
Chapter 1

“You do not deserve that life!” my father screams at me.
I cringe away, my eye already black from trying to protest, “Yes sir…” I whisper tears forming but never dropping.
He seems to soften at my complete submission and grabs my chin. Forcing me to look at him, he whispers, “your to beautiful to be on the outside… only those I think…Deserving to even see you…” his hand drifts from my chin down my neck, across my shoulders, down my chest to my waist, “or even touch you... will come in this house.”
I did not move used to the physical touches my father instigated on me.
“So… Allina…” he starts. Oh god I know that sound in his voice…he had a new friend I bet… HE calls them friends… I prefer the word clients. “I have a new…friend for you… he’s a nice man and probably a returning one if you treat him nicely.”
“Hello Ally…” said a voice. I turn expecting the old has-beens my father usually brings in but no this man is HOT! And when I say hot I mean Orlando Bloom, John Travolta, Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp all mixed to create the god of … well you get the meaning. Any way he is Hot. So I goggle at him for a sec before my father clears his throat. I turn and blush as I look at my father, “should I get dressed?” I ask.
The man answers for my father, “actually… nothing lingerie… you’re going out…” he replies.
I look at my father who looks as bewildered as I am, “OUT?” he squeaks.
The man nods as he flips open his coat. He had a badge…a police badge. I stare at it for a moment surprise showing on my face. My father growls at him not liking the fact a police officer entered our humble abode, if you would call it that.
“You have no right...” he starts.
The man shoves him into a wall and cuffs him as he states, “I had all rights… we have had complaints about how you treat your daughter. Your so called clients,” the man chuckles, “they ratted you out just for the sake of not going to prison. And after viewing the videos you make with her in it on the web with the password you give out to certain people… well we figured it was time to intervene.”
Before I knew what is happening I am dragged out of the house and placed in the hands of some unknown woman. I watch them pull, well more like drag, my father out of the house. I pull away from the woman and run to my father throwing my arms around him. I mean I know he didn’t treat me right all the time but he is all I knew… he is my father… he is my…well everything.
“Let him go!” I scream at the officers. Instead of doing as I said they pried me away and put him in the cruiser. It began to peal out of my driveway so I ran after it screaming at the top of my lungs. A crowd has gathered by then and I didn’t care. They all stare at me. I fall to the ground tears falling from my eyes as I hunched there crying for my father… for me who has no one left.
Arms wrap around me strong protective arms, “it’s alright angel…” someone whispers in my ear, “its okay beautiful…” this voice is coming from a man. And it calmed me tired from crying I fall asleep and as I did I feel like I am flying as he lifts me into his arms.
When I awake I am in a car driving towards God knows where. But why should I bring him into it. My father always said God isn’t real… so why say his name as though he could save me. My father was right if God was real he’d be here with me and we’d be together.
Soon I am sent to a foster home. What else could they do with a delinquent girl who has known nothing but the inside of her house for 15 years? And from there is where you get to hear my story.

Chapter 2

The woman who took care of me, her name is Mrs. Betsy. She had three sons she bore herself, two are Identical twins and they are 14 her other is 15. But since she never had daughters she took in foster children. So the house has five girls with me it made 6. Her home is a mansion… literally; it has 27 bedrooms 27 bathrooms, one dining hall, and four family/entertainment rooms. It is HUGE. Now the girls all warned me about her sons. They treated the girls like crap and sexually assaulted them, whatever that means. But I am not afraid I actually like the devouring looks they gave me. The same looks that my father gave me… it made me feel at home. The girls, hearing about what my father did to me, have plenty of sympathy for me. They never left me alone, especially if the boys were around. It is like they were protecting me or something. And I hated it. So I told them to fuck off one day. One of the girls named Mary Ann looked at me in disbelief like I am crazy or something.
“What? You don’t like hanging around us?” she asked. The others chipped in with a “yeah you don’t like us?’
Obviously Mary Ann is the boss; I mean she has been here longer.
I smiled sweetly, “no of course I love hanging around you…” I replied throwing up inwardly at the sickly sweet way I talked.
Mary Ann smiles, “really?’” she asks.
I scoff, “no of course not! I HATE the way you guys piddle paddle around me like I am a diamond needing protecting!”
Mary Ann shook her head, “we only do that because of the way the boys look at you. They have NEVER been that interested in anyone… I should know I was the first girl to ever come here.”
I shrug, “don’t care. Now get lost and leave me ALONE!” I turn on my heel and walk off leaving Mary Ann and the others standing there staring after me. From then on they left me be.
It didn’t take the boys long to notice I am no longer walking around with them. That’s when Eric the oldest and, if I may say so myself, the hottest approached me. I am walking down one of the many vast halls when a hand slinked around my waist. I jump in surprise and turn to see him smiling down at me. I am pushed against a wall his soft voice imitating like morning dew off the walls as he spoke, “hey…your Ally right? I’m Eric. So… where’s your posse?” he asks.
I laugh, “I told them to fuck off and leave me alone.” I reply
He smiles down at me, “well it’s about time.” He whispers. “I herd you were a porn star?”
I smiled, “I did all kinds of movies… one including a real nice lingerie outfit.”
Eric’s smile widens, “you wouldn’t happen to still have that outfit?”
I nod, “of course…you want to see it?” I ask.
He presses against me and whispers in my ear, “will it come with a promise?” he asks.
I nod, “whatever you want.”

I sneak to the other side of the mansion away from Mrs. Betsy and the girls. To a side where no one could hear what will be going on, where Eric will be waiting. I step into a room to find a video camera set up I smile, home again I thought feeling even more at ease. Eric smiles from a corner as I pull off the robe I am wearing. I wore a red corset with matching lacy panties and of course stockings that came close to my hips.
“Did you strip as well?” he asks me.
I nod as I position my self in front of the camera. He seems to find this amusing as he stands behind it. He places a CD in a CD player and plays a song which I began to strip to. Of course I won’t give the details about the stripping but when I am done I am completely naked. Eric looks me up and down then positioning the camera to face the bed he strips himself of his clothes. I sit on the end of the bed and he pushes me down as he crawls over me. At first we just made out but then he began to slowly bring his hand down father towards my inner thigh. His lips are a breadth from mine when he shoves his fingers into me. I gasp and my hips buck of their own accord. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything inside me, so I moan happily and I feel Eric smile against my lips as he slowly moves his fingers in and out of me. Moans escape my lips and soon I let out a loud moan in a small climax. Eric’s eyes glisten happy to be getting somewhere with me. He positions himself at my entrance. He shoves himself into me and I give a cry of pain. He is big… but it felt good like I am complete again. Slowly he moves in and out grunting as he does. He kisses my lips and then slowly travels down my neck to my chest. I start to moan loudly my real climax coming as was his. My body shudders as I climaxed and he gives a loud moan as he shoots his load into me.
We lay there for what seems like ever then he gets up and gets dressed. I get dressed myself and smile as I walk out of the room back to my own.

It is Monday my first day of school. I am nervous I had never been to school my father always saying, and I quote, “a girl don’t need an Education as long as she can fuck I could care less.” He stated
I choose my favorite outfit. It is a bad ass slutty catholic schoolgirl outfit. I walk down stairs and Mrs. Betsy almost has a heart attack when she sees me. But luckily she doesn’t say anything. Eric and his brothers seem to love it and the girls all stare at me with disgust.
At school all the guys whistled, I got lots of attention. A lot talked to me their hands wandering all over my body. I am even asked to come see them later to have some fun. I smile at them all but one boy seems to stand out. His dark appeal and deathlike stare attracted me. When I ask the boys who he is they tell me he’s a trouble maker. Of course that is what I wanted. Ignoring protests from the boys I walk over to him, “hey…I’m Ally.” I say. He looks me up and down taking in the dark eye shadow I wear and the black catholic school girl outfit I wore.
“I’m Alex…” he replied placing a hand on either side of my head so I’m pinned against a locker. I smile at him and he smiles back, “you’re not afraid huh?” he asks me. I shake my head.
His smile widens, “well I’ll have to fix that won’t I?” he whispers. “How bout after school you meet me behind the Gym?”
I grab his shirt and pull him close to me so my lips are not far from his, “Is that a promise?” I ask.
He kisses me roughly as he replies, “oh that’s a promise.”
School goes by quickly and soon it’s time to leave. I smile at Eric as I pass him and he smiles back.
Tossing my hair I walk past a group of boy’s who whistle to me like a dog. By the time I get behind the school almost everyone is gone. I sit down and wait not seeing Alex any where nearby. I am almost asleep with boredom when I feel someone roughly shove me to a wall. My eyes snap open and I see Alex smiling at me, “afraid?” he asks.
I shake my head, “Actually just the opposite.” I reply.
His smile disappears as he grabs my arm roughly, “well time to change that.”
He pulls me out from behind the school and shoves me into a car. I am liking his bad boy routine. We drove for a while then we pulled in front of a wore down house. Pulling me out of the car he walks toward it. Opening the door he shoves me in. Inside there are a lot of guys. I smile slightly my heart pounding, okay now I am afraid. I turn to leave but Alex is blocking the door, “afraid now?” he asks.
I nod slightly and he smiles, “you see Ally me and the boys had been watching you online for a long time. We LOVE your acts.”
One of the boys grabs my waist shoving my waist into him as though ready to penetrate my clothes. He smells my hair as he whispers, “yeah… ‘ALLY’” he sneers, “we’ve been wanting to give you a good fucking for a while.”
I pull away staring at this group of guys fear building in my heart, “l-look Alex this is real funny but… Mrs. Betsy is waiting s-so I’m ga-gonna leave.” I turn and a guy grabs my hair pulling me back. I scream in pain as the guys laugh.
“You ain’t going no where yet.” Sneers Alex. He yanked off my skirt and pulled off my shirt. I stand there shaking as the guys eyes drift along my body. One of the guys grabs me and pulls me to him, I struggle and he backhands me. I fall to the ground with a cry of pain and Alex laughs.
“Not so brave are ya?” he asks.
I hear a bang on the door and Alex walks over to it. Opening it he gets shoved aside and punched in the face. I look down hoping it’s not a police officer but instead I hear Eric’s voice he is yelling at the boys. I look up blood falling from the corner of my mouth and I can clearly feel a bruise forming on my eye. Eric glares down at me, “are you asking for a death wish Ally?” he asks. I shake my head and he helps me to my feet. Alex looks at Eric fear in his eyes, “I didn’t know she was yours!” he states.
Eric glares at him, “shut up Alex and don’t ever let me catch ANY of you touching her again.” Alex nods frantically and as Eric walks me out I look back and Alex is glaring at me with hate. I smile like the temptress I am and blow a kiss to him winking as well to add affect. He stares at me in surprise. Once outside I look down and remember that my clothes are inside. I pull away and tell Eric I’ll be right back. Inside I grab my clothes and turn to Alex, “by the way…” I pull him to me by his shirt and kiss his lips, “I wasn’t afraid… so if you still want something…come by the place sometime I’m in the third window on the third floor.” Then I leave looking back once more to see Alex grinning at me.

Chapter 3

That night I sit in my room reading (okay look I may not have been allowed outside the house and my father may have thought it stupid for a girl to have an education but he still allowed me to read… what you think I’m that stupid? OF COURSE I’M NOT THAT STUPID!). I look up as something hits my window. Walking over to my window I open it and smile down to see Alex standing on the ground. He calls up to me but I quickly hush him. I quietly but quickly go down stairs and open the front door. He comes in and pulls me to him. I can’t help but giggle as he smiles down at me, “So… you weren’t afraid?” he asks.
I shook my head smiling up at him, “My father… well let’s just say I’m used to that kind of behavior…” I whisper as I kiss him (okay I have to admit that’s a bold faced lie but I don’t give a crap… He’s cute…although I am used to it…FROM MY DAD… but not anyone else…)
He smiles as he kisses back and then pulls away, “You’re a strange girl Ally…” he states. I smile and look down but he gently pulls my chin up and his fingers lightly brush the black eye that I had (I told Mrs. Betsy I had a fight with a locker… she asked if the locker won… I told her yes… she’s sarcastic…) Alex pulls me to him roughly and smiles, “You know you look good with bruises…” he states.
In my brain my inner voice is screaming at me he likes the bruise! You need to push him out! You moron this means he will want to hurt you! Remember what that’s like! Remember that guy your dad brought home! You idiot listen to yourself…well me! Listen to me! I growled at myself my own voice intervening inside my head shut up! I will do what I want so shut up! I want him INSIDE me! I want anything inside me ANYTHING! As long as I feel complete I’m happy! You know it’s strange to be arguing with myself… but hey whatever happens, happens. My subconscious shut up then as I led him to my room. I pulled him onto the bed as I kissed him. He is actually gentle so I mentally stuck my tongue out to my subconscious. But my subconscious got to do the same back at me when we were naked and he was about to enter me. His grip had turned rough and harsh. He gripped my hips so hard he is leaving bruises. I whimper and gave small cries of pain at this but his smile broadens as he roughly shoves himself into me with all his strength. I swear my insides ripped at the power he rammed into me. But I liked it I don’t know why maybe it’s the fact I want guys to have their way with me I don’t know but I cried out to him begging him to slow down this made him go faster and harder (which is exactly what I wanted). I had an orgasm but he had none so I endured 15 more minutes of his rough and brutal sex. Finally he shot his load into me and pulled out. My bed is bloody so I had to get up (and that was painful to do) and pull off my sheets and replace them but first I had to throw them away. Alex grabs me and throws me back on the bed before I can even pull me sheets off.
“Who said you could go anywhere?” he asks as he kisses me.
I pull away and get back up, “I did…I have to replace my sheets… Mrs. Betsy will kill me if she finds out about this…” Alex lets me go and helps me with the sheets as I put on new ones he stands behind me kissing me neck as his hands run all over my body. I turn to him and kiss him. He kisses back and we stand like that for a few minutes skin on skin. But he pulls away and gathers up the sheets, “I’ll deal with these… see you at school Ally.” I nod and he gets dressed and leaves. I fall on my bed and began to think about how I will save my dad. The bail costs 2,345 dollars which I don’t have. Then a thought clicks in my brain, “I can use my… ability to seduce people to get money!” I about yell.
My subconscious speaks up again, so basically you want to be a prostitute…or a pimp’s bitch?
I think again then reply to myself yes basically…and I know who will help me with this…
Who Alex? Wait… no don’t go to DJ he is a horrible man a horrible man horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horri…
I interrupt myself getting annoyed with the continuous horrible he’s horrible I get it but I don’t care so bud out and don’t make me come in there… wait why am I talking to you like your real? You are nothing but a… something… you’re something but you’re not real!
I am happy to have peace and quiet right then so I lay down and go to sleep.

I wake up the next day to someone kissing my neck. My eyes flutter open to see Eric smiling down at me, “morning Ally…” he whispers
I smile then turn back to fall asleep tired from having stayed up till 4:00 and it now being only 6:00.
Eric chuckles and picks me up pulling me out from under my warm covers and placing me on my feet on the cold floor.
“Eric, leave me alone… I’m tired let me sleep.” I tell him
He shakes his head, “Ally it’s time for school if you hadn’t stayed up last night screwing Alex you wouldn’t be tired.”
My tired brain clicked at that and I turn to him my eyes wide with surprise, “you…you know about it?” I ask
He nods his eyes dark with anger, “He called me bragging about it… and I heard you…”
I move away bracing me to get beat but he showed no signs of wanting to harm me, “aren’t you going to hurt me for it?” I ask attentively.
He shakes his head his eyes changing from anger to worry, “no Ally I would NEVER beat you… is that what your father did to you?”
I turn away, that is the only reason I’m happy to be away from my father but not even that can keep me from wanting to be with him, and whisper, “yeah…” I quickly look at him to defend my father, “but it was always my fault not his… I deserved what he did… I deserved to get hit for not doing what he says.”
Eric shakes his head as he puts his hands on my shoulders and shakes me, “NO! Ally your father is worse than Alex… you NEVER deserved to get hit… look you… you shouldn’t want just any guy in bed with you… I mean you should…”
I look up at him waiting to hear what he wanted to say but he just turned away, “let’s go to school Ally…”
I nod and got dressed Eric didn’t bother to leave my room but when I am dressed he lightly grabs me by my elbow and steers me out of my room and down stairs. I jump into his Corvette and we ride to school in silence. At school Eric didn’t leave my side to go to see his friends. Alex started to come over to me but seeing the look Eric gives him he backs up and just smiles at me. When 1st period came Eric walked me to class. The silence between us is uncomfortable so I am happy to go into class and for him to walk away to his own class. All through school I thought about what Eric had said…
You NEVER deserved to get hit… you shouldn’t want just any guy in bed with you… I wonder what he meant by that last part.
Before I knew it school is out and it is time for me to go see DJ. I hurried out of school making sure not to bump into Alex or Eric. Outside I walked over to Point Boulevard and into the house which DJ stayed. I step inside and wrinkle my nose at the smell of weed.
“DJ!?” I call.
I hear a shuffle off to the side and DJ appears half naked. He smiles at me, “Ally! What brings you here…I herd about your father… what a shame… are you still in the business? Who are you working for? Are they treating you right?” he rambles

Chapter 4

I nod and smile at him, “Actually that is why I came here. You see I need a job… to help pay bail for my father… I hoped you could hire me for… 500$ an hour?”
DJ whistles, “500 heh? This for your dad?” he asks.
I nod, “it’s for his bail…”
“Then yes I will be glad to hire you how much is the bail?”
“2,345 dollars…” I tell him.
He smiles, “so for 500 dollars an hour within 5 hours of working for me you’ll be able to bail him out… nice idea…”

From then on I was his girl. I got so into it I forgot about bailing out my father. DJ became my new father never once beating me. He even cleaned out his house so people could come and inspect it because he decided to have me live with him.
That’s how I came to be at my second home. I no longer went to school cause he agreed with my father, I do not need to learn anything as long as all I do is screw guys. I stopped seeing Eric because I didn’t have time. I had lots of clients and I am having too much fun. But then DJ showed his true colors one day. I am tired and sick with a cold. DJ comes in the room and looks at me, “why are you still in bed? Get up you have a client.
I shake my head, “I’m too tired and I’m sick.” I reply.
DJ growls and grabs me by my hair yanking me out of bed, and in the process yanking out a fist full of hair so now I had a small bald patch (it wasn’t that small it is big enough to be noticeable), I gave a cry of pain but he does not apologize, “get your ass out of bed. I don’t give a fuck if you have malaria you will have sex with all the people you have to today.
I am sobbing in pain. And DJ disliked this (he is way worse than my father). DJ backhanded me, “SHUT UP!!!!” he screamed at me.
I quickly stop crying and he smiles (by the way DJ is about the ugliest man in the world he has black teeth, buck teeth and his breath stinks), “good now come here.” He tells me.
I stay where I am refusing to move an inch, so DJ grabs my arms and forces me to my feet. He throws me over his shoulders and walks me out back where he tosses me to the ground. I back away the wild look in his eyes scaring me. DJ does not like this and pulls me back to him, “get back here BITCH” he says as he pulls me back. He yanks of my PJ pants as well as my underwear. I understood then what he is going to do so I try to get away. I back away shaking my head, “no… DJ please…” I whimper.
DJ snarls and grabs my legs, “Don’t make me put on the stakes.” He whispers in my ear. I pause I had seen him do that to other girls and the girls never complained but I didn’t like the stakes and he knew it. I hear him chuckle as he kisses my neck. I attempt one last time to get away and he hits me in my head. Everything went black and I can’t tell you what happened. But when I awake I am outside my shirt pulled over me and my inner thigh throbbing in pain. A sob escapes me as I realize I am bleeding. He had been so rough he made me bleed. I went to move my feet but pain erupts, I look down and see stakes driven through my feet. Their not big stakes their small like 3x the width of a regular needle. I yank at my hand, they as well having been driven through by the stakes… DJ usually tied the girls to the stakes not actually staked them. I about threw up as I yanked the stakes from my hands holding in a scream. I pulled out the ones in my feet and, shakily wincing slightly as well, I got to my feet. I grab my pants and run out of the yard and into an alley ignoring the pain in my feet from the bleeding holes. There I put my pants on the blood started to soak through right away. I am crying as I stumble around my head where he yanked out my hair throbbing in pain as well as my vaginal opening. When I stumble out of the Alley I bump into Eric. Alex is standing beside him and doesn’t recognize me as he wrinkles his nose in distaste.
“Eric…” I murmur as I turn to walk away not wanting to look like this in front of him. But I barely took a step when I stumble the pain from the holes in my feet finally getting to me.
Eric catches me and pulls me to him, “Ally? Who did this are you okay?”
He looks at the bald spot that is red with dry blood and the blood seeping through my pants and growls, “I’m going to kill DJ! THE FUCKING BASTARD DID THIS TO YOU!” he screamed as he forced me to look at him.
“I-I didn’t l-listen… i-it was my fault…” I murmur.
Eric growls deeper and pulls me to him, “stop saying that…” he tells me.
I shake my head, “no… I-I have to go b-back…” I whisper.
Eric picks me up as I try (not to much success) to pull away, “no your coming with me to see MOM” he looks down and sees blood on his shirt from where I tried to push away and he puts me down and takes my hands seeing the holes he looks down at my bare feet and sees holes there as well. I try to push away as he picks me up again and cradles me close. “What is this? Why are there holes in your hands?”
I look up at him and shake my head in refusal to tell but the look he gives me… the worry just seems to seep through me making me want to tell him everything, “ I… I was sick and-and I didn’t want to work…” the look Eric gave me made me wince, “so he pulled m-me out of be-bed… an-and to-took me outside… he-he hit m-me on the head and I awoke staked to the-the ground…”
Eric looks down the alley I just came from and growls, “Okay… I’m taking you to Ma and then coming back to deal with DJ…”
“Na-no…” I say groggily the pain in my head worse, with the quick movement of him picking me up, “da-don’t…” my eyes slowly fall but I do not sleep, I am wide awake and aware of all things around me as well as the distant cursing of DJ.
Eric and Alex rush away with me and the next thing I hear is the surprised cry of Mrs. Betsy and Eric telling her EVERYTHING. I feel my self swapping arms and hear Eric leave. “Look what you’ve gotten yourself into Ally...” Mrs. Betsy whispers.
I finally fall asleep after Mrs. Betsy makes me take some pills.
When I awake Mrs. Betsy is charging up the stairs after someone yelling in harsh whispers at them. My door bursts open and I blink at the sudden light. I look down and my white comforter and sheets are red with blood down near my thigh. I swallow the vomit coming up my throat and smile as best I can. Mrs. Betsy gives a small smile back then turns away and leaves me with the man.
“You’re Ally Heart right?” he asks me.
I nod and smile, “I’m sorry who are you?” I ask
“I’m detective Aaron…I’m here to get a… sorry I forgot what it was called…” he winks at me and smiles, “I haven’t been on the force long you see…”
I smile back, “well that’s a good thing then… so what do you want…”
“Well I need you to tell me EXACTLY what DJ did...”
I sigh, “HE did nothing…” I tell choosing my words carefully, “the hair is when I fell… he tried to catch me… but he could only grab my hair and it ripped out…” I reply. My hand went to my head and there were small puffs of new hair growing… My hair always grew fast. I smile at him as charming as I can.
“Okay…so what about the bleeding?” he asks.
I blush (well I didn’t have to fake that) and clear my throat, “I’d ummm started… you know…” I look down as if out of embarresment.
“Oh…” he closed his little pocket notebook and nods, “okay… well when you can you can return to DJ… there is no case here…” he turns and leaves.

Chapter 5

Mrs. Betsy comes in her eyes wide a few minutes later, “you really aren’t going back to that horrible man are you?” she asks.
I get up and put on my clothes the sore in my inner thigh has dispersed by now and the holes in my hands and feet are scabbed over. It hurts to walk but I ignore the pain, “yes I’m going back so move it old hag…” I growl pushing past her. In the hall I bump into Eric who looks down at me.
“Where do you think your going?” he asks.
I move around him and walk away, “back to my home…” I reply.
He grabs my arm, “your home is here Ally,” he states.
I yank my arm away and glare at him, “Look Eric I belong TO DJ now okay so back off” I walk down the stairs and out the door.

Back at DJ I open the door and close with a slam. My feet are throbbing now and I look around, “DJ?!” I call.
DJ comes around a corner pistol in his hand. Seeing it’s me he puts on the safety and hits me with it. I spit up some blood then look at him as he speaks, “what the hell do you think your doing coming back here girl?” he asks.
I look down, “I ca-came back… t-to be with you…” I reply.
He looks at me and calms down, “well… since your back I have some NEW clients for you. And you WON’T be seeing your old clients.”
I just nod not knowing what he meant by that.

A few weeks later I am hiding bruises, treating cuts and walking around like I had something up my ass literally. I hurt so bad… it is horrible.
A year passed to slowly for me. By then I had become wary of men. I ran away from DJ and stayed away from men… I stayed at shelters or hid in garages. I had no home I used the money I had to get food and a license (well I tried to but they wouldn’t let me without a parent…) one day I lay in an alley trying to get some sleep when some men pop up. They were laughing as one of them turns my way I am tired awoken from sleep when he says, “come on look there’s some teenage girl… hah she seems to have run away… want some fun boys?” he states. I back away… I didn’t smell bad but I didn’t want them near me the scars on my hands and feet reminding me how horrible men are. They approach me and I get up and start to run, “stay away!” I scream.
One catches up to me rather quickly and grabs my arms, “hey now” he says pulling me to him, “don’t worry…all we want is some fun…” he pulls my skort down and smiles at me having no underwear, “well now what do we have here? You were ready for us huh?” he asks. He picks me up and it clunks to the ground. One of the guys goes through my pockets and pulls out my wad of dollars.
“Woo wee boys we have a stacked one! There’s about 5,000 dollars here!” he stated his country accent noticeable. They laughed as the guy holding me shoved me into a wall bruising my arm. He unzipped his pants and laughed as I struggled, “now, now I suggest you hold still. This WILL hurt lots…” he shoved himself into me and I screamed in pain. He moved in and out real fast and soon I am moaning and digging m nails into his skin it had been a long time since I had had sex and it felt GOOD. He kissed my neck as I climaxed and he shot his load into me. By the end of the night I’d climaxed 5 times once for each guy as they took turns with me. Then I am left there. Tears fell from my eyes as I replaced my skorts and stumbled out of the alley into a down pour of rain. I did not pay attention to where I am going, to busy being disgusted at myself, but I am in front of Mrs. Betsy’s and I shivered with cold my lips blued from it. I reached up to knock but my hand wouldn’t move and things were spinning I fell and threw up then passed out there on the steps in the rain.
When I awake I am under 6 thick blankets a hot cloth on my head. “What…ha-happened?” I murmur. I lick my lips my throat is scratchy and my lips fell so chapped they bleed I could feel the blood on my tongue as well as taste it. My site is blurry I can’t see… I begin to freak out but a soft warm voice penetrates the fogginess. “It’s okay Ally your home now… it’s okay…” someone is touching me I can feel it and I cringe away. They quickly pull away and sigh. I fall back into my dreams where I see all the men who have mistreated me. Because of these horrible dreams that brought the truth to me I understood that the way I looked at things is wrong. The way my father had treated me was wrong, it was both disgusting, the way he touched me as they replayed in my head, and repulsive. All the men who I called clients were just as repulsive to want to touch such a young girl. Watching this I almost forgot that it is me I am seeing. That this has happened to me all my life and it sickened me. I awake again this time I can see and it is dark I am sweating but I fall back to sleep hoping that the worse of the images is over. But it’s not. I see DJ staking me to the ground laughing as he licked my bloody wounds I see him replaying the video he had made of this to me touching me all the while. I could feel vomit forming in my throat but the image changed and I’m in the alley crawling away from my attackers. I awake screaming “STAY AWAY FROM ME!” it is morning and Mrs. Betsy runs into the room and pushes me back on the bed. My eyes are wild with fear and she places a thermometer into my mouth. It beeps and she pulls it out, “your fever broke… are you well enough to get out of bed… or to have visitors?” she asks me.
I look at her and begin to cry. She pulls me into her arms and gently pats my back as she brushes my hair with her fingers, “now--now there’s no reason to cry your safe at a home where you belong…”
I shake my head, “n-no…” I sob it coming out in a blubber “I-I realized…all my life I have treated it as though my father did all the right things…” my tears came less now and my stuttering ceased, “b-but I was wrong…” I looked up at her, “he did all the WRONG things… the way I act is wrong…I am a woman not a thing to be passed to guys… and my father was wrong to make me think such a thing…” I pushed away and Mrs. Betsy’s hand fell to my leg. The second her fingers brushed my leg I drew away my eyes wild with surprise, “DON’T TOUCH ME!” I scream then I stay there in the corner looking at her like a wild animal. She backed out of the room quickly and when she is gone I burst into sobs my tears dried up. Not long after I quiet I hear a knock on my door, “c-come in…” I stutter.
I stare as Eric walks in. He smiles at me and sits on the edge of the bed, “Hey Ally my mom told me it would be unwise to see you but I HAD to… I thought you would want to know the guys who attacked you… their all in jail… and so is DJ and all the men who he had you do as clients…” he scooted closer and I didn’t move so he reached out to touch me but at that I tried to back farther into my corner murmuring “stay away from me.” Over and over and over again. He backed away and I calmed down I didn’t meet his eyes but he just sighed, “look Ally you have to come out some time and everyone is worried about you… Especially Betsy…” he looked down “a-and me…” then he continued clearing his throat “you’re the only girl left here… the others were adopted… and there isn’t any one else Mrs. Betsy wants to take care of… Ally you’re the only one left… the only girl Mrs. Betsy wants around…” he sighed and reached out for me again but stopped himself. He got off of my bed and turned leaving the room.

Chapter 6

Its months before I finally leave my room and Mrs. Betsy about has a heart attack she is so happy. I grew uncomfortable with all the screaming, crying, hugging, and kissing, she is doing. Eric just stood in the corner watching me and smiling. I watch him… there is something about the way he looks almost less… Garr like and more… I couldn’t think of a word for it but it made me comfortable. When I return to school all the guys are careful I knew Eric had used his ability to scare them to tell them to leave me alone. And I was thankful. But not even Eric came near me. The girls no longer talked behind my back instead they befriended me. My outfits are no longer sluttish but more on the bulky cover everything side. It was like that for a year… I am adopted not long after by Mrs. Betsy’s 3rd time removed cousin who came to stay with her. The woman’s name is Cassandra…or mom… as she wants me to call her.
It’s not long before I return to my old self… I still do not let guys touch me but I’m wearing my old clothes again. The girls are still friends with me and the boys still stay away (although I think it’s because I had hidden a nine tails [a midget one] in my purse and a guy grabbed me… I freaked out and whipped him in the face with it… lucky for me he said a dog scratched him)
Two years go by and it’s my junior year… I am 17 and so is Eric… I pass him in the halls… and he gives me a smile. I smile back as my friends tow me away whispering frantically that I have finally had contact with a boy in 3 years. I just laugh. At home Eric passes me, I smile at him once more and his eyes light up as he smiles back. I was happy they had been so dull… for three years… and the girls he’s gone out with… well the relationships never lasted long.
It’s halfway into the school year and I’m sitting in my bed sighing with frustration as I try to understand my Geometry homework, when Eric knocks on my open door. I look up and smile, “hey Eric…” I murmur as I return to my homework.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
I nod and he sits on my bed. He leans over my shoulder gazing at my homework. I smirk and lightly shoulder him away, “you KNOW I hate you looking over my shoulder.” I state.
He smiles and pulls me to him, when he realizes what he did he looked at me waiting for me to freak out.
I just snuggle into him sighing, “Geometry is an ass…” I whisper.
He nuzzles my neck and smiles, “I know… need help?” he asks in a whisper.
I nod and we work on my homework me in his lap, him with his arms around me, and telling me the answers and how to work them out. When we were finished I sat back and cuddled with him. We lay there for a while as we snuggle then we make out. I nibble his lip as I settle back against his chest.
The next day at school we walk in hand in hand, his eyes on my as I stare back at him. I hear the murmurs and smile. When we get home we rush up to my room and make out.
Not long after its graduation and I smile at him happily as we take our seats. He is valid Victorian and he is making a speech. Towards the end he clears his throat and stares at me.
“Now… my fellow beloved students. We’ve had our ups and downs…” he smiled as he got a hoot from the students, “and we ALL remember the day Ally came in to the school…” all of the guys whistled with effect and I blush, “well… now… if you’ll come up here Ally…I have something for you…” a hush fell across the crowd as I walked onto the stage. Mrs. Betsy was crying and smiling at the same time. I got a funny feeling in my stomach as Eric gets on his knee and pulls out a satin box, “Ally Heart…will you be Mrs. Ally Heart Kingson?” he asks.
I glow a bright red as I bite my lip my fellow students have been hushed in surprise and so has the audience. I look down and smile, “yes… Yes… YEs… YES!” I yell. Eric gets up and puts the engagement ring on my finger then hugs me kissing me happily. I smile as he twirls me and an eruption of applause follows. We walk down the stage together and sit in a seat side by side I see the principle fixing the scrolls so that we could walk up together her eyes brimming with tears.
2 years later me and Eric are still going strong, no children and happy with each others company. I will say one thing… even a girl like me can find comfort with her husband
(especially if they get to star in their own porn with no one else but each other *wink*) actually we really run a shelter for kids together we make lots of money and income using his mothers home as an orphanage and shelter. We are happy together and always will, thanks to all the things that happened. Every now and then I go visit my father tell him how I’m doing and give him a loving kiss. When he is finally let out on parole he comes to live with us 5 years later. And is the best grandfather you could ask for. He no longer is nasty or touchy feely (not that he gets the chance since he’s never left alone with the kids) to his three grandchildren (who are ALL girls). This is the best ending ever…and I’m happy for it.


Texte: Kaitlin Humphries
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.10.2010

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to Chennelle who within the first few seconds of reading it seemed to enjoy it more than anything

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