






To My Wonderful Husband and my parents who always had faith in me and had never let me down.


To Bookrix who has made my writing dream come true.


To my loving readers out there.



Hope you all will enjoy my book.



About Book






This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and

Incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or

Are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons,

Living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental







Story of a girl named ILARIA ROSE WILLIAM who used to have the same dream: “Standing in the middle of the forest with waterfall on the either side, even in the dark part of the night the moonlight lit the centre of the forest, bringing out the beauty of this dreamy place. Suddenly, her eyes got locked up with the most (hermosos ojos) beautiful eyes” Since she has turned eighteen two months ago. She is moving back to Lake Forest with her mother to live with her father. She has made three best friends Lisa, Sasha and Matt in Melbourne and a friend named Grace in Lake Forest. What will happen when she will return back to Lake Forest and meet LINDEN SCOTT?? Is that dream a part of her life?? Will she be able to know who the pair of beautiful Aqua eyes belong to?? Will she be able to find out the truth of Linden Scott??

Chapter One



“Ring Ring” my mobile was continuously ringing as I was getting ready to visit my friends last time at Lisa’s home. While curling the last string of my hairs I pick up my mobile and it was



“Calling :Sasha”


“Hey Sasha” I said as I slide screen on my mobile to attend call. “Hey Rose! You ready so I can come and pick you up???” asked Sasha in her sweet smiling voice.


“Ummm yeah I am just press the horn and I will be down” I said to her. “I am already down waiting in my car now hurry up Rose everyone is waiting” She said excitedly now. “OK OK OK I am coming down” I informed her and hung up the call.


“Why do I am having a feeling that they are hiding something from me I am moving back to my home town after spending two years here because of my mom’s transfer and they are as excited as I have just moved back here” I thought to my self walking downstairs.


“Rose dear enjoy yourself and don’t be late we have to catch up flight tomorrow” my mom said as I was opening the door of my house.


“Don’t worry mom I will be back on time love you” I said and hurriedly closed the door “Love to too baby” She said behind me.


“Hey Sash whatsup am having a strange feeling you guys are hiding something from me and you are smiling like you  guys are happy that I am leaving” I asked her bit annoyed  as I sat in the passenger seat.


“Umm nothing it’s a surprise and I am sure you are going to love it” She informed me cheeringly. “SURPRISE!!!


“Huhhh” I held out a sigh “You know Sash I don’t love much surprises” I said


“But you will love this one trust me Rose” She said happily. “Fine” was all I said as we reached at the front gate of Lisa’s home.


As we reached the front door of Lisa’s home the door suddenly burst open and everyone said united in a loud voice “ SURPRISE!!!!!’’’’.

“come on in” they said


“OH MY GOD, you guys have actually arranged a FAREWELL PARTY for me” I said happily still gazing the surrounding of the decorated room on the front wall a poster hung written “farewell party for Rose we will miss you” with lots of balloons that I love actually.


Although I am a college student now but I love such stuff. “My friends actually know how to cheer me up” I said to them


“Hey Rose you know that we are going to miss you though you attending only the last two years of High School with us but we all really become very close” Lisa said hugging me tightly.


“Yeah you are right Lisa I am also going to miss you all guys” I said smiling and suddenly Matt said “come on Guys cheer up we will all meet one day again so for now enjoy” “Lets Party!!!” He switch on the music and we started enjoy ourselves with dancing. “Matt and Lisa really look awesome together” I said to Sash while dancing.


“Yeah rite the make a cute couple together, I hope they will get marry too one day” She said excitedly.


Well I forget to tell you about my friends.


LISA: She is 5, 7’’ with perfect figure a girl a guy can dream of. She has blonde hairs that fall till her shoulders. Her eyes are brown. Lisa and Matt are madly in love with each other since the very start of high school. It’s been four years that they are together.


SASHA: Well Sasha is a sort of tomb boy. She is 5, 8’’ taller than both me and Lisa. She has longs hairs that reached below shoulders but are always tied up. No make-up no batting eyelashes just love in with her studies.


MATT: He is tall 6,2’’,masculine,4 pack abs, every girl in High School used to drool over him and Lisa was always protecting him from them Lols. And of course in love with Lisa. He is like a brother to me. He is sometimes overprotective as brothers can be and I love his this side.


“Rose we have something for you” Lisa and Sasha said holding a gift wrapped thing in their hand. Thy handed to me and said smilingly “Open it”. It was a 2*2 frame I unwrapped it and said “guys I love it, that is one of the sweet memory we have” I said with full excitement. It was the picture of four of us together when we went to camping after the finals. On the front lower side of picture frame first letter of our names were carved (L.M.R.S) and on the top Best Friends Forever was carved. I just love it. Then Matt came standing in front of me and handed me gift that was wrapped unbalanced and I knew what it was. It was a soft toy a teddy bear I love them and on the heart it was written, “Miss you sister”.


“AWWW so sweet Matt you are really my best brother in the world” I hugged him tightly and a tear drop from my eyes that I was avoiding. He kissed me on my forehead and said “we will meet soon Rose don’t worry”.


“Umm I hope so,” I said with a slight smile on my face.


Sasha dropped me back home I waved her goodbye and I held my keys out my bag opened the door and closed it behind me. My mother was already slept, as she was very tired with packing all the stuff.


I walked upstairs to my room opened the door and closed it behind me. Packed the gifts (teddy bear and picture frame) in my bag so I won’t forget them because


I do not want to leave them, they are my best memories. I changed into my nightclothes, flip flopped into my bed, brought the blankets to my shoulders, and felt asleep.








Chapter Two


I was walking in the dark pathway of forest with beautiful trees on either side and reached in the middle of place where moonlight hit and light the centre of the place surrounded by beautiful trees a waterfall on the either side can be seen clearly. It is beautiful in the night. I am standing in the middle of that unknown forest but I am not afraid and suddenly besides the waterfall, a pair of beautiful eyes caught my attention. They are magnificent (hermosos ojos) beautiful eyes. My eyes are locked with those Aqua eyes. I want to take a closer look to whom this pair of eyes belong. As I walk toward them, they suddenly back off. I kept walking towards them still my eyes locked with them. I was mesmerized with them as they can look inside my soul.”


“BEEP BEEP” I heard a noise in my dream what the hell is it.


“Urghhh” I said in my sleep. It kept making noise I wake up it was my alarm that broke my dream. I turned the alarm off and sat in the bed


“Same dream” I whispered softly to my self. I have been having this dream since I have turned eighteen.


“Rose dear get up and be ready in fifteen minutes otherwise we will be late for the airport” my mom said standing outside at knocking at my door.


“Mom I am up and don’t worry I will be down before fifteen minutes” I said before closing the door of the bathroom. I brushed my teeth took a hot bath changed into fresh clothes.


“Hmmm”  I said thinking of the airport. I have wonderful parents and now I am moving back with my dad and mom to our home town Lake Forest. My mom got transferred 3 years back in this city Melbourne. Mo Parents are both doctor but I have a passion for Visual Studies and they have allowed me to follow my dreams. After my mom’s struggle she has finally got herself transferred back. During our stay here we dad kept visiting us every month. I held out a sigh and headed downstairs with my bags.


“Mom I am ready” I informed her as I sat in the bar stool for my breakfast.


“Dear here is your bacon and eggs and Rose your friends are coming to drop us for airport they called an hour back. They want last ride with you” my mom informed me smiling and sitting back on the sofa in the lounge.


“Oh they didn’t tell me yesterday when they arranged farewell part for me at Lisa’s home” I said while eating my breakfast.


“Never mind dear you are very lucky you have wonderful friends in your life” As my mom said suddenly the door bell rang “I guess your friends are here” she said and went to open the door and I stand from my bar stool and as my mom opened the door the three of my friends burst inside hugging me tightly and said in unison “Oh God Rose we are going to miss you a lot”


“Hey guys let me breathe” I said as they were hugging me damn tightly.


“Oh Sorry” they again said in unison


“Guys I am also going to miss you a lot this is twenty first century and we will be in touch with each other via skype and texts and we can visit each other whenever we want”. I said teasingly to them.


As we were talking my mom said “come on you kids lets head back to airport otherwise we will get late.”


My mom is very happy today because we are going back to our own home. She has decorated every single corner of that home. I love seeing her happy. I am upset leaving my friends behind but also happy to live with my both parents together.


Our suitcases were already kept in the car. Matt started the car engine and now we were on our way to airport. I thought may be I will not be my last ride with my best friends.


We reached airport after twenty minutes drive. “Hmm that means time for goodbyes and I hate saying goodbyes” I thought to myself.

As we were taking our luggage out of the car our flight was announced.


We reached the gate “time for goodbye” Sasha announced with friendly hug and my eyes got wet. They all hugged me one by one. “ I will wait for your yours and Matt’s wedding and I will attend it at any cost guys” I announced happily with wet eyes. “Yeah Sure my little baby girl” Matt said smiling back to me.


They now hugged my mom. “You kids also take care of yourself and don’t forget to study” my mom said teasingly to Matt and Lisa. “Sure and Sam take care of our Rose” they said


“Come on Rose time to move on” my mom said and we started waving each other.


“Ok bye miss you love you guys” I said and waved back at them


I got settled on my plane seat. I was buckling my seat belt when my mom said


“Rose dear you will be ok don’t worry I know you never made close friends and now you have three and you are going to miss them but who knows you will get more good friends in college”.


“You are right mom but you know I am so emotional” I reminded her.


“Talking about friends have you to told Grace that you are moving back.” mom asked me. It was a statement rather than a question.


“I have told her mom and she is happy but she is only my friend not my best friends like Lisa and Sasha” I said.


“Don’t worry you will get new friends and you are very nice everyone loves you my princess” she said with her eyes closed and a small smile on her lips.

I smiled watching her and placed my head back at the seat. 


It was 2 hrs and 10 minutes flight.


I felt hands patting on my shoulders and a sweet voice asking me to wake up.

“Huhhh” I said and opened my eyes.


 I looked on my side “Rose we have reached dear get your bag and get out of the seat” my mom said beamingly.


“I wasn’t sure I was that sleepy” I said taking my bag and getting out of the seat.


“Thank you, Hope you had a nice flight with us” the airhostess said as we came out of the plane with small smile fixed on her face, we also smiled back and was out.


We collected our luggage and were now out of the gate. We saw our father waving at us with a huge smile on his face. Who will not love to live with his complete family, a loving wife and an only daughter? I love my family I can never thought of getting apart from them. All I have is my wonderful parents. My mom who has always taught me to follow my dreams and my dad has never made me felt weak. They have raised me to be strong yet kind and now here I am back where I do belong, the place I love to spend my entire life, the place where I have born and raised up. Though I loved the time I spent in Melbourne, where I made wonderful friends and whom I am really going to miss but getting back to Lake Forest I happy about it.


I remember when mom got transferred and dad said that I should live with my mom so I will not have to face any problems as I am so close to my mother. We share every kind of talk with each other. My father was very upset when we left three years ago although he visited us every month but staying together is what everyone thinks of. That is why I hate separations, going apart from family. I could have easily got admission in some college there but I preferred my parents over my friends because I don’t want to stay away from them


I ran and hugged my father “I missed you so much my princess” my dad said and kissed my forehead “I missed you too dad”.


“Now we will be staying together and no more transfers” he said happily addressing to both me and my mom and then starting hugging mom again.











Chapter Three



We reached home after half an hour drive from the airport. Dad pulled the car into the garage. I reached out and stretched myself.

I held a sigh “Finally back to home” I thought with a slight smile.


Our home is a big one. When open the main door of the house held a small but broad corridor. At the end of the corridor we have an open kitchen on the right side it’s neither small nor big. It’s in black and white contrast, white cabinets with black marble on the kitchen counter. White tiles on the floor not only in the kitchen floor but actually the whole house has white tiles.

On the left side we have a living room that’s holds a home theatre, sofa a centre table all living room stuff of course. On the centre of kitchen and living room there is a small passage to stairs and there are two guest rooms with attached baths. We have three rooms upstairs a master bedroom that face the front side of the house. My bedroom that has backside view of the forest Oh yeah rite forest and one on the garden of our home.


Dad brought our suitcases one by one and placed them in our rooms. Facing me he said “Ok Rose you can fresh n up yourself I hope you will be hungry I have cooked a special lunch for both of you and yeah we are invited for dinner at Grace’s home. She wanted to meet you but she cannot skip her classes so you can meet at her place” he continued with a small pause before giving me a chance to speak” And you can also rest after lunch if you feel tired baby.”


“Sure dad I do am hungry but I will take some rest after lunch” I said getting some neat clothes out from my suitcase to change.


“I will be down after fifteen minutes for lunch” I said and he closed the door behind him saying “ok”


I grabbed my jeans and shirt and walked towards the bathroom.

It was purple I love purple color that’s why my room is also in purple. Purple walls, purple curtains purple bed sheets and purple blanket as well.

Everything was in different shade of purple some dark and some light.


“Nothing has changed everything is the same as I left” I whispered to myself as I turned on the hot shower. The flight was not that much long but still I was worn out and bushed.

Standing under the shower, hot water hitting my body made my muscles relaxed.

I can stand here for hours but I should eat something and with the thought of food my stomach growled giving me the alarm.


I turned off the shower grabbed the towel, dried my self, wore my neat clothes and got out of the bathroom.

I feel fresh now.


My hairs were still damp and I was not in the mood to dry them.


“Rose come downstairs dear and eat something” my mom shouted from the kitchen much louder that I could easily hear her.


“Coming” was all I said in reply.


I went downstairs and got seated next to dad on the dining table.


“So Rose how you are feeling now?” he asked while filling his glass with water.


“Much better I am still exhausted I need some sleep” I said.


“I have cooked Chinese I know you love it” my dad informed me filling my plate with pasta. “Awww soo cute, you cooked your self or you actually ordered?” I asked grinningly while eating my pasta.


“Well my princess today I cooked my self I am so happy that finally your mom, me and you are over and done with loving apart and she is transferred back to where she belongs” He said happily.


Anyone can read him and mom, that how happy they are that now they will be together.


“Well then I am impressed dad its really tasty” I said.


“Want more?” my mom asked me.


“No I have already over eaten” I said and got up from my chair and started walking upstairs and suddenly stopped and turned back.


I asked “At what time we have to visit Grace’s home?”

“At 6 p.m. I will wake you up dear now go and have some rest” She said collecting the plates from the table.


“Ok” I said and closed the door of my bedroom behind me.




Chapter Four



I wake up from my sleep before my mother came. I got black fitted jeans with purple color top to wear for the dinner. Thank God its Saturday I can arrange my closet tomorrow before going to the college I thought to myself.


Meeting Grace after a long time “huhhh”. Well Grace is my just friend, not that sort of very close friends but we get good along with each other. She is sweet and I was in touch with her when I was away. She will be in same college but in different department. She is easy to talk to friendly in nature.


I went downstairs, switch on the TV to watch some program until my parents got ready.


“You are quick” my dad said.


“Umm yeah I woke up early” I said my gaze still locked on the TV watching Simpson’s.


“Your mom will be down in any minute Rose I am going to get the car out of the garage until you both my fairies reach the main door” he informed while opening the main door and closed behind him.


“where is your dad?” my mom asked stepping down the stair. I turned off the TV and turn to face her and said “He is getting the car out of the garage, Oh you look beautiful mom this color really suits you, Hey when did you bought this dress??” I said with a big smile while teasing her.


She blushed and said “Oh honey your dad bought this for me isn’t this pretty?”


“Well its Perfect mom, he has a good choice” I said while hitting my elbow to her and locked the door behind us.


“Ok now get in the car you two” He said with the ready to go expression on his face.


We settled in the car and within five minutes drive we were at the front of Grace’s house.

As I open my car door and was out suddenly two arms snuggled me in a tight hug.


“Oh Rose I am so happy to see you” She said still hugging me. I felt good that I do have at least one friend over here.


“Me too Grace, and well you are looking pretty” I replied him with a smile curved on my lips looking at her fully now.


She blushed and said “oh umm yeah…geee Thanks...Eric gifted me this dress…umm well on my birthday last month but I thought to wear today for dinner actually he is also invited” She informed me shyly.


“Oh that’s good now I can finally meet him” I said as she tugged her hand in the crook of my elbow and took me inside.

I hugged her parents before settling my self in one of the couch in the sitting room.


“I will be back in a minute let me call Eric and check till when he will come” She said as she dialed the number and went into the kitchen her parents just give a nod in reply.


Now both of our parents were chatting and talking about their old times, my mom’s re-transfer and their medical stuff and patients. Yeah patients you hear me right. Grace’s parents are also doctors, they work in the same hospital where my parents, that was the place from where their friendship started and mine and Grace’s also as we were always having dinners and outings together some times at our place and sometimes at Grace’s home so we are good friends.


While I was thinking Grace re-enter the living room with a sad face.


“Grace why you look upset?” her mother asked her in a friendly motherly voice.


“Mom Eric is not coming he said that he has some work and he is really very

sorry that he cannot come today” she informed.


“No problem dear you know how hard working he is” she said. “Yeah I know”.


“oh come on Grace show me your room I haven’t seen it for years” I said while making myself stand next to her and walking towards her room I know how to distract her when she is upset.

“Oh yeah I have made much changes you will love my room” and with that she continued happily filling me with every new work done with small detail.


We chatted for an hour in her room about old times. Then the dinner was served.  Time spent hastily at her home.


We returned back at our home I said good night to my parents and walked directly to my room. I need some sleep. It was just 9 p.m. and tomorrow is Sunday. Grace said she will pick me tomorrow for lunch with Eric so I can meet him. I changed my self in night clothes and tucked my self with sheets till me shoulders.

Lying on the bed I was sleepy and not at the same time. After tossing on the bed for about half and hour sleep drifted over me.


I suddenly jerk up sitting straight in my bed from my sleep. Again that damn dream. Its not that I get scared but I am just sick of it having the same dream again and again.


“Huhhh” I held out a loud sigh and switch on the lamp and get out of my bed. I need some fresh air to breather. I looked at the wall clock. Its 12a.m.


“wooow” I said to myself as I opened my balcony and look in to the beautiful sky. The moon is at its beauty its light touching the tress bringing the beauty of the forest just breath taking.


Why have I never seen this view from my balcony three years ago?


Wait!!! What??? NO WAY!!! It can’t be!!! Oh God!!! I think may be am not sure or may be I am right. May be I just need some rest. How the hell is it possible??


I walked back into my room my mind still struck to my dream place and the one  to the worse I am not sure is it really true or not. Still making statements and asking question to my own self I got my drawing pad out from my bag pack.


I took it with me back to balcony and held out in front with the page open where

I sketched my dream place. I had sketched all the scenes from my dream step by step when I continuously started having same dream daily.


In the first page, was first scene sketch, the front of the forest and it’s unbelievingly same place of my dreams.


I am having dreams of the forest that is at the back of my house??? I questioned my own self in a slight whisper.


I have to go there and check is it entirely the same place or not? But how??

Mom dad will not allow me to go there as it’s dangerous everyone in this place say. Some says there are wild animal that I don’t believe obviously.


Should I ask Grace to come along with me? No not a good idea I have to keep this to myself.


If my parents will get a slight hint about my plan to visit the forest they will for sure ground me.


Tomorrow I will definitely find a way. I came back inside my room saved my drawing pad and lye on the bed to sleep.



Chapter Five



Next morning I woke up early I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed quickly dried my hairs with the drier and started organizing me wardrobe. I don’t like my stuff to be kept in bags for long

I looked behind and saw Grace sitting on my bed


“Hey when u came?”


“When you were busy with your thoughts and work so I decided to wait when you will be finish”


“umm yeah I didn’t notice anyone entering  lolz”


I  heard race voice she was still sitting on my bed going through my drawings. Looking at me she placed it back on the table at got to her feet.


“Come on lets go I don’t want him to wait” She said smiling and walked toward the door.


Ok”  I said and walked behind her.


I was unable to speak much as my mind was trying to prepare ideas to visit that forest.


“Mom I am going with Grace will be back late” I informed her behind my back heading toward the door.


“Ok but be careful honey. Bye.”


I heard her saying while closing the door behind me.


We reached McDonalds within ten minutes of drive. It was just 1:35 p.m. I was frustrated because She didn’t even let me ate anything before leaving. Eric was waiting for us already. Meeting with him went nice. We chatted mostly of their love story how they met and their plans about future etc, And of course about College. They were both in same department of course because of their love life and they are just un separable of course. Eric brought burgers for us with cokes and French fries.


“Hey where are you lost??? Everything ok???” She gave me a small shake with her hand on my shoulder.


And I jerked back to reality of course.


“Umm nothing I am fine just thinking about tomorrow” I said with a lost voice.


“Don’t worry you are going to love it and we can meet on lunch time as we are on diff departments and the students are really friendly and welcoming.”


“Yeah rite”


It was already getting late.


I think I should leave now it will get dark soon, meet u tomorrow”


You are going alone we will drop you back  home”


"No you guys enjoy I will walk back just want to stretch mysellf and you Eric must take care of her" i warned him with smile took my keys and mobile and waved them Good bye.


I started walking with low strides though i was not in a hurry. Suddenly in a silent road way back to home i heard my mobiles text tones i ignored and kept walking. 


I heard my mobile ringing. i took it our of my pocket and it says " DAD calling" i slide my screen and said 




"Hello honey we are out for dinner at Uncle Nick's home and i have left you some money you can order something if you like, are you at home?"


'Not yet but i will be back home soon, you don't worry about Mom"


"ok dear love you"


"Love you too" and with this the call ended and I am standing infront of my home looking back at the forest.



Chapter Six

"Should i visit or not?","Will it be dangerous?","urghhhh i have lots of quesations in my mind that needed to be answered.


I should have told Grace about my dream but i didn't wanted to spoil her day so i kept it to myself.I have always heard people and even from my parents that this forest is not safe and anyone must not itinerant alone at night.


But I have been dreaming of this Forest and I am not aware with the reason why?


I have to decide now. if not now then it will be never. Mom Dad will return late i have much time to explore and i can be back before they come with a search team for me. "Yess" is my answer. I hurried back inside my home from the back door.


I took the search light from store and some extra batteries that i saved inside my exploring bag. Laughing i thought myself as "Dora the Explorer".


I locked my back door and started walking inside the forest. I turned on my searching light and moved it from my left to right and then to ahead becasuse it was dark here due to these immense trees on both sides of the path.


Although no one visits here but its a clean path surrounded by trees on both sides as if it is cleaned daily. It weird that on the front main side of the forest its a very small space that only a slim person can enter and yet the inside is a complete cleared path.


After analyzing the entrance  I started walking. I can hear the chirping of crickets and rustling of trees due to wind in the cool silent night.


I must have wore one more jacket its very cold in here as i have started shivering a bit. After fifteen minutes of walk I found myself standing at thr end of that road and what i saw infront of myself i am in awe and unable to believe at my own eyes. 


"Its an open space covered with the trees, moonlight hitting the trees and the centre of the open space, a beautifull waterfall filled with moonlight, Somehow i am unable to believe at my own eyes the moonlight hitting at anything seems to be silver to my eyes maybe its only an illusion" but "Same place of my dreams" whispered to myself.


Standing at the same place i have been dreaming for months i don't belive that no one ever visit here. Everyone seems to think its dangerous but what the hell is dangerous over here? Its rather opposite its beautiful place and seems to be so peaceful. 


I was overjoyed and excited and suddnly my eyes were caught with the most magnificient eyes i dreamt of.


Chapter Seven

 It cannot be possible everthing seems to be the same as it was in my dream even the eyes. I cannot break the eyes contact it held me and i slowly started moving further. Everytime i dream of it i was lost and today its not a dream its a reality.


Suddenly i heard wolves voices but i kept my pace and did't stop.


I am cold but today i want to reveal to whom these beautiful eyes belong to. What if it will be an animal? no no that can't be.


I felt that these eyes can see inside my soul they are gleaming. "God i am having lots of illusions today". I am scared,nervous,confused and mixed with lots of feelings at the very same time.


Excited to take a closer look of the person or whatever that is. The everyes were getting bigger and clearer as i was  getting very near to them. I stopped. Should i move further or back off? I have come this close to my dream i must reveal more why am i having these dreams. Now its just a few steps away to be reveald. It still dark on that side i am not using my search light here because i can see everything clear in the moon light.


"Oh my God" i whispered and covered my mouth with both hands. no no no i can't shout.Okay i am scared i can't even move back. My legs are turning to jelly leaving me jammed to the place where i stopped. it can't be real.Never heard of such umm big things. I removed my hands from my mouth and rubbed my eyes to see clearly and it was still there. 


It was none other thing, It was A BIG SLVER WOLF never heard of in my entire life so far.


I heard the rustling of his movement i jerked back and he stopped.







Chapter Eight




 I shuddered and clogged.



In front of me is a huge Silver colored Dog “wait! what? No no that can’t be true” ” Dog, wolf whatever it can be” I am talking in my head. I am surely hallucinating today. And suddenly it moved.



I closed my eyes and prayed. I opened and I saw him near 3 feet way from me. I am immobile but the eyes. Oh My! His eyes are heavenly blue and I am melting in it. Great now I am swooning over some huge animal’s eyes. The day can never get better Ha.

I gathered my courage and God knows it seems like a strong pull towards him and I touched his arm and he closed his eyes but didn’t move. I be certain of I felt some spark.  



“I am not sure who exactly are you but I really do feel connected to you” I said. And he jerked his eyes open. He brought his face towards me and nuzzled his head on my shoulders as trying to say something. It felt as if I belong here.



I couldn’t believe my eyes what I was looking at. I have never imagined, seen or heard something my entire life.




I am having tingling feeling, my stomach is fluttering, my heart is beating rapidly and I am anxious and petrified at thesame time. I am rooted but still cannot describe the view in front of me.



Its breathtakingly silver everywhere. It’s beautiful and unique in its own way I have never seen silver path or forest. Twilight touching the trees making them luster. May be I am hallucinating. I pulled myself and start moving further. All the trees on the sides are silver even the grass is not green. On the front is a silver waterfall even the mountains are silver. It is the most magnificent waterfall I have seen in my entire life. Am I in my dream??





Chaper Nine


I couldn’t believe my eyes what I was looking at. I have never imagined, seen or heard something my entire life.

I am having tingling feeling, my stomach is fluttering, my heart is beating rapidly and I am anxious and petrified at the same time. I am rooted but still cannot describe the view in front of me.

Its breathtakingly silver everywhere. It’s beautiful and unique in its own way I have never seen silver path or forest. Twilight touching the trees making them luster. May be I am hallucinating. I pulled myself and start moving further. All the trees on the sides are silver even the grass is not green. On the front is a silver waterfall even the mountains are silver. It is the most magnificent waterfall I have seen in my entire life. Am I in my dream??

And I heard something moving no wait “is it gleaming?” “What the hell I have gotten myself into?” “Mom Dad I love you so much I hope I can make out of here” I started chatting to myself and I shuddered and clogged.

In front of me is a huge Silver colored Dog “wait! what? No no that can’t be true” ” Dog, wolf whatever it can be” I am talking in my head. I am surely hallucinating today. And suddenly it moved.

I closed my eyes and prayed. I opened and I saw him near 3 feet way from me. I am immobile but the eyes. Oh My! His eyes are heavenly blue and I am melting in it. Great now I am swooning over some huge animal’s eyes. The day can never get better Ha.

I gathered my courage and God knows it seems like a strong pull towards him and I touched his arm and he closed his eyes but didn’t move. I be certain of I felt some spark. 

“I am not sure who exactly are you but I really do feel connected to you” I said. And he jerked his eyes open. He brought his face towards me and nuzzled his head on my shoulders as trying to say something. It felt as if I belong here.

Chapter Ten



I am future Alpha of Silver Night Pack and still without mate sitting in my Sanctuary under the full moon in my wolf form. On full moon night our forest’s inner area turns Silver as it is hidden and no outsider enter the premises as they are its dense, deep and treacherous. We are counted unique in our own way. The abilities we Silver wolves are blessed make us highest in rank than others.


Besides being blessed with everything I feel lonely specially when its full moon as I haven’t found my mate yet.


 “ All my friends have found their mates” I sigh as I was thinking I have no notion why my wolf is so jittery today and I am feeling this weird sensation building up inside me.

All of a sudden I am hearing someone’s thoughts inside my head yes you heard right  Alpha Silver wolves have power to read thoughts even if they are human. But why some human will visit this area they are aware its off limits. But my wolf is happy “Oh My! I have never smelled something so delightful, its roses but what a divine smell”


What the hell someone is coming I can see the shadow form moving and hey it’s a female. I must say a very courageous female who decided to ruin my comfort in the peaceful night all alone.


Texte: All Rights Reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronically or mechanical or by any information storage without the permission of the Author B.Irum.
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: B.Irum
Übersetzung: B.Irum
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2014

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