
Part 1.



Part 1

My Beginning of kind of happy life

Hi my name is Rose, I have brown hair, blue eyes, and I’m like a drop from heaven, but that all about to change to sin let me tell you why. I grow up happy, then again also grow up confuse but I guess that life and sometime people go through confusion. Well let just say it going to get worse when I get older. When I was six year old my real dad die, losing my father was most hardest thing in my life, I felt like he left before my eyes but then I thought he die in pain, you may be wounding what do I mean by pain? Well he dead with his eyes open, I thought when people die with their eyes open that means they die with pain. Then again you may ask me why I think that way about him. And what did he do? I will tell you why. One night my mom and dad were fighting, he told my mom he was taking meth and he want to suicide himself. For me being six year old and knowing this, felt like it was my fault and I wanting to blame myself for some reason. He would sometime come home drunk, he would break stuff and throw stuff across the hall he also hit the walls and leave holes all over the living room. Then he would yell at my mom; he would cuss out my mom but never laid his hands on her, I would know that because I would standing in my dark room and watch them, he would be so piss off of what ever reason that was, and I can tell he didn’t even love me. I remember I got A’s in my classes and won an “On Roll” and not even once he would smile or say he was proud of me. I was his disappointment of a peace of trash that was nothing to him... Then again I was six year old and didn't know what the hell was going on at age six.

I live in New York City even though I am home schooled I won’t really allow to hang out with friends or talk to people. After my dad die my mother was so scared for me to go out there in the real world, so I was hidden from the world. My mom always keep me close, but when I turn 10 my mom was about to lose are house, my mom didn’t have any friends or family that live in New York. My mom would worry about leaving me alone in the house, so she made herself get married to someone she don’t even love just to keep me save, so also I can have a father in my life also he can watch me while my mom go to work. My mom is strong, independent women, my mom was my hero, but she worry to much, my mother was my close friend but ever since she left me, so she can work the less time I spent time with her the only days I see her is Saturdays afternoons or just on Holidays and that all my time.

Part 2.



Part 2
My first nightmare of life

My Step dad would look at me very weird the first time we meet it was like he want to do something to me, he had green eyes, black hair he wasn’t that tall but not that short either, he in the middle I really didn’t know his name either. He looks sweet and nice but I found out he has a dark side, like he won’t scared to kill you or hurt you fearless I see in him. One night he drug up my mom and he let me watch them have sex, he was hitting her and rapping her pretty bad, the next day my mom didn’t get up from bed, so I had to call the emergency. She was in bad congestion my step father told me to not tell, so I didn’t. I lied saying that she was drunk; the bad thing about it was that my mom had problems remembering what did real happen to her.
When I turn 11 my step father started holding me weird, play with my hair, treating me like I never felt in my life, I like it but at the same time I felt weird. One time he started to kiss me at first I was scared but then when he told me he wasn’t going to hurt me like he did to my mom, I felt unsure but I still allow him to make out with me also “I didn’t tell my mom about him kissing me” he told me “if you tell my mom I was making out with him”, “she would be upset with him and she will kick him out, and I would be token away from my mom”. So I didn’t tell I allow him to treat me like his my boyfriend. One night he came to my room he lay down where I was laying it was 10:30 PM at night he was playing with my boobs, touching my butt, rubbing me and then he would kissing me, he slowly kiss my neck, then he would hold me ageist his body, we weren’t naked or anything but I can feel something sticking out. I stop and ask him “what was that thing pocking out his paints”? He looks at me and said “don’t worry about it”. I felt uncomfortable, but I let him touch me and hold me, I didn’t freak out or scream or yell I just lay there moaning and enjoying him touching me.

When I hit 12 and 13 everything started to change I mean I still a virgin but I was hoping for my first taste of sin. We were alone in bed one night I ask him “when are you going to have sex with me”? he look at me with those green eyes and he told me “it’s not time”, “it will be soon” then he pull me close and stared to make out with me. He uses his tongue and rubs it all over my neck slowly. I would feel myself getting all wet, slowly dripping out of my underwear, to the point  he would make me take showers and I would beg him to join me, but he would reject my offer. He would give me a loving smile that I never seen in my life and right there and then I was in love with twenty-three year old man. He was my sin that I want for years and I hope one day he would gives it to me his love, but at that moment I knew he love me too.

Part 3.



Part 3
I don’t give a fuck*

My mom and I really haven’t hang out for years, I started to lose my friendship with my mother I haven’t told my mom anything about my father and I. Also I didn’t tell her how I really felt about him. I felt good and it felt right that my father has been holding me, kissing me and playing with me. My life have flipped all this years that I been with him have change everything that I see, touch and smell he was all of them that I can’t rejected him. Forever and ever it will be, it was him and I want him to be the one to give me is love and everything above.

When I turn 14 and 15 my father stated letting me watch porn and I started to teach myself how to strip and learn how to dirty dance, I try many ways to pleasure my father to turn him on so he can have sex with me. But no his suborn as fuck, I knew I would give him boner’s every time, I turn him on, I only knew this is causes I can see his cock sticking out of his paints, my father notice I was becoming a monster, but his not sure where all of this is head too and also he don’t see the point of view that I want his love, but I know he love it. He stated letting me wear thong and other adult cloths he even started letting me drink, he teach me how to drive as while, it seem like the older I get the better things come to me, life felt good and I am so happy to have him in my life.
For my 16th birthday my mom took me to the mall and we hang out for the first time I felt careless about my mom, I really didn’t give a shit about her, for all this years she decided now was a good time to hang out. She started to ask question about what my dad and I been doing? She also ask me dose he treat me right when we are alone? she told me if he ever touch me anywhere of my body that it was bad thing and to always tell her about those problems, “PROBLEM’S” “What the fuck” I look at her with a smile and then I laugh out loud, “mom don’t be silly his a great guy” I said, but inside of me I was So Piss, now she tells me “IT’S BAD” all this years and she tell me this now. Well then I don’t give a fuck what she thinks about him and she for sure shouldn’t care what the hell I do with him, she didn’t care before. Anyways I didn’t tell her anything about us; I felt that it was my business and not hers, I was upset to finish my Rocker Road ice cream so I told my mom was full and my mom ate the rest of my ice cream. When we got home it was 7:30PM, I knew he was waiting for me, when I got inside the house he was sleeping but I knew he won’t sleeping he was waiting for my mom to go to work. My mom got ready and she give me a hug and kiss me then she told me she love me very much “I be home tomorrow night” she told me then she went to work she left the house at 8:19PM.

Still Part 3.
My first little taste of sin*

Soon after she left I got in the shower, I wet my hair and let the water drip all over me, then out the blow I heard the door open I knew it was him. He got naked and slowly got in the shower with me, I didn’t look at him he hold me from be hide and I can feel his cock ageist my ass. He slowly starts to kiss my neck, I slowly close my eyes, he whispers in to my ear, “I want to go slowly and explore your body head to toe”. He turn me around and pick me up and pin me ageist the shower wall, I wrap my legs around his waist. While the water ruin on us, he dig’s his lips down to my breast, he slowly lick my breast, I knew we were alone and I can scream out loud without anyone hearing us or anyone to stop us, I was unstoppable. I pull his hair while he sticks my breast in to his mouth and suck on it slowly at the same time he went fast, he didn’t stop sucking on my breast for a while; I scream so loud mix with a moan.
Then he stops and looks at me with his wild green eyes in to my eyes, I seen love in his eyes like he really love me and I knew he want me. We stay in the shower for at lest for 2 hours nonstop just making out, he stick 2 fingers in my pussy felt so good I was screaming with joy, just the way image it would feel so good like that, he kiss me slowly and I can feel his smile while he kiss my shoulder, I can just picture my life with him forever and ever. He pick me up and carry me to my room, we were dripping wet, he kiss me then he pin me ageist the bedroom wall, he kiss me with so much Passion, I can’t help myself slowly rub his hair and kiss him back with passion, he was for sure my sin. He carry me to my bed, he slowly went down to my pussy and slowly licking me inside, I already organism a lot he slowly lick me well all the slim drips all over his lips, he licks and licks. While he slowly sticks his tongue in to my pussy deeper and deeper he went, I couldn’t help myself just to moan so loud as I can, I couldn’t reject it, I want more I thought about his cock and how bad I want his cock up me really deep up me. After he was done I pin him down and told him “my turn”, When I went down to his cock it was huge as fuck, my eyes was widen then I had a grin on my face it was my time, I slowly grab his cock and stick it up my mouth *cough*, *cough*, *cough*, he look at me *Jeez come on I know it huge but don’t choke about it* he said, I stop and look at him *You Smart ass* I said, he laugh and he give me a loving smile, OH HOW “I love his loving smile”. He got up and walk to the door, I look at him *where the hell you going? I ask him?, He look at me *I’m done* he said with a smile on his face and he walk out. I sat there for a little while, then I walk up to the door and yell *YOU BITCH* *HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THIS ALL TURN ON* then slam the door be hide me.

Part 4.

Part 4
My Dream*

That night I dream and dream about him oh how bad I want him really bad so bad, I can’t get over the fact he turn me on so good and so well, then he stop *OHHHHH* “THAT PUSSY!!!” “God Dam he piss me off so much” but at the same time I love him and I want him so bad, even thought he rejected me, why doesn’t he want to have sex with me? I would think about that everyday and every night thinking why, why, why? I know his missing with my emotion, or was he?
One day we were on the catch missing around, tickling each other we would be very playful, then he would look at me, *Oh* his green eyes look deep into my eyes then he would kiss me with so much passion. I knew he love me and I love him, then he would run his fingers through my hair. “So what you want to do tomorrow?” he asked me, “Oh UMMMM,” “let stay home” I said. “No” “let go out and do stuff” he said with a low voice, *I slowly shake my head* “fine let us go out I guess” he look at me “where”? “I don’t know” I said. He slowly pulls me close into his arms, while we cuddle, then my mom walk in the living room, “ummmm why are you holding her like that”! She said loudly, “Oh shit I forgot about her” told myself “I look at my mom” “Mom it not a big deal he just cuddling me” I said. Then she give me a look very suspicious look like she knew I was lying “Mom can you knock it off and stop looking at me like that” I snap, “excise me” she said. She gives me an upset face, “Ok” “You Need to Knock It Off” “YOU DON’T HAVE TO ACT LIKE THAT”, she said with a yell. “We doing nothing wrong” “we just having daughter and dad time” he said with a smile. “NO, NO and NO”! “I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU HOLD HER LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU HEAR ME JAKE”!! She yell *I got up to my feet* “GOD DAM MOM STOP BEING AN ASS”!!!! We DOING NOTHING WRONG”!! I said with a yell, *her mouth drop open* Then Jake got up right way and hold me back” “Love say sorry to your mom” he said with a smooth voice.

Still Part 4
I look at Jake all this time that was his name, this was my first time I ever heard my mom call him by his first name, my mind wasn’t thing about my mom I didn’t want to apologize to my mom. I want to kiss Jake, then I want to tell Jake let run away together. “Hello” “she waiting for you to say sorry to her” Jake said. “What the Fuck” I told myself, “I turn my head to my mom and look in to her in to her eyes* “SORRY” then I turn back to Jake *There happy* I said very angry. “NO YOUR GROUND IT” my mom yell, *OKAY THAT FINE I DON”T GIVE A SHIT!!!* I yell. My mom looked at me with tears filling up in her eyes and she walks out the door and she was gone. Jake look at me and *shake his head* “WHAT” I snap, “I know you hate your mom but Jeez you didn’t have to be a dick to her” he said, “WHAT THE FUCK”!! “It sound to me you have feeling for her”? “Why do you care what I do to her?” I said. “I do care for her give the old lady some slack” he said with a smooth voice “I laugh out loud” “old lady”!! “Good one but if she old then that make you old as while” “duh” “Hey I’m only twenty – six and your mom is like twenty- nine so she old” he said “Ya okay then Jake what ever make you happy” I said. “OH so your name is Jake oh god! I love your name” I said with a big grin on my face, “he look at me with a confuse face” “Ya your point is”? He said with a careless tone, “OH COME ON DON’T BE A PUSSY JAKE” I yell, he look at me “please stop yelling” he said with a blush* “Oh my god your Blushing how cute” * I went next to him and kiss him on the lip” *he slowly push me away then he went to his room.* I stood there thing about Jake “why is he being such a pussy” I told myself, I walk to his room and knock on the door “silences”…. “Jake can we please just talk about it” I said with a soft voice, I heard the door unlock and he open it he stood there with tears in his eyes “why are you crying”? I said he just looks at me without saying a word, then he walk to the bed and lay down** “Jake I’m sorry I call you a pussy” I said with a sad voice. *I slowly walk where he was laying* “Jake please stop getting pe-pe hurt their no reason for that” I said with an upset voice. “Jake I don’t like it when your sad” “please don’t be sad” I said, “You better go say sorry to your mom” he said, “so your sad because what I told my mom” I said with shock, “yes” he said with a sigh “What the fuck” “Jake I thought you love me more then my mom” I said with an angry voice, I can feel my heart pounding really hard, “What I never said that” “ I feel sorry for her” he said, “so you don’t love me then” “I don’t care what you feel for my mom but what about me”? I said. “Rose I love you” “but ever since your mom told me about your old dad and what he did to himself, to you and your mom” “ I want your mom to know that you won’t be like that or I” “I don’t want to treat your mom like shit” he said. “But JAKE the only reason your in my life is because she made herself marry you” “She don’t love like I do” I said * I shake my head*, “Rose I love you so much” “I don’t care how much your mom piss you off you don’t treat her like that” “Please” he said *I look at him* “fine but I’m doing this for you” I want you and only you” I said….

Part 5.



Part 5

The next day*

I got up and walk to my room that night I went to bed thing about Jake and what he told me, was he for real or was he just missing with me. I lay there in bed wanting to cry, I felt like my dreams has broken to pieces. I am not the only person he cares for. My door was close and I lay there in my dark room with total silences, then I heard *my door open * I was facing the wall and didn’t get up and look at who ever was at my door, even thought I knew it was Jake. * I heard him get on the bed next to me* *he slowly wrap his arms around me* “Rose I love you” he whisper, “I didn’t move or say anything” *Jake lay there holding me* he didn’t move he just hold me all night.
The next morning when I got up, Jake wasn’t right next to me” but I smell something really good *I got up and walk to the kitchen and there was Jake he was wearing his blue boxers making breakfast* * I stood there just looking at him* *then he turn around* “GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL” he said with a loving yell, *then he walk to me and pick me up in to his arms* *then he kiss me* “ummmm good morning” I said, “MMMMM Rose I love you” he said with a smile, “I love you too Jake” I said very confuse voice “was I dreaming”, “nah I can’t be it felts so real” I told myself, “I made you breakfast love” he said “yummmm that smells good” I said with a smile “Rose I want to say sorry the way I acted yesterday it just”… “SHHHHHHH” I said *while I lean my head ageist his head* “it okay I love you and I want you” “if I get in a fight with my mom it between us I can do this” I said. *he kiss me lightly* “okay fine I trust you” “now eat my food I made you” he said, “I laugh okay, okay” I said * I walking to the table and sat down* “cover your eyes” he said *I close my eyes* he place the food on the table, “OKAY OPEN” he said with excitement, *I open my eyes* “WOW” I said, he made 3 hearted pancakes with bacon and egg on the side “how sweet of you love” “thank you” I said with a smile. After I was done eating I went to my room and lay on my bed, Jake walk in my room and lay down next to me, “so are you going to get ready”? He asked me “Ummmm where we going”? I said, “I thought you would love to go to the mall” he said with a smile “okay sure”.

Still Part 5

It‘s still the freakin day*

He got up and he went to get ready, *while he walk he close my door be hide him* I sat there thing why was he acting all weird, was he feeling bad, or did he knew I was ready to cry yesterday and he want to make me happy.? Anyway whatever the problem is fine by me “I guess” *I walk to my closet and look at my cloth “UMMMMM what should I wear” I asked myself, “Oh black booty shorts and white shirt, I left my cloth’s on top my bed and went to take a shower. I got out the shower and lock my door and got ready, I dry my hair and cruel my hair and put some makeup on. I look like I was going on a date or something, “I look hot” I told myself with a big smile, I walk to the living room and there was Jake waiting for me he look at me *with mouth drop open* *I can feel my face getting hot* while he check me out* “DAMMMMM” “SOOO HOT” he said with a big grin. I laugh with a blush “if I look hot then you’re sexy!” I laugh. *he slowly came up to me then kiss me* “no you’re sexy” he said with a loving smile, *blush* “okay we should go”! I said. When we got in the car, he blasted the music and we’re jammed all way to the mall, it took us 48 minutes to get there, while we walk in the mall there was a lot people there, the first store we went to was “Hot Topic” when we walk in there was this four girls standing there look at shirts they were laughing and giggling and being annoying, I try to not look at them while I walk to other side to look at some shirts as while I try to ignore them but they wouldn’t shut up. Jake was kind of being quiet so I look over at him and he was checking them out *my mouth drop open* I punch his shoulder really hard, “Ouch!” “What was that for”? He asked me with a shock, “don’t be stupid your checking them out” I said with a upset voice, “sorry” he said “no you bitch your with me” I turn and stared to walk away from him. While I was walking out of the store, this guy came up to me “Hey” “name is Robbie” he said with a smile *I look at him* *Robbie was tall he had black long emo hair and blue eyes, he looked H-O-T. “Oh Jake I’m ready to piss you off” I told myself, *I smile at him* “hi my name is Rose” I said with a smile, *he slowly check me out* “so you here a lone sexy” he asked me with a sweet tone, “no I’m here with my old man over there I point to him” I turn around and looked at Jake his face was red “he was piss, “Robbie laugh” “Oh you babysitting”? He asked me. “OH HELL NO”!! I said with a yell, then let go over here *he pointed to DQ* *he reach out his hand for my hand* “inside of me told me no”. *I grab his hand we walk to DQ to the other side of the mall. I notice that Robbie is a gentleman he bought me an ice cream, he pull out the chair for me. *we sat there quite eating are ice cream* he look at me then he said “So how old are you”? *I stop eating my ice cream* “How old are you first”? I said, he look at me with a smile “I’m 17” he said “AWWWWW nice I’m 16” “I be 17 next year” I said, “AWWWW your young” he said “YA, but by one year” I said with a careless tone. “So is that your dad *over there he pointed*”? *I turn around* *Jake was sitting in the concern just watching us*, I kind of felt bad, but that what he gets for check out those girls. “Ya sure kind of say that” “his a dork most of the time” “but ya let not talk about it” I said *while I look down at my ice cream*. “Oh that cool, I was just asking cause his creeping me out just by him just sitting there looking at us” he said, “YA Just ignore him” I said “Okay well do so” he said, the rest of them time we stood their quiet after finishing my ice cream, *I stood up* “I should get going” *Robbie got up as while* “Thank you for the Ice Cream” I said “your welcome” “so when can we meet again”? He said “Oh I don’t know” why? “I like you and I would love to take you on a date” he said with a blush. “Here let me write my number down and you can think about it and give me a call” “okay” he smile “Okay that sound good” *he walk to the desk and got a napkin and a pin* “my heart was jumpy” *Robbie look at me and he give me the napkin”. “Here you go” “hope to hang out with you next time” he said with a smile*I put the napkin in my Jean Pocket* *then look up at him, “I smile back “me too” “bye”.
I walk to where Jake was sitting, *he didn’t look at me* “I know your mad at me” I said with a come voice, “Jake look at me” “I said I was sorry and you do this to me” “I can’t believe you did that” “then you call me old” he said with a upset voice, “Oh you heard that” “sorry it just if you piss me off and I was going to piss you off as while” I said “I hope your happy I’m very upset” he said. “Jeez come on” “I wasn’t going to let you get away with this, you know I’m your girl and if you want me as much as I do, you need to show me as while” *he look at me like if I was talking in a different language, “I’m serious Jake” I snap. “Okay, Okay you have a point” *he got up and he hold his hand out for me* I got up and grab on his hand* *we started to walk his hand in to my hand*, I felt like we were a couple again, like nothing just happen. Then Jake stop and look at me and give me $80.00 “here go by something nice” *my mouth drop open* *I slowly took the money* *then I look at Jake* “are you sure”? I asked, “Yes for you my princess” *I lean and kiss his cheek* “thank you” *I walk in to Hot Topic* I got me 3 shirts one of the shirt said “You wish you where me” then other shirt said “I love haters” and my last shirt said “Do I look like I care?”. Then I got me this black booty shorts and the back was pink that said “HOT” I love it, I spent $6.34. Jake was waiting for me outside. It was 6:34pm *I slowly yawn* “Jake I’m tired can we go home” *I slowly rub my eyes* “awwww okay love let go” *he grab my bag and we walk to the car* while we driving home I fell a sleep in the car. *Jake got out the car and he carry me too my bed and he kiss my lip* “I love you Rose” he whisper.

Part 6.



Part 6

What the hell Robbie?

While I was sleeping I had a dream but what the hell it was Robbie? Yes it was Robbie and he was in my room “WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING HERE ROBBIE!” I yell *Robbie turn around and look at me* “Rose I love you” *He said with a smooth voice, *He came up to me and slowly kiss me*, it felt so good that I start to hold him ageist me*. MMMMMMM Rose, Rose, Rose, ROSE!!!! “Stop yelling Robbie”!! “What”? “The voice sound fulmar” * I open my eyes it was Jake* “Oh god I’m sorry” I said “Jake started to laugh” “what so funny”? “You were kissing your pillow” he said with a laugh. “Oh shut up” * I shake my head* “what time is it”? I asked “its 10:30AM” he said. *we sat there quiet for a minute* “So who’s this Robbie person”, “is he that guy you were talk to yesterday” he asked me? “Ya” I said with a tired tone “OH” he said with a shock. “While then what you want to eat”? I stood there quiet “wow he change the subject” I told myself. “Rose hello”? “What you want to eat”? “Oh ummm Tacos” “Please”! “Okay love I make you homemade tacos” “Then I make homemade lemonade” “Okay” he said “Dam okay mister Cooker” I laugh, *he lean over and he kiss me*, *I wrap my arm around his neck and kiss him back*, while I kiss him I image myself kissing Robbie, *I rub Jake hair like I would do to Robbie if he was here*. *Jake wrap his arm around my waists then he pull me ageist his body* *I lean back to stop myself before I get myself excited for something I wasn't going to get. Jake got up and he went to make me my Tacos.

I sat there thing about Robbie “Oh my god his number” *I got it out my jean pocket*, I slowly smell the napkin, “MMMM smell like Robbie” “MMMMM Robbie, Robbie, Robbie. “NO Stop, Stop, Stop” “I have Jake”, I stop for a moment “but, but, but… Robbie his fine and very good looking” I told myself, *I put my face on my pillow* then scream. *then I pick up my head* “anyway this is my business”. *I got up and put the napkin under my pillow* *I change my jeans in to my new booty shorts and walk down the hall way, in to the kitchen* *I watch Jake making me my homemade Tacos* *I walk next to him and sat on the top of the table, where he was standing*, “Hi Beautiful” “are you here to see me cook”? He asked me, “I laugh” “maybe” I said. *Jake lean in and kiss me*, he smell like cooking oil, “he smelled so good” I told myself, *I wrap my legs around him and kiss him back*, *but this time I pull him close to me I didn’t stop kissing him*. *Then he back away and went back to cooking*. “Hey isn’t today Saturday?” I asked him, “ummm yes it is” he said with a smart ass respond, “Oh where mom”? I asked, “OH she want to work extra for today so she can have 2 weeks off” he told me. I stood there for a moment without saying anything, “why”? “She what to go on a date with me or something like she keeping talking about it” “she won’t shut up so I going to take the old lady out” he said, “WHAT THE FUCK”!! “Where am I going” I yell, “you staying home” he said, “Oh” I said “are you going to be okay if I take her out”? He asked me, “Ya I guess I don’t mind” I said, but deep inside of me I was mad. “So when are you guys going on your date”? “Tomorrow Morning for 2 weeks, we be back next Friday afternoon” he said in a low voice, “WHAT YOU LEAVING OUT OF NEW YORK” “AND LEAVING ME HERE” I said with anger voice. “Rose please try to understand your 16th year old your big girl” he said with a come voice, “But JAKE I LOVE YOU”, my eyes started to fill up with tears, “Please tell me your not going to have sex with her” *Jake look at me* “No Rose I’m not” “ I Promise” “I will be leaving you a lot of money” he said, “also your mom and I have a surprise for you” he said with a smile “Ya what that”? I said *while tear running down my face*“, “we got you a new cell phone and we got you house keys.”! He said. I was ready to say something but Robbie came in my head, *I whip my tear away* “Awwww cell phone and house keys, thank you Jake” I said *he grab me and kiss me* “I going to miss you” he said with a sigh, “I be fine Jake” “I be fine” “it only going to be 2 weeks” I said. The week will pass by fast I be here sleeping, cooking, and watching TV. “I be fine”.

Part 7.

Part 7

The talk between Jake and my mom

Later that night when my mom got home, she was in the room talking to Jake, I was standing by the door, even thought I should be in bed I couldn’t bear it, but to listen to their conversation. “Jake love I’m worry to leave Rose here all alone for 2 weeks” My mother said, “Rose is 16th she a big girl” “she be fine” “anyways she have her cell phone” “she be fine” Jake said, “I know, I know but still it don’t feel right” my mother said. “Hell Ya I be alright I have Robbie” “I can just see it now” “Robbie and I” I told myself. “After a while they stood there silence” then Jake said “so when are you going to tell Rose” *he stood silence for a moment* “about what”? My mom asked, “You know about your old man, and why he was so depress?” “she 16th she should know why” he said. “what”, what”, “I want to cry all this years and their was a reason why my real dad was depress” I told myself, “Oh Rose is still young she won’t understand”, she said “what the fuck” I told myself. “But” Jake said, but before he can finish my mom jump in “no buts Jake I don’t want to tell her and you don’t tell her either you hear me” she said, “fine” he said with a sigh. I stood there by the door feeling sick to my stomach, I was ready to walk in the room and say “tell me”, “but I can’t ruin this for me, I’ll ask Jake when he comes back” “on his stupid date” I told myself. *I turn around to walk to my room, but “then out of the blow Robbie came in my head”, *I close my door then I look over at my clock it was 9:30PM* I grab my cell phone and dill Robbie number its “Ringing” I told myself, *I can feel my heart pounding hard*, my chest hurt really bad. “Hello” a guy pick up, “HI” “is this Robbie”? I asked, “Yes” “sorry who is this”? he asked,
”It’s me Rose” “OHHHH ROSE” he said with loving voice, “How you been”? He asked me, “I’m fine and you”? I said, “I’m great” he said happily, “So is this your Cell phone number”? He asked me, “Yes” “here text me I have to get off before my mom catch me on the phone” I said, “he laugh okay I will” he said. Soon after I got off the phone I heard my mom, “Oh shit” I told myself, *I put the phone under my pillow* *I close my eyes*, I wait for a moment then I heard my she went back to the room close her door. I got up and look at my cell phone “1 Message”, I open it, and it was Robbie. He said: “Hey Sexy” XD! “Okay then” I told myself, I text him “Hi” lol! I waited for him *buzz*, “WOW he text fast” I told myself,! “So what are you doing tomorrow sexy”? He text me, so I sent him, *blush* “nothing just staying home alone, being bored as hell and U? *sent*, “I waited for a while”, I was slowly falling asleep. *Buzz*, *I open my eyes*, and look at my phone and flip it open*, he said “while then you want to meet up or I can pick you up I have a car”, I sat there for a moment “he have a car that lucky bitch” I told myself but in a whisper. While ummmm, just text me tomorrow like at 11:30AM if you want an I will let u know what going on, k. *sent*, *Buzz* “K sexy talk to U tomorrow good night”.


Texte: In her eyes are right...
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2012

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