

Hello readers, I think that every girl is a precious gem that can shine brighter if invested into. This can only be acheived by educating the girl child, through education she is able to bring out the hidden talent she has in her. Education doesn't only help a girl to fulfil her dreams, it also helps her to stand out from the crowd and being able to stand up for her rights.

This book is going to enlighten you on the challenges most girls face and the best solution to approach these problems.


 The girl child is a female child who is Great, Industrious and Reasonable Lady who sacrifices almost everything to support her nation, community and her family. She is also referred to as a daughter, sister, potential mother, wife and a woman. Attitude of a family and society towards the girl child is not civic and could be termed inhuman. The girl child is not allowed to go to school, instead she is subjected to terrific and unwholesome practices such as girl child trafficking, using girl child as baby making factory, forced into early marriage, female genital mutilation etc.

Some of the rights that every girl child has includes:

  • The rights to


    Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

    Texte: Oluwadamilola Esther Adeleke
    Bildmaterialien: Olayinka Adeleke
    Cover: Olayinka Adeleke
    Lektorat: Grammarly
    Korrektorat: Grammarly
    Übersetzung: Oluwadamilare Adeleke
    Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2021
    ISBN: 978-3-7487-9711-1

    Alle Rechte vorbehalten

    This book is dedicated to all girls out there who don't have the oppurtunity to be educated. I also want to dedicate this book to my mother, she has always been there for me and she has taught me many great things that made me who I am today. I wish all girls and children could have a mother like mine.

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