
Book design by Anthony kalu

Book design by Anthony kalu

Formatting by Anthony kalu


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author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.




The journey of life is not walked alone ; therefore, I would like to thank ugochukwu kalu the one person who encouraged me to write this book.


Perhaps somehow this book and its pages will be seen as “thanks” to him for helping to make this dream possible.




I would also like to thank for creating this cover which is a nice fit for this book. They have dedicated endless hours of their time, knowledge, ideas, Thank You.




Anthony kalu












































" There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so ".

- William Shakespeare, Hamlet.



" Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.

- William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.




Kelvin stood gasping for breath. His muscles ached and all he could see around was dark woods filled with dark fogs and huge thick trees with envelope branches , branching out in all directions. He winced and took a knee. The ache in his side felt like a stab wound. His heart pounded against his rib cage as if it would burst from his chest at any moment. How long had he been running? The cold air stung his throat when he swallowed; he needed water. Kelvin looked back to see if he had out ran his predator. Kelvin knew for certain that wherever he was, it was far from home.


He heard a noise in the woods, he knew for sure that it was his predator.


kelvin looked for a weapon, a stick or rock—something to protect himself—but it was getting too dark to see anything clearly. Luckily he was able to get hold of a stick.


Blackbirds scattered from the treetops, fleeing their nests. The footsteps were moving closer. It was circling him; he could hear it moving from all directions. His eyes shifted from side to side trying to catch a glimpse of his pursuer. Kelvin's heartbeat hammered his insides. The sound was deafening. His feet scuffled over the ground, failing him, causing him to stumble and stop. He stood frozen as he watched the last glimmer of moonlight vanish, stifled by a sea of dark clouds.


Despair seeped through his veins like a slow-moving poison, choking out any hope from within. The darkness had become so impenetrable he could not see his own hands in front of him. Loud stomping, like a gallop, came ever closer, striking the ground with a deadly force.


It was just beyond the tree line now. He could feel it; he could feel its presence closing in on him, and that’s when he saw it.


Kelvin stopped breathing and his whole body felt numb on seeing the beast in shadows. The beast was huge and looked like a lion. The area around them was bathed in a pale red hue that glowed in the moonlight.

Kelvin tried to swallow, but his tongue felt too rough like sandpaper. He wanted to back away, run, but could not move. Frozen like one of those silver or golden statue trophy given to athletes on tv, As the beast emerged from the shadows, It no longer looked like a like a lion rather it looked like a lion with horns and four eyes. It had unnaturally long fangs and height which a lion doesn't have. The beast moved swiftly and smooth like a cheetah timing its prey, The beast jumped high into the air coming to eat him, kelvin being unable to move from fear which overwhelmed him screamed aloud and woke up to actually discover he had been in a dream all along.

His mother looking worried rushed into his room, seeing him panting and sweating.

'I heard you screaming, What is the matter ?', his mother asked.

He didn't reply.

'Is it the same nightmare you told me about before?', she asked.

'Yes it is', he replied.

'Perhaps it might be maleria?, she asked.

'Maleria!, he asked, and he continued talking. I get this nightmares on the first of every month, whereas I just treated malaria last week, I don't think this is maleria'.

'well after school today we will head to see Mr Ndumeje the famous dream interpreter in town, But right now all you have to do is get ready for school, its just half past four, its just a dream ok'. His mother said

His mother stood up and left the room

In a couple of minutes he arranged his room and went into the bathroom to take his bath.

'Is it about the same dream again' his father asked his wife, kelvins mother.

'Yes, she replied.

'Don't you think we should tell him the...'

His father cut her of. No, he is not ready

'His not ready for what?', kelvin's junior sister , Stella, asked. stella took their fathers chocolate complexion while kelvin took their mothers fair complexion.

'What are you doing here, shouldn't you be preparing for school?', Her mother asked her.

' I started hearing whispers so I heard to come out of my room, only to see you two discussing at the quarter space landing of the staircase, so what is it that kelvin isn't ready?'.

' Nothing that concerns you child, go and prepare for school '.

She left and did as she was told.

'Woman we are not having this discussion again'.

He left her and went up stairs towards the bath room and in few minutes she followed.


Kelvin came out of his bathroom and dried his hair with his towel, he went to his wardrobe and brought out his school uniform, he dropped it on the bed and wore his T-shirt first which was milkish brown in color and with reddish designs on it, he buttoned up and wore his trouser immediately and his sucks and flyfast sandals next.

He took his cross bag and went down stairs to the kitchen, where he saw his mother preparing breakfast.

'Where is dad?', he asked her.

' His is in his room taking his, she said as she dropped pancakes for him on the dinning table '.

' He knows that I am on duty today, he said as he sat down in front of the pancakes on the dinning table


She poured in some milk in a glasscup as she said, I thought you guys handing over soon.

'Yes, but that's in three weeks time. And moreover that's not a reason why I should not do my duty'.

'Ok dear'.


'Mom did you make pancakes?'. Stella asked.

'Nooo she made panshit', kelvin said.

'Groose kelvin'. Stella replied.

'Yes my darling baby I made pancakes'.

'What of dad?'.

'He is taking his bath', kelvin replied.

'Ok'.Stella replied.

After what seemed like ten minutes kelvin said.

'Mom i can't wait for dad I will take the public transport.

You are not yet late, is still 6:10 am'. Kelvin's mother said.

'Ya, but I have to be very punctual today.kelvin replied'.

'At least finish your pancake', kelvins mother said.

'Am ok' , mom.

'Mind if I have them' , Stella said pointing at the pancakes.

'There are all yours' , kelvin said.

'And also please wait for me', Stella said.

'You have five minutes'.

'What's taking your dad so long' . Kelvin's mother said.

'You know he some times bathes like a teenage girl. Stella said'.

'Lol, you are very right', Kelvin said.

'Remeber that time we were preparing for church and we were all ready except for dad we had to wait for close to 30minutes for him to get prepared'. Kelvin said.

'How could I forget, mom was so annoyed' , Stella said.

' Your dad can be annoying sometimes' .

'Am done', Stella said.

they said bye mom in unison.

They said jinx, again in unison.

'Bye,mama loves you'.

They left the house and started heading towards the gate.

' I will win you one day in jinx', stella said.

' In your dreams', kelvin replied.

'Ooooh I will one day'.

They went to nearest bustop and stopped a taxi, they told the taxi the taxi driver we're they we're going.

'Get in' , the taxi man said.

'Stella get in let's go', kelvin said.

She got in.

'Your nightmare is now frequent', Stella said.

'I swear, is now on the first of every month', kelvin


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Anthony kalu
Lektorat: Ugochukwu Kalu
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.06.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4797-0

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to Mr Ugochukwu  Kalu the one person who edited, proof read this book and encouraged me to write this book and thanks to him this book maybe seen at online book stores. 

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