


May 17 2006
Islelynn Elle Jacks
He entered the Lake Wood building. Everyone was screaming his name. Claudia and even Kara and Nicole were even screaming his name. I looked at them in total disbelief. I wasn’t his biggest fan or his fan at all; I only listened to his songs. Some.
I knew I was exaggerating, but it’s not like he’s going to be staying here for the whole semester, he’s sixteen! Your probably wondering who I’m talking about. Well you should know by now, I did make it obvious.
Devy Bleu.
Yep he’s at Lake Wood why? A ‘concert’, Dr. Richmond had it all planed, he paid for the whole school, but he didn’t have to pay for everybody; because I’m not going. Nylie was screaming right into my ear, and I swear if she doesn’t stop I’m going to strangle her.
“Oh my god! Isle he’s here! He’s actually here! I love you DEVY BLEU!” Nylie yelled again.
“Nylie if you don’t stop yelling right in my ear I’m going to kill you right in front of the whole school” I snapped, everybody lined up. We were entering the cafeteria, they had 8th grade go in for the first part and 6th is the last.
“Sorry” she said annoyingly “But you know how much I love Devy” she sighed dreamily.
“More than Brian?” I asked.
“Heck yeah” she said, I smiled.
“Well I hope you enjoy the concert” I said turning around, she grabbed my arm.
“Wait, I’m sorry” she said with pleading eyes.
“Nylie you didn’t do anything, I just don’t want to go” I said, she flinched off my hand. “It’s ok, I’m sure your going to have a good time, and I’ll just stay out in the courtyard.” I said.
“Hurry up girls” Ms. Morris said, Nylie left me and went inside. I sat at one of the tables they provided for us. Just in case the cafeteria filled up.
“Oh look Arthur its smarty pants” Will laughed.
“Really?” I said annoyed.
“Why are you here?” he said.
“Why are you here?” I mimicked.
“Rosie’s getting a snack, she’s in the cafeteria” Will said sitting at my table.
“Of course” I whispered, Rosie’s my friend, and Will’s girlfriend. “I’ll see you guy’s later” I said heading for the bathroom.

By the time the concert was done we were heading for fifth period, we had lunch in our classroom. The rest of the day I had to put up listening to Kara, Nicole, Claudia, Nylie and other girls talk about Devy Bleu’s beautiful singing.
He’s a singer, what did they expect?

The bell finally rang. School was over, no more Devy Bleu talks.
“Bye Mrs. Lively” I waved.
“Michael I need to ask you something” I said, I know a few Michael’s most of them are annoying.
“Ok” he said.
“You like Devy Bleu?” I asked him.
“No” he answered.
“Ok, bye” I hated being around Michael Roland’s company he was so weird.
I entered the cafeteria and saw that they were taking down some of the things they used for the ‘Concert’.
“Sorry guys, but today we don’t have snacks” Mrs. Lola said, Mrs. Lola is like my second mom.
“Hey Mrs. Lola” I waved.
“Hey” she smiled, I signed into computers. Everybody was talking mostly about Devy, but I didn’t listen. I pulled out a book and started reading.
“Islelynn can you hold my keys?” Mrs. Holly asked
“Sure” I said, she went to go re-count everybody, make sure everyone is not skipping out.
Once she did that, everyone stopped what they were doing and headed into the first building, to the library. I didn’t usually go on computers, I read. So that’s what I did.

“After Care has ended, please make your way to the front of the school for car riders, or go to your buses. Thank you and have a good evening.” The intercom spoke.
Everyone logged off of the computers and exited the building, either as a car, bus, walk or bike ride.
“Hi Islelynn” John waved
“Hi” I said, he walked away. I walked through outside waiting for my car and almost forgot it wasn’t here! I sat at a bench. It was nice and cool outside. The air smelt fresh, and clean.
Slowly there came to be no one around, even the person who was picked up last was gone. I texted my mom and she said she had to be here a little late.
I walked back and forth. Side to side. I walked into a small arch area because it started to rain. But I totally wasn’t prepared to see Devy Bleu. So I screamed!
Not the happy scream, the frightened scream.
“Please be quiet. You scared me” he whispered.
“Me! Oh no! You scared me. How long were you in here, I thought everyone outside was gone.” I snapped.
“Well, I’m not. I was in here for about thirty minutes; I thought everyone was gone, so I came under here to avoid attention. Then I saw you.” He smiled.
“Well I guess I’ll move to the next one over” I said, getting my back pack.
“Did I say something wrong?” he asked.
“No, I know it’s uncomfortable for you to be near people so I’m going to move” I advised.
“You’re not a fan?” he raised a brow.
“Not really, your songs maybe, not particularly you” I said.
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I think every rich person just wants fans. They want everyone in the world to be like them.” I explained.
“I don’t” he whispered.
“Good for you” I said then turned away, I got to the other side of the arch a little wet. I opened my book and read. I felt his eyes on me. Disgusting! I thought, he was probably a pervert for all I knew. All of a sudden someone came up to me.
Who was he? Oh no! Edrin
“Hey” he smiled.
“Bye” I said getting up to leave. He pulled my arm and I stepped on his toes.
“YOU-!” he screamed at me, he was about to hit me, until Devy spoke.
“I wouldn’t hit a girl if I were you” he said softly.
“Dumb-” he snickered at Devy; I had the opportune time to hit him, so I did. He grunted.
“Jerk” I said, “Don’t touch me” I said and walked away. I saw my car pull up and before I moved Devy tapped me.
“No ‘thanks’?” he asked, smiling. I watched him unbelievably. I sighed and left.
“Oh look! It’s Devy Bleu!!!!!” Lulu, my sister, screamed.
“Yes, yes, please mom let’s go!” I cried, but they weren’t listening. Instead she got out of the car in the pouring rain and hugged Devy Bleu! Hugged the kid!
I groaned. I got out of the car and started walking. My mom didn’t seem to care and so I shrugged to myself.
“I have a doctor appointment” mom called after me “Your sister is going to her friend’s house for a sleep-over. It’s Friday, honey, would you like me to drop you somewhere?” she asked, I shook my head.
“Nah, I’ll walk” I called back and started walking faster. Hoping the rain will subside soon.
I walked for about a good ten minutes and then was stopped when a black limozine came up and the window rolled down. Devy Bleu’s face popped out and I sighed.
“Did you forget something?” I ask rudely.
“No.” he answered, and then looked hesitant “Would you like to have dinner with me?” he asks.
“Why would I want to do that?” I ask both myself and him. He only stared. I looked at him and looked down. His eyes pleaded for me to reconsider. “Fine” I said and as I jumped in I said “You’ll stop bothering me, right?”
“Maybe” he grinned and we drove off.
. . .
We came into a drive thru and the driver ordered for us. It was Wendy’s. I had ordered a hamburger, he ordered a cheeseburger. We ate in silence for a while before he began talking.
“Why don’t you like me?” he asked suddenly, his brown eyes stared into mine, intent on getting an answer.
“I . . . it’s not that I don’t like you, it’s just my opinion ok?” I looked down.
“But from my opinion it isn’t fair to judge a person without knowing them well” Devy’s gaze stood riveted on me, I sighed long and hard.
“Look. I’m not in the mood to discuss this right now, I’m cold, I’m crappy, and I don’t even know you” I began.
“Yes . . .” he said slowly “Maybe you wouldn’t mind dropping by-”
“I’m tired of ‘dropping by’” I bit out “take me home, if that’s not ok with you I’ve got a long walk . . .” he shook his head and sighed.
“I’ll take you, where do you live?” he asked, reluctantly I gave him an answer and he opened the window and gave instructions to his driver. “So you’re in your senior year?”
“Yes. Why the questions?” I bit out.
“Why the hostility?” He threw back; I glared at him and finally shrugged.
“It’s . . .” I looked away, but it seemed that he waited on my answer. “Look. Just stop talking; I’ve had a tough day”
“I see” he nodded, as if he actually understood. I raised a brow at him. “No seriously. I mean, all the attention I get it’s . . . lets just say it gets tough.”
I laughed aloud, “You’re serious?” I asked, he looked at me hesitantly and then finally nodded. “You’re just a know it all, like everyone I know!”
“And who do you know?” He asked, I paused and he smiled bitterly, “You’re judging me and you don’t even know me.”
“I decide I don’t want to.” I said in my best final tone I knew.
“Why?” he had leaned so close, his forehead almost touching mine and for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me, but that was ridiculous! He was Devy Bleu! A teenage singer. I moved backward, breaking the connection.
“Because this is a free country. Because I can. Because you can’t make me-” he interrupted me.
“You’re home” he said softly, but firmly. I looked around and realized I forgot that I was coming home. I was caught by surprise and he took his chance, “Speechless?”
“Goodbye” I said grabbing my book bag and quickly got out of the car, but he came out and grabbed my hand, and I realized how much taller he was and how male he was . . . up close.
“You didn’t tell me your name.” he stated, I snorted.
“You won’t need it; you’ll be too busy elsewhere.” I shrugged his hand off but he squeezed it.
“Please.” He asked softly, and I paused, debating on telling him a fake name, and well because I was young I decided to do so.
“Angelica Sandwinders” I said, trying not to laugh my butt off.
“Angelica” he tasted the name, it seemed like, and I nodded.
“Angelica. Now will you leave?” I asked, persistent. He gazed at me for a minute, and again I had a weird feeling. But I shook it off and finally he let me go.
“Goodbye Angelica” he smiled, “I don’t think I’ll forget you” he grinned. I smiled sarcastically.
“Sure you won’t.” I muttered.
“Goodbye” he said again.
“Bye” I thought I saw him smile sadly and sigh, but it must have been my imagination because . . . . Well because this was Devy Bleu, and Devy Bleu was a pop star.
So I forced myself to forget him.



June 17 2007, London
Devy Bleu
I sat in the backroom, preparing for a promisingly long night. I could hear them cheering off my name and wished to God they would stop. Why was it that I had enjoyed writing my songs but didn’t enjoy the attention? But that was the thing; I had no clue of the attention that centered me.
Boss would say that it was normal for a young kid like me to enjoy and allow the attention. I admit that at first I enjoyed the attention (Especially the girls because well . . . A.K.A I was sixteen what did you expect from me?) but then it got so space-evading. I had no ‘me’ time anymore, where I could call my friends and hang out (Except Andre, who was so close to me, we were like brothers) or where I could call my last ex and talk with her, without having her screaming on the phone, repeating my name (That happened once) and begged me to go back out with her.
“Dev, we’re ready” Jonathan, my drummer nodded to me. One of my other buddies. I drank a long glass of water and stood silent for a moment and then went outside to greet my prison.
. . .
After the concert I had went backstage to meet the people (Girls) who paid for this ‘privilege’ as Boss put it.
The Tabloids would love that.
After I met all the girls and took pictures with them I collapsed in my dressing room and felt that a good nap would make me so happy right now.
And then she came in my mind again. The girl from that Middle School I had preformed at. She was so different. Angelica. She said I wouldn’t remember, wouldn’t I love to see her face when I saw her.
But of course that couldn’t happen.
Because I was Devy Bleu. Too popular for any girl, especially a Middle School Senior, she had most likely been . . . what? Thirteen? She didn’t act like it. But that was the thing, they way she acted toward me that day. I loved it.
Now you’d expect me to have hated the way she acted to me. That I should’ve made her get down on her knees and worship me like any celebrity would do to their fan (which their fan would do proudly). But I was struck at how badly I wanted to see her again.
And then it just felt weird not to go back.
“Dev, we’re headin’ down to the diner, you wanna come?” Jimmy asked; my electric guitarist.
I paused for a moment. “Yeah” I grabbed my jacket and pulled it on, lifting the hoodie. Angelica on my mind the whole night on.
June 23, 2008, Florida
I looked out the window of our house, and smiled when I saw Gregory. Our new neighbor. The handsome seventeen year old boy. Ever since we moved from our two-bedroom into a five-bedroom house everything was perfect. Life had never felt so right in a long time.
Yeah, I missed my friends, but here I felt I knew everyone. I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time. I felt like I belonged. Lulu, my sister, barged in and demanded my utmost attention.
“Isle” Lu grinned, “You’re not going to accomplish anything sitting on the window seat staring at Greg.”
“I know” I sighed at my sister’s impudence. “Is there something you need here, my dearest Lulu?”
“Yes, your shirt. I’m seeing Brent tonight, and we’re going out with friends.” I got up and tossed her my well-worn, but cute shirt, and sat back down.
“Michelle is here” Lulu acknowledged, I nodded.
“Send her up” I called out. Michelle was my editor. I forgot to mention that I was a writer, didn’t I? Well I am, I had written two books so far. Lonely Paradise and its sequel Forever Hopeless. Both were Best Sellers in New York Times. Even though they demanded to know who the writer was, I wished to remain anonymous.
The writer’s name was completely ignorant of mine: Mikaela Rossman.
Michelle made it up for me. When I met Michelle she had been my dream come true, and I told her. Michelle was a beautiful women with those blue eyes of hers and black hair. She was in her mid thirties. I trusted her with everything and she me.
Right now I was working on my last book to the Torment trilogy: Vanished.
“Hey” Elle’s voice sounded through the doorway. I turned and greeted her.
“Hey” I stood up to hug her and we sat by my window seat. “So how was the Ceremony?” I asked her. Her brother, Gordon, was graduating.
“It was good. Gordon was childish as always, and his fiancée basked in his love.” We both giggled. Michelle could be a teenager when she wanted to. “Anyways, how’s the book coming along?”
“It’s almost done. Lora and Brett are almost together, just one more trial.” I felt the mischief come in my eyes “But Jason comes in, and takes her away, I’m planning that in the end both Jason and Brett die fighting each other, and Brett promises Lora an eternal love . . . in another life”
“That’s beautiful, Isle” Elle smiled “I tell ya, if I had you’re gift I’d use it to the full. I’m so proud of you, and I know you’re mom is too.” I smiled at her.
“Thanks, Elle” I hugged her again.
“Now . . . tell me, please, what in the world you’re doing up here in your room when you could be with Greg?” Elle asked. I shrugged.
“I don’t know. But I just need to be alone.” I smiled “Things are just swimming in my mind . . . oh! Yes I almost forgot, while I was finishing up the last chapter of Vanished I had a vision” Elle nodded.
“I want to make another book” I said straight forward and Elle grinned.
“That’s great! What’s it about? Do you know?” I nodded.
“It’s about this girl Marie who faces a big problem. Family and friends, she has a bad life inside her family and is tempted to runaway but . . . she doesn’t want to leave her little brother in the grasps of their family, so she takes him and leaves, but she doesn’t realize truly why her family is so mad; until she finds out about the Curse.” I grinned.
“Sounds riveting, love. You have a name?” I smiled at her and she laughed. “Of course,”
“I already started on the book, three chapters already. It’s called The Curse, and yes you may tell the Tabs.” I smirked at her giddiness.
“This is perfect, if anyone ever knew they would be surprised at your age and your intelligence” she paused and gave me a reassuring glance “but of course that won’t happen. But just imagine . . . a fifteen year old writing these four hundred page books, and in less than a year, oh c’mon, Isle, this would be so new for you”
“But, dear Elle, I’ve had enough new in my life for right now, I’m fifteen, I don’t really want to be chased by the Tabs, or fans right now. Maybe when I die” I winked, and she laughed.
“Whatever you say” Elle shrugged, she walked toward the door and looked back at me, “I really am proud of you, Islelynn”
“That means a lot Elle” she nodded and walked off. A few minutes later I heard a tap at my door. “God, Lu! Didn’t I just give you my shirt-” I paused and looked at the doorway and blushed. “Oh. Sorry Greg.”
He grinned. “Its fine” he sat on my bed and went looking through my library, which I had connected to my bed. He pulled out a copy of my book – Lonely Paradise. “This was a good book” he smiled. I felt my giddiness coming back, he liked my books! My books!
“Yeah, I thought so too” I grinned at my own folly.
“The author is anonymous. I’d love to know who she is . . .” he trailed, reading a few pages. “I love this part, in Chapter 8. Lora meets Brett for the first time and they’re pulled into the portal.”
I nodded, knowing the part well, of course, because I wrote it.
“Me too. They’re friendship grows and Brett gives Lora her first kiss.” I smiled at the window, hearing him read that page.
“‘Lora looked at Brett and for the first time she saw him. Saw the way he gazed at her with such passion that she shivered. “I don’t know what it is about you, Lora” Brett said quietly. Lora looked at him.
“What do you mean?” she asked shakily, scared to admit that she felt the same about him. Brett advanced on her, matched her steps with his own, and Lora anticipated yet dreaded as he came closer to her.
“The way you act, the way you look, they way you are, it . . . entices me.” Brett grinned “And I’ve never wanted to kiss someone as much as I do right now” Lora inhaled a breath and looked around them.
“Brett-” but she paused as she glanced at his deep blue eyes.
“I would very much like to kiss you, Lora” he said solemnly, and Lora felt very much breathless.
“Now?” she asked. He looked at her closely, coming so close to her that their foreheads touched.
“Now” he answered and brought his lips down on hers, cradling her head as she grabbed his t-shirt. The kiss was sweet, honey-sweet, and she felt lost in his kiss. She couldn’t think, but she didn’t want to, all she wanted was him right now . . . and that’s what she got.’” Greg finished.
I almost felt breathless myself, hearing his slurred words. I looked at back at the bed and almost jumped when I saw he had put the book down and was standing right next to her.
He looked at me, and then sat next to me, so close that I felt his minty breath mingle with mine.
“Isle . . . I’d very much like to kiss you.” Greg stated and for a moment, I smiled.
“Now?” I whispered. He looked at me.
“Now” his hand touched my face and I felt his cool lips on mine and sighed, letting him kiss me. When we pulled back we gazed at each other for a long time, and I felt myself blushing.
“Islelynn! Greg! C’mon down” Greg got up and he raised his hand toward me and I smiled, while taking it. We went downstairs finding my mom in the kitchen.
“Hey Greg” my mom winked at me when Greg looked away and I gave her a look, she shrugged. “Your mom called and asked for you to come home, you have family over.”
“Ok” he nodded and we headed toward the front door. He turned me around to face him “Can I see you tomorrow?” I thought through my head to figure out if I had anything planned and found nothing. I nodded.
“Yes” I smirked at him. Flirting! He grinned at me, and leaned down to kiss me, a long one. When he pulled back and left I leaned on the door and smiled.
This was definitely new.
February 12 2009, Florida
I looked at the school in front of me and laughed silently at myself. I never thought I’d end up back here again. Truly I thought I was going to move on, but apparently my mind thought the opposite.
I entered Lake Wood Middle School and headed for the Main Office. I remember when I was in middle school. I had enjoyed my second year of middle school, hanging out with my buddies.
When I got in the Main Office, no one saw me, but finally I caught a teacher’s eye and she ushered me into a room.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Um . . . well I’m looking for someone” I said lamely. She grinned at me.
“I don’t think anyone knows you here, well not for almost three years.” I recognized her, I knew I did but I couldn’t remember her name. A shame.
“I just need information. A girl, I met here, she was a senior in this school.” I informed, she shook her head.
“I can’t give you that. And even if I could there were so many eighth graders here I can’t remember, it’s also been three years.” She frowned.
“Please.” I begged, and for a moment I thought she was going to kick me out, but finally she relented and nodded, she sat me down in a chair and turned on a computer.
“What’s the girl’s name?” she asked and glanced at me “Please tell me you know her name, I don’t think we have enough time for a picture search.”
“No I know her name” I had waited for this moment. Three years. “Angelica Sandwinders” she typed the name on the computer and clicked search.
She frowned. “We don’t have any Sandwinders, tons of Angelica’s. But no Sandwinders. Are you sure that’s the right name?” she asked and for a moment I didn’t here her.
How could I have been so naïve? Of course the girl should have been here, unless she gave me a fake name.
“That’s the name she told me.” I laughed “I’m so stupid.” The teacher glanced at him and gave him a wary stare.
“She gave me a fake name.” I explained and she nodded.
“I don’t know how, Mr. Bleu, but for some reason I can’t see a girl, any girl, give you a fake name” the woman grinned.
“Well . . . this girl is special.” I acknowledged.
“Are you sure? People change in three years.” She shrugged, “You should leave, though, before someone sees you” she suggested and I nodded.
There was only one way to determine where she was . . . her house, I never forgot her address, it was imprinted in my brain, where it was determined to stay.
. . .
I arrived at the address of her house, but it was all too different. It wasn’t her house anymore. New people were there, a new car. This wasn’t right! Where was she!
She couldn’t have gotten out of state. It would be impossible to find her then. Jimmy and Logan glanced at him.
“Hey man” Logan said “Maybe it’s best to leave it alone, I mean she’s one girl out of the whole world, what’s one girl lost?”
“I just have to find her.” I argued, both men shrugged. “Where are you?” I whispered to the wind, and groaned at the big search I’d have to make just to find a girl I met three years ago.



September 28 2009, St. Augustine, Florida
“Oh come on, Isle” Greg argued. “You’re making this so difficult!”
“I’m not; you’re just not listening to me! I told you already what I wanted for my life.” I objected, I felt the tears running down my face. “Why won’t you understand?” I whispered.
“We’ve been dating two years, Islelynn!” he said softly “I think now that you’re seventeen almost eighteen that you can make a decision like this.” he paused and looked away “I thought you loved me”
“I do!” I urged “I do Greg, but I told you, I’m so young, we’re both so young . . . there’s so much things we could do and achieve without having to be stuck in that” I suggested and he turned away.
“You don’t really love me, Isle. Or you would have said yes.” Greg said brokenly.
“I love you Gregory, I always have, but I’m not ready for marriage.” I came up behind him but he moved away and looked at me, quickly wiping his tears.
“Then I think we should just . . . take a break.” He said choked up. “Since you need some time”
“Greg . . .” I said whisper-soft. “No, please.”
“I won’t ask you again. I’m sorry for wasting two years of your life, Islelynn. I’ll not waste anymore of your precious time.” he said softly, not cruelty to his words, and this hurt the most.
“Gregory, please . . . don’t do this.” he smiled sadly and came to me, and kissed me lightly, but before I could kiss him back he pulled back and leaned his forehead on mine, and I cried.
“I’ve always loved you, Isle, always will. Goodbye, my love” he whispered and he was gone.
“Gregory!” I shouted. “Please! I . . .” but I was lost for words, because some part of me knew this was right. But I didn’t want to accept it. I still loved him. But I knew Gregory deserved more.

I entered the hotel room my family and I shared. Lulu and mom were smiling expectantly but immediately frowned at my face.
“Where’s Gregory, honey?” mom asked, and the tears came up again, harder. Lulu came by my side and cradled my head.
“I said no. He’s gone.” I said through tears. Lulu frowned.
“Oh honey! I’m sorry” mom said comfortingly, when the tears finally subsided I sat up and went to my bed. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning.” I nodded, and slept.
. . .
The next morning we had all packed our bags and loaded them in the car. Gregory’s car was gone. I knew he had left, because there was nothing here left for him. The tears came up again, but I willed them down.
When we reached home I immediately went to my room and dropped on my bed. Laying there I remembered the times Greg and I used to waste in here, reading the books I wrote, and just fooling around, the tears slid down my face. I couldn’t bear it, but yet I couldn’t take his pictures down.
I heard my door open and quickly wiped my tears.
“Hey, love” Elle’s voice sounded and I ran into her arms and my tears started anew. “I know how you feel, Greg was a great guy.”
“I loved him so much! Oh Elle, why did he have to ask me? Didn’t he know I loved him?” I cried harder.
“Oh honey don’t blame him, he loved you too you know.” Elle objected, and I shook my head. “He knew you so well. He let you go because he loved you. He knew you’d understand.”
I looked at Elle, “But I don’t” I wailed and cried harder. When the tears came much slower Elle began to talk to me.
“What did he do after that?” she asked, after I explained to her about the argument.
“Well he left, I didn’t go to him, because I knew he didn’t want be bothered so soon, so I just went back to the room. The next morning, Greg’s car was gone” I explained, she nodded.
“Well he was upset, love. Men are so much more emotional then girls . . . they need more time to get over these things, and I think you need to give Gregory a little time.” Elle suggested.
I nodded. “Yeah maybe you’re right.”
A few days later I came home to a pacing Lulu and a worried mother, two worried mothers, because Greg’s mother was there too, immediately I asked them what happened. But they seemed to take forever to respond.
“Mom? Lulu? Please, what’s going on?” I asked urgently, suddenly worried.
“Oh, Isle, it’s Greg” mom said brokenly, and my heart stopped. I looked at Mrs. Cooney, she was crying. I went by her side.
“What about Gregory?” I asked cautiously.
“He’s missing” I heard her, but it took a while for the words to settle in, I got up and walked to the window then hit it.
“He can’t be.” I said looking away, denying the tears. “I saw him a few days ago. He left for home” I objected.
“No” Mrs. Cooney said “He never came home. This isn’t like Gregory . . .” she paused and finally broke “Oh my poor baby” she clung to mom.
I looked away, unable to see so much grief. “Did you call the police?” I asked. Mrs. Cooney nodded, unable to speak. “Have you heard anything?”
“No” she cried harder, her tears so heavy, it felt like a burden.
“We can hope for the best, maybe he went away to think a little” Lulu said softly. But for some reason it didn’t seem good enough. That explanation, it seemed too stupid, unlike Gregory.
“Yes,” Mrs. Cooney said, although I heard the doubt, but the hopeful word. “I must go. George is probably up” George is Gregory’s younger brother.
George adored and admired Gregory.
. . .
Three days later we got a call from the police.
Mrs. Cooney came by crying, George following his mom, and stuttered through her words.
“What is it?” my mom asked softly, I slowly came downstairs. Lulu was with her boyfriend – Brent. So I pretended to take a nap while mom had watched T.V.
“Gr-Gregory!” she wailed. She started to have hiccups and I started to panic. What about Greg? Was he alright? Did the police find him?
“What about Greg? Did the police call?” mom asked. She had Mrs. Cooney sit down and George play in another room.
“He’s gone” Mrs. Cooney said tiredly, tears still streaming.
“Gone?” mom repeated “What do you mean-?”
“He’s dead! Oh my boy! My Gregory!” my heart stopped, Mom looked lost.
“Car accident. He was driving off a street, and a truck drove him off the edge of a small hill, his car crashed in the water, he was trapped inside and the truck driver drove off! HE DROVE OFF!” she screamed Gregory’s name and mom caught my eye.
I ran off, I screamed.
“Gregory!!” I shouted to his pictures. “You can’t be gone! No . . . not now! It’s my fault. Gregory!” I shouted to nothing. I looked at a picture of us, blinded by my tears. Gregory was smiling we were at Universal Studios and he had just bought me our first anniversary gift. Was that only a year ago? Or six? I didn’t know. It felt so long.
And I was so tired. I grabbed all of his pictures and curled up in a ball holding his pictures.
“Gregory,” I moaned. “Come back” I whispered. “Don’t go, don’t leave me” I murmured “I’m sorry. I love you! I love you, dammit! You can’t leave, not now . . . not ever” I said and left all my worries in the world while I slept.
October 8 2009
When I woke it was by my mom and Lulu shaking me vigorously. I started to cry, “Gregory! Greg! I’m sorry, please!” I shouted.
“Isle. ISLELYNN! Wake up” Lulu’s voice screamed.
“C’mon honey” one last shake woke me up and I sat bolt upright. I looked at my mom and Lulu and looked around. And realized Greg was dead. He was gone.
There would be no more hugs, no more kisses. No more laughs or rereading parts of my books. There would be no green eyes to stare back at me, to laugh at me. To tease me. There would be no Gregory!
“Oh Gregory! Why did you have to leave me?” I moaned, and mom took hold of me. She rubbed my back as I cried so hard I thought I might die.
When I finally calmed down mom started speaking softly. “We’re getting Gregory tomorrow for the burial.” Mom said quietly “the funeral is on Sunday.”
“I’m so sorry” she said again, “This should have never happened, Gregory was an amazing young man. I would have been proud to call him my son-in-law.” She said whisper-soft.
And my tears came again, because this should have never happen. I should have loved him, more, because he was the one who was there, forever and always, and he was . . . mine.



October 11, 2009, Funeral Home
I looked at the large black coffin in front of me and felt tears come up again. When they found Gregory he was in horrible condition. A large gash on his head. But the thing that hurt me the most was, when they found the ring he was going to give me, in his hand.
Now I held the ring in my hand. Gripping it, wanting, and wishing that he were here instead. But I knew that was impossible, because he can’t come back.
After everyone left I stayed there, the Funeral Home was open till five. So I stayed back. Everyone was gone and so I stood and walked to his coffin. He looked so handsome. I imagined the times when those hands had wrapped around me for a hug, or a kiss, I remembered his lips. Smooth and cool, always loving.
Now he was gone. There was no hint of life now. No laughter in his eyes. They were closed, but I knew they wouldn’t open to tease me, or watch me lovingly. There would be no chocolate brown hair to bury my fingers in.
And this is what hurt the most; to know that he could have been something so much better. To know he was talented but the world would never know that side of him.
So I pulled out his ring. And I looked at him.
“I love you Gregory, I’ll never stop” a tear dropped from my eyes and I wiped them away, I kissed the ring, knowing that it was time to leave Gregory behind, because he’d want that. So I held the ring for a few more moments and then tucked it in his hand.
“Goodbye, my love” I whispered, I looked one more time and finally left him.
For good.
July 17 2010, Orlando, Florida
It had already been four years now. Four years since I had last seen the girl from Lake Wood Middle School. Four long years, I was so impatient. I had finally gotten her information, finally.
Islelynn Elle Jacks. She lived in Orlando, Florida. She had a sister and a single mom. She was eighteen now, which meant anything could have happened. Anything about her could have changed. She could still be the same girl he had met four years ago, or she could be this totally Devy Bleu fan, who gossiped among her friends that she spent time with Devy Bleu.
But somehow I doubted that. She had never seemed like a girl who would gossip at all. She seemed like a girl who would have abhorred gossip. Especially gossip about him.
But that had been four years ago. That teacher was right. People changed during the years. It fluctuated mostly, but change was what we, human beings, are use to. What was required to persevere.
Now I stand, well I sit, in my limo and watch the house that I was sure Isle lived in. because two times I saw her sitting at her window looking out into the lake and write, I believe, something down.
She may be drawing, I didn’t know. I didn’t know anything about her, only that she disliked me, and again that was four years ago. Four years can do anything to people, especially what happened during those four years, and anything could have happened to Islelynn.
But I knew she was different. She was meant to be different. I never recalled having met a person with a name like hers. She had different written all over her.
Now I walked toward the front door. I was so unsure I was shivering. Shivering! Wouldn’t Boss love to laugh about that? I knew that back in the car, Jimmy, Logan, Jon, and a few others in my band were anxiously watching me. Some guessing this was the wrong house. Others were hoping for a romantic reunion. But if this truly was the girl from four years ago they’d be in for a surprise. I knew I was going to be in for one.
Now I stood directly in front of the door. I knocked twice. I waited.
When she opened the door, I knew. Don’t ask me how, but I knew it was her. “Islelynn Jacks” I breathed, there was no shock, again – surprising, there was no anger, there was only reserved respect, and amusement.
“I’m surprised, Devy Bleu.” She smiled, I thought I saw sadness, but it was held back a little. “I thought you’d never come”
I was up for a new beginning.



Islelynn Jacks and Devy Bleu became fast friends. Devy found out about Mikaela Rossman and her connection to Isle. Isle finally presented to the world her true identity. Islelynn became well known on different parts of the world. Her books still Best-Seller in New York Times.
She made a new book, was already working on it before Devy came to her. It’s - Gone Forever- a book dedicated in Gregory Cooney’s memory. It was a short story about Isle and Greg’s relationship.
Devy encouraged her, and it became his favorite book. It was known as The Book That Touched the World’s Soul.
Islelynn and Devy became best friends a few years later, and got married. They had two children – Gregory and Victoria (Gregory in memory of him and Victoria – a name Gregory wanted for his daughter) Devy Bleu died at the age of eighty three and Islelynn Bleu died at the age of seventy one.
Islelynn Bleu’s books are still popular and are still being written by an anonymous writer – who today is still unidentified.


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.06.2012

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