
A Brother Like No Other

I have a brother,

He plays keyboard in a band,

Ronnie is his name,

He's my brother,

He’s like no other.


I watch while his friends jeer,

Call him crazy,

I cringe inside,

He's my brother.


He wilts quicker than others,

They say Ronnie's a sissy,

Call him crazy,

Call him a girl,

They tell him how pretty he looks

With his braided curls.


I get mad,


Lash out,

I tell them

He's my brother,

He ain’t no sissy,

He’s not a girl.


He's Ronnie,

He’s my brother,

He’s like no other.


They whisper behind cupped hands,

They point,

They snicker,

They grin as he walks by,

They ask their small-minded friends,

Do you see that boy?

His name is Crazy Ronnie,

He must be gay.


I want to tell them about my brother,

How when he plays the keyboard

Magic sweeps into a room,

It transports you to another land,

It fills your mind,

Your soul,

Your spirit

With beauty,

It takes you beyond this visible world,

It’s angelic.


This man who plays keyboard in the band,

The man they know as Crazy Ronnie,

Does not exist.


I see a musician who moves me deeply,

A magician,

A poet,

A seer.


The music

And the musician

Unfold before my eyes,

As I listen and watch,

I see a thing of beauty,

He is talented beyond belief,

Bestowed with a gift,

He is unique,



Simply put,

This is my brother whom I love,

He is like no other.

Control and Power

Don’t get on your high horse,


Humpty Dumpty had a great fall


And so will you,


There will be a public display,


You will be put to shame.



Stay on the ground,


This is where you belong,


There nothing can go wrong.





If you ride the high horse,


Then who am I?


My power to influence has vanished,


And someone else will sing my song.


Unexpected Gifts from Heaven

From the point of knowing,


Understanding who and what we are,






Nonetheless intangible,


Veiled in mysticism,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: P.S.Stewart
Bildmaterialien: P.S.Stewart
Lektorat: Client agrees to credit Christian Editing Services for editing on the copyright page or another appropriate page of the published book: “Editing services by”
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.10.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-5611-3

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To My Heavenly Father whom everything I am and have is from Him. To my husband Melvyn who has encouraged, supported myself in my writing and to my friend Lyn Henderson who believed in me. A big thank-you to them and much (Aroha) love.

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