
Chapter One


Today is the day I leave my mom. I assume you all are comfused as to why I am leaving my mother.

Well just a couple days ago my mom told me that I am to leave for california this day witout her because she felt that she was holding me back from living my life, And obviously I jumped for jiy at the mere thought of moving to California to live with my favourite aunt Kassie.


My mom and I were on our way to the airport when my mom started to cough really badly.

"I cought the wheel just in time before we were going to crash into the car beside us.

"Mom! are you okay!? Lets switch seats I could drive if you want" I was really worried about my mom she almost never coughs.

She gestured with her hand that she was okay then took the wheel from my hands and drove all the way to the airport in complete silence.

"Mom I am going to miss you soooo much!" I unloaded the last of my bags out of the car and into a trolly.

"Me too sweety!" shre ran to me in a fierce hug and she didn't let go of me for a couple minutes and she mumbled something into my hair that I didn't get to hear.

"Listen Linamey, No matter what happens remember that I love you and that it's all for the best okay?" I nod and teers beggin to fill both our eyes and we hug one more time before I leave for california.






I got off the plane and entered the airport of california. I can't believe I was going to live here! Looking around to find my aunt holdinng a sign that said in bold letters 'IF YOU ARE LIN THEN COME AND GIVE ME SOME SUGAR!' I smiled widley at my aunt and ran to her for a fierce hug.

She tangled me in her arms.

"Ugh Lin when are you going to stop becoming more beautiful? I'm supposed to be the model in this family!" she kissed my cheek and lead me to her black BMW convertible.

My aunt Kassie was a gorgeouse 37 year old women.

Her blonde hair was curly and long, she had brown eyes that had naturaly long lashes her eyebrows were thin and she was a tall fit woman.

"so aunt Kassie have you found the one yet?" I asked while luaghing. we would always luagh together at all the ex boyfriends she had that she thought were the one.

"unfortunatley I have actually" I stoped fidgeting with the hem of my crop top and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Shut the fudge up! what?! Aunt kassie why didn't you call or text me about this?!" Why hadn't she told me about this?!

She sighed and parked the car into her mansio. Yes aunt kassie was a rich model.

"Lin hunny I couldn't tell you because the timing sucked and your mother needed you at that time and I didn't want you to be distracted" I looked at her comfused and I could tell from her features that she was comfused at me as well.

"Wait what are you talking about aunt Kassie?" Her features changed from being comfused at me for not understanding to dissapointment. I don't know if she was dissapointed in me or what.

"Oh you don't know...Just forget it. John Is in the house so I can't wait for you to meet him!" she squeeled and jumped out of the car without opening the door and ran to the masion calling me to follow. I opened the door and took my time entering the house. She had a breathtaking garden that had a huge pool by the side and lots of trees and flowers everywhere.

Once I entered the mansion I took in the whole house. The walls were made out of marble and most of the ground was covered in rugs. She had a huge living room that was decorated with Creme colored furniture and lots of family photos.

I followed my aunt into the kitchen to find a goodlooking guy that looked aroung forty years old. He had brown hair and black eyes. He also had a goatee.

Aunt Kassie ran to his side and tucked herself under his arm and kissed his jaw.

"Linamey this is John, Jihn this is Linamey my favourite niece" He smiled down at her then turned towards me and walked over with Kassie by his side.

He surprised me by grabbing me into a tight hug.

"It's so nice to finaly meet you Lin!" He said after he steped away. I smiled up at him and said likewise.

After dinner aunt Kassie showed me uptomy room and left me to sleep because tommorrow I was going to start school again. My room was awesome! The bed was a queen size and had white and orange sheets. I had a desk the color of orange with a laptop on it and a balcony where you could see the outline of the ocean There was also a walk in closet filled with clothes and other things and I realised that there was a door next to the bathroom that was in ghe wallk in closet but I left it for later. I caloped into bed And fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter Two

 I woke up minutes before my alarm went off. That was a bit unusual though cuase im not a morning person.

I guess Im just excited for the first day of school. Well it's only the first day for me cauce I am a couple weeks late soo...

I walked into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I went over to the closetes to check out my options.

I settled in for a white croped plain camisole and some tight light blue jeens. I matched them with some whit converse. I didn't bother to straighten my hair since it's already naturaly straight. I applied some light mascara and some blush and lipgloss. I looked at my self in the mirror. I had long straight light brown hair and Brown eyes that were the same color as Kassie's and I had the same high cheek bones aswell. I got my brown hair from my father who passesd away a couple years ago. I was skinny and curvy mixed together.

"Come on Lin, breakfast then I will show you the car I got you!" I looked behind me to fing aunt cassie standing there smiling and she had the look of aprovel for my outfit. "Okay Kassie"

We ate waffles and some fruite salad,  Kassie walked me out to the garage and showed me the car that she got me.

It was a greyish black 2015 Jaguar F-TYPE! I ran to it and started to hug the top of the convertible.

"KASSIE OH MY GOD! AHHHHH!" she started to luagh and handed me my keys to the car and left.

I hoped into the car and kissed the steering wheel. Yep you guessed it. This is my dream car and aunt Kassie new it.

I pluged in my phone and started listening to my playlist. The playlist was filled with songs from the rock/heavy meteal band BRING ME THE HORIZON yes I love them And I would do anything just to kiss the lead singer Oliver Sykes! I was so In tune to the song that I didn't realise that I was now infront of the high school. I parked into an empty spot and jumped out of my car. There were a couple people outside but im guessing most were inside. I ebtered the school and found my way into the main office and sighned in.

"Hello dear you must be Linamey Johnson. Im principal Loxton and this is your schedule for the rest of this semester. I hope you enjoy the rest of the year and If you have anyproblems you are more than welcome to come to me about them" She gave me a warm smile that reminded me of my mothers a let me go to find my first class.


My first period was Mathamatics. I was a bit lost at the beggining but then I found my way to the classroom.

I took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door and openeing it.

I could tell that I interupted something because the whole class went silent and was staring at me like I murderd someone. well the girls were the boys were....drooling. Yes I am well aware that I have that kind of affect on people but I don't even know why they are intrested in anyways.

I look at the teacher and smile nervously at her before I speak.

"Um hello ms. Im a new student here and my schedule says that im in this classroom." She gave a sharp nod before gesturing to the seat beside a girl. "Ofcourse. whats your name sweety?" I took my seat and set my bag on the floor.

"My names Linamey Johnson, But I prefer the name Lin" I looked at the girl that I sat next to. I could tell from one glance that she was a shy person. She had short blach hair and bright blue eyes. She was a very pretty girl. She looked upat me and looked back down. I looked at the teacher to see what she was doing, she was typing something on her laptop. I looked back at the girl and tapped her shoulder. She looked up once again.

"Hey, im Lin whats yours?" she Blushed and glanced down for a second before looking back up.

"i'm Shana" I smiled at her "Nice to meet you shana, so now your the firsst friend iv'e made here" She smiled lightly at me before speaking "your diffrent. Most pretty girls here think that they are to popular to speak to people like me." I luaghed and shook my head no "Yeah I know a couple people like that. Butt Im not really pretty though. So shanna what do you do around here?"

"oh um...well I go to the library...But others they hangout at the cafeteria and out in the lunch area"

"Oh great I love libraries could I join you?" she looked at me surprised before lightly nodding.

Class went by fastly. Shana and I made our way to the cafeteria to get some lunch.

"So Lin, how about we sit over here?" she gestured to a table near the glass doors that lead indoors.

"sure" before I could sit I felt hands on my hips that carried me away from the table. I squirmed trying to touch the ground but couldn't. Once I was put on the ground I turned to see who carried me away from my friend "What the fu-" I couldn't finish my sentence because the guy standing infront of me was Jaden. Jaden was my bestfriiend since childhood. Everythime I would come to california I would hang out with him all the time but I hadn't seen him for a while because I could't come to california.

I jumped into him and wraped my legs around his torso while kissing hos cheeks.

"Whoa Linamey! I missed you too!" He spun me around in a circle before stopping. I still had my legs and arms wraped around him.

"Jaden! what the nuggets are you doing here?!" I missed this guy so much!

"I should be asking you this! But seriously Lin you look amazing" I unwraped my legs around him and stood on my tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks Jay you look awesome as well!" he smiled before he atacked me again but this time he threw me over his shoulder and walked over to a group odf people. I looke up to see Shana sat there smiling at me. I gestured at her to come but she walked the other way.

Chapter three

Once jaden placed me down again I lightly punched him in his arm and sat down in the empty seat next to where he was sitting.

I looked around us to see that this table was filled with some cheerleaders and some muscular guys.

"Hey guys this is Linamey my girlfriend" I slaped his chest.

"I am not you perv! We're just friends" He chuckled before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Whatever, this is taylor" he pointed at the guy sitting infront of him he had brown eyes and blonde hair "this is ashton" ashton was a guy with spiked hair that was brown and he had grey eyes. "this is jake-" he named all the people around him but I tuned out.

I started to think of Dad. Dad was everything to me, I loved him so much. He was amazing,  He was funny, cool,suportive and caring. The day I lost him was the day I lost everything. But I stayed strong for mom. Mom handled his death worse than I did. She loved him with all her heart. I don't know what I would do without her. I was snapped out of my deep thinking by Jaden's poking in my side boob. I slapped his finger away just once I realised what was happening.

"Hey hands off Jay. this is off limits!" He chuckled at my reaction and booped my nose.

"You are adorable Lin" Just when I was about to respond with a smart arse comment he interupted.

"Listen Lin, while you were micky mouse land we all decided that you should join our group" huh?

"What group?" He smiled at my comfused face.

"Every couple days we join together for a small party and play really fun games. And so we think that you are cool enough to come and join us, and you don't have a choice today we have the party in the woods and I will come pick you up to come"

"Um....ok? WAIT! But what kind of fun games are we talking about?" He gave an evil luagh bbefore he patted my head and stood up.

"You will find out. Now come on lets go to class"

I nodded my head and stood up. "Wait if you want me to come shana has to come as well" He just nodded his head and took my hand to lead me to the classes.

After school I looked around to find shana and luckily for me I found her in the library. I walked up to where she  was seated and plopped myself in the seat next to her with my legs hanging from the arm rest.

"Hey Shanna, What you up to?" she looked up from her book and gave me a small smile.

"Nothing, just reading this book"

"Ok here's the thing Shanna. I need you to come to my house with me so we could get ready for something fun. She gave me a wierd look and asked what fun.

"Doesn't matter now come on" I knew that I f I told her she would disagree. I grabbed her hand I dragged her behind me to the front doors of the school.

"Wait, wait I need to ask my mom first!" I stopped and waited for her to call her mother. I need to call my mother aswell. I wonder what she is doing?

"Ok Linamey, mama said that it was fine and that if im going to be late that I could ask to sleep over?" I jumped for joy at the thought of having a slumber pary so I said that it was perfectly fine and dragged her to my Jaguar.

On our way to Kassies mansion I told Shanna about how I moved in with my aunt and how my dad died and allk that crap.

"We parked into the drive way and entered the house.

"Aunt Kassie? Im home!" I placed our bags at the side of the door and almost emidiatly a maid comes and takes them. I didn't know Kassie had maids.

"Oh yay you finally came back! And you have a friend! You know I was really getting bored with you and john not around but now I have you and your new friend to entertain me!" I luaghed at her outburst and Shanna joined in with the luaghter.

"Aunt this is Shanna, Is it okay if she sleeped over?" I asked with hope filling my eyes.

"OFCOURSE! Yay! Slumber party!" she started hooting and doing a funny dance.

"Okay great! Kassie? can Jaden come and pick shanna and I for a small party?" she nodded her head and told us that dinner would be ready in half an hour so we headed to my room to get ready.

Once inside my room shanna shut the door and turned to face me.

"You didn't tell me we were going to aparty!" she whispered slash yelled at me.

"Im sorry I knew you would have said no" she gave a deep sigh ans sat at the edge of my bed.

"Its okay but I didn't bring any clothes with me..."

"Oh thats okay I have planty you could borrow!"

I pulled her up and took hher into my walk in closet and picked an outfit for her.

"okat Shanna go into the bathroom and try this on." she nodded and went in.

I rummaged through my clothes for a perfect out fit for me.

I picked out a crissed crossed cropped cami with some floral shorts.

Shanna came out dressed in a red colored ribbed open shoulder cropped top and some black skinny jeans. she was a really pretty girl. with her short straight black hair and blue eyes she even had plumped lips! well I do as well but I could already tell that she could pull of red lipstick and I can't!

"Oh My Gosh Shanna you look amazing! okay let me do your make up!" I lead her to my makeup box in the bathroom and applied some mascarra eyliner onto her eyes and some red lipstick.

She glanced at herself in the mirror and looked amazed.

"wow Linamey! thank you so much!"

I applied some mascara and pink lip stick with light blush and eyshadow.

we were ready and waited for jaden to show up downstairs.

we heard a honking outside so we went and found jaden seated in his BMW M3

"he looked us over but he stayed staring at Shanna for a bit longer. Lust filled his eyes as she got closer to the car. I snicckerd to myself and patted myself on the back for a job well done.

We arriaved in the woods in no time. I know what your thinking. Who in their god damn mind would go to the woods with some guys in the night? it's 'final girl' all over again! No I trust jaden that he wouldn't take us to the woods to hunt us down!

Chapter Four

we walked into the woods and found the rest of the group sat around a camp fire with drinks around them.

"Hey guys look we have arived!" they all wooed at jaden.

"Guys so I brought Lin and Shanna with me, they seem cool enough to hang with us!" They all whistled and shouted cool!

We sat down on one of the blankets they had scatered around.

"Okay now everyone grab a bottle of alchahole and get ready for the fun!"

I poked Jaden in the arm roughley to grab his atention

"Jaden! Shanna and I don't drink!" I whispered into his ear.

"Just try it for now and If you can't handle it I will keep you both away" I hesetated then glanced at Shanna who shruged.

"Okay so lets start off with an easy game for the newbeis. TRUTH OR DARE" we all sat around in a circle and tried to keep a straight face.

"Shanna truth or dare?" Jaden asked Shanna.

She glanced at me nervously and I just nodded at her.

"um...truth?" Jaden snickered and took a second to decide on a question.

"are you a virgin?" shanna blushed and nodded her head slowly. I took shanna's hand in mine and whispered. "Don't be embarresed about it. im a virgin as well and im proud of it"

"okay shanna you ask someone" she looked around and picked a blonde gorl across from her. she asked her what she wanted and the girl obviously chose truth. The game went on. Taylor the guy from the lunch table asked me.

"truth or dare Lin?"

"Dare" people oohed at my choice.

"mm, i dare you too.....skinny dip into that lake" oh god.

"What I can't do that! what if theres a animal or something in there!?"

"A dares a dare" the guys all strated to chant 'do it, do it"

"ugh fine but no one look!" I got up from the ground and took off my shoes. Jaden grabed my arm to stop me.

"Lin don't do it if you don't want to" I just shrugged it of and walked up to the lake. I diped the tip of my toe in to check the temperture of it and it was alright. I looked behimd me to see that they had their eyes covered so I started to take my top off and shorts. I was left with bra and panties. oh god!

"Nice ass Johnson!" I looked behind me to find them all looking at me.

"seriously guys?" they just smiled at me so I jumped into the lake with a quick yelped before belly flopping. The water covered my whole body and wraped me into a cold embrace. I reached to the surface of the water just in time to catch everyone taking their clothes off and jumping in behind me.

Shanna even joined in! we all swam and splashed each other for a while until we decided to get out a play another game. we got out all soaking wet in our underwear and sat around the fire to warm up.

"lets play a game were we tell you a dare you have to do tommorrow!" suggested shanna. Man was she becoming confident!

They all agreed and everyone got a dare either they had to do it alone or in a pair.

"Shanna tommorrow I dare you to go on a date with me" oh wow Jade has a crush in shanna. Shanna just smiled for an answer.

"Linamey I dare you tomorrow to walk up to a random guy and high five them then link your hands and tell him that you are now a couple then walk away" ok that was a pretty detailed dare.


we all left the woods to go home. Jaden dropped us off but he stayed a minute with Shanna in the car while I walked in to my room preparing shanna's part of the bed and her pajamas. what was taking her so long?

The door swung open to reveal a blushing shanna.

"what happened?" i ask with a smile plastered onto my lips.

"we kissed" she mumbled.

"Oh my God shanna!"  


we took turns taking showers then we went to sleep for the next day of school tommorrow.


Texte: Niveen.M
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2016

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