

Life is all about hideing the truth no matter what it costs us.

We were tought to not trust each other, to never go into the forrest after nightfall and to never EVER look deep into the shadows or what hides behind it.

Yes i know cheesy right? well get used to it. Now you see that opening? yes well in all the stories i was read to when i was younger started like that, why you ask?

Well i have no damn clue! But it does kinda freak me out. so.... yeah.

But honestly though ever since those stories i wasn't myself. Everytime I inch forward believing that maybehing out there, something else.      My name is Livian Sternell, I have hair is the color of chestnuts, and i have dak blue eyes that are   almost black. I live in california whith my mother and older brother.

I go to highschool as a sophmore and you can say i am one of those people who are considerd popular by others but i choose to hang all on my own. yes shocker.

Chapter One


Ugh god that sound! I tried to find the snooz button on the friggin alarm for over 15 minutes.

Finally it shut up so i took that as a sign for me to go back to my peacefull dreams.

Just when i was about to pass out the damn alarm went off.


"UGH! SHUT THE HELL UP" i shrieked and got out of bed.

I walked into my bathroom and started heating the water for my shower, while that was happening I went to the sink and statred brushing my teeth and the other works.

After I fineshed my shower and brushed my hair into a poney tail i walked in to my walk in closet and

picked out a plain V-neck shirt the color of white and matched it with my navy jeens and whith sneekers.

"Honey come on down for breakfast! Your going to be late!"  called out my mom from downstairs.

I headed downstairs. My mother and brother were sitting around the table in the kitchen with breakfast infront of them.

"Goodmorning sweety" Chirpped in my mother.

"oh....uh y-yeah g-goodmorning-g g-guys" yes i know i stutter that started since i was 12 years old so i've been going through with it for the past 5 years.

My brother Jason got up from his chair and walked towards me with a sandwitch in hand.

"Hey livy, here i made you a sandwitch to eat on the way cause we need to go now to pick up Tylor" He handed me my sandwith and kissed my forhead. I noded and followed him to his BMW, I picked up my back pack aswell.


In fifth period i sat by the window and stared out at the cheerleaders. I used to be like that before

but ever since my dreams I changed.

Every night i would dream the same dream.  They all start with shadows, the shadows would wrap around me and I would start to feel like i am being drowned by them and i would always black out at the end.

"Miss. Sternell?  Care to explain to the class what i just said?"

oh dear god. everyone in the class room has turned towards me waiting for what i'm about to say.

"well....u-um..... y-you were t-talking ab-bout hist-tory so..."

and that was when everybody started laughing, but what i don't understand was wether they were luaghing at me or with me.

"No that was not what i was saying miss. Sternell. This ia about the tenth time you are not paying attention in my class, I'm afraid you are going to be needing this slip to go to the principles office this instant"



Chapter two

 I was sat in the principles office for about 2 minutes waiting for him to finish his lecture about why we need to concentrate in class and blah blah blah blah.....

God i hate him.

While mr.preston was talking I once again went into my own world. Why cant I be like one of those girls who are confident about themselves, who have boyfriends and go to parties and who have friends  other than their brother. Well at least i can keep hopeing but in reality that wont happen.

I was draged out of my thoughts by Mr.Preston.

"Do you understand miss Sternell?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Okay then you are welcome to leave-" he looks at his watch on his left arm"-oh! Its already your lunch break. Well off you go then!"

I gatherd my things and headed to the canteen.

I stood in line too get my lunch, and thats when the school slut steps inline behind me.

She starts giggling and poking my back with her fake nails.

"c-can you st-top that-t" ugh i wish i would stop stuttering!

She lets out a fake luagh "n-n-no l-l-oser!"she starts making fun of me infront of the whole lunch room until my brother cuts inline next to me

"Hey leave her alone" growls my brother at them.

My brother jason is the football captin and the most popular guy in this school, so all the girls are attracted by him. And yes he is a manwhore.

once Olivia (the Slut) sees jason she puffs up her chest and starts purring.

"oh hello jason-" she puts one of her fake fingers in her mouth "-i was wondering if you could come over later-" my brother interupts her speach

"Shut up Olivia why don't you offer your pussy to someone else, your not my type"

and thats the cue for everyone to luagh at her. My brother turns to me and grabs my arm

"Come Livy you dont need to stand here, you can heve my lunch." he starts to pull me away from the line towards his table thats filled with cheerleaders and his teemmates.

I stop in my tracks and tell him that i would rather go study in the library. He understands what I mean so he just gets me his sandwitch and his drink and lets me go.

I head to the bathroom and sit in one of the stalls for the rest of the lunch but i eventually fall asleep.


I have the dream again. But this one was different. In the dream i was walking in someplace that looked like a Graveyard. I  kept walking till I ended up infront of my fathers grave, and out of no where the shadows appear and like always they start to sufocate me. But then there appears to be a person from the behind the shadows and the person is like controling the shadows and just like that the shadows uncover me and i realise that its a boy, well a man.

He walks up to me but i can't see anything of his feature all i see are his eyes, theyre the shade of green mixed with blue.

I was so mesmerized by his eyes i didnt realize he was no standing 3 inches away from me, he lifts his hand upto my chin and whispers the words 'mine, you won't escape me'......And thats when i woke up.

I look around me and realized that i was still in the bathroom.

 Trying to get up from the toilet but my butt was really stiff from sitting on the toilet for so long.

I opened the bathroom stall door and got out, washing my face infront of the mirror I looked up to see out the window and realized it was dark out. OH MY GOD!

I hurried to the bathroom door to get out but it was looked. So that leaves me with one more

option. Climbing the window. Ugh i'm bad at that. I jumped up on the table by the mirror and reached out to open the window, with that done i jumped up and placed my knees on the edge of the surface and tried climbing out head first. Then I realized that it wont work because i'll just end up hitting my head on the concrete so I climbed back in then climbed back out feet first and jumped to desttiny.



Chapter Three

Walking down the streets outside the school I then realized I live far away from here.

How am i suposed to go home now! I dont have a phone and i cant call my family because i haven't memorised their numbers. How stupid am I?! They must be worried sick as to why i haven't come home!

I continued walking straight with no clue where to go.

What time is it? It must be late in night because no one is outside. And thats not the worst part, I am scared poopless with all the sounds of metal clattering and I think cats crying? Well it sounds more like a baby swollowing a cat or something. I hate night. it's always scary and there are shadows everywhere yes i am scared of shadows and that sounds weird coming from a seventeem year old but if you put yourself in my sheos you'll get it. I mean why wouldn't i be terrified of them? I do always dream about them killing me so..yeah. I started walking faster between the alleys cause we all know what usualy happens there. And thats when i saw it. 

Chapter Four

 The shadows. The shadows  just apeared and started circling me. i started to whimper when i felt the coldness that touched me. Is this how i will die? I couldn't move, it was like they/it was keeping me in place soon I started sobbing really hard. who wouldn't when you knew this was the end of your line?

But these shadows didn't kill me instead they just circled me and whispered too. Then there he was. The guy from my nightmares. But just like the last times, i couldn't see him. Only his torquise eyes.

they were so mezmarizing that i couldn't look away. he took one step forward and i could see the tip of his shoe apear from the darkness that followed him. The shadows made way for him as he kept walking out of the darkness towards me. I still couldn't see him, once he stood three inches away from me i could no longer look into his eyes because he was so much taller than me.

Warmth spread through me once his soft hand touched my chin and forced me to look up at him.

And what he said was what cuased me to lose my balance and black out.

"I will make you mine, forcefully"


I woke up in my bed with a back pain and I felt heavy for some reason.

Opening my eyes i found two blurry figures looking at me.

"where the fuck have you been livian?!" jason apeared to be really mad at me for some reason.

"huh?" was all i could say.   "WHAT THE FUCK-" My mother interupted what jason was about to say.

"calm down jason let me handle this. Livian where were you? You never came home with your brother yesterday." jason's palm rested on my forhead for a couple seconds before he took his hand off.

"mom she's got a fever." I reached up to feel my forehead to make sure he was right, and he was.

my mother said that it was fine for me to stay home this day.

so thats what I do. But it's not as fun as I tought it would be. After a couple hours I felt better and went down stairs to get my self a glass of water. opening the kithchen cabnetts i pulled out a cup and filled it with water, sipping it slowly ,a magazine caught my attention. so i read through it and felt bad about myself so I decided that maybe if i try a bit harder on myself that I might become more atractive and confident.

I wrote on a post it note saying 'going to mall be back home' and stuck it on the fridge.


Aperantly there is something called lace panties. So I got myself a couple of pairs jjust to try thhem. The mall is a ctually tiring. I bought lots of stuff like dresses ,heels, shorts, crop tops etc. but im not really into them that much but hey, ive got to try new things.

I was about to leave when I saw a make-up shop and enterd it. A really pretty women came up to me and asked "can I help you" she had long red hair that was tied in a ponytail. she had purple contacts on and an eyebrow piercing. I noded my head yes.

"you don't seem like the make-up kind" she said with a warm smile.

"yeah, I-i d-decided that maybe I sh-should" she grabed my hand and started explaining to me whhat I should and shouldn't use and how to use some of the beauty products properly.

At the end she gave me her number and name just incase I needed a friend.her name was Elisa.

Driving home was nervewracking. Tomorrow I will go to school as a new person hopefully.

jason and mom were in the kitchen eating dinner. My mother got up from her seet and hugged me tightly.

"Finally you decided to become like your mother!" My mom used to always enter beauty pagents at my age and was the popular girl in school. But she never forced me to do anything I didn't want to do. I just smiled at her and told her that I just wanted to become more confident about myself.

I headed upstairs to go to sleep but before I did that I put away all my new things in my walk-in closet and make-up in my table with mirror.


What the flip? I thought I broke it.



I jumped out of bed and grabed my alarm clock and through it out the balckony watching it meet it's justice with a eveil smile. And I realised I was in nothing put a sports bra and underwear. so I hurried inside and shut the door.

I picked out what I was going to wear today and chose a neon pink crop top with black stripes horizontaly and picked  black skinny jeens that opened at the knees and mid thigh with black convers. I went into my bathroom and striped all my clothes for a shower.

Chapter six

I stood in my shower letting all the water run down my body. I squeezed some shampoo in my hand and masaged my scalp with it then letting the water rinse it off, I then applied a big blob of conditioner into my hair and scrubed my body for three minutes while the water washed it all off.

With a towel wraped a round my body I stepped ot of my bathroom and into my bedroom to get a pair of panties and a matching bra.

Downstairs I found my mother with a camera in hand and jason with his arms spread out for me to hug him. I stepped into his arms and kissed his cheek then my mother awed and took a picture of us.

"wow livian you look good!" said jason with a wide grin on his face.

"Livian I am so proud"" my mother cooed along.

"Jason c-can you give me a ri-ide?" I din't want to  go alone today looking like this so atleast jason and I could enter toghether.

"come on then Livy"

On our way to school my brother kept telling me that if his friends ask me out oor flirt with me i should just ignore them. I kept telling him that that wont happen cuase why would they talk to me?

we enterd the school parking lot and parked. my brother hopped out and opened my door for me. stteping out I felt exposed. once my brother and I walked down more some heads looked up at us and I thought that today was going to be really emberasing.

"who"s the new babe!" asked some guy. and My brothers arm around me tieghtened.

jason and I stood outside the school since we're early and most of the school stood around us asking if I was his girlfriend.

"What the fuck guys, this is Livy. MY SISTER!" Michelle one of jason's friends stood next to me.

"No fucking way thats Livian" oh my god!

I just walked away from all of it and into the school. once in I opened my locker and put my bag in it, taking out my History book and went to the bathroom.

In there i looked at myself in the mirror and applied more mascara and lipgloss.

The bathroom door swang open and in enterd Olivia and her sllut friends.

They looked me up and down with disgust.

"who are you?" asked Olivia with her snobish voice.

I din't answer and just walked out. I went to the principles receptionest asking if I coulld see him for a second  she said that I could just go in.

But I could tell from her expression that she doesn't know me.

I walked into the offce and realised that mr.Preston was sat with some guy  I couldn't see who because his back was to me.

"Oh can I help you?" asked Mr.preston. ugh he also doesn't know who I am.

"mr.Preston it-t's me Livian Sternell." his face skrunches up and his eyebrows knit.

The guy that he was talking too turns around to look at me.

He was really good looking, really really. Like sexy level. His hair was the shade of black, he had a jaw line and broud shoulders. His eyes- his eyes I recongnise them from somewhere. Tourqoiuse.

"Oh miss Sternell! you look different" Mr. Preston made me break eye contact with the sexy guy.

"y-yes I thought-t that maybe I-i should change a bit" I look back at the guy and catch him staring at me intensly. He doesn't look away even though he knows I caught him checking me out.

"well miss Sternell take a seat" and thats what I do.

"thank-k you sir" I look over at the mysteriouse guy again and he's still looking at me.

"oh! sorry how rude of me, Livian this is Neon Tenebris. He will be starting at this school today."

I smile at him as a welcome. "how about you help him out? like show him around the school?"

"u-um.....sure c-can I-i have his schedule?" mr preston nods and hands me the piece of paper.

I look it over to see what classes he has, and we have some classes together like history now.

"okay come on Neon" oh I didn't stutter! Neon gets up from his seat and follows me out.

he still is looking at me and it makes me shiver.

"Hey, so what class do I have now?" his voice is so husky it almost made me whimper. That voice, I know it from somewhere. I stop in my tracks and look up at him. he is taller than me.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" his lips lift into a half smile witch makes me wet inbetween my thieghs.

"maybe" I nod my head and keep walking towards History class,

"okay Neon, walk faster we're already late" wow I haven't stuttered at all!

we scurry towards the door and before I could open it, someone reaches out to open it instead and I see that it was Neon. He opens it wide for me and gestures for me to walk in. I do that and see that we really are late. everyone in class has stoped what they were doing and is looking at us.

"oh hello there. You two must be new here-"

"no actually mr.Ahston im Livian sternell remember?"

his eybrows reach his hair and then he looks me up and down which makes me uncomfortable.

"oh wow Livian you've changed"

"yup. okay um..sir this is Neon Tenebris and he's new here."

I turn around to face him and give him a smile and walk up to my desk to sit down.

"oh ok hello mr. Tenebris. can you please have a seat in one of the free ones."

I look around to see which ones were free. one was by the front another, one behind me and one by Olivia. I see Olivia purr at Neon and move her purse out of the chair next to her but Neon just ignores her and comes sits behind me.


Chapter Seven

 Through out history class I felt a burning sensation at the back of my head.

Evertime I felt it I kept looking back to find Neon staring at me.

So I just gave up and let him stare. Untill I felt really wet in my woohoo zone.

"Do you mind?" I aked in a anoyed tone.

He cocked one eyebrow up in question. "do you mind? I mean can you stop staring at me?" I ask again with a more bitter voice. Which makes me feel bad.

his lip lifted into a smile that showed some of his pearly teath. "Now why would I do that?" and he continues staring, so I just decide on ignoring it.

class is finally over! I collect my history book and head towards the door.

"Livian sternell could you come over here quick?" asked mr.ashton.

I stood by his desk waiting for what he wanted to say. He grinned widely and stood up.

he was a okay looking guy in his thirtees.

mr ashtons hand rested on my forarm which made me really uncomfortable. His other hand reached to move a strand of hair away from my face. It made me want to run away right now. what is he doing?

"my, Livian how good you look...." he licks his lips. and I try to step away from him but his grip on me tightens.

"um-m si-ir , I need t-to go" his hand on my arm starts to move downward until ir sets on my hip.

he leans in towards me and I start moving away but he doesn't release his grip on me.

The door swings open and next thing I know is that mr. ashton is flung over the tables and into the far wall. I feel two strong, warm hands grab me and pull me towards their hard built chest.

I look up to see that it was Neon.

"It's okay, your okay now" he started to soothe me. and I realised I was staining his shirt with mt tears. wait i'm crying? I step out of his embrace and opolagise and rush out the classroom towards the washroom. Inside I felt better I sat on the ground thinking about how my teacher was just about to- I was interupted from my thoughts by Neon, "huh-?" I couldn't finish what I was about to say because my lips were covered by his soft luciouse lips. I was too stunned to regester what was happening until I felt his tongue tease my bottom lip for me to open up for him. I didn't respond so he placed both his hands on my hips. He teased my bottom lip and I couldn't resist, so I opened up for him. He was exploring my mouth with his toungue and it felt right. This is my first kiss! I start kissing him back and thats when the kiss become rough. His hands started moving upwards until they cupped my breasts. my hands went up towards his hair. tugging his hair made him more rough with the kiss, which I liked. our tongues were dancing with each other while his hands were massaging my breasts. Neon lifted me up until my legs were wraped around his waist.  He broke the kiss so he and I could breath, with me still wraped around him, he walked towards the door and locked it.

"wha-" I was cutt off once again with him kissing me. My back hit the marble wall of the bathroom. I could feel a hard bump between my legs.

Neons hands traveled to the hem of my crop top and he pulled it up only breaking our kiss foor him to remove my shirt, he did the same with his. we kep removing clothing until I was left with my undies and bra and him in his boxers.

I reached to feel his abs while he reached to unclasp my bra. without a strugle he removed it.

his lips left mine so he could kiss down my neck. They started off with just small kisses until his tongue joined and his teeth aswell. his lips were on my neck bone and then they were on my breast. he opened his mouth and sucked on my hardened nipple. a moan left my lips and I could feel him smile on my skin. And thats what brings me back to reality. I push him away and cover myself with my hands.

"I'm sorry Livian, I got carried away." I reached for my bra and put it back on then got dressed quickly.

"please Livian forgive me, it's just that I really like you and I didn-" I poke my hand put in a stop it motion.

"don;t, this never happened." he looks angry now.

"yes this did happen. That was something amazing and you know it, you can't just pretend you didn't feel anything there." he's got a point, it did feel special. but im not telling him that.

"no" was all I said before I left the bathroom with him still in his boxors.

"Livian!" I looked behind me to find him right there fully dressed. how? I give him a confused look and keep walking to my locker. I open it and- the door slams shut and it almost ripped my hand off!

"Hey! you almost removed my arm!" I turn around to find him a couple inches away from me with both his arms cagging me at either side. "Be my girlfriend" I am stunned speachless.

did he just ask me to be his girlfriend?! "u-u....."

"come on please just try it, if you don't like it you can brake up with me but if you do then you'll stay."

"how am I suposed to know you wont ditch me for some whore?" his lips tilt up again which makes me all gooey again.

"oh trust me I won't be leavin you" I let out a heavy sigh and nod. just like that and his lips are on mine again. The bell rings singnaling that its lunch now but we don't break apart. his tongue is so moist it makes me wanna know how it will feel some place else. A phew whistles were heard and some "get a room"'s .but we had to break apart when I heard my brother.

"Livy...what?" I look at my brother and turn a bright red. he has a confused look mixed with anger.

"oh uh j-jason, this is Neon.....m-my boyfriend....." his mouth drops lower if thats eveen possible.

Neons hand tightens around my waist and he leens down to kiss my temple.

Chapter eight

The last couple of days were amazing. Jason gets along with Neon and so does my mother.

Neon and I have been having a great time together.

we've only kissed a couple times. but they were all amazing and each time they keep getting better.

im still a virgin though so don't worry you didn't miss anything.

quick speach

 hiya guys! this is the author of this book.

I just wanted to thank you for giving my book a chance and that I really apprieciate it.

Also I wanted to apolagise for taking long to update this book, I will try to update every day if I can.


kind regards,


Chapter Nine

 My brother didn't take the news very well, Infact the whole school didn't as well.

All the girls are either threatining me to stay away from him or they just give me the look of disgust.

The whole school is talking about Neon and I, and how we just met and poof  we're the celebrity couple.

It's just weird.

After the school bell rang, I ran out of the building towards Jason's car to find his car gone.

Oh god. how could he do this to me?

I felt two large hands grab me from my waist and ppull me toward them. I reacted just as quick and slaped the person who decided that hey why not just go up to this person and wrap my arms around her it's not creepy at all.

"ow! what was that for?" I recognised from his voice that it was Neon. uh oh.

I turn around quickly to face him and find that there is a red mark on his left cheek.

I remove his hand from his face and replace it with mine, rubbing the place I slapped him.

"oh gosh I am truely sorry! I didn't mean to-" I was cut off by him once he placed his lips over mine softly.

I was too taken  aback to respond, and this is all new to me as well.

His hands went up to the sides of my face to keep me in place. His soft toungue massaged my bottom lip so I opened my mouth for him. His toungue entered softly and our tongues started dancing together for a while. I felt his hands leave my face to travel around my stomache to my back.

authors note

 Hiya guys I am truely sorry for not adding anything for a while, its just that i've been busy with school and sometimes when I start writing a book I usually end up getting bored of them and throw them out.

but if you feel that this story is worth finishing then please inform me.

thank you for taking the time to check out SHADOW PLEASURE.

Oh I almost forgot! please check out my latest book I am in the process of writing it.


continued to chapter nine

my back began to ache from were neon had pushed me against some guys car. And boy was he not happy to see us there making out.

Neon droped me off to my house and drove off. I entered my home and slam the door shut really hard that my mom poked her head out of the door way from the living room.

"Whats up with you?" I give her an angry face.

"Well Jason just tottaly ditched me so I had Neon drop me off"

She bobs her head up and down then her head pops back in from behind the door way. I hear her whispering to someone. Who could it be? I walk over to her and find her in a deep conversation on her phone.

Standing behind her I llisten to her part of the conversation.

"no,no,no,no,no...mmm. No Richard you can't do that-" something is wrong. Who is Richard?

"please don't take them. mmhhm...No you must understand that I had my reasons-"

The other part of the line was deffenalitly angry

"No ofcourse not- Now you listen to me richard, You left me with two-" Oh

"Mom! I-i thought y-you said you would-dn't date anyone!" At the sound of my voice my mother abruptly shuts the phone and turns around to face me.

"Honey? didn't you go upstairs?" She asks with a scared voice. Whoever she was talking to must be scaring her. I step towards her and take both her hands in mine.

"mom, I-is there someth-thing i need t-to know?" She takes a minute before she nods her head yes.

"darling, yes there are alot of things you need to know. But know is not the time. Okay Livian, Jason went to a party I believe so how about you and I go out?"

Chapter Ten

 My mother took me to a hair salon to fix my hair. Just because she thought that I wanted change. But not everything!
after the salon she took me to eat Italian.

Sitting at a round table with my mother at the resturant, We orderd spagheti.

"Livian do you know that boy? He keeps looking at you" I turn around in my seat to see who she is talking about.

And there he is indeed staring at me. Neon. I blush at the sight of him and turn around before he sees it. But unfortunatly my mom does. She bursts out luaghing.


she wipes the corners of her mouth with her napkin and smiles at me.

"is that the boy you like? aww honey you always tell me that you would never like anyone because demons don't have feelings" Oh yeah i did always say that!

"well I changed my mind" yay no stuttering.

I see my mother looking at something at the right of our table and there stands neon.

"Hello mrs.Sternell, I am Neon Tenebres." Neon reaches out to shake my mothers hand.

"oh no dear call me Amanda" they shake hands then my mother looks at me and scolds me (a message to say hi to him). So I just shrug at her.

"So Neon please have a seat"

Neon looks at me for approvel and once again I shrug. So he gets a chair from another table and sits down besides me.

I feel his fingers touch my hand from under the table.

"Neon are you a friend of Livians?" ugh mu nosey mother.

"yes mom-" Neon cuts me off.

"No actually I'm her boyfriend" Why Neon? why?

My mothers face brightens and she starts smiling alot.

"wow Livian i appreciate you telling me about this. Well you see livian? there you have a boyfriend now! You know Neon, Livian here used to always say that no boy would ever look at her because she is a demon." Neon starts luaghing which makes me smile.

"Well you should see how many boys think diffrently" He anounces with bitterness which makes me think that maybe he's jelouse. yep he is.

Chapter eleven

 I remember my mother always telling me that once I finally get a boyfriend that she will most definatley embarress me with bringing up some childhood stories worth telling.


Well that's exactly what she's doing right now...


"I remember this one time Livian here decided that she didn't want to shower and ran out of the house fully naked screaming for someone to buy her ice-cream" my mother says trying to keep a straight face on.

My whole face goes warm and I start whisper shouting for my mom to shut up. Neon's hand squezes my hand in reasurance and bursts out luaghing.

"oh I remember that- um that must have been hallariouse to see" Replies Neon quickly. Did I hear him right?

No ofcourse not.

"Oh hunny thats nothing compared to what happened when Jason decided it was okay to skinny dip in the public pool with livian-"

"okay mom thats enough!" I stand up and excuse myself and head to the bathroom.


Inside safley I look myself in the mirror and see that my cheeks are a dark shade of red. I'm really glad I said yes to Neon when he asked me to be his girlfriend. He's really amazing. Everything I could wish for, but im really scared that once he realises that he's too good for me he might leave me for someone more experienced in bed like olivia.

I wash my hands real quick and exit the washroom and head towards my seat.


"Okay mom I think we should go now. Im really tired and I need to sleep" My mom nodds her head and pays for the meal.

"it was a pleasure meating you Amanda" Neon gets up with us and walks with my mother and I to our car.

"aw sweety your so cute!" she pinches one of his cheeks "Listen Neon tomorrow it's jason's turn to make barbeque at our house you should come by. it's all kids, so it's like a party! And im sure livian would like you to be there"

Neon looks at me with a warm smile plastered on his face and winks at me.

"Sure I would gladley come for Livian" My mom says her good bye and enters the car. While im stood outside with Neon smiling at me.

"what?" I ask

He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Nothing. I just really like you Livian" I smile at him and lean up to kiss his cheek.

"me too" i mumble. he grabs my waist and pulls me back to him for a warm embrace.

It was a really nice feeling. I couldn't help but to start falling for him. he was really special.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2016

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