You Descend
You descend the marble steps
Like water in a miracle of storms,
Thoughts of deeper currents
On the shores of my imaginings.
The length of you a celestial highway,
Swum through like light in disarray,
that closely scrutinized
Is the order of a universe yet unseen.
The breadth of you a rushing course,
majestically pure,
delimiting boundaries of pale Carrara,
scythed by the body of you,
the aqua goddess.
Rush upon me, then.
Overtake my bleached shores
Of sun-scorched arrogance.
I am the god who stands naked
Before worshippers murmuring despise.
You are the grace of cool destruction.
The realm of my isolation
Weakens in this instant.
Balustrades of haughtiness fall.
Deserts that I am flee.
Humility kisses false grandeur
And swirls in eddies at my feet,
Washing away the towers of my insolence.
You descend the marble steps,
Like water over dried stones.
Unimagined depths of longing
That find the narrow channel to my heart.
Texte: (c) Patrick Sean Lee 2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2011
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