

Don't come with me, oh LIGHT...
As I know you are never mine,
Ages I spent in darkness waiting for you
now without you everything is fine.

I saw the first light of the dawn
I even saw the sunset,
But I can't find any difference in both
As anything it hardly changed.

I struggled always, I screamed a lot
but was defeated every battle I fought,
I searched for you, every corner every place
But only dense, Only dense darkness I brought.





Silent Cry

Far away from a distence in the dark

Every day and night I hear a cry,

I run after it, search for it

But I fail, no matter how much I try.



I try to understand often

Even try to feel the pain,



Texte: Sam Matthew
Bildmaterialien: Sam Matthew
Lektorat: Sam Matthew
Übersetzung: Sam Matthew
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.11.2013

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