
The First

It all starts with a couple 'sick' people, but eventually the infection spreads to the brain stem and kills the host...but not the brain stem. It keeps the brain alive and in order to live the brain needs the nutrients from an alive human's blood, and the flesh.

“Pikachu is obviously way stronger than any electric type Pokémon out there!” Lucy stated on our adventure to the cafeteria.
“No way! Luxray is way stronger than Pikachu!” I argued.
Ash just stared at me with strands of her dark brown hair lingering in her face. “Um…what?” She was completely lost with all of the nerdiness of mine and Lucy.
“Nothing…nothing,” Lucy was adorable. Her long blonde hair was put up nicely and her water blue eyes were something I could get lost in. She was beautiful and I couldn’t get over it…ever.
“So anyway, Xander what are you doing tonight?” Ash wondered aloud. She knew that I like Lucy and was always trying to set us up…somehow Lucy didn’t catch on to it, at least I don’t think.
I flashed Ash a dirty look and lied, “My siblings and I are going to our grandparent’s house. Why?”
“No reason,” she smiled and then looked at Lucy, “What are you doing?”
“Other than playing Pokémon…nothing. Why, what do you have planned?” Lucy said exactly what I was thinking.
“I was wondering if you would like to come over and play some Left 4 Dead 2.” Ash knew I loved that game, “Too bad Xander can’t come.” Ash could be evil, and she was good at it.
The cafeteria was normally packed, but today it seemed like the school was half empty. Walking towards the line I head a calling, “Xander! Wait up!” When I turned around I could see my friend Damien walking towards me, but he looked half dead. He had bags under his eyes which were never there before and he was normally a Hispanic brown but now was almost a green but still tan color. His Mohawk wasn’t even put up today either.
“Dude, are you ok?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“No, I threw up this morning and I feel really stiff, but I feel really hungry…” Just by looking at him you could tell Damien was not feeling well.
“Wow dude, go home and get some rest,” Ash said.
“I would but my parent’s would kill me 5 times over,” I felt bad for him his parents were complete assholes to him and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Awe, I’m sorry.” We were finally about three quarters of the way up the line.
“Yea, me too. Well I’m going to go see the nurse and see if she can give me some pain killers, see ya guys!” He said while walking away.
“I think there’s a bug going around,” Lucy said, “I forgot what the news said it was called.”
We finally got our lunch, which was pizza, and sat down at a table up in the library and we started eating the sauce on the bread. After we were done eating the slop and finished talking I exchanged hugs with them and started heading to gym.
I was heading down the stairs and I heard towards the front doors of the school was some yelling.
“I’m sorry sir, you need to leave,” Yelled the school’s security guard. I peered around the corner and watched the antic.
“Hungry, so…HUNGRY!” a stranger yelled out and the last word he screamed seemed to be a blood curdling scream. He was the same color as Damien…greenish and had bags under his eyes too, but he looked like he has been dead for a good day or two. His hair looked as if it could be pulled right out of his head and his eyes (those damn eyes) were pure white except for the pupils.
“I know but we can’t feed—” he was cut off and started screaming. The stranger bit and RIPPED a chunk of his neck off! What the fuck? The stranger’s mouth was full of blood and he spit out the chunk of neck. The security guard was on the ground yelling in pain.
I got out of there as fast as I could. I went back up stairs and just before she got into the class I yelled out, “ASH!” she turned around and could tell I was scared shitless.
“What?” she was freaked out, “What happened?”
She had no idea…

What Do We Do?

"Xander?" Ash was a bit confused, "What’s wrong?"
"Ash there is no time to explain we have to get out of here, NOW!" I was yelling now and some of the other students were starting to stare.
“Calm down, what’s wrong dude?”
“Downstairs, some guy walked into the school and bit, yes BIT the schools security guard and RIPPED a chunk of his neck out.”
“You’re joking,” Ash rolled her eyes as she turned to go into class.
“No I’m not!” I grabbed her arm and pulled her through the halls, “Just watch!”
“Xander! Let go of me!” We were quite a spectacle. I pulled her down the stairs, “Xander stop thi--” she stopped mid-sentence. Her eyes were fixed on the now passed out on the floor and the trail of blood from him to the doors. “Oh my God.”
“Oh, but I thought I was lying,”
“Xander shut up.” she shot me her famous death stare.
“Well, what do we do now?” we both knew what was happening.
All of a sudden, the security guard woke up and climbed up off the ground. We just stared petrified by the fear. His eyes were totally white except for the pupils. Blood was running down his neck out of the bite wound that he encountered. His skin was already turning a pale olive color.
“Sir, are you ok?” as soon as Ash said that he started walking towards her, “Uh, sir?” she was backing away and soon her back was against the wall. “Xander! Help!” It looked as if he was trying to bite her!
I ran towards the guard and grabbed his back and pulled with as much power as I could. I ended up pulling him off just enough for Ash to get out from underneath. She wiggled her way out and I let go of the guard.
“Are you ok Ash?” I thought she was, she just looked a little shaken.
“Yeah let’s go, NOW!” we ran towards the front doors before the guard could grab one of us again. “Wait, where will we go?”
“Well… we could go to my house. We could stay there until we know what’s going on.”
“That’s better than nothing, but wait how do you know it’s safe there?” she always thought one step ahead.
“I don’t suppose you have a better idea?”
“Actually I do,” she was always optimistic, “as long as you trust me.”
“This already sounds like trouble,” she always comes up with crazy plans. “Wait, should we get Lucy?”
“If you want to go in that school after what just happened, be my guest.”
“Well we can’t just leave her!” I wasn’t leaving without one of my friends, “We need to find some kind of weapons.”
“We can’t go into a school with weapons!”
I looked at her with disappointment, “I always do though.”
“How?” she was clueless sometimes.
“My pocket knife!” I whipped it out of my pocket the moment I said that.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Nope,” but as I stared at the tiny 2.5 inch blade, I realized what she was saying.
“Fine let’s do this.” I couldn’t believe she wanted to do this. “Do you know what class she has?”
“Yeah it’s English with Mr. Martinez,” I held my knife like a short sword.
“Fine let’s go,” Ash wasn’t being as feisty as usual, “But we have to go through a different door.”
“Well we could possibly get someone to open the lunch room doors.” That seemed like the only good way. If we were going to do anything it wouldn’t help for it to be just me and Ash anyway. We needed more of us.
“Maybe, let’s go,” after a quick walk to the other side of the school, me and Ash were banging on the doors waiting for anyone to hear us. Eventually, Pedro passed by and saw us and soon we were inside the lunch room once again.
“Why were you guys out side? Were you smoking pot?” Pedro asked, “And Xander why do you have a knife?” Pedro was starting to freak out. He knew me and Ash did sneak out to go smoke marijuana every now and then.
“No Pedro, we were not smoking,” I reassured him, “and it’s a long story for the knife, but just follow us real quick and we will explain everything.”
“No, I have to go to—” Ash cut him off mid-sentence.
“Pedro, just listen to us please,” Ash reassured him, “just follow us and we will explain everything later, OK?”
“Ok, but I swear if something stupid is going on I will kill you guys!” Pedro had the biggest crush on Ash, and I’m pretty sure that’s the only reason he agreed to come with. Ash and I then explained that we needed to find Lucy and get out of the school as soon as possible, and with that we were off to find her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.02.2012

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