


hmm my life is like a leaf, yes a leaf, a leaf blowing in the wind in the cold windy Autumns day. Then suddenly it gets trampled on by running children, that's what I feel my life is like now. No one ever thinks of a leaf like a living ting because they fall off the tree all the time right? Well I have come to conclusion that they are living things, just like me or you. Where am I going with this...I am trying to say that of course I'm not a leaf blowing in the wind, the thing I'm trying to say is that people never imagine their life to go horribly bad when your a kid, you just think that you're going to become a millionaire or a princess or....well you get what I mean so what came to my conclusion was if we think that then leafs might think that to right? Okay I may seem nuts but I am trying to get somewhere with this, I'm talking about my life and possibly anyone's life. I bet if I go to when your little and ask how you think life will go for you, you would answer the obvious, 'great' I bet if I were to ask you how your life is going now you would say almost the opposite. No one knows how their life will go or turn out, they can only dream or imagine, no one knows what illnesses you will suddenly get or what accidents you will get your self in. You just have to go with your life and see how it turns out, I bet if I asked you if you've lost a family member, friend or relative at least ninety percent of you a hundred will say they have lot someone. My point is no one even thinks about all these sudden accidents and deaths until they happen or it happens to you. You could even get close to any of these tragic things that may or may not happen to us, what I am hoping to get into your mind is that no matter how old you are no matter what people tell you not everything will go the way you planned or hoped, sad isn't it. Well...that's the horrible facts of life for you, if you are listening to this right now and your under the age of fifteen you won't need to worry right now, enjoy all the great times you can get while your a kid because when you get to the teen age sad things are bound to happen to you, friend fall outs, arguments that you can't stand, people talking behind your back, you name it. Please....please don't take this personally though, just because I've said all of this doesn't mean you still have fun, enjoy being alive, go out enjoy the fresh air, hang with friends, do something, anything that you can think of, live, enjoy! I lost my chance to have fun and do all of that stuff, like I was explaining but your not me, have as much fun as you can and don't let this get to you because I didn't say all of this to put you down, I wanted to tell you this to put a positive side and live, do the positive not the negative!

Dear mum and Ruth
I love you so much so
this is so hard
Dear Mum and Ruth,
I am sorry in advance for
this,by morning I will be
gone. It's not that I don't
love you because I do!
It's because I can't take
any of this anymore, I
just want a break from
all of this. I hope you
understand all of this
I will miss you all, bye!

'Hey sweetheart,need a ride?'
'no thanks I'm fine and I'm not your sweetheart'
'that's no way to speak to your boyfriend'
'ahh don't be like that,are you sure you don't need a ride?'
'yes Carter I'm fine now go away and leave me alone!'
'ahh hunny'
'I'm not your hunny Carter go away'
'are you sure because Michael would be fine to give you a ride wouldn't you Michael'
'yep of course'
'well I don't need a ride so go away'
'are you sure because you know we wouldn't mind'
'okay, okay'

'Ruth is that you?'
'who's asking?'
'Lisa, your sister Lisa'
'oh my goodness Lisa! It's been so long!'
we hugged
'I what have you been up to since you left?'
I sighed 'Lisa it's not like that, I didn't want to leave'
'then....why...did you leave'
I sighed 'it's...complicated'
' complicated?'
'to complicated to tell you'
'oh come on Ruth I'm your sister'
I sighed 'its just to...complicated to explain and you wouldn't understand'
I could tell this was getting her annoyed
'oh come on please'
I sighed 'I was sent over here to do a project' I lied
she looked suspicious
'a project...?'
'yep, a secret one'
'and that's hard to explain....'
'yep very'
'okay then...what did you have to do?'
'I can't tell you'
she rolled her eyes
'okay....anyway you left Ruth'
'well....yeah...I told you I had to do a secret mission'
'whatever, Ruth you upset us all'
this annoyed me 'WELL I'M HERE NOW OKAY! So can't we just get over all of this'
she sighed
'okay, come on then'

Chapter One Pilot

I groaned 'what'
'you were making noises again'
she sighed
'Ruth are you okay? This is the third day that you have been doing this'
I sighed, she had a point but I was doing it for a good reason 'yeah I'm okay' she then glanced at Lisa's runaway letter, shoot I forgot that I had that out.
She sighed and picked the letter up
'Ruth give it up Lisa's dead, she died two months ago'
okay now I was angry 'SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER, LILLY, AND SHE'S DEAD, I WILL NEVER GET OVER IT!' she could see my sadness
'yeah your right I'm sorry'
I started crying 'she's dead and it's all my fault'
she looked at me and hugged me to try and cheer me up
'oh hunny its not your fault, she ran away and that cost her her life'
'I know but she had had enough of everything, the letter says that she was annoyed. It's all my fault'
'its not your fault, she was just having troubles, it was not your fault neither was it your family's'
this is why I love my best friend Lilly, she's always there for me, I smiled 'yeah I guess your right' I then remembered her ex Carter 'It's Carter's fault, he annoyed her and broke her heart' I screamed
she sighed 'maybe it is'
'maybe so but why would it cause her to run away?'
she had a point 'I wish she would have just told me about Carter, I bet she had had enough of him and she couldn't stand to look at him again, I bet that's why she ran'
'that's just a guess though, it could be any reason'
'she died Lilly'
'I know that but how does this link to her death, okay maybe to her runaway but not her death'
'I never mentioned how I think she died....'
she sighed
how strange, does she have anything to do with it? 'Lilly how do you know, seems to me like you're trying to keep something from me, do you have anything to do with it?'
'no of course not I loved Lisa, I'm not hiding anything from you'
'really then how come you keep bringing up Lisa's death,' I looked at her shocked face 'how come you keep trying to disagree with why I think she ran away' I knew she had nothing to do with it but I had to check 'are you sure because you should know that you can't keep things from me for long, I'll find out, where were you when she died?'
she laughed
'Ooh look at you going all Nancy Drew on me, I was at your house remember.....'
I laughed, oh yeah 'Oh yeah, you have a point'
she laughed
'yep, oh and Ruth don't ever try to be Nancy Drew again because you can't pull it off save it to the detectives' she joked
'oh ha-ha, I think I make a nice Nancy Drew actually' I joked
'oh yeah yeah lets see what the others think of that tomorrow at school shall we' she joked
I laughed 'and I'll win for definite' I joked
'see that cheered you up, I still think that you suck at being a detective though' she joked
I laughed and threw a pillow at her causing feathers to come out
'pillow fight' she screamed
'bring it on' I then started pelting pillows at her and she did the same. This went on for an hour before our beds were literally swimming in pillow feathers. We were out of breath but we were both laughing 'oh,' I said laughing but out of breath 'I've never had so much fun since Lisa died'
'yeah me to,' she laughed, we then looked at our mess that we had created
'oops look at the mess' she laughed
'oh leave it who cares' I laughed 'I WON' I said still laughing, I was laughing so hard that my chest hurt
'you so did not I did' she laughed
'oh this is so on I won'
she then started throwing the feathers at me
'this is on, winner gets to win the pillow fight' I laughed
'this is on'
with that we started throwing feathers, I was still laughing so much that my chest hurt but I didn't care
'Carer,Carter, Carter made me run'

I jumped and stopped throwing feathers
'Ruth whats the matter?'
'Lilly did you just hear that'
'hear what?'
'Lisa just spoke to me'
she sighed
'Ruth that's impossible she's dead, dead people can't talk'
'Lilly trust me I'm not crazy I heard her, she said 'Carter,Carter, Carter made me run'
she sighed
'again with this Carter thing, Ruth we have no prove on that'
oh I was so going to kill Carter tomorrow, I don't care what Lilly says
'come on Ruth I've just got you happy' she then started throwing feathers at me again, I sighed and continued, this went on for an hour
'oh shoot is that the time already,' she sighed 'I have to go mum's home today and she wants me home'
I sighed 'do you have to?'
'yes, the last three days with you has been fun thank you for saving me from having to go to Cornwall with my Aunt' she then started packing
'your welcome' I then started to help her, finally she had packed
'bye Ruth see you at school tomorrow'
'bye, do you want me to walk you home,' she shook her head 'or... at least to the door?'
she smiled
'no it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow'
'bye' I said while I was waving
oh shoot the room 'NOTHING MUM, I'LL CLEAN IT UP' I shouted back, with that I went to the guest room and started cleaning up feathers. The next day came really quickly, I was half dreading it though because I was so mad at Carter. I had a plan though, I was going to take my anger out on him
'Ruth are you going to get some breakfast before you go?'
I gave that some thought, was I hungry or not? 'no thanks mum I'm not hungry, see ya' to my luck when I had got to school I saw Carter, I then ran up to him 'CARTER'
he looked at me
'she dumped me'
he hesitated
oh now I was annoyed 'WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW'
I got so annoyed that I hit him hard but he hit m harder back, I screamed and started kicking him. Our fight didn't go unnoticed, as soon as I had hit him everyone gathered around us shouting 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT' immediately Lilly ran up to us with our head teacher, Lilly pulled me apart and our head teacher pulled Carter away
'alright whats going on here?'
'their arguing about Lisa'
even if we were now apart I was still in an argumentative mood 'HE MADE MY SISTER RUN TO HER DEATH' I shouted
oh now I was really annoyed 'TAKE THAT BACK' I screamed
this really annoyed me, I struggled in Lisa's hold and got free. I then plunged at Carter
'right that's it I've heard enough! You two will face a detention but a special one'
for some reason my face lit up to what our head teacher said
'not one to smile to Ruth, this one will help you get a long with Carter'
he ignored me
'you two will be locked in a room until you get along, are we clear?'
me and Carter sighed 'ye....s' we moaned
Lilly then held my arm again and followed our head teacher to a room, I looked at Lilly with a death look
'sorry Ruth, I warned you not to go for Carter but you did, so in a way it's your fault'
they then left the room and locked the door
'oh great' I said
'for once I actually agree with you on that one,' he looked at my slight smile and snapped back to the normal Carter that I knew 'LOOK YOU STAY ON THAT HALF AND I'LL STAY ON THE OTHER' he said harshly
so I sat on a chair and stared at the ceiling, I stared at the ceiling for an hour until I heard loud screaming 'what's that?' I panicked
Carter rolled his eyes
'oh chill it's probably nothing'
I wasn't convinced though so I went and peered through the window on the door, this showed me what was going on 'uh Carter it's not nothing, the schools on fire'
'I won't believe that until I see it'
'come here then'
he sighed and walked to the door where I was standing
'move a side' he said pushing me out of the way
'yep your right and its spreading fast' he panicked
'what do we do?' I asked
I sighed, I didn't like it either 'do we want to get out of here or not'
he sighed
'good point, were going to die' he panicked
I felt the same 'oh calm down we won't die' I then tried pushing the window 'the window won't budge'
'were going to die!' he panicked
when I said nothing he knew that I felt the same
'Ruth I have something to tell you before we die'
'I still love your sister'
that made me smile 'then why did you cheat on her with Annabel?'
he sighed 'we got into a fight, I thought she would do the same but it's obvious that she didn't'
I sighed 'what was the argument about?'
'my friends didn't like her and they didn't like that I was going out with her so I made them believe that we had split up'
'and they liked Annabel?'
he sighed
'yeah, things went wrong because they tried to convince me to go out with Anabel. When I was around with Ruth and my friends were around I acted weird, when she tried to talk to me I wouldn't. They then paired me and Annabel up and she flirted like mad and I had no choice but to do the same. Ruth realised and we had a big argument about it, I thought she had dumped me that time.'
this all made sense 'so you then asked Annabel out....'
'yes and Ruth saw us, this time she dumped me for real'
'Carter you do realize that because of that she ran away and died...'
'well when you told me yeah, I know something that you don't know though'
'whats that?'
'that wasn't the only reason, you were hiding something'
I sighed 'that was a year ago, she couldn't still be upset about that'
'she was, she told me that you had disappeared and that she had found you in America two years later, she asked you why and you didn't tell her. You lied and said you were on a secret mission but everyone knows that there are no secret missions in America'
I sighed ' how come she didn't tell me about this?'
'she knew you would never tell her the truth'
I sighed 'hold on I'm going to see how much time we've got before the fire reaches this room' so I then headed to the room and Carter followed, to my fear I saw the people that had probably started the fire 'Carter get down' I said as I was ducking
'just do it!'
so he did
'why did we have to duck?'
'I have to tell you something only I know, when I was twelve I was kidnapped by a group of people, to my shock I found out that they were vampires-'
'but vampires don't exist'
'that's what I thought but when he showed me evidence that they were vampires everything got really real for me, I was kept there for a year until I was able to escape, they nearly killed me.'
he was shocked 'is that why you disappeared?'
I nodded
'where did you live before that?'
'Australia, they took me to America and I had no idea where I was. Still I ran and ran until I was able to hide, I hid there for a year. How I survived, I became a robber and I stole food and water to keep me alive, unfortunately when I was fourteen I was caught though where I was brought to prison. They couldn't keep me there though so they gave me to a family that was willing to look after me, that's where I found Lisa.'
he was speechless
'yep, that's why I couldn't tell Lisa, she would freak out and she was my little sister so I hid it from her'
he was silent for a while
'wait what does this have to do with those men?'
'they're the people who kidnapped me, a few of them anyway. They started the fire in hope to find me, I've been running from them ever since I was able to escape'
'how did they find you?'
'I don't know someone must have told them, we've got to find a way to open that window so I can escape them again.'
'wait so you can run again?'
I nodded 'do you want to come?'
'what about our family?'
'I've been running which means I couldn't care less about them, mean I know but I can't risk them finding me again. Yours in the other hand might be worried but if they find out that you know they might take you'
he sighed 'so I guess I have to come with you then'
'yep, sorry Carter I shouldn't have brought you into this'
he sighed 'it's okay, I didn't really like them anyway and I bet I would've got in deep trouble because of the fight today anyway'
Carter was the last person that I expected to be running with but now I had no choice, I guess I was surprised that he would believe me as well 'so are we going to get out?'
'we could easily just smash the glass'
'yeah...slight problem with that, we'll cut our self and they will hear us' I said
he sighed
'how else are we going to escape?'
he had a point 'good point, smashing the glass it is'
he smiled
'we have to find something hard that will smash the window'
so I went searching for something hard until I ran across a weird metal bar 'how about this'
he just stared at me, I sighed
'we'll how else, it's heavy, hard and metal'
he rolled his eyes
'lets try it then'
so we did and we successfully broke the glass 'Carter wait, we need to smash the whole window'
he sighed and started smashing more
'HAY GUYS SHE'S IN HERE GET HER!' they shouted
'Carter hurry we don't have long!'
they were banging and banging on the door
'Ruth I'll get out first then I'll help you'
'okay but hurry' I screamed
I panicked and tried to jump on the table to get out but I failed 'CARTER I CAN'T' I then realized that I had a skirt on 'OH GREAT CARTER IT'S MY SKIRT!'
so I did and I successfully managed to get on the table but they had managed to get in
'CARTER HELP!' I screamed
by the time that I had said that they had my leg 'CARTER THEY HAVE MY LEG HURRY!'
I was half way out
he climbed back in
'HAY FREAKS LET HER GO!' as he said that he took the pole and started hitting them but it had no affect on them
'GET OUT!' he screamed
so I did but he didn't follow, I knew that they had got him and I cried, I had to run though so I did. He had saved my life and I couldn't just leave him so I ran back in and started searching for him
'CARTER WHERE ARE YOU!' I screamed, the fire was everywhere 'CARTER!' I searched forever 'CARTER!' I screamed and started crying, wow I never thought that I would cry over Carter 'CARTER IF YOU CAN HEAR ME CALL MY NAME!'
'Carter is that you?'
'Ruth I thought I told you to run'
where was Carter 'Carter where are you?'
'ahead of you, about five steps, there's smoke everywhere'
so I headed in the smoke and found Carter 'Carter come on we've got no time, can you walk?'
he nodded
'yeah but I've heart my ankle'
'come on I'll help you' so I went up to him and held his arm and led him out. What made me Wonder is how did he escape them, as soon as we were out I sat him down 'How did you escape them?'
'it wasn't easy they are really strong but then I remembered that I'd red books about vampires and I read that they don't like fire so I pushed them towards the fire until they let me go and then I ran towards the fire and I fell where you found me'
I was speechless 'wow Carter'
'yep, I was surprised myself'
I was still shocked wow he knows a lot about something that he didn't even believe existed a few minutes ago 'weren't you scared that what's in the books about them wasn't going to be true?'
he hesitated 'I was but I had to take the risk'
wow he's brave, the I remembered that he didn't kill them 'come on let's go who knows how long it'll take for them to realize that we escaped'
'good point, so where to?'
I sighed, he's not going to like this 'far away from here, I'm sorry Carter'
he sighed 'it's okay Ruth'
'come on then'
so we headed out of the North of America and into South of America 'so I'm getting pretty tired do you want to stop at the cafe ahead and get something to eat?'
'uh yeah sure'
so we headed to the cafe, I had a piece of cake and a coke and he had a piece of cake and a sprite.
'how are we going to pay for this?'
I sighed 'the lady that took me in gave me money and I stole some as well so we have enough'
'oh fair enough'
after we had eaten I payed for our food and we continued our journey
'so um where are we going exactly?'
'far away from here, I have no map but I'm hoping to lead us south, also I'm following the sea' okay so stupid plan but I had to get out of here. After two long hours of following the sea I decided to stay where we were
'were stopping here' I think he was pretty glad that I had said that because he looked exhausted, I was exhausted as well. 'so this is the hard part, we've got to find somewhere to stay'

Chapter Two Great Escape

'Where are we?'
'I think pretty much bang smack in the middle of the south of America,' I looked at him and he smiled 'why?'
'this is actually something that I'm good at, I have a friend who lives here and he owes me a favor'
I was confused 'so....'
he rolled his eyes
'so I might be able to convince him to let us stay with him'
oh...., now I felt stupid 'oh.....'
then something hit me, we couldn't just go up to his friend and say 'hi we ran away because some vampires who were after my friend Ruth and now we have nowhere to go' that would be just plane stupid, he would think that we've gone mad. 'uh Carter what are we going to say to your friend because we certainly can't tell him the truth, he would think that we've gone mad'
he smiled, Carter smiling, wow that's a first
' good point, that's why I'm going to say that our school caught fire because we left something in the oven for to long during food tech and we don't have school until they can repair the school but that could take a while-'
he's kidding right? 'you're kidding right?'
he smiled
'I'm afraid not'
'your friend will think that were mad plus we'll get in trouble'
'more trouble then were already in?,' he looked at me and my sigh said everything 'and what else do you propose'
he had a point, we would look mad either way 'okay we an go with your plan'
'should I call my friend then?'
I nodded and he called his friend, after a minute he was finished on the phone.
'it's sorted and were going there now'
I smiled 'cool' okay I had to admit that I was glad to have him with me now but what kept coming back to me is he was only nice to me when he thought that he was going to die, I decided to keep this to myself though. It took about an hour for us to walk to his friends house but finally we got there, his house was huge.
'hello Ben this is my friend Ruth,' for some reason he looked at Ben and winked 'you know the girl who I was on about earlier'
I decided to ignore the weird wink to stop arguments, I just smiled
'to busy flirting to notice the oven, tut-tut' he joked
'yeah something like that' I joked
Carter smiled
'she's right me and my girl friend,' girl friend oh he's got to be kidding me, he saw my reaction and laughed again 'Ruth, we where flirting and we sort off lost track on the time'
I choked as a joke ' yeah totally' I joked
Ben smiled
'okay....' he said winking at Carter again, if only I could find out what the wink meant
'we were cooking chocolate chip cookies, shame we burned them, I was looking forward to eating them with my girl friend'
okay I had to admit this made me laugh, this was mean to Lisa though and I had to stop 'our family just couldn't have enough of him, first Lisa now me' I smiled, Carter was a little frustrated that I brought up Lisa but oh well
'yeah I know he was destroyed when he and Lisa broke up especially when he-'
Carter looked at him so he stopped
this made me a bit suspicious 'especially when he...?' I questioned
'nothing it doesn't matter'
this annoyed me ' does, Ben what's going on?'
Carter looked at him and so did I
Ben smiled at Carter apologetically
'sorry Carter I thought she knew, when Lisa ran away Carter found her,' Ben looked at Carter's face suddenly get worried, I noticed this. Then Ben winked at Carter and he didn't look worried anymore, strange.... 'she was sulking on a park bench and so Carter tried to cheer her up but she just shouted at him and ran away, he just let her go because he couldn't face seeing her anymore upset.'
I was confused 'wait...i thought that he cheated on her with Anabel and that's why she dumped him and bladiblah'
'he did but he didn't mean to'
I sighed 'yeah I know he told me' somethings strange about all of this, why was Carter so worried about Ben telling me that and why do they keep winking at each other unless.... No that can't be Ben and Carter are perfectly nice people dare I say it, as much as I hated Carter before I don't think they would be so heartless to kill Lisa. I was just being paranoid that's all
'this is all true but that hasn't put me off loving Ruth'
oh this made me sick, I was no longer in the mood to make jokes about this 'uh Carter I'm tired so I think I'm going to go to bed, Ben can you show me where were sleeping'
Carter looked disappointed in me and I could notice it
'sorry Carter, I guess...I'm just tired from our journey here'
Carter said nothing
Ben then showed me to my room, shock! Only one bed, a double bed, what has Carter been telling Ben, what lies?
'here you go, I originally had a room with two single beds ready for you two but seeing as you and Carter are a couple I figured that you'd like the double bed'
I wasn't comfortable with the thought of having to share a bed with Carter but I just went with it 'uh...yeah...that's fine, thanks Ben'
he didn't look so convinced but he smiled and left, soon I fell asleep but that didn't last long because Carter woke me up when he sat on the bed, I moaned 'oh Carter...'
he tucked himself in
'sorry precious' he joked
I wasn't smiling and he could tell
'what's wrong?'
I sighed 'Carter what does this mean, are we pretending be be a couple now?'
he sighed 'well I was thinking about it,' he saw my frown 'you know to hide our identity's a little bit, if that's...okay with you'
I frowned 'Carter I don't know...that would be weird, even pretending to be going out with my sister's ex'
he smiled
'I know but we can't risk anyone knowing who we are'
I rolled my eyes 'and just pretending to be going out is going to stop people from knowing who we really are...' he had a point though even if people would have no way of recognising us, I'm pretty sure that we will be reported missing soon, then they would recognise us 'Carter you have a point though I'm pretty sure that soon we will be reported missing and that anyone would be more then happy to call up letting our parents know where we are'
he sighed
'yeah I know, we could fake our names as well...'
I sighed 'okay sounds like a good idea'
he smiled
'so um how about your name being Annabel?'
I frowned, Annabel you've got to be kidding me 'Annabel why Annabel?' then something hit me 'if people think that my name is Annabel wouldn't people recognise you'
he sighed
'good point,' he stayed silent for a minute 'how about Sophie'
I smiled 'yeah sounds good,' I then looked at him for a minute 'how about the name Aron for you?'
he smiled
'yeah seems good'
'well then were sorted then, my names Sophie and I'm in a relationship with a boy called Aron, that's you' okay this is going to be a challenge, how am I supposed to pull being in a relationship with Carter off? The next day we filled Ben in with our plan apart from the fake relationship thing.

Chapter Three Plans

Ben was surprising okay with our plan, he was even agreeing to help us. I wasn't sure though 'Carter are you sure this is going to work?'
Ben smiled
'you will be fine,' he then looked at the clock 'come on guys time for your first day of school'
well no turning back now, I sighed 'come on then'
it took about four minutes to walk to school, the school was massive 'wow'
Ben rolled his eyes
'come on, this schools nothing compared to others around here'
I was shocked, oh man I'm so going to get lost here. The school looked nice though, I looked around to take in all of this and I saw millions of people walk past us
'so who are they?'
I jumped and turned around to see a pretty looking girl with brown eyes and long black hair wearing a dress that could be nice enough to wear at a prom holding study books.
'oh hey Tara,' he turned and looked at me and smiled 'this is Sophie,' he then turned to Carter 'this is Arron. Arron is an old friend of mine and I owed him a favor so I let them stay with me'
oh right Sophie how can I forget... 'my boy friend Arron has great friends letting us stay with him at the last minute'
this made Carter smile, Tara smiled to
'so um Ruth what brings you here?'
I almost laughed taking in all of these lies, stay strong Ruth stay strong 'um well it's quite funny, me and Arron were doing food tech at our other school and we forgot and it caught on fire. So we all got told that the school was closed until they can repair the school and that's going to take a long time.'
'my girlfriend was told by her parents to take a break and go on holiday, so she asked me and I agreed, how that got us starting this school, I have no idea.'
wow he was good at sticking with these lies
Tara smiled
'well welcome, this schools great'
I smiled, great huh 'cool, I'm glad that the schools great'
'oh it's great trust me,' she then looked at Ben and Carter 'Ben why don't you show Arron around and I'll show Sophie round and we'll meet at lunch'
Ben smiled
'yeah sounds great'
'okay well um... Sophie do you want to come with me then'
I smiled 'okay'
as soon as we said that she took me into the school and started pointing out places that I should know
'okay the girls toilets are ahead of you on the right if you ever need the toilet,' she then lead me into a massive gym 'this is the gym, this is where we do P.E. Every Monday, Thursday and Friday'
wow that's a lot of times, she then lead me into a classroom with a globe, lodes of tables, a massive smart board and lodes of computers
'this is we do our History every Monday and Tuesday'
wow this room is massive. There were lodes of other classrooms that she showed we in as well as another hall where we eat lunch, three play grounds and best of all, my favorite, a massive swimming pool. So cool! The lessons that we had to go to were a drag and just seemed to go so slowly, finally though we reached lunch time. The hall looked different now, there were really nice dinner tables out with metal tables and cooked warm food in warmed containers out
'the foods over here and were free to pick whatever we want'
'yep you'll get over it eventually though'
will I, this place was like a dream, I could love being at this school. I probably would never get over how big it was though, the dinner hall filled up really quickly and as soon as I could say 'I pick here' all the seats against the walls were taken, wow
'hey guys over here'
I looked around to see Ben and Carter sitting down with two free seats, I smiled 'hey guys,' I then turned to Carter 'did you like your tour around this mansion?'
Carter smiled
'yep, massive isn't it'
I nodded 'with this school were never going to want to go back to our old school when it gets repaired' i was telling the complete truth, I already didn't want to go back. The question is with my situation would I even be able to go back, would it be safe enough?
Carter frowned
'lets...lets not think about that right now' I knew by his voice that he felt the same as I did
'hey Tara there you are where-'he looked at us
'who are they?'
I looked at the boy, he had hazel brown eyes with black hair and he was wearing typical boys clothes, a t-shirt and some long baggy trousers
'Luke...hey,' she blushed a little bit and I noticed that she pushed a strand of her hair behind her ears, after she looked at me and Carter 'this is Sophie and Arron, they are newbies around here, they are staying with Ben'
he looked at me and smiled 'hello, welcome'
I smiled 'hi' Carter nudged me and my smile faded a little 'yes Arron'
'good, I thought I would introduce my GIRLFRIEND Sophie, we've bee going out for about three months now'
oh man why did he do that, if I wasn't mistaken I would say that someones getting jealous, just like that Luke's smile faded as well
'oh...sorry....I didn't realize that you were going out with her'
as soon as he had said that Tara gave me the evils, I think she caught up that he might have a crush on me, I have a feeling Carter did as well. Ben just smiled. The rest of the day went really slowly so I was glad when the day was over
'Luke fancies you, you know' he said when we were home and when Carter was sorting stuff out in our room
I smiled 'how can you tell?'
'he never talks to people other then me and Tara,i can tell he has feeling for you.'
I smiled 'but what about Tara, she fancies him'
'yeah but he only considers her as a friend'
I then realised that I shouldn't be smiling because I'm supposed to be going out with Carter
'you should give it a try and ask him out'
what was he on about? I thought that he thought that I was going out with Carter
'I'm going out with Carter though'
he sighed
'but are you, you know you can tell me if your not'
oh no he's catching on more then he should know, that's a problem 'what...are you talking about, I love him' I tried my best to make it seem upset but as well shocked
'Ruth what's going on? Don't worry I'm not angry I'm just curious'
I sighed, oh poo he's found out more
'you and carter aren't a couple are you'
I sighed and shook my head ' how did you know?'
'its simple every time you said that he was your boyfriend and when he said that you were his girlfriend your facial expression changed a little and you didn't look happy with hearing or talking about that. Plus I know Carter and he would never burn anything. What really happened?'
I sighed, he's going to kill me for this 'someone who is after me set our school a light and we ended up escaping out of the window and then we ran here. It shocked me when carter told you that I was his girlfriend because I hated him before all of this so...'
'yeah I understand, why didn't you just tell me all of this though?'
I sighed 'I don't know, I guess I just thought that I would be a bad idea if you will keep our secret though right?'
he smiled
'of course I will, I kept the fact that your name isn't really Sophie didn't I?'
he had a point 'oh good point'
'hey sweetie sorry I was just sorting some stuff out, I'm here now though,' he looked at me and Ben standing next to each other trying not to laugh'
'what's so funny'
okay now I couldn't keep it in anymore and me and Ben started laughing
'what's so funny'
we then started laughing even harder 'ah sweetie....' I joked and then we both started laughing again
'what so funny' I could tell now he was starting to get annoyed but I couldn't help it
'right...I'll leave you two cuties alone shall I' he joked, with that he left. I laughed again
I laughed again 'um sweetie' I joked 'Ben knows'
'he what!'
okay what have I done, it was still funny though 'calm down sweetheart' this time I didn't laugh, the joke was over 'I'm sorry Carter'
'how does he know?'
I sighed 'he saw in my face expressions, he also knows how the fire really started, I'm sorry'
'I couldn't keep it from him, he knows you to well'
a sudden grin made it self onto his face
'I say that we get or own back on him'
I was confused 'I was involved in the laughter thing though'
he rolled his eyes
'not that, because he found out'
you know that was actually quite a good idea 'good idea, how?'
'well...,' he then looked around 'were is Ben?'
that's actually quite a good point 'um he said something about having to do a job for a friend, I think were safe'
he sighed in relief
'my plan is to pretend that me can't stand each other'
I smiled, that was actually quite a good idea 'you might have just come up with a brilliant idea for once'
'oh I know, wait what do you mean for once?'
I laughed 'I was joking, its a good idea'
I smiled
it took a while to take it in but I went with it YEAH YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL, IT'S BETTER THEN SEEING YOUR FACE. OH AND DON'T BOTHER TALKING TOME TOMORROW' I screamed and slammed the door, I couldn't help but giggle inside me though, I then opened the door again and winked at Carter and then ran to my room

Chapter Four Friends

today would be great fun, I would just have to try not to laugh because if I did it would give it all away 'Ben can we go already I can't stand waiting with that jerk'
Ben raised his eyebrow
'what happened between you two'
oh no we didn't have a reason, shoot
'I would prefer if I told you and not that big jerk and I'm not in the position to tell you right now, give me at least a day'
smart, why didn't I come up with something like that
Ben rolled his eyes
'as much as I hate to say it he's telling the truth, he is in no position to tell you and neither am I'
with that he took us to school, a silent journey though because none of us spoke
I jumped and looked around to see Luke looking at me 'uh hi Luke sorry I was just a bit distracted'
he laughed
'yeah I can see that are you okay?'
'uh yeah... I'm just not talking to Arron right now and I think that I've got Ben angry at me now as well'
he sighed 'oh deer'
I frowned 'yeah, the last think that I want is to see them right now'
he smiled, that confused me 'what's the smile for'
'you not wanting to see Ben and Arron means more time that I can spend with you'
I wasn't sure if I should be happy or sad about that 'where is Tara?'
he frowned 'oh...uh...i haven't seen her since we got in to school, we saw Arron run one way, you run the other and Ben run to the other. This is how I figured that you were annoyed, she may have run to see if Arron or Ben was okay but that doesn't matter'
how strange, he was hiding something but I wasn't sure what yet, ugh I hate being left in the dark. 'doesn't it?'
'nope, Tara is either with Arron or Ben I think she'll be fine'
'that's not what I meant, she loves you Luke'
'yeah...i don't though, there's a difference'
I tried not to smile, why didn't this bother me?
'hay Sophie I know what will cheer you up'
I bet he didn't 'oh and whats that'
'ah that's a surprise follow me and the surprise will be revealed'
a surprise huh how interesting 'a surprise huh?'
'yep, are you going to come with me?'
I nodded, whatever surprise he had planned I waned to find it out. To my surprise as well as shock he led us into a hall that I've never even been in 'uh Luke where are we?'
he smiled
'the hall that they use for discos, it's off limits until a disco is being held. No one knows about this place'
'wait how do you know then?'
he smiled 'my big sister holds the discos here'
how cool 'so...why are we here?'
he smiled 'there is an invitation only disco that is being held by my sister tonight and I want you to come'
'I have no invite though'
he smiled 'my sister is the person who's running the disco remember'
I finally got what he was trying to say 'oh,Oh no, No how am I going to-.... what am I going to say to Ben it's an invitation party only...'
'Sophie calm down you make it seem like a crime or something that your going to die for, chill, my sister allows me to take one person every time, that person is you'
uh-oh what about Tara, she's going to kill me, that's if I decide to go though 'what about Tara though?'
he smiled 'like I said before, I have no feelings for her, you know in a relationship way, Tara went last time, this is the time for her to step down'
I smiled to that, why did I smile to that
'oh come on it'll be fun and it will cheer you up, I promise
I smiled 'okay...but what am I going to tell Ben and Arron?'
'you say that Ben is angry at you, there's your plan just leave'
'I said he MAY be angry I didn't say he was'
'how hard is it just to leave'
I sighed 'quite hard seeing as they like to know where I go after school'
he thought for a while
'tell them that you've volunteered to help at the disco seeing as they are angry at you'
wow he comes up with good ideas 'sounds cool' oh Carter's going to kill me because of this 'yeah sure I'll be there'
he smiled
'great I'll meet you by the school doors at six'
'okay, I'll see you at lunch as well' the whole day went slowly as usual, even lunch seemed like a drag, it didn't seem as cheerful as normal, I'm glad that I'm home.
'How was your day' he whispered
'a drag, yours?' I whispered back
'same, Tara is really annoying you know that, she was on about going to some disco with Luke tonight all day'
I frowned at that, Tara is going to kill me 'um Carter, don't hate me for what I am about to say, do you promise?'
he raised his eyebrows
'depends what it is'
turns out Luke isn't a giver upper, you know that disco, it's an invitation disco only and instead of inviting Tara he's invited me'
he looked at shocked at I had looked when he invited me
'wow' that was all he said
'yeah Tara is so going to hate me after this'
'yep she will be, she loves Luke that would be a recipe for disaster, you didn't accept did you?'
I frowned 'I accepted, I'm so sorry'
'it's not me that you should be saying sorry to'
he had a point 'good point, if she can still look at me I'll tell her that I'm sorry' I then remembered Ben 'is Ben angry at me?'
'kind off but he's angry at me to, turns out he hates being kept in the dark'
'doesn't everyone'
'yeah pretty much'
I sighed, I knew he would reply that answer because it was obvious, what he didn't know though is that I knew that he was keeping me in the dark and I didn't like it.

Chapter Five Surprises

took a deep breath, it was time, time to meet Luke to go into this disco. I quickly put on my best dress with my best high heels and headed for the door 'I'm off to meet Luke, like you'd care but bye' with that I walked out of the house and to the school. 'hi Luke'
'hi Sophie,' he looked at my dress 'you look-'
I smiled 'horrible I know, I don't have nice dresses like Tara'
he smiled back
'not what I was going to say but...'
shoot what was he going to say 'what were you going to say?'
he smiled
'I was going to say that you look pretty tonight, it doesn't matter what you have or haven't got I fell in love with this girl not a Tara look-alike girl'
did he just say what I thought he just said? I blushed 'you love me?'
'yes, do you love me?'
I smiled but the remembered Carter oh shoot, to late though and kissed me. I had to do something to protect our secret though so I pulled away
'Luke stop I'm going out with Arron'
he sighed
'yeah but your angry at him and he is angry at you
'that doesn't mean that you can kiss me'
he sighed and then grabbed my hand
'come on then they will be wondering where we are'
I nodded and he led me into the disco
'hello Luke'
'hi Rachel'
she then focused her attention to me
'and this is?'
he looked at me and smiled
she smiled
'I haven't seen you around here before are you new?'
I smiled back 'yeah, my old school caught on fire so while they do the repairs that could take ages I decided to come up here'
'well come on in'
so Luke lead me in, the whole hall was transferred into a glittery room with chairs and drinks everywhere, plus music playing with about ten disco balls attached to the roof and walls were spinning.
'so do you want to dance?'
okay this is where I embarrassed 'I can't dance'
'everyone can dance if they try'
I laughed 'no I'm telling you now I can't dance'
'sure you can come on'
I smiled 'okay but I warn you I can't dance'
'oh come on' he said pulling me onto the dance floor, I remembered before though and I felt bad 'Luke I'm sorry'
he looked at me
'for what'
' know the kiss thing, I shouldn't have pulled away I'm sorry
he smiled
'it doesn't matter your a really nice girl, Arron is a very lucky man,' he looked at me and smiled 'come on I'll teach you a few steps just follow me'
he then spun me around and spun me back
he smiled
'I warn you about the next move, close your eyes'
I was confused 'why'
'you'll see'
he then lifted me up and threw me into the air and caught me again, I was breathless 'wow'
'I warned you to close your eyes'
he was right but what got me was how he was able to throw me so high into the air and catch me again, I decided to keep it to myself though. The disco was so fun that it went really quickly 'wow that was fun'
'yep I told you it was'
It went so fast and I didn't want it to end 'well I suppose I'd better go then, see you tomorrow'
'wait! Who said that it was over'
I raised an eyebrow 'everyone and Rachel, everyone's left and Rachel is clearing up'
he smiled 'the night's not over, I have yet another surprise for you'
I raised my eyebrow 'what other surprise?'
'ah that's a surprise, if you knew it wouldn't be a surprise now would it. Close your eyes and I'll lead you to the next surprise but don't open your eyes until I tell you to'
I rolled my eyes 'okay' I mean what harm can it do? So I let him lead me to my next surprise
'you can open them now'
so I opened my eyes and to my surprise I found myself in the swimming pool room 'uh Luke what are we doing here?'
he smiled 'this is your next surprise'
wow, does he actually expect me to jump in, I've got my best dress on 'oh no No way. I've got no swimming costume on'
'oh come on'
'no no No!'
he laughed then ran up to me grabbed my arm and jumped in with me 'NO...!' as he pulled me into the pool 'I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR THAT I SCREAMED'
he laughed
'now how are you going to do that' he joked
I smiled 'oh only by drowning you' I joked
he laughed 'you'll have to catch me first'
I laughed 'your on' he then swam away, his swimming was again surprisingly fast. He then swam under water 'hay that's unfair I shouted, I also laughed though. Suddenly I felt a grip on my leg pulling me under, I was scared at first but I knew the only person that it could be, Luke. So I went under and hit him causing him to swim up with me, when we were up above water I laughed
'I think I've proved that if anyone is to kill anyone it will be me killing them, in this case it would be me killing you not the other way around' he joked
I laughed 'hay that's unfair especially as you are abnormally fast' I joked
'I know, I was just making my point' he joked
I smiled, I meant what I said about him being abnormally fast, that was the strange part about him. We stayed in the pool for about another hour and then we got out, the problem was that I was dripping wet and they would wonder 'um Luke what are we going to do about our dripping wet clothes?'
he smiled 'my house is just down the road, we can go there to get some dry clothes on'
going to his house was the last thing that I wanted but I couldn't go back dripping wet 'okay'

Chapter Six 'Boys these days'

Luke's house was so nice, was everyone who lived round here really rich...he had a massive living room with a wide screen TV that was literally the same size as his whole living room wall that it was hanging on. The settee was amazing as well, you could literally sink into the soft warm settee, I could stay sitting there forever, I then snapped back out of my head and looked at Luke 'thanks for the spare clothes Luke,' I then looked around the living room 'your house is amazing Luke' I said in amazement
he smiled
'I know' he joked
I then remembered his room that I had just been in, he had a massive king sized heated water bead that was so... comfy with a massive stereo with massive speakers and lodes more 'your room is amazing to'
he smiled
'I know' he joked again
I smiled 'wow you guys around here are so.... rich' I said In amazement
he smiled
'yep were rich and our houses will blow your mind but your more amazing, this place just wasn't as interesting before you came, I had to make do with Tara'
this made me frown, as much as I enjoyed him trying to flirt with him Tara was a great girl and I was supposed to be going out with Carer and he knew that, he noticed my frown
' okay.....Sophie...' he said waving at my face
this made me smile, I was kind of in my own world 'what's wrong with Tara?' I asked, okay I had to admit she was annoying but she was still a great girl
'she's so...annoying'
I tried not to smile 'she's just trying to be nice to you and plus she loves you'
'and I love you'
I frowned 'Luke....I....I...I'm going out with Arron and you know that'
he shuffled towards me a bit further
'oh yeah....lets see how this makes you feel then'
he then leaned towards me and kissed me, to my surprise I found myself kissing him back, NO! RUTH FOCUS! I then pulled away 'Luke STOP!' I screamed
he just looked at me
'Luke I'm going out with Arron, this is wrong'
he frowned
'oh come on admit it, I'm a better kisser then him'
okay now I was annoyed 'how would you know Luke, you've never kissed Arron and if you have then I'm pretty worried about you' I shouted, okay a bit harsh but he deserved to hear it
'I know I am a better kisser then him, I haven't kissed him but I know because I deserve to be your boyfriend and not.....Arron'
okay this annoyed me 'Luke please don't ruin the friendship we have because of this please, at least act your age and accept the fact that I love Arron' I shouted
'oh really you can't say that Sophie because I saw the way you reacted in the disco and when we went swimming, oh and when I kissed you TWICE, you love me Sophie, your just to chicken to admit it'
Ooh this annoyed me so... much, he was flirting with me in the pool and when we were dancing, okay I may have flirted back a little when we were swimming BUT STILL! 'Luke I thought you had got over that before swimming, I really respected you for that' I said
he smiled a little but it faded quickly 'how stupid are you girl, I wasn't okay with you and Arron, if I was I wouldn't have flirted with you or kissed you again, now would I'
I had, had enough, I felt like I was going to cry, I didn't love Carter so I didn't know why this was bothering me, what was bothering me though was Luke's attitude, I really felt like crying but I couldn't let him see me cry 'Luke I'm leaving'
I didn't say anything to that, I just ran off and ran home. When I got home I found Ben, Arron and Tara laughing with another lady, who was the lady? I really wasn't in the mood to talk though and I didn't want them to see me like this, then something hit me. They were angry at me, well apart from Carter, they still would want to know what upset me though. I had to leave this room but how? Maybe if I tiptoed upstairs thy wouldn't notice, as I was thinking about this I was tiptoeing
'Hey Sophie over here'
I sighed, they had heard me 'oh your talking to me now are you' I said in my bad mood
they just stared at me
'Sophie calm down, I am not angry at you anymore, neither is Ca...,' oh no he almost said his real name, I gave Ben a killer stair hoping that Tara wouldn't see 'neither is Arron'
oh man that was close
'I can't stay angry at you forever, presides I bet you don't even remember why we got angry, cause I can't'
I smiled at Carter, then gave it a bit of thought, why was I angry at Carter.....? What started our arguments......? oh right I remember there was no true reason because we were pretending to be angry, to be honest though I couldn't even remember our fake reason 'yeah....your right I can't remember'
Carter smiled at me and I smiled back
'their not angry at you but I am'
I frowned at Tara 'why?'
'you went to the disco with him....he chose you

....I can't believe

over me!

I love him, I give him all my love and then you come in with your perfectly innocent face and he chooses you' she said in an angry tone
oh man, I didn't love him. I knew something like this would happen, I should have said no in the first place, oh man. They all stared at me, oh man they looked angry
'you what!' Ben gasped
Carter just looked at me, why was he angry, he knew I was going with Luke, he was there when I made the decision.
'What disco Tara' Ben asked not even looking at me
'Luke has a disco every.....Oh I don't know, once a month with someone he cares about the most, it's a invitation disco only that gets held by his sister. He has a massive surprise after, he takes the chosen person swimming and then it depends what happens from there, AND HE CHOSE HER, SOPHIE!' she screamed
oh no this all hit me, she said it depends on what happens next, he took me to his house. Gasp he was going to ask me to stay for the night, oh man what have I got myself into now. They all stared at me
'you lied to me to go to a disco' after Ben had said that he just stared at me

, talking about that he normally bring you back after all of that but you...came back alone' Tara said with a slight evil smile on her face that for some reason no one else seemed to spot
I stared at Carter for some back up, none. I couldn't believe that
'why Sophie, why cheat on Arron like that! Isn't Arron enough' Ben shouted
they then stared at Carter
'I'm shocked at you Sophie, I thought we were on the same page but no, you go flirting with another man, worse Tara's boyfriend'
okay now I was upset, I looked at them all and ran off upstairs into my room and burst into tears on the bed. Three hours went past with me being alone in my room until Carter came up, I couldn't even look at him right now, he noticed this. 'Carter how could you betray me like that! You knew where I went and you chose to go against me' I shouted
'Ruth I -'
'you what Carter!' I screamed
'Ruth I'm sorry, their right though'
'Ruth you still should have told Ben'
I couldn't believe what I was hearing 'you told me to go with it Carter!'
I couldn't take anymore of this, I grabbed my stuff and went into another room. I was so upset, no one would talk to me now, I knew Carter was no good, I HATE HIM! I screamed in my head
'Ruth don't blame your self for this, it wasn't your fault, but at the same time you shouldn't be angry at them'

this is just what I needed I was upset and I was hearing things again, great, I decided to respond though 'who are you?'
'Ruth that is obvious, I'm your sister Lisa'

I remembered back to when I was with Lilly "my sister is dead and dead people can't talk"
'I am Lisa Ruth'

I so wasn't in the mood for this 'oh yeah prove it' I challenged. I half still believed that it was Lisa but at the same time I still remember Lilly's words 'Ruth your sister is dead, dead people don't talk'
'I know that mum died in a car crash and I know that your not with the women we now call mum, Vicky.'

I gulped, this still didn't prove enough though 'this still doesn't prove that your Lisa, tell me some information about her, facts that only I know'
'oh what you mean stuff about me that's easy, I still can't swim, our sister Carmen died when she was five because of cancer....and that's about all'

sadly all of this information was true, she couldn't swim and when I found out she made me swear that I wouldn't tell anyone and our mum did die in a car crash. She was our birth mum and she died in a car crash, Carmen was our little sister and sadly she died of cancer when she was five and we didn't realize before it was to late to start trying to find a cure. This almost made me cry thinking about Carmen, I swore to myself that I would never mention her name again. I am not with Vicky either, Vicky was the nice lady that nicely took me in at the age of fourteen. I had got arrested because I was stealing food and water to survive, I couldn't stay though because I was to young so they handed me to Vicky. I was surprised that she would want to take me in because why would she want a thief in her house, this is why she's nice. Lisa, my sister also turned up and Vicky let her stay with us as well, she made us feel very welcome. 'so it is you'
'yes I'm Lisa, the real Lisa.'

wow I could not believe it, how can she be talking to me? A million questions was racing threw my mind 'How are we talking to each other?'
'it's actually quite complicated, I can see you but you can't see me, I can see everything that's going on in your life no matter where you are. Confused? Don't worry I was as well, I don't actually know the full details yet either but I think it's because you can't stop thinking about me and I can't stop thinking about you. Oh and Ruth your going through a dangerous path right now, trusting Carter what's this all about?'

I smiled, if she could see everything that's going on then doesn't she know? 'aren't you supposed to know why?'
'oh I know why but I want to hear from you, I've seen it all and to be honest I'm shocked Ruth'

I sighed, she knows everything now shoot. 'oh um...there was a big fire at school,' I sighed she knew all of my secrets now so there was no point trying to hide them 'because the people that are after me found where I was and they set the school alight to catch me again, it just so turned out that me and Carter were locked in a room together-'
'why were you locked in a room together?'

okay Lisa's questions were starting to get on my nerves now 'Lisa again with the questions that you already know' I said in an annoyed tone
'I'm asking you these questions for a good reason Ruth, you ran off and kept all of this from me, from all of us. If you had just told me about what happened I might have been able to help you'

okay this really annoyed me 'so your asking me this for some sort of revenge, because I didn't tell you...' I screamed
'shh keep it down Ruth,their downstairs remember'

'you kept all of this from us Ruth, that's the most annoying thing' she replied in the same tone of voice

'oh yeah and your dead! How do you think that makes me feel Lisa, HUH!' I screamed
she didn't reply to that and it made me angry
'you know what Lisa I'm fed up of people judging how I chose to run my life, your just the same! GO AWAY' I screamed as well as crying
'Ruth I-'

'GO!' I screamed again
I heard a girl crying, I could only guess that it was Lisa. She felt the same as me but I didn't care, I made a quick decision to leave her, leave carter, leave everyone. So I quickly packed my stuff and ran out of the door, they looked at me but didn't do anything and that made me cry even more. It was late and it was poring down with rain but I didn't care. I had to get out of there

Chapter Seven Dreams

it was early in the morning, where was I? I felt strange. The whole place was in wrecks, there was no one there, the buildings were destroyed and the left result was a roofless thin house. The trees were in stumps, it was about one o'clock in the afternoon, where was everyone. The whole place made me scared just looking at it, a scared women passed swiftly to one house to another. Why were they so scared? Who were they hiding from? I tried to get a woman's attention but she didn't seem to see me, why couldn't she see me? I followed her into a house, they were in clothes that looked like what very poor homeless people wore. I was really scared, I then caught sight of someone that looked like Vicky. She was just as scared as the others, she couldn't be Vicky could she? If she was Vicky then that would mean that I'm home, where I started, but how? This couldn't be home, home doesn't look like this! A man appeared in front of her and dragged her
'where's Ruth!'
'I don't know, I told you before!'
shoot so she was Vicky, that meant that this was home, they were still looking for me. The whole place made me cry, they had wrecked home because of me! They were looking for me
'we won't ask again where is she!'
'I told you I don't know where she is, no one does!' she cried
'Liars! She ran off and you know where she is, your just hiding it from us'
I was right in front of her, why couldn't they see me?
'NO I swear I don't know where she is, I don't even know you!'

The cold bitter rain hit my head making me cold, I woke up. What had just happened, I had a bad dream, a scary dream. The dream all seemed so real, they were searching for me and because of the the whole village was suffering. I was scared just thinking of that
suddenly I felt someone tap my shoulder, I jumped
'are you okay miss?'
I turned around to see a boy that looked no older than me
'oh...uh...yeah...yeah I'm fine' I lied
he looked worried
'really because that's not what it looks like?'
I started to get worried 'w...what does it look like?'
he smiled
'it looks like your wet and cold and worried, what is really bothering you?'
wow he was smart 'I told you I'm okay, I'm wet because I've been out for ages that's all'
he looked at me 'it's raining and you don't even have a coat,' he then glanced at my bags 'and you seem to have a lot of bags as well'
shoot I forgot about my bags 'I....uh.....' I couldn't think of a back up, why couldn't I think of a back up
he smiled
'don't worry you can trust me, tell me what's really bothering you'
I sighed 'I was staying with my friends friend for a while and things went wrong' I couldn't tell him everything because he would think that I'm nuts
'what things?'
'I fell in love with a boy and another girl loved him but he didn't love her, he loved me. You know the drill' I said
he smiled 'and it went over board?'
wow he was smart 'uh...yeah....he took me for a date and tried to kiss me, I wouldn't let him because of the other girl and the girl found out that we were on a date and my friend friend and my friend found out and they got angry.'
he smiled
'wow seems-'
I smiled 'complicated?'
he smiled back
'yeah, looks like your in a pickle, is that why your out here in the rain with bags and no coat?'
'yeah, I sort of ran off'
'well how about I take you to my house and we get you all dry and cleaned up and we can talk about it a bit more'
wow who ever he was, he was nice 'yeah....yeah okay' so I went and got my bags
'how about I carry one of your bags for you?'
I smiled 'okay' he then lead me to his house. Surprise surprise his house was massive just like everyone's house around here 'is there even a house around here that isn't mansion like' I joked but put it in a question as well
'nope, they are all massive, you like?'
I smiled 'I like'
'well my sister is out so why don't I lend you some of my sister's clothes, I'm sure she won't mind'
I smiled 'oh um..are you sure she won't mind?'
'yeah don't worry she's got lodes of clothes'
I was happy with him lending me his sister's clothes as long as he was right that his sister won't mind 'okay...if your sure that she won't mind'
his sister's room was massive, she had a wide screen TV, a king sized bed and gasp, a walking wardrobe. He was right about her clothes, she definitely had a lot of clothes 'wow' I said to myself.
He passed me a nice purple flowery dress that again looked like a prom dress
'you can wear this dress, she won't mind'
I just looked at it 'are you sure, it''
he smiled 'yeah don't worry she's got lodes of dresses like this and she hardly wares it'
I just stared at it, wow it was so nice
he smiled 'I'll leave you to get changed, my room is the second door to the right, I'll see you in my room'
he then left
I couldn't help staring at the dress, it was so nice. I couldn't keep staring at the dress though so I quickly put it on, the dress felt so soft, like silk. I loved every second of wearing the dress, I had other things on my mind then going to his room. His sister's room was so nice, I glanced at a whole shelf full of beautiful high-heels. I could only imagine wearing a pair of high-heels.
'there you are'
I jumped at his voice ' made me jump'
he smiled
'her room is really nice isn't it'
I was speechless, all I could do was nod my head
'my sister will be back soon so why don't I show you my room'
I smiled 'okay' so he lead me into his room. His room was just as nice, he had a king sized bed, a wide screen TV and, I've never heard of this but he had a blind with a remote control. The remote control controls the blind, you press a button and it opens, suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a load scream
Sam was that his name?
'YES SHARLENE' okay apparently it was
'YES' wow he was brave, in a blink of an eye I saw Sharlene standing by his room
'you what!'
she then glanced at me
'who's she?'
he looked at me, I then remembered that he didn't know my name
'Sophie, my name is Sophie'
she smiled and then glanced at her dress that I was wearing
'she was in the streets all wet so I took her home to get her some dry clothes'
thew I was getting worried, I'm glad that Sam stuck up for me
she smiled
'hello Sophie,my names Sharlene and by the looks of your face you didn't know Sam's name so this is Sam'
I smiled 'Hi Sam'
'hi Sophie'
she smiled
'so tell me about yourself Sophie'
I sighed, I knew this was coming 'um...-'
Sam sighed
'she was like this when I met her'
'it's okay Sophie, we won't do anything, we just want to know a bit more about you'
I sighed, I guess they are right 'my name is Sophie,'i paused, do I want to tell them the truth. I made a snap decision not to tell them the complete truth 'I'm a single child and I live with my mum Vicky, my school caught on fire because I wasn't paying attention while I was cooking in food tech and the repairs could be a long time so my parents sent me here to take a break while they do the repairs. I lived with my friends friend but things went wrong-'
'she loved this boy and another girl loved him but the boy didn't love the other boy, he loved her. She went on a date with him and he tried to kiss her but she wouldn't let him because of the other girl. She found out that they went on a date and so did her friend and her friends friend and they were angry so she left.'
okay his interrupting was getting on my nerves, he was right though.
I nodded 'it's very complicated'
she smiled
'its not that complicated, so your homeless?'
I nodded
she smiled again 'do you want to stay here'
that sounded like a good idea, I was about to say yes but I then remembered about my dream ' thanks I have somewhere that I have to be'
she looked surprised
'oh okay'
I nodded 'yeah, my mum needs me so I need to go and see her'
'Ruth no'

as much as she annoyed me, I wanted to ask why. I couldn't ask in front of them though, I had to go somewhere private 'uh...can you show me where the loo is?'
she smiled
'yeah sure'
she then showed me where the loo was 'thanks'
she then left, I wasn't so sure though so I waited for a minute 'why not?'
'your dream is true, it's a trap'

I wasn't sure if I should believe her
'believe me Ruth, they know that if they did something like that, that you would go running to save her'

this annoyed me a little 'it was just a dream'
'oh yeah then how come your going back?'

that was actually quite a good question, why was I? 'it was a dream'
'wrong, it was a vision, you had the dream that was actually a vision'

I was a bit suspicious, what did she know? 'oh yeah then how does that explain me wanting to see mum?'
I could hear her sigh
'you tell me'

I sighed 'I don't know, something felt real about the dream, it wanted me to go and see if the dream was real'
'Ruth that's what they want you to do, you'll fall straight into their trap'

'if it was a vision then my dream was true and mum is in danger, I must go and save her'
'that will put you in danger I won't allow that, some visions are fake, in this case it must be.'

this annoyed me 'I don't care, the vision might be true so I have to go and save her!'
'no, I won't let you'

this really annoyed me 'and how are you going to stop me, your dead!'
I could hear her sigh
'ha! You can't do anything, I'm going!' I didn't wait for her to respond, I just ran back to where Sam and Sharlene 'I am so sorry but I have to go'
they looked at me
'what now? Right now?' she said
'yes, I'm so sorry, thanks for everything, both of you,' I then looked at the dress 'oh um...the dress....'
she smiled
'it's okay keep it, consider it as a present from both of us'
I smiled, wow they were nice 'thank you!' I then smiled and waved at them for the last time and collected my bags and left. It took me longer to get back this time but I still got back, to my surprise my dream was exactly right. The trees were like shrubs and the houses were in shreds, I walked for a bit shocked of what I saw until I was pulled into a house
'are you insane! You can't just o walking outside, they will catch you!' she shouted
she then glanced at my dress and sighed
'you must be new here'
I nodded 'yeah sort off'
'the people that will catch you if they see you outside are very mean, very strong men'
I sighed 'who are they?'
'they are after a girl that no one has heard off and they will continue destroying and treating us badly until they find her'
oh shoot they are after me, I couldn't tell them though 'what's her name?'
'I...think....her name is Ruth but none of us are sure'
be strong Ruth, be strong 'why are they after her?'
'no one knows, I think I've heard rumours that she ran away from them when they had so nicely given her a home and now they are searching for her to get I say I'm not sure'
that was a whole bunch of lies! I couldn't believe them, they didn't nicely give me a home at all! They kidnapped me! 'wow she must be an important girl'
'yep I'll say'
'do you think that she'll ever come here?'
she sighed 'well she would have to be thick or either really dumb to come to the people that are after her, I doubt she will come though'
I took a while to take this all in 'do you want them to find her'
she sighed 'yes, everyone does, we just want to be free again'
oh wow, the whole village was affected because of me
'so what's your name?'
'my name is Sophie, I came here because I flew here for a holiday, I can see that won't happen now though.'
'I would say get out of here while you can but that's impossible, I'm surprised you got in. they are patrolling the whole village. No one gets in, no one gets out'
oh shoot 'is her mother here?'
'she was but they took her somewhere, no one knows where. Good thing if you ask me, she should have just told them where she went'
okay that made me a bit angry but I had to keep it it 'so you think her mum knew where she ran off to..?'
'yeah I mean why wouldn't she, she's her mum'
yeah I suppose I should have told her but I didn't 'so um do you guys know what that girl looks like?'
she sighed 'yes we've been ordered to hand her over if we see her so yes we know what she looks like'
oh shoot, they'll recognise me and hand me over
'hey so what did you say your name was again?'
' name is Sophie....I said my name was Sophie'
'hey you look familiar somewhere, Lindsey who is she?'
'her name is Sophie'
'uh...yeah I came here for a holiday but...I can see that, that's not going to happen'
she stared at me for a while and it made me a bit intimidated
'oh uh...sorry I know you from somewhere and I don't know where from'
'oh hey you found the girl'
oh shoot, TARA! 'Tara?'
'oh hey boy stealer, what are you guys dumb! Why didn't you hand her in'
they all looked at me again, wait how did she find out my real name 'Tara, did you find out who I am?'
'easy, you may have fooled everyone else but I knew exactly who you were'
okay now I was annoyed 'which brings me to the question why were you there?'
she gave me an evil smile 'I was visiting my mum, I live here. My dad is one of the men that has been looking for you and he will be happy if I handed you to him'
I stepped back 'Tara no' I pleaded
'Sophie is this true?'
I sighed 'yes'
'yes Lindsey she's Ruth, the one that everyone's after. You were just to stupid to know that'
this must have annoyed them because when Tara headed towards me they backed me up by standing in front of me
'NO! She's nothing like what we were told she was like'
Tara stepped closer
'no she's worse, now step a side!'
'no I agree with Lindsey, she's not like we were told she was like. She's a lot better'
I smiled, they were brave
'okay if you guys won't step a side then I'll just have to bring him to you, DAD!'
oh no now I was in trouble 'guys run!'
'no I'm not leaving you!'
'yea were not leaving'
I freaked out, they were going to catch us all, I then remembered Carter and the fire 'guys trust me this isn't the first time that this has happened I'll be fine, GO'
they stared at me
one of the men came rushing to the door
I remembered how fast they were before, I had to get them out and fast 'GUYS I'LL EXPLAIN LATER, GO!' I screamed
they looked at me and then the man, I made the mistake by looking and he was literally one second away from us 'GUYS GO!'
they looked at me and then ran, he only went for me so they escaped....

Chapter Eight Actions

having someone faster then you chasing you, searching for you isn't the funnest thing ever, It sucks. Have you ever seen a film where a bad guy is chasing the good guy? Of course you have, but who wins? It's always the good guy isn't it? The good guy always wins. That's obvious though because if the bad guy wins then the film would be over or it would be ruined, well that's my opinion. In a film someone would fall of a roof and still be fine, in a film they would...I don't know fall a great fall and still be fine, all sorts of stuff like that. That's the fake world, unfortunately in the real world it's not like that, the bad guy normally wins. I unfortunately am in the real world so you can just guess how my chase ended up, yep you heard it. The people who were after me since I was little has now won and got me, it's not that bad I guess because my mum is with me.
'I'm sorry mum'
she sighed
'it's okay, I wish you had told me about all of this though'
I sighed 'yeah I know, I'm sorry, If I had told you where I was going you wouldn't be in this situation, the village wouldn't be in this situation'
she half smiled 'it just seems like yesterday that I found you when you were fourteen and I found you at the police station so I was willing to give you a new home, where did that time all go?'
she had a point, time had flown past since then, a question then went into my head 'that brings me to the question, why were you willing to take me in? Out of all the girls you picked me, a criminal. Why would you choose to have a criminal in your house?' I felt bad for asking but I had to ask
she sighed
'well I didn't and still don't see you as a criminal so when I saw that you needed a home I jumped into the chance. You were a pretty teenage girl who needed a home and I'm glad I chose you'
that made me smile, I still couldn't understand though, why wouldn't she see me as a criminal 'why don't you see me as a criminal?'
she smiled
'because you were homeless and you needed food and water to survive so you had no choice but to take some, that isn't what I call stealing,' she looked at my shocked face 'more of borrowing' she joked
okay that end part made me laugh 'thanks mum, I'm glad you chose me to' then something hit me 'mum do you understand why they are after me?'
she shook her head
'no, all I know is that they wanted to know where you were and we wouldn't tell them because we didn't know, why?'
I sighed 'mum they have been after me for ages, they kidnapped me when I was twelve and I managed to escape when I was thirteen. I stayed living homeless until I was fourteen where I was arrested and where you found me.'
she looked shocked and I'm not surprised
suddenly someone burst into the room
'Peter wants to see you' he said pointing at me
I didn't have a chance to talk to mum because he grabbed my arm and dragged me to Peter, I tried to escape from his grip but his grip was to strong
'well well well, what do we have here,' he looked at me but I looked away 'wow you've grown a lot since'
I tried to stay calm but I couldn't 'why did you burn the village?' I screamed
'that's what happens when you run from us'
'it's been four years' I screamed
he gave an evil smile
the man that brought me to peter was still holding onto me, I tried to struggle but it was no use
'four long years since we nicely gave you a home'
okay now I was really annoyed 'you didn't nicely give me anything, you kidnapped me and took me away from my friends and family in Australia!' I screamed
'what family? I heard they all died' he said meanly
'mum may have died but I was happy with my friends family, my sister was alive to before you kidnapped me so don't you dare say that' I screamed
'that reminds me, four long years since we proved that we were vampires to you'
I froze 'yeah and it's never happening again'
'oh yeah, who's to stop us'
I froze and then tried to struggle, I struggled as hard as I could
I jumped, and tried to turn around, to my surprise I saw Sam, Luke, Ben, Carter, Sharlene, Lindsey and finally the other nice girl
'Luke' the man that was threatening me before said in an annoyed tone
I was shocked 'you guys know each other..?'
'guys I want you to meet my brother'
I was shocked 'how come you've never told me that you have a brother before?'
'he's not even worth talking about' Luke said in an angry tone
I was confused, this still didn't explain anything
'were vampires girley, every family has a bad guy and a good guy, I'm the bad guy'
I was shocked, he was a vampire, they were vampires. Why hadn't I realised, I then looked at Luke and he sighed. Knowing he was a vampire made me angry, I just wished that i could step back but i couldn't
'Ruth I...'
' is this happening? I'm dreaming, please tell me I'm dreaming! Vampires don't exist! Luke's my friend and he's not a vampire!' Ben shouted
I looked at him shoot, I forgot about Ben
the man that was threatening me gave an evil laugh
'ah didn't he tell you, shame and plus, oh this makes things better, Ruth didn't tell you either did she?'
Oh shoot he mentioned my real name, still I tried to ignore it because I ws so annoyed. I gave an annoyed look at Luke 'how could you do that, I trusted you!'
Luke looked at me and gave a sad look, infact they all did, even Carter, Lindsey and the other nice girl did
'her name is not Ruth it's Sophie, get your facts straight!' Ben yelled
Peter gave an evil smile 'Oh wow this just makes things funner, she lied to all of you didn't she'
they all looked at me
'Sophie is this true?' Ben asked
I sighed, Oh man I should have known that they would find out sooner or later 'yes'
'but why?' Luke asked
Oh man 'guys this is not the time to get into all of this! I'll explain when we get our buts out of here!'
Peter gave another evil smile 'IF you get out of here'
I sighed he had a point, I then tried struggling again but it was no use, it just made him hold me tighter
'oh you stupid girl, haven't you learned yet. You can't escape us!'
I then looked at my friends but they just looked away 'guys please I'm sorry I never meant you to find out this way and anyway it's not like you guys have been very truthful to me so....'
they all sighed
'I guess your right'
I smiled, YAY! This then brought me back to the conversation that we were having before 'anyway back to the point, Luke why? I trusted you!'
Luke sighed
'Sophie...or who ever you are, I don't care. You have to believe me, he turned evil about....when you were five. He liked you because you were pretty, he tried talking to you but because he was an adult you refused to talk to him and ran to your mum, she called the police because of that and it sent him running. I knew him, I knew you. I had to protect you, please you have to believe me!'
I looked at him and he looked even more sad, if this was true though, IF it was true why couldn't I remember any of this. 'if this is true then why can't i remember this?'
he sighed
'your mum got me to erase your memory but I can't go into to much detail about that because it goes into the past and that is stuff that you'll find out in time. Anyway because were vampires it was easy for him to escape but he was angry at you and he still is. When I met you at school I knew you were different, and anyway were on the same boat, we trusted you'
I looked at him again and sighed, he had a point 'okay I believe you, were on the same boat, but what do you mean different, different in a nice way?'
'yes, I liked you because you were so different, however I also knew about my brother Peter so I had to keep you safe as well as keep you from knowing about him, this is why I didn't tell you that we were vampires. Ruth I am a good vampire unlike Peter and the others, I would never hurt you no matter who you really are'
I smiled, that made Peter angry
'yes that's very nice, to bad that I've got her now'
I froze for a second
'ah Sam we meet again, long time no see'
okay now I was double confused 'you two have met as well...'
he sighed 'yes uhh we know each other because we've bumped into each other before'
okay this made me suspicious...what was he hiding from me?
'oh give up the act Sam, he's a vampire too'
I just looked at Luke 'is this true Sam?'
Sam gave a mad glare at Luke, Sam sighed
'yes I'm a vampire but a good one!'
I was shocked, but not angry because I had lied to them to 'how come no one told me any of this?'
Luke sighed
'we told you because we were trying to protect you'
Sam smiled to this so I could tell that he agreed 'so...if you are a vampire does that mean that your sister Sharlene is a vampire to?'
Sam nodded
'I hate to break your relation ship sweet talk but lets me get something straight, I've still got Ruth and there is nothing that you can do about it,'he then turned to the man that was holding me 'Logan bring her closer to me'
he did what he said but I froze, I was already inches away from him. Worst of all I knew that they could sense why fear
Peter gave an evil smile, it made me shiver
'or you swear you'll what Sam'
I couldn't keep my anger in anymore 'LET ME GO YOU JERK!' I screamed
Tara then came running in the door
'I'm here to help Peter'
Peter smiled
'get the others to come in'
she nodded and ran off
'you want to do something Sam, bring it on. Vampire to vampire,' he then bent down towards me and it sent me the shivers 'winner gets to have Ruth'
I was really worried, I didn't want them to fight
'your on'
Logan then dragged me out of the way and Sam and Peter started fighting, this brought me back to when me and Carter were fighting
'PETER STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!' I heard someone scream, this brought me out of my thoughts
I looked around to find out that Sharlene was shouting at Peter, Peter was absolutely thrashing Sam. It scared me so much
'give up, Ruth, give up. Sam will never win'

'no don't! Don't give up. He still has a chance!'

huh, oh man I was so confused. Oh man now my brains playing tricks on me, great.
'are you dumb, Sam is loosing. Give up while you still have the chance!'

'no! Stay strong Ruth! I know your stronger then this! Don't give up!'

what was going on? Oh man my brain was killing me, where were these voices coming from? I then looked at Sam, to my fear he was loosing. Yep he was loosing badly, maybe my mind was right that I should just give up. Wait NO! There are two voices in my head, one saying "give up" and another saying "don't" I was so confused. Which one is right and which one should I believe? My head was spinning so badly
'no Ruth you still have a chance, don't give up!'

'oh my goodness you are so dumb! Your loosing! Can't you see that, LOOSING!'


okay that part almost made me laugh, to my surprise though they shut up
'that's better! THANK YOU! Anyway Ruth don't listen to these stupid voices, I can help you but you have to trust me.'

was this a trick? It's a voice in my head, a voice!
'look I know what your thinking so you don't need to reply but trust me. You think that I'm just another voice in your head, well I'm not! I can help you escape from all of this with all of your friends, don't worry there is no catch. If you choose to trust me in a few seconds time will completely stop allowing you and your friends to escape, I know what your thinking 'how do I know that I can trust you?' well you don't but if you want to escape you'll have to trust me.'

wow the weird voice was clever, the question is do I want to believe that I can trust her?
'okay I hate to break it to you hunny but all of your thoughts is driving me crazy here! Yes you can see that your loosing and yes you know that you don't know if you can trust me but with out my help you'll all be trapped here, is that what you want?'

I gave it some thought and then remembered that Logan is still holding on to me and the fight is still going on, how was she going to help me escape? How is stopping time going to get me out of Logan's grip?'
'your answer is when time stops, you'll be stronger then him allowing you to move his arms so you can escape, it's your choice'

she had a point, but once I'm free will it really help me escape? I then looked at Sam and Peter, wow Sam looks tired. I had to do something, I had to escape even if it was trusting the unknown
'your right Sam is tired, this means the fight will be lost very soon, you have to make a decision!'

okay fine, I'll trust her, I hope she knows how much risk I'm putting myself in though
'I see you've made your decision, goo choice! Yes I do know how much risk your putting yourself in and I respect the fact that you would choose to put yourself at risk to save some friends, they must be great friends of yours. GOOD LUCK!'

I really felt good about her comments, they were really nice, she was such a nice person! I felt like I respected her more for just respecting me and being nice to me

Chapter Nine Trapped

It wasn't until I found out that freezing time was even possible that I realised time was so important. It was just five seconds ago that the really nice voice had frozen time for about five minutes allowing me to escape with my friends. Of course there is always catches to things like this, I was trying to save to vampires that I wasn't sure if I could trust. Still I had to go with it because I told them that I trusted them, still I guess thinking about it I knew them before I found out that they were vampires and If you think about it if I couldn't trust them thy would have probably either killed me or handed me to the mean old vampires that have me now already, that's a start at least. There was another catch as well though, I was still trapped in Logan's grip and he was still really strong, UGH I HATE CATCHES! I had to get out of Logan's grip somehow though and fast, time may have stopped but like I say he is still really strong and that is a massive problem especially if I want to get out of here with my friends on time. That brings me back to what the nice lady told me, she said that I would be able to move Logan's arms so I could escape. I struggled as much as I could but there was no use, I couldn't escape from his arms. I looked at my friends and they were still frozen though, why are they still frozen? They are supposed to be able to move like me! This made me really angry 'YOU SAID THAT YOU'D FREEZE TIME ALLOWING ME AND MY FRIENDS TO ESCAPE! WHY ARE MY FRIENDS STILL FROZEN? PLUS YOU SAID THAT I WOULD BE STRONGER THEN LOGAN, WHY CAN'T I ESCAPE!' I screamed
no answer
'ANSWER ME!' I screamed
this made me cry, I had lost, I had well and truly lost
'Ruth your trust in me as well as your trust in yourself has started to faid, this decreases your chance to escape alive'

The nice voice had a point 'what are you trying to say?'
I could hear the nice voice laugh again, and again the nice voices laugh was a friendly laugh
'you can't hide anything from me remember, I know that you know what I am talking about, your a very brave girl Ruth! You find out that two of your friends are vampires yet you still insist on risking your life to save them, your a great girl Ruth you just need to realise that. I didn't reply before because I needed to see how long it would take for you to give up all together'

'but why can't I escape from Logan's arms?'
'yeah...I lied about that but it's all about the test'

I sighed, waiting to see how long it would take for me to give up seemed pretty mean especially as lying to me was even more mean, It made me mad actually but I didn't even need to say a word to the nice voice because the nice voice could read my mind
'okay what I said was a bit mean plus lying to you was mean, I apologise for that but this is serious, I tested you to see how long it would take for you to give up and I am shocked at how quick it took for you to give up. This is serious Ruth, not only do you need to believe in yourself and myself but you need to stay strong which means NEVER GIVING UP! You are trying to escape from a group of vampires that are a lot stronger and faster then you and me and without determination you will never get away alive, plus my lie is nothing. In life you will receive more lies and better ones but you need to keep your determination.'

I sighed, the mystery nice voice had a point she was leaver, very cleaver. She had a point though, doing everything that I need to escape is going to be so... hard
'you are absolutely correct on that one, it will be so... hard but you have to try your best, don't worry though i'll be there in your head to help you out every second off the way. Should you choose to carry on your next task will be to get out of Logan's arms'

this made me smile....sort off, what did she mean 'should you choose to carry on'? 'what happens if I don't choose to carry on?'
I could hear her sigh
'if you choose to give up then the time will continue allowing all the vampires that are after you to move again and you probably will die so yeah it's not a hard decision on what your going to choose'

I smiled 'yeah good point, you probably already know this but I'll say it anyway, I want to continue'
'yeah I knew what you decided to do but It makes me happy actually hearing it from your mouth'

wow she was nice, so nice that I wished that I could see her in person instead of just hearing her in my head 'What is your name?'
I could hear her sigh
'that is private I am afraid, you'll probably see me in time though'

I sighed 'well...can I at least know what you look like?'
she paused
'yeah I don't see why not, I have long brown wavy hair and I normally always wear a dress'

I smiled 'a dress that looks like a prom dress?'
'yes, although I've never heard anyone say that my dress looks like a prom dress but you are right.'

with her descriptions I could literally imagine what she looked like and I liked it 'what does your dress look like?'
'well today I am wearing a long silky purple dress with flowers on it'

this made me smile, not for long though. I glanced at my watch frozen at one O'clock and frowned 'Shoot! how do I get out of Logan's arms?'
I could hear her sigh
'the only way is hard even for me, you need to put a hundred percent of believe in yourself'

I groaned, oh man I am never going to be able to pull this off, I am going to die in Logan's arms 'isn't there another way?'
I could hear her sigh again
'no this is your only way, as soon as you put a hundred percent of believe in yourself you will be stronger then your opponent, in this case your opponent is Logan'

I sighed, she had a point. I casted my memory back to when I was twelve when I won against the toughest boy in my year, he never bothered me after that. Still there was no way that I could do the same now
'Ruth I know you more then you know yourself, this is hard even for me but your strong. Use this as your advantage!'

I still wasn't sure with what she said, there was no way that I could win, I didn't need to tell her though because she could read my mind.
'I know something that might make you change your mind, I am going to take you into the future to show you how things will be like after you give up allowing them to kill you'


Chapter Ten Time Travel

Time travel hmm....What is time travel, Time travel is a myth righ? Something that you only find in fictional books and films isn't it? We couldn't be more wrong. Time travel is usually thouht of as a fictional made up ability, about....I would say about fifty percent of peope reading this is garanteed to be adults, adults think they know the truth but do they? Kids only dream about travelling to the past or even to the future, of course many kids get corrected as they get older, they get told that time travel is not real and that it is just fictional, we are wrong, Time travel is real we just don't realize it. About fifty perent of you reading this will be kids of all ages, kids dream of doing something like this and genuarlly get their dreams crushed by others or simply just by growing up and knowing what others believe. I believed in this until I was about ten and then my dream was crushed and replaced with other dreams so I know how you feel. Okay I am not trying to tell you that parents are mean because their not, we would be nowhere without our parents no matter what we think. Anyway back to the subject, it wasn't until a few seconds ago that I actually found out how special and true time travel is. although I didn't know it yet I was really lucky to be able to go into time, I was taken to the future and it's great! So there you go people time travel is real, want to time travel, all you have to do is fully believe in yourself and you may be able to travel, you wait and see.

A few seconds ago I was obsessing on how I am going to die, now I have a feeling that I am going to die here. I found myself in a village that I could only assume was the village that I lived n except it was different, very different, not all in shreds but looking actually quite nice. The problem was, where was everyone? I continued to wonder around the village and I saw that there were now pubs around and there was even a night club, wow! What did she mean I would be shocked about what I saw, this place was nice, almost like an improvement to how it used to look after it was burned down. Suddenly my thoughts were disturbed by a strong hand pulling me into a house
'What are you doing here, it's dangerous for you to be here'
I was a little freaked 'w-what do you mean to dangerous?'
she gave an evil smile but as soon as I noticed it the smile quickly disappeared
'don't you know?'
I shook my head 'not a clue'
'this place is full of vampires, no human will survive here now'
Oh....So that's what she meant by 'you'll be shocked with what you see'
'this place is run by Logan and Peter, no humans can leave this place'
I freaked out and she could see that so gave an evil smile again
'haven't you ever hear of the term "you may enter but never leave"
okay now I was freaked, yep I definitely will die here 'are you-are you a vampire?'
she nodded her head
'yep apparently it's due to a girl called...Ruth dying, I don't know, sounds like a rumour to me'
I froze, yep definitely doomed 'did anyone survive?'
'what you mean by humans? No, none survived we were all turned into vampires, as for Ruth's family apparently they were killed along with her friends, but like I say I don't believe in that'
I was literally almost in tears, I could not believe this. Before I could even react tough I found myself back in Logan's arms

'do you see what I mean now?'

I nodded Sadly 'yes I know what you mean'
'that is how things will turn out to be like if you give up now'

It was sad but what made me confused is, how come it's all up to me to stop all of this? 'how come it's all up to me to stop what happened?'
I could hear her sigh for about the millionth time today
'you are a strong girl, that's all I can say about that.'

I sighed, again with the secrets... I guess though that she was right about me in a may, not about the fact that I can save the village part, that was just pants. Suddenly my friends started to move without me even thinking about it
'don't look so shocked, you did it without you even thinking about it, now move Logan's arms from around you and go and explain to your friends about what they've missed. WELL DONE! Oh and for time wise you don't have long now so I would escape now and explain later'

I smiled, I actually felt quite proud of myself actually.
as he said that he threw a punch at Peter causing him to fall over, just watching that caused me to burst into laughter. Unfortunately for me my other friends unfroze at the same time and ommidiantly started cheering for Sam, they also saw Peter fall to te floor and they of course also heard me laugh. They all looked at each other and then to Peter and then to me with eyes full of questions, I siged and moved Logan's arms to free myself and walked up to them.
'What the hell just happened there?' Ben asked with curiosity
'yeah, one minute I was cheering for Sam the next minute I see Sam knock what looks like a frozen Peter to the ground' Lindsey asked
I sighed and looked at my friends 'Long story, I'll explain after we've got out of here, We don't have long to do so.'
they looked at me with confused looks plastered on their faces
'how come they are frozen?,' I looked at Sharlene's confused face and sighed 'what did you do?'
wow I've never seen then so confused, still I urgently need to escape with them and soon! 'Guys we really have to be getting out of here!'
they just looked at me
they looked at me again but this time they seemed to have understood because they all followed me 'guys we have to get out of here and fast! I don't know how long we have until they start moving again and if they start moving and find out that were not there and we haven't got out of here yet we will stand no chance of escaping'
not knowing when they will unfreeze scared me and most probably made me run faster which made them run faster. We suddenly stopped though because we almost ran into Tara, a frozen Tara.
'I say that we punch her!' Lindsey shouted
I smiled, that actually sounded like a good idea 'go on then, she deserves it!' okay a bit mean but she really did
Tara then ran up to her and threw her her best punch causing her to fall over, we all laughed
'She'll have a big black eye now and she won't know how she got it, oh well' Luke laughed
After we had our laugh we started running again until we had got out of the village.

Chapter Eleven Explanations

Have you ever tried running so much that you feel like you can't breath after that, that's how I felt. I bet all of you have either read a book or watched a TV serries or a film where the good guy is running to get away from the bad guy, you have....that's good. This in the other hand although may seem like the same thing, it's not. In my case The bad guy is frozen so I could escape easily, do you see the difference? Also the ones that you've heard of, I bet that they weren't completely out of breath after their escape. Imagine if I didn't have the luck of being able to freeze time or go into the future though, imagine what would happen then. I can only have nightmares about all of this, I bet that I would be dead by now if I didn't, imagine then. Imagine if the future that I had been in comes true, Imagine that. In life that's what happens though, we always have good and bad things that happen to us in life, stuff that we have nightmares over, stuff we regret or even stuff that we wish had happened. This is the horrible facts of life, sucks doesn't it.

I was still out of breath from running out of the village and by the looks of it so were my friends
'so how come you didn't tell us your real name?' Luke asked
Oh shoot I forgot our conversation before 'oh...umm....It's complicated'
they just looked at me in silence, Carter broke the silence
'before Ruth says anything I need to admit something as well, my name is not Arron, it's Carter'
I smiled and they all saw me smile, they all looked at me and Carter
'yeah umm I also have something to add, I knew Carter's name all along because he's my friend' Ben said silently
this also made me smile
'okay I think I'm going to ask in behalf of me, Sam, Sharlene, Lindsey and Katy. What is going on here?' Like asked
I knew what Lindsey was going to say because she knew who I was but I wouldn't let her admitt anything 'Lindsey stop, It's a long story'
Luke raised his eyebrow
'we have time'
oh shoot 'I...uh...,' I looked at everyone and sighed 'okay I'll take you to the very beginning, When I was twelve a bunch of boys kidnapped me and told me that they were vampires, of course I didn't believe them so they proved it to me. They kept me there until I managed to escape at the age of thirteen, I was lucky to have escaped because I could have died if I hadn't. I stayed homeless after that running and hiding from the world basically, because I was homeless I had to steal food and water to survive. I managed to do this for a year until I was fourteen where I was caught and put in prison, they couldn't keep me there because I was so young so they gave me to a family that was willing to look after me. That lady was called Vickey, I now call her mum. The lady was a single mum with no children of her own, the only family she had was me and Lisa.' oops maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Lisa so early.
they looked at me with confused faces
'how did Lisa become in the picture?'
I smiled at look because that question was completely expected 'Lisa is my little sister, we used to live in Australia before I was kidnapped and brought to America. She came looking for me and that's where Vickey found her and took her in, anyway when I got home she wasn't at home so I didn't know who the other girl was. This was all a lot to take in so left the house and took a walk, I was planning to run away when I left because I wasn't used to being with a family anymore. That's where I met my sister Lisa walking in the park, this completely destroyed my run away plan. She was as surprised as i was with seeing her again, however she wanted explanations on why I disappeared.'
'wow Ruth your telling them more then you told me' he joked
this made them all look at me
I sighed 'I'll get to that part soon. I could not tell Lisa about the group of vampires because she would freak out so I lied and said that I had to do a secret mission in America, a secret mission so secret that I could not tell my own sister. However she knew that I was lying but just went with it, she was angry though. I soon realised that Lisa lived where I now lived so we went home together however the journey home was in complete silence. This went on for weeks and weeks on end and Vickey was beginning to wonder, however this soon stopped when Lisa came home crying.,' I then tuned to look at Carter 'She has a boyfriend at that point and that boyfriend was Carter. However she was coming home crying because she caught him cheating on her with a girl called Annabel, so they broke up.'
they all looked at Carter in shock and this made me feel guilty 'however he was only doing that because of peer pressure, you'll find out about that soon,' I then glanced at Carters smile and it made me smile 'anyway after they had broken up Carter started teasing her and calling her babe and all sorts like that, This caused her to come home crying or weeks. Eventually she had had enough and she ran away leaving us with only a letter, this caused her to die though and this made me very mad at Carter'
they all looked at me
'how did she die?' Luke asked
I sighed 'that is still a mystery, a mystery that I wish I knew. However when I find out I'm going to kill that creep who killed my sister! As you all no because of this I was angry at Carter so I had my best friend Lilly round for three days and it was fun except I couldn't get over the fact that Lisa was dead, every night I would read her runaway letter and cry until I went to sleep except when I fell asleep I dreamt of her as well and some of the dreams I had were horrible.
they all jut looked at me
'what did the letter say?' Ben asked
I sighed 'I can't remember everything that she wrote now but it said something along the lines of, Dear mum and Lisa, I am sorry. By morning I will be gone, I love you so much I'll miss you! I just need some space, I hope you understand, Lisa' as I said this all the memories were flying threw my head causing me to nearly burst out in tears
'Oh Ruth were so sorry!' Sharlene said
'It's okay sharlene it wasn't anyone's fault,' I then turned to Carter 'It wasn't your fault either Carter so please don't think that just because I thought that it was your fault before that it is'
Carter smiled
'thanks Ruth but it is my fault if I hadn't done what I did she would be alive'
they all looked at me with sympathetic eyes and it made me burst out with tears. This caused them all to walk up to me and give me a great big group hug
'Ruth we are sorry if you don't want to carry on you don't have to'
I smiled to how much they cared about me right now 'no it's okay, thanks anyway though guys It's actually quite nice to get it of my chest for once, Lilly even had to come down in the night because I make noised when I am asleep without even knowing, luckily though normally before I go to bed I hide the letter under my pillow so that he can't find out. On the third night though I fell to sleep and made the noises except I forgot to hide the letter, this is how Lilly found out. We then had a massive conversation about how I was angry at Carter and Lisa death, we then came to conclusion that we had no prove that Carter caused her death,' I then looked at Carter 'sorry carter! Anyway then I questioned Lilly asking where she was at the time of the death and she reminded me that she was at my house. This then caused to a massive pillow fight which was fun until I heard Lisa talk in my head for the first time, I then asked Lilly if she heard and she hadn't. This then made me angry at Carter again'
'What did she tell you?'
I sighed, my eyes were still stinging with tears 'she said 'Carter, Carter, Carter made me run,' I then turned to Carters shocked face 'and yes it was carter but that doesn't matter because in the end of the day it wasn't Carter that killed her, okay we don't know that but I don't think that he would have the heart to do that. anyway after that Lilly tried to cheer me up again by throwing the feathers that had fallen out of the pillows during the pillow fight, she succeeded. However she told me not to get angry at Carter at school but I didn't listen and I had a massive fight with Carter causing me and Carter to get locked in a classroom.'
they all looked at me in shock
'A classroom, you got locked in a Classroom!

' Lindsey said in shock
I sighed 'yep pretty shocking isn't it'
'well...yeah what teacher locks a pupil in a room'
She had a point 'It was our head teacher'
Lindsey rolled her eyes
'that's even worse, what head teacher locks to pupils in a room'
I half laughed 'well my old head teacher apparently, he locked us both in and just left us'
Carter sighed
'we were left in a room alone and that really annoyed us, I was so annoyed that I made sides so that we didn't have to look at each other, however that obviously changed'
'how did that change?' Katy asked
I sighed 'we would have never made up if it wasn't for the fire'
'your school caught on fire?' Sam said putting it as a question as well
I sighed again 'yeah and no one came to unlock the door for us'
'we thought we were going to die and so we started talking, it's amazing what one fire can do to you other then hurt you'
'oh some head teacher not coming to get you two out'
I half laughed at Lindsey when she said that 'yeah I know, shocking isn't it'
'It's almost like they forgot about us all together, the weirdest of thing happened to us though. It's like we forgot about the fire because we started talking about stuff instead of thinking about trying to get out of here'
I smiled 'yeah those few hours were funny, we thought that we would die so we started admitting stuff to each other, Carter started'
'I admitted that I still loved Lisa and that made her smile'
they all smiled 'sound like you two were getting on really well, EXCEPT FROM THAT FACT THAT YOU COULD HAVE DIED' Sharlene said, she said the last few words a little harshly, she had a point though
'a little harsh Sharlene' Luke said
Sharlene hesitated
'yeah I guess, I'm sorry you two. It's just you two could have died in that fire'
'which brings me to the point what actually started the fire?' Ben asked
I sighed 'I'll get to that in a minute, The loud screams of kids made we go to peer through the classroom door window, that's how I saw the fire. Carter didn't believe me so he looked just to prove that the school was indeed on fire. Carter also told me that his friends hated Lisa and so he pretend to have dumped Lisa so his friends paired him up with Annabel and she flirted with him and so Carter flirted back and that's when Lisa realised, this is what I call peer pressure'
'Ruth on the other hand had another story, because we had so much negative thoughts in our head we had completely given up on our hope to survive. She went to the window to see how long we had until the fire reached us so I decided to follow however when we saw these guys heading our way Ruth panicked and told us to get down but because I didn't know why I asked why and this annoyed her so she shouted for me to get down again so I did. I was really confused at this point so I asked her why'
'at that point I was very scared. The gang of boys that were heading our way started the fire because they were after me, they are the same gang of boys that had kidnapped me when I was twelve. They started the fire so that they could kidnap me again, these boys are the same people that we were running from.'
they were shocked
'wow they just don't give up do they' Lindsey said
I sighed 'nope'
'Ruth told me that when she was twelve she was kidnapped by a group of vampires and of course I didn't believe her'
I sighed, I was shocked at how well they were taking all of this 'I am not going to repeat what I said before but you get the point'
'how did they find you?' Ben asked
I sighed 'I don't know, I guess vampires are like that, cleaver.'
'yep were very cleaver'
Oh shoot I forgot two vampires were standing in front of me
'Luke's right were more cleaver then you think'
I sighed 'yeah I guess that sums that, anyway'
Carter rolled his eyes
'same old Ruth, anyway because Ruth had told me all of this she put me in danger so I had to stay with Ruth now, which was sad at the time because I would really miss my mum'
okay now I felt bad 'yep, I don't know where I would be without him now though. Carter came up with a brilliant idea of breaking the glass to escape'
'yeah and Ruth was such a girlie girl and pointed out the fact that we'll cut ourself by doing that' he joked
'yeah but I had a point though and anyway my other point that they would hear us was a good point'
they laughed
'you two make me laugh' Sam joked
'unfortunately Carter pointed out the fact that we had no other way of escaping so we went with the idea, so we then started searching for something so smash the glass with'
'yeah and Ruth over here found a metal bar, out of everything possible to find in a classroom she finds a metal bar' he joked
I laughed 'yeah but it worked didn't it'
'guess, I can still remember what you said "It's heavy, hard and metal" he joked
'oh haha' I joked
they all laughed
'I then broke the window but knowing Ruth she complained again'
'yeah but only because I didn't want to cut myself, remember a bunch of VAMPIRES are after us'
Carter sighed
'yep good point, anyway so I continued to smash more but that used up valuable time, they found out that Ruth was in the classroom'
I sighed 'yep and I couldn't get up onto the table to go out of the window because I had a scirt on'
'yep pretty much sums up that your a girlie girl'
I laughed 'yeah but I can't help that, after all I AM a girl'
they all joined in laughing and it was great fun
'you couldn't get onto the table and when you finally managed they had found out where you were, typical, that's girls for you.' he joked
they all laughed and I have to say I laughed to
'HAY! I just chose to wear a skirt on the wrong day how was I supposed to know that I would be escaping the school because they found me in the morning before school' I said putting it as a joke to
' you just knew that you would come to school, kick my but and just jet away with it yeah...'
I laughed 'yeah precisely'
they all laughed
'so predictable' he joked
'yep but what did you expect' I sneered
they all laughed
'Ruth would have never survived without me, by the time that she had finally got onto the table they had her leg. I was half way out of the window at the time but I couldn't just let them take her so I climbed back in and took action'
'he literally risked his life for me. He got their attention so that they would go for him instead and ten he told me to run.'
they all awwerd to that and I smiled
'she wouldn't go though but I had to make her to save her.'
'I finally did what he said but he didn't follow and at that point I knew that they had got him. I was out of the building but I couldn't just leave him so I ran back in looking for him. I shouted and shouted his name but he didn't answer and that made me worried'
'I finally heard her but I had hurt my ankle'
'I finally found him because he called my name, he was in a cloud of smoke'
'She wasn't sure if It was me at first but when I said that I thought I told her to run she knew it was me. Luckily I had only hurt my ankle so I was able to escape with Ruth with Ruth's help though'
'What confused me the most was that he had managed to escape a bunch of faster and stronger vampires and that confused me a lot'
they were all shocked, they then turned their attention to Carter
'It wasn't easy but like I aid to Ruth, it wasn't easy they are really strong but then I remembered that I'd red books about vampires and I read that they don't like fire so I pushed them towards the fire until they let me go and then I ran towards the fire and I fell where she found me'
they all looked shocked, just about the same as I reacted to what he told me
'wow Ruth Carter's cleaver'
I smiled at Carter 'I know'
'yeah but that was nothing compared to what happened next'
I sighed and remembered everything that had happened, everything flew threw my mind at once. I almost made me cry 'yeah about that I'm sorry'
Carter smiled sympathetically
'it's okay, they would have killed me if I had stayed'
they all looked at me
'so I take it that Carter had to run away with you then...' Ben asked
I nodded, that's all I could do
'yeah but it wasn't that bad if you think about it, I love it here! If I had stayed I would never have met you guys'
I smiled, he had a point 'we then had to travel here and that was a long way'
'somehow though we made it in a day'
Oh yeah... 'oh yeah...' I laughed
'all we did was top off to get a drink and something to eat and that was it'
'yep it was a pretty quick journey'
'but didn't you live in the North of America?' Ben asked
I grinned 'yep that's what were on about'
'anyway talking about that I just happened to know that my trusty friend Ben over here lived around here so I asked if we could stay at his'
he sighed when he heard his name and I laughed
'yep your involved now, there's no escaping from them knowing the full truth now' I laughed
'yep it just so happened that Ben over here owed me a favour so I asked him if we could stay at his'
'luckily he did so we could go to his, suddenly I was glad to have Carter with me as company. However we didn't exactly tell him the full truth.'
Ben rolled his eyes
'you didn't told me that your here because you and Carter caught the school alight by forgetting to check your cakes in food Tech and the repairs for the school would take a while. Oh and that you two were a couple that the others have only just found out isn't true now, don't get angry guys this was all part of the plan'
they all looked at me in shock
'yeah but that shouldn't bother us right....I mean what would we think if they were a couple? That they are a couple and were angry at each other before the fire...uhh...I think not.'
they paused but then laughed and then made me sigh with relieve
'yeah good point but we had to because you would think that we had gone crazy and we only said that we were a couple because we couldn't risk you guys finding out that we ran away.'
'and that would look suspicious right I mean Ruth ran because of vampires and I had to come with her for my safety and you would think that we were nuts if you knew the complete truth wouldn't you Ben'
'yea you know I probably would have' Ben laughed
'yeah but you thought that we were to busy flirting to realise' I joked
'yeah but you agreed' he joked
okay he had a point DARN 'yeah that's actually quite a good point'
'you roped yourself right into that one' Ben joked
I smiled 'yeah I did' I joked
'unfortunately Ruth decided to bring up her sister Lisa and I kind of got annoyed because as soon as she mentioned her name it brought back all of the shameful memories that I had chucked out of my head'
I sighed 'yeah that was a big mistake that I will never make again,' I then looked at my friends faces and they were shocked but I tried to pass it 'anyway...after that CARTER and BEN,' I then looked at them in a sarcastic angry way and they looked a little upset, okay that made me feel bad 'they let me know something interesting...apparently when Lisa ran away carter found her sulking on a park bench so he tried to cheer her up but she just shouted at him and ran away. Oh an sorry you two it's just I'm still finding that hard to believe'
they sighed
'it doesn't matter what you think Ruth but me and Carter are telling the truth'
I then looked at my friends and they were shocked
'hay guys can we get onto the rest because when we asked for the truth we didn't want this to become a massive argument. So...please...guys'
I looked at Sharlene and smiled, she was right
'yeah...your right...sorry guys. I was really disappointed after that and well angry as I told them that I was tired and I wanted to go to bed, this disappointed Carter so he said nothing after that. Luckily Ben showed me to our room, this is where I got a shock. There in front of me was a double bed instead of single beds'
Sam laughed
'right...because you told Ben that you were a couple'
I smiled 'exactly'
they all smiled
'anyway because of what we told Ben I couldn't refuse so I went with it and I fell to sleep, big mistake'
'yep but hey'
they all laughed at that
'Carter made me jump and woke me up by sitting on the bead. He then tucked himself in and said 'hi precious'
'I did it to joke but she wasn't smiling so I asked her why'
'it was because Carter never told me that we were pretending to be a couple before Ben said'
'yeah and I apologise for that, you still did good by going with it though.'
I smiled to that 'yep but you get used to that. Carter then explained why and I found out that it was to hide our identity's. However I wasn't happy about the idea about even pretending to go out with my sister's ex'
'she wasn't until I explained that we couldn't risk you guys knowing who we really were'
I sighed 'yeah...sorry guys it's just we thought that we would be reported missing. that's when I suggested faking our names and he agreed'
'I suggested her name being Annabel'
they all looked at us in amazement and shock
'yeah but as you can imagine I was not happy with that name because Annabel was part of the reason why Lisa broke up with him.'
'that wasn't your excuse though was it'
I sighed 'nope, I said that people would recognise him if my name was Annabel and he actually agreed' I said with a smug smile on my face
'yeah unfortunately. That's when I had another idea of Sophie and she agreed'
'yep and I suggested Arron and he agreed so we filled Ben in of all of this except the relation ship part in the morning and that's where we met you.'
they all looked at me in silence until Luke finally broke the silence
'thank you for telling us the truth, I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you'
they all nodded and I smiled
'so you've told us the truth but now I think I speak for everyone when I ask, what...actually did happen in the village?'
I looked at everyone and then at San and sighed 'it's a very long story, first I watched with fear as you were fighting Peter and, sorry to say this, loosing. Then I started hearing voices in my head telling me to give up but also not to give up, by then my head was hurting. Then another voice actually came in to help me, even if I couldn't trust her. She said that she could help and all I needed to do was trust her. I didn't trust her at first but I had no choice, she said that she would freeze time for a few minutes allowing us to escape. So I did that and time froze except you guys were still frozen and so I got angry but it turned out that you guys were only still frozen because I had lost trust in her and most importantly myself. Logan was still strong at that point to, I then found out that I needed to put a hundred percent of believe in myself and I could not do that, Ooh and I forgot she could read my mind to. She told me that if I put a hundred percent of believe in myself I would be able to beat my opponent, Logan. Of course I still didn't have full believe so she took me into the future to show me how things would be like if I died and trust me it wasn't good, the whole place was taken over by vampires and vampires only...'
'no humans?' Ben rudely interrupted me aiming it as a question
I sighed 'no, no humans, now what I didn't get and still don't get is how am I supposed to stop that from happening? Anyway after that something magical happened, somehow she got me to fully believe in myself and so you guys unfroze. She congratulated me but also warned me that we didn't have very long to escape and that we should focus on escaping first so that's what we did.'
they all looked at me in shock, they were so shocked that they stayed in silence looking at me for a while, Sam was the one that broke the silence.
'so...that and now this wow'
I smiled 'yeah I can't believe you guys missed it!' okay that was a bit of a lie, I was glad that they missed it because it was so hard.
Sharlene smiled
'so how did you do all of that?'
I looked at Sharlene for a minute thinking of what to tell her, it was very hard but at the same time it's hard to explain. 'It wasn't easy at all although seeing you guys frozen kind off helped and I was glad that I was pulled back from the future when I did because I was talking to a vampire that I'm pretty sure had plans on what to do with me because she kept giving me secret evil smiles. The mystery girl that was talking to me was so nice and she kept incoriging me as well, she even made me put a hundred percent of believe in myself without me knowing as well.'
they all smiled at me
'sounds like you did a great job' Lindsey said while still keeping a smile on her face
I smiled back, they were all right. What I did was very hard and I appreciated that they belived me, then it brought my memory back to when they found me, I had explained everything now It was their turn. How did they find me? 'talking about explanations, how did you guys find me?'
they all looked at each other and smiled, finally Lindsey turned to me and told me 'well Sarlene and Katy ran for help after you told them to run,' she then looked at Sharlene and Katy 'so they came running to us for help but what confused us at first was how she knew where to find us or how she knew that we knew you because we had never met.'
yeah that would make sense, I was really confused though ' did they know where to find you'
Katy smiled
'oh that part...your sister told Lindsey and Katy that they would need backup to save you so she told them where we were so that they could explain it all to us but...we weren't entirely sure about all of this until you filled us in with the full truth.'
I was shocked, how did they know about Lisa? 'how do you know about Lisa?'
'I spoke to them just like I speak to you'

I turned around in shock, was that? NO IT COULDN'T BE! I turned around to see Lisa smiling at me 'h-how are you here?'
Lisa smiled
'well it took a lot of my energy but first of all I used a lot of my power and strength to get through to Katy and sharlene and then I used even more of my power and energy to appear here for a while, I don't have long though. Oh and I also have your mum here, I managed to get her, go out and not be noticed'

I then looked at my mum and ran up to her and hugged her 'MUM!,' I then remembered the others so I turned around to face them 'guys this is my mum Vicky, mum these are my friends,' I turned to point at Sharlene 'this is Sharlene,' I then turned to point at Sam 'this is Sam,' I then turned to point at Luke 'this is Luke,' I then turned to point at Ben 'this Is Ben, the boy's house that we are staying at if that's okay with Ben'
Ben smiled
'yes of course'
I smiled at Ben as a thank you and then turned to Carter 'mum this is Carter as you probably know, he had to come with me, and you probably know why because of what I told everyone'.
mum smiled at everyone
'nice to meet you guys'
they all smiled back
'nice to meet you to'
then It brought me to something 'have you and mum been here this whole time?'
she smiled
'yeah, I used part of my power to make it so no one could see me so that I could surprise you, oh and your explanation was well said well done'

I smiled at that I was still shocked shocked but I was also happy to see her because I haven't seen her in ages. Without thinking I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug that you have ever seen 'LISA!'
she smiled
'yeah it's nice to see you to, I am so glad that I put the effort in to see you again'

while she was hugging me though she saw Carter
'hold on a second Ruth'

I was confused when she pulled away but when she went to Carter I understood
'Lisa I can't say how sorry I am!'
'It's okay Carter you've done a good thing, without you Ruth would not be here now and plus I really appreciated hearing the complete truth coming from your mouth'

she had a point, even if I had told her the truth as well I thought I'd never hear Carter telling her the truth
'Lisa I am so sorry I never meant anything I did, I swear!'

Lisa half laughed
'don't worry I've heard it all already and I am sorry to, I just wish I had had had more time with you' she said in a sad tone

'I know and I am sorry'
suddenly It started raining all out of the blue, the strange thing is that it was really sunny before, how strange
I think that Carter spoke for all of us when he said that
Lisa smiled
'it's a new skill that I picked up on the way'

we all smiled, aww how cute
'I thought it would make our day if it suddenly started raining' Lisa laughed
yeah she had a point, it did really make our day
' really made our day plus I think it makes it more romantic, close your eyes'
Lisa hesitated for a minute but then she closed her eyes, before any of us could wonder he kissed her and she opened his eyes and kissed him back, aww how cute. I could tell that the others thought that it was cute as well because they were all looking as well, they kissed for a long minute
'Carter I have to go, I am so sorry'

'no don't go!'
'I am sorry I have to

,' she then looked at us and just as she was disappearing she waved to us, I could even tell that she was crying 'bye guys!'

this all made us cry but we waved her goodbye
'that ended to soon'
I smiled sympathetically at Carter 'I know'
after that the sun reappeared
'come on guys lets get home, bye Sharlene, bye Sam. It was nice to meet you again.'

Chapter Twelve Nightmares

It wasn't until I found out that nightmares actually meant something other then completely scaring you that I actually took interest in them. It was only three days ago that I had the dream about the horrible things that happened in the village that I grew up in...well sort off. That ended up being true and that's why I am now interested in nightmares, I bet with no doubt that all of you have had at least one night mare that has caused problems. What if those nightmares are true though? What then? My dream was true so was yours might be to. People think that nightmares are just there to scare you but what if they are here to warn you about stuff, what if your nightmare could be happening that very moment while your dreaming it? I am not saying that all dreams will be true but some will so the next time you have a nightmare stop and think about what your nightmare is about because it could be true.

It was another early morning and again I felt weird. I was in a strange room with hardly any light at all and I was wearing a dress that looked like it had come from the 1960s or something. I went out of the room to explore and the place had hardly any light at all, how strange, where was I?
'I see you have woken up, how are you feeling today?'
who was he? 'who are you?'
he just looked at me
'are you alright miss, you know me'
I stared at him 'miss? Who are you?'
'perhaps I should take you to a nurse, come with me'
as much as I wanted to refuse going off with a complete stranger, I felt like I could trust him so I went. He took me into this massive white room, I glanced around and I saw a bed that looked really comfy. That was not all, there was a desk with a computer on it and there was a massive light on the ceiling that was really pretty. The light had different crystal type stones around the light making a massive upside-down cup shape and that made the colours spread around the room.
'it's nice to see you again Frank I haven't seen you down here in ages what can I--', he then glanced at me 'well hello miss, how are you feeling today?'
I just stared at him like he was mad and It didn't go unnoticed
'yeah...see that's the thing she can't remember who we are, that's why I brought her here'
'ah I see, do you remember me miss?'
I looked at him for a while and then shook my head
'I was thinking that It could be amnesia...what do you think'
''s hard to say, bring Peter and Logan in here and say it's an emergency'
'will do'
he was gone in a blink of an eye and that made my eyes hurt
'so miss do you not remember anything?'
I shook my head
'do you want me to fill you in'
I wasn't so sure about that but I nodded
'you've been here since you were twelve and my name is Sarah Jones, does that ring a bell?'
I shook my head
'I've brought them Sarah'
'what's the emergency?'
'did anyone die?'
'Peter Logan stop making a fuss nothings happened'
'then....what's the emergency...?'
'miss do you remember Peter and Logan?'
I stared at them for a while but then shook my head 'I know that their Peter and Logan but which ones which and who they are is beyond me'
they looked at me and then at Sarah
'this is the emergency, she woke up and now she has no idea of who we are or where she is'
'I thought it could be amnesia, what do you guys think?'
Sarah sighed
'no I don't think that it's amnesia'
'what do you think then?'
'I don't know but I don't like it you three go to the others and tell them what has happened, we have no idea why she has no memory of where she is or who we are but its urgent that we find out.'
'are you trying to say'
'Logan calm down I'm not blaming anyone or anything at this stage, right now we need to tell the others'
'will do come on guys'
they all left with a blink of an eye, ugh they have to stop dong that!
'are you aware of what we are miss?'
I shook my head
'okay don't freak out, were vampires'
okay that would explain why they leave so quickly but it freaked me out and so I took a massive step back
'you have nothing to worry about princess were good vampires now thanks to you so you can trust us'
okay now I was officially confused 'princess? thanks to me? what did I do?'
she smiled 'you really don't remember anything do you'
I shook my head
'Peter and Logan kidnapped you when you were twelve and brought you here. Don't worry though that was when we were bad, anyway when you got to the age of fourteen you became more aware of things and you made us change in a way. You made us see that there was another way and that we didn't need to harm to survive. Because of this we made you a princess in a way because you have a great gift that everyone would die for. You can change any vampire into a good vampire that doesn't harm, this is why we kept you here. Now we are like family to you and we treat you no different to how we would treat others, except from the fact...that you are human so we would not expect you to be as strong as us and we know that your not as fast as us.'
It took me a while to process all of this but I just went with it 'so I managed to change a massive group of vampires into vampires that have hearts' okay that was a little harsh but it was true
'yes you could put it like that yeah'
I was shocked, wow. Then I suddenly thought of something 'so...have we always been here'
Sarah smiled
'yeah we've been here for a long time, I practically grew up here and that definitely says something'
I smiled 'so um...don't wind me asking this but how old are you?'
she stopped to think for a while
'I'm a hundred years old'
I was shocked 'wow for a women who is a hundred years old you don't look to bad'
she smiled
'I'll take that as a compliment'
'so how old do people think that you know as a disguise'
she smiled
'how old do you think I am?'
oh shoot I hate it when people ask me that, I looked at her for a while, took a deep breath and took a guess. 'Um about...nineteen?'
she smiled
'your very close actually, people think I'm twenty'
I smiled, wait if that's he age people think she is then doesn't that mean she got turned when she was twenty? 'doesn't that mean that you were turned when you were twenty?'
she looked at me with a shocked face
'you know for someone who can't remember who we are or where you are your quite smart, you are correct'
I was just as shocked as she was 'lucky guess' I said smiling
'do you have any other questions?'
I smiled. Actually thinking of it I did, I had lodes 'yeah um...this might be a bit personal but why were you changed in the first place?'
she smiled
'I was quite lucky because I fell in love with a man called Jack it just so happened that he had fallen for me to so we went out on four dates. Fur Dates until he told me what he was, I didn't care though because I loved him and I didn't think that It would matter what he was as long as I loved him. We went like this for ages until his father told him that he had a choice, he could either change me or dump me and never see me again. He then told me of this and made me choose because he didn't want to do anything that I didn't like, I didn't want to break up with him but at the same time I didn't like the idea of becoming what he was. I soon made my decision though, my decision was that I loved him and I didn't want to loose him so I let him change me.'
I was shocked 'wow'
'yep that's what love does to you'
okay I knew that part, love does lodes of strange and weird stuff to you. I then wondered about their history though, how did they end up together 'so um...what is the history between the both of you'
she smiled
'there was a war going on and so me and my family moved to America to escape it. I had to find a job because I needed to gain money and so that I didn't always need to rely on my mum all the time so I went of job searching and that where I saw him'
I smiled, wow that was some history for me, I didn't know that a hundred years ago there was a war.'so where is he now, is he with us?'
her smile turned to a frown
'no he was killed by your mother'
I was shocked 'my mother?'
'yeah, your birth mum killed him'
I was even more shocked 'what! How! Why?'
she sighed
'maybe this is going to be to much for you to take in right now'
'no...I want to know!' I pleaded
she sighed
'we don't know why but when you were six she killed him,' she looked at my expression and sighed again 'your mum poisoned him and then while I wasn't there stabbed him'
oh man I was confused 'how, where were you?'
'we went to a restaurant and she poisoned him, there are lodes of different types of vampires. The type of vampire that we are is called venlex and venlex vampires can be poisoned by this stuff called lavendeer'
'do you mean lavender?'
'no, lavendeer is similar to lavender and looks like lavender but its darker then lavender. Humans can't tell the difference between them and mistakes it as lavender and is harmless to them. However it is really harmful to vampires and could kill them.'
wait so by the sounds of it my mum could have mistaken it as lavender, it could have been an accident 'wait if humans can't tell the difference then mum could have mistaken it as lavender, it could have been an accident death.'
she sighed
'nope there was nothing but a candle on the table so it must have been in the food and what food do you know that has lavender in it?'
I sighed, she had a point 'you have a point there but how could she have know that it was lavendeer and not lavender?'
'only humans with experience can tell the difference and its only harmful to us so she must have been really experienced with killing vampires'
okay now I was confused 'why would she want to kill vampires though, how would she know about vampires?'
she sighed
'this city has lodes of vampires so it's quite possible that she has met a vampire before and taken a big hate for them from then.'
I was about to say something but before I could my whole sight went black


Chapter Thirteen, Lavendeer

'Ruth, Ruth wake up you'll be late for school, Ruth'
I groaned and looked at mum, ugh my eyelids are so heavy I swear I hardly had any sleep at all last night. Well it feels like that anyway 'five more minutes...' I said groaning
'Ben and Carter are up and school starts at eight and its fifteen minutes to now so I would get up if I were you'
I suddenly sat up, fifteen minutes to! SHOOT! I don't have long, but ugh I'm so tired! 'okay, okay I'll get up'
'okay I'll meet you downstairs and wait with the others'
as soon as she left I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way to my clothes. After I had got dressed I cleaned my teeth and ran downstairs, I only had five minutes left. 'okay I'm here'
they all looked at me and laughed
'um Ruth you've got your top inside out and your hair is a mess' Carter pointed out
Oh shoot! I didn't realise that, I groaned 'Thanks guys' after I said that I made my way to the downstairs toilet room and took my top off and put it the right way and then bushed my hair. The time was now five minutes past eight, Oh great. Despite the tome I made my way back to the kitchen where they were waiting for me 'better?'
they smiled
'your finally here, we were beginning to think that you'd never be down' Ben joked
'Oh ha-ha I just had a bad night that was all'
'what happened?' Ben asked
'bad dream'
'what was it about?' Carter asked
'why don't you focus on getting out of the door so you can talk about it on the way to school, you can fill me in on everything after school'
mum did have a point, we were late for school as it is. 'okay mum, bye'
the journey seemed to be taking longer then usual but it was probably because I was tired
'so um...what was your dream about?'
'My dream was about the kidnappers...sort off. In my dream I never knew you and I never escaped the place. I had managed to change them into good vampires but I couldn't remember anything in my dream and I felt weird so it was really hard'
'you have to stop thinking about the people who kidnapped you, your away from them now'
I looked at Carter with an annoyed and confused look
'don't listen to him Ruth, what questions were they asking?' Ben asked
'they were asking me how I felt today and why I couldn't remember who they were, they were really nice to me though.'
'so why couldn't you remember?'
'I don't know that's the thing, they took me to see their nurse Sarah and she couldn't figure it out either. However I did have a good chat with her and I found some stuff out about her and about my birth mum'
'um Ruth you do know that anything you heard isn't real because It's a dream yeah...?'
I just looked at Carter, how can he say something like that. Especially as the last nightmare I had turned out to be true 'how can you say that, especially as the last nightmare that I had was true'
'she does have a point Carter'
'yeah but the last nightmare she had got us trapped, I can't even imagine what this nightmare will get us into if it is true'
'he does have a point there to'
I just looked at Ben 'Ben!'
'what! Both of you have good points and I don't know who to stick up for so I'm sticking up for both of you'
'okay I have an idea I'll wait and I'll tell Luke about all of this and see what he thinks shall I' I said in an annoyed tone
'okay fine lets do that' Carter said huffing
After that the rest of the journey to school was in complete silence, none of us even looked at each other. The lessons went pretty slowly today and It sucked but finally It got to lunch time.
'hey Ruth over here!'
I jumped nearly spilling my food in shock, who was that? I looked around to see that Sharlene was calling me to a table. Wait Sharlene? What was she doing here? Anyhow I walked up to her and sat down where I found Sam there as well. 'hey um guys not that I'm not happy to see you but what are you doing here?'
Sharlene smiled
'we couldn't miss all the action now could we'
I smiled
'what my sister is trying to say is that we transferred here so that we could be with some actual friends for a change, we didn't like our other school because we used to get bullied because we knew more then others in our year and because we were different'
I sighed 'why because you are,' I quickly looked around and then whispered 'vampires'
'yeah' they both said
'anyway looks like we've already missed a lot seeing as you guys are not talking to each other, well apart from Luke, Luke has no idea what happened between you three.'
I sighed 'It's because-'
'it's because of Ruth's dream that she had'
okay that annoyed me the fact that Carter interrupted me but at least the word got out 'yeah what I WAS going to say'
'Ruth had a dream that she had never met us and that she was still with the guys that kidnapped her but now they had become nice because Ruth made them nice but Carter said that she had to stop thinking about the people who kidnapped her and it progressed from there and I didn't know who to stick up for so I stuck up for both of them, big mistake.'
Luke took a deep breath
'okay lets start from the very beginning, Ruth you say that you had a nightmare, start by telling me everything that you dreamt'
I sighed 'I was there and I didn't know who they were so they took me to their nurse Sarah and she didn't know either so she got Logan and Peter to go and tell everyone that there was an emergency because I couldn't remember and they didn't know why. That's when I had a big chat with Sarah, she said that she was turned when she was twenty and that her boyfriend got poisoned by my birth mum. Plus the fact that they were Venlex vampires and that Venlex vampires can get poisoned by Lavendeer that looks really similar to Lavender and that we get mixed up because we think that there is only Lavender but there is Lavendeer as well that looks like lavender but is a darker purple. Plus Lavendeer is harmless to us but harmful to Vampires, this is how I was told my birth mum poisoned her boyfriend. She then apparently stabbed him while she was in the loo'
'and you believe all of this?'
I looked at Luke and nodded, to be truthful I do because the last dream was true. 'yeah'
'Ooh actually thinking about it I think I know about the plant Lavendeer, I can remember having to look up about it in history'
I looked at Sharlene and smiled
'personally I don't believe in this plus my little sister says lodes of junk these days, this is one of them.'
Carter smiled at this and it made me annoyed
'no I can prove that I'm right, they just brought a new computer in the hall because I saw them set it up so let's go to it and I'll prove it'
I smiled at that, if this was true then that was a sign that my dream was true 'okay then lets go' we still had food but I didn't care I was eager to prove Carter and Sam right
'right now?'
I looked at Sam and he still had basically all of his food still on his tray
'yeah' then something hit me 'we could bring our food with us..'
they all seemed to smile at that
'okay why not I still think that Sharlene will be wrong though, she's my sister and she's always saying stuff like this these days'
I sighed 'well...there is only one way to find out' so we grabbed our trays and headed for the compute where we logged on and let Sharlene show us where she found it and to everyone's surprise Sharlene was right'
Sharlene gave a smug smile
'told you, Lavendeer, Lavendeer is a well mistaken plant. Lodes of people mistake this plant as a lavander plant but it's not. Lavendeer is similar to a lavander plant except it's a darker purple. This mythical plant is amazing because it doesn't harm us but it's said to harm vampires, another mythical creature.'
I smiled, Carter and Sam were absolutely gob smacked and it made me smile
'so this means that Ruth's dream could be true'
'yeah but if it is then why would Ruth's mum want to kill a vampire?' Carter asked
I sighed 'yeah that's what I thought, Sarah was saying that this village is full of vampires so she could have easily met one and then had a big hate for vampires. Sadly I couldn't find out more because I was woken up by mum'
I had now managed to actually get them all interested now even Carter and Sam and I was quite impressed
'do you know anything about your birth parents other then that?' Luke asked
'nope not a clue'
'we could always look up your family tree so that we can find out..' Ben suggested
'but isn't your mum the lady that you used to live with before you got kidnapped?'
I sighed, Carter had a point but I wasn't so sure now 'no I don't think so, is she knew about vampires and she had successfully killed one before then she would have come to get me from the kidnappers'
I sighed 'yeah that's what I thought at first but I don't think so anymore'
Ben smiled
'well like I said, why don't we look up your family tree later'
I smiled at Ben 'yeah okay
'sorry I didn't believe you Ruth'
Carter saying sorry...That was a first 'It's okay don't worry there was a fifty chance that it could have been just a dream as well'
Ben smiled
'so...Sam, Sharlene uh welcome to this school'
they smiled and that made me think of when I had only just started this school 'I'm not the newbie anymore,' I look at my friends and they all laughed 'don't worry though you can trust me when I say that you'll really love this school'
they smiled
'yeah I'm sure we will' Sam said smiling
'anyway uh...what is up with Tara anyway, I'm sorry to bring her her up but I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we are curious'
I looked at Sharlene and sighed, she was right though I was curious and by the looks of the others impressions they are curious as well 'I don't know but I know that I didn't make a very good impression to her when she found out that I went to the disco with him so yeah I'm...really not sure'
Luke smiled
'that's love for you, she loved me but I love you'
Sam looked at him with an angry face, uh-oh I think he might have fallen for me to, Oh my I'm definitely din for it now
'she had a bad influence because of her father, one of Ruth's kidnappers and I reckon because she took a massive hate to Ruth that she decided to go against us'
I looked at Ben and sighed, he was right 'she betrayed us all'
'that's love for you though' Sahrlene said sighing
just thinking about her made me sad and I made me think that all of this was my fault 'it's all my fault, if I hadn't said yes to that stupid disco Tara would still be our friend' I said nearly crying
Luke looked at me sympathetically 'no if It's anyone's fault it's mine, I was the one to ask you to the disco in the first place'
this made me cry
'were sorry Ruth we shouldn't have let you go in the first place' Ben said
'yeah, I'm also sorry that I made you angry at me, if I hadn't have made you angry at me in the first place then you wouldn't have attacked me and we wouldn't be here and we would have never disrupted Tara's and Luke's relationship up'
Luke looked at me and Carter with an annoyed face and to be honest I was not surprised
'what relationship, I never had any relationship with Tara. Even if you two hadn't come I wouldn't be with Tara.'
I sighed, this was all very nice at them but they didn't need to say sorry, It wasn't their fault. It wasn't mine either though, It was Tara's 'no guys don't be sorry, you've got nothing to be sorry for. It's Tara's choice not ours'
oh speaking of the devil here she is, why is she here though? As she started to say 'hey' we all just stared at her
'what's up?'
we just stared at her
'look guys if this is about me suddenly disappearing for the weekend I'm sorry, something popped up and so I had to go'
we all looked at each other and then to her. She was lying we knew she was because we saw her yesterday, just the thought that she was lying made me angry. 'where did you go?' I challenged her
'my grandma was ill so we had to go over there to look after her, turns out it was only a virus. She's better now'
it was strange because I half believed her and I would have believed her if I hadn't seen her yesterday. She completely betrayed all of us and that was another reason why I was angry'
'why...are you asking all of these questions?'
Ben sighed
'oh no reason'
'yeah I don't know who you are but were just curious that's all'
I smiled at Sam and Ben and almost laughed. Although this couldn't carry on, she had to know why we were angry at her, I sighed. 'we saw you at the village that I used to live in yesterday and you were with your dad. You completely betrayed us'
she looked at me with a confused face
'I haven't seen my dad since I was eleven and I've never seen him since. I wasn't in your village, wherever that is. I was in France'
we were all shocked
'but we saw you'
Sharlene had a point but I didn't know who to believe now, oh man I was so confused
'I'm sorry who are you...'
'my name is Sharlene remember...'
okay it was obvious that Sharlene didn't believe Tara's story
'yeah you know us, I agree with my sister you remember us because we saw you yesterday with our own eyes, oh and my name is Sam just to refresh your memory'
okay It was clear that he didn't either
'no...I swear I have never seen you two before, like I said I was in France. You can even ask my cousin Jackie, she knows'
okay now I was officially more confused then I have ever been before, oh man my head hurt. 'who is Jackie?'
Tara sighed
'she's my cousin and she goes to this school, she's new here. She lived in France and when we came back we brought her back with us.'
I still wasn't convinced though and neither were my friends
'oh yeah what's Sophie's real name'
I looked at Luke and smiled
'oh uh...I...don't...know'
by her response I was a little suspicious, if she didn't know it would be a straight answer, this definitely wasn't a straight answer 'really...'
'yeah...I...don't...know...what your real name is'
'really...because if you didn't know then why aren't you angry or something that her name isn't really Sophie?'
Luke had a point 'yeah...why aren't you...'
' know what why don't I go to get Jackie to prove it to you'
as soon as she said that, she was off.
'so...Ruth when are you going to tell her the truth?'
'right after you tell her your real name' I joked
Carter smiled
'I'm serious'
I sighed 'right after she tells us the truth'
'so you don't think that she's telling the truth...' Ben asked
'nope but I don't think that she was with us either...I'm so confused'
'yeah but the thing is that she can't be in two places at the same time, we've got to figure this out' Sharlene said
I sighed 'I know'
soon enough though she was back
'hey is my....uh...'
'yeah...yeah um...this is my cousin Jackie'
okay now I was really suspicious, her 'cousin' Jackie even had to remind her that she was her cousin so yeah...I was suspicious ' did you leave France?'
okay now I was getting annoyed 'I asked Jackie'
' parents decided that I had to get a better education and the schools in France apparently weren't good enough so...they sent me here and my...cousin Tara picked me up and took me here'
okay now I was beginning to think that we did see her yesterday, WHICH SHE WAS! So I don't know why I was so confused, she was lying.
'um...Tara what really is going on here?'
I think Sam spoke for everyone when he asked that
'nothings going on, I told you I had to go to France because my nan was ill'
I couldn't take one more second of her lies, luckily I didn't need to. It was time to go back to lessons 'uh... you know what Tara get have to go back to lessons don't WE guys'
'yeah, bye' they all said

Chapter Fourteen Part One Bad night

have you ever had a day that you thought was really good, to good in fact and that's when your day gets ruined. No? Your lucky! If you have then were basically on the same boat, it's horrible isn't it. Have you ever just realised that the mum you thought was your mum wasn't your mum at the age of fifteen or any age? Why do people have to hide things from you, especially things like that! No? Your even luckier, your lucky that you have a complete family that loves you. If you have then you know how I feel, have you ever had a friend that is keeping something from you, okay I bet you've all had that problem no matter how old you are. Okay now imagine if you could find out what they are hiding from you, I had that chance. Believe me though if you had the chance you would wish that you didn't, this is why. Okay this starts with a bead day of course, but it then goes down hill from there.

'oh wow this pace is beautiful, where is it?'
he gave an evil mile, but who was he? Who was she?
'this is where your going to hand over my daughter in two weeks time'
she looked scared
'who's your daughter?'
'you know, the one and only Ruth Booker, who else'
Oh no this can't be good, wait he said my name, who was he? He said I was his daughter but how? What did he look like? I tried to look at his face but his face was a blur.
'but why?'
'I need to see her'
'she owes me something'
'what does she owe you?'
'that is for me to know and you to,' he looked at her and gave an evil smile 'never find out'
she got scared
'but she's my friend, I won't just do that'
'your angry at her though, are you not?'
'I was but I've got over that'
'well to bad, shame that she's about to think that you betrayed her'
she looked confused
'again that is for me to know, not you'
'I'm afraid if I don't know why I'm not going to do this so you'll have to get another girl to do it because I'M OUT!'
with that she ran out, what the mystery was though, who was she?
'wow...slow down why are you running?'
she was so out of breath that she couldn't reply
'okay...come with me, I'll take you to my house and I'll get you a drink and then we can explain then.'
she then led her into her house and got her a drink.
'so what were you running from?'
'it's a long story'
she smiled
'I have time'
'I have a friend called Ruth and a man is after her, he claims to be her father'
'so why were you running?'
'I met this man and we talked and we had something to eat together and then he showed me this beautiful place near the beach that no one goes to. He told me that I had to bring Ruth there and that he was her father. He told me that I had to hand her over in two weeks.'
she paused
'wait what's her last name?'
'Booker, her whole name is Ruth booker'
she paused
'oh that would explain it'
'explain what?'
'Ruth is the most wanted girl, they even burned the village that she used to live in just to look for her'
'but why?'
'who knows, personally I'm against all of this'
'people must have been told something, what were they told?'
she sighed
'we were told that she ran away from someone a few years back and they were just trying to be nice and so they are on the look for her'
'but why did they burn her village?'
'who knows, personally I feel sorry for her and I would want to save her'
Oh that would explain it all, yesterday I escaped from my village
'do you know who this man was, he claimed to be her father.'
she shrugged
'who knows but whoever they are we can't let them catch her'
she looked confused
'she obviously ran away from them for a good reason and we can't let them catch her,' she then looked at her and sighed 'there is also a rumour that they know all of her friends and so if anyone knew her they would find out'
yeah that sounds about right
'how do they know?'
'that's the mystery, no one knows'
'what will they do if they find one of her friends?'
she sighed
'they haven't found anyone yet so I don't know but your in danger. There was also a rumour that because they haven't found a friend yet they will get someone who knows who her friends are to go and drive one of her friends here'
she then looked at her with a sad face
' can't seriously be thinking that, that friend is me'
she sighed
'I know it is you, I don't know who that man is but someone where you live has driven you to come here and I bet that's how you ended up running from that man'
'but why send me here, why not just go and get Ruth'
she sighed
'I don't know but for some reason they wanted you out of there, we just need to figure out why...'
'yeah but how?'
she sighed
'the only way to find out is to go back but there will be a catch, we do this in private. We don't know who this person is who drove you here so we can't go blabbing out our plans, not even to Ruth or her friends'
'are you coming back to then?'
she smiled
'yeah...of course!'
before I could even make out what was happening my vision went black


Chapter Fourteen part two

chapter fourteen part two

Have you ever had those days where your full or regret about the day before, where you really dread going back to school or work the next day? Those days where you feel like the day just couldn't get any slower, the days where your just not in the mood to talk to anyone, not even your best friends. The days that you try and hide yourself away from everyone, where you try to make yourself invisible so you can't be noticed. That surprisingly isn't me, no today I am as bright as the sun, as happy as a child that has just found out that something really good is going to happen. Yep despite yesterday I am really happy and it's all thanks to one dream...sort of...

'what's made you so happy this morning?'
 I looked at Ben and smiled 'everything' I said in a cheerful tone
 I laughed 'yep, you'll have to put up with happy me today' I joked
 'yippee....' he joked
 I laughed 'I'm really not that bad when I'm happy honest'
 'good morning guys'
 'good morning Carter, I love you...' I said spinning in a circle
 they laughed
 'yep we have to put up with cheerful Ruth today'
 Carter smiled
 'well if she's going to say things like that then I don't think I'll mind' he joked
 'yeah...for you' Ben joked
 Carter laughed
 'ah cheer up boys, the suns shining, the birds are sinning-'
 before I could Finnish Ben interrupted
 'ugh your not in love are you' he joked
 'what had made her so happy anyway because luckily I don't think that she's in love'
 Ben shrugged
 'well then who knows'
 'lets just ask her, Ruth why are you so bubbly today?'
 I smiled 'a dream...'
 they sighed
 'what sort of dream' Ben asked
 'yeah, what sort of dream would make you this happy?'
 I sighed 'a dream that tells us what Jackie and Tara are hiding'
 they sighed
 'okay let's get you sat down, we can't have you spinning around until your sick' Ben said
 'yeah come on Ruth'
 I sighed and let them lead me to the settee
 'so what was the dream about?' Ben asked
 'my dream said that someone drove Tara to go to a small town near to where my village was that got burned. She met my dad and he led her to this beautiful place where no one goes to and told her that he wanted me and that she had to bring me there in two weeks'
 'what does your dad look like?' Carter asked
 I paused, I had no idea and I wasn't sure if I was happy or sad because of that. 'I don't know, his face was blured'
 'who was the friend that got driven there. It wasn't me, Carter, Lindsey, Sharlene, Katy, Luke, Sam or...-'
 he then paused
 'NO! Please don't tell me it was Tara that got driven there'
 I sighed 'I'm afraid it was, she wasn't in my village two days ago'
 'yeah but that's if your dream is true'
 I sighed and looked at Carter 'all my dreams have come true so far so I think...that this one's true as well'
 Ben sighed
 'she as a point Carter'
 Carter sighed
 'so if this is true then why are you smiling?'
 that was a good question actually, I didn't really know myself 'you know what I don't really know, I guess it's because I know the truth now'
 'but if this is true then why did we see Tara two days ago?'
 I sighed 'I don't know we will have to get Tara and Jackie to spill today at lunch time'
 before I knew it we were at school and I was already being greeted by my loving friends
 'hey guys'
 I smiled
 'hey Sharlene, what a wonderful day it is' I said cheerfully
 Ben raised is eyebrow
 'oh yeah, Ruth is very bubbly today and she has been since we woke up, isn't that right Carter'
 Sharlene laughed
 'why is she so happy?'
 'she had a dream again'
 Sharlene looked confused
 'okay...but aren't Ruth's dreams normally bad'
 'yep' Carter said
 'that's what we thought' Ben said
 'so...why is she happy?'
 'she found out the truth about Tara and Jackie'
 'I sure did' I said cheerfully
 Sharlene rolled her eyes
 'okay...,' she looked at me and then at Carter and Ben 'so what is the truth, spill'
 'she found out that someone drove Tara to a small village...,' Carter looked at me and then to Sharlene 'uh maybe this isn't the place to be talking about all of this, you know because of everyone else'
 sharlene rolled her eyes
 'oh what and the dinner hall was...'
 she had a point, the dinner hall was more crowded then the school grounds
 'good point'
 Ben looked at us and sighed 'fine I'll carry on 'someone drove Tara to a small village near to Ruth's village that got burned'
 'but why?'
 'we don't know and neither does Ruth'
 I sighed 'nope, I have no clue. However I do know that the person that drove her over there is on their side and It could be anyone,' I then stopped and looked at my friends 'it could even be one of you guys, but I doubt it is though don't worry'
 'but why drive her over there instead of just going after Ruth'
 I sighed again, oh man this conversation was starting to ruin my bubbly mood 'I don't know but trust me when I say that I wouldn't be here if they had just gone for me'
 they all looked shocked and I was not surprised
 'anyway, that's when Ruth found out that Tara met her dad'
 Sharlene looked confused
 'her dad?'
 'yep' I said sounding less as happy now
 'what did he look like?'
 I paused 'I don't know his face was blured, he's after me'
 'were not going to let him lay a hand on you are we guys'
 'Ben's right we won't'
 'I agree with Ben and Sharlene, we won't.'
 this made me smile
 'so...what happened next'
 'he took Tara out for a meal and then took her to a beautiful place near the beach where no one goes to and then told her that she had to hand me over to him in two weeks'
 'but she said no right...'
 I looked at Sharlene and sighed 'yeah she did, she told him that I was her friend and that she couldn't do that. She told him that he'd have to find someone else'
 Ben smiled
 'looks like she doesn't hate you after all'
 I smiled at Ben 'yeah I guess not'
 'what else happened?'
 'she ran away and she ran into a girl who I can only guess was Jackie. Jackie told her that I was the most wanted girl and that if anyone was my friend they would know about it. She then told her that she was against all of this and she just wanted to help me, she said that there were rumours going around that they would send someone over to where we are now and drive one of my friends over there. That friend was Tara, Jackie made up the lie she said yesterday to stop us from finding out all of this because the person who drove Tara over there is still on the loose and it could be anyone.' I said sadly
 'that would explain it but how did we see her in your burning village?'
 Sharlene had a point we didn't know
 'we don't know and that's why we are going to ask Tara and Jackie at lunch'
 'sounds like a good idea'
 we all smiled as Sharlene said that 'okay so uh...I'll see you guys at lunch'
 'yeah, shame that were in completely different lessons though' Sharlene said
 I sighed 'yeah I swear they do that deliberately, it's really annoying'
 'they do it deliberately because they want us socializing with other kids' Ben said
 'yeah cos that clearly works' Carter joked
 I laughed 'yeah I'm surprised that they still go with that plan'
 suddenly we were interrupted by the usual class bell telling us that we had to go and get registered ready for lessons 'that's the bell, so I'll... see you guys later then'
 my friends waved at me and then left. The morning just seemed to fly past today and I was not surprised because of my good mood that I woke up in. I was in more luck, there was my usual Wednesday lunch was still there. I usually had pasta macaroni with chocolate cake and lemonade
 'hey Ruth over here'
 I jumped and looked around to see Carter and Sharlene sitting down with their usual Wednesday lunch
 'oh hey guys, seen Jackie or Tara yet today?'
 they shook their heads
 'nope they weren't in their usual lessons but it's not like Tara to miss lessons so she'll be here' Carter said
 he had a point, I've never seen her miss a lesson let alone a school day so she would be here
 'hey guys'
 I jumped again, man they were good a making me jump, I turned around to see Ben, Sam and Luke 'hey guys'
 'hey' Carter greeted
 'hello guys' Sharlene said
 'so um Ben was beginning to tell us about this big plan of yours, what is it'
 oh yeah I had forgotten about that, I can't believe I forgot 'I had a dream last night'
 'yeah and now she's all bubbly' Ben joked
 I laughed 'oh ha-ha you guys act like it's very rare to see me happy'
 'it is' Ben joked
 'oh yeah it totally is, trust me I've known her for ages' Carter joked
 I laughed 'oh ha-ha, trust me you haven't seen my angry side and you don't want to so you guys should be hapy. Anyway back to the subject I had a dream telling me the truth about Tara and Jackie'
 'how do we know that this is true though'
 I stared at Sam for a while, In was so angry. How could he say that, anyway I tried to keep it in 'well all of my dreams have been right so far so this one must be true'
 'hey um guys...did I just hear you say our name'
 oh talking of the devils here they are, I stared at my friends for back-up and then smiled at them
 'yeah um we were just saying how lucky you two are to have been to France especially as they are having really nice weather out there right now' Sharlene said
 I sighed, Sharlene is really nice to back me up but I've never agreed to keep a secret before, okay when I have I haven't exactly been very successful, plus I knew that the secret wouldn't stay a secret for long 'Tara what really happened'
 'I...told you...I go to France...because my nan was ill...and then I...brought Jackie with me'
 'yeah, yeah she did'
 okay now this was starting to get to me 'okay Tara cut the act we know that you didn't go to France and we know that Jackie isn't really your cousin'
 Tara looked at Jackie and sighed
 'what are you trying to say,' as Tara was saying that she looked at Jackie for backup 'me and Jackie have already told you the truth'
 Okay from this I've learnt that Tara is a bad lyre because my dream was true 'no you haven't come on spill'
 'were not lying' Jackie said in an annoyed tone
 Just knowing that she was annoyed made me annoyed and I could tell that it made my friends mad to
 'oh yeah well we know the truth' Carter shouted
 oh shoot I was trying to avoid telling them that we knew the truth
 'oh yeah...what's the truth then'
 Jackie smiled at Tara as she said that
 anyhow I tried to stay calm 'Tara it's okay we know why your trying to hide this from us and you don't need to worry anymore. We know now and trust me we won't let anything happen'
 I noticed a hidden smile on Tara's face
 'you have no prove that were lying so go and bug other people' Jackie said in a harsh tone
 this made me angry 'oh cut the act Jackie. Don't worry Tara we won't let anything happen'
 'how did you guys find out that we were lying?'
 I smiled at Tara as she said that 'my dreams'
 she gave me a strange look and then I remembered that she didn't know about my dreams 'I'll explain later anyway why didn't you just tell us?'
 'you didn't see his face, he looked completely scary'
 we all smiled 'yeah I know'
 'he's your dad you know' Tara said
 I sighed 'yeah I know, now I actually know something about my dad. Shame it's not something good'
 'I can't believe it, at one point I actually trusted him'
 I sighed
 'yeah tell us about that, what actually happened that day?' Sharlene asked
 'I was annoyed about Ruth and Luke still so I was sulking especially as you guys didn't even bother to try contacting me, anyway I'm over that now. I met Ruth's dad, he offered me to go get something to eat with him and so I did. I know that I shouldn't speak to strangers but my instincts told me to trust him and so I did. He then led me to this beautiful part of the beach that no one goes to and he told me that I had to hand you over two him in two weeks and that just freaked me out completely'
 it then hit me, she met my dad so she could tell me what he looks like 'what does my dad look like?'
 she paused
 'I don't know I can't remember, all I remember is that he was wearing completely black and he had golden eyes'
 I sighed, oh well It was worth a shot
 'Tara did you find that there was anything strange about Ruth's dad at all?'
 I looked at Sam as he said that, why would he ask something like that?
 'um..yeah actually, he had golden eyes which is strange and he always smiled at me. Plus he just appeared out of nowhere and that was freaky, then he asked me to hand Ruth over. What dad asks that...'
 oh now I was getting where he was going with this. Then it hit me, my dad was a vampire
 'um Tara I think what Sam's trying to say is your lucky that you left when you did' Luke said
 the real question was, how did they know that my dad was a vampire? I thought for a while and then suddenly the whole scene of the attack two days ago flew straight back into my mind. Of course, they were vampires and vampires have met every vampire, okay that was still a little strange to me because there were lodes of vampires but anyway....
 'Jackie told you something that night didn't she'
 as soon as Ben said that Jackie shot him a death stare
 'uh yeah...she said that Ruth was the most wanted girl at that place and that they burned her village just to find her.'
 'right and did you find anything creepy about that?'
 again Jackie shot another mad stare at Carter as he asked that
 the way that Jackie keeps getting angry at us for mentioning what had happened made me a bit suspicious, what was she hiding....?
 'um yeah actually. I don't know what freak would want Ruth so much and I don't know why but it's just creepy. Plus when Jackie told me that they knew all of Ruth's friends made me freak out'
 I smiled at that although I couldn't keep it in for much longer, It was mean keeping it from anyone let alone her and It was also mean that she was the only one who didn't know yet. 'um Tara I have something to tell you but you have to keep this quiet and you can't freak out, promise?'
 she stared at me for a while and then she gave in
 I sighed in relief 'okay here it is, when I was little I was kidnapped by a group of vampires-'
 before I could finish Tara interrupted
 'but vampires don't exist'
 I sighed 'yeah that's what I thought so they proved that they were vampires to me. Anyway I managed to escape and then I lived homeless stealing food and water to survive. However then I was cought and brought to prison but because they couldn't keep me because I was so young a willing Lady took me home and now I call her mum. However then a few years later they found me at school.'
 'oh and our names aren't Arron and Sophie, I'm Carter and Sophie's name is Ruth'
 'they hated each other until they were locked in a room and then they escaped from the vampire kidnappers and ended up here' sharlene said
 'where I took them in and where they pretended to be in a relationship and pretended to be Sophie and Arron'
 'we only found out two days ago when she had a dream saying that her village was on fire because they were looking for her so she went' Luke said
 'and this is where it gets complicated though, the reason why we didn't believe you is because we well sort of saw you there where you betrayed us and told your dad that Ruth was there.' Sam said
 them just helping to explain made me smile but it quickly disappeared when I saw Tara's shocked face
 'but how did you see me, I was in a village near Ruth's village but not in her village'
 I sighed 'yeah that's what were trying to find out, someone drove you over there and at the same day we saw you in my village totally betraying us so yeah...'
 Tara rolled her eyes
 'oh you guys are idiots it's obvious, someone drove her over there so that they could somehow make a Tara double so that you could think that she betrayed you and so that you could hate her'
 she had quite a good point 'yeah that makes seance but the question is who drove her over there and who somehow made a Tara double?'
 'Jackie how come you know so much about all of this'
 she sighed
 'years and years of experience I guess, after all I have lived in a village that is desperately looking for a certain Ruth Booker'
 just as I was about to say something though I started to feel weird as like we were on a boat or something and then I started to feel really warm 'guys is it just me or is it really warm suddenly in here?'
 they all looked at each other
 'no it's not hot in here' Ben said
 'it's not warm' Sharlene said
 'huh that's-' just as I was about to say something my world went black

Chapter fifteen part one White Bay

have you ever fainted? If you say no then I can officially confidently say that your lying. Everyone's fainted before and normally it's really annoying, many people say that there is no reason why you faint apart from the fact that something is wrong with you or that you are hot but what if were wrong? What if we faint for another reason like someone had caused you to faint or your wanted in another place know what I mean. I unfortunately I found out that we are wrong, however my reason was not a good reason. You'll see why

My world had gone completely black, I couldn't see anything but I could finally hear things. Wherever I was was quite quiet actually, all I could hear was the waves and sounds of seagulls. Waves? Seagulls? I was really confused, I just wished that I could open my eyes. After about...Ooh...who knows how long I finally managed to open my eyes but my eyes still felt heavy. I opened eyes, sat up and found that I was on the beach. I recognized this place, why did I recognize this place? Another question was, how did I get here? I was alone though so I took that advantage to looks around and investigate the beach. The whole place was beautiful with all the coloured lights around and best of all white sand, why wasn't anyone here? As I was wondering around I got more and more amazed, suddenly it got cold and breezy, that was strange...It was really warm, how could it possibly get so cold so quickly?

'what are you doing out here at this time?'
 I jumped and turned around 'I...don't know...'
'oh right...that would make sense I sent you here, silly me'

then it hit me, I was in the same place as Tara was in my dream so...he must be...uh-oh, he must me my 'you know if you then my did you go through the bother with getting someone to drive Tara over here instead of me' I said confidently

he laughed

'I didn't send someone to drive your little friend over here but good thing someone did'

I froze 'are you my real dad?' okay stupid question at this point but yeah...

he laughed

'yep your my daughter'

I froze 'where is mum?'

he paused

'she's about fifty feet under you'

I froze 'so she's dead'


'what happened to her?'

he laughed and I noticed that his eyes had gone yellow, It freaked me out but I ignored it

'that is for me to know and for you to...well...never find out'

'I know she killed a vampire' I blurted out, oh that was stupid, well done Ruth

'oh do you now'


'and who was dumb enough to tell you that?'

I was about to say a name but then I realised that it was in my dream so I couldn't tell him 'um...because...I know a lot of things. There are a lot of things that you don't know about me and why is that, oh wait because you left me with someone else' I said bravely


Chapter Fifteen part two there is no such thing as simple problems these days


It has been two days since Ruth fainted and she is still unconscious, that worried me so much! It was such a shock for all of us because we were just happily talking about her dream with Tara when she fainted. The thing is when you faint you wake up again in a few minutes or something, this has been two days. She seemed to be really popular though when she fainted because everyone got out of their seats and surrounded her asking if she was okay. Where is she now? She's currently in hospital trying to recover, this really made me worried.

'Luke you've got to calm down, I'm sure she'll recover soon'

I looked at Sharlene and sighed

'yeah...I guess'

Sharlene smiled

'yep and to help you look who I've brought'

I turned to see Lindsey and Katy slightly smiling

I was shocked to see them because I haven't seen them in ages but that still didn't cheer me up 'hey' I said in a sad tone

'you know you shouldn't worry about her two much, she is really strong and she will recover soon'

'Lindsey's right, you saw her four days ago, she'll be fine.'

'I agree with Lindsey and Katy, cheer up. You've been sulking at home for two days, you've got to try and cheer up, come out with us. It'll be good to get some fresh air'

Chapter fifteen part three Lies are so hard to identify these days

'there are lodes of things that you don't know miss Booker or should I say BARROCK' he said saying the last part in an evil tone

I was shocked

'yep told you there was lodes of things that you don't know'

I was even more shocked now, was my last name really Barrock? 'what sort of stuff?'

he laughed

'I know more about you then you or anyone else does.'

okay now I was annoyed 'WHAT SORT OF STUFF?'

he laughed again

'like your mum was hiding stuff from me'

yeah but he was to 'yeah but so were you, Mr vampire man'

okay that must have been big because it silenced him 'and...that's why you killed her, because she knew how to kill you and you couldn't risk her killing you.' I said bravely

he shrugged

'your smart but not smart enough'

I was shocked but I was proud of myself for sticking up for me 'and why is that DAD' I said sarcastically

'you may know how she died but you don't know anything else, like how you ended up with adopted parents or why you were kidnapped or how your sister died'

I sighed he was right 'oh and you know'

'yep, would you care if I told you, well actually I don't care if you care or not I'll tell you'

I sighed, to be honest though I kind of wanted to know. Well apart from who killed Lisa, I don't know if I could stand knowing who actually killed her.

'for starters your mum died well before you could even talk or walk or even crawl so she didn't really have a choice over the situation and I couldn't keep you because I am a vampire so I simply just left you on the doorstep of a family and they took you in,' he looked at my expression and gave an evil laugh 'yep, truth hurts doesn't it. You were kidnapped because you are a strange girl and every vampire would die to see you in person'

I was shocked, the main question was though, was he telling the truth? 'If I'm so strange that every vampire would die to see me in person then why did you go to Tara instead of just going to me?' I asked bravely

he laughed

'because she was there and plus I knew that she would ever do what I asked her to do, also I knew you would investigate in the matter. Everything you found out was fake and that's the brilliance of all of this.'

okay now I was extra confused 'fake?'

he gave me an evil smile

'yep, White Bay, the beach you are on is a really popular beach spot because of it's beauty.'

I was shocked 'then why isn't anyone here?'

he laughed but this time it was a friendly laugh

'oh my deer, there is lodes that you don't know. You can trust me'

I backed up a bit, he can't seriously be trying to convince me that I can believe him.

'look I know I haven't exactly made a good impression of that, you had a dream of what happened between Tara and me didn't you?'

I nodded

'that is fake, yes I met Tara and yes I talked to her but I never asked her to hand you over to me'

Okay now my head hurt, I felt like I could believe him but also I knew that I couldn't trust him. If the dream wasn't true then how did he know about all of this 'then how do you know about all of this if it isn't true?'

he smiled

'it's a vampire thing, we can read minds. Well Vertlex vampires can I'm not sure about the others'

that would explain it, but was he telling the truth

'look I know you don't trust me but you can, I promise you that. I didn't pull you here to try anything on you or hurt you. I came to talk to you away from your friends'

'okay you want to talk, talk. Spill the truth' I said bravely

he sighed

'I've told you enough, you can't handle the rest'

okay that annoyed me 'oh yeah how do you know, just because you can read my mind doesn't mean that you know how I will react. Spill or I'm finding a way to wake myself up and be happy with my friends that I actually know that I can trust.' I said bravely

he looked mad and that made me smile inside

'fine you want to know the truth here it is but don't blame me when you have sleepless nights when you wake up because your scared. I tried to warn you, for starters I know who killed your sister Lisa.,' he looked at my face and saw worry inside of me but I didn't care 'your so called friend Carter and his brother Michael killed her.'

'no, NO! YOUR LYING!' I didn't care what he said I refused to know

'oh it's the truth and that's not all, Luke is on your kidnappers side as well. He's pretending to be in love with you to find stuff out about you and Carter was the one who led your kidnappers to your school. Your best friend Lilly was on your kidnappers side as well and that's why she was trying to convince you that Carter was innocent and when she claimed that she had to go home she really went to let your kidnappers in on the information. Plus Tara is her sister so she's been spying on you and letting Lilly know everything that she found out. Sam and Sharlene used to know you when you were little and convince you that vampires didn't exist but when you disappeared they didn't save you even if they knew where you were, appalling isn't it. There you go, don't say I didn't warn you. You can shut this off all you want but it's the truth.'

I didn't care what he said I didn't believe anything that he said, my friends are better then that and nicer they wouldn't do anything like that to me. It upset me even thinking about it

'unlike your friends you can trust me Ruth, I'm your dad and I wouldn't do anything to you'

'what so you don't want to harm to me but you can kill mum'

he sighed

'she was going to kill me and she could well have harmed you, I couldn't risk that.'

I sighed 'let me wake up and if you are right THEN I'll think about trusting you'

he sighed

'I'll see you soon then'

before I could even say anything he looked at me an closed my eyes. That made me feel weird again, then I fell into darkness.

chapter fifteen part four believe me she's lying


Something weird has happened, I saw Ruth talking to Sharlene and Sam by the school gates but how? Yesterday I fell asleep next to her and she was still there when I woke up.

'hey Luke you would never guess who is here' Sharlene squealed

'Ruth?' Oh man I was so confused

'hey Luke, the others have been telling me that you have been so supporting to me while I was unconscious, thank you so much!' Ruth said happily

Okay now I was confused, I tried to hide it though 'your welcome Ruth' I said trying to sound happy.

The whole day went so slowly but I was glad it was over for today. Ruth was acting so weird all day, she acted like she had forgotten all of our names and the worst thing was I knew that Ruth never forgets anything and the others totally believed that it was because she had been in hospital for four days. This wasn't her and I knew that, I was determined to prove that to them so I went to the hospital and I was shocked at what I saw....

To Be Continued....

chapter sixteen part one never trust a person with no memory



This wasn't her and I knew that, I was determined to prove that to them so I went to the hospital and I was shocked at what I saw....

I saw a very drained looking Ruth laying down, this shows that the Ruth that was at school wasn't the real Ruth, HA! Then suddenly my thoughts was interrupted by my phone buzzing

heyy luke. Look I don't know whats the matter with u but ive never seen you be that weird around ruth, whats going on? Ben

I sighed, I had to prove this, they wouldn't believe me otherwise

ben, bring the others MINUS RUTH over to the hospital ive got something important to show you guys, luke

I doubt he'll come but it's worth a try, they had to know

confused. Why dont you want ruth to come, you've been funny with her ever since she got better. Ben

okay that was expectable but I had to try

Ben u have to believe me here, the girl who u think is ruth isnt really ruth. Shes still in hospital but she looks worse. Come with the others MINUS RUTH please Luke

(sigh) fine i'll get the others minus ruth but if your wrong your in big trouble, ben

I sighed, oh well at least their coming. A few minutes later they arrived

'all right Luke where is she'

I looked at Ben and sighed 'come on then' so I led them to Ruth and they were as shocked as I was 'you see'

Ben sighed

'yep, but this doesn't make any sense.'

'actually it does, do you guys remember when we went to Ruth's village and saw Tara'

I smiled at Sharlene backing me up

'yeah that was freaky, I was at White Bay and I haven't seen my dad since I was little. The Tara you must have saw knows everything about me so this Fake Ruth could be the Same fake me, if you get what I mean'

I paused but then I understood 'you know that's actually quite a good point'

'yep the question is who is this person or even, dare I say it thing that is making themselves into lookalikes of people and then pretending to be that person?'

Katy also had a point, we had to find out who and fast

'hey do you think whoever is faking to be Ruth is also the culprit to Ruth suddenly fainting and b the looks of it weakening her'

I smiled at Lindsey as she said that 'yeah you know you might be right there'

'the question is how do we get rid of the fake Ruth?' Ben asked

I sighed

'what I want to know is why would someone want to fake to be someone else, it's just stupid' Sharlene said

I sighed again 'yeah that's what I was wondering' then something hit me, if we fake to think that she's Ruth and then drive her back to where she came from and maybe even find out who this person was 'hey guys I have an idea, we pretend to think that she's Ruth and then we can eventually drive her back to where she came from'

'and then find out who she is...'

I smiled at Sharlene, she was on fire today

'precisely what I was thinking. You took the words right out of my mouth'

Sharlene gave a smug smile

'yeah sounds like a good idea, I'm dying to find out who faked to be me and now Ruth. I'm in'

'I'm in' Sharlene said

'anything to save my girl'

I got annoyed at that but now wasn't the time

'I'm definitely in. If it wasn't for the fire before we met you guys I wouldn't be in but mow I'm a hundred percent in'

'I'm in' Katy said

I smiled. Good then, this starts with inviting Ruth to a party tomorrow night'

they all looked at me with shocked faces and that was totally expected because I hadn't told them yet

'a party?'

I think that Tara spoke for all of them when she asked that 'yeah, it's all part of the plan, trust me. Just go with the flow'

they all smiled

'fair enough' they all said

I smiled 'great well I think that it's time we leave this hospital before anyone gets suspicious and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the party'

Chapter Sixteen Part Two secrets and betrayals

Mystery person????

'yeah I'm telling you Michael she's getting closer and closer to finding out how Lisa actually died' I said in a worried tone

he sighed

'Carter chill, we've got a job to do and so we have to stay calm about this. You've never felt bad before so this is no different.'

I sighed he had a point but somewhere inside me I felt bad 'okay but what are we going to do to stop her from finding out?'

he gave an evil smile 'pull her friends away from her, tell her stuff about them that'll make her hate them anything. Then once she has no one apart from you be there for her.'

'already a step ahead of you I'm afraid on that point'

I jumped and looked behind me to see Ruth's dad Eric 'hi Eric'

' ahead...of us?'

I looked at Michael and sighed, he had a point though, how was he?

He gave an evil smile 'she completely trusts me, maybe even more than she trusts you Carter. I've told her lies about her friends but she doesn't believe it, Michael this is where you come into this. There is a girl willing to help us with this as well called Rebecca, she is waiting by the bus stop now. Your job is to pick her up and fill her in with the plan then tomorrow pretend to be visiting Carter. Oh and also make up a story about the fire in the school and how worried you were, you know that lot. Carter your job is to be a friendly to Ruth as possible, introduce her to Rebecca and just stay cool.'

wow I was impressed and by the looks of Michael he was shocked to

'so what exactly are you going to do?'

Michael had a point, what was he going to do?

'my part is a secret but Rebecca will organize a holiday with her mum Vicky so that she can get a break from all of this, then her part will be done so she will tell everyone that she has to move again but that won't be the end of it.'

that was a good plan but what got me the most is why would a random girl want to help 'so why does Rebecca want to help?'

'she wants the money that we earn helping them'

Oh that was actually quite a good point 'yeah good point'

he gave an evil smile

'so how did your fake escape go?'

I sighed 'quite well actually, she really bought the fact that I had no idea what was happening. She also bought the lie about how I escaped'

suddenly we were interrupted by my phone ringing 'shh guys be quiet, It's Sharlene. 'hello Sharlene'

'hey Carter. The real Ruth is awake in hospital now and we thought that you would like to meet us in the hospital'

'okay that should be fine, I'd do anything to see a healthy Ruth again. I'll just check with my new friend that I'm with' I then looked at Richard and Michael and they nodded 'okay so he says that it's okay so I'll be over in a few minutes'

'he can come if he wants, I would feel bad if he had to go just because of us'

Oh know what do I say to that? Think Carter, THINK! 'thanks but he has to go anyway so It wouldn't have been a problem, I'll see you soon'

'okay bye Carter'

Chapter Seventeen It hurts not being able to rememer

have you ever woken up not knowing where you are or what happened? Have you ever had a massive headache and you don't remember how you got it? That's how I felt and it sucked. If you have then you'll know how I feel

'hey Ruth your awake, ARE YOU OKAY!'

to be honest I wasn't sure 'yeah I guess but I have this worst headache ever!' I said holding my head

Luke smiled

'yeah that's normal when you hit your head'

I looked at Luke in a confused face 'hit my head...?'

Sam sighed

'don't you remember anything?'

I shook my head 'not a clue' I then glanced at the digital clock sitting by my hospital bed and saw that the date was the twelve of the third two thousand and ten. I was shocked, the last thing I remember was that the date was the eighth of third two thousand and ten. 'w-what happened to me?'

Carter sighed

'you seriously don't remember?'

I gave it some thought but it just made my head hurt 'nope'

Ben sighed

'you blacked out at lunch. You were really bubbly because you had found out about Tara and Jackie, it shocked all of us'

I was shocked, I was really shocked 'how long have I been out for?'

'you've been out for four long days' Sharlene said

'Luke never left your side, after school he went straight back to your side' Ben said

I looked at Luke and he smiled

'however there is someone pretending to be you so It could cause a problem' Katy said

'not anymore there isn't'

we all looked at Carter in shock

he hesitated for a minute

'there will only be one of my girl and that's the real one so before I met you guys here I made sure the person who was pretending to be you was gone forever' he said smugly

as Carter said that I was his girl he looked annoyed, ugh boys!

'thanks Carter' I said thanking him

'your welcome'

suddenly our talking was interrupted by a knocking at the door

'come in' Sharlene shuted

with that a doctor came in

'well I see your awake now, how are you feeling?'

how was I feeling? That was actually quite a good point 'I'm okay I guess but I've got a headache'

he smiled

'that I'm afraid is the downside to blacking out, at one point we weren't even sure if you'd make it because your conditions dropped so I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'm glad that your up. You should be able to leave we'll just get you a prescription to treat your headache, what I am going to say though is that you take a couple more days of school so that you can have bed rest just to make sure that your fully better before you go back to school'

I groaned at that, not more time off school

'yeah don't worry we will take full care of her'

he smiled

'that's good to hear, I'll just get the prescription'

he then went to his draw and reached out for a prescription and wrote what I had to get on it

'here you go,' he then turned to my friends 'if anything like this happens again call me straight away'

okay that didn't sound good, they all nodded though

'okay then, Ruth your stuff is in the cupboard over there, sou can go and get dressed and then you can leave. Remember though, get some bed rest.'

I nodded and as he left I climbed out of bed and got dressed. I was so good to be standing up again, my legs felt so stiff it was amazing.

As soon as I got dressed we all walked together until we had got out of the hospital and to Ben's house

'bye guys, hope you get better soon Ruth' Katy said

'bye guys, get better Ruth' Sharlene said

'I should really be getting going with Sharlene so bye guys, get better soon Ruth'

I was confused at the fact that they all thought that I was ill but oh well

'right okay, Ruth you go to bed and we'll be up to see if your okay in a minute'

I sighed I didn't really know why I needed to get better because I was already better but oh well 'guys...I'm not ill'

they looked at me and almost laughed

'yes you are, you've got a headache and you can't remember what happened so I suggest you rest' Carter said

'now' Ben said

I sighed and went up to bed, I'm never going to be able to sleep though.

Chapter eighteen part one School Sweet School

Have you ever had a day where you are forced to stay in bed because they think that it's best for you? Okay normal people would enjoy having a day of school to stay in bed but I'm not normal, not anymore. My life is full with adrenaline and all sorts of unnameable dangers, yep my life has been full with all sorts of unnameable stuff and why? All because I was kidnapped when I was twelve. This is exactly why I'm not normal anymore, and all because I met a bunch of crummy vampires.

'Ruth stay in bed okay, have a nice day at home relaxing AND GETTING BETTER! At home while were at school' Ben called

'don't worry Ruth your mum's coming home today so she'll be here to look after you' Carter called

this made me extremely annoyed 'no, NO! I'm not staying at home. I need some fresh air, get out a bit. That's what I need! I'm going to school!' I shouted

Ben and Carter came into the room and sighed

'no your not, your getting better just like the doctor said'

''s right Ruth. You need your rest'

this really got me annoyed 'I'M NOT ILL GUYS! I'm going to school! I don't care if you like it or not, I'm going!'

I was so annoyed that I didn't let them say anything, I just grabbed my clothes, got dressed, cleaned my teeth, put my shoes on and ran out of the house slamming every door that I went past.

I was so annoyed that I practically ran to school and I was shocked at what I saw, I saw my friends talking to a girl that I'd never seen before

'oh...hey Ruth we weren't...expecting you-'

I got so annoyed that I interrupted Tara 'yeah well I feel better so I'm back,' I then looked at the girl who I didn't recognize 'who's she?'

Tara sighed

'this is Rebecca, she transferred here about two days ago. Rebecca this is Ruth'

Rebecca smiled and waved

'hi Ruth nice to meet you'

I smiled 'hi Rebecca'

'so...Tara has been telling me that you fainted five days ago, are you okay?'

ugh all this talking about me being supposably "ill"

I just fainted, I'm not Ill! 'yeah it was a bit of a shock and my head hurt after but I'm FINE now' I said. I tried to make my point that I was fine because I really was

Sharlene sighed

'she says she's fine now but she's not. She needs to rest because there could be a risk that she faints again and It could be worse'

What Sharelen said really annoyed me, the doctor never said that 'the doctor never said that Sharlene, I'm fine!' I said in an angry tone

Sharlene sighed

'no but I phoned the doctor and he said that there could be a risk of you fainting again if you don't rest'

this really made me angry and I couldn't take it anymore so I ran off and went into the school building. Going in is naughty but I was so annoyed, I had to get away! Lunch had already been and I had avoided them as much as I could, just thinking and seeing them nearly made me cry. "It should be okay though because I had only two lessons left" that's what I kept telling myself to believe. The last two lessons that I had was a double history lesson, great. It was so hard not yo fall asleep in the history lessons because lets face it, it isn't exactly the best lesson ever and I was boring.

'right class today you are looking up your looking up your family tree to see what history lies in your family, you know what do do so get on'

we all groaned but we went to the computer and logged on. Finding out my family tree could be interesting because I know nothing about my parents. However tried looking and I had no luck finding out about my family and it was starting to give me a headache even trying to find a bit of useful information. Eventually I started to feel weird and my eyes felt heavy again and then eventually my world fell into darkness

Chapter eighteen part two unwanted truth

have you ever felt like the world is against you? Have you ever felt like your not meant to be on this planet, like you weren't supposed to have even been born? That's how I feel, I have blacked out once already this weeks and now I've blacked out again and this really makes me feel like I'm not meant to be alive anyway, like I was a mistake, an unwanted child. Just thinking of this made me cry, it made me wonder why I even bothered. If you've ever though about this stuff before you are not alone, trust me. I've been through it before and it sucks so your definitely not alone!

It was a very dark rainy day, where was I?



pretty soon I found out where I was, I was in my parents house, I had to hide and fast because they would find me, or would they? I could be a ghost right now, I couldn't take the risk though so I hid


after he said that he knocked the plate off the table causing it to go flying into the little kid's food. I recognized the little kid but how? I watched as the little kid started eating her dad's food and then it hit me, the little kid was me.

'mum...what's going on?'

I jumped and looked at another girl who looked like the age of seven but who was she? I didn't recognize him this time and it was really confusing

'CASEY GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN!' my dad screamed

'don't listen to Richard hunny, Casey your dinner is ready. Your dad's just leaving' as she said that she glared at my dad and he left.

Suddenly my scenery changed and it completely confused me

'hey sweetie'

he smiled

'hey hunny how was your day?'

who where these people? I was confused

'yep my days been fine but someone missed you, she's been crying all day.' she said picking up the girl that I recognized before. Wait that would mean that that man was my dad but who was she?'

she then passed my dad my little self and she stopped crying

'I feel bad for little Ruth over her though, she lost her mum and her sister mysteriously disappeared'

'hmm yeah but she's got me now' she said kissing my dad on the lips

ugh this just made me sick, this must mean that my dad's moved onto another women

'true...' he said smiling

'yep and in a few months we will have a little kid'

that shocked me, I glanced at her tummy and she definitely was pregnant, ugh.

'yep and I can't wait, Little Ruth will have a new step sister'

'hmm how about sister that sounds better'

he smiled 'sister it is, so what names have you come up with?'

'I've thought of, Hanna, Katherine, Lisa, Emma, Jasmine or Sarah so far'

wait a minute, did he just mention Lisa, I never saw her before so this it can't be! Lisa's my sister not step sister!

Suddenly my scenery changed again, ugh my head hurt

I found myself on a street, I saw my mum running, she was out of breath. I was scared but I followed her until she stopped at a dead end

' me' she begged

'what's the matter'

's-someone's chasing me, help'

'alright calm down where are you?'




no answer


I was crying, I was crying my eyes out. My mum had been murdered in front of my eyes, I couldn't believe it. Before I could sob more though my scenery changed again

this time I was in a park, thank goodness I was actually somewhere that I recognized but why?

'well I don't need a ride so go away'

'are you sure because you know we won't mind'


'okay, okay'



I was shocked, I was really shocked. I just watched someone kill my sister at the local part right in front of my eyes. The thing that annoyed me though was the fact that I watched someone kill her in front of my eyes yet I had no idea who this person was because my vision went blurry every time I had a chance to see the mystery person.

Suddenly my vision changed again

I found myself in a nice house but why was I here

'Jessica what were you thinking'

'I was saving your sister's life, that's what'

'yeah but you could have now put her at risk of finding out about her family history, she could be in big danger!'

'if I hadn't saved her she would be dead by now so I don't know why your angry'

'she shouldn't have been there in the first place'

'that wasn't my fault, she had a dream and it was true'

wow I was shocked, they were arguing over me. Why though...

'look Casey I saved your sister, her kidnappers could have killed her. Instead I helped her by freezing time'

before I could say anything else the scenery changed again, ugh!

This time I found myself back in my old school, in my old school? The school was still on fire and people were running around screaming, why was I here

'everyone get out of the building!' my head teacher screamed. Ha funny because he never bothered in saving me and Carter, that ass!

'were going to die!' I heard Lilly yell

'no were not! Were going to evacuate this place and leave it up to the firemen. Then we'll find somewhere else to re-build our school and get everyone to the school'

everyone ran out of school except us obviously. Oh my goodness so they all survived, oh man I was confused

Chapter eighteen part three consequences of being ill

I knew it, I knew if Ruth went to school today, she would faint. I tried to warn her but no... she went along with it anyway. That's advice for everyone, if someone warns you about something or advises you not to do something listen to them because their probably right!

'she's back in hospital again, she fainted in history' I said sighing

'if she had listened to us she would not be in this situation right now' Ben said sadly

Carter sighed

'yeah I know, I half blame myself for all of this.'

I looked at Carter in sympathy 'no, don't say that it was no ones fault'

suddenly we were interrupted by our history teacher

'do you have any idea why she fainted?'

I looked at our history teacher and sighed 'she fainted like this a day ago, I don't think that she was fully healed from that'

our history teacher sighed

'you should go and visit her it's okay I've spoken to Mr Blunt, the head teacher and he's allowed you to go. She will need you especially now'

I sighed, she was right 'yeah I guess your right,' I looked at the others and they nodded 'is it okay if we go now?'

she smiled

'yes of course, as long as Ruth's in hospital you can go whenever you want just let a member of staff know.'

she was so supportive and nice to us, she was one of my best teachers because of this fact. As soon as she allowed us to go we headed straight to the hospital.

Chapter Eighteen Part Four Family Tree

The scenery has changed four times already and my head hurt, now the scenery changed again for the fifth time and my head really hurt. Where was I this time? This time it felt really real but where was I?

'ah your here finally, you kept me waiting'

I jumped, I looked up to see a man but who was he? I looked around to see who he was talking to but I couldn't see anyone

'hello do you have ears...?' he said rudely

I looked around again and I saw no one else

'hello, miss I said DO YOU HAVE EARS!'

I looked around again and then I finally got the hint 'huh are you talking to me'

he laughed

'yes of course I'm talking to you, who else'

okay now I was confused 'who are you?'

he sighed

'my name doesn't matter, what matters is that you want to know about your family tree'

I was confused 'huh?'

he laughed

'you want to know about your family tree and the stress got to you so you fainted, now I'm here to take the stress away from you by showing you your family tree'

I was still confused, why would he want to help me 'but why?'

he laughed

'because you need me to help and without me you'd be floating around to memory to memory and that would be what happens constantly until you find a way to wake up'

I sighed he had a point 'okay good point but how are you going to show me?'

he sighed

'you need to find out what happened to your family in order to know your family tree and so I'm here to help'

I smiled 'thanks but I already know that my little sister was murdered and that my birth mum was killed by my dad, what else do I need to know?'

he sighed

'you have hidden family members that you are not aware of and that's another step'

I smiled 'I know I've got a hidden sister called Casey'

he sighed 'thought you'd say that seeing as you've been floating through your memories so I've got your family tree paper here and also I'm going to take you back to the very beginning'

before I could say anything I found myself float back to the very beginning. I was in my house but where? I was in a cottage and it was really pretty. Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of a crying baby, I didn't know where I was so I decided to follow the sounds of the crying baby. Soon enough I found out where I was, I was in my old house from where I was little. The place was so pretty that I was surprised that I had forgotten this place.

I glanced around and I saw a women walk up to the crying baby and pick her up but who was she? I stared at her for a while before it hit me, she was my mum. She was really pretty, I wished that I'd been with her while I grew up instead of my crummy step mum, just thinking about that it made me cry. Soon enough though my scenery changed again, this time I found myself in the same cottage only with a crawling toddler and a crying baby except I knew exactly where I was and who the crying baby was. The crying baby was me. The same thing happened this time except there was also a toddler to distract my mum, just seeing my mum made me cry. Luckily my scene changed because I don't know what I'd do if I had to spend anymore minutes looking at my birth mum struggle. This time I was on some weird island but why was I here? The island was beautiful, the whole place was full with flowers and I didn't need to be quiet to hear the birds sing. Soon enough I found out why I was here

'what so your certain that they've taken my sister?'

a man that looked suspiciously like Sam nodded

'yes I'm afraid so'

she looked sad

'I knew they'd find her sooner or later but why, why would they want my little sister?'

I recognized them both, why did I recognize them both?

'it's all my fault, dad abused mum so much while we were kids. I should have know that he'd do the same to Ruth, I escaped and left my sister. It's all my fault.'

'Casey calm down it wasn't your fault that she was kidnapped'

Oh....that would explain it

she sighed

'I wish I could believe you there Sam I wish I could believe you'

he sighed

'it wasn't your fault Casey, don't worry we'll get he back'

wow I was really surprised, not only does Sam know I have a big sister but he kept it from me to. He knew I was kidnapped, he knows my full life, he knows my big sister Casey.

'shocking isn't it'

I jumped and turned around to see the man that helped me 'how come they didn't tell me all of this?' I said in shock

he shrugged

'the life is full of surprises. I bet there are things you are hiding from them to so that's your answer.'

okay I was a little annoyed but he had a point 'okay good point'

he smiled

'yep. Now wake up and enjoy life before you loose your chance'

what did he mean by that 'what do y-' before I could Finnish my question though he disappeared and I found myself waking up feeling horrible again.

Chapter nineteen Part one Friends will never stay friends forever

have you ever woken up with a headache which you've had for about three times in one week? That's how I feel, I feel horrible. Have you ever felt worse than you have ever felt in ages? If you have were in the same boat.

I woke up to find myself in the stinking hospital again, ugh.

'RUTH YOUR ALIVE!' Rebecca shouted

I rolled my eyes, I still didn't like Rebecca that much. 'yeah...I'm alive. I just fainted, it's nothing bad enough to die' I said meanly

they all looked at me with shock

'you didn't need to be mean Ruth'

I looked at Rebecca and then to Lindsey, ugh I was so annoyed

'yeah...Ruth give her a break, we were all really worried about you'

I looked at Sharlene with even more anger 'oh give me a break, I'm ill for three days and you already have found a new friend. It was THREE DAYS! Then I fainted again and I doubt I was out for that many days.' I shouted

they all looked at me

'Ruth do you even know how many days that you were out for' Ben said in an annoyed tone

I looked at Ben, he had a point but still I wouldn't let them win this, this was my argument.

'exactly didn't think that you did, you were out for a whole week Ruth!' Katy screamed

okay now that really annoyed me 'SO WHAT! I'm awake now and I wouldn't have died even if I had woken up' I said meanly

Rebecca just looked at me

'you know what I give up with you! I came here because I wanted to make friends, I came here because I heard about you from other people and I was excited to meet you. I thought that you were really nice, I was wrong!

With that she stormed out

they all looked at me ugh, she wasn't their friends. She was just here to get in our way 'WHAT!' I shouted

'Ruth what has gotten into you! She's still very new here and were trying to make her welcome' Tara shouted

'yeah! When you were new we welcomed you in and now were doing the same with Rebecca! So what if she's our friend. There is enough room for her to join our gang!' Ben shouted

ugh this really made me annoyed!


we jumped and looked at the source of the voice. He looked at us and could tell that we were angry, I could tell

'maybe...I should come back later. Glad to see that your awake though Ruth'

they all looked at me with an annoyed face

'no it's okay we were just leaving weren't WE guys' Sharlene snapped

'yeah' they all said

with that they all left the room. Oh well who needs them, I have other friends.

'what happened there?'

I shrugged 'they managed to replace me during the three days that I was out' I said sadly

he looked at me with sympathy

'I'm sure they haven't replaced you'

I sighed, I was so sad that I was nearly crying 'they have, you watch'

he sighed

'I'm sure they haven't replaced you,' he then looked at my sad face and tried to cheer me up 'but hey in the bright side you are now allowed to leave this hospital and go home. Maybe in the morning you and your friends will wake up the next morning with a new start'

I groaned, for once I wasn't looking forward to leaving the hospital 'doubt it, thanks anyway though. Presides I live with three of them so I doubt this is going to go well'

Chapter Nineteen Part Two The Silent Treatment

Friends, who needs friends. Everyone loves having friends to hang around with but think about it, how long do you actually stay friends with them? I guarantee that it's not for long. We love having supportive friends but how often does that end up well? For example have you ever had a best friend? I bet that your answer is a yes because everyone has had a best friend at one point, it doesn't matter how old you are. Okay now add on two other really good friends, suppose you have three really good best friends that you can rely on. Image that your friendship bond with them is so strong that you feel if one friend is missing then there is a massive hole in the friendship circle. Image that you spend as much time with that person as possible. Now image that your friendship was shattered causing you to loose a best friend leaving you with only one, how often does this happen, think about it. I can officially say that this has happened to all of you at least at one point of your life. The cause doesn't even have to be anything big, it could have easily just been a silly argument. Now imagine that you have trouble seeing your best friend because your other ex best friend is to busy organizing to meet up with her or him. Imagine that you hardly see that best friend because of your other ex best friend organizing stuff all the time. Feel what I mean yet, great. Now imagine that you want to try and make friends with your ex best friend again in hope to re-build the strong bond that was once there, imagine that your ex best friend becomes friends with you again but not best friends. Imagine that you think that your ex best friend is best friends with you again but actually your ex best friend really doesn't like you at all. Imagine that you think your best friends with your ex best friend again but you feel that the strong bond you once had wasn't there. Imagine you try and talk to your ex best friend about this but they have no idea what you are on about, sucks doesn't it. My point is that you can have a group of friends for a while but you will never have that complete group of friends forever. Okay so the situation may not be this dramatic but trust me I'm right about this one, think about it, how many friends do you now that you never talk to anymore, that's giving you the silent treatment for some reason, that you had an argument. Anything, okay like I say it may not be this bad for some and I'm sorry if you find this offending but it's my opinion. This is why

my friends have been giving me the silent treatment for weeks now and it sucks, it almost makes me cry. My mum is the only person that's actually talking to me, I'm at home and they won't talk to me. At lunch times when they see me they put their bag on the seat that I used to sit on, in the hall they just walk past me laughing with Rebecca. During lessons they avoid me, during the weekends they don't call me or text me. All of this made me cry for weeks secretly while I was locked in the toilets at home and at school, I can't take this anymore. I can't even go to the teachers about this because I was worried that it would just make matters a lot worse, I don't even talk to my mum about it. Then a miracle happened

heyy ruth, whats up? I havent talked to u in ages! Whats been going on? Im sorry I didnt text you earlier, ive only just found your number again. Oh and this has been bugging me for ages, im sorry that I got you locked in a classroom with carter and im sorry we didnt go looking for you. But hay your alive and thats the main part lilly

I smiled that, I was just glad that she was alive. I was still upset though so I replied

heyy lilly, oh my goodness! I havent seen u in ages! How did u escape the fire, where are you now, I have so many questions (sigh) no im not okay, this girl has taken my friends away and now im alone and I dont know how much longer I can take it :'(

as I was writing that I was crying

ah hunny whats up? Heyy I tell you what why dont I come and visit for a while, then youll have a friend. Then we can talk about all of this. lilly

I smiled at this, this was why she was my best friend. She was always there for me

your a great best friend lilly, I just wish I could say that about the others :'( ruth

I meant everything in the text, she was a great best friend.

I know lol yeah sure that would be great, presides if I come I get to see you and your so called "friends" then they will wish that theyd never made u like this. ill let mum know that im visiting you and we can sort these "friends" out. Oh and smile itll make u a little better. lilly

I smiled, that would be great. Her coming would really cheer me up

cool, ok I will smile just for you :) is that better lol so when are you coming, I could really use u! Ruth

this made me a little better but I was still annoyed. I was just exited to see a real friend for once.

Erm...where do u live now? lilly

I smiled at that

follow the sea until you get to a city in the south of our old village, is that okay? Soz I don't know the exact place. Ruth

I felt really bad not knowing where I was but it was the truth.

oh. its okay dont worry I have a fair idea where u are. I will leave in the afternoon so be expecting me around dinner time. Cant wait! Lilly

I smiled, I could not wait!

'hey Ruth'

I jumped and turned to see Rebecca. I sighed and started to walk away, I couldn't stand to talk to her right now. Let alone even look at her


I just ignored her and walked away

'no. please wait, at least hear me out'

I sighed 'what do you want Rebecca. You already have everything that was once mine so what do you want!' I said harshly

'look I came here in hope-'

oh great not this again 'Rebecca I've heard it once already!' I interrupted harshly

she sighed

'that's not what I was going to say. I came here to make friends but instead I seem to have made friends but also made an enemy by turning all her friends away from her by accident. I don't want this Ruth. I wanted friends but I didn't want it to be like this. I came here and I got a job and it was a horrible job and I-'

she then cut off and put her hand over her mouth, that was strange 'what job?'

'oh, nothing, it's nothing' she said

hmm how suspicious 'look Rebecca I already hate you as it is so you can tell me'

she sighed

'I had this job to make you flee from here but I've recently found out by meeting u and making friends with your friends that it's wrong so I'm going to quit. I will then leave within that week. RUTH I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T THINK THAT IT WOULD END UPLIKE THIS! I REALLY AM!'

wow I was not expecting that, this made me really angry 'so lets just say that agin just to check that I'm not hearing things. You came here to make me flee,' I stared at her with an angry look and then something hit me 'that's why my friends hate me isn't it! Because you've been spreading lies about me to them' I said in an angry tone

she hesitated but she looked mad


I sighed, I felt bad for her but was she telling the truth 'IT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH REBECCA! WHY DID YOU TAKE THAT JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE!' I said harshly

she sighed 'because of the amount of money that I get payed and plus it was an excuse to move to America' she said guiltily

I sighed, okay maybe I believed her but that didn't mean that I was less angry at her though and she could tell

'Ruth please, I swear I haven't done anything concerning my job. I'm quiting tomorrow and then leaving within the week' she said sadly

Chapter nineteen part three Jobs ar never simple these

'Hello Rebecca I wasn't expecting you here today, hows it going?'

I sighed, he's going to completely murder me for this but I had to do it, I couldn't do what he said because it was wrong. 'how come you never told me anything about Ruth before giving me a job to make her flee'

he looked at me and sighed 'technically I didn't hire you, the person who I work for told me to hire you,' he looked at my shocked face 'why you don't think that she's nice do you..'


he just looked at me in shock

'why would you want to quit, you get payed thousands of pounds a week just by working here.'

okay this made me angry 'this whole place is wrong Michael and you know it! Infact I'm not asking for my weeks notice, I QUIT!' I shouted. After I said that I left

Chapter twenty Friends Reunited

Have you ever known someone for what seems all your life? Have you ever had to leave that person? If so then you know what I feel. Okay I left my friends ages ago but once that feeling has hit you it never really leaves you, or does it? Close your eyes and imagine, imagine that you had to leave your best friend, imagine that someone tragic happened causing you to have to leave your best friend. Great, now imagine that you had the chance to meet your best friend again. Now imagine something bad happened to your best friend, open your eyes. What did you see, I don't know about you but just imagining all of this made me almost cry. Okay this actually happened to my best friend but yeah you know what I mean, it's sad even thinking about it. Now you have imagined this you will be aware of what could happen, my advice to all of you is try and keep your best friend under your arms. Okay not literally under your arms, I mean keep your best friend close to you because if you don't you could end up finding that something bad happens. I never had this advice told to me and I wish that I did, you'll see why

eleven thirty, SHOOT! I was late for meeting Lilly. I quickly brushed my hair, put the first jumper on that I saw, put the first shoes on that I saw, rushed out of the door and ran to the meeting spot. I had arranged to meet her at the local park which was about a minute away from Ben's house. The problem is that I arranged to meet her at eleven twenty five so she probably would already be there. To make matters even worse my mum Vicky agreed to pick her up from the train station and drop her off at the park on her way to her meeting so she's probably been there for a long time now. I ran as fast as I could until I finally got to the park, I then looked around to find Lilly and I finally found her. She was sitting on the swing 'h...hi sorry I'm late' I said out of breath

she smiled

'it's okay at first I was wondering if you had remembered but then I remembered that you're never on time for anything so I waited'

I laughed, yep she was right there 'yep that's me, little miss late' I joked

she smiled

'it's nice to see you again Ruth'

I smiled back 'yeah it's nice to see you to, it feels like forever since we last met. When was that?'

she gave it some thought and then he smile immediately faded

'what's the matter'

'Ruth that last time we talked-' she cut of and took a deep breath. Then the memory came flying back to me, the last time we spoke was when I got locked in that classroom with Carter. The day that she had got told off and locked in a classroom. I said nothing but by the look of her sad face she knew that remembered

she looked at me and sighed

'the last time we met was when I told our headteacher that you and Carter were fighting and that caused you to get locked in a classroom'

I thought about it and it just made me depressed, the thought and feeling that she never came to rescue me from that room during the fire came rushing back to me and I struggled not not to cry. 'the last thing you said to me was 'Sorry Ruth, I warned you not to go for Carter but you did, so in a way it's your fault,' after I had said that I looked at her face and she looked as sad as I did 'you grabbed one of my arms and helped our head teacher lock me and Carter in the room. The room that could of cost us our lives, you just left us, you didn't even come and save me from that fire' I said sadly

she started crying

'I'm so... sorry! I should have come for you when that fire started, I should have thought about you! I'M SO SORRY! I's been bugging me for ages, ever since the firemen rescued us and told us that they had got everyone that they knew was in the fire out. Ever since they said that they couldn't find anyone else. What's worse is that I didn't even text you,' she looked at me and started crying even more 'I thought you were dead, RUTH I'M SO SORRY!'

I looked at her and I started crying 'it's okay you have nothing to apologize for, it wasn't your fault that we got locked in that room, if you hadn't told someone would have. The room kind off worked though because I don't want to kill him now, he saved me. You feeling bad is nothing to be upset of, it just makes you human. You have nothing to feel bad for, I had it coming. You thought I was dead and so it wasn't your fault that you didn't contact me, to tell the truth I thought that you were dead as well.' I said trying to cheer her up, however I was still crying and so was she

'I tried to outgrow the memory but it didn't work so a few days before I texted you I decided to do what I've been wanting to do for months. I revisited the remains of the school,' she looked at me and stopped crying, her eyes were really red though 'however when I entered the village I got a shock, the whole place is in shreds, deserted.'

that part didn't surprise me because I already knew, I sighed 'I know'

she looked at me with shock 'how do you know'

I sighed, how am I going to explain this one? 'long story, let's just stick with the school for now'

she sighed

'okay fine but your explaining it to me later. I went to the remains of the school and I saw that the whole place was barricaded off, the police were investigating something'

oh well that was knew, I looked at her in shock 'what were the police investigating?'

she sighed

'they were looking for signs of what caused the fire in the first place. Also Lisa's body was found near the school and they are now finally investigating oh how she died'

I was shocked, I was really shocked, how did Lisa's body end up near the school when she died...then it hit me and I almost started crying and Lilly noticed

'what's the matter?'

'Lisa was murdered in the park and that's close to the school'

she sighed in realization

'don't worry Ruth they will find the person who murdered your sister, we will make sure of it'

I smiled at that

'Ruth how did you escape that school?'

I sighed, I knew that question would pop up sooner or later, I looked around to see if anyone was around us and when I knew for definite that there wasn't anyone around us I prepared myself to explain yet again. The problem was, did I really want another person finding out about vampires? I quickly made a snap decision and went with it 'the fire had spread and it had me cornered, I thought I was going to die so I screamed. Carter may have hated me but he didn't want me dead, the problem was how was he going to save me. Luckily I was cornered by a window, Carter had this idea that I smash the window because otherwise I would burn. He grabbed something and threw it to me, I then smashed the glass with it and I was able to escape. Then he had to find a way to escape, this is where I had an idea. My idea was to pull a table over near to the fire and jump for his life over the fire. My idea was risky but there was no other window and the door was locked so he did it and only just succeeded.' ugh what a stupid excuse, I would be surprised if a four year old even believed me let alone my fifteen year old best friend. She looked at me for a while

she almost laughed

'did I ever tell you how much of a BAD lyre you are' she joked

I shrugged, she had a point

'what actually happened?'

I sighed 'okay here it is but your not going to like it'

she looked at me for a while

'I don't care I'm your nest friend, I want to know the truth'

I sighed 'when I was twelve I was kidnapped by a group of boys. I was able to escape from them when I was thirteen but I had lived in America before and so I didn't know where I was. I then lived homeless where I became a robber and stole food and water to survive, this worked out well until I was caught and arrested. However they couldn't keep me there because of my age so I was given to a willing lady, that lady is Vicky, the lady I call mum.'

she looked at me in shock

'seriously! How come you never told me any of this?'

okay that was expected 'I'm not finished, I'll explain after. They came looking for me the day the school caught on fire and that's why the school caught fire, because they somehow found out where I was. They set the school on fire.'

'so there's a traitor lurking around somewhere?'

that actually was quite a good point, I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of that earlier 'you know that's actually quite a good point, maybe there is a traitor lurking around somewhere. Mark my words though when I find out who I'll make them suffer the same way that Lisa suffered'

'so you think that the traitor who let your kidnappers know where you were killed Lisa?'

I nodded 'yep'

she smiled

'you know for once I agree with you there'

I smiled but soon it faded 'there's more. They eventually found out where I was and they managed to unlock the door, how they did that is beyond me. Luckily we had already managed to smash the glass, we had a problem though. I had a skirt on and I couldn't climb up onto the table'

she smiled

'is this when Carter saves you'

I smiled back, wow she was clever at these things 'sort off. He had already got out when I struggled so he climbed back in and helped me up. This caused a lot of trouble though because it had consumed a lot of valuable time, my kidnappers had managed to get hold of my leg. I screamed and this is where he saves me. He distracted them and they grabbed him allowing me to be able to escape'

she looked intense

'and then what happened?'

I smiled at her sudden interest 'he had saved my life and so I had to save his. I ran into the entrance of the school and I started screaming his name. The fire was pretty big around there and so I screamed his name. Eventually he responded and I found him but he had hurt his ankle so I helped him out of the building and then we escaped and found ourselfs here'

she was smiling but her look all gave it away, she was shocked.

'wow that was very-,' she paused and smiled at me 'dramatic'

I smiled 'I know' I the remembered her question earlier about the village and sighed 'this also carries on, it involves the village'

she sighed

'what happened?'

'they were after me and so they raided the village setting everything in their tracks on fire. Everyone that could fled but some couldn't and were trapped.' I said in a sad tone

she took my tone of voice and sighed

'I'm guessing that you went to the village'

again, I have probably said this a lot but it's true, wow she was smart 'yep. They trapped me there and that's where I met Lindsey and Katy. Luckily my friends came to the rescue but it ended up in a huge fight'

'did your friends win?'

I nodded 'yeah but it was dramatic'

she smiled

'seems like it, shame I missed all of this.,' she then paused and looked at me for a second like she had just remembered something 'so tell me what happened between you and your friends?'

I sighed, what could I tell her without giving the vampire bit away? 'long story short, I fell ill and ended up in hospital for a while but I pleaded to be let out early so I was let out. However when I came to my friends this girl called Rebecca and I didn't like her one bit. I fell ill again because I still wasn't well so I went back to hospital and when they came to visit me Rebecca visited as well. Like I said in my text messages, she replaced me. I wasn't happy with them because of that and she stormed out and my friends got angry causing them to give me the silent treatment.' I said angrily

she sighed

'oh deer Ruth, you've almost got a talent with falling out with people don't you' she joked

I half laughed, she had a point 'yep you know me well' I joked

she laughed 'well should you introduce me to your "friends" then' she said the word 'friends' sarcastically and it made me laugh

'yep come on then, were staying at Ben's, Carter's friends house' I said

'do I even want to know why your living there?' she joked

I laughed at that 'nope I don't think you do' I joked

she laughed and I took her home. As soon as I got home I slammed the door , as we got in I was surprised to see them all sitting on the settee talking 'guys not that your going to care but I'm back and I've brought my best friend Lilly with me. She's staying for a couple of days, they all looked at Lilly and walked up to her and smiled at her but gave me evils

'hey nice to meet you' Ben welcomed

'hey Lilly nice to meet you again'

Lilly smiled at that

'hi Carter'

they all looked at Carter and then to Lilly

'nice to meet you Lilly' Tara welcomed

'don't worry Lilly everyone is really here so you'll fit in just fine' Luke welcomed

'nice to meet you Lilly' Sam welcomed

'nice to meet you' Lindsey welcomed

'yeah nice to meet you Lilly' Katy welcomed

I sighed. Not one of them looked at me 'okay well um...Lilly why don't I lead you up to our room' I said grabbing her arm and pulling her up the steps

Wow that was awkward, I was glad that I was upstairs now.

'they really are angry at you aren't they' she said in a shocked tone

I sighed and nodded 'yep. That's why were up here'

she looked at my sad face and I could tell that it was starting to make her upset

'carter's changed...' she said trying to get me to cheer up but it wasn't working and she could see that

I was really sad. They were probably busy talking about me now, ii just wanted all of this to go away but I knew that that was impossible. 'their probably talking about me now'

she could tell I was sad and she sighed

'I tell you what I know your side of the story, the TRUE

part so now I think that it's time for me to work my magic and try and find out their side of the story and then I’ll tell you what they say'

okay that made me feel better, she was good at making her magic and she was good at spying on people so yeah that could work. 'yeah that would be great'

she smiled

'glad you think so'

Chapter twenty one Two sides of a story but what side is the true side..?


Ruth, my best friend has been having problems with friends. This has been upsetting her and she's told me her side of the story but the thing is I haven't been here for long so I don't know what side of the story was actually true. However I couldn't stand seeing Ruth sad and she's my best friend so I believe her. I've been fixing this sort of stuff for Ruth for years so I was used to it and it always worked, this time I'm going find out her her “friends” side of the story and then I would go and fill her in with everything, well that was my plan. I smiled 'glad you think so' at first I had my doubts that my idea would cheer her up but it seems to be working so I'll go with it

she smiled again

'thanks Lilly your the best'

she always says this and it always has the same affect on me. It makes me smile, it makes me happy. 'great, well I'll just go down to them now, oh and if they ask you've just got a text from an old friend and so I'm giving you some space'

she smiled at that

'yeah, I could say that I've either got a text message from Jackie telling me how well her holiday id going so far or from Annabel'

I was confused, Annabel? Jackie? 'who are Annabel and Jackie'

she hesitated

'Annabel was the girl that Carter cheated on causing Lisa to break up with him and Jackie is a friend that Tara made when over the weekend when she went to a mini village near our small village where we used to go to school'

oh...that would make sense 'how come you didn't tell me about them?'

she paused

'because their not worth talking about'

okay that was expected, especially from Ruth 'yeah, you have your point. First step is for me to go down to your friends.'

she sighed but said nothing

'okay well...I guess I'd better go down then'

she paused

'yeah..maybe you should,' she looked at me and smiled 'thank you Lilly'

I smiled back 'your welcome' after I said that I headed downstairs. The others were sitting down happily staring at the TV like they were in a trance '' I said trying to get their attention.

Sharlene turned around and she looked angry.

'what do you want...Ruth....' okay that was expected

she looked at me and as soon as she looked at me she looked surprised

'oh hey Lilly sorry I thought you were Ruth, talking about that where is Ruth?'

I smiled 'oh she had a text from either Jackie telling her how her holiday is going or it's a text message from Annabel. Whoever it is she looked annoyed and so I thought I'd give her some space'

Sharlene smiled

'well why don't you sit with us' she said in a friendly tone

I looked at the TV and then to them and laughed 'sure, what are you watching?'

she smiled

'it's the third twilight, were kind of obsessed with it'

I laughed 'hasn't it like just come out over here'

she laughed to

'yep and we can't get enough of it'

I laughed 'sounds like it's a goof film, I’ve only read the books' I read the books but I never really got into it and so I didn't start watching the films

she smiled

'the films are better than the book. Now is your chance to watch a twilight' she said in a happy tone

I smiled back. Truth be told I kind of wanted to watch a twilight film so yeah

she moved along

'here you can sit next to me'

I smiled and sat next to her. The film was pretty good except from the fact that the film was different to the book and that it was the third film so I kind of didn't get it. The film has got to the point where Bella was rushing through the crowds of people to get to her love Edward Cullen. Okay that part was in the book but yeah it kinda explains it differently, oh that made me remember something. In the book it shows them travelling in a plane to get there with Alice Cullen but in this one it showed her driving to get there with Alice Cullen 'how come it never showed her in the plane with Alice?'

they all stared at me for a minute and then focussed on the TV again, typical

'that's a question that will never get answered however it did show the plane and I think just seeing Bella and Alice in the car makes it more intense'

Sharlene did have a point, it did make it more intense. The film went on for what seemed another hour and then ended, in general I thought the film was okay but I was confused because I hadn't seen one and two and plus when Edward asks Bella to marry him, yeah that part was sweet but annoying.

'so what did you think of the film?'

I looked at Lindsey and paused for a while, what do I say to that? 'yeah I liked it. I still prefer the books though and Eclipse will be coming out soon so yeah'

'so um...what's Ruth doing?'

I looked at Ben, okay...that was random. Still it was a good way of changing the subject, I sighed 'I don't know she just said that she needed space so I gave it to her'

Sharlene sighed

'yeah she's been really weird recently'

'ever since she recovered from her fainting at school she's been acting really weird'

I looked at Sharlene and then to Ben and smiled. Stay cool Lilly, stay cool

'yeah the way she acted with Rebecca, that was just uncalled for' Lindsey said

I smiled at all of them and sighed 'yeah I haven't really heard about that, what happened?' okay I lied but I just had to go with it

'she recovered in hospital and so we all, including Rebecca went to visit her and as soon as she saw her she was mean causing her to storm out.' Katy said in an angry tone

'and now she's leaving, I reckon that has Ruth's name all over it'

I looked at Tara and sighed 'so you think that Ruth went to talk to her'

they all nodded


I looked at them all and sighed 'yeah maybe your right'

Ben sighed

'oh I know I’m right'

I was a point where I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go before I burst and blurted out the truth 'uh guys I've just remembered I told Ruth that I'd help her sort some of her stuff that I brought her out so I'll see ya'

they all looked at me

'okay. Fill us in on Ruth's story when you find out'

I looked at Lindsey and gave a fake smile that she didn't even seem to work out 'will do' after that I ran upstairs to find Ruth laying on her bed 'hey I'm back, they are really mean. Couldn't take anymore of it so I made up an excuse and came up here'

Ruth smiled

'so what did you find out?'

I sighed 'they think that your the reason on why Rebecca left. Oh and did you know that they are twilight mad'

Ruth laughed

'they've got the new twilight then'

I nodded 'yep'

Ruth laughed


I sighed 'Rebecca's story is really convincing' I said trying to turn the topic back to Rebecca

'what is it?'

'she told them that she didn’t want to be the cause of you and the others fall out and so she arranged to live with her sister in Canada and she is leaving in a week when the school transfer is sorted.'

Ruth smiled 'very convincing'

I smiled, I knew she would agree with me on that. Then something hit me, she seems fort off fine with this whole situation now but I didn't get that impression when she was texting me before I arrived here. What did she really feel about this? 'Ruth...what do you really feel about all of this'

she looked at me and hesitated.

I knew she knew how she felt and I knew that she was trying to keep it to herself but sometimes that doesn’t work for long. 'Ruth I'm your best friend. You shouldn’t be keeping all of this to yourself. If you do you'll eventually explode. What do you really feel? Come on tell me. I promise that I won't tell anyone.'

she looked at me and sighed

'to be honest I don't know how I feel about all of this. I faint for a few days and then this girl turns up and takes my friends away. Then I faint again and she visits me with the others and then she apologizes and tells me that she only moved here because she took a job. The job was to make me flee, so yeah I honestly don't know how I feel anymore'

I sighed. I was also shocked though. That part about Rebecca was so totally unexpected 'wait so the only reason why Rebecca came to this part of America was because she had a job to make you flee'

she sighed and nodded


I was shocked and I mean shocked 'why? Who was she working for?'

Ruth hesitated

'I don't know why or who she was working for however she said that she didn't do her job because she met me and saw how nice I was. She left because she didn't like the fact that she was the cause of me and my friends fall out and plus she didn't want to do her job so she quit.'

I was shocked and she clearly noticed that. Okay I knew that she left and that she made a cover up story about why she left but I never knew that. 'so she didn't tell you who she worked for?'

she shook her head

'nope. That question didn’t actually go into my head and so I never asked but even so I doubt she would have told me.'

this really made me curious to find out. I already knew that Rebecca had an evil job but quit and I already knew that I had suspicion about Carter and how he didn’t die during the incident with the fire at their school. Whatever it costed, I was determined to find out what Carter was hiding and who killed Lisa whatever the cost. Then another question popped through my head, before she mentioned fainting, why did she faint? 'Ruth what caused you to faint anyway?'

she sighed

'I've been having these dreams lately that seem to come true and that causes me to faint. Only when I faint I faint for days and I faint because something bad is about to happen. Someone caused me to faint, I know that. It's just I don't know who yet and that’s been getting to me'

that just made my suspicions bigger and it also made me more keen to figure all of this out 'but haven't you seen your dad in all the dreams you've had so far and whenever you've fainted?' okay stupid question but it might just help me figure out who killed Lisa

she sighed

'well not all of them. Only whenever I faint or have a dream it nearly always involves my dad even if he isn’t there'

then something hit me. If I talked to Rebecca again then it might help me solve this 'bringing the subject back to Rebecca, do you have any idea where she lives?'

Ruth looked at me and shook her head

'no...why? Your not planning on talking to her are you? Because you know that, that would make it worse.'

'no...' I lied. Okay I lied because I didn't want her finding out my plan to try and solve all of this. 'seems to me like you miss being their friends am I right?'

she hesitated and then sighed

'yeah I guess. I'm still annoyed at them though'

then another idea hit me. Oh I was on a roll today. What if I can convince the school to let us use the schools swimming pool today. Then I can convince Ruth to meet there and I’ll tell her that its just me and her to spend some time together outside the hose and then convince the others to meet up there and tell them that Ruth would not be invited. 'Ruth...'


'you know you like me...'

she rolled her eyes

'what do you want'

'I've got this brilliant idea where we try and convince the teachers to let us use the school pool today to allow us to spend some time together outside the school.'

she hesitated

'the last time I went in that pool not during school time was with Luke' she said dully

I sighed 'It's different this time. I'm your best friend not someone who wants to go out with you. Please...' I pleaded

'well I don't know...'

I was going to win this 'please....'

she sighed

'they'll never let us'

I sighed. She had a point 'well maybe we could just sneak in like you did with Luke'

she sighed

'really....' she said sarcastically


she sighed.


I smiled 'yay thanks. We'll have fun. I promise' now all I had to do was try and get the others to go without letting them know that Ruth was coming. 'um Ruth I promised to help the others sort stuff out downstairs so yeah. Sorry...'

she looked at me suspiciously


'sorry...' after I said that I rushed downstairs to find that they were still sitting down on the settee 'hey...guys'

they jumped and turned around

'Lilly you have to stop doing that'

'Lindsey's right your really good at making us jump'

'oh hey Lilly' Carter said while smiling

I looked at Ben, Lindsey and Carter and smiled and then I smiled at the others 'hey guys. Ruth has some work that she has to get finished so I though I'd come down here. Is that okay with you guys?'

Lindsey looked at me and smiled

'sure. Ben move up'

Ben rolled his eye and moved up so that I could sit down

'thanks' I said as I joined them on the settee

'so what's Ruth doing this time?'

I gave a fake sigh 'she had a dream again last night and she can't figure it out and so she's trying to figure it out' I lied. It seemed to work though

Lindsey frowned

'what was it about this time?'

I looked at Lindsey and gave another fake sigh, oh I was good at this. 'I don't know. All she said was that it could be connected to her sister's death' I lied. Mentioning Lisa might not have been the smartest thing to have said but I was determined to find out why she died.

I glanced around and I saw that Carter's smile was now replaced by a frown. That's weird.

'she didn't see who killed her did she?' Carter said in a worried voice

Why would he worry? What does he have to worry about? He wasn't involved, or was he...? all these questions were driving me insane. 'as far as I'm concerned no,' I paused and glanced at him as he sighed a sigh of relief. Or at leas what I think was a sigh of relief 'why?'

he hesitated

'no reason.'

I looked at him with a suspicious face and he noticed this

'no proper reason at least. I was just worried that if she saw that she would get scared and would end up getting herself in serious trouble or worse'

he looked at me and then the others and then glanced at his watch

'uh guys I have to...go'

huh that was even more suspicious. If he had glanced at his watch he would have looked at his watch for a longer time. He may have fooled the others but not me. 'wait...before you go I have something to ask you all.'

he glanced at his watch again

'tell me later I...really...have to go'

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. 'can't it wait at least at minute' I pleaded

he glanced at his watch again and sighed

'fine.' he said in an annoyed voice

I smiled. 'I had this though. Seeing as Ruth will be busy trying to figure out her dream today, that maybe I could hang out with you guys. I was thinking maybe...,' I turned to Luke 'that Luke could get us into the pool at school. We could go swimming together'

Lindsey looked at me

'it's a Sunday tomorrow though'

I smiled at Lindsey 'I know but Luke's got in before,' I then tried and failed to do a sad face 'please....'

they all looked at me and then glanced at each other

'well I suppose we do need a break from here'

I smiled at Ben as he said that

'okay sure we'll go. I suppose I could sneak us in seeing as I've done it before'

I smiled at Luke 'thank you! This will be fun, I promise. We can have a Ruth free day' I couldn't help smiling. They can't see me smile to much because they'll get suspicious 'uh guys I...just need the loo. I'll be back soon,' I then looked at Carter and gave him a fake smile 'sorry I kept you waiting Carter. If your late to wherever your going, you can blame it on me'

Carter didn't say anything. He just left the building. As he did that I ran to the loo. Oh I'm good at this. As soon as I got to the loo I screamed out in joy.

Chapter Twenty-Two Mastermind Plans


Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to loose all your friends, everyone that supports you through life. Ruth, my best friend has lost just that and I'm here to fix that. My plan is to get them all together without them knowing and so far it's working. Right now my only job is meeting Luke and the others, minus Ruth at the school gates where Luke will help us break in. then after that my job will be making an excuse to leave and then meeting Ruth at the school gates, great isn't it.

'hey guys, sorry have I kept you waiting?'

they all smiled

'nope, not at all. Are you guys ready for this? It's going to be a hard job. I've done it before but I was in the school at the time. The school is covered with alarms that collect DNA from the handles if the alarms go off so we'll have to be super careful'

I frowned at that. Oh no 'how do we get in without setting the alarms off?'

'we don't. This is why I’ve come prepared,' he paused and gave us all a black hoodie with a pair of black gloves 'wear these at all times and keep the hood up, there are security cameras around aswell so the hoodies should protect out identity’s. Wear the gloves at all times because when the alarms go off the gloves will stop it from collecting the DNA, their brand new gloves.'

I glanced at it and laughed to myself. Luke was good but he was making us look like robbers. Even so I put the stuff on. That’s when I realized that I hadn't said what I just said in my head, I said it out load.

'I agree with Ruth. All we need is the mission impossible music and we'll be all set to go' Katy joked

I went red in embarrassment wishing that I'd said it in my head.

'we may look like robbers but would you rather us get caught tomorrow by the headteacher and get in serious trouble or would you prefer to look like robbers.'

I sighed, Luke had a point. 'good point'

he smiled

'yep. Seeing as me, Sharlene and Sam are vampire we'll have the advantage here however we'll help as much as possible. First step is to break the glass in the dining room seeing as it's the closest to the pool. Follow me'

I sighed. It would be a shame to smash the glass of such a nice room but we had no choice. We followed him over a fence and towards to room, oh no this reminded me of when I had to scape the school.

'Carter you have done this before and therefore it'll be your job to find something to smash the glass with,' he then looked at me 'Lilly you go with him. Oh and Keep the gloves on!'

I looked at Luke and groaned. Then it hit me, this place was practically covered in stones. If I could just find a big enough stone then we might be able to get in. 'Carter I've got a plan but I'll need you to be patient'

he stared at me with wide eyes. He wasn't really a person for patience. I could tell that he wasn't someone for patience and plus Ruth kinda told me.

'Carter this is going to be worth it and I know that you probably don't have the patience to do this but I need you.,' I looked at him look down and I sighed 'Carter you really helped Ruth at school when it was on fire and you really proved bravery and therefore patience or not I need you, we need you.' I meant everything. We really did need him

I noticed as he looked down again

'please Carter. This is going to be great. Totally worth it'

he looked down again but then looked at me and smiled

'I think we've got our weapon'

I was shocked but I smiled.

Carter walked up to a massive rock and pointed to it.

I was shocked but I smiled

'come and help me carry this rock. It ways like a ton'

I smiled and walked up to it and helped him lift it. It really did way a ton. 'hey guys we've got something but it ways like a ton so you may want to move out of the way while we chuck it towards the window'

they nodded and moved out the way while me and Carter threw the massive rock towards the window causing it towards the window. As soon as it smashed the window it immediately set of a range of alarms.

'we've got to move and fast! The alarms are set off now and who knows who's in the building so come on.' Luke said

we all just stood there absolutely shocked

'guys I can't stress this enough!' Luke shouted

'move or all our efforts will be destroyed'

okay this made us run and mean run. Our problems weren’t over though what we didn't know is that the place would go in complete lock down if more than one alarm went off. We found this out by trying to open the door. This made us all panic 'what are we going to go now, were stuck'

Ben looked annoyed, really annoyed

'oh way to go Luke' he said in an annoyed tone

Ben had a point though. Way to go Luke

'were going to be stuck in here and we'll get caught and end up getting in major trouble. Or worse. Expelled.'

Tara had a point we could be. Everyone started running around trying to find a way out, I joined. After an hour though we all came back together

'ugh I forgot this place has no escape exit once the place goes in lock down. They upgraded the locks after last years burglary' Katy said in an annoyed tone

'ugh stupid school' Sharlene said in an annoyed tone

I was annoyed but also curious. What happened last year? 'what happened last year?'

Sam sighed

'someone broke in last year and they took almost everything from this room. This is why the rooms like it is now. Because everything was taken and because of that we were allowed to redecorate it all we all came up with this.'

huh. Cool

'who came up with this bogus alarm system'

okay Carter had a point 'he does have a point. Who did come up with this system?'

Ben sighed

'the whole school. We all came together and decorated the room. Then to stop something like that from happening again we came up with the system. It was a good idea at the time.'

'Ben's right. It was a good time at the time but now it just sucks. When the lock down happens the doors can only be opened by the outside'

'Sam's right were pretty much stuck'

I stared at Sharlene and sighed. I really was ready to give up. UGH! We were stuck here and I was supposed to meet Ruth soon. I glanced at my watch. Nope right now. Man she's going to hate me. Then something hit me, Ruth could get us out of here if she had a glove. 'I think I have an idea but your not going to like it'

they looked at me and I kinda got the idea that it was my cue to tell them my plan 'Ruth is around the school gates. We could ask her to get us out of here.'

they all looked at me with annoyed eyes

'what's she doing near the school gates?' Ben asked in an annoyed tone

'yeah what is she doing here...' Tara asked in an annoyed tone

I hesitated 'I...uh...'

'she lied to us' Sam said in an annoyed tone

how the–

'vampire remember. We read minds...'

oh –

'she lied to us. She planned for Ruth to join us'

I was so annoyed 'yeah and it would have worked. She told me how she rally felt and I can tell that she was sad about it. I couldn't stand this so I figured that I'd try and sort it out,' I looked to see all their annoyed faces 'look do you want to get out of here or not' I was so annoyed

'fine but only to get out of here. Swimming is off. I speak for everyone when I say that' Luke said in an annoyed tone

I sighed and got my phone out and gave her a call


'Ruth I need your help'

she sighed

'where are you?'

'break in went wrong. Were locked in the dining room'

'and you need me to get you out'

I sighed

'yeah. Can you?'

she sighed

'I will but I'm only doing it for you. I'll be round in a minute'

'okay thanks Ruth' after I had hung up I sighed 'Ruth's coming to let us out in a minute,'I then looked at my friends and realized that they weren’t smiling. 'guys I'm sorry. It's just it was really upsetting them and it was upsetting you guys and I had, had enough. Anyway it's not like you guys haven't lied to me or Ruth'

they just started at me

'okay fine. At least think about it' to my relief Ruth showed up and opened the door. The journey home was in complete silence and it stayed that way all night.

Chapter twenty-three The affects of lying


For weeks my best friend Ruth has been having troubles with her friends and it was making her sad. Now I know why. My master plan didn't go exactly to plan, when we broke in it triggered more than one alarm causing the room to go in lock down. Lock down causes the doors to be locked from the outside and so we were stuck in the room. I lied to them and that caused a consequence.

The morning went pretty slowly because I knew that they were angry at me. I've only just joined that school and I can't concentrate, bet that set a good example. Now it was lunch time and me and Ruth were forced to find somewhere to sit, oh and did I mention that because of last nights break in part of the hall is off limits because of the broken glass so the space to sit down was pretty packed. I missed them talking to me, I missed friends. Okay I had my best friend Ruth but even so I felt like there was something missing, there was. Lunch was a bit plain today seeing as they put all their attention towards the break in and the smashed glass this morning, because of that we just have ham sandwiches with orange juice and Fridays leftover chocolate brownies. Yum.... I wasn't in the mood for anything else anyway. I grabbed my sandwich, orange juice and chocolate brownie, put it on my tray and followed Ruth to a table. I then glanced around to see Tara and the others search for a table, to my surprise they looked at us and headed towards us.

'do you mind if we sit with you?'

I looked at Tara and then to Ruth and then at them and Ruth did the same

they obviously felt our anger because Katy sighed

'we haven't come for an argument. We just want to sit by you'

I looked at Katy and sighed 'we've got spare seats so you can sit with us' I said in an annoyed tone. I really didn't want them sitting next to us but I had no choice and by the look of Ruth's face she didn’t like it either.

'we've given it some though from last night and we've decided that, Lilly your a great friend to stick by Ruth's side and defend her. You lied to us and although that made us angry it makes you a good friend because you lied to try and sort our friendship out. You also lied to Ruth. Ruth you didn't deserve all of the meanness that we've given you, we don't quite understand why you pushed Rebecca out but we went over the top by blacking you out because of that. You are a great friend and we've missed you being our friend, plus you've brought a great best friend over here who is really nice and would fit into our gang perfectly,' Sam paused and looked at me and Ruth to see our reactions. I didn't know what to think of all of this. 'point is, were sorry and we would like your forgiveness. Both of yours'

Ruth sighed but also smiled

'well normally I would push you out even further but your my best friends and I miss being your friends. Plus your apology is really nice so I think I’ll accept it. I'm sorry to' she said sadly

Ruth really did have a point. They stared at me and I sighed 'I haven't known you for long but already your part of my life now and it depressed me just having the feeling that you were angry at me for a night so yes I forgive you. I'm sorry to' this made all of us smile and hug each other. 'I'll never lye to you guys again'

they all smiled

'it's okay Lilly you were only helping Ruth' I looked at Ben as he said that and I smiled. We then turned our attention to the broken glass

'wow,' Tara turned around to see if anyone was around and when there wasn't anyone around close enough to hear she leaned into us and whispered 'our break in did a lot of damage'

I smiled 'yep it's pretty bad. And just think, if it wasn't for Ruth we'd have been in serious trouble by now'

they all smiled back so I think they agreed.

'I only came because I waiting by the school gates, because Lilly told me that were going swimming. Let's just promise each other that there will be no more lies'

I smiled at Ruth 'no more lies'

Tara smiled

'no more lies'

Ben smiled

'no more lies'

Sam smiled

'no more lies'

katy smiled

'no more lies'

Lindsey smiled

'no more lies'

Luke smiled

'no more lies'

Carter looked down and hesitated. Then finally smiled but he didn't sound confident

'no more lies' he said slowly

that made me even more suspicious. What did he have to hide? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by my phone saying that I had a text message. I look to see who it was and to my surprise it was Rebecca, it said

heyy I got your phone number from one of my friends who knows Ruth and therefore knows u. I need to talk to u but in private. Meet me at the local park, you know which one and tell no one about this. Rebecca

oh great just what I needed especially as I promised that there would be no lies. Then again they never have to know and therefore I wouldn't be lying. 'uh guys I need the loo.' I didn't give them time to respond because I’ve used that excuse before. As soon as I got to the loo blocks I locked myself in a block and texted her back

where are u? I thought you had left? Lilly

I really did wonder. Soon enough she texted back

i'll explain when u meet me. How soon can u meet me? Rebecca

that wasn't a hard question. I replied straight away

I have school and I cant lie to my frinds anymore so umm...i spose I could meet u during a lesson that I don't have with the others. It's next lesson. I'll be there. Lilly

I would have to be extra sneaky but hay I would give it a try

great. Well um...i'll see u then. Rebecca

Chapter Twenty-Four Part One Secret Meeting


Earlier I promised all my friends that I wouldn't lie again, I was about to lie to them again. This time no one would know, not even Ruth. Do you remember Rebecca? If you don't she was a girl that appeared while Ruth was in hospital and now supposable gone. She's not. A few minutes ago I got a text from her asking me to basically ditch school to meet her by the park and that's what I'm going to do, this is the lie. My plans haven't exactly been very successful but it was worth a shot, now is our first class after lunch. The class that none of my friends are in and the class that I'm going to ditch. My plan is to make my escape when my friends go to their next lesson, that’s exactly what I did.

'hey so how come your not in Canada? Or so Ruth said.'

she shrugged

'they had a hold up.' I just stared at her

she sighed

'okay fine. I lied, I’m going in three days.'

I was shocked 'but why lie?'

she sighed

'Ruth was absolutely destroyed because her friends hated her and because of that she hated me. I figured if I told her the truth that it would get to the others. I also figured that if I lied it would stop the arguments, it obviously didn't but it was worth a try'

'how do you know that it didn't'

'because your here and you weren’t when I met her which would make you her only friend that she trusted'

wow she was smart. 'why did you call me down here?'

she smiled

'heard about the big mystery break in and figured it would have something to do with you guys and plus I came here to talk about Ruth's sister Lisa'

I smiled. If she talked about Lisa then it might bring me closer to finding out Lisa's death. First the break in 'yeah it was cool wasn't it. Luke came up with the whole plan, well except from the break in part. That was my plan'

she smiled

'why would you want to break in anyway?'

I sighed 'we were planing on going swimming. That plan got ruined because I lied to them about it and they found out,' I paused 'anyway what do you know about Lisa's death?'

her face dropped

'as I told you before. I was being payed to make Ruth flee, I quit. There are still people working for them.'

I was shocked 'who'

she hesitated

'I don't know all of them but Carter's brother Michael is involved. He killed Lisa' she said in a low voice.

Okay now I was angry 'was Carter involved?' I said in an annoyed tone

'no just Michael'

'where is he now? Do you know?'

she sighed


I gave an evil smile 'I'm going to make him wish that he'd never messed with me or Ruth'

she gave an evil smile back

'good on. He is at his usual pub calibration. The pubs the one by this park.'

oh that made things easier. 'do you want to come with me?'

she sighed

'I would but I have to be getting going. Oh and Lilly be careful.'

I smiled 'I will'

Chapter Twenty-Four part two Attack


Ruth's sister Lisa was murdered a while back and I have been itching to find out who killed her. Now I know. My plan was to storm in there and give him a piece of my mind. So that's what I'm going to do.

'HEY MICHAEL!' I shouted

he turned his head but ignored me and started laughing with his friends again

mow I was annoyed even more 'HEY MICHAEL!,' he turned and looked at me 'Lilly, Ruth's friend right?' he tried sounding innocent but I wasn't fooled


he looked at his friends

'hey um guys I'll be back in a minute' after he said that he dragged me outside

'what did you just call me?'

I took a deep breath 'A MURDERER BECAUSE YOU ARE! YOU KILLED LISA!' I screamed

he looked shocked but he didn't deny it


he took something out of his pocket and gave an evil smile

'adiós' he said in an evil smile while waving his hand. While doing that he wiggled his fingers.

I then realized what he was carrying. He was holding a gun.

'can't have you telling others now can we'

before I could react It was to late


Chapter Twenty-Five Part One Surprise Or shock?


Do you know the feeling of how it feels to know that there is a possibility that you may loose someone really close? Do you know how it feels to know that someone who you you love's live is in the hands of someone who you've never even met? This is how I feel. Before I said that my life was like a leaf blowing in the wind on an windy day in Autumn, this is EXACTLY why!

Where is Lilly? I've been searching for her for ages. Suddenly my phone rang interrupting my worries 'hello?'

'hello are you a friend of Lilly Baker?'

I was now officially confused 'yeah...why?'

the person on the end of the line sighed

'she's in a murder investigation. She's not dead, well we don't think but she's being taken to hospital'

I was shocked, wait a murder investigation? 'a murder investigation?'

the person sighed again

'yes, she was found lying by The Lion. It's believed that she was shot'

I was shocked 'but she's alive right?'

'yes. She's being rushed to the hospital this minute. I'm with her'

'who are you?'

'my names Jake'

then a question hit me 'how did you find my number?'

he sighed

'Lilly's phone. We needed a friend to know and so I phoned the first number that was on the list'

I sighed 'okay I'll be there as soon as possible'

'okay. When you get the the reception ask to see Lilly Baker'

'okay' I then hung up. I was still curious though. Who shot Lilly? I sighed, the only way to find out is to visit her. I would have to ask my mum Vickey to take me. 'Lilly's in hospital'

she was shocked


I started crying 'she was shot at The Lion.'

Vicky immediately gave me a hug

'don't worry we will figure it out. First of all let's get you to the hospital' as soon as we got there I headed to the reception desk. 'I'm here to see Lilly Baker. Can I see her?'

the person by the desk smiled

'sure I'll take you to her now'

so we followed and as soon and I saw Lilly I was shocked. She really wasn't doing that well at all. Then I noticed a man sitting on the chair next to her 'you must be Jake'

he smiled

'and you must Be Ruth,' he looked at me and then to Lilly and sighed 'she really isn't doing that well at all. Her condition has been going up and down ever since we brought her here'

I could see that he was right and it made me really upset. 'do you think she'll survive through this?'

he sighed 'I very doubt it. She was shot and the bullet went pretty deep in. it would be a miracle if she did'

I looked at my mum and she nodded to confirm it and it sent me in tears. Eventually I couldn’t stand looking at her anymore and I ran out of the room and my mum followed

'ready to go home?'

I nodded, I was still crying. I was so sad that I was still crying at home and it didn't go unnoticed. All of my friends were sitting down on the settee looking almost as sad as I was

'is she okay. I assume that's why your in tears'

I slowly shook my head and started crying even harder 'she's in really bad condition'

they all ran up to me and gave me a hug. However Carter looked really annoyed, to annoyed to be about Lilly being in hospital and it made me suspicious.

'don't worry Ruth we'll find that creep that tried to kill Lilly' Lindsey said in an sad voice

'oh I'll find him all right'

Carter seemed a bit to confident about that but I believed that he would. I was just to sad.

Chapter twenty-five part two Michael




I was shocked 'how did she find out?'

he sighed

'I don't know but she knows'

'does she know that I was involved?'

'I don't think so'

I sighed a sigh of relief. This still doesn't change anything, Michael killed Lilly and that was wrong. 'this changes nothing Michael. You killed another girl, soon everyone will know'

'that's precisely why I had to kill Lilly'

I sighed. Stay calm Carter, stay calm 'mark my words Michael no one else can die. Which means that you can't go killing more teenage girls. If this carries on it will get out and you will be arrested and I won't be here to get you out of this. Lilly's alive so your lucky this time but I'm warning you.'

'Ooh look who's gone all soft'

okay now I was angry 'I have not gone all soft. I've just got a BRAIN.' okay that was harsh but he needed to hear it. He said nothing after that so I just left.

Chapter Twenty-five part three


How do I feel? I've got absolutely no words for how I feel. I'm so upset, I feel like my body will run out of tears if I don't stop crying. Do you know that feeling?

'I swear that I’ll kill whoever put Lilly in hospital. Lilly is like family to me and I don't know if I'll be able to cope with loosing another family member.' I said while crying

the others obviously felt like I felt so they gave me a hug

'don't you worry Ruth we will find out the murderer I swear!'

'Tara's right we have to go back to school tomorrow. We can't handle this right now, how do you think it'll b at school. Everyone knows because of the stupid police and news crew'

I knew exactly what Ben meant by that. Everyone would know. Ugh

'Ruth be careful. Lilly's not dead but there is a possibility that she could'

this made me angry. I pulled out of the massive hug and screamed 'OH what AND YOU DON'T THINK THAT I KNOW THAT!'

they all looked confused but then it seemed to click

'that's not what I'm saying Ruth. I'm just saying don't get to upset. She's in hospital.'

okay now I was more annoyed 'THAT DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING! SHE'S IN HOSPITAL AND SHE COULD DIE!,' I breathed and sat down on the settee 'I've lost you and I can't handle loosing another close person. I can't' I said crying

almost immediately the others joined me and gave me a hug

'you've got us' they all said

I tried to smile 'I've got you but if Lilly dies there would be a big hole from where she was in our friendship'

'I understand how you feel. I'm sure she'll be fine, I was just giving you the possibilities' she said trying to cheer me up

'and hey Jackie will be back tomorrow'


I said rather sarcastically

Tara frowned

'you'll have to explain to her sooner or later anyway.'

I looked at Tara ans tried to smile 'yeah I guess you have a point'

Carter still looked annoyed.

'uh guys. I've just realized that my brothers taking me out for a meal tonight and it takes a while to get there,' he looked at all of us and sighed 'so... I kinda have to go'

I looked at him and sighed 'have fun' in the end of the day I really wasn't in the mood to argue so I just left it as it was.

chapter twenty-six part one Who's there?


Do you know the feeling of when you feel like you have no control over your body, where your awake but you can't open your eyes? If you have it sucks.

'okay,' the stranger paused 'wow you don't look good. That is why I'm going to do this, only for Ruth's sake though. I'm warning you though once done, you can not tell anyone,' he paused and sighed 'but then again I bet you can't even hear me so...hear goes'

I wished I knew who the person was, I wish I could open my eyes. I could hear, I could hear really clearly. Suddenly I felt sudden pain, I wished I knew why. Then before I could react everything went quiet, I would say black but my vision was already black. Now I couldn't hear anything, ugh

'I'm warning you Michael if you even dare to touch her now I will not be here to protect you'

'oh yeah...your forgetting something you were involved to'

'and how was I involved? I wasn't at The Lion, I didn't shoot her. Heck I was nowhere near her'

my head was very head was saw, all I could make out was a bunch of shouting. I knew there were people in the room though, but who? Ugh my brain was confused, why couldn't I see anything? Why couldn't I move? I could hear really really well.

'you killed Lisa with me and therefore your involved in this whether you like it or not'

okay my head may be muddled but I definitely heard that and I was annoyed, I heard all of it.

'I may have killed Lisa with you but at least I backed out before it sucked me whole. I attach Lilly, you did.'

suddenly I heard footsteps. Infact I heard more then that, I herd lots of things.

'boys times up I'm afraid, the doctor needs to see to her.'

I could hear them sigh. Then I heard footsteps again, ugh

'she's coming to her senses, she'll be awake within a few hours'

oh I’ve never been so happy to hear something like that in my life

'it's strange though. Earlier this morning she was doing so bad that I didn't think that she'd ever wake up. I've never seen anyone recover so quickly'

hmm that was strange.....oh well.

'lets give her some time. We'll come back in an hour'

I could hear them leaving but what was strange was, if everyone had left the room, shouldn't it be quiet. It wasn't quiet at all. Finally with what seemed to take forever I managed to open my eyes, when I opened my eyes I found myself on a hospital bead hooked up to lodes of wires. I sat up and took the wires off me and stood up, everything seemed so weird.

'well looks like your better'

I jumped and saw a nurse behind me.

'before we can release you though you need to spend another night here just so that we can ensure that your fully better.'

this made me angry. I just wanted to go home. 'NO! I'M GOING HOME!' I stood up and the nurse tried to stop me but weirdly, I was to strong for her. I managed to escape easily. Huh, I never realized how strong I was. I then went home in the hospital gown on, I didn't care, as long as I was home.

Chapter twenty-six part two Massive Problems


Have you ever been in a situation where you have something that is so shocking that it's scary, that something happens where you should be happy but instead your angry about it. Have ever had a moment where you though you lost everything? If you have then you know how I feel.

Today would be fun, not. It was the first time that I'm going to school knowing that Lilly wasn't going to be with us, knowing that the whole school will know about what happened to Lilly. This would just make things worse, Lilly is in hospital with her life in the hands of the doctors and nurses. I have to go on knowing that she may or may not wake up, knowing that she may never wake up. This is going to make me cry, everyone will probably pester me with questions that I don't want to talk about, questions that I don't want to answer, questions that I don't even know.

'Ruth are you ready?'

I looked at Tara and sighed 'yes' I lied. As I said that I was brushing my hair and I didn't have any shoes on. I wasn't exactly going that fast today. That was because I wasn't looking forward to today.

Tara could tell that I lied and she sighed

'Ruth today will be fine. Don't worry'

I half smiled. It only lasted for a second 'everyone knows though and they'll probably pester me with questions. Questions that I don't even know, questions that I don't want to answer'

she sighed

'that's why you have us. We'll be with you all day and if people ask questions, we'll defend you.'

I smiled. I still wasn't sure though 'promise?'

she smiled


this made me smile. 'thanks. You guys are the best'

she smiled

'I know.,' she paused and glanced at me as I smiled and then continued 'that's what friends are for.,' she then glanced at me again 'now lets get you ready for school. We arrived like an hour ago and everyone is ready'

I smiled. She had a point 'okay. Go downstairs and tell them that I’ll be down in a second'

she glanced at me and gave me a unconvinced look and it made me frown

'I may not be looking forward to today but you guys are waiting. All I need to do is grab my shoes and coat. Oh and to finish brushing my hair'

she smiled

'okay I’ll go and tell them'

as soon as she left I rushed to finish brushing my hair and then grabbed my shoes and bolted downstairs. It only took like one minute. 'I’m ready'

they laughed

'yeah I can see that'

I looked at Katy and laughed 'well Tara did tell me to hurry' I said smiling at Tara

Tara laughed

'yeah but you've never listened to me telling you what to do before,' she looked at my expression and laughed 'I've never seen you move so quickly in my life'

I laughed

'when do I ever listen to anyone telling me what to do'

Carter laughed

'very true. A certain someone told me that on the day you had a fight with me at school. A certain someone warned you not to take it out on me and you did'

my smile turned to a frown. I don't know if that's because he said a certain someone instead of Lilly or if it was because it brought me memories of me and Lilly having fun together before when I was “normal.” my frown didn't go unnoticed but I tried to hide it 'yeah but in a way I'm glad that I ignored–,' I froze when I was about to say Lilly's name and again this didn't go unnoticed. I took a deep breath and continued 'we wouldn't be friends if I hadn't ignored....if I hadn't ignored....' I started crying. I couldn't hold my feelings in anymore.

They all gave me a sympathetic half smile and then gave me a massive group hug.

'oh hunny I'm glad you ignored her too. I'm glad that you became friends with me, to come to think of it if our fight hadn't got us locked in a room then I would probably be dead or wherever the others are and you would probably have been killed by Peter and the others by now.'

Carter kind of cheered me up a little bit but I was still in deep tears.

'Carter's right. Your a great friend and if it wasn't for Carter's bravery and of course yours, we wouldn't be here talking to you now. Heck we wouldn't even know you.'

I half smiled at Luke and Carter, this didn't change the fact that I was still crying though.

'Ruth your a great friend. You were the one who brought us together. Me and Lindsey would still be trapped in the village if you hadn't come and of course we wouldn't b friends with you or the others if it wasn't for you.'

this kind of cheered me up and I almost smiled at Katy and the others but then I remembered Lilly 'still, if I had listened to her and not had a fight with Carter, then we wouldn't be in this mess and Lilly wouldn't be in hospital.'

Carter looked down, he looked like he was either going to burst out in tears or burst out in anger, I wasn't quite sure which one.

'Ruth don't say that. Like Carter said if you hadn't been locked in that classroom, then you would be dead. Lilly will be fine. I'm sure she's doing fine'

this really annoyed me but she had a point. Lilly was just in hospital, she wasn't dead. I would be dead if I hadn't had Carter with me. I half smiled but I was still upset 'I can't face loosing another person, I cant!' after I said that I burst out in tears. They all ran to give me a group hug again in attempt to try and cheer me up.

Carter sighed

'I'm sorry sweetheart, I shouldn't have mentioned Lilly in the first place'

I actually smiled at that and it didn't go unnoticed. What made flew through my head was, was I really happy with him calling me names like sweetheart? I let this thought fly past though, Luke didn't though. He just glared at him. To come to think of it so did Sam, how...annoying. I gave a fake smile 'it doesn't matter Carter. I'm just upset' as I said that I saw my mum look at her watch and sigh

'it's almost eight, time to go to school. Oh and Ruth don't worry it'll all be okay, don't let anyone bother you today'

this made me smile even more, okay apart from the bit when she said that we had to go to

Tara sighed

'your mum's right Ruth it'll all be okay, we won't let anyone bother you today.,' Tara paused as she glanced me smile. 'if they do then they'll have us to deal with.'

I smiled and followed the others to school, maybe they were right, maybe today would be fine. It took about five minuted to walk to school today, as soon as we were about to walk in the gates I stopped and took a deep breath. The others noticed.

'Ruth come on' as Tara said that she grabbed my had and lead me in the gates, Ben helped.

I sighed and reluctantly let them lead me into the gates. Just as I feared though lodes of people came rushing up to us bombarding us with questions





all of these questions were driving me nuts! I was so fed up with all of these questions UGH! I wasn't in the mood to argue with them and so I just walked off. It didn't work though, it just attracted more people.




okay now I was even more angry. I couldn't take it anymore, suddenly the sounds became to go all muffled and my yes became all blurry. What was happening? I could only just hear what was going on?


my eyes were to blurry and my ears were to muffled to tell which one of my friends were talking


suddenly everything went black and I couldn't see or hear anything anymore.

Chapter twenty-seven The Test

I think I have mentioned this before but what do you think of dreams? Many of you think that dreams are just things that appear in your head while your asleep, people just think that dreams are things that appear in your head that aren't true, they are wrong. I used to think that they weren't true until I had my first dream that was true, the dream I had told me that my kidnappers were destroying my village setting everything on fire in search for me. They also trapped the survivors there, this is where I met Lindsey and Katy. Since then I've had lodes of dreams that have come true and I still do, it sucks.

My day had only just started when people pestered me about Lilly and that really stressed me out. Then something weird happened, I think I might have fainted, except before everything blacked out everything went blurry and all of the noise was muffled. Now it felt like I was dead, like I was floating into the middle of nowhere. Except I felt like I wasn't meant to be there, wherever I was. I couldn't see anything but I could definitely feel and it didn't feel right wherever I was, finally I could see again but the biggest question was, where was I? I still felt weird but that wasn't my concern right now. As my vision became clearer It became clearer where I was, I was in Sydney. Why though, why would anyone bring me to Sydney? I was born in Sydney but I was kidnapped and brought to America so what would anyone want with me in Sydney? It was great to be in Sydney again though. I was so glad to be back that I found myself walking towards the beach

'I was wondering when you'd find me'

I jumped and turned to see my dad. This made me angry 'what am I doing here dad?' I said in an annoyed tone

he gave a sly smile

'what's with the attitude, aren't you glad to be back in Sydney'

okay this made me even more angry 'cut the act dad, why am I here? Oh and B.T.W I am not in Sydney'

he gave an evil smile

'what act? I'm not doing an act.,' he paused and gave an evil smile. Him saying that slyly was enough for me. 'your not here yet but you will be'

okay now this made me even more angry 'oh and what's that supposed to mean...?'

he gave another evil smile and turned to a house that was on the beach

'you see that house over there, this is going to be our house'

okay now I was angry, there was no way that I was EVER going to live with him 'um I hate to tell you this dad but as long as I know about you, there is no way that I’m ever going to move in with you'

he gave an evil smile

'oh and why is that?'

I spat on the ground in anger, boy I hadn't done that in years. 'because you killed mum and as long as I know that I will never live with you. Also my new mum Vicky and my friends know about you and they will never let you live with me!'

he gave me an evil smile

'we'll see about that'

this really annoyed me but before I could retaliate I slipped into thin air again, ugh. With what seemed like five minuted of floating in the air my sight finally came back but I wasn't back at school, great... I soon realized that I was still in Sydney but I wasn't in the beach and my dad was no where to be seen, well that's a plus. I was in an overgrown field, why was I in an overgrown field? Oh this just got weirder and weirder.

'behind you'

I jumped and turned to see a weird lady 'who are you'

she laughed

'miss Barrock you are about to be tested'

okay now this annoyed me 'who are you' I repeated

'it is not necessary that you know my name'

'who are you' I repeated in an annoyed tone

she sighed

'Leah. You are about to be tested'

okay now I was interested 'tested?'

'you and your friends are going to be tested and this is where it begins'

okay now I was confused, I nearly laughed 'in a field'

'and how do you know that were on a field?' she said slyly

I rolled my eyes 'um because were in an over grown bit of field that has tractor marks on it'

'ah but are you sure about that'

before I could react the scenery changed and I was standing outside Ben's house

'your eyes can play tricks on you miss Barrock, surely you know that'

okay now I freaked out, what just happened 'um what just happened?'

she laughed

'your being tested miss Barrock'

okay now this annoyed me, why did she keep repeating that I’m being tested 'why am I being “tested”?'

she laughed

'your being tested and that's all you need to know,' she paused and looked at her watch 'oh look at the time, I’m off. Good luck, oh and don't forget your eyes play tricks on you'

'no wait....!' it was to late though she was gone. Suddenly the scenery changed and with what seemed like two minutes, I was in Ben's house. Okay now things got weirder and weirder, I still felt like I wasn't supposed to be here but I also had another feeling but I wasn't quite sure what I felt just yet. As soon as I saw my mum though I found out what I was feeling but it was weird. I felt like I hadn't seen my mum for ages, like I’d been away from them for a very long time, I was jumping out of my skin. 'mum!' okay I wasn't supposed to say it like that but I felt like my feelings were taking over me and that I had no control over me and I didn’t know why.

My mum weirdly backed away from me

'who are you?'

I was shocked why didn't she recognize me 'mum?'

'who are you? I don't have a daughter'

okay I was so shocked, I felt like I was going to cry


suddenly me and my mum wasn't alone Lilly joined

'what's the matter Vicky...,'she then turned her attention to me 'who's she?'

okay now I panicked, why didn't they recognize me?

My mum took another step back

'I don't know and she's freaking me out'

before I could react Lilly had me pinned against a wall and I can't say that it didn't hurt because I would be lying.

'okay I don't know who you are but you made a big mistake intruding'

okay now I felt like crying my didn't my best friend remember me, my own best friend

'okay here's the deal, you have about five seconds to tell me who you are and how your here'

I looked at Lilly and started crying 'Lilly please'

she just looked at me



we jumped and saw my mum, could there be hope yet?

'she is a very clever intruder Lilly, somehow she managed to break in without us knowing. We were sitting on the settee and so if she wasn't smart then we would have caught her'

ugh I wish this dream could end, I wish I could just break out of this dream and wake up!

Lilly sighed

'fine. What do you suppose we do with her?'

my mum sighed

'we'll take her to the others and see what they think'

before I could react Lilly grabbed one of my hands and pulled me towards the others

'we have an intruder'

they all turned towards me and gasped

'how did she break in?'

oh great now Tara didn't know who I was

'we should ring the police'

I looked at Ben and started to cry.

'oh and say what? That we have an intruder that we didn't hear breaking in. that no glass is broken and therefore no way of her getting in apart from the door which we would have seen'

I looked at Lindsey and half laughed, I tried to keep it in

'she's right, I think we should kill her'

I froze, did Carter just say what I thought that he said

'if we do that we'll be arrested for murder, we have to think of another way'

I sighed in relief inside my head when Katy said that

'I say we should lock her in a room until we find something to do with her'

I looked at Jacky in shock but before I could react Sam and Luke had my arms

'sounds good to me'

I looked at Luke and cried even more. It was bad enough that my own best friend who was in hospital doesn't remember me let alone, I didn't care if this was a dream. It felt very real. Before I could even think of struggling they brought me into a room and locked me in it, oh this brought me back to when the school was on fire in the school, but of course they can't remember that. They brought me into the room that me and Carter used to share before we faked that we were mad at each other, I sighed knowing that I could do no more and slumped on the double bed. I was still very angry though, ugh! I wonder where the real me is right now...., I wonder where the real others are right now? Ugh!

'huh well it could be worse'

I jumped and turned to see a little girl around my age sitting on the bed next to me. 'who are you?'

she sighed

'Amber Smith'

I raised my eyebrow 'what are you doing here, how did you get here?'

she sighed again

'I'm here to get you out of here'

I smiled 'can you actually do that?'

she smiled back

'your test is rubbish, it makes you learn nothing and so I’m here to rescue you'

okay now I was shocked, she knew about my “test” 'you know about my test'

she smiled and nodded

alright now was answer time 'what is this “test”?'

she sighed

'well...acording to the riles your not supposed to know but then again I'm not supposed to be here either. The test is to see how you'll cope with having no one, personally I think that’s just mean...'

I was shocked 'go on...'

'there will be a time when this actually happens but it'll be much much worse'

I sighed. That made sense seeing as all my dreams seem to be coming true these days 'what do you mean by that?'

she sighed

'in time you'll forget all of your friends just like they have forgotten you now. However tat will bring great danger to all of you, eventually you won't exist and neither will they'

I was shocked 'what do you mean'

'you will be wiped off existence, you will be alive but non of your past with your friends have happened and you'll have a new start and as for your friends well–'

oh no that doesn't sound good 'what about my friends'

'they'll eventually–'

oh...oh no! 'what! They can't die! They can't! How will they die?'

she sighed

'the past will eventually eat them up as it fades. No you, no them. Do you get it?

Wow I was shocked 'yeah I get it, is there any way to stop this?'

she sighed

'there is only one way, don't let your memory fade. If it does then there is trouble'

oh man! I was so shocked

'it's a lot to take in I know. I'm going to rescue you and bring you back to yourself again but remember don't forget! Warn your friends!'

I slowly nodded, what brought to my attention now was, how was I going to wake up? 'how are you going to get me to wake up?'

she sighed

'I’ll have to knock you out'

wait what! 'wait what!'

she sighed but before I could react I felt something hard hit me and everything went black.


Chapter twenty-eight Troubles

Before I said that my life was like a leaf blowing the the wind on a cold Autumns day, where the leaf gets trampled by lodes of running kids. This is still the same. When I was little I was kidnapped, my kidnappers are vampires. Ever since I met my kidnappers my life has never been the same, I’ve never been normal since. Vampires do that to you, you see. As soon as you've got history with a vampire or is making history with a vampire, you know that you'll never be the same again. I have never been normal since, it makes you go from being normal to being not normal within the first twenty-four hours of meeting a vampire and just because you know their secret, because you know that you'll always see them no matter where you go. Vampires stick with you wherever you go and it sucks. I'm not normal and I’ll never be normal again and all because I know vampires. My kidnappers aren't the only vampires that I know, I know three other vampires and the three is constantly growing. You may ask what this has to do with leafs blowing in the wind, this goes with it because as soon as you meet a vampire you'll feel like this, well pretty similar anyway. If you compare me to other girls you know you would be surprised about how different I am. I am fifteen years old and I'm in my second to last year of school and already I have the responsibilities of an adult, and no I'm not a young mother. So basically once you've met a vampire you'll never get away from them, sucks doesn't it. You know what I mean? This is not the only thing, ever since I met my dad. Who's a murderer by the may and probably been communicating with my kidnappers. Ever since I met my dad in my dream that came true, I’ve been having dreams like the one when I met my dad ever since. My dreams have been very very true and it sucks. So basically I'm saying if you meet a vampire, run. Run before it's too late.

My head hurt, it hurt so much! And if my head wasn't enough, I didn't know where I was and I couldn't see anything. My eyelids felt so heavy, I could hear though, not well enough to know what was going on and who was talking though.

'she coming through, she's moving'

I didn't know who that was and it was annoying. I wished I could just open my eyes

'how long has she been out for now?'

yeah...that was a good question

I could hear someone sigh

'probably about three hours now'

wow, have I really been out that long. Oh man my head hurt so much, I couldn't remember much all I could remember was having to remember something that was important but I wasn't quite sure what, just thinking made my head hurt. UGH.

'wow she's been out for ages. I'm just glad that we were aloud to skip classes and stay with her'

'yeah we got of that pretty well. I'm not surprised that she fainted though, she was in a lot of stress'

I could hear someone sigh

'yeah she was. Poor thing'

ugh all I wanted to do was open my eyes, why couldn't I open my eyes! Within a few long hours of wishing that I could open my eyes, I eventually did and I was glad. I was very glad, I was getting so... fed up of not being able to open them.

'she's awake everyone!' a voice said

my eyes were still blurry so I couldn't make out who it was but still, I was glad

'oh my goodness Ruth I was so... worried about you!'

before I could react someone, who I could not make out, came bounding into me and gave me a hug

'Luke! Be careful she's only just woken up, you'll hurt her'

I could just make out that Tara said that, only just and it was just a guess

the person that gave me a hug, now found out to be Luke stepped back

'sorry Ruth'

I made a faint smile 'it's okay'

they all smiled at me

'were so... sorry Ruth, we should have listened to you!'

I half smiled at this

'yeah, Tara's right! We shouldn't have made you go to school today. We should have known that they would all ask about Lilly'

I smiled this time, and not because of what they were saying, because I could now fully see everyone.

'yeah, we should have known that it would all be too stressful for you'

I smiled at everyone 'it's okay guys, really'

they all ran and gave me a hug

'so how are you feeling now?'

I looked at Carter and smiled 'I'm okay now, my head just really hurts, that's all'

Katy frowned and it didn't just shock me, it shocked everyone else too

'what's with the frown'

Luke's question was quite a good question

Katy sighed

'normally I would say that it was stress and I wish it was, but it wasn't was it?'

I sighed, wow she was good, really good. 'no'

the others frowned

'What was your dream about this time?'

I looked at Katy and sighed. 'I can't quite remember,' I paused, suddenly my head started hurting and it didn't go unnoticed 'I...'

they all sighed

'Ruth you don't have to tell us if you don't want to'

I half smiled at Tara. 'no it's okay. Telling you makes my head hurt but I have to tell you'

they sighed

'you don't have to do anything if you don't want to'

I smiled and Ben

'no it's not that, I got told that I have to tell you,' I paused again and held my head. It really hurt 'what I have to tell you will save your lives, of only I could remember'

they all gave a sympathetic smile

'don't rush this Ruth, sit down and breath, try to remember what you were told'

I sighed and sat down, the others joined. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in and out. Suddenly it all came back to me, some of it did at least and it really hurt my head. 'you guys couldn't remember me...'

Tara sighed

'go on...'

I took a deep breath 'you locked me in a room,' I paused 'before that I was told that I was being tested....'

'go on....'

I looked at Tara and sighed 'a girl around my age told me that I had to remember....'

they all looked at me with serious faces

'remember what?'

'Luke relax, let her think'

I gave Lindsey a thank you smile 'she said that what just happened would come true except it would be a lot worse, she said that I had to be careful. She told me that I couldn't loose my memory, she said that if I wasn't careful I would forget you like you forgot me and it would put danger in us all. She said that I wouldn't exist,' I paused and nearly cried because my head hurt so much 'I will be wiped from existence, except I won't'

'what do you mean by that?'

I looked at Jackie and sighed

'I'll have a new life and I would have never met you or my mum or anyone. You will exist but not for long, the past will eventually eat you up. No me, no you'

they were shocked

'but how is that even possible?,' Tara wriggled in her seat in stress 'we had lives before we met you, so how is that possible. I mean not to be mean but this is just so....'

this made me a bit mad but I kept inside and forced a fake smile 'I guess it's because you would have never known about vampires if you hadn't met me' I tried staying positive but I don't think that it worked

'I know what Ruth means, now we've met vampires our lives have changed so.... much and we can never go back'

I smiled at Ben to say thanks

'yeah I mean if it weren’t for Sharlene, Sam, Luke and of course Ruth we would be just like a normal boring teenager our age, I like having all the action'

I smiled at Jackie, I wasn't a vampire but vampires follow me so I knew what she meant.

Tara sighed

'I'm sorry Ruth I didn't mean that, I love having you as my friend and I'm glad that you came with all the action and danger.'

I smiled at Tara, I appreciated her apology, after all if I was in her shoes I would be struggling to deal with it too.

'so basically we don't want this happening, what can we do to stop it?'

I looked at Sam and sighed 'I don't know but I have to protect my memory at all costs!'

Chapter twenty-nine part one Lilly's back

Feelings, Feelings are always hard to explain. Whether its feelings in a relationship or crush, or simply just feelings for friends and best friends. Feelings for all of them is always hard to explain. I am here to take up the challenge of explaining my feelings, and trust me it won't be easy. My feeling is for my best friend, as you probably know already my best friends name is Lilly. Close your eyes and picture this, picture your friend or someone who you have strong feelings for get shot. Imagined that? Great. Now imagine the person who you have strong feelings for fighting for their life, image having the feeling that he or she may never wake up again. Imagine crying for hours and hours on end about the person who you have strong feelings for, thinking that you'll never get to talk to him or her again. Okay now imagine that you've spent, what seems like days worrying and crying over him or her and then going to work or at school or wherever you normally see him or her and you see the person who you have strong feelings for. What do you feel? Many of you will say that your happy, I'm not.

'hey Ruth are you ready?'

I jumped and turned to see Lindsey. I sighed 'I guess so'

Lindsey looked at me and frowned

'it'll all be okay, trust me'

I sighed. I believed Lindsey but I was still upset about Lilly and I was still in shock about my dream. 'how can you be so sure?'

she sighed

'we won't let anything happen to you Ruth, your too special to us,' she glanced at my smile 'and Lilly is in hospital and so it won't happen'

my smile faded at that

'I didn't mean it like that, she cares about you to much and so she won't let anything happen to you. Trust me'

I smiled at that. I still doubted her telling me to trust her but I was happy that she was trying. After that she led me to the others and we walked to school, this is where it all happened. I stood dad in my tracks in shock and so did the others. Right in front of my eyes stood Lilly, my best friend Lilly. She was happily talking to everyone, she then glanced at us and her smile grew. 'Lilly...I...we....–'

'we thought that you were in hospital still'

her smile grew

'I got better and so the doctors let me out. They let me out yesterday but I wanted to surprise you today by coming in'

I was shocked, I was really shocked. I was so shocked that I was speechless

'wow....Lilly. That's amazing,' Ben elbowed me and I couldn't hep but go 'ow' 'isn't it Ruth'

I was still annoyed at Ben elbowing me and I was still shocked. 'yeah. It's so great!' I really was happy but I was shocked as well and it was kinda taking over me. That half of the day got stranger and stranger, however it wasn't the normal thing that made it strange. It was Lilly. She was acting so weird, she knew when the lesson was going t end before it actually ended and I kept loosing her for some reason and then she kept appearing again. I blamed that part on my eyes but still it was weird. I couldn't concentrate in the lesson before lunch, the lesson was history, I was to determined to find out what was going on with Lilly.

'Ruth wake up, it's simple'

I jumped trying to figure out where the voice came from when I finally figured that the voice was Lisa. I immediately put my hand up, I had to get out.

'yes miss booker?'

'can I go to the loo'

she sighed

'go on then but don't be to long'

I smiled, I always like my history teacher. With that I ran to the toilets, when I got there I locked myself in a toilet block again. 'what do you mean?'

I could hear her sigh

'your stressing over Lilly but it's so simple'

okay now I was confused 'what are are you on about'

she sighed

'add it all up Ruth, she's a vampire'

okay now I was even more confused. She may be acting weird but she's not a vampire.

She sighed again

'Ruth do you remember when you didn't know about Luke, back in the disco?'

I gave it some thought and then it all came back to me, the moment when he threw me in the air and caught me and when he was a super fast swimmer. 'yeah...when he threw me in the air and caught me and when we were in the pool, when he swam really fast.'

'add it up Ruth, Luke is strong and fast and Lilly is...'

I couldn't believe what she was saying, I half believed her though, Ruth focus!

She sighed again

'okay you remember how fast your kidnappers were?'

I gave it some thought and then the memories flew back. I was running from them and they ran like as fast as the speed of a car, or...faster. 'yeah,' then suddenly it hit me. Lisa was right! Lilly was pretty fast and quite strong. 'oh my goodness! Your right!'

'yep, told you'

a sudden flare of anger flew through me and I couldn't hold it in. 'right that's it!' before I could give Lisa a chance to respond I stormed out and stormed back into the history room. For the rest of the lesson, I gave her evils. Not just Lilly though, I gave Sharlene, Luke and Sam the evils too. Finally the lesson ended and everyone stormed out to get lunch.

'okay what's going on'

I jumped and turned to see my friends, plus my three “friends” Sharlene, Sam and Luke. 'what's wrong with me, what's wrong with you!' I snapped

I could tell that they were annoyed but I was more angry.

'what are you on about Ruth' the snapped using the same angry tone.

Ugh I was so... annoyed at them right now, I felt like punching the, them all. 'what's going on is,' I turned to Lilly 'Lilly over here is a vampire and who are the only vampires that we know,' I then turned to Luke, Sam and Sharlene and pointed to them 'Luke, Sam and Sharlene. I don't care who turned her but what gets me is that you three lied. I trusted you!'

they all looked angry but I didn't care

'Ruth we DIDN'T turn Lilly' they said

okay now I was annoyed 'yeah well I know that your lying because Lilly is a vampire' I snapped

okay now Lilly got angry 'look Ruth, so I’m a vampire. Who,' she paused 'cares. I'm alive aren't I' she snapped

I couldn't believe them, I couldn't believe them all. I then stormed off, I couldn't look at them right now. I couldn't stay in school and so I ran out of school.

'Ruth your over reacting'



'you know what, shut up!' I screamed. I knew straight away that I couldn't stay at Ben's right now. So I ran to the house, grabbed my bags and ran, oh here we go again.

Chapter Twenty-nine part two interesting infomation


Ruth, the girl I love ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed me, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, we didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe us so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for me, Sharlene and Sam and were vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.

Me, Sharlene and Luke decided to go to Sydney, where she was born to try and find stuff out. So far we've stumbled across quite a few things. We found out where Ruth and Carter's school is, or was. It's now in shreds, the only thing that remained was a long metal pole. I'm guessing that's what they used to smash the window with. We also stumbled across the police, they were trying to figure out who killed Lisa. We decided to ask them some questions concerning it to see if we could find a lead.

'uh can't go through there'

we didn't listen. We went under the yellow tape

'uh excuse me you–'

we still ignored them

'no it's okay Paul, who are you three?'

I sighed

'were friends of Lisa's, well sort of'

the police lady immediately looked interested

'follow me'

we didn't hesitate to that.

'so how do you know Lisa?'

I sighed

'were friends with her sister Ruth Booker'

'may I know your names'

I looked at Sharlene and Sam and sighed 'I'm Luke,' I then pointed to Sharlene 'and this is Sharlene,' I then pointed to Sam 'and this is Sam'

the police officer smiled


we smiled back

'hi' we all said

'we haven't seen Ruth for ages, is she okay?'

I sighed. I couldn't exactly tell her that she wasn't because of Lilly. 'she's okay. She's going through a lot but she's okay'

the police lady gave a sympathetic smile

'yeah I bet, first with her sister Lisa being murdered and then Lilly'

oh...I forgot about Lilly being attached 'Lilly's fine now. She wen't into hospital and they weren’t sure if she's pull though but amazingly she did' I wasn't lying there. The police lady gave us some interesting information, she said that there hasn't been a mystery kill like this since 200. doesn't seem very interesting but in 200, Ruth was five.

Chapter Twenty-nine part three Hard to find



Ruth, my best friend ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, they didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for me, Sharlene and Sam and were vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.

I decided to raid Ruth's things to see if I could find out what happened to Lilly but I wasn't having much luck. So far I've fond just about.... nothing. Well I have but none of it was any use. I found things saying that she was kidnapped when she was twelve, but I knew that. I found lodes of stuff that I already knew and nothing I didn't know. I was hitting a brick wall in all of this and it was so annoying! Not literally hitting a brick wall, it's a metaphor.

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Four







Ruth, my best friend ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, they didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for me, Sharlene and Sam and were vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.






I decided to hit the library to see if I could if I could find any truth about Lilly. I wasn't successful, well I would have been if I hadn't stumbled across some eye catching vampire history books. One of the books that I stumbled across was very interesting, I was shocked at what I saw. It said that once every fortnight a mini baby was born but no ordinary baby. A baby that had some sort of destiny, but what destiny? That was the main question. It then said something like being in danger because she was the child of Richard Barrock. 'oh wow' I was shocked, not only did it say that but it said that every chosen child so far has been tracked down and killed, only one remains. Ruth. This made me even more shocked, but scared too, I was scared for Ruth. This didn't stop me from looking at the books though, I then found out that when a vampire has a goal they never stop until they achieve their goal, no matter what costs.


Chapter Twenty-nine Part Five







Ruth, my lover ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, they didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for Luke, Sharlene and Sam and they're vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves. Or at least I think we did, we weren't exactly talking. I was fed up because we weren't talking.






I was sick and tired off their fighting, I missed Ruth, I missed our friendship. I had to find a way to find Ruth and to stop our fighting, I sighed. The only thing that I could think of was to take the risk and ask Michael for help. It wasn't the wisest of idea's but I had to try.



'Michael,' I sighed 'Michael I need your help'



he gave me an annoyed look



'oh need my help'



I frowned 'Michael please'



he gave me another annoyed look



'no, I tried to be all brotherly to you and be nice but didn't like that. You accused me beyond believe'



I sighed 'Michael please, Ruth's left and were all fighting. Please, if you really care, help me'



he sighed



'well...I suppose we could get through this once, but ONLY once. What happened?'



I smiled at this 'thank you Michael, thank you so much!,' I paused because it suddenly hit me that I couldn't tell him what really happened 'we...we had a massive argument and Ruth left, she said that she couldn't live with a bunch of complainers and that she couldn't take it anymore. Lilly recovered from hospital and we were all complaining that we didn't actually know how she got attacked,' I paused and looked at Michael 'and Michael, I am so...sorry that I blamed you. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry.'



he smiled 'it's okay. Don't worry, that's the past now. I'm just glad that she recovered. I have the exact plan to get you guys back together again, do you remember our family's holiday home?'



I paused 'yeah the one by the lake, why?'



he smiled 'our family left it to us for things like this. You should invite them for a cam out by the lake, it'll be fun. As for Ruth...well I've got that planned, just leave that to me'



I didn't like the fact that I had to trust him but I decided to go with it 'and how do I convince them to go'



he smiled



'well that's up to you, I know you can.'

Chapter Twenty-nine Part six







Ruth, my best friend. She ran because I had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, I don't think that they turn me. Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so everyone is determined to find out who turned me, including me. We were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for Luke, Sharlene and Sam and they're vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.






I was a vampire and I couldn't believe it, okay I could but you know what I mean. Everything happened all in one big block, now none of us were talking and Ruth was gone. As far as I'm concerned the others are trying to figure it out but I had problems of my own to worry about though, like what being a vampire means and how to control them. As far as I was concerned right now was that I was super fast and really strong. Also that all of the stories about vampires were fake, we could go in the sun without any worry and we could eat and we could sleep and garlic didn't kill us and we didn't have a weakness, we were really like humans except we weren't, this was great! The problem was though, how do I control my vampire abilities, the others do it so great.


Chapter Twenty-nine Part Seven







Ruth, my best friend. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, they didn't turn her . Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so everyone is determined to find out who turned her, including me. We were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for Luke, Sharlene and Sam and they're vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.






My decision to raid Ruth's stuff to try and find out some truth behind this didn't get any better, I had to find something, I had to. Then suddenly something popped in my head and I wish it hadn't. I had this thought that if we wanted answers the only person who would know is Richard, Ruth's dad. Unfortunately my thought was true. I sighed and braced myself to face Ruth's dad for the first time in ages. I had a pretty good idea where he was because of all the times that he has visited Ruth, I wanted to be sure about the place but unfortunately Ruth wasn't here and no one else would know. I sighed knowing that I had to take the risk and waited until it got dark and then went to White Bay. Luckily he was here, I took a deep breath and went to him



'well, well what do we have here....what drops you down here at this time,' he then looked at me and gave me an evil smile 'if your here to take up my offer, it's to late'



I sighed ' as tempting as that seems I'll pass, Ruth is fine and she'll stay fine,' I then looked at him 'I may be angry at her but I would never hand her to you'



he gave an evil smile



'you never told me that you were angry at her, anyway what brings you here?'



I sighed 'I need your help'



he gave an evil smile



'well, well. I never thought I hear the day when miss Smith needs my help'



I sighed 'yeah well, there you go'



he gave an evil smile



'I'll help you in one condition'



uh oh I didn't like the sound off that 'and what might that be'



he gave another evil smile



'if I help you you'll have to do whatever I say,' he paused and gave an evil smile 'no matter what costs'



oh man I knew that I wasn't going to like the condition. The question was, how desperate was I to find out what really happened to Lilly? I groaned. The answer was a lot, I never thought that I'd say this but I really missed being friends with everyone. 'ugh fine'



he gave an evil smile



'what may I help you with'



I sighed 'I want to know who attacked Lilly and who turned her'



he sighed



'oh and one more thing, don't tell the others'



I groaned. I wasn't going to tell, who did he think I am! 'relax. I'm not going to tell, who do you think I am'



he sighed again



'a girl who will get killed and I mean literally killed if you spill out agreement to anyone. And as for your friend Lilly,' he paused and gave an evil smile 'I don't know that'



okay now I was angry 'what! You make me promise to some deal just to tell me that you don't know, which is a lie by the way. Your a vampire! Of course you know!' I shouted at him in an annoyed tone



he hesitated



'Tara, Tara, Tara. Being a vampire doesn't mean that you know everything,' he paused and looked at my angry face 'however being such a powerful vampire like me has it's advantages. I have spies all around the place spying on you and your friends so that I can know.'



I wasn't so sure about the spying part but what can I do. 'and...'



he hesitated again



'now normally anyone would warn you about what your about to get yourself into but...I'm not like them. Your friend Lilly was attacked by Carter's brother Michael because Michael and Carter killed Lisa and Michael found out that Lilly knew so he attacked her and tried to kill her' he said evilly



it took me a while to process this, I was so shocked. I trusted Carter, WE trusted Carter! 'no, no your wrong!'



he gave an evil smile



'my knowledge is never wrong. Carter and Michael killed Ruth's sister Lisa from the start. And as for Lilly well it's up to you, who do you... think turned her? Any other questions?'



I was really shocked. Why? Why would Carter even think of killing Lisa? I took a deep breath 'yes, why do you want Ruth so badly?'



he rolled his eyes at this



'why do you think, she's my daughter and because she's wanted by lodes of vampires'



I sighed, I kinda expected that. 'but why is she wanted?'



he gave an evil smile



'that's enough questions for one day. Now about our deal....'



I took a deep breath 'what about our deal?'



he gave an evil smile

Chapter Twenty-nine part Eight







Ruth, my best friend ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed me, Luke and Sam. The weird thing is though, we didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe us so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for Luke, Sharlene and Sam and they're vampires. We also know however, that in order to keep everyone around us safe. We must keep this to ourselves.






Me and Katy decided to work together to find out what actually happened but we weren't exactly on track. Me and Katy had made up a few days ago because we were fed up of the arguing, our mission was to find out what was going on and then to make up with all the others. That's when something popped in my head, if anyone knows about history it is my big sister Lauren. 'Katy I have an idea.'



Katy raised an eyebrow



'if anyone will know about history it's my big sister Lauren'



she laughed and followed me to Lauren






she looked at me and raised an eyebrow









she sighed



'what do you want?'



I sighed 'I sort off need your help'



she raised an eyebrow



'well that's a first. What sort of help?'



I sighed 'oh ha-ha. What do you know about...,' I looked at Lauren and took a deep breath. How was I going to explain this without sounding like a total idiot? 'what do you know about....vampires?'



she raised her eyebrow again and it made me a bit annoyed



Katy seemed to notice this because she sighed



'what....Lindsey means is that...-'



I sighed 'Katy stop, it's okay.'



Lauren sighed



'what do you want to know about vampires?'



I sighed 'nothing....'



Katy frowned and that made Lauren give me a suspicious look



'okay.... what is really going on here?'



'we...just know about vampires'



Katy just shook her head and said nothing



Lauren just stared at me and that's when I knew that I had to tell her everything



I sighed 'well....vampires.....sort.....of.....exist'



Katy smiled



'as in their not myths'



I looked at Katy and sighed 'we sort of know three vampires. Now four and it's causing arguments'



Lauren looked surprised and I wasn't surprised



'I know this is a lot to take in but it's the truth, because of that we need your help'



she sighed



'tell me everything'



Katy sighed



'our friend Ruth sort of changed our lives forever'



I said nothing. Nothing because Katy was right



Lauren looked shocked



'so...Ruth's a vampire'



I was completely shocked 'no, Ruth's not the vampire, she knew that vampires existed and when she moved here they followed'



Katy sighed



'she didn't exactly know vampires, she was kidnapped by them when she was twelve'



Lauren was shocked



'so she was kidnapped by things that many people don't even know exists....?'



I sighed 'yeah. Not all vampires are like that though, the four vampires that we know are really nice'



''s causing arguments.....?'



I looked at Lauren and sighed 'her best friend Lilly was turned into a vampire to save her life and Ruth blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene got the blame'



'so your telling me that vampires exist and that one of your best friends was turned into a "vampire" and one of your other best friends got because of it and she blamed three of your other best friends and now you need my help'



okay now I was annoyed, stay calm Lindsey, stay calm. 'look I know this is hard to take in but it's happening, OKAY! Now I didn't just come to you for help to get this from you so if you won't help then fine!'






'don't Lindsey me, come on Katy were going!' Katy didn't move so I pulled her along


Chapter Twenty-nine Part nine







The biggest thing has happened to me today. It all started when my little sister Lindsey asked me for help for the first time in years, actually the first time since mum left. The story about my mum will have to wait because this isn't what I'm here to talk about. What do you think of vampires? Before today I would have said that they are myths, now I don't know what to think. I am only sixteen and I'm in year eleven so this shouldn't be a problem but it is. My sister Lindsey is only a year below me and she is telling me that vampires exist and that they need help, well what do I do? My brain is telling me that they are just myths but my body and my inside is telling me to believe them. My brain is spinning, UGH! My sister has never asked for help unless she really needs it and she never tells me stuff that is a myth isn't, never. Not even when she was little. So what do I do, okay I actually did do something. I refused to help her and it sent her in tears, she is never going to forgive me again. Do I believe her or do I go with what my brain is telling me, that they don't. That's the main question.






I need to know the truth about them and so I decided to surf the internet to see if they really are true. So I decided to look it up and I was completely shocked. I didn't exactly find out if vampires really exist but I did go find some stuff out about Ruth, which was weird because I wasn't even looking for information about Ruth. I found out that when you say 'vampire' it somehow links to her name. I wanted to find out why. I then found out that ever since Ruth was born she has had this, destiny, if you like. The destiny was unknown but I wasn't going to give up now, oh no.

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Ten







Ruth, my best friend ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed Luke, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, they didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe them so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for me, Sharlene and Sam and were vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.






I made a big mistake today and I can't turn back. In order to find out information I went to Ruth's dad for help and it was a BIG mistake! In the end I made a deal that if he tells me stuff that I'd have to do what he says. He told me that me and Michael was a good match and that I had to get him but why? 'why are we a good match?'



he gave an evil smile



'didn't you listen. Carter and MICHAEL killed Lisa.'



I sighed. I still couldn't get over that. We trusted them 'yeah but so did Carter'



he gave another evil smile



'because he told him to'



I sighed. How did he know that 'how do you know that?'



'like I say it's a vampire thing.'



I sighed 'what's your plan?'



he gave yet another evil smile. Oh he was enjoying this



'your job is to bring Michael to me. Convince him and tell him that you know about Lisa. Anything'



I sighed. Then something hit me. Anything? 'anything?'



'yes but believe me if this information gets leaked or I find out that you don't do as I say there will be big consequences. Understood?'



I sighed and nodded my head

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Eleven







Do you know the feeling when you love someone but your to scared to scared to admit it? Where you try and hide the fact that you love the person. Where you have all the chances in the world to admit it but you don't and then it all ends, where you lose your chance. Where you know that you'd be happier if you confessed because you knew that they secretly felt the same way but you don't and then you lose the chance. Where you feel that the magic's gone. Do you know how it feels to know that you've lost the chance? Do you know how it feels to have your heart trampled on, where you want to cry because you've lost the chance. Do you know how it feels to love someone but you completely cover it up by hate? This is how I feel and it sucks. Me and Carter were enemies at the start, I thought that he was a bully. A horrid guy younger than me who made my little sister Lisa feel like dirt. I fully hated him, I couldn't stand him. Until one day, one special day. The day that the school caught on fire, yes I hated him and we were locked in the same room for punishment but without knowing that was the start, the magic started here. The day when he risked his life to save me, that was the start. Days progressed and it went up hill from there, however I was to chicken to tell him how I felt. The day when we pretended to be going out, that was fun because that wasn't hard, seeing as I loved him and I knew that he loved me. Oh that was the best, I couldn't wait for the next day to come. The day when we pretended to hate each other, that was fun to. Fun because I was to scared to let him know how I felt and fun because I was to scared to tell anyone so no one knew. That day Luke asked me to go to the disco and then he took me swimming, all because he loved me. My heart was set on someone else though so it didn't give me the same happiness as Carter did. I went with Luke because no one knew about my feelings for Carter but it wasn't the same. The day when he stood up for me back at my village when Peter had me, that day I knew he cared for me. It put happiness to me, even if I was worried about him. All of these feelings is how I feel, you see I do have feelings for Carter, however I also hated him for sticking up with Sharlene, Sam and Luke. Everything was muddled up, my feelings were muddled up.






My only try friend right now was Jake. Jake had let me into his house because I ran away from the others, okay he didn't know the absolute truth but I lied for a good reason. I told him that Lilly had died. I have been with Jake for about six weeks now and it's great! Jake is a great friend. Sometimes I even think of him as more of a friend.



'Ruth breakfast is ready!'



oh yeah I forgot it's about seven O'clock here right now. 'coming!' I always loved Jakes cooking, he was the best. As I joined him I was welcomed by a familiar smell, bacon and eggs. Jake always cooks me bacon and eggs and I never get bored of it.



'hope you like it, it's your favourite'



I smiled while eating bits of bacon 'mm... thanks Jake'



he smiled



'your welcome. Anything for you, sweetheart'



you see what I mean. He's such a flirt, it doesn't bother me though because sometimes I flirt back.

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Twelve







Ruth, the girl I love ran off today. She ran because Lilly had been turned into a vampire and she blamed me, Sam and Sharlene. The weird thing is though, we didn't turn her. Ruth didn't believe us so she ran away again, we miss her and so we are determined to find out who turned Lilly, we were so determined to find out but little did we know that it would change everything. We ended up discovering things that that never wanted to be uncovered. The secret could end up ruining everything but what is the secret? As we continued to dig into this we found out a lot of stuff. Something bad is going to happen but what? We found out all of these answers along with others, I tell a lie. We never found out two of them but we have a lot of evidence and clues so we are getting closer to finding out. This is a lot of unwanted information to have to take in, even for me, Sharlene and Luke and were vampires. We also know that in order to keep everyone around us safe, we must keep this to ourselves.






Back in Sydney was interesting. We came for answers and we got them. We found out that they think that Lisa is dead so she probably can never show her face back here because they would suspect something, sort off. They know that she was in hospital and that she was recovering, still. We also found out that the last time someone was murdered in this city was in the 2000s, when Ruth was five. This has got to link to something. We got a lot of information bout Ruth from the police. After that we went home, but we went home knowing that we'd actually achieved something. We didn't just go home though, oh no. we had another stop to stop at, Ruth's school. Well where the school was burned down.

Chapter Twenty-nine part Thirteen










I had a massive problem. My problem was, hitting a brick wall with trying to find information out about Ruth was a massive step up to where I am now. I have got myself into big trouble and there is nothing I can do about it. I rather stupidly went to Ruth's dad for help and now I have to do anything that he asks me to do. I had to do that in order for him to help him, the question was. Could I really trust him with the word? Anyhow I didn't really have a choice so I agreed and that's where I am now. I am now about thirty-five seconds away from Michaels home, oh right. Yeah, I forgot. I agreed to get Michael to Ruth's dad because apparently we "make a good team" I didn't believe that rubbish but still. As I got to the door I took a deep breath and knocked on the door hoping that Carter wasn't home. Luckily he wasn't.



When Michael opened the door his face dropped



'if your looking for Carter you missed him about an hour ago'



I looked at him and sighed 'good because it's you who I've come to see'



he gave me a strange look






I sighed. Ho was I going to say this. My body was telling me to just bolt while I had the chance but my mind was reminding me that Richard would kill me if I even tried. Ugh. 'well if you let me in I'll explain'



he sighed and moved aside



'come in'



I tried to keep a straight face while I was walking in.



'so what do you want?'



I sighed and took a deep breath 'you know Ruth....'



he gave me a strange look






'well do you know her dad?'



'he gave me another strange look



'not really'



I sighed 'her dad Richard has sort of sent me to bring you to him. He's a pain' I literally hit myself when I said the last part. That last part wasn't supposed to come out.



He gave me yet another strange look



'so...if he's a pain then why are you doing what he asks?'



I sighed. 'that normally would be a good question. Unfortunately I don't have a choice in this.'






oh man. What was I going to tell him? 'we sort of made an agreement about something and now I have to do what he says. Trust me you don't want to get on his bad side'



he gave me a funny look



'what does he want?'



good question. I wish I knew. 'I don't know. I just do what he asks.'



'okay...but why does he want me'



I hesitated. Oh great. ''



he gave me an annoyed look



'look if you know something then spit it out girl!' he snapped



this annoyed me 'I know you murdered my sister' I snapped back



okay now he definitely looked angry 'look girl. I killed no one! If you have evidence that I did it then you can tell me. Because it isn't true!' he snapped



'oh yeah then how can you explain Ruth's dad wanting to see you.'



'YEAH SO WHAT IF I DID. IT'S YOUR WORD AGAINST MINE, WHO'S GOING TO BELIEVE YOU! Anyway I didn't move here to be bossed around.' I was glad that he calmed down but still.



'your a criminal Michael and if you don't go to Richard I'll spread the word' that was the best threat I had and it sucked



'oh I said it's your word against mine. OOo I'm scared, not'



oh shoot. He was right, I had to think of something else 'fine then because I'm sure that the school would love to hear that you killed an innocent young child. Even if they don't believe me. Or I could get Richard over here' I threatened



he sighed



'fine. But only for Richard.'

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Fourteen










The biggest thing has happened to me this week. It all started when my little sister Lindsey asked me for help for the first time in years, actually the first time since mum left. The story about my mum will have to wait because this isn't what I'm here to talk about. What do you think of vampires? Before today I would have said that they are myths, now I don't know what to think. I am only sixteen and I'm in year eleven so this shouldn't be a problem but it is. My sister Lindsey is only a year below me and she is telling me that vampires exist and that they need help, well what do I do? My brain is telling me that they are just myths but my body and my inside is telling me to believe them. My brain is spinning, UGH! My sister has never asked for help unless she really needs it and she never tells me stuff that is a myth isn't, never. Not even when she was little. So what do I do, okay I actually did do something. I refused to help her and it sent her in tears, she is never going to forgive me again. Do I believe her or do I go with what my brain is telling me, that they don't. That's the main question.






Because I was so eager to find out I searched the web to see if vampires really existed and what it came out with surprised me. It came out with information about Ruth and I wasn't even looking for information about her. I found out that when you say 'vampire' it somehow links to her name. I wanted to find out why. I then found out that ever since Ruth was born she has had this, destiny, if you like. The destiny was unknown but I wasn't going to give. I then decided to go to Ruth's locker at school. Seeing as it was Thursday. To see what I can find out, to my shock though I saw that her locker was all dented, someone must have tried to get in but who? I know for definite that it wasn't Ruth because she hasn't been in school for days. The lock on her locker door was also pretty battered, it was a combination lock. However they forgot one crucial thing. When I touched it the locker opened. They forgot to lock the lock again by moving the numbers so it was in the wrong combination. What was in the locker though surprised me the most. It was filled with pictures of Ruth on the move with red targets covering the picture. There were also a few messages, they all basically said the same. They said



I am watching you. Beware! You can't hide from me. When you come back I'll be the first to know. Beware! Every step you take I am a step behind, look back and you'll see nothing.



At that moment I knew she was in some sort of danger, who was the person after her and why? All of those questions were flowing threw my head. I had to get answers and the first place to go would be my sister Lindsey and Jackie. Of course I didn't think they did it but I had to let them know, maybe they would have some information. Seeing as Lindsey and her friends weren't talking she was With Jackie talking about stuff. 'um...Lindsey I think you might want to see this' oh wow that was awkward. We never really talk, especially not at school



they both gave me a strange look



'what do you want Lauren'



I looked at Lindsey and sighed 'someone's following Ruth'



Jackie gave me a serious look



'what! Who's after her?'



I sighed 'I don't know. However I have a lot of proof that says that someone is after her'



Lindsey rolled her eyes



' do you...know this?'



I took another sigh 'you told me that vampires existed and I told you that I didn't believe you and I refused to help. However when you left I changed my mind and so I though I'd look it up,' I look at Lindsey's face drop and I sighed 'However when I was searching I found stuff out about Ruth, which was weird because I wasn't even looking for information about her. I soon found out that when you say "vampire" it somehow automatically links to Ruth,' I then looked at Lindsey again in hope but her face was still the same 'I then went to her locker and it was dented. Someone had tried to get in and succeeded. They left the locker key unlocked and in the locker there were lodes of stuff that gives me proof.'



Lindsey still didn't show any signs of even wanting to give me a chance so I looked at Jackie for help and Jackie looked at Lindsey. Lindsey sighed



'okay fine. Show me your evidence' she said in an annoyed tone



so I showed them and they were really shocked. Especially Lindsey






I looked at Jackie and sighed 'yeah. This is why I came to you. The locker was tried to get into at first but then the locker combination was unlocked so my guess is that whoever is after her isn't working alone,' I looked at their worried faces 'I'm guessing that the first person tried to get in without the code and the second person, who knows the code unlocked it and together they did this,' I looked at them again and sighed 'someone that got into her locker knows the locker combination so they must know Ruth. Do you know if she has any major enemies?'



Jackie shook her head



'not that I know of...'



Lindsey sighed



'she has quite a few. For starters were not exactly seeing eye to eye and neither are the others. Plus theirs Michael, Carter's brother and I assume others.'



yep just what I expected unfortunately. I sighed, the only way to find out who is after her we have to start from step one.



'should we tell a teacher or something?' Jackie said in a worried voice



'uh Jackie normally I would agree with you but I don't think that it will be a very good idea. They'll just involve the police and that's the least that we want'



I sighed. Lindsey was right, if we told someone they would just involve the police and we really don't want that. Step one here we go 'I agree with Lindsey. Jackie we just can't take the risk. So tell me what caused you to fall out with Ruth and the others?'



Lindsey sighed



'depends so you believe in vampires now?'



I sighed 'yeas. It's hard not to'



Lindsey and Jackie smiled and it made me smile



'we fell out because Lilly, Ruth's best friend was turned into a vampire. She blamed Sam, Luke and Sharlene for that because their vampires. They didn't do it though and that's what caused us to fall out'



okay I was a little surprised by what Lindsey said. 'do you have any idea on who actually turned her?'



Jackie sighed














Chapter Twenty-nine Part Fifteen











I had a massive problem. My problem was, hitting a brick wall with trying to find information out about Ruth was a massive step up to where I am now. I have got myself into big trouble and there is nothing I can do about it. I rather stupidly went to Ruth's dad for help and now I have to do anything that he asks me to do. I had to do that in order for him to help him, the question was. Could I really trust him with the word? Anyhow I didn't really have a choice so I agreed and that's where I am now. Sort off. I had got Michael to Richard and now we wait.






'ah Tara good girl,' he then turned to Michael. I shivered 'Nice to meet you Michael'



I gave a fake smile and Michael smiled



'hello...Richard....? I understand?'



Richard smiled



'that's me,' he then turned to me and it made me shiver again 'now that Tara has brought you to me I can start with my master plan. You two are a big part of this plan. Carter is going to invite everyone to go camping to our holiday home during the half term that is in two days. Our target is Ruth.' he said giving an evil smile. Oh I wasn't going to like this



'anyway Tara your job is to trick the others into the house with these keys,' he paused and gave me a set of keys 'I had these cut yesterday especially for this,' he then turned to Michael 'Michael your a pro for tricking people into things so your job is to pick anyone from that gang but DON'T tell that chosen person the plan. Convince the chosen person that Carter has asked that person to get wood from the woods. So you can't pick Carter. Then you convince that chosen person to scare her and that's when you hand Ruth over to me'



I forced a fake smile. I wasn't going to like this and he could sense it



'oh and Tara you can't say no. remember....our....small'



I sighed. Ugh. 'fine I'm in'



he then turned to Michael 'oh and Michael unless you want everyone knowing that your a murderer I would do the same'



he sighed



'fine. I'm in'

Chapter Twenty-nine Part Sixteen










Do you know the feeling when you love someone but your to scared to scared to admit it? Where you try and hide the fact that you love the person. Where you have all the chances in the world to admit it but you don't and then it all ends, where you lose your chance. Where you know that you'd be happier if you confessed because you knew that they secretly felt the same way but you don't and then you lose the chance. Where you feel that the magic's gone. Do you know how it feels to know that you've lost the chance? Do you know how it feels to have your heart trampled on, where you want to cry because you've lost the chance. Do you know how it feels to love someone but you completely cover it up by hate? This is how I feel and it sucks. Me and Carter were enemies at the start, I thought that he was a bully. A horrid guy younger than me who made my little sister Lisa feel like dirt. I fully hated him, I couldn't stand him. Until one day, one special day. The day that the school caught on fire, yes I hated him and we were locked in the same room for punishment but without knowing that was the start, the magic started here. The day when he risked his life to save me, that was the start. Days progressed and it went up hill from there, however I was to chicken to tell him how I felt. The day when we pretended to be going out, that was fun because that wasn't hard, seeing as I loved him and I knew that he loved me. Oh that was the best, I couldn't wait for the next day to come. The day when we pretended to hate each other, that was fun to. Fun because I was to scared to let him know how I felt and fun because I was to scared to tell anyone so no one knew. That day Luke asked me to go to the disco and then he took me swimming, all because he loved me. My heart was set on someone else though so it didn't give me the same happiness as Carter did. I went with Luke because no one knew about my feelings for Carter but it wasn't the same. The day when he stood up for me back at my village when Peter had me, that day I knew he cared for me. It put happiness to me, even if I was worried about him. All of these feelings is how I feel, you see I do have feelings for Carter, however I also hated him for sticking up with Sharlene, Sam and Luke. Everything was muddled up, my feelings were muddled up.






I had fallen in love with Jake for certain now. We had been going out for three weeks now and because we live together it just makes things better.



'Ruth come in here for a second'



uh-oh that didn't sound good. I came in to find him sitting down with a letter in his hands. 'what's that?'



'he sighed. We have been invited to Carter's parents holiday home to go camping all half term'



oh that was easy NO!



As if he could real my mind though he sighed



'I think we should go. I know you don't like him but I think it'll be good for you. Plus it's camping so you won't have to see him. What's the worst that could happen?'



I sighed I suppose he's right 'yeah guess your right'

Chapter Thirty Part One










I might have said something similar to this before. Before I said that my life was like a leaf blowing in the wind on a cold Autumns day, where running kids trample it. I also said that you should live your life while you have the chance and that I lost my chance to do that, I was on about Sunday. On Sunday something really bad happened to me, something I may never be able to come back from. This is what happens.






Today would be.....interesting.....I was going to meet the people who I was angry at, who I haven't seen in ages. I didn't want to but Jake, my new boyfriend was invited and he wanted to go, he convinced me that it would be fun. He has a great talent for things like that. We had been invited to Carter's holiday house that was by the lake, we were going to camp out by the lake all week. Fun.....why we weren't just staying in his holiday house was beyond me. Anyway it took us about two, maybe three hours to get there. Now came the awkward time, the time when I meet them.



'hi Ruth glad you came,' Carter then turned to Jake 'hi glad you came'



I looked at Carter but I had no words to say so I just walked past and waved at him. I then headed to the lake and say down by it, Jake must have got the message because after a few minutes he followed.



'a two man tent is ready for the both of us'



I looked at Jake and smiled, I smiled until I saw Carter staring at us. I wasn't ready to forgive him yet though so I kissed Jake on the lips in hope to make Carter jealous. Jake was a bit shocked at first but then he kissed me back. After I had made sure Carter say I pulled away 'come on Jake lets put our tent up before it gets dark'



he nodded at me and then we went to our tent to put it up, this is where I realized that I didn't know how to put a tent up. 'uh Jake'






'I don't know how to put a tent up' I said rather embarrassed



he smiled



'it's okay I'll teach you'



after three very funny minutes, we had finally put our tent up. That day just got more awkward, well sort off. I stayed in my tent but Jake didn't

Chapter Thirty-one Part Two










Today we were invited to go camping at Carter's holiday house for the week. My girl friend Ruth didn't want to but I managed to convince her to go. This is where things got weird, she didn't have anything to say to a boy that I can only assume is her ex. I knew that because she kissed me to make her jealous. Anyway Ruth didn't know how to put a tent up and so I showed her how to. How much of this actually stuck in her head, I don't know but oh well. It was funny.






Ruth stayed in the tent but I didn't



'hey your Jake right'



I turned to look at the girl who I had saved, Lilly. 'yeah that's me'



she smiled



'come and join us'



I looked at our tent and then looked at Lilly 'uh yeah sure'



'so I see you've got Ruth under your arm then' Carter said in a tone that was a mixture of anger and jealousy



I knew what he meant by that and it made me annoyed. I nodded 'yeah' I said blankly



Carter was about to speak but Luke cut him off



'you'd better look after her, hurt her in any way and you'll have us to deal with. Understand....?'



Carter smiled



'yeah. What he said'



they didn't scare me but I knew what they meant. I nodded 'don't you worry about that'



Sharlene half smiled



'I'm changing the subject by the way. Hows Ruth?'



I looked at Sharlene and sighed 'She's okay but she's still recovering after the anger. I knew that Lilly was turned because I turned her but I couldn't let them find out.



Tara sighed



'we all miss her talking to us, we may not want to admit that to her but we do. I can tell that you boys,' she turned to Luke, Sam and Carter 'Carter, Sam and Luke still love her. I can tell that we all miss her'



I was touched by that, okay I wasn't happy that three other boys loved her but I could really feel how Tara felt. It comes with being a vampire. I gave them a sympathetic look 'do you want me to talk to her for you?'



they all nodded eagerly

Chapter Thirtyone Part Three










I might have said something similar to this before. Before I said that my life was like a leaf blowing in the wind on a cold Autumns day, where running kids trample it. I also said that you should live your life while you have the chance and that I lost my chance to do that, I was on about Sunday. On Sunday something really bad happened to me, something I may never be able to come back from. This is what happens.




 I was beginning to wonder if Jake had abandoned me when finally he came in

  'you shouldn't be so hard on them'

  my smile became a frown 'what do you mean?'

 he sighed

  'they all miss you Ruth, especially the boys'

  I sighed 'well they should have thought about it before they got on my bad side then, shouldn't they'

  he sighed

 'it's late Ruth get some sleep, think about it'

 I sighed. I was annoyed because I knew that he was avoiding the subject but I let it drop.


 I groaned. I looked at my clock, one o'clock. I groaned again 'who's calling?' I said with an annoyed tired voice

  'it's Carter, come out'

  I hesitated, I was still angry at him but then I remembered what Jake had said. Truth be told I actually still had feelings for him. I looked at Jake to check he was asleep and he was 'hold on a second' I whispered. I quickly got out of my sleeping bag, unzipped the tent, put my shoes on and crawled out out. 'Carter what are you-'

  'shh....follow me' before I could protest Carter grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the lake

  'Ruth I'm sorry'

  I sighed 'couldn't this wait until morning' I said harshly

  he frowned

 'it's not possible to wait until morning, because your boyfriend is in the way,' he paused and looked at my angry face 'Ruth why are you going out with him, you love me not him'

 okay now I was annoyed 'okay firstly he's not in the way, your just jealous and secondly he's been here for me unlike you'

  'do you love him?'

 I was slightly annoyed that he was avoiding the subject but I let it slide. The truth was I loved them both. 'Carter'

  'you didn't answer my question, do you love him?' he said sternly

 I really wanted to say no but that would be a lie. I love him but I love Carter too. 'yes'

  his face dropped

 'let's see how you feel after this then' he said sadly

 before I could react Carter kissed me and surprisingly I found myself kissing him back.

  'if you can look at me and tell me that you didn't feel anything then I'll let you go'

 oh boy what had I got myself into. Carter's kiss was amazing but I loved Jake too. 'Carter I....'

  he smiled

 'just as I thought'

 I sighed 'Carter I left and you didn't stop me and now I'm with Jake'

  he sighed

  'I didn't know you wanted me to stop you'

 'this was so upsetting, I had to rub my eyes to prevent me from crying 'see that's the thing Carter, I did. It makes me sad that you didn't know because a true boyfriend that loves me wouldn't have to be told when their about to make a mistake,' I saw his face drop 'it's getting late I'd better go' after that I left and he didn't even try to stop me. For the rest of the night I stayed wide awake silently crying, that was the worst breakup that I had ever had.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.04.2011

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