
Chapter 1

The little white and calico she-kit opened her eyes for the very first time since she was born. She saw a larger cat she guessed to be her mother, and two other little cats she guessed to be her siblings. “Silverstar, get in here they are waking up!” Her mother said.
A moment later a slender silver she-cat bounded into the nursery. “Oh, they are beautiful, Bubblefrost.” “This one is Goldenkit,” she pointed her tail toward a large golden brown she-kit. “This one is Rosekit,” she flicked her tail toward a small soft rose colored she-kit. “This one is Tigerkit,” she pointed her tail toward a very small brown with black stripes tom. “This one is Moonkit,” she flicked tail toward a small white and calico she-kit.
“I believe she is a very special one, Bubblefrost.” “How do you know, Silverstar?” “Starclan sent me a message about a special white and calico she-kit.” “Well that’s wonderful.” said Bubblefrost. “Yes,” Silverstar said as she looked off into the distance like she could see something no one else could.

Chapter 2

“Nooo!” Everyone was hearing the worst wailing like the whole clan died. “What is it, Bubblefrost?” Silverstar said. “Tigerkit is dead!” she wailed. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” Silverstar comforted.
“You still have 3 beautiful, strong kits that need you strong.” Ripplewhisker, Bubblefrost’s mate, said. “Your wrong, they need both of us.” Bubblefrost said. “Yes, thay do.” said Ripplewhisker.
“Oh, I wish he didn’t leave me. He was the runt, and he was so sweet. Its always sad when the runt dies, because their so tiny!” Bubblefrost continued to babble on and on and on about Tigerkit’s death.
Everyone eventually left the nursery except Ripplewhisker. He stayed and held on to her every word. When she was finally done, he said “I love you so much.” “Oh, Ripplewhisker, I love you too.” She answered. “I miss him so much.” “Me too.”

After a couple of weeks everyone finally stopped grieving for the poor little runt, Tigerkit. Everything went on, like the fresh kill pile started to flourish again, and everyone started sleeping soundly again.
“Mommy? Are you in here?” Goldenkit, Rosekit, and Moonkit were looking for their mother, Bubblefrost. They couldn’t find her anywhere, and they started to worry. So they did what they always did when they were scared. They padded over to Silverstar’s den, and poked their little heads in.
“Silverstar, we can’t find Bubblefrost.” Moonkit told her. “Oh dear. I suppose she is making dirt. You should go check.”
So the three little kits ran over to the back of the nursery, where the cats make their dirt, and ran into Bubblefrost who was coming around the corner. “Mommy!” They all sqeaked at once. “Its alright I’m back now.” She cooed to them.
“We were worried about you.” Rosekit said in her usually quiet voice. “I’m fine, sweetie.” Bubblefrost meowed.

Chapter 3

Moonkit blinked open her eyes very slowly. She parted her mouth ever so slightly and sniffed the air still half asleep. Moonkit's eyes shot open, and now wide awake Moonkit realized what was happening. She jumped and raced out the den into the water. The camp was flooding! Moonkit quickly peeked into all the dens. No one was here! Where was everyone? She thought. Then it hit her like a well-fed fat kittypet flopping down on her. Everyone had already left without her. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her as she sniffed the air rapidly trying to scent her clanmates. Nothing! Wait, something very sharp hit her and it made Moonkit's fur stand on end. She did not know what it was but it scared her. Alarm flashed through her. She skidded to a halt and followed the trail. All of a sudden she picked up a very faint scent of Thunderclan. It was very hard to smell though because the water was already up to her lower chest! Where was she going to go? As it rose higher and higher she took one large gulp of air and plunged into the water. As she swam and swam her lungs were screaming for air. She pushed up and up and up. The water had no end! She saw a glimpse of her leader, Silverstar, eyes closed and mouth parted slightly, then everything went blank. Moonkit shot straight up, screaming, in her soaking wet nest. Panting, she looked around at the rain soaked den, and let her fur lay flat. It was just a dream, she thought. Everyone is ok. She pressed in closer to her mother, and went back to sleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.12.2012

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I would like to dedicate this book to Erin Hunter. She has inspired me.

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