in the cage. As dumb as trolls were commonly known to be, the group was lucky to realize the cage had not been locked. It was said that trolls had the brain about the size of an elephants, quite small in actuality. The trolls then began to fight for the group, arguing who would eat who, what pieces would be better. A silly argument the travelers’ though considering the trolls were so huge they could eat them in one bite. The companions snuck out of the cage and quickly grabbed a few apples before darting off into the cover of the trees. Now all they had left were to get the blood of a vampire.

They had been traveling for a while and soon they grew tired as it grew darker.
“UGH! I think my legs have turned to jell-o!” whined Pricilla, as they trudged through the forest.
“What do we have here?” whispered a deep voice.
Ciara and the others suddenly turned around and there now in front of them stood a guy in a black cap, “A dog, a Handerther, a fairy, and…”he stared at Ciara for a moment, “a very beautiful woman….” He stated as he suddenly appeared at her side, “my you are…”he looked at her again and then burst out laughing, “you’re a dog! You must be cursed to have fooled me!”
Sam growled at him unhappily, “hey! Back off! We very much dislike vampires and if you think your gonna get any food out of us you think wrong!” he stepped in front of Ciara baring his fangs.
The vampire took a step back chuckling at Sam, “you must have me wrong good sir. I do not act like the other vampires. I am a vegetarian though I must sometimes drink the blood of a bat or two but nothing else.”
Sam started to laugh not caring at all why, “a vegetarian vampire how ridiculous,” He stopped and howled in pain. Turning he noticed his tail to be bleeding slightly, the obvious bite marks of Ciara upon it as she stepped forward.
“What he meant to say my good sir is how really wonderful that is and that we wish to ask you a favor.” She smiled sweetly at the vampire.
“What, may I ask, that favor being, and I will let you know now before you tell me, if you want any favor granted you must adhere to my request.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.10.2011

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To my Best friend Courtney to helped me get this books started! Even though I've yet to truly finish it.

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