
A look inside before the book starts.

"Oh God, Aiden I'm about to cum!" I scream as my orgasm rips thorugh me. Aiden quickly follows in suit circling his hips hitting my sweet spot with his manhood. He explodes inside me and I feel his hot bursts inside me warming m. He lays his head down and starts nibbling my neck."Lyric you are beautiful I could fuck you all night and not get tired." I laugh silently.. he thinks he can but he will and one day he will cheat on me with some skank and forget all about me. " Why do you laugh when I say this?" Aiden looks down at me questionagly. " One day you will get tired of me and realize that Im not beautiful." Aiden slaps me hard on the backside."Ouch, what the hell was that for?" I look up at him the sting showing in my eyes."If you ever say that again I will take you across my knee and beat the shit out of you, no pun intented" Aiden said menicangly looking down at me. Leaning fowrad he takes my had in his hands and kisses me gently "You are soo beautiful and I will not ver get tired of me you hear." I look into his blue eyes and I feel instantly safe. His eyes are the color of an aquamarine pool and his hair is as black as night, his skin is creamy white, he has an 8 pack with all the trimmings and not to mention his huge mandhood. I am just a plain girl, c-cup sized boobs, purple hair with green bangs, the only thing we share is the creamy white skin. I was blessed with such a man and I'm only 21! I look into his eyes and he wraps me in a hug his breath tickling my neck.

"What can I get you today madam?" the waiter asks looking at me with lust filled eyes. I feel Aiden wrap an arm around my waist and pull me close and the waiter takes my hand and kisses it, he quickly backs off though when Aiden let's out an almost inhuman growl, his eyes widening with fear at my over protective boyfreind."Touch hr again and you will go flying across this returant." The waiter nods and hurries off, sending another waiter in his place. This one a small emo girl about 17 she has the coolest rainbow hair I have ever seen." Your hair is so friggen cool!" I squeal in delight. She blushes taking our orders before rushing off. 10 minutes later our orders are seved and I drool at the sight and smell of my favorite french meal "I could eat this all day and still want more." I state looking straight into Aiden's eyes. " There is something at this table I could eat all day and still want more too." he says as his eyes glaze over with desire."lets get out of here." I whisper clasping his hand. We pay and run to the car.

Chapter 1


I stand beside the bar searching for someone to take home. My eyes land on a beautiful girl with purple and green hair wearing a dark purple minidress with a matching green belt. She has her hands up and is grinding against a girl with pink and green hair waering a mathcing outfit only with pink instead of purple. I guess this to be her best friend.  She raises her head as if she can feel me staring and our eyes conect. Her eyes are the purest green, the gren you cannot achieve with contacts and she whipsers something to her friend who looks me up and down and nods aprovingly. The girl comes over to me and I see that her purple dress is the same purple as her hair. Her eyes the same color as her belt. She puts her hand on my thigh only half an inch below my growing manhood as she moves her hand up her eyes buldge at the feel of my now fully hardened eraction straining agaisnt my zipper. She eyes me and then takes my hand, she winks at her friend who is being led into a corner by some guy and her friend gives her a thumbs up.  She leans up and whispers into my ear " Wanna come home with me?" Damn am I screwed her voice is a sexy husky whisper. I nod eagerly causeing her to laugh. It is the most beautiful sound in the world, sort of like a fairy twinkling. I pull her close as soon as we get into my car. I have the only supercar in the world. It reaches speeds of 2,000 miles per hours and is this sexy black that girls fuind irresistable. Her mouth gapes and she smashes our lips together. I explore her mouth with my tongue,feeling the electricity running between us. She pulls me close and I shove her back into the seat. Her small hands run down my chest and she skims my neck with her teeth. I growl" We better get to a bed now.. I don't want anyone else to see you come." She smiles and sits back buckling up."your house or mine?" I ask her. " Yours." She states I laugh and we drive the 20 minutes to my house. As we pull into my driveway I hear her sharp intake of breath. " You live here!" She asks. I chuckle"well if my name is Aiden Smith it is." " Aiden Smith, as in Smith incorpeated?" " that would be the one." She gets a frightened look on er face"You can't like me..I'm only a dancer." "And who says that I can't" I ask her dumbfounded. I pull her too me and whisper in her ear " you coul dbe a prostetute and I would like you." She hugs me and jumps out of the car. I follow her and unlock the front door. We step into the foyer. She spins in a circle admiring the chandelair and expensive paintings.I pull her to me and kiss her lips " In fact I might even come to love you." She hugs me and I lead her to my room.

Chapter 2


I follow Aiden as he leads me through the expensivly decorated house into a bedroom in dark mahogony a huge four poster bed sets in the middle of the room. He leads me over to it and gently pushes me onto it.I fall back my body landing on the soft mattress. He gently unbuckles my belt and lays it on the floor. He turns me on my side and unzipps my dress and pulls it from my body. I am glad I wore my sexy thong, bra, garter, and stocking set. He slides his gaze up and down and I squirm under his intense gaze"You are so beautiful." he whispers before lowering himself onto me. His lips graze mine once, twice before coming to rest on mine with sweetness that brought tears to my eyes. His tongue gracefully danced with mine. I was faintly aware of him undoing my stockings and garters and sliding them off. His fingers slid into the edge of my thong and slid it down my legs. I acrh my hips to make it easyier to rid me of my underwear. He trails kisses up my inner thgh and his head stops as hi gets to my womanhood. He parts my folds with his fingers and takes my clit in his mouth. I moan as he sucks gently sending shock waves through my body. His hands reach up and toy with my breasts and I feel my climax building inside me "cum for me baby." Aiden says huskily, "I want to taste you" all it takes i sthat last sentance and I topple over the edge. He eagerly laps up my femine juices his tongue moving devilishly about my pussy. He slowly trails kisses back up my body his mouth coming to rest on mine. We attack each other with our mouths as if it is the last tme we will kiss.  He puls back and slides a condom over his eraction before coming back to me. He kisses me before plunging into me with such force I gasp. Instantly his hips circle and e find our rythem moving together like snakes. I feel him harden inside me and his plunges become harder and faster and my hips are hitting him with such force I kno wwe will both be fore tommorow. I feel him jerk once, twice, three times bfore I hear him" Aw Fuck I'm about to come" I hurry my climax along and we tumble over together both of us quivering from the intensity of our orgasms." I was right, I knew I would fall in love with you." Aiden states before owing himself to nibble my neck.

Chapter 3


"I was right I knew I would fall in love with you" I state matter of factly before lowing and nibbling the girls soft skin.. funny how that works since I don't ven know her name. I feel her tense under me and oull back to see her green eyes wide with fright." You can't love me, I'm a dancer you are a rich billionair, you can't love me." " We covvered this I can love whomever I choose. Now can you tel me the name of the girl I chose?" I ask her questionagly " Lyric White." She whispers " The Lyric White, international dance star?" I ask her. She nods her head " Oh my god I am honord to be able to love you" I tell her before plunging into her again. She moans and I feel her small hand scratch my back as we reach our pint again. Her pussy tightens and quivers before I feel her come "AIDEN" she screams as she falls over the edge." Mission complet" I whisper to her. " what?" she asks " I wanted to hear you come while screaming my name. and may I say you did a mighty fine job meeting my expectations." she giggles and i kiss her with such intenisty by the time we come up we are both gasping for air. I lean down and blow warm air into her pussy and she bucks upward and I plunge my tonge into her sliding out, blowing and plunging in again.Her body writhes in pleasure and I am glad that I decided to go to the bar tonight. "I have work tommorow." I whisper to her" I have dance rehearsel tommorow." she states.I cover her up and lay down beside her. We both fall asleep quickly. My leg is thrown over her leg and her hair is splayed over my chest. I feel her breathing and thank the stars for finding her.

Chapter 4


I wake up to the smell of coffee and fresh fruit. I sit up to see Aiden setting in the chair beside my bed watching me."I brought you some breakfast." He says to me before handing me a bowl of fruit and a steaing mug of coffee. I drink and eat, famished by last nights activities. I take a few minutes to admire the way Aiden's three peice suit cuves and contures to his immpecable body." Like what you see" He asks me amusment apparent in his voice, but there was also a hint of something else, something that I feared would destroy me and him for nobody can love me without getting hurt. " I love you Lyric, I know it sounds crazy since we have only known one another one night but I feel as if I have known you forever." Aiden said giving voice to my fears" You can't love me Aiden it will only hurt you, last night was amazing but I think we should leave it at that and go our seperate ways." I say hiding the sadness in my voice " Please don't do this, let me love you Lyric." Aiden pleads with me and I turn away not wanting him to see the tears streaming down my face. " I will come back for you Lyric" Aiden states before leaving the room , I hear the front door slam behind him. I watch him stroll to his car and only when he is gone do I allow the tears to fall freely sobbing I lay down and let out wracking sobs. Over an hour later I get up and dress for rehearsel. When I arrive I see my best friend Blaze " So how was Mr hunk a hunka last night?" she asks. My eyes tear up  and she hugs me " He told me he loved me." I tell her sobbing into her shoulder " Oh honey, you have got to get over this fear that anyone who loves you will get hurt, I love you and i'm doin just fine." Blaze tells me rubbing my back. Maby she is right but I can't take the chance. I begin dancing and let all my fears slip away feeling the music as it travels over my body like a soft blanket. After rehearsle I go home and am immediatly taken bac. My porch is coverd in flowers and standing in the middle of them all is Aiden holding a bouquet of roses.

Chapter 5


After I leave my house, I think about the tears in Lyrics eyes. Somebody has hurt her and I am determined to find out who. I go to the floral shop ad spen 1 thousand on flowers. I drive back to my house since I have the feeling she will return there. I am standing on the porch holding roses when she pulls up. God she looks so sexy I just want to touch her, to kiss her soft lips. Her eyes quickly fill up with tears I run to her"don't cry, I love you and I am here for you. Just let me help you." She hugs me"Its not you I just have a tendancy to hurt those around me or cause their hurt indirectly and I don't want to hurt you." she whispers looking up at me with her green eyes at that moment I knew that I was too far gone to come back. " It would be a pleasure to be hurt by you." I tell her pullin gher into my arms an dkissing her." move in with me?" I hear myself saying." Oky" she says wrapping her arms around me. I pull her into the house and lead her to the bathroom. I have set candles and rose petals scattered around the bathroom and a jasmine sented bubble bath running in tre bear claw bathtub. I slowly peel off her leatards and sweater. she is naked underneath. I help her climb into the tub an dwatch as she slowly sinks in. She lays back and her eyes close seonds later sh eis asleep. I take the opportunity to sneak out and go make sure the meal is prepaird. I scater a rose petal path down the hall into the bedroom. I have candles in hear too and the doors to the terrace are open leading to a romantic table for two outside. Now to wait for her to return.

Chapter 6


I get out of the wonderful bath and slip into the silk robe left for me. I step into the hall and see a pah of roses I follow it and step into the bedroom I look and see that it leads to a terrace I hadn't noticed last night. Aiden i sstanding on it beside a beautiful littl etable. He steps foward pulling my chair out for me and I set down. A maid comes out of nowhere and pours us some red whine. I look about and a paniky feeling sttles around me "i I can't do this I am soo sorry." I get up and rush out "Lyric please we can get through this." I hear Aiden shouting behind me. I rush out onto the street and hail a cab. As the cab pulls off i see Aiden rush out of the house. I burry my head in my sweater and cry.

Chapter 7


I don't know what just happened all I know is that it is wet and that I am in love with a crazy woman. I go back in side and call up my older brother "Hey dude, what do you do if you are in love with a crazy lady". The next morning I get up bright and early and head to the jewlry store. I step inside and look around flagging down a sales lady. I tell her what I  need and she says it will be sent right away. Next i go to the flower shop and buy 12 dozen roses. Now its time to wait.

Chapter 8


I arrive home four hours after I left Aidens since I made a trip to Anastasia's house. We talked forever and then she had to get ready for a date with the guy from the bar. I step into my house and hear soft music. I know this song, it's Te Amo buy rihanna! I keep walking and setting on bended knee in my living room amid a pile of roses is Aiden holding a small black box. " Lyric will you do me the honor of marrying me?" I rush foward and through my arms around him tears streaming down my face. "yes" i whisper my voice barly audible. 


 -1 year later-aiden-

I stand at the front of the church I grew up in nervous sweat poring off of me. I hear the music start and turn to see Lyric walking towards me in a beautiful white dress. She steps up beside me and the preacher starts his talking. When he gets to the main part i hear two beautiful word come ou of her mouth "I do" I kiss her and together we run out into our life together.

-5 years later-Lyric-

I watch as Aiden and blaze play our daughter is beautiful. Just like her father. I fall asleep knowing that life will forver be complete for me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to My best friend Odalyse, My inspiration was the fifty shades of grey series. It inspired me to right this book and I hope yall enjoy it.

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