
Copyright © 2012
Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis
“She dances the dance of ages, that sensuous witch of Valgra, to which the dance enthralls.” The Burning Tales

1. The Cottage on the Glen
2. The Hand that Feeds
3. Divide and Conquer
4. The Witch’s Way
5. Seek Those Things
6. The Red Skies
7. For Love of Profit
8. The Natives of Tral-Gothica
9. With Spells and Bells
10. The Dandelions of Tral-Gothica
11. Epilog


I’m sorry babe for the long wait
The things we do to make it all work
You sink into me and I feel your life
Take my pussy and I give you my show
I’m ok with that my babe
Just do it slow so I can feel it all
You take my asshole and I feel the pain
I let you because you say you need it
I feel it as it grows
But I'm ok with that too because I love you
And I want you to love me back
I kiss your head and it enters my mouth
I feel your throb as I love you
Babe I can enjoy you even with that
But my dear I just can't swallow

“Deep in the brightness of thy skies.” William Cullen Bryant

It was a transitional time for Stella as she leaned over a large wooden bucket, washing some of her things. A few of her rather finer items of clothing, might not be deemed that way, but, to her, they were the very nicest that she had. Her long orange-red hair tied back, and the sleeves of her blouse pulled back, she scrubbed away. It was a warm day, unusual for that time of year, a trickle of sweat crossed her perfectly formed rectangular face, while her bright green eyes glanced up as a distant craft crossed the slightly clouded skies. She stopped from what she was doing for a second, realizing that it had been quite some time since she had seen a spacecraft racing across the sky. Long time ago, when colonization was beginning, it wasn’t unusual to see all sorts of manner of craft, darting about, busy going about their business. After awhile, as people settled in and the work began in earnest, there was less and less of travelers coming from the sky.
Stella straightened up, her back hurt just a bit from all that bending over the laundry. She was tall and well proportioned. The dress she worn might have been mistaken for rags in some other context, but for her, it was comfortable and durable, and that was the key to it all. On Tral-Gothica, that which worked is that which is kept. The old folks used to utter to the youngsters. It was strange, growing up on a planet that was a hundred light years from Earth, in a newly discovered solar system that had not one but three planets that could support human life. Tral-Gothica happened to be the one that held the most promise. The planet was slightly larger than Earth, but it’s core was less dense, which made for the gravity being similar to Earth. It took six months for the planet to orbit around it’s primary star, a secondary star was far enough from them to appear at night as only a sparkle in the sky. The planet enjoyed three moons, which were named the Three Sisters. She took her clothes on to the clothes line and hung them. When she finished she went on into the cabin where supper was cooking slowly and her aged father and mother sat listening to the colony news of the day.
Stella stopped at the entrance to the kitchen, they looked so cute, sitting there, each one telling the other one what seemed important in relation to the day’s news. Colonization on Tral-Gothica hadn’t been easy on either one. They came with the first group, before any transdoors had been built. The first colonist as they were considered were in many ways revered and held in esteem, because without their hard work and perseverance, there wouldn’t be any colony. Stella went on into the kitchen where an old broken down robot named Patty was busy fixing supper.
“Stella, are you still planning to attend that town meeting this week?” The robot asked her, but was also reminding her.
Stella nodded as she grabbed a bowl and began to assist the robot. “Yeah. I think I will. Thanks.” Domestic robots were indispensable appliances on Tral-Gothica. Colonization could not have taken place as it did, without them. While humans did work very hard, specially in those early years, when it all began, decades later, it was safe to say that mankind had a foothold on the planet. And it had a great deal to do with the fact that robots could work around the clock, if called upon to do so, and they were, in those early days.
Tral-Gothica’s orbit around the primary sun took six months and there were about six days in a week and six weeks in a month. The planet was the sixth planet from the sun, with two more orbiting that could maintain human life. Mining was the primary source of income for most settlers. The super-corps which they were called, the businesses that financed ninety percent of the space exploration, seeking ever greater gain and profits, only sent people that were willing to make the planet their permanent home. They needed a civilization to carry out their strategic plans. While the government regulated all extraterrestrial colonization, it was up to those super-corps to implement the actual colonization. Population on the planet started out not being watched that closely, in the beginning, as can be imagined, the goal being to colonize the habitable areas of the planet. There were all sorts of obstacles to overcome, not withstanding, on Tral-Gothica, the planet was basically free from disease. Mankind brought with him a whole host of biologically un-welcomed guest, even with close inoculations, humans were a very dirty species. In the virgin environment of Tral-Gothica, some bacteria and virus’ flourished, mutating in the alien ecosystem. The new settlers had to overcome all that as well as weather that they were not used to. The tilt of Tral-Gothica was less than that of the Earth, which meant that while there were seasons, they were not as severe, however, weather isn’t just caused by the tilt of the planet’s axial rotation. Atmospheric composition, the electro-magnetic fields of the planet, along with a host of other factors, both subtle and large, all contributed to the planet’s character, as Stella’s parents liked to call it.
After dinner, Stella decided to take a long bath. She laid out a fresh clean robe for bedtime. There was one poorly lit lamp in her room, as she went about her pre-bath routine, she undressed in front of a large vanity mirror. Letting her dress drop to the ground revealed an ivory skinned young woman, very beautiful. She let all of her orange-red hair down, as some of it draped across her voluptuous breasts. As she moved about, they seemed to dance with each other, their movements complimenting one another. She got out of her undergarment, revealing her hourglass waist, firm tummy and well rounded hips. As she turned, her nipples were perked up, as she inspected her butt and thighs. Years of hard work had rendered Stella in excellent shape. Her buttocks was tight and firm, rising above her long thighs, which led to her well formed calves. She put on her robe and took her bath kit into the bathroom, where Patty had already ran her water. She proceed to set her things out and took another look at herself in a smaller mirror in the bathroom. Stella held her stomach for a moment then pulled out an enema kit. She’d had been feeling slightly constipated over the last few days and decided that while she was taking her bath, she’d enjoy a nice anal cleansing. This was something that she did, maybe once or twice a week. Some times out of necessity, and sometimes out of pleasure. She filled the bulb with warm soapy water, connected the bulb to the six inch shaft, then lifted one of her legs onto the edge of the tub and began to insert the enema into her tight pink asshole. The lubricant allowed for it to slide into her butt smoothly. She liked the feeling as each inch made its way into her ass. Her big boobs dangled as she adjusted herself, sliding every inch of the enema syringe into her body. Once inside of her, she squeezed the bulb, releasing the warm soapy mixture into her ass, it felt so wonderful. Stella liked a good anal cleansing from time to time. It was her private time, to just relax from a hard day’s work. She could hold four of them in her lovely curved butt, but tonight, she only repeated the ritual twice. After cleaning everything and putting it away, she gracefully got into the tub of warm water and began to soak, holding the essence of her enema as her butt cheeks contracted. She settled in and closed her eyes. Her insides feeling the sensations of the enema as she enjoyed each and every sensation. Finally it was time for her to get out and she immediately went to the toilet and sat down on it. She waited for it, contracting her butt hole and then relaxing it. Finally a flood of shit came flying out of her body. Oh, that was the feeling that she liked, She loved taking a shit, specially, it was her quiet time, when she could just think, her insides being loved and cleaned, the sensations of her bowels passing out of her with such force. Oh, oh, she just loved the feel. So nice. The shit...
After having a nice bath and a sensual bowel movement, she gathered her things, put on her robe and proceeded to her room. She passed her mother headed for her parent’s bedroom.
“Night, mom.” Stella whispered.
“Night, dear. You have sweet dreams.” Her mother told her as she entered into her bedroom where her father was already inside awaiting. Even at their age, they both had a happy and healthy sex life.
Stella passed by Patty. “You are all finished bathing, Stella?”
“Yes, Patty. Please take care of everything in there.”
“Did you enjoy you bath?” The robot enquired.
Stella had a crooked smile on her face. “Oh, yes. Yes, it was just what I needed to unwind.”
At that, the robot proceeded towards the direction of the bathroom. Stella went into her bedroom and de-robed for bed. Once in bed she turned on some quiet and soft music and began to roll herself some homegrown that she had gotten from a neighbor, the next farm down. Simon and Stella had grown up together. Their parents, like most of the people, were friends, having to depend on one another during the trying times. Life could be hard in a new settlement and people had to know how to work together in order to survive. She finished rolling the joint and then began to smoke it, taking small puffs, resting back in her bed. Then, the call-all sounded and she sat up, placed the device on her bed and a holographic image of Simon engaged.
“Hi.” Stella uttered.
Simon seemed to be somewhere where there was lots of talking and laughter and music and drinking, going on in the background. “Oh, did I wake you?”
She shook her head and smiled. “No, babe. I just got through taking a bath.”
“Oh, nice, I wish I was there. It would have been fun.”
“Yeah. But, it wasn’t too bad without you.”
“Oh, that hurts, Stella.” Simon returned. He was a rugged man, around her age. Dark hair, black and slightly long. Stella thought that it might be time for a haircut, but what the fuck, he looked so cute with it that way, it really didn’t bother her.
“So, what are you doing?” Stella followed up.
“I’m in town, there was a small fair, took some of the good stuff, sold it to some buyers from off world.”
When he said that, she thought about the spacecraft she had seen earlier in the day. “Oh, well that is good. Hope you didn’t let them cheat you down. You know, this season’s crop is pretty good. I’m smoking it right now.” She took a puff.
“Cool. I’m glad you liked it. Blow me a puff.” And with that Stella took a puff and then blew it at the tiny holographic image that was above the call-all. The POV changed and now it was a closeup of his face as he shared a puff with her. “Thanks. Are you going to go to the town concert this weekend?”
“If you are going.” She responded.
“Yeah. I just have to finish selling my crop and then I’ll buy us tickets.”
“Babe, you might want to buy an extra pair.”
Simon ruffled his brow. “Really? Why?”
“I think my mom and dad would like to see the headlines.”
“Oh. Ok, when I pick up ours I’ll get an extra pair.”
“Great, and I’ll pay you when I see you.”
“What? That’s crazy, Stella. I’ll just get them. I’m pretty sure I’m going to make a good profit off my crop.”
“Are you sure?” Her big green eyes expressed.
“Yeah, I’m sure. Look, I gotta go.”
“Ok, Babe, you be careful for me, okay?” And with that, she held up the call-all and they kissed, then the device went silent and dark. She put it away and just rested back, listening to the music on the radio. The DJ was talking about a student protest that was suppose to be getting ready to happen. They were looking for anyone who felt that the system was failing them to join. Stella listened to various people talking about the way that humans were treating the indigenous population that was on the planet before it was colonized. The protest was suppose to be held in several towns, linked and meant to send a signal to the government, that oppressing the natives of Tral-Gothica was morally wrong. She really didn’t know where she came down on the subject. At some point she decided that those people were just trouble makers, some of the more well to do, children of the colony, that had way too much time on their hands. They bitched about the cost of an education, that it should actually be free. Education, she thought, people like her and Simon, had to be home schooled, as did most of the kids who lived in the rural areas. The young people who lived in the urban areas, their lifestyles were very different. They had lots of things that they took for granted. So, Stella was having a hard time relating to some spoiled rich young people, calling for change, when they had it made. They were the privileged ones. What were they bitching about?
Still, as she listened and in between neo-hippy talk and the great music being played, she began to wonder if some of the people, who were protesting against the oppression of the indigenous beings, didn’t in some way have a point. It was that she had been brought up a certain way. Colonization had to succeed at all cost, the very survival of the human race depended on mankind’s ability to re-allocate the natives, for their own safety. After all, the many different kinds of machines that people used to mine the planet and extract natural resources, resources, which by the way was the main reason that the colony was created in the first place, the machines of mankind could do serious damage to the simple mined natives of Tral-Gothica.
As she finally wandered on off to sleep, she wondered what it might have been like, if humans had just tried to work with the inhabitants of the planet. The next day was anything but routine. As she was doing her routine, a group of military vehicles came close by several of the farms, as they headed on into town. Stella had never seen military combat robots up close. Fact of the matter was that most people had never had anything to do with the military operations of colonization.
“Why are they headed into town?” asked Stella’s mother, as they all stood and watched the spectacle.
Her father uttered. “I don’t like it.”
“Why?” asked Stella.
“You are too young to remember, but way back in the day...” oh, here we go again, dad is going to be going down memory lane, “...and a little less than half the young men and women were drafted into the service.”
Stella’s mother said, “Honey, maybe they are just coming to town for some kind of a parade or something. You know, every once in a while, the government likes to remind us of how it is still on top of everything.”
Her dad shrugged, “Maybe you are right. There is nothing out here but farms. All the massive mining is hundreds of miles away. And that goes for the other natural resources as well, that they drill for.”
Stella shocked her parents by saying. “You ever think that maybe the native Tral-Gothican’s should be allowed to profit from the immense wealth that we generate from their planet?”
Her mother and father stopped what they were doing and studied their daughter for a moment. “Honey, we are as liberal as the next family. But the natives of this world, while not exactly stupid, don’t have the mental capacity to fully understand the complexity of who we are and where we came from.”
“Mom, Dad, that sounds prejudice.” Stella retorted.
“I know it sounds harsh, sweetie, but it is the truth. They thought we were some kind of gods, when the first colonist arrived about a hundred years ago. We tried to teach them our ways, but they were never able to adapt to our way of life. So, it is better for them and us, that the two species don’t mix.”
Stella said, “I know what we’ve been taught. But, seriously, there has to be some other way. I mean, they didn’t do anything, they were here first. Crimes against humanity...”
“That is the whole point, dear. They are not human. They are more animal than intelligent being. Genetic testing has confirmed. They are about three fourths as good as us.” Stella’s mother said.
Her dad spoke. “No, I think it is more like two thirds, hon.” And with that they walked on a little closer to the military spectacle passing on down the road.
Stella pulled her long pretty wavy red hair back. Tied it and then, started on back. As she walked down the path, she came across Patty, who was also watching the spectacle.
Patty questioned. “Trouble, Stella?”
Stella stopped and studied the robot. Now if Patty had enough sense to wonder what was going on, and she was just an appliance, how much more intelligence did the native Tral-Gothicans possess?

“Never question what is wrong, you already know what is wrong, question rather, what is right.” Catherine Xio

It was a nice drive into town. If one chose to use an aircar, you could be there in no time. But aircars were very expensive and a good old truck got you there in a reasonable period of time. Stella took the family truck into town where she was suppose to meet her boy friend Simon. He’d been there for a few days taking care of business. Most of the farmers grew two types of crops, one that could feed and one that produced cash. Even on the farm where Stella and her parents lived, the same was true. The drive would take her through several small patches, where there were mom and pop stores, nothing really fancy, just practical. Like the people who lived in the farming sector. The land had been partitioned off into purposes. There was a section for farming and a section for cattle and livestock, orchards and vineyards. Just depended on who you were and what you were good at doing. That was how it all started, but over the decades, children were born and after awhile, things were just the way that they were. Stella’s dog, Bark, came along for the ride, he liked to travel when ever someone would let him. Bark stuck his head out of the window, on the passenger’s side of the truck. Stella had loud music playing and she would try and sing along whenever she felt the need. She wasn’t a good singer, but she could hold a tune when she had to. Most of the time her singing was kept to singing at church. But, there was the occasional fair and other opportunities that presented itself. She wasn’t fooling herself, she knew that there was only so many ways to get out of the rut that most young people found themselves in, back on the farm.
You hear about all sorts of things that go on in the city, then you look at your life in contrast, watching things grow very slow, it was like time almost stood still. She passed by a small outdoor store that was selling fresh fruit, supposedly from the farm that sat way back down a small road. She and Bark got out of the truck and went over to the two kids that were sitting comfortably under the shade of the stand.
“What kind of fruit do you have?” asked Stella, picking up something that looked like an apple, but wasn’t.
The teenage girl answered, “Most of the fruit comes from our farm. Here try this, it’s something that my paw and maw developed.”
Developed was the key word in what the teenager said. Even though they were miles away from real civilization, science was deeply ingrained in everything that people did on Tral-Gothica, even when it appeared to be backwards and ignorant, which for the most part, happened all the time. It wasn’t that the people were backwards or ignorant, for the most part traveling from Earth to a distant star took all sorts of technology. But, over the course of time, after settling in, people began to form clans and develop notions and ideas. It wasn’t long until a small copy of Earth’s prejudices and morality, or lack thereof began to dominate and dictate who they were.
The teenaged boy, who was remarkably ordinary studied Stella, then uttered, “You are pretty.”
Stella and presumably his sister bother fixed their eyes on him. “Thanks for the fruit.” Stella turned to the girl, flatly ignoring the boy.
As Stella and Bark went back to the truck, she could hear his sister scolding him, as to how to properly treat customers. After all, it wasn’t like there were a whole flock of people traveling down the single lonely road. After having left in the morning, Stella and Bark arrived in town by evening. The truck ran on hydrogen, which was stored in a perfect form, water. Because water was the natural way to store hydrogen, the truck’s engine was designed to take the water, run a small electrical current through it, which would dislodge the oxygen from the hydrogen, send it into the combustion chambers, where the hydrogen and oxygen were reintroduced, and finally, converted back into water. In a semi-closed system like that, one could technically go forever, without ever needing to stop, to refill, and if you did, it was water. That magical element that could be used to save lives, and power cars and other craft.
For just decades the super-corps went around buying up patents that had anything to do with water powered vehicles, after all, what good was a clean, green-friendly method of transportation, that didn’t require that you visit the pump to refuel? There was no money in it, the public couldn’t be held hostage to Central Oil and Public Co., all mega oil companies that owned the rights to every oil and gas discovery on Earth. The problem began when those patents all began to expire and their patent attorney’s were severely hampered by the Trilberg-Aven decision, which in effect said that oil companies couldn’t oppress progress for gain. That opened up a floodgate of lawsuits, where small companies and inventors, began to sue and win in court, decisions that would allow fair competition. If you could make a product that didn’t destroy the planet, and got the job done equally and in most cases, better, then, you were free to explore the market. And because the same applied to the oil companies which in turn, owned the big pharmacy companies, cures that were before touted as being impossible to find, suddenly emerged, some being a century old in its discovery. Rich people had sat on cures for cancer, Aids,
cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s, you name it, even the common cold. Why? Why was this going on? Because a few super rich families managed to create an aristocracy. Thy believed that their wealth and survival, was more important than the well being of the planet. And even when the first colonizations began to take place, the Moon, Mars, and other places within the solar system, which eventually led to the technology to colonize on other worlds beyond Earth’s solar system, the greed and immorality of oppression prevailed. The government simply didn’t really exist anymore, if it ever did. Wealthy people began to leave their wealth to their clones instead of their children, to which it might have been debatable if that would have made any difference, because each child that inherited rarely did anything to make it better. But with the ability to will your entire wealth and legacy to yourself, well, there went any kind of illusion that human society hadn’t reached a point of decay and depravation. The old adage, “Fuck the poor”, really rung true.
Things seemed to work for them, until, intelligent life was found on most of the so called inhabitable planets. And the very wealthy wanted to get as far away from Earth as they could, having turned it into something, less that the jewel it once was. The water was polluted beyond repair. The air was corrupted beyond repair. The ground was polluted beyond repair. And like rats abandoning the ship before it sank, so were the super wealthy. However, on distant worlds, you need people, populations, the natives don’t want you there, killing and polluting, corrupting. We didn’t belong there, we had managed to destroy our once beautiful world, and now, we were doing the same to everyone else’s.
Stella found Simon in a pub doing backdoor deals. He was very skilled at the art of selling and buying. When he saw her he motioned her over with a smile on his face.
“Hey, babe, when did you get into town?” he asked, while some of the people he was with, made room.
“Just got in about an hour ago.” She uttered and kissed him.
“Good. Well, let me finish up here. A couple of the people here are off world, they want to buy some of my crop for medical uses.”
“Why don’t they just grow it on their own world?”
“Not every planet’s ecology is suited for optimal production. Tral-Gothica just happens to grow some of the best industrial and medal grade hemp. Some of their stuff just doesn’t have the same properties of mine.”
It was true, one of the big problems was that the soil on a lot of planets that were now inhabited with colonies from Earth, wasn’t exactly compatible with the planet life on Earth. The discovery that Earth had planet specific traits, that allowed plant-life to flourish, didn’t translate too well on other worlds, where their was already a complex ecosystem. Soil composition, air, weather, climate, some plants did well, most could not make the adjustment, while others went through all sorts of strange and harmful mutations. Take the lowly carrot for example. On Earth, it was a nutritious vegetable. On some other planet, it mutated to the point, that one bite was so poisonous it could kill a man almost instantly. Colonization was far more complicated than what might have been imagined, or scientifically anticipated. Each world had its own set of rules, its own origins. You go to that world, you have to learn to play with that world’s rules. And that is what made Tral-Gothica such a wonderful place for mankind to naturally settle. For while it did have its own indigenous population, for which humans oppressed and in some cases, enslaved, having not learned anything from Earth’s past history about what happens when you enslave and oppress, conduct genocide; the very rich only caring about the bottom line. It was the history of making money that only mattered to them, and, they’d crush you or anyone else that got in their way.
But, people had a way of surviving and fate had a way of foiling the mighty and the powerful. It turned out that those planets that had sizable populations of humans, ranging in the millions, did better than those whose population, for whatever reason, never grew beyond the thousands. So, as much as they didn’t want to do it, super-corps needed the little guy, in order to further their agenda of stellar conquest. After Simon was finished with business, they went to someplace quiet and had a nice little romantic dinner. Then they went to his hotel room, where they settled in for the night.
Simon and Stella began to make out almost from the moment they had privacy. They slowly and sensuously removed each other’s clothes, tossing them wherever, and they fell on the bed. Simon was very handsome and rugged looking. He didn’t look like a model, he looked like the kind of guy that Stella liked, strong features, toned body, a type of seductive musk about him. Simon kissed Stella slowly as he moved down towards her voluptuous breasts, kissing them and sucking her tits. She shifted and moaned as he touched her. She ran her hands in his thick locks, pulling him back up so she could kiss him, then pushing him back down to the pleasure. She could feel his teeth as they lovingly pinched her nipples, her nipples was so puffed up from arousal. His seriously hard cock was involuntarily rubbing against her body. Oh, she could feel his inches as they grew. He made love to her breasts for awhile then slowly moved on down to her pussy. Oh, yes, that was what she wanted, as she felt his tongue slowly enter into her hole. Oh, yes, he began to lap her cunt like a dog laps water, licking up her wet pussy juices. She was hot now, breathing heavy, as she held his face to her cunt, letting her strong legs coral him there. Fuck me! Her thoughts raced. Simon began to alternated from his skilled tongue to his rough manly fingers, sticking them in her body, rolling then around inside of her. Then, he rolled her over on her stomach, she stuck her butt up slightly, as he cracked open her butt cheeks and began to lick her tight wanting asshole. Oh, that’s it, baby. Her mind raced with pleasure and passion. She felt his tongue entering her butt hole, darting in and out, oh, the tension and passion of the feelings. Then she lifted herself up, her butt sticking up even more, as she positioned some pillows under her pelvis.
“Take it, babe!” The words slipped out of her breathless mouth.
And he did, as she felt his big juicy cock. That thick throbbing wand of pleasure, as it entered into her asshole. Oh, damn! It was so good! Every inch of dick finding it’s way up her butt. But, he didn’t stop there, he began to rock in and out, roll it around in her body, exploring her insides. That led to a serious anal pounding, as his balls slapped against her pussy and his dick, drilled her asshole. Then, she rolled over and he cracked open her legs and pushed them all the way to her shoulders, exposing her wet dripping pussy. He began to lick it some more, slurping up her cunt juice. She violently shifted around, not able to stand it anymore, and took command of his cock, that wonderful cock of his, and she began to suck and roll and gnaw on it, like the love bone that it was. His cock swollen in her mouth, throbbing and erecting, it was alive with little gestures and pleasure in her throat. Mmmm, how she liked to suck dick. Her tongue teased his dick head. Swirling around his cock head, then she would violently force as much of his dick into her mouth as she could. Simon always had a rather meaty dick, a nice ten inches of pleasure, hung nicely, she always considered it to be a pretty dick. Some men might has a big dick, but it wasn’t pretty. Simon’s cock was beautiful and she sucked it so hard, rolling and slurping and licking that thing, trying to tame that which refused to be tame. She could feel him tense up, he was almost there, but she selfishly want him in her pussy. So, she backed off, and positioned herself, as he shifted on top of her, with her legs cracked wide open, he held each one, as his cock entered into her pussy hole, with command and importance.
“Take it, babe! Violate the hell out of it!” she commanded him.
And he began to bang the fuck out of her. Going in and out, dick flying inside of her, giving her such wanton pleasure. And then, just when she thought she couldn’t stand it anymore, he switched to her exposed asshole, and began to finish it off. Oh, the sheer size of his dick and the massive length, it fitted just right inside of her asshole. Then, he began to shake and utter, as he began a long series of cum. It was so intense, that he spread her legs out to the point that she was doing a v-shaped split, his cock stuck firmly inside of her wanton asshole. She took hold of his face and looked him in the eyes as her own cum sequence began. She held his face so hard that it began to turn colors. And then, with one found swoop, they both came and collapsed in ecstasy.
They just lay there, two young people, breathing heavy and sweat covering their bodies. At one point, she licked her lips and tasted her own shit, from his dick, she took a little on her finger and inserted it into his mouth and sealed it with a long wet kiss.
“Taste like chocolate...” she uttered while trying to catch her breath.
After a long time, and a little post-play, they took a shower. Cleaned up nicely, kissed one another and spooned, as they went to bed. It was a nice evening. Romantic dinner. Hot nasty sex, which was how she liked it. Simon had been trained by her, because when they first made love, when they were much younger, just teenagers, he had all sorts of hangups on how it should be done. She on the other hand, had needs, she wanted pleasure, having explored those parts of her body that demanded attention. So, they slept and Stella dreamed.
She dreamed that she was standing on the glen, and someone was busy eating her out down there. She had a golden plate in her hand, and when the passion reached a certain point, she put the plate behind her, under her butt hole and began to shit onto the plate. After she pooped, she raised the plate up and began to eat her own shit. The man who was eating her out, she couldn’t quite make out who he was, but he spoke in a strange language that she could not understand. This went on for awhile and then she woke up. She looked around the darkroom, Simon was sleeping next to her. She kissed his lips and kissed his now very relaxed penis, and rolled over and went back to sleep. Then, she had a second dream. A man was busy sucking her breasts ever so wonderfully. In her hand was a golden plate. She placed the plate under her butt hole and pooped onto it. Then, she took the plate full of poop and began to eat it again. Her poop tasted very sweet to her, but again, she liked the taste of poop, specially her own. This time, she awoke, and behold, it was just a dream. So, she shifted her position and fell asleep again. And this time, she dreamed that a man was talking to her in a language that she clearly did not understand. And again, she had a golden plate. She placed the plate under her asshole, and began to take a serious shit, onto the plate. She brought the plate up and this time, the man wanted to share with her, but she was selfish, and would not share her nice moist shit with him. It was all hers and she stood there, eating her bowel movement in front of him.
When she awoke this time, it was morning. Simon had already gotten up and had left her a sweet and loving note. He had further business to deal with. She got dressed and left the hotel and went to her aunt Jenny’s house, which was situated at the end of town, just on your way out, back to Stella’s parents farm.
Aunt Jenny was younger than Stella’s parents. And while Stella’s parents were obviously neo-hippies, Jenny was just the opposite. They hadn’t seen one another in awhile and her aunt was very happy to see her and they enjoyed the visit. They talked, the kind of talk that is reserved for face to face, not the kind that often happens over the call-all. There was something more personal about spending real time with someone, specially someone that you loved. And Stella loved her aunt Jenny. Jenny was raised differently from Stella’s parents, she was raised in the city, and it was only when Stella’s grandmother died that Jenny came to live in the farming sector. There was no secret that Jenny would much rather return to the city but in her grandmother’s will, a family member had to actually live in the wonderful pseudo-Victorian home. Often, buildings and houses were fashioned off of period’s from Earth. It was a way of helping to adjust to the sometimes obvious fact that people didn’t actually belong on Tral-Gothica. And no matter how much humans took over the planet, often like an infestation. The planet would rebel, as if, because the original people, the natives, could not. Maybe it was a way of the universe fighting back? Jenny, unlike Stella’s parents, didn’t like the way that humans treated the natives. She tried time and again to tell Stella about the oppression and depravity of the colonization programs. Not just there on Tral-Gothica, but elsewhere as well. But, this time as Jenny was doing her usual thing, the two women were having coffee and cakes. Stella surprised her.
“Tell me more about how the colonist mistreat the natives?” Stella looked up.
Jenny was taken aback. “Really?”
“I don’t understand? What has brought this sudden change?”
“I don’t know, Aunt Jenny. I guess I’ve been listening to the radio, to all the protest planned. I was actually planning on attending one. You know, to see what all the fuss was really about?” Stella expounded.
Jenny smiled. “I can do you one better.”
“What? I don’t understand?”
“There is a big event taking place in the city. Do you want to come?”
For some reason, Stella became all excited at the prospect. “Oh, I’d love to. But won’t that sort of thing be dangerous? I mean, there are smaller protest...”
“Ah. But the ones in the city are the ones that really matter. That is where the eyes and ears of the world will be focused on.” Jenny sipped her coffee, like the sly old fox that she was, she could see that a seismic shift had happened in Stella’s thinking. For whatever the reason, Stella was now ready to question the authority that put everyone there, on Tral-Gothica.

“You speak in tongues and write in riddles, you sly old dragon, from Kwani Quittle.” Ploaskus

The big city was more than what a country girl like Stella had ever seen, except in pictures and on the call-all. Aunt Jenny had promised Stella’s parents that she would take special care of their only child. The trip took a few hours by air-rail, which was an airtrain traveling along a transport laser track. Once they arrived Jenny quickly made calls and arrangements. Jenny had a flat on the upper eastside, it was there that Stella and Jenny were to stay. The door robot carried in their things and set them where they wanted them. After that, Stella flopped onto a plush sofa and gazed out onto the amazing view. The contrast from what she was used to was like the difference in night and day. How backwards things seemed to her now, living on that farm, doing those chores, some by hand. And while she loved the family domestic robot Patty, the robots she was seeing in the city, were the most advanced domestic robots that people used to serve them, made poor Patty look like a pile of scrap.
“Aunt Jenny, this is so wonderful.” she told her.
Jenny smiled, “The city can be a wonderful place, Stella. But, it can also be a very dangerous place. I want you to promise me that you will be careful.”
Stella nodded, but, Jenny knew that Stella wasn’t used to the more sophisticated ways of city dwellers. The two-sidedness of its population, how lacking in decent feelings the average person could be. Stella said, “I’ll be careful. And I want to thank you again, for letting me come to live with you. I won’t let you down.”
Jenny sat across from her niece, “Baby, I’m not worried about you letting me down. I’m worried about me letting you down.” And with that, Jenny kissed her on the forehead and after giving the domestic robot instructions as to how she was to treat Stella, she left. Stella spent the rest of the day watching the call-all, a much larger version than the small ones that people used. Finally, Stella turned to the domestic robot whose name was Fifi.
“I want to see the city.” Stella said.
Fifi answered. “There are many ways to see the city, Miss Stella.”
“Don’t call me Miss Stella. Just call me Stella.”
“Yes, Miss Stella.”
“Didn’t I just...never mind, forget it. I think I need to go shopping.”
“Miss Jenny has provided you with an account. Where would you like to go?”
“I don’t really know. They all look so amazing. Where does my aunt go shopping?”
“Your aunt enjoys many places, but she has a passion for Izods.”
“Hmm? Let’s go there, I need a few things so I won’t look so backwards.” There was a real cultural clash between rural and urban Tral-Gothica.
The two, headed on out and Stella managed to find a few things that looked good on her. After that minor transformation, Stella became interested in seeing what a city night club was like. Fifi didn’t want to take her to any, something about having received specific instructions from Jenny.
Stella said, “Aunt Jenny isn’t here! It is you and me, the night life, the excitement.”
Fifi uttered, “Miss Stella, you don’t know your way around the city. It can be fun, if you are used to it, it can be very dangerous, if you are not. And you are not...”
“If you don’t want to go with me then just go back home. I’m fine. I can find my way back to Aunt Jenny’s.”
“I can’t do that. I have orders to watch over you. To keep you out of harm’s way.”
Stella approached the robot. “Well, I order you to go back to Aunt Jenny’s apartment. I’ll be fine.”
The robot stood there for a long moment, as if it were trying to resolve the conflict it was now presented with. It knew that Jenny’s commands were paramount, however, Stella’s orders were more immediate. Fifi struggled to figure out how to carry out both of them at the same time. Orders that she had to obey, but conflicted to the point, then finally, Fifi resorted to default. The robot simply walked away out of Stella’s sight.
And with that, Stella was glad, after all, she was not a little girl, she was a young woman. Capable of making her own decisions. She caught an aircab and asked to be taken to the nearest and best nightclub. She ended up a Garrio’s, one of the hottest upscale clubs in the upper eastside.
Once she went through all the bullshit to get inside, the ambiance was striking. The music pounded, the press of the people was something that Stella had never experienced. She managed to find a spot at the bar.
“What will you have?” came a rather flamboyant robot bartender.
She studied the machine for a moment, the said, “I’ll take something really light. Not too strong.”
“Like what?” the machine stared at her.
“I’m not sure...” she responded.
Just then, a tall and extremely handsome man cut in, “She’ll take what I’m having.” The robot acknowledged the order and started on it. The young man fixed his eyes on her confidently and said, “I’m Markus...”
Stella didn’t say anything for a moment, then responded. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m Stella.”
“Nice to meet you Stella.”
“You are new here?”
“Er. Yes. How did you...”
“Know? You just seemed a little out of place. Most of the people who go here, already know what they are going to order when they sit at the bar. You seemed shocked when the bartender asked you what you wanted.” He smiled at her. He was very good looking and Stella found herself being extremely attracted to him. Gosh, he smelled so good too.
“So, you want to find a table?” Markus asked her, as he grabbed her finished drink.
“Er. Sure. Sure, I’ll just follow you.”
They moved through the press and eventually after a few confusing moments, she saw Markus as he sat down. She followed him and joined him. He placed the drink in front of her and she took a sip, basically trying to fit in. The darkness contrasted with the lights and the loud sounds, the music that she had rarely ever heard. The whole thing was somewhat overwhelming.
“So, let me guess, first time in a club?”
“Yes. I don’t usually do this sort of thing.”
“What thing is that?”
“You know, this...”
“Oh? Where you from?”
Stella just responded. “I’m rural.”
He acted like he didn’t need to know anymore than that. “Dance?”
Stella looked out at the couples on the floor. She had no idea what type of dancing they were doing. She watched, some were moving in strange ways, others were engaged in extreme gestures and postures. Finally she said, “Yes.”
They moved out onto the dance floor, the excitement and the press made her heart pound. She watched him as he began to move to the very loud music, lights flashing, things swirling. She began to try and mimic his gestures and then she began to mimic other people’s gestures, and at some point, she found herself dancing. This went on for awhile, the pace driving her to explore movements that she had never done. He was so interesting, his eyes so fixating. Markus was everything that Simon wasn’t. Simon was fine, she loved Simon. But, Marcus was spontaneous, tall dark and oh so handsome. He held her close, she could feel his body as they moved to every note of music playing, it seemed. They danced together so well, it was like he could anticipate her every step, her every gesture. Finally, he took hold of her hand and led her back to their tiny table. She was almost out of breadth, while he seemed so in control. She was thirsty, she finished off her drink and would have asked for another one...
Markus leaned forwards her. “You want to get out of here?”
That came as a shock to her. She was enjoying being there, but she looked at him, smiling in such a charming way. “Er. Sure, where are we going?”
“A friend’s place. There is a really nice party going on right now.”
Stella was so caught up in everything, she didn’t even ask herself the question, if there was this great party going on, then, why wasn’t he there, instead of here? Maybe it was the drink, it tasted very good, fruity, but it must have packed quite a punch, because she was starting to feel something. Her head was ever so light and the loud music and flashing of lights and color. He took hold of her hand and guided her out of the press, through the faces and smells and loud music. Finally, she found herself in an aircab headed towards the end of the city, towards the suburbs. Or, so she thought. She was just a little winded, perhaps from the dancing, after all, she’d never danced like that before. So, she rested her head on his strong shoulders.
Stella found herself butt naked and in a room moderately filled with other people who were also totally naked. Some of them were talking and drinking while others were engaged in various levels of sexual activity. She didn’t remember how she got there as she sat up on the sofa. Where are my clothes? Why does my pussy feel so warm and wet? Thoughts rushed through her head. Off to one side, she saw a tall man slowly walk by some women, his cock was so long it almost reach the floor. She reacted with shock. She’d never seen a cock that long on a human being. The women around him, where he strolled, from one room to another, would reach over and kiss his dick, which hung so proudly aa he strolled. Then out came Markus, equally naked and went over to her.
“I was wondering when you were going to wake up, babe.” He extended his and she wilfully took hold of it. They went into the room that he had just come out and inside was a nice round bed. The bed dominated the room with the lights turned down super low. The window curtains were turned back so the view of the heights could be seen. All those city lights that Stella only read about in magazines. They got onto the bed. It was surprisingly firm to her. It was at that point that she felt Markus’ enormous dick rub up against her thigh. She looked down and was taken aback at the sight hung down there. Markus’s dick was a good 13.5 inches long and had to be almost three inches in diameter. Oh my goodness! She thought as he began to kiss her lips. She could feel the mere weight of his cock as he rested his body weight on top of hers. They kissed, their tongues rolling inside of each other’s mouths. Then he went down to her boobs and began to suck them ever so wonderfully. Her hand meandered down to his dick and touched it. It was as if she wanted to make sure she wasn’t imagining that thing. He realized that she wanted it so he laid on his back and settled in. She kissed him all the way down to his cock. The wonderful musk smell of his dick region made her head spin and she began to get even wetter in her pussy. She told herself that she would play it cool and that she would be rewarded with all that dick, though, how was she suppose to fix that much cock inside of her pussy? Ah...her wanton asshole could take it she was sure. But, for the moment, she just moved about the area kissing and licking, then she began the journey that she was seriously drawn to, his massive penis. She took some of it in her hands, oh wow, that thing was so thick and weighty. She began to kiss the shaft of his cock, moving down slowly, licking her was to the excitement, his dick head. Markus’ cock was wonderful and proud as her mouth finally reached the head. There was a slight sexual twitch as her wet mouth went around his dick head, completely covering it with her love. Oh no! She thought, his cock head alone was filling up her mouth, what was she going to do? She so much wanted as much cock in her mouth at one time as she could handle. But, Markus’ cock was so powerfully large, that it was going to prove to be a challenge. So she began to suck his dick the best way that she could. She sucked and slurped his cock, occasionally going for air all the while kissing the big thing. Oh, and how tasty was this man’s dick. Oh, Markus, she thought. Each man’s dick tastes a little bit different. If she were blind folded, she could suck cock and just by the taste alone, tell who’s cock it was. And she knew that she was never going to forget Markus’ big juicy pipe of joy. She rolled as much dick as she could in her mouth. Sucking and slurping that thing like a wild woman. Her orange-red hair draping over the area. At some point, he began to moan. And that was when she knew it was time for her to try and ride that thing. She shifted around and straddled his cock, taking her hands and slowly guiding this enormous dick inside of her wet and wanting pussy. Oh my goodness! As it went in, as if it were not possible, he actually began to grow inside of her. Oh, his cock was already so huge, but now, it was firming up inside of her pussy. She then began to try and hurry, to get as much of him inside of her before it was too late and his dick expanded beyond her ability to take him.
Stella began to rock and roll his cock inside of her body as best as she could. Still, vast amounts of cock was exposed and just wouldn’t fit inside her cunt, but she was determined to tame that thing, if she could just get enough of it in her. She fucked it hard and long, he was enjoying her feminine ways and her pussy manhandled his cock. But after a while, he was starting to expand even more. Oh my goodness, he was a good three inches wide when she first put him inside of her. She pulled off of him and turned around, sticking her beautiful butt up in the air.
“Do what ever you want...” voiced Stella.
She felt him shift around as she took a pillow and rested it under her thick red hair. She closed her eyes and readied herself for it. And sure enough, there it started. She felt his fucking huge dick head, as it slowly began its journey inside of her love hole, her hot wanton asshole opened up for this man, and denied him nothing. One inch, with his girth, she was already feeling it, what about the other twelve inches? And the parade continued on, each inch posing its own special challenge. However, unlike her pussy which could only handle so much, she finally felt his balls slap up against her pussy. There he rested for a moment, as if it had been work for him too.
“Fuck me!” Stella commanded him.
And with that, Markus aimed to please. He slowly began to move on her, his colossus moving in and around, of her seriously stretched wide asshole. But, she was taking it, all of it, in fact. That thick juicy cock just telling her butt hole what to do and who was boss. He was! And she knew it as a few tears of joy began to run down her face because of the sheer joy and pleasure he was willing to share with her. Oh, thank you, Markus! She thought, as his cock began to build up stream and roll around in her ass. She felt her anal muscles stretching and relaxing, they had to in order for her to take him all in and keep that perfect cock there. That is it, you found a new home! She thought. Yes, his dick was now moving at a nice rhythm, in and out and out and in, rolling and twisting. Teaching and re-educating her asshole. Then came the moment when he was full blown fucking her asshole. That dick of his was not playing around. It knew what it had to do and it was doing it ever so well. All that man’s cock just filled Stella was ecstasy. Oh yes! Her thoughts raceed as this man that she barely knew, was making love to her as if her ass had belonged to him forever. And in fact, she had managed to relax and let her ass muscles stretch to the point that forever felt wonderful. Stay! She thought to herself. Never leave my warm ass cave. And Markus was in complete control as he hammered and pounded her lovely butt. She could hear the slapping of their bodies as their skin slipped together, his balls striking her pussy in just the right way. Oh the sheer pleasure of this man’s penis in her body was making her feel like a new woman. Whatever shit she had up her butt was being punished. His dick was pulverizing her poop and training her butt as to who was the master. Yes, ass master! She thought. Finally they found themselves moaning and groaning with each thrust of the cock. Then, she began to shake and he let out a groan, his cum was gushing down that long 13.5 inch cock, right inside of her body, where she wanted it.
“Oh, yes, Markus! I love how you make me feel!”
She just blurted out as they both tensed up, she grabbing whatever part of his body she could find. Him rising up on her asshole, is if to fire the final gun of cum, and he did. But, at that moment, his cock grew even bigger and she suddenly felt is if she was going to crack wide open. She buried her face in the pillow and just yelled at the top of her voice. Then it was over, and he began the long journey, of pulling his love snake out of her asshole. He rolled over breathing very hard. She just remained in the same position. Her butt cocked up in the air, her asshole now gaped open a good four inches diameter. Stella couldn’t believe it, Markus’ cock actually widened as he was shooting his cum. She finally moved one of her legs a bit. She could feel air drifting inside of her asshole, the damn thing wouldn’t or couldn’t close. What was she to do? Markus had wrecked her rectum! Oh, you bad boy, you certainly taught me a lesson! She found herself thinking. Finally she rolled onto her said, trying to give her butt hole some comfort. Then, cum and feces began to flow out of her ass. She wanted to stop it but her asshole was no longer under her control. She wondered if she would ever be able to make sweet noise again, when she would fart? As more shit found its way out of her asshole, mixed with a really large amount of cum, she realized, would she ever be able to just walk, without having her bowels just drop right out of her? Her butt hole had been permanently altered. Oh, she was sure, that in time, some of her ass tone would come back, but there was a fair amount of it that was just gone.
She reached up and kissed him on the lips. They smiled at each other. She moved down, and began the good part, licking the remaining cum and feces from off his penis. Yum! She thought to herself. This was her reward for allowing him to mount her and her taking in all of this man’s dick. She got to lick and slurp and suck until there was not one trace of shit on his dick. He laid back, enjoying the post-suck, and finally fell asleep. She got up and went out into the main room, there were still various people engaged in various acts of sex, all about. She noticed that she was going to have a problem because her asshole was still stretched to the max. Feces was still running out of her but and down her leg. At that moment, as he headed for the bathroom, a woman came over to her, kissed her and then went in back of her and began to crack her butt cheeks open and lick and slurp her asshole. Stella braced herself by the window, holding onto the seal. The woman was very good at eating ass and licked until there was no more shit flowing down, out of Stella’s asshole. Then the woman stood up, took hold of Stella and kissed her. Her mouth and breath tasting and smelling like fresh shit. The woman finally opened her eyes and stared into Stella’s. She kissed Stella’s enormous breasts and then just went on to someone else.

“Comfort and fun are for those who do not sleep.” The Talisman’s Voodoo

The days that went by were fairly uneventful. That was actually very good, because Stella needed time for her asshole to gain it’s composure. Aunt Jenny noticed that her niece was walking kind of funny, but decided not to inquire seeing that Stella never said anything about it and Fifi never mentioned anything unusual. Finally, Jenny took Stella to one of the closed meetings. The Take Charge Movement, which was what they were calling it in the city, had to meet in secret. While it was a democratic society on paper, Tral-Gothica had Global laws against certain acts of insurrection, and at any time, demonstrating in large numbers could be twisted in meaning that the crowd was trying to overthrow the government. Nothing could have been further from the truth, Jenny assured Stella. And they went. The place was located in the back alley’s of the city. They all kept secret where the meeting would be, by letting members know at the very last moment. Thus, severely cutting down on the amount of time the feds had to organize and attack them. It was late at night when they all got together. Different groups of people had different tasks to perform. All the while, there was a center theme and guest speakers, talking to them while they all worked. Stella was assigned to the communications group. It was their job to get the word out to the other members and to generate excitement about what The Take Charge Movement was all about. They were constantly getting new members and sadly, they were also losing members. This was the subject at the meeting and keynote speakers talked about it. John was one of the speakers and also the team leader for communications, in that particular group. After he gave his speech he joined Stella and the group he was in charge of.
“Do you really think that the people that are going missing are being taken by the government?” Stella questioned.
John was a short man, friendly looking and strong manly featured. He spoke, “Yeah. In fact, we do have some evidence to suggest that. But, it is very hard to prove it. If the feds want you gone, then, they have all sorts of ways to do that.”
“Then we are all subject to the same treatment?”
“I don’t know about that, Stella. So far, the people that have gone missing have been kind of high up. You know, the ones that plan and make strategies.”
“Do you think some of them will talk?”
John took a seat next to her and helped her with her project. “I sure hope not. But, the government uses torture. So, anything is possible.”
“Oh my goodness. Are you serious?”
“I’m afraid it is true. You see, our protest organization seek to threaten the super-corps. They see us as interrupting their business model. They get richer and gain even more influence and control. What do you think about our government that is run solely by big business?”
“I don’t know.”
“Fascism. The people no longer have a say in how their lives are run. Corporations tell the politicians what to do and what to say and what to vote on and how to vote. The illusion of democracy is just that, an illusion.”
“John. We all have a right and a duty to vote. In fact, it is mandatory. Once every ten years we all get to vote on everything.”
John laughed slightly. “Stella, if it is mandatory that everyone vote, against the law not to vote, then, it is not freedom!”
“I don’t understand? If we all can vote, then we are free...”
“No you are not! If you vote and nothing changes after you vote, then it is an exercise in futility! The super-corps are just using the deeply ingrained notion that voting equals freedom and democracy. Maybe centuries ago, it did, when each person’s vote mattered. But the big business’ figured out a way to give the masses the illusion of freedom, all the while, controlling those things that really matter.”
“I just can’t understand you.”
“Okay, voting here on Tral-Gothica, is like getting to pick the curtains, while having someone else tell you where you have to live.” John looked at her for a long moment.
“We have freedom to pick and choose, but, not the things that matter!”
John smiled. “Now you get it. Jenny said that her niece was smart. Glad to have you onboard, Stella.”
After working on her project for awhile, Stella found Jenny. “This is exciting, Aunt Jenny.”
Jenny smiled, “You just wait until we all join the other groups and we take to the streets in peaceful protest.”
“But, aren’t you afraid of the police and the government, destroying the protest?” Stella said.
“You have to be brave, Stella. If you believe in the things that we stand for. True freedom. One vote, one person, not the electoral facade that the super-corps’ use in order to insure who gets elected.”
“Why do they use that?”
“Because there are more middle class and poor people, than there are rich. Yet, in order for the rich to hang onto power, they have to have a system of government, that favors the rich and the wealthy. So, no matter how you vote, at the end of the day, the super-corps can twist and distort the results to favor whomever they want.” Jenny explained to her niece.
“Then we don’t have a true democracy.”
“Oh, we have a democracy alright. It just doesn’t have any effect. We can vote and pick and campaign all we want. At the end of the day, the super-corps will make the final decisions for all of our lives.”
“Then we will just tell everybody what is really going on.” Stella blurted out naively.
“My dear girl, you try and take these people on by yourself, and, well, you end up missing!”
“That is not the society that we learn about in school.”
Jenny nodded. “No. It isn’t. They feed us a bunch of bullshit, tell us that we are free, all the while, they are the ones who are really free. The super-corps. When people went out to colonize the planets in different stars systems, they traded their freedom.”
Just then, John came running to them, a serious expression on his face. “We gotta go now!”
Jenny reacted. “Why? What is wrong?”
“It is a raid! Someone has set us up. The police and the feds know where we are and they are going to be attacking our spot in a minute now!” John took Jenny by the hand and started to guide her away. Stella followed.
Then, unexpectedly, Jenny broke away. “Go on ahead. I’ll catch up with you! I forgot some vital data. We can’t let the feds get hold of it!”
Stella yelled. “Aunt Jenny!”
But, John grabbed Stella’s hand and pulled here on. People were running and grabbing whatever they could. Then, as warned, the police and feds burst into the building. There were all sorts of police robots, grabbing people and doing all sorts of damage. John and Stella and a few other people all managed to evade the police robots. Once they were a distance away, they all stopped and looked back. The building was actually on fire and they could tell that some of their friends, were being beaten and some killed even. The small group of survivors, hid, watching in horror, as they could hear screams for help and cries for mercy, all of which went unheaded. The super-corps used police robots without, the clear presence of human supervision, that way, if word got out, they could say that it was some kind of malfunction, of the police robots. But, as Stella and John watched in horror, they all knew, that the super-corps were behind this. They held all the power players on the chessboard, the regular people, they were the pawns. Then Stella yelled, “Aunt Jenny!”
Days went by with Stella and John and the others hold out in some poor area, in the underside part of the city. They’d get word every once in a while as to the fate of some of the others, but there was nothing about Stella’s aunt. One day Stella stood at an open window in a rundown abandoned factory that they were hold out in. She’d been expressing her sadness for the whole week. John came over to her and started to comfort her. He stood in back of her and began to rub her shoulders. Stella reacted passively to his gestures. He then began to slowly kiss the back of her neck and she began to relax and she moaned. This was just what Stella needed, a distraction from her worrying. John then began to massage the small of her back and moved on down to her butt. Her nice juicy buttocks that stuck out so profoundly. Stella was a very voluptuous woman, with curves to die for. She tossed her orange-red long hair as she felt his hands do magic on her hot ass. He then slowly began to feel her up in her crotch. She slowly slipped out of her shirt and shimmed out of her tight fitting pants. He took the cue and undressed as well. Then she returned to her original position, looking out the window. John went down and began to kiss and lick Stella’s buttock. Oh yes! She thought as she felt his amazingly long tongue find certain secret places on her butt and inside of the back of her crotch. That’s it lover, right there. Her mind began to wander. John opened up her sizable butt cheeks and exposed her juicy asshole. He began to lick her asshole as his tongue raced about the hole giving Stella pleasure. This made her stick out her butt all the more so that he could have full access to her wanton asshole, which quivered with every lick of John’s skilled tongue. He cracked open her two butt cheeks as wide as he could as he licked and slurped her asshole. She tensed up for just a moment and let out a cute little fart which told John that she was ready. He moved up and kissed her bare back, moving her hair out of the way. Then she felt his stiff pleasure as it entered her hungry asshole. Oh, yes! Yes! She thought as his dick slowly and skillfully entered inside of her ass. Her butt wiggled just a bit, so that his cock could have help entering her body. She grabbed hold of part of his dick, and encouraged it to go further inside her warm butt hole. Then, she braced herself, holding the window seals, then John’s cock found encouragement from her, and he slipped it all inside, letting his balls slap against her cunt.
“Just fuck me, sweetheart!” Stella told him.
And with that John had the full go ahead to make it happen. He grabbed hold of Stella’s small waist and began to move in and out, taking her asshole and teaching it what it should know. Stella moaned because of the wonderful pleasure John’s dick was giving her. He began to rock and roll his cock inside of her asshole and then he began to bang her butt really good. With each stroke she felt his love gun harden inside of her wanton ass cave. It was sheer pleasure as John’s stiffness found her secrets and her asshole responded with his reward. John skillfully moved his dick to all the right places, pounding her big juicy butt with every stroke. Nailing her tight ass with his pleasure tool. Stella wiggled with every stroke, responding to his profound dick, as it began to violently take control of her asshole. That’s it, teach this filthy bitch’s asshole a lesson! Stella thought, as she moaned with every slap and bump and grind. She held her head down and closed her eyes as he totally commanded her love hole, fucking the shit out of her ass. That’s it, right there, fuck it! Stella thought to herself, as John seemed to instinctively find every spot within her love cave and let her have it. His hot balls flapping up against her pussy, spanking her twat, and showing her who was in command. Her breathing began to mixed with pleasure and ecstasy. Time seemed to just melt away and there was only the ass teaching that this man was bringing to her. John’s cock pounded Stella’s butt hole, educating her ass as to how it should be. Oh, yes, right then, right there! Stella’s mind raced with the pleasure that John’s cock gave her. His dick moved one way, then it moved another. Her butt hole begged for more from the master of her asshole. Teach me the ways! Stella’s mind seemed to just turn off. All she could feel and all she could think about was how this man was controlling her wanton asshole. Oh, it was so juicy, John’s delicious cock, as he worked it’s magic and controlled Stella’s every desire. She pushed out her butt even more as her back arched under and he had a perfect grip, as to jump fuck her butt hole. And he did! His weight slammed against her butt cheeks, making a loud slapping noise as each thrust told the story, of pleasure and fulfillment. Oh, you have it, baby! Stella’s mind gave in.
“Take my asshole, John!” Stella finally yelled, short of breath.
John shifted just a bit, as to angle his dick ever so much. That one little shift, sent ripples of pleasure racing through Stella’s body, as she received and accepted his pleasure, that he so willfully gave to her. With each stroke, his pelvis spanked her hind-side. Oh, teach me, darling! Stella thought to herself. John, as if he could read her mind, did exactly that. He began to re-educate her wanton asshole, teaching it who was boss and how it was going to be, with each stroke, claiming the command. He pulled is dick out of her asshole, and she began to moan.
“No, babe, stick it back in!”
And back in it went. But, this time, with a force and a vengeance that left Stella weak in the knees. His weight fully distributed on her hindquarters, he super fucked her butt hole. This time, the strokes came at an amazing pace. One bang, forced her to cry out loud with pleasure. Another bang, made her moan with total satisfaction. Still another and another, they were coming so quickly that she could hardly keep her legs underneath of her. John then moved about, from one spot to another, aiming his love rod in just the right way as to bring out sensations that Stella hadn’t experienced before. Oh, you found it! Stella thought with pleasure racing about her mind. John’s sizable balls broke new records, as they banged against her cunt. Her cunt which was wet and dripping with pussy juice. Her pussy wanted some of that action, but she wanted John, to stay right where he was. She was in need of the sensations that John was giving her. He dicked her butt so good. It was like his cock was talking to her wanton asshole and they were telling each other what they both needed and wanted. She felt her ass muscles as they groped and took hold of John’s dick. She had such beautiful control of her butt hole, she could play catch and grab with John’s beautiful cock, as he entered her warm darkness that gave him pleasure as well. But, Stella shifted and wiggled just a little more, and that slight movement, increased the pleasure that they both we feeling, as he rode her butt like there was in a race to the finish line. Oh, but Stella did not want John reaching the finish line just yet. There were more regions of her internal asshole in which to explore. She rested her head on her shoulder and slightly opened her eyes, everything was blurry. She could feel all the heat and pleasure racing from her ass. This man was totally committed to make her naughty asshole his, and at that moment, she was willing to allow it. Her butt hole twisted and grabbed, as his cock flew inside her tunnel of love. She grabbed his dick with her ass muscles, as he pulled it back, only to repeat the motion again. She could feel the pleasure that his cock was giving her. John wanted Stella’s naughty butt hole to know who was inside of it and that this man, was not afraid to command respect. Stella’s asshole tried to resist his powerful thrusts, as he opened her butt hole up with every stroke. Her back arched down now even more, make her butt stick up and out as they began the final sexual ass dance. John sensed her willingness to let it all go and he just rocked her asshole with every slam and bump. Her ass banging was so profound that the noise of the slapping of the hot wet flesh made echoes in the empty area. It was just her and him and the cool air, drifting in through the open window. Then his cock found a new spot, just above her pussy, and it fucked her asshole even more. In and out and round and sideways, John’s dick commanded new respect out of Stella’s naught butt hole. Stella used one hand as she grabbed his body, as if to tell him, now! Now was the time for them to both drive it on home. With every strike her butt matched his rhythm. Finally both of them were rocking and rolling, her asshole wiggling about as his cock chased and found her hole each and every time. John moved about and anchored his legs, now with mighty thrusts, he challenged her asshole to take it. But, Stella wasn’t having any of that. Her butt hole opened wide and grabbed his dick. He cringed with pleasure. Then she began to bump his dick with her ample butt cheeks, she had been waiting for this moment. John’s cock was now swelling from the pleasure that Stella’s asshole gave him. She tightened down on his cock with her trained ass muscles. Now she had him. Oh, there you are! Stella thought. John tried to evade, but Stella’s butt hole knew what to do. She began to wiggle and hop her ass about, Trying a strangle hold on John’s dick. She squeezed his dick so hard with her butt as she left out a moan of ecstasy. While John’s cock was teaching her butt hole respect, it was her turn, to teach his dick, humbleness. She held tight on the window seal and let out a loud yell of sheer pleasure. As they both started down the home stretch. John banged her butt so hard that his balls seemed to flap and slap her cunt with each and every shift in weight. Then he nearly climbed on her, humping her butt hole so proudly. She had to nearly support his weight and hers. John humped her asshole so proudly and with such authority. Yes, darling. You own this bitch now! Stella thought, as she steaded herself, feeling this man inside of her, she knew that the end was coming. And it was, as John wrapped his arms around Stella’s waist and placed her his on her back. Now came the final rapid fire strokes that happened before an explosive cum. He finally let out a gut filled groan and she could feel his stuff explode inside of her wanton asshole. Her butt hole began to drink up each and every bit of cum that gushed from John’s cock. She tightened down on his dick with her strong ass muscles. She felt his kiss on her back. Then she released him, and allowed him to pull out, grabbing just once more to let him know, who was boss.

“If I offer you pleasure, will you offer me delight?” The Tantric Chronicles

Stella managed to get away and made her way back to her aunt’s upscale apartment. She hadn’t seen her Aunt Jenny in weeks. At first Stella was paranoid, because of the things that she had seen the authorities do to the would be protestors. Stella thought, if the government was willing to risk it and attack innocent people who had just gathered, what might they do to the protestors that actually managed to assemble and walk the streets in peaceful protest? After a few days a man and a woman came to the apartment. They were from the government. Agent Frost and Agent Payne, questioned her about her aunt’s whereabouts.
Frost said, “How long has it been since you’ve seen your aunt?”
Stella sat in a comfortable chair across from them. “Hmm. I last saw her maybe a few weeks ago. Why?”
Payne uttered. “Nothing very serious. We were just wondering where we might be able to find her.”
“What does the government want with my aunt? Is she in some kind of trouble?” Stella asked.
“Well. There are a few things that we need to clear up with her.” Frost stated.
“Like what?” Stella insisted.
“What do you know about The Take Charge Movement?” came Payne.
Stella didn’t bat an eye. “The what movement?”
Frost said, “Of course you wouldn’t know anything about it. We just thought, that since you are the only one living here. You might have heard something.”
“You think my aunt has something to do with this Take Charge Movement?” Stella voiced.
Payne spoke. “Do you know what the people who are in that movement stand for?”
“You have to forgive me. I’m just a simple country girl. Born and raised in the rural sections. All we ever do is farming and light herding, mostly try to grow and raise enough to feed the people of Tral-Gothica.” Stella acted really country.
“Of course. We know that you have just arrived in the city. Your aunt is involved in a serious insurrection ring. They mount big protest against our government. They have no respect for the colonization. They side with the natives. The Native Tral-Gothicians.” said Frost.
“Really! I just can’t believe it.” Stella exasperated.
Frost rubbed his moustache. “You seem like a bright young woman. You wouldn’t even think about getting involved with something like that, would you?”
Stella looked at Frost and Payne. “I wouldn’t even know how.”
“Right then. You see, these people, they hate the government. We try to provide a good way of life for the entire people of Tral-Gothica. You know, food and medicine and work. Land, as in your case, living in the rural sections. All the government asked for in return, is loyalty.” Stated Payne.
“I totally understand. Like, I’m a Tral-Gothician, born here, after the colony had settled in. I love this planet. It is my home. I’d do anything to protect it.” Stella expounded.
Frost smiled. “Now that is the kind of talk that we like to hear. Specially from young people. You’d be surprised as to how many of the young like yourself, take for granted, the wonderful things that Tral-Gothica has to offer. I mean, we actually have closed the entering of new people. Immigration to Tral-Gothica has been closed for a long time now, because a lot of people wanted to come here, for our way of life.”
“Well. We have to protect what is ours, don’t you think?” said Payne.
Stella looked at the woman. “Well. Yes. And I do understand. Letting in too many people can cause all sorts of problems. People from other worlds, with their strange ways and ideas. They are not like us.”
Frost smiled. “Exactly. You know, I was telling Agent Payne, that I just knew that you were a good egg! There was no reason to suspect that you’d had anything to do with these terrorist!”
“Terrorist? Oh my goodness, no! I didn’t know that there were any kind of terrorist on Tral-Gothica.” Stella saw the seriousness of the charge.
“Yes. Protesting against the government is considered an act of terrorism. The only legal gatherings are those for edification of the government’s plans.” said Payne.
Stella cocked her head. “How might one get involved in serving Tral-Gothica?”
At that, both Agents smiled. “You can become a member of the Pro-Tolerate Movement. It is a movement created by the government for the young people. Patriots! Those who understand that the super-corps are our friends. They allowed us all to come to this wonderful planet and to build a new and better life. Farming. Cattle. Mining. Drilling. All the rich and wonderful jobs that lead to a good strong Middle Class.”
Stella said, “Yeah. Fuck the poor!”
Frost clapped. “Exactly! The poor are lazy. They don’t want to work. They don’t want to contribute to society! They are like weeds that must be plucked out of the field. They are like disease that must be cut out of the body, in order to save the person! Here are the forms, just sign right there and you will be considered for the Pro-Tolerate Movement.”
“There are all sorts of young people involved.” said Payne.
“I’d like to meet new people, specially people my age. Who are involved in protecting our way of life.” Stella sounded off.
“Yes. Of course you would! And we have sections that are dedicated to controlling the natives. To make sure that they stay in their place. After all, Tral-Gothica is our planet. We colonized here. We have the advanced technology, in order to exploit the planet’s natural resources. The stupid natives were sitting on trillions of gems worth of money, in the form of natural resources. They are a stupid folk. They don’t understand.” voiced Frost.
“Yes. They don’t understand.” And with that. Stella joined the Pro-Tolerate Movement.
The membership was immediate as the uplink took place. Payne explained. “You’ll be contacted in a few days. You’ll be given a uniform and instructions as to where to go so that you can be indoctrinated.”
Stella nodded. “Yes. I’ll be glad to get trained.”
“You see, it is all for the good of the planet.” Frost told.
“I can see it now. We need to protect our way of life.” Stella echoed.
“Now. These filthy Take Charge Movement fellows. If you ever suspect that someone is part of that movement. Your first duty is to report them.” Payne explained.
“I will hunt them down and kill them!” Stella’s eyes flared.
Frost shook his head. “No! You are to report them only. We have special squads that hunt them down. Often, they have information that we can make use of. And if nothing else, from time to time, we make an example of one or two of them, with a televised hanging or drowning.”
“I see. Drown them. Hanging isn’t as horrible as drowning!” Stella agreed with the two agents.
Payne uttered. “I can see that you are going to make an excellent new recruit.”
“Yes. I sure hope so.” Stella said.
“Once you put on that uniform You’ll be joining the proud ranks of our military and police auxiliary.” said Frost.
“Yes. You’ll be an official member. And if ever you decide to join the police or the ranks of Tral-Gothica’s military, you’ll have a leg up on someone who just joined off the streets.” told Payne.
“I will?” Stella expressed.
Frost nodded. “You’ll be given junior rank over the ones off the streets.”
Stella smiled. “Oh. Then I’ll do an extra fine job serving the super-corps.”
“Yes. That is good. Because the super-corps are the government. The government are the super-corps. They funded the exploration and paid for all the things that made it possible for us all to live and work on Tral-Gothica. And let us face it, our planet comes closest to providing with everything needed to sustain human life.” Payne uttered.
Stella stood. “Thank you.”
Frost spoke. “Do you know where the hand shake came from?”
Stella shook her head. “No, sir, I do not!”
Frost was seriously impressed with Stella. “Oh, I just love your snap, young lady! You are going to go far in the Pro-Tolerate Movement. I can see you joining the military and quickly gaining rank. Anyway, the hand shake symbolized, that you have no weapon. Do you?”
After the agents had gone and Stella reviewed what had just happened, she realized that the government had Aunt Jenny. It was probably more likely that her aunt wasn’t talking and that was why they sent agents to her apartment. Obviously they didn’t have enough on Stella to arrest her and what had just happened was all part of some charade, to try and see where she stood. Lucky for Stella, she was considered country and backwards, having lived on the farm all her life. They didn’t get much serious resistance from the rural communities. Most folks in those sectors were too busy trying to make a living from the natural ways of Tral-Gothica. Stella made a few encrypted calls on her call-all, and then decided to take a bath. She went into the bedroom and got undressed. Her voluptuous body revealed in from of the mirror. She noticed a few bruises, nothing that was a big deal. They would heal. She turned and examined her lovely and juicy buttocks. Then she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She got in and began to wet herself down good and soap herself. She cleaned her pussy and her asshole. Then she soaped her boobs.
After doing all of that, she looked around and saw a figure standing outside of her shower. She was shocked as she opened it and found Agent Payne, standing there, all butt naked. The thing that really shocked Stella was that Payne was a shemale, with a rather hefty cock, sticking straight up at Stella. Payne had nice boobs and a pretty face.
“What are you doing here?” asked Stella.
Payne grinned. “There is a lesson you need to learn. Before you can become a member of the Pro-Tolerate Movement, Stella. And I’m here to teach it to you!”
Stella wondered if they were onto the secret transmission that she had made earlier, after they had left. Stella looked about. “Where is Agent Frost?”
“Oh, he’s not here. It’s just you and me.” Payne slowly got into the shower with Stella.
The two began to kiss. Their lips locking as the water flowed gently over their hot naked bodies. Stella could feel Payne’s blistering hard cock rub up against her wet body. Stella was a little hesitant at first, because she had never been with a shemale. She had heard about the strange creatures, but had never actually seen one up close, let alone share a show with one. Payne’s tongue rolled around inside of Stella’s mouth and their lips sealed as Stella’s tongue danced with Payne’s. She felt Payne’s hands as they slowly and skillfully moved across Stella’s wanton body. Then she felt Payne’s fingers as they found Stella’s pussy. Payne’s fingers went up inside of Stella’s hole and began to roll about. Fingering Stella ever so slowly and then there was a deep thrust. Stella moaned as Payne’s fingers found the right points of her pussy and started to give Stella pleasure. Stella moved her hand to the unusual feature of the seemingly woman who was now making love to her, as Stella’s hand found the rock hard cock, that protruded from Payne’s crotch. Payne obviously was moved as Stella’s hands wrapped around her dick. The shemale moved a bit as to allow Stella greater access to the pleasure that Stella was now providing. Then, Payne slowly kissed her way to Stella’s voluptuous breasts. The shemale licked Stella’s nipples paying extra attention to the crown of her nipples. Oh, yes! Stella thought. As Payne paid homage to Stella’s ample breasts. Then Payne went down, to Stella’s, always hungry pussy, and the shemale began to lick Stella’s pussy, licking and slurping and even sticking her fingers deep inside of her cunt. Stella shifted and slid down to the base of the shower and then opened her legs so that Payne could do her, right. Payne cocked open Stella’s legs so that she could have full access to Stella’s pussy. And then Payne began to mouth the pussy real good. Payne’s tongue was educated in this thing as the shemale licked every inch of Stella’s pussy hole. Oh, that is it, just lick me!” Stella thought. As Payne went to town on Stella’s cunt, showing it how it must be. Stella let out several moans as Payne found those secret spots inside of her pussy and made sure that her pussy knew who was sending her the pleasure. Then the two shifted and Stella took hold of the shemale’s cock and began to suck on it. At first Stella was a little taken back, she’d never sucked a dick on what appeared to be a woman before. But, once Payne’s cock was in Stella’s mouth, it was business as usual. Stella tasted the shemale’s dick and it was nice and tasty. Payne’s cock was of a nice size. Not too big and not too small. One thing was for sure, Payne’s cock was hard and ready. Another thing that threw Stella about Payne’s anatomy, was the lack of balls under Payne’s cock. There were no balls and there was no nut sack. It was just a smooth procession of cock. This made Stella think that Payne was a natural and not a manmade shemnale. Stella couldn’t be sure and frankly, she didn’t give a damn. All she knew was that she was sucking a nice juicy dick. Payne moaned for pleasure as Stella’s mouth rolled all over Payne’s cock. The shemale’s dick reacted as Stella worked her magic on the dick head, kissing it and licking it, and then, slurping up dick inside of her mouth.
Then, Stella moved and got in a postition so that Payne could make use of that hard extra appendage, and Payne did just that. Payne slowly slipped her shemale cock inside of Stella’s body. It went right on inside of Stella’s pussy. Funny, it doesn’t feel any different. Thought Stella. Some how Stella was expecting Payne’s shemale cock to feel different than a regular cock. But it did feel wonderful as it slipped inside of her body. Payne’s dick was strong and powerful. It entered Stella’s cunt and immediately commanded respect. Payne began to slowly pound and grind Stella’s wanton cunt. Oh, yes, sweetie! Stella thought, as Payne began to give Stella lots of pleasure. Payne began to fuck Stella with authority. Banging Stella’s cunt and forcing lots of dick into her pussy. The water continued to flow over both of their bodies. One could think, to cool down a hot situation, but, it didn’t, that just made the sensations all the more pronounced. Payne took charge as she grabbed hold of Stella’s legs and opened and held them just right, fucking the shit out of Stella. Stella angled her legs just a bit so that Payne could find the right places in order to give Stella even more pleasure. Payne’s pelvis thrusts was powerful, as skin slapped up against skin, and Stella’s pussy was opened up to Payne’s shemale cock. Stella could feel Payne’s nice sized boobs, as they rubbed up against her body, as Payne jump fucked Stella all the more. At one point they both lost traction because of the water and soapy floor of the shower, so they stood and Stella surrendered to the dominance of Payne, she turned her back to Payne and braced herself, as Payne slipped her shemale dick into Stella’s pussy from the rear. Payne pounded and banged Stella’s pussy hole with force and commanding diligence. Rocking and rolling Stella’s hole at every chance. Stella moaned, as Payne showed Stella’s cunt a good time. The shemale’s dick was in her then it was out of her and then, back in her again. Thrusting and stroking inside of Stella’s insatiable pussy. Oh, how Stella loved a good dicking, just to put her in her place, and remind her that she was loved. And Payne was not about to disappoint Stella, as Payne’s shemale cock found new ground and just worked at it. The two were moaning and grunting with every thrust and every shift of their wet hot bodies.
Then, Stella shifted around and went down on Payne and began to suck the hell out of Payne’s lovely cock. There was something special about Payne’s shemale dick, for while it was definitely a dick, there was something very feminine about it as well. It was an enigma. A woman with a big beautiful dick. The very best of both worlds. Payne had wonderful breasts that were filled with lust and passion. Then, she had that outrageous cock that Stella was having such a good time sucking. Payne grabbed hold of Stella’s wet hair and guided her head to the place where Payne’s cock needed the attention the most. Stella’s head moved all about Payne’s cock, just a sucking and loving the dick. And what a tasty dick it was indeed. Plenty hard enough and it fit just right in Stella’s mouth. It wasn’t too small and it wasn’t too big. Payne had just enough shemale dick to satisfy. And satisfy she did. Payne’s shemale cock stuffed Stella’s mouth as if she were stuffing a turkey. Payne occasionally made an involuntary thrust as Stella’s educated mouth found all the right places on Payne’s cock. You could hear Stella as she slurped and sucked and rolled that wonderful flavored shemale cock in her mouth. Payne moaned and let out a scream as the tension began to mount. That was it! Stella thought to herself. She knew she was getting to Payne who was now receiving maximum head from Stella. The water continued to flow over their bodies as Stella masterfully gave Payne head. Stella’s mouth rolled around on Payne’s dick. Stella’s tongue found the right places and Payne moaned, because such sweet and juicy head was being given to her. Then, Stella took hold of both of Payne’s butt cheeks, and began to move her head back and forth, her lips opening and closing rhythmically, everything moving in union, as great and wonderful sensations of dick to mouth loving was going on. Stella was now in her zone as she sucked the hell out of Payne’s dick and was seeking the reward that came with giving someone that level of head. Payne was now in a wonderland of lust as she felt the sensations that Stella was pronouncing on her shemale cock. Then, with little warning, Payne tensed to the point that she yelled with a loud voice, and rivers of cum began to flow from her shemale dick. As Stella willfully began to drink Payne’s pleasure juice. At first, Stella was shocked as to how much cum was flowing out of the woman’s shemale cock, because there were no visible signs of balls. But after a moment, Stella just did not care, as the pure pleasure of draining the shemale was all that Stella cared about. Perhaps Payne’s balls were up inside of her body. Or, maybe what she was so graciously ejaculating into Stella’s mouth was just the fluid without the obvious seminal feed. Whatever Payne’s physiology truly was, it was obvious that the shemale could cum and cum big time. Stella couldn’t remember swallowing that much cum, even from a straight guy with a big dick. So, Payne was doing just fine, as Stella held Payne’s cock to the fire, pulling in Payne’s dick inside of her mouth, by grabbing hard, Payne’s buttocks and forcing Payne to stay. Yummy!

“Tell next day, there she lay, in the Bay of Biscay. ” Andrew Cherry

Stella wasn’t prepared for what came next, as she entered into basic training for the Pro-Tolerate. It was in fact, an offshoot of the military. Basic training was very tough as she trained with the Marines for a few weeks and then with the Army for the same length of time, then the Navy and finally, the Air Force. When she inquired as to why all the branches of the military, with the exception of the Coast Guard, they told her that she was training to be part of an elite team. Lucky for Stella, she was from the rural section, where life was very hard and things did not come easy. Was she a little rough around the edges, yes. And for some reason, that made things that much better. Because she adapted to the quick changes, from one way of training to another. She started out with a hundred recruits in her party. By the end of training which took four months, a month for each branch, there were only twenty five of them, that actually got to keep the uniform.
One day, during training, it would later become Stella’s defining moment. She saw that one of the people that was going through the training with her, was going to falter, and falter badly, it was during live rounds training, where they shot live fire at you, in order to get you used to being shot at. A frail man, he honestly didn’t belong there, but, his parents had money, so they arranged for him to be there. While money got him into training, it wasn’t going to get him through it. At some point, he freaked out, as the live fire zipped by and the bombs were going off. He panicked, stood up and began to run in the opposite direction. This pissed off the T.I.’s who then began to target the deserter. Stella saw all of this and had compassion on the man and began to run after him. She was able to save his life. Her actions, as a result of that were greatly rewarded, as they made her squad leader. Eventually, everyone in the squad would turn to her for advice and for comfort, during those trying days.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, graduation day came. And they all marched in a parade before the Base Commander and faculty and staff. And then, basic training was over. They all, one by one, person by person, hugged and shook hands, they were off, to receive technical training. Stella had scored very high on all her tests and she was picked to be in Intelligence. Her training would last the longest because it was the highest of all the training that was given. When she got to her new assignment, she found out that Frost and Payne had given her a glowing recommendation. This went far towards establishing Stella as a team leader. As Stella rounded the corner, one of her classmates, Falco caught up with her.
Falco said, “Hey, wait up for me.”
Stella looked around and smiled. “Oh, hi. How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good. I have a question.” Falco was a handsome young man, about Stella’s age. His black skin shown and expressed his rugged features and his military haircut made him look even more bad-ass.
Obviously, Stella was smitten with him, but did a good job of not letting on. “What can I do for you, Falco?”
“The physics test that is coming up...”
“Ah, yeah, what about it?”
“Well. Everybody seems to have paired up, to study. I don’t have anyone paired with me, so I was wondering?”
Stella stopped suddenly and it startled Falco. She said, “I’d love to, Falco. Fact of the matter is, I don’t have anyone to study with either.”
As quickly as they stopped, they began walking again. Falco uttered. “Great. It’s not that I don’t understand the material. It’s just that, with help, we both can pool together our notes and ace the test.”
Stella giggled. “Ace the test? Hell, I just want to pass the damn thing. I’ll take a C.”
“Oh, no. You and I have a future here, with the Pro-Tolerate. In the military. Me, I want to make Colonel one day. How about you?”
“Hmm. I hadn’t really given it much thought.”
“Why. Yes. I mean, I suppose it might be nice to have a career. To know where your next mean is going to come from. I guess it would be nice. And the jobs that they have in Intelligence. Well. They do seem interesting and challenging.”
“Then what is holding you back?”
“I don’t know.”
“Stella, are we friends?”
Stella glanced at him and shot him a dreamy look, then, realized it and changed it. “Well, I guess we can be considered friends. I mean, we haven’t had to kick each other’s ass or anything just yet.”
“Even if we had to, I’d let you win. I’ll let you win all the time, Stella.” It was so obvious that Falco had serious feelings for her.
“Well, I really don’t want you to do that, Falco.”
“Do what?”
“I really don’t want you to let me win, if indeed, you can beat me!”
Falco frowned. “But I...”
“But you what?” she gazed at the young man. “Falco, I’ll be your partner, ok...”
The time went by and one day Stella and Falco were finally matched for a series of special combat training. The instructors were simply pairing them together, like they paired any of the others, because the students, by then, had naturally paired themselves up, and were studying and operating, in such a way. So, there was nothing special or different about Stella and Falco being paired together. The fighting finally began. Stella was a strong woman, voluptuous, yes, but well proportioned, so that she could move quickly and agilely. Falco fought with her throughout the training and finally, it came down to the finals. At the finals, it was to be part of their permanent grade, how they worked together and how they fought each other. When Stella found out that this was a part of their final grade, she objected to fighting Falco.
“Why don’t you want to fight your partner?” ask a female T.I.
“Stella couldn’t really think of a good reason, she was feeling rather emotional about the whole thing. “I just think I might do better fighting someone else.” It was stupid, what she said.
The T.I. studied Stella for a moment. “You think you are the first woman to come through here that has feeling for her partner?”
“What? No! I don’t have feelings for Falco. He’s just my friend. I mean, we are paired to work together. That is all, Ma’am!”
The T.I. talked rough to Stella. “Really? You think I am stupid, Recruit? I can see the mussy lovesick way you two look at one another! You think you can spare him by fighting someone else. You don’t want to fight your little boyfriend?”
“Please, Ma’am! It is not like that.”
“Why do you think we encouraged you maggots to pair up? It was so, at the end of the course, you could turn on one another! It is part of your spy training, maggot! There may come a time, when you’ll have to kill the person you are working with. It is part of being a spy!”
Stella was totally caught off guard. “What? I don’t want to harm, Falco. He’s my partner, we’ve been together all this time. We work together. We are...he is my friend!”
“Oh, he’s your little friend is he?”
“Yes he is. And you are being cruel for no reason!”
“Oh I am, am I? Imagine that you are out in the real world. Your cover has been blown. You have vital information that the government and the super-corps can use to defeat the enemy! The only way that you can get the information to the right people is to sacrifice your partner! What are you going to do?” The T.I. was now yelling at Stella, as she was ordered to stand at attention and just take it.
“With all do respect, Ma’am! I’d never sell out my partner. I don’t give a damn how important the information was.”
“Oh you wouldn’t would you?”
“No, Ma’am! Some things are just too important! Like loyalty. Truth. Justice. The sense of Good verses Evil!” Stella insisted, but very weakly, the T.I. had psychologically beaten her down.
“Well, looky here, what do we have? A little bleeding-heart liberal! You believe in all of that bullshit, maggot! The only thing that matters here, is your orders. You will fight your partner, and whoever wins, moves on, the loser, washes out!”
Stella knew that and that was why she didn’t want to fight Falco. She knew how much the military meant to him. “Then I guess I’ve washed out!”
Just then a group of top ranking Training Officers came around the corner, they’d been monitoring the whole thing. One of them said, “Stand down, Sergeant! Stella, this was your final test! Loyalty! You refused to turn against your partner. So, did he! You both pass, congratulations! We don’t want intelligence officers who just follow orders. We want them to think!”
It was at the last week of technical training. Stella and Falco had started there walk back from the Officer’s Club on base. The night air was warm and the stars filled the night sky. It was a nice little walk back to their barracks. This took them around an area where there was nice groomed foliage. Falco and Stella began to kiss and one thing led to another, finally the two of them were naked out in the open, in the night air, and they were kissing and rubbing their hands across one another’s nude bodies. Falco kissed Stella’s neck softly. She let out a sweet moan and wrapped her arms around him gently. Their lips met once more. She looked into his eyes, and without speaking, told him that she was ready. They both went down to the ground, where they had made a blanket of sorts, with their clothes spread out. Falco slowly moved about Stella’s hot wanton body, as he kissed and sucked her big juicy breasts. His lips found her right nipple and began to caress the crown of her boob. He licked her tit ever so well, tasting the hotness of her tit. His mouth moved over her boob and he began to suck her tit just the right way. Oh, yes! Stella thought. As Falco’s mouth paid homage to her right boob, kissing it and sucking it and licking it, in the way that she wanted. Finally, he moved over to the left boob and began to lick it. It tasted good to him and he explored her second breast with as much enthusiasm as he had the first one. By kissing her nipple and then letting his tongue roll all over her boob, with passion and conviction. She felt his teeth as they playfully bit her nipple. Oh, that is it, baby! Stella’s mind was now starting to race. He then began to move down even further, kissing her naval, licking it, loving her curvy warm body, in the heat of the night, where the stars shone so bright. His kisses began to move even further, as his mouth found her pussy. His tongue licking the area ever so wonderfully. Just licking and slurping her cunt with passion and pleasure. She felt his tongue as it entered her pussy hole, rolling around inside of there. Oh, dammit, that is right, do it! Stella was thinking. She felt his finger as it entered into her hot pussy. It rolled around and banged her cunt with love and affection. She moaned all the more as finger and tongue traded places, over and over again. Then he shifted his weight and she felt his nice thick juicy cock as it touched her body, as if for the very first time. Oh, he is so hard! Falco didn’t have a really long dick, just some six inches or so, but it was nice and fat. Stella liked fat cock. She felt him as he rubbed his dick around her pussy area. Teasing her with every slide and slip of his cock against her flesh. Her body was now almost vibrating with sensation and anticipation. But she wanted that manhood inside of her mouth, so she shifted position and let it go inside of her hungry mouth. She slurped and sucked his dick with passion and conviction. Falco’s cock was just right for Stella’s mouth as she forced as much of his fat cock as she could inside of her wanton mouth, sucking and licking and kissing dick. She pulled up and kissed his dick head. Loving the cock, kissing the dick, licking the wonderfulness of penis. His cock hardened even more as she placed it in her hands and began to give him a hand job, just a stroking it. She would kiss it every once in a while, just to let it know, that is was loved, and her hand did a wonderful job of moving up and down, alternating for hand job to blow job, to just licking and kissing his really hard black dick. Hmm. So tasty! Stella thought. As she sucked Falco’s dick with commanding control. His cock stood up at attention as she wagged it a bit, playing with it, spanking it with her tongue, and then kissing the head and then diving down on it, as if to swallow the whole thing, only to kiss it and start the entire process all over again. Falco let out a little moan, and then she knew that he was ready. She shifted around and open her legs, with him laying down, face up to her. She got on top of him and let his dick slide effortlessly inside of her pussy, which was wet and hot and in need of good dick loving. She rested on top of him and leaned over him and they kissed, with his rock hard cock, deeply implanted inside of her cunt. As they kissed, she held his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. Their eyes met and she began to rock ever so slightly, feeling his penis react to her body, as he fucked him in just the right way. Her pelvis moved in a rhythmic way, taking in his dick. Yes, your nice big dick! Stella thought. As it pumped and angulated, his cock finding special places inside of her body. Her pussy opening and contracting, grabbing his dick as it made love to his penis with passion and authority. Then she began to rock ever so much move. Her butt cheeks spread over his pelvis, his cock, moving in and out of her pussy hole, once it actually slipped out, and she quickly lifted up and slammed that big thing back inside of her where it belonged. Oh, you are not getting away from me so easily! She thought. As she fucked him now with total passion and banged up and down on him. Their bodies making contact every second, with a loud slapping sound, as her pussy met his dick, and they both agreed, to have it out. The battle was on, to try and make the other cum first, though, Stella was in complete control as she rode Falco’s cock like she was riding a rodeo. His juicy cock was the bull and she was the one that was going to tame it right then and there. But just then, Falco’s cock showed her something, From inside, she could feel him actually growing larger. Oh, that came as a surprise to her, because she felt that she had it all under control. But, she was wrong. Falco’s dick had a mind of it own, and his cock wasn’t going to go down without a fight. That now big brute was packing it in. Fucking the insides of her wanton pussy with the power and authority that a gorgeous cock like he had commanded. Stella moaned with pleasure and surprise. As Falco’s dick found a new spot inside of her and then wasted no time exploiting the situation. Pounding thrust, both pelvises approaching one another, each one trying to be the boss of the other, her big juicy tits rocking and bobbing about on his chest as she leaned in for a quick kiss, which became a passionate mouth lock as their tongues exchanged rolling contact. She then quickly shifted up and just began to pounce up and down on his dick, without any regard. Her fucking became almost violent as she closed her eyes and just rode that dick as if she were trying to break it. Having given up on her fancy idea that she could tame his cock, she now sought to try and destroy his penis with her pussy. She leaned back, grabbing his legs and holding on tight. Bam and bam, the thrust of love continued from both of them. Their bodies now slapping against one another, the sound was beyond obvious. Again she rode him so hard that his cock slipped out.
“Put it back in dammit!” Stella yelled.
But before he could move, Stella’s hand had found it and slammed it back inside of her cunt hole. Then teach you a lesson! Stella thought. The sweat poured down Stella’s hot smoking body and dripped onto his. It was like the entire night was on fire now. She closed her eyes so that she could concentrated on that rather large protrusion that was occupying her pussy at the moment. Fuck, it is so hard and fat! Stella thought. As she rock and rolled that dick for all it was worth. Inch by inch she could feel his cock finding new places and re-visiting old ones. Her dick then did something unexpected, it twitched and jolted forward, this time it was tired of her shit! She felt his hands rubbing her big hot sweaty boobs and his cock told her who was the boss of this thing. But her pussy fought back, opening as if to give up and then fooling his dick, as it convulsed on his cock, with pleasure. Slap and slap. Then bam and bam. His body were like a heated rocket, and they fucked the hell out of one another. Her tits began to flap around from the force of fucking him, asymmetrically. One tit would flop this way while the other was completely out of synch with the other. She could feel it, she was losing control, she wanted to teach him a lesson that he would never forget but Falco’s cock had risen to the challenge. It wasn’t about her setting the stage, because his cock had changed the rules. You fucking with me? Stella thought. As she closed her eyes again, and just let her full body weight, slip and pound on top of his dick. At this point, she didn’t care if she hurt him or not. She contracted her pussy muscles so that each time she slid down on his cock, the tension would be tremendous. Flap and bam, the two of them fucked. Crash and slap, their skin reacted to each others, in a tug of sexual war, between Falco’s challenging cock and her accepting pussy.
The final rounds had begun. As Stella thought she had this thing all wrapped up and she was the victor. But, no! Falco shifted at the last moment, and he rolled on top of her, slamming her to the ground and kissing her moist lips. Now she could see the stars, as she lay on her back. She felt his cock almost fly inside of her pussy.
“Oh! Fuck it so hard!” Stella cried out into the night.
And fuck her he did. Falco began to bang and pound Stella’s pussy. And the commanding authority, that she had thought she had rid him of when she was on top of him? Hmm, she was wrong! His pelvis slammed up against her’s as they found new fields of pleasure. Banging and grinding one another. His full body weight resting squarely on hers, they faced each other, as she closed her eyes and warped her arms around his body. Oh, yes, fuck me so well, my darling! Stella thought. His hips rose and then descended with an awesome force as he pounded her cunt hole. Her vagina felt like it was going to melt as his fat cock stuffed her hole with pleasure. She tried to relax her pussy so that the impact of his cock could resonate, but she found herself playing that same old game, of opening as he went up and contracting and grabbing wherever she could, still trying to be stubborn, thinking that she could conquer his cock, but Falco was proving to have an unconquerable dick. It knew what it wanted and it knew how to go about getting it. What was Stella to do? She wanted so much for Falco to be pussy whipped at the end of their love making, it wasn’t fair that she was being dick whipped instead! Her thoughts raced. Then at the last moment, an idea. She was just about to execute it when they both began to cum, in total ecstasy.

“Tist better to have served and died than to have died and never served.” Beatrice Cummings

The area was crawling with police and military. Defense robots were patrolling the parameter. The heavily armed suspects were suppose to be barricaded inside of the building. Stella was with her pack, as she observed paramilitary spy machines, called Snoops, as they flew by on their way to the building to see what they could find. Sella glanced over the obvious chaos and sew civilians, looking on, some with cameras talking pictures of what was happening. It had long since been a law of Tral-Gothica that civilians could not film military or police as they carried out their job. The politicians tried to put a spin on it, but the truth was that, if civilians filmed the police or the military doing something illegal, the government could get sued. It was totally unconstitutional. People had a right to film in public places. Think of the mom and pop photos in the park. The pretty girl walking down the street. The social event. Basically citizens had a right to freedom, and that freedom included taking a picture. But the super-corps, which were the government, decided that only the military or the police could film or photograph, when it pleased themselves. What was once a democracy on Earth, became Fascism throughout the colonies. Oh, the politicians who were bought and paid for through lobbyist money and super-corps funds, tried to tell everyone that the original Constitution, was the ultimate word. But everyone knew that was a crock of shit. The only rights people really had, were the rights that the super-corps so gracefully bestowed upon them. Which we not very much.
The situation was tense, as Stella had her weapon out. A sergeant came to her. “We might have found a way in, Lieutenant.”
Stella looked about. There was weapon fire all over the place. Police and military were shooting into the building without regard to civilians. They considered collateral damage. As she rounded the bend, she spotted a group of police and military watching the real time surveillance of the Snoops, that she had earlier watched fly in.
Stella asked. “What have we got?”
Someone answered. “Three targets, like we suspected. Two men and a woman.”
Stella was shocked when she saw who the woman was. “Aunt Jenny?” she whispered under her breath.
Someone else said. “These three have escaped from a maximum security prison. They are terrorist. Armed and dangerous. We are to use lethal force. The super-corps don’t want them talking to the press or regular civilians.”
Stella said. “These people were just part of The Take Charge Movement?”
Someone said. “The Take Charge Movement is a terrorist organization.”
“They are just civilian protestors.” Stella countered, trying to figure out a way to save her aunt.
A superior ordered. “You all have your orders. You know what to do. No one leaves that building alive. Kill them all!”
The rest ran off to their respected spots. Stella moved on but didn’t return to point. Instead she reasoned about and figured out a way to enter the building. She went on in. Weapon fire was all around. Mostly the paramilitary firing at the so called terrorist. She managed to breach a few barricades that the so called terrorist had put up. And after awhile, she found herself, in the room with her aunt. Aunt Jenny quickly recognized her niece.
The two women hugged. Then Stella said, “I’m going to get you out of this.”
Jenny uttered, “My, my, how you have evolved, Stella. You are working for the opposite side now?”
Stella countered. “Don’t let this uniform fool you. I was forced to accept it. When you first went missing. They came to your apartment while I was there. Two spooks. I had no choice, Aunt Jenny.”
Jenny nodded. “I understand. You had to do what you had to do in order to survive.”
“I’m not very proud of myself right now.”
“No. You be. You have managed to infiltrate their ranks. Lieutenant is it? I am the one proud of you. You can effect change from within. You can’t fight city hall from without. But you can win from within.” Jenny looked at Stella with pride.
“Well. Right now I have to get you out of this alive.”
“We can just give up and come out with you?”
Stella shook her head. “They have standing orders to kill the three of you on sight. No one is to leave this building alive.”
Jenny frowned. “Is that right? One floor down, there are old people and young women and children. They were trapped, when the shooting started.”
Stella was confounded. “Dammit! The military and police don’t give a shit about their lives. They are collateral damage.”
Jenny spoke. “Then you know what you have to do. Their lives are the reason why I am doing all of this. It is the everyday civilian who matters. Not the super-corps. Save those people.”
Stella shook her head. “Aunt Jenny, I can’t. You are my flesh and blood. In order to save them, I’ll have to abandon you.”
“I know, dear.” The two women just stood there for a moment, looking at each other, as if to say goodbye.
Stella reasoned. “Maybe I can save all of you, if I get you to them.”
“No! Why do you think that we are up here? In order to save then if possible. If we are with the civilians, they will surely kill them too. You must save the innocent.”
“But I can’t.”
“Oh, yes you can and you will. Those little children deserve a chance at life. Why should their little lives be forfeited, in order so that I may live? When it is they, who are our hope. Just like you were mine.”
“I was your hope?”
“Yes. And you still are. I’m very proud of you Stella. You stay in there and make it a career. You convince them that you are one of them. And, whenever you can, you make a difference.”
“Make a difference?”
“But I don’t understand.”
“You’ll have to do what they tell you to do, but, there will come times, when you can temper their orders. Believe me, saving even one person from the super-corps, is a monumental accomplishment.”
Stella uttered. “So few?”
“Without you, my dear. There would be none.”
Stella nodded. “I tell you what. I’ll go and get the civilians to safety. The three of you keep your head’s down low. After I get them out to safety, I’ll come back in and free the three of you. I can’t let you die here, Aunt Jenny.”
Jenny saw that the young woman was determined. “Ok. You do your best. We’ll hold down the fort.”
And with that, Stella kissed her aunt and went off. The weapon fire had actually increased. As the paramilitary honed in or the so called terrorist. Stella, undergoing great peril. Managed to slip down a floor and find the civilians huddled up, frightened beyond belief. Stella looked up, and there were military and police infantry drones, marching up the building, tearing up everything they touched. Big massive machines, very scary, very strong, and deadly. Stella managed to evade the killing machines, and took the civilians out of the building as a group. As she turned back, to go and get her aunt and the others, she witnessed a full on assault. By now, it was very obvious that the paramilitary robots had found Aunt Jenny’s hiding place. Heavy weapon fire was all over the place. This was overkill, taken to a science. The super-corps had something to hide, and by taking out Stella’s aunt, they thought that they would succeed.
Stella yelled in protest, as she quickly began to run back into the building. Just then, there was a vacuum pop, a twirl, then the entire building exploded. Kicking Stella back out of it with violent force. It all happened so quickly, the situation deteriorated so rapidly. Stella’s brain experienced time slowing down. It was a physiological phenomenon, that people reported, when traumatic things happened to them, like in an accident. Time, for Stella, had slowed down so much, that she could see each and every event as it unfolded around her, her body being blown back out of the building with violent force. In that moment, she saw her Aunt Jenny, standing next to her. But, it really wasn’t her. It was more like an after image of her real aunt. The woman wore a smile on her face. Stella heard her words, or perhaps psychically experienced some kind of phenomenon, “I’m very proud of you, Stella. Save all that you can. You are not alone, dear. There are others, in diverse places, at diverse times. I love you...” And with at, real time kicked in. Stella went flying out onto the asphalt, rolling around like a rag doll. Then she slowly lost consciousness.
It was an extended recovery, from all of what landed Stella in the hospital, and then in the recovery facility, where people go to get well. Seeing that there was a prevailing philosophy. Well people stay away from hospitals, unless you want to get sick. Hospitals were viewed as a place to go and to die. If you had to go to one, there was a 51/49 percent chance that you might not come back. So, most people did everything they could to stay away from them. It was late at night, Stella was sitting on the toilet, having a hard bowel movement. Some of it was coming out, but just little hard nodules. Kevin, a male nurse had been taking an interest in Stella. There was some serious sexual chemistry. He happened to pass by the area and spotted Stella sitting on the toilet, straining to get some poop out of her asshole. She was sitting on the toilet, completely naked. This sight, aroused Kevin, who finally got up the nerve to go other to her.
“You need an enema?” Kevin asked, with the preparations in hand.
Stella looked up and smiled. Then she noticed the bulge in his crotch. “Hmm. I could use a good dick enema. You know, get it all out of me.”
Kevin put down the enema kit and closed the curtain so they could have some privacy. He moved closer to Stella who began to take off his clothes, all the while she kissed him in sensuous spots. Finally, he was standing there, naked, with that gorgeous cock, all sticking out. Hmm. She was going to have to do something about this. This man’s dick needed serious attention and her mouth needed serious cock inside of it. So, Stella kissed his cock head, loving it ever so slightly, then, she slipped his honking cock inside of her wet wanton mouth. Mmm. She thought to herself. As the big fat dick entered her mouth. She could just taste all of the various flavors, that dick always has. Stella loved to suck cock. The fatter and the bigger, the better. And she was not about to let Kevin’s cock leave her mouth until she taught it a serious lesson. Imagine that. Kevin’s dick had the nerve to just stick out there, like nothing was going to happen to it. Seriously? Stella thought. She was just a sucking and slurping on his dick. Taking it all in. Inch by inch, she was letting nothing go to waste. Kevin placed his hands on Stella’s orange-red hair, as she moved back and forth, letting the dick bulge her cheeks. Oh, that was some nice juicy cock. Stella thought. As she sent to town on his dick. Swirling around, cherishing every sensation of nice juicy dick in her mouth. She slurped and sucked and gasped for air, as more and more dick banged inside of her mouth. Finally the two had a rhythm going, he was fucking her face and she was fucking his dick. She’d open her mouth to take it in, then close around the shaft, as she pulled back. The two would do the cock to mouth dance all over again. The intensity of the dick sucking was wild. As Stella rolled the man’s cock around in her wanton mouth, her lips grasping the beautiful prick, her tongue rolling around the cock head. It slipped out of her mouth. She grabbed his butt cheeks and drew it back inside of her mouth. Oh, no, mister! Your cock is all mine. She thought, as she fucked his dick with her experienced mouth. Cock sucking was something that relaxed her and she loved the musky smell of cock and the delicious taste of the dickness, as it raced around inside of her mouth and down her throat. A few times, Stella gagged, because the dick was rather massive and she was just plain old greedy. Was she going to just sit there on the toilet, with a hard turd hanging inches out of her asshole, refusing to budge? What the fuck was that? They went to the cool tile floor, Kevin on his back and Stella above him. She sucked his cock so good. Her butt was in the air, with the big fat turd sticking out of her asshole. But at that moment, it wasn’t the pain of the turd, it was the sensations of the cock in her mouth that caught her attention. Her head went up and down, covering the man’s dick like it was fine treasure. And it was, because cock sucking turned Stella on so much. She could feel Kevin’s cock as it twitched and expanded in her hot wet mouth. Spit dripped all around his dick, as she just let that big old hard thing have it. Oh, yes, you have been a bad boy. Stella thought. As her hungry lips found the right places to send him into total submission, as she just fucked his dick with her mouth, in such a wild way. At one point, the sound of cock sucking seemed to reach about the area. But, Stella didn’t care. All she wanted and needed in order for her to feel better was for Kevin to keep his cock extended inside of her throat, as she swirled her head around his dick. Giving him such wonderful pleasure. Kevin’s cock was pounded by Stella’s triumphant blow job, as she kissed his dick head and she began to work his dick with her hand, stroking it and holding such massive amounts of dick in her hands. The man’s dick didn’t know what had hit is, as Stella dove down on his cock, with her mouth finding a new spot in order to play. Then she came up and down, her hand loving some more. Stroking his dick better than he could ever imagine, even when he was masturbating. How could this beautiful woman, know how to beat him off so well? But, Stella was just getting started. She kissed the dick and licked the shaft. She went down to the musky balls and began to suck them. Kevin had nice sized balls. They were tasty as she licked and kissed and sucked them, placing one at a time in her wanton mouth, and just sucking the hell out of them. Kevin moaned, as Stella found a spot where his balls needed attention. All the while his erect cock, was banging her forehead, jealous, because the dick itself wanted the attention. Don’t you fret, my love. Stella thought. As she slowly moved back up to his cock, kissing it one inch at a time. Finally, she found the proud dick head. She kissed it. Licked it. Tasted the meatiness of his cock. Then, without warning, she dove onto his cock, and began to suck and fuck it like there were no tomorrow. Kevin’s dick stiffened up as she did this. Stella’s educated mouth was not going to settle for anything other than pure perfection. She knew how to work a dick and she was not going to settle for anything less. He shifted his body just ever so slightly, so that Stella’s dick sucking would be even more effective. The turd which was still sticking halfway out of Stella’s asshole seemed to move just a bit. This might have been because Stella was now able to relax her asshole muscles, because she was getting and giving such pleasure from sucking Kevin’s cock. His dick rose to the occasion, as he expanded inside of her hot mouth. Stella could taste it all, she knew because of this, that she was going to have a serious case of dick-breath. But, she liked dick-breath, it meant that she had just had some mighty tasty cock inside of her hungry mouth. Stella felt Kevin’s cock as it found a new depth of her throat. She held her breath as the dick slid down inside of her, and then just settled there. What the hell? Am I going to choke on this man’s enormous dick inside of my mouth? Stella thought. But, Stella had experience, she know how to handle situations like that. She began to twist and roll his cock inside of her mouth and finally she broke free of his dick siege.
Oh no! His cock was not going to win! Stella had already decided that one. Did this man actually think that his big juicy deliciousness was just going to sit inside of there, resting? Hell, no! Stella thought. She began to move up and down on the man’s penis. First slowly. Just trying to adjust to the sear girth of the man’s dick. As she would move down on him, her mouth would have to open up more, because the fatness of his cock, was in the middle. Making it harder for her to tame his cock. But, fuck that! Stella was going to make this man know that she was in charge. When his dick was in her mouth, she was the one in charge! And in charge she was as she fucked the hell out of Kevin’s penis. He sat back, as if to finally realize that he was not going to walk away from the viciousness, no, Stella was going to make him pull the trigger, and cum all inside her wanton mouth. So, she worked his cock all the more. Her lips covering as much of it as she could at any given moment, rolling around, pulling back and then, sliding down on the shaft, it’s massiveness, expanding even as she controlled his cock. It was all hers, to win or to lose and Stella did not like losing to a dick. One, she knew that she had what it took inside of her to make this man cum, Johnny! A cum Johnny was when there was a massive explosion of cum, in which the man became so weak in his knees that he could not walk away, right away. All of his strength, he had given to the woman, who totally drilled for cum and struck the mother load. And the nice sticky creamy goo was what she was mining for, as she rocked back and forth, on his cock. Kevin by now was moaning so hard and loud, that Stella was almost suce that they were going to get caught. But, to hell with it! If she was going to be discovered, she was going to have something to show for it. All the while that turd was moving ever so slightly out of her butt. She really didn’t notice it at this point. It was the cock that held all of her attention, as the dick rose to the point, that she was sure it was going to blow up. Kevin’s cock was so hard that you could hit a home run with it. Batter up! Stella thought. Her mouth taking in dick like there was going to be a serious shortage on cock on the planet. This dick was hers now, she owned him and he was being naughty. Stella knew that Kevin should have cum by now, he was trying everything he could to defy her. That bastard! I dare you defy my womanly ways! Stella thought. Then it was time. It was in the bottom of the ninth. Three runners on base. Stella was now the designated hitter. Either this man had superhuman strength, and could control his cumming, or he was just one hard nut to crack. But, crack his nut she was determined to do. Then it began to happen, as his cock convulsed, with him trying to delay it. But, Stella has tasted victory. He finally began to cum! Oh, it started out with just a little stream. Maybe a trickle. But, then, he moaned so loud, as his cock gave in to Stella’s womanly ways, as his dick just let all that sticky goo flow. The poor thing was actually crying as his cum flowed with explosive convulsions, inside of Stella’s wanton throat, as she drank it all. Then, she discovered that he was a massive cummer. There was now too much cum firing inside of her throat, she was choking from all the goodness. But, she was determined, and she drank it all. Just then, that naughty old turd flew out of her asshole, and she just began to shit all over the place, as cum went in, and shit came out. She was in ecstasy and so was he.

“A gracious coach, the root of an old oak, whose branches yield it moss and canopy.” William Gilmore Simms

The rain was pouring down fiercely. In the distance the sound of an engine, aerojet engines, as they powered an airskiff which was racing over the jungle canopy of Tral-Gothica. There were all sorts of native animals living below. Alien exotic birds and other sorts of creatures hovered close to the top of the giant canopy. It was really a wonder to behold, the diverse life that was original on the planet, but was now in danger of being wiped out, all so that the super-corps could make a profit. Was The Take Charge Movement so wrong, to want what was best for the planet? Did mankind have the right to go out amongst the stars, and pillage the galaxy? Look what had happened to poor Mother Earth? Once the crown glory of her solar system, rendered poison and polluted. So much so, that Mars actually looked better, with its on going colonization over the last century or so.
The airskiff finally landed at a facility, deep within the jungle. The hatch opened and out walked Stella in full uniform, she had recovered from her injuries nicely and on her shoulder, she bore the rank of captain now. She had been promoted, because from her superior’s point of view, her bravery and obvious cunning, managed to kill the so called terrorist, poor Aunt Jenny and her group, and save a whole bunch of civilians, which the government could exploit, to their advantage. In short, they thought that Stella’s quick thinking, gave them the propaganda they needed. Touting Stella as a hero, so they could say that the paramilitary, one of their young officers, risked her life to save a group of hostages. They made a big deal of it and gave her a promotion. Now Stella was being courted by a sector of the government paramilitary called Rule 37. As she entered the facility she was met by a tall good looking man named Ewin.
“Welcome. It is a pleasure to have such a famous patriot visit our humble facility.” Ewin said.
It was an understatement. The Rule 37 facility was the biggest on the planet. It was a processing facility which turned out product better than the other facilities of its kind. “I came to get a first hand inspection of what goes on here. These are my orders.” And with that she transferred her orders to the right person.
They then began the long walk down a maze of corridors. Littered about them, was all sorts of machinery and advanced technology. “You are free to inspect any area of the complex.” Ewin told her.
“What is the primary purpose of this facility, Ewin?” Stella started off.
The man glanced over at her. “We slaughter the intelligent natives of Tral-Gothica. Process their flesh for consumption, and ship it off to various planets. There meat is considered a delicacy. It is actually quite good. Tonight, in honor of your visit. Because we really don’t get many visitors at all, specially of your caliber and fame, amongst the Pro-Tolerate, so we’ve prepared a special feast of all the best parts of the natives. Their flesh taste specially good. Best meat in this sector of the galaxy.” The man had a proud expression on his face.
So, this was why Aunt Jenny was fighting and this is why she was killed? She must have known all along, that the super-corps, brought the colonist to Tral-Gothica, not just to mine and pillage the planet, but to enslave it’s indigenous intelligent population, and to add insult to injury, slaughter them like life stock, and cut them up into pieces, then sell them to other worlds, as meat product. The thought almost made her throw up right then and there, but, she kept it together. Stella was determined to finish what her Aunt Jenny started with her, to somehow, draw attention to the horror and crimes against sentient beings. It was like crimes against humanity. There were no Statutes of Limitations on such crimes. And then, the obvious genocide that was taking place on the planet. Stella couldn’t believe what they were so willfully showing her. The pride that she saw on everyone’s face, like a work well done.
Stella finally said. “You must be making billions.”
Ewin smiled. “Try trillions. The government, super-corps, found this planet about a century ago. While it has lots of natural resources. The most lucrative resources are the indigenous population. They breed very quickly. Grow rapidly, and their flesh is some of the finest tasting. On some planets, their bones are considered an aphrodisiac. So, you can see the gross value of our colonization. With what we have set up, we can go on forever, breeding, corralling, slaughtering and selling. The processing of meat is the big business on Tra’Gothica.”
Stella couldn’t help herself. “What of the moral issues? The Natives of Tral-Gothica are intelligent. Some might even say advanced?”
“Ah. But not as advanced as the super-corps, who have colonies all over the galaxy. They have managed and acquire technology, one way or the other, from every planet that they have colonized.” Ewin expressed.
“You mean, they have gone to war and stolen what they could.” Stella spoke out, perhaps unwisely, because it made some of the officials with her uncomfortable. But, what could they do, she was the golden girl? And Stella intended to used her new fame and power, to her advantage.
They went into another area of the facility, and it was even more heavily guarded by paramilitary infantry drones. She glanced up and spotted a few Snoops passing by. This was an all out top secret facility. Perhaps, the government didn’t want the civilian public getting wind of what they were really doing here, on Tral-Gothica? After all, the greater majority of the population were good moral people, no matter what they believed in, they surely wouldn’t put up with this. It was immoral, by anybody’s standards. All, but the military.
Stella headed off tour, towards a different area. “What is this section?”
Robotic guards quickly overtook her. Ewin caught up. “Sorry, Captain. This area is restricted.”
What in the hell could they be doing that was more horrible than killing and eating sentient beings? It was as if the super-corps were killing and eating people, humans. It would not be tolerated. “I have top security clearance. I’m with Tral-Gothica Intelligence. You already have my orders.”
They all looked nervously at one another. Finally Ewin said, “I’m sorry, Captain. I have my orders, too.”
Stella didn’t want to push it. She turned about, taking one last glance at the sealed area. Whatever the hell was going on in that section, was far worse than what they were willing to admit to her, which was an abomination and an affront to everything moral and ethical and sane. If the general public ever found out about this facility and what the super-corps were really doing here on Tral-Gothica, there would be an all out revolution. Stella said, “Ah, there is so much that I need to see and inspect. I suppose I should be glad that I don’t have to inspect that.”
And with that, they all laughed, the tension quickly dropping back to the level of excitement, in having a celebrity visiting their humble facility. “We are just glad to have you here. Make sure to tell Headquarters that we were very accommodating, please Captain.” Ewin spoke.
Stella nodded. “Oh. I am very impressed!”
In hearing that, everyone relaxed and showed her all sorts of top secret things. Machines and inventions and all sorts of apparatus. Finally, Stella was shown to her quarters, where she settled in. At the dinner, there were all sorts of people roaming about. Mostly all military, dressed in dress uniform. It was like they rarely got a chance to unwind and celebrate anything, so they all were very happy to get out and just party, to the best that they could, within the limitations of military protocol. Stella appeared at the event, which was in her honor, wearing a dress white uniform. She looked very beautiful and professional, all at the same time. As the events unfold, something unexpected happened. She was approached by a civilian attendee.
“My name is Finch. I’m a lab scientist here at Rule 37.” The man was young and good looking.
Stella noticed that he seemed a little apprehensive. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Finch.”
“It is Dr. Finch. And I work in the area that they wouldn’t allow you to see.” he whispered.
Stella didn’t react at all, she had been well trained, and tested under real civilian combat. “Now that is very interesting.” Stella laughed, as if the man had told her something funny. Overhead, Stella noticed a Snoop taking an interest in them. “So, Dr. Finch. Would you like to dance?”
The young man was obviously not an operative. He seemed confused by Stella’s performance. But, decided to go along with it. “Yes. Yes, I’d love to dance. I don’t get much chance to dance with a woman as pretty as you are, Captain.”
Stella smiled. “Well now. Don’t you have a silver tongue.”
And with that, they began to take to the dance floor. They didn’t say anything about the top secret area at Rule 37. Stella kept an eye on the Snoop above, it had been joined by another one. Was it her? Or was it him? That they were spying on. Maybe it was both? It didn’t matter, because they spent the rest of the night, just having small talk and drinking too much champagne.
They were in her room when the first kiss landed. There was soft jazz, instrumental music playing. One kiss led to another and they began to remove each other’s clothing. Through the dominant glass windows that reached from the ceiling to the floor, distance facility and power plant lights glimmered. They managed in their ecstasy to reach the bedroom. Stella flopped on the bed, followed by Finch. They kissed even more as he began to kiss Stella’s warm skin. Moving down ever so slightly, until he reached her nice voluptuous breasts. He sucked one of her boobs. Just licking and kissing and sucking that nice big juicy tit. Stella moaned as his lips attacked her breasts. Finch moved over to her other boob and did it equal justice. Sucking her rather large nipples and kissing and playfully biting the crown of her nipples. Her nipples were big and hard because of her obvious turn on, and Finch was just the guy to make her tits take notice. He didn’t move away from her breasts for a good long time and Stella was glad of that, because so often, men just paid her tits little attention, and moved on down to her lady cave. Oh, she didn’t mind if they went there, no, she loved a good eating out. But, he was just taking his time, sucking her boobs. Going from one boob to the other. Her chest meat responding to his every advance. Then, she felt his tongue as it rolled about her wanton breasts. She shifter her body so that he could gain better access. At one point she found herself holding his head to her tits as he made love to her breasts. She just exhaled with hot pleasure, as the man took care of business. Sucking on her boobs with a kind of passion and respect that she adored. Yes, yes, suck them, darling. Stella thought. As the passion and ecstasy built up in her body. She then became aware of his hard steel. It was rubbing against her skin and it seemed to be begging for action. She moved her hand around and took hold of his cock. Oh, it was so hard and fierce. Thought Stella. At that, she kissed him all the more, drawing him up from her prize boobs. They both shifted around and then Stella went down to his cock and began to suck on it. Just a sucking his dick. Sucking on it good. She kissed his cock head, loving it ever so well. His cock tasted so good, as she slowly let it slip into her wanton mouth. Oh, she loved to suck dick. She kissed the head and licked it, then she let her whole mouth slip on down on top of it for just a second. Teasing his dick and making it stiffen up. Then, she began to suck his dick in earnest, sucking and slurping and licking that hard mighty cock. Yes, that is it, baby. Stella thought, as she mouth fucked the man’s dick with such passion. The taste and feel of prime dick meat in her mouth made her feel so hot and wet. She began to roll her head about, letting her mouth roll his cock with it. Them suddenly, she dove again on his dick, just a sucking that wonderful beautiful dick. Her head bobbed up and down and all around, as she just tore that dick up. Sucking on it with such passion and genuine conviction. His body tensed as her cock sucking reached new heights. Then she pulled back, with his dick sliding out of her well trained mouth. She lifted up her legs and rested her buttocks down, striding him ever so well. She reached her hand around and guided his cock inside of her already wet pussy. Oh, yes, such cockness as that was. Stella thought. Finch’s dick slipped deep inside of her body. It was nice and rock hard. The stiffness made Stella shiver with lustful pleasure. She looked down at him, their eyes locked, then they intertwined their hands, as she began to just gently ride his dick. Oh, such cock in me! Stella thought. As Finch’s dick moved in and out of Stella’s pussy hole. It was just wonderful. Stella could feel his cock as it hardened inside of her wet and warm body. She could feel his dick head, as he rubbed up against her pussy walls. Hmm. Yes, your meaty dick! Stella thought to herself. Her pelvis was just rocking and rolling as she fuckhed his cock for the goodness of the dicking. His dick just popped up and down, as she moved in all sorts of ways, fucking his cock. They both were gaining heat as they fucked ever so harder. Just fucking all the way. Stella’s butt cheeks slapping down on Finch’s pelvis, rocking and twisting and just plain old bumping and grinding. The passions rose, as Stella’s butt jiggled about because of her ferocious fucking. They both moaned and groaned, with every blast of their body’s sexual expression. Stella tilted her head back, as she enjoyed the on top experience. Then, she leaned forward and rested her hands on his well formed chest. By now, Stella was in charge. She was riding his cock with the skill of a rodeo cowgirl. His cock was a bad horsie that needed to be taught a lesson. And teach it one, she was going to do. She shifted her body, so that his dick could gain even move maximum dicking of her. Oh, just let me fuck it! Stella was thinking. As she rode his dick with almost superhuman precision and passion. Stella’s big voluptuous buttocks banged and slapped about, the sounds of their body striking, was like music to their ears, as their fucking got kicked up and notch or two. Now, Stella was just a bouncing up and down and back and forth, she was working his cock. Letting her wise pussy, put it though it’s paces. She then began to ride him like she was riding a horse, her efforts were seriously exacerbated. She fucked him so hard and violently. She didn’t care about the man’s dick anymore, if she ever did, it was just her own pleasure that she was looking for. Fucking Finch like he had never been fucked before. Her hot pussy knew every move, every trick, she had perfect control of her twat. It would open up on the way down and then grab his shaft on the way up. Driving him wild. Finch didn’t know what to do, he tried to find something to hang on to, as this sexually crazy woman, fucked him like she was going to pussy kill him. And she was killing his dick with her wanton pussy. Stella’s cunt knew how to get what it wanted from a man. And as much as Finch thought that he wanted to cum, Stella’s pussy was there to educate him. And give him a proper education in fucking, she did, with her powerful legs controlling where they tilted and where they lunged forth. Bam and slap, with her butt cheeks on his pelvis, her cunt hole swallowing his dick, then just as suddenly, pulling on it as she rose up, all the while to repeat the love making motions. She fucked him so hard that at one point he forgot himself, and cried out with lustful pleasure. Stella knew that she had him then, it was time to send him to seventh heaven, and she did, as she shifted some more, grabbing hold of his bare shoulders, her ass hovering inches above his pelvis, with part of his dick inside of her. She then began to violently fuck his dick. She banged up and down so hard that Finch was convinced that he’d be black and blue the next day. But, for now, her ass moved like a motor, whamming all about his cock. Was he even going to be able to cum? Stella had such control over his cock, that Finch couldn’t even command his own dick to fire it’s wad, no, even that was controlled by Stella who dominated his body like a lustful mistress. And Mistress Stella was going to tell him when and what he could do. Stella was dripping with sweat and it ran all down Finch’s face and chest, her orange-red hair draped down over him, as her ass worked it’s magic. Just a fucking and just as humping and a bumping. Bam and bam slap, went their skin, their bodies enthralled with ecstasy and pleasure. Pleasure that Stella was determined to control. She shifted once more and slammed down on top of his cock. At that, he moaned, because the pressure was gaining and he really couldn’t contain himself anymore. He took hold of her wet sweaty hair and pulled her into himself. They kissed as they continued to fuck each other’s brains out. He moved his hand around her big ass and found her asshole. It was contracting with every thrust. He stuck his finger into Stella’s asshole and it sent new sensations throughout her wanton behind. He began to roll his finger in her butt hole as she rode him so expertly. Stella’s fucking was making Finch, who was until now, rather conservative, kind of wild and filled with abandonment. He was enjoying how she fucked him and she was enjoying his beefy cock inside of her pussy hole. Their crotch joined together in order to celebrate the sexual banging that they both were putting forth. Her ass wiggled as she went up on his dick, shifted and then violently came down on his dick. She was going to beat the hell out of his cock, with her pussy, as her butt found his balls and slapped them so hard that he yelled with pleasure, because her ass was so loving of his dick and crotch. They fucked and they fucked hard, as she shifted so that his cock could jimmy it’s way into her cunt hole and send pleasure waves thought Stella’s body. Oh, yes, that is it, fuck me, Finch! Stella thought to herself. Her ass muscles flexed as she rode Finch’s cock. She let out a lustful cry as his dick did pleasurable fuck damaged to her hungry pussy. Stella shifted around, so that her voluptuous legs could have better control, as she humped his cock, and slipped all around his man pole. Taking in every inch of his dick with mighty thrusts as she sat on top of his cock and would not allow him the change to seek even a moment of rest from her ferocious fucking. She took it all inside of her body as she felt his inches grow and stiffen into a mighty piece of fuck meat. Oh, yes, that is it, you just bang me, baby. Stella let her thoughts run wild as she did whatever she wanted to the poor man’s dick. He finally managed to grab Stella’s curvy waist and held on, as Stella began her final decent. Now, with every massive jolt of her pelvis, flesh slapping up against naked flesh, she showed him who was the boss of this fucking. She was, with her cunt groping for every piece of cock it could get. She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips as her big boobs grazed his chest. Then, she leaned back and let out a loud sign of pleasure as her body began the cycle of orgasm that she so much needed and wanted. But, even as she was cumming, her pelvis fucked his dick all the more. As that all began, Finch was finally able to release and he did. Stella could feel his cock as it reached its point of no return, and cum burst inside of her wanton pussy. Oh, the pleasure. Oh, the lust. Oh, the feel of hot cum shooting up inside of her as she cum also, they both letting out sounds of joy and pleasure as they fucked so hard, that they could hardly catch their breath. Stella hand one more trick up her sleeve, as she leaned to the side, with super swift gyrations of her pussy pelvis, slammed into Finch’s cock with such force and precision, that he actually yelled as even more cum erupted out of his solid dick. Then Stella screamed with pleasure.

“To know the answers to questions not spoken, is the true test of a wise man.” The Sisco Chronicles

It was late in day when Stella was awoken. Finch was gone. She went to the door wearing pretty much nothing but her skin. As she opened it, Ewin stood there with several security infantry drones. She showed them in and went to her bedroom to find a robe. She came out, looked at the man and started to make herself coffee.
“Want some?” she asked, obviously hung over.
“No thank you. I’ve already had breakfast. You have a nice view of the facility.” He stated matter-of-factly.
“Yes. I suppose I do.” Stella came back into the room, sipping a hot cup of coffee. “What can I do for you?”
Ewin turned to her. “When was the last time you saw Finch?”
Stella found a seat and offered one to him, but he declined. She studied the paramilitary drones. “What is the maximum number of infantry drones an operator can control?”
Ewin said, “A hundred, if they are certified. Our operators are not that extremely certified. Five maybe.”
“So. Basically. For every five infantry drones, there is one operator?”
“Pretty much. Answer the question.” Ewin voiced.
Stella had asked the question, staling for time, as she assessed the obvious situation. “I saw him last night. He and I got romantically involved. Why do you ask?”
“Because he was found dead, earlier today.” The man studied Stella’s expression. It didn’t change. “Was it empty sex?”
Stella tossed her beautiful long orange-red hair, then said, “It always is, isn’t it?”
“Right then. Did he stay all night?”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I fell asleep after sex. I just woke up when I heard the bell, and saw it was you. How did he die?”
“Murder. When you finish, can you come to my office? You can sign a statement.”
“I haven’t given you a statement.”
Ewin gestured. “The infantry drones have been recording everything that has been happening.”
Stella raised an eyebrow, “Really? How convenient.”
“Yes. Well. That is how they work. Everything they encounter, becomes evidence. No margin for error, corruption, misconduct.” He headed for the door, the drones following.
“Why would someone want to kill Finch?” Stella called out to the man as he left.
As the door closed. “Precisely...”
Stella quickly showered, dressed and started towards Ewin’s office. An older man approached her.
“My name is Powers. I was a friend and lab partner of Finch. Is it true what they say?” The man was older, semi-good looking, obviously worked up.
Stella stopped. “What was Finch and you working on in there?”
“I can’t tell you. They monitor everything in the facility and power station. Even the crew’s quarters.” he told her.
Stella responded. “Then, they must know who killed Finch?”
“Oh. You damn right they do! They even spy on you when you take a shit.” The man was serious.
“So. Last night, when Finch and I were...”
“They were watching.”
“Hmm. Interesting.” Was all Stella said, and then started off. “We can talk later, I have an appointment.”
Inside Ewin’s office, when Stella came in, there were a few officials, head’s of departments. A holographic conference using a large call-all, Stella’s superior was on it.
“Admiral, how are you?” Stella said as she found a seat.
“Very good, thank you Stella. I’ve been briefed on the situation at the facility. I can’t stress how important Rule 37 is, as you well know. Your mission, is to find out who killed Finch. If it is the work of The Take Charge Movement. Expose them and put an end to their disruption. You have full authority to solve this murder, Stella.”
Stella looked around at the others, then turned back to the admiral. “Will do, Ma’am!” and with that, the call-all went off. She looked at the people seated at the table with her. “I need to see the security footage of Finch.”
Someone answered. “That is where the problem is. There is none.”
Stella leaned back in her chair. She looked at everyone, locking her eyes on Ewin. “Seriously? You’ve got to be kidding me? With all the security that is in this facility. I don’t think a person can fart without it being recorded. What happened to it?”
Ewin cleared his throat. “It is just gone. We have no explanation as to how it happened.”
“When was the last time Finch was seen on security monitors?”
Another person answered. “Shortly after he left your room, Captain. It goes for awhile. Then, there is no sign of him. He just drops off our radar.”
Stella knew that there might be a very good reason that Finch dropped off their radar. He was a Take Charge spy. As she was. So, she really didn’t want to push that issue, but, she had to make things look good. “What about the footage that the Snoops got. I saw at least one of then outside my window, the whole night.”
“Like we said, Finch just drops off our radar, after he left your room. It is like he became a ghost.” Ewin spoke.
Stella began to wonder about Powers, that she had met in the corridor, before she came here. “So, you are telling me. That in a maximum security facility, a man just vanishes. And then, hours later, he’s found dead.?”
Ewin nodded. “Exactly. Luckily for us, you are here, will you help us solve this?”
Stella said, “Well. As much as I was planning to leave today, seems like I don’t have a choice. I’ve been ordered to help. Not that I want to. This is your mess, Ewin! All of this is going down in my report!”
Ewin was obviously opposed to that. “But wait!”
“Yes?” Stella was cold and insensitive.
“Up until now. It has been a picture perfect official visit. Isn’t there some other way?”
“You must be joking? Are you?” She looked at each one of there faces. No. They were not. “I am with the Pro-Tolerate! I am an intelligence officer. There is no way in hell this is going to be swept under the rug! Do you understand?” Stella was very adamant, as she stood, obviously assuming command.
Ewin pleaded with her. “You must be reasonable!” But she was already headed out the door.
Ewin caught up with her down the hall, as she walked. “What is it, Ewin?” Stella said.
“Please you have to reconsider! We are up for a serious increase in funding. Something like this could derail the who project.” Ewin seem unusually desperate.
“Money? A man has been murdered. Seemingly without cause, no footage of the crime, in a maximum security facility, hell, Ewin, they are watching us right now, as we speak.”
“I know it all sounds a bit crazy. But, can’t this be put off, until after we get approval? Come on, Captain. You are a hero, you know how these things work. Politics.”
The problem was that Ewin was right. Politics ran everything. From interstellar governments, to what happened in the so called privacy of the bedroom. The Dragon was everywhere. “The Beast sees all, knows all!” Stella finally said.
“Yes. But this is very important.”
“Really. More important than the life of a man?”
“Frankly. Yes!” Stella stared at the man. “Oh. Don’t pretend that you cared about the guy. He was just a one night stand! Empty sex was what it was.” Ewin stated.
“Your point?”
“All we need is three days. That was the whole point of having you come here. To highlight our facility. Go back. And give a wonderful report. We’d get the funding we want. Everybody would be happy.”
Stella shook her head. “Is there nothing for sale in life anymore? Can everything be bought, for a price?”
“It is the price for success, Captain. You should know this! Just look how quickly you’ve risen through the ranks? Everyone knows of your success. Let us have some success, too.” Ewin told.
Things quickly began to get out of hand after that. There was communication from Headquarters that they were going to reconsider the funding that Ewin and the other heads of departments wanted. The investigation took one turn after another, and finally Stella found herself and Powers trying to escape killer infantry drones, set out to take them out of the picture. Stella reasoned that the murder was done by an infantry drone. That would explain why there was no trace of a killer, because the killer was a machine, that was suppose to be guarding the facility. It had the ability to switch on and off monitors and other surveillance at will. Stella and Powers were hold out in an abandoned part of the power facility which was connected to the main complex. That part of the facility had no active monitors, because all the equipment had been either shut down or decommissioned and removed.
The daylight had just broke when Stella and Powers found themselves sharing the same bunk bed. One thing got started and then another and before they knew it, they were kissing and in each other’s arms. Powers kissed Stella’s neck softly. She felt the touch of his lips as he moved about her shoulders and then went back to her lips. Their eyes met and then they strongly embraced. Powers kissed Stella’s chest and moved on down to her ample breast. Along with her well formed butt, her breasts were her best assets. He began to suck her big titties, one at a time. Sucking her breast with such softness and passion drove Stella to feel the pleasure that this man could give her. She needed the sexual diversion, it helped her to think about something other than the problems that she was now facing. He moved over to the other breast and gave it the same attention. His lips rounded the crown of her nipples and she let out a gasp of pleasure. Oh, yes, right there! Stella thought. She took her hands and guided him to the spot that was sending her the most pleasure and his mouth gave homage to her voluptuous breasts. Powers sucked and slurped on her chest meat for a good long time. Giving her sensations of pleasure and making her feel the heat of the moment. Then he began to move on down to her navel, where she could feel him kissing her there and his tongue rolled around and about as he kissed her on her belly. The sensations were dominant as she pushed his head on down to her wanton pussy. Ah, right there Stella’s mind wandered. Then Powers began to lick the fire-crotch, which was her pussy. Her dark red hairs, of her cunt being inspected by his tongue and he kissed her pussy and licked it. She felt his tongue enter her warm body as the man gave her even more pleasure. Her pussy warmed up fast as his tongue controlled her womanhood, She shifted her body so that he could have better access to her hungry cunt. She felt his finger enter into her pussy hole and it sent shockwaves of pleasure up and down her body. His finger knew what it was doing as he found the spots that mattered, just a rolling around inside of her body. Making her hot and making her all the more horny. Then, he opened up her legs and squarely planted his face inside of her crotch as he slurped and kissed and licked her super wet pussy. She moaned with pleasure as he kissed her cunt and licked the hairs of her pussy. His finger slipped around her ample buttocks and found its way up inside of her butt hole. Oh, yeah, now you got it. Thought Stella. As Powers expertly licked Stella’s pussy he also rolled his finger inside of her asshole. It felt really good and she loved the feeling that she was getting from his sexual explorations. Finally, after a good time of sending her pleasurable sensations, he rolled her over, so that he could do her fine and sweet asshole, the honor that it deserved. He began by just a licking her perky asshole. It was tight and pink and ready to receive some serious action. Stella rested her head on a pillow as she let Powers explore her anal region. It was nice how he took care of her butt so well. Just a kissing it, as she felt his lips kissing one butt cheek and then another. Oh, it felt so good and relaxing. Stella let herself think. Powers cracked open her butt cheeks, exposing maximum asshole-age, as his tongue licked every part of the territory. She tightened up for one moment, and cutely farted in his face. He moaned as he smelt the essence of her wanton asshole, then he stuck his finger inside of her asshole and pullled it out, then tasted her sweetness. Powers went back to slurping and kissing and licking for a good long time, really enjoying eating her ass. Then, Stella shifted her butt, as to signal that she was ready for the next stage of this three act play, as her butt stuck up in the air, in the receiving position. Powers opened the twin cheeks and slowly began to descend his dick inside of Stella’s warm and anticipating asshole. It felt so good as his dick went inside of her warm body. Oh, baby, stick it in me! Stella thought. As his cock slipped slowly into her ass-pussy, ever so slowly, inch by inch, sending her pleasure. Finally, Stella felt his balls rest gently against her pussy, and he began to grind on her hungry asshole. He moved out just and bit, as if to tease her, but she took one hand and pulled his cock back inside of her asshole, grabbing him by the butt. This guy was going to finish what he started, there was not going to be any fucking around, now, she wanted a good old fashion butt fucking, and Powers was going to have to teach her asshole some respect. Stella would expect and demand nothing less. Power’s pelvis began to just a rocking and rolling, as he slowly began to butt fuck Stella, ever so well as it was. Her asshole opened up just enough to let him descend and then it closed tightly on his cock’s way up. The dance went on and on, as the man gave Stella the comfort and pleasure that a good and loving butt fucking can do. Then the pace picked up some and skin began to slap up against skin. They were now fucking hard and the sweat and pleasure that they were giving each other was more than obvious, as Stella moaned each time his dick crashed into her hot butt, and he grunted, with pleasure as his hotrod dick dove inside of her body. Bam and bump went the entering in and out of their lovemaking. He held onto her butt cheeks and grabbed her waist, trying to control her ass as it crashed into his pelvis. Stella was not a passive player in this sexual dance, no, not at all. She seriously loved anal sex and it gave her such pleasure to have a nice beefy man inside of her hole. It made her feel loved and cared for, ass fucking made Stella happy. And happy she was as Powers’ man meat found the points of her butt in which to make her shake and shiver with pleasure. The thorough ass pounding, was just what the doctor ordered, and she was the doctor ordering it. By now, Powers was seriously ass pounding Stella’s butt. She shifted a bit, so that he could have better traction in order to angle his dick, ever just so rightly, in order to give her the pleasure that she both wanted and demanded of him. His cock was swollen with excitement, as it expanded inside of her asshole, rolling around and poking in and out, it was a naughty big-ass cock, and it was going to be tamed by her asshole, if Stella hand anything to say about it. The ass fucking went on and on, with now, loud slaps and grunts, from both of them, as flesh pressed against flesh, and then, emotions melted and excited and exploded, then the dance repeated itself. She could feel Power’s strong hands, as they grabbed her butt, trying to control the motions of her educated ass, but, she knew that the only way she was going to win, was to take charge of the sexual mating, and make him want more and more, until he could not stand it and he had to surrender. But, Powers had thoughts of his own, as he ass pounded her tight butt hole, sending shivers of pleasure up her spine and her warm body reacted with convulsive pleasure. Pop, slip, went the flesh, rocking and rolling her booty, which was ever so large and needed a good education in manners and respect. Imagine that, Stella’s asshole actually thought it was in control, when in fact, it was the victim of a good old ass fucking, all of which, Stella totally enjoyed. Power’s dick dominated Stella’s asshole. Controlling the force and the timing and the flow of motion. Stella found herself grabbing the pillow and firmly placing her face in it and just screaming as loudly as she could with pleasure, as his cock took full control, and commanded her asshole to surrender. And surrender her asshole did, she knew that this man was a serious ass master, and that she was going to have to let the pleasure just flow as it wanted to flow. Powers mounted her butt for the final act of the three act play, Stella grabbed hold of the bed, as she felt him plow her a new asshole. Oh, yes sweetness! She thought. As Powers fucked her butt crazy. He began to actually jump her butt and make is surrender to his awesome butt fucking. The heat was on as they both were reaching the point of no return, Stella was almost senseless as her pleasure and emotion of such expert loving, sent sensations of wonder throughout all of her body. Powers was getting in those precious final moments before his cock exploded with cum, he knew he was just moments away. But, just then, as if sensing that his dick was going to blow, Stella shifted her body, angling her asshole in a new place, and that sent the sensations out of the roof. Stella lifted up her head for a brief moment, and yelled for pleasure as she began to orgasm. Powers almost crippled his dick, as it began to cum violently in her wet and warm asshole. They both groped each other lovingly, as they could not control the pleasure and sensations that they were both experiencing. The two had actually managed to fuck each other to the point of equals. Oh, such pleasure. Oh, such happiness. Oh, such cum and exhaustion. They were both so weak from the awesome fucking that each awarded the other. So nice! Stella thought. As she rolled over and they began to kiss each other’s lips. Then, Stella had a little business to finish taking care of, as she moved on down to Powers’ dick and began to suck it. She licked it ever so gentle, cognizant of how his dick must feel, after such an expert and skilled ass fucking. He tried to relax and catch his breath, but Stella was still in a naughty mood, as her ass stuck up in the air, cum dripping from it, and she sucked the dick that did that. Stella’s mouth wrapped around his cock, she began to roll his man-meat in her mouth. She loved the taste of cock and shit, her shit, as she licked it ever so goodly. Just a licking and a sucking and a kissing of the dickness, as she made love to his cock with her mouth. Hmm. Such loving and tasty cock! Stella thought. As she licked the shaft. Tasty indeed.

“The line of blazing villages, red in the midnight sky.” George Croly

All hellfire had broken loose. Stella had ordered Powers to gather up as many of The Take Charge Movement spies as he could and mount an attack against the main facility. She finally realized that they were never going to have another chance to deliver a blow to the government, the super-corps, like the opportunity that presented itself now. The Rule 37 facility was a sophisticated slaughtering house. They had seemingly countless Native Tral-Goticians, housed up in there, ready for the slaughter, like livestock. It was an abominable sight to behold, as Stella and the others freed them and led them into the nearby forest. When Stella and some of the others, were sure that the Native Tral-Gothicans were going to be able to fully escape, she turned back and went back to the Rule 37 facility. There was heavy fighting still going on. They had managed to get word to nearby Take Charge members, who quickly formed groups and attacked the facility, including the power station. Stella and a young man named Zendi, a higher up in the chain of command in The Take Charge Movement, managed to get to the critical part of the power station. Infantry drones had them trapped at the moment, as they shot it out with them.
Zendi leaned back on a wall, he’d been slightly injured. “This doesn’t look too good, Stella.”
Stella was dressing his wound. “Oh. You’ll live. I’ve seen worse and had worse done to me.”
“No. I don’t mean this. I’m talking about our mission, to disrupt the operations at Rule 37.”
Stella leaned back on the wall, after dressing his wound. “Well. Let’s see. We are trapped on all sides, as it would seem. There are infantry drones firing upon us. Snoops are spying on us, and I’m pretty sure that Ewin and the others were embezzling money from Rule 37. That was why they so desperately needed the new influx of cash. In order to try and coverup what they were doing over here.”
“I thought they were up really high in rank?”
“Think on it. Who better to steal from the government, the super-corps, than those who control the purse strings?”
Zendi nodded. “You have a point.”
“Yeah. I started to get suspicious when Finch was murdered. He must have caught on to what was going on. But the poor bastard was so paranoid, he didn’t quite know who he could trust with the information. I mean, if he went to Ewin, well that was like telling the devil that he is evil. He’d just smile and tell you thanks.”
“Then Finch had no one that he could turn to for help?”
“Well. He started to try and trust me. On the day of his death, before he left my room, he managed to leave several clues on my call-all. I finally found them, though by then, I was wrapped up in his murder investigation. Ewin and the others, who were involved in the embezzling scheme, tried to run an interference. Thinking that they could control every aspect of the investigation. They hadn’t counted on the Admiral assigning me in charge of the murder investigation. At that point, they had to play along, thinking they could steer me down dead ends. They didn’t know that Finch had managed to leave me clues as to what was really going on here.” Stella expressed.
“So, when Ewin found out that you were onto him, one thing led to another, and here we are. Going to die and no one is ever going to know the truth.” Zendi stated.
Stella looked at the ruggedly handsome man. “No. No, it can’t all end here. The coverup about the slaughtering of the natives, how they corral them and slaughter them like cattle, selling their flesh to other planets. That needs to come out into the light of day. It is nothing less than immoral and genocide!”
Zendi added. “Slavery! Like what happened back on Earth, hundreds of years ago. Crimes against humanity have no Statutes of Limitations and can not be dismissed by passing laws, in order to cover up the crimes.”
Stella grinned and nodded. “Finally, a student of history. Very intellectual, Zendi. And here I thought that you were just a good looking guy stuck in a bad situation with me.”
They both laughed briefly. But, then the weapons fire broke out even more, to put a damper on the lightness of the moment. Stella figured that Ewin was probably behind the attack, knowing full well that if Stella was allowed to live, that she would turn him into the authorities, and he’d be summarily executed, him along with the others who were involved. Though, by now, it was a good bet that most of them had passports ready, and were already leaving the planet.
Zendi sighed. “I don’t know, Stella. Looks pretty bleak to me. What do we do, make our last stand here?”
Stella examined their resources. “Well. We have enough explosives, so that if one of us can make it to the main power core, we can blow the entire facility to Kingdom Come.”
“Hmm. I’m injured, I’ll try and hold them off. You are the strongest of the two, there is a trap door, down the hallway. If you can manage to get to it, while I lay down cover fire, keeping the infantry drones occupied, you might have a run of it.” Zendi checked and reloaded his weapon.
“It is suicide. If I leave you here, they will eventually overcome you. Those infantry drones have no mercy. No conscience. They just kill!” Stella studied the man’s face for weakness and found none.
Zendi answered. “We all knew what we were getting ourselves into, when we joined The Take Charge Movement. Social injustice, corrupt politicians, even more corrupt judges and police officials. Tral-Gothica doesn’t have to be like this. It is high time that the people took back their pride and their dignity! We don’t have to live like this. Slaves to big business. The super-corps, the government, which is owned and controlled by the super-corps.”
Stella uttered. “You got family?”
“Yes. That is why I am doing all of this. So that my sister and parents, can have a better tomorrow.” Zendi voiced.
“And if we both fail, what then?”
“Stella, we’ve all been watching you, how you’ve rose through the ranks of the enemy, all the while, never truly giving into the corruption of the super-corps. Most people would have been seduced by money and power. But, not you. No, you just keep on going, trying to do whatever little you can. And it is the little things that lead to big things, I was taught as a child. So, if we die today, and it really looks that way, then, we would have done all that we could, and, for all the right reasons.” Zendi expounded.
“And you are pretty sure you can hold them off long enough for me to reach the trap door?”
“I’ve studied this facility for months. I know the area pretty well. I’m sure it is there.”
“And what if you are wrong?”
“If you doubt me, I’ll go, and you can stay and try and hold them off.”
“No. It is going to require someone in the best of shape. Getting pass the infantry drones here, is just part of it. I’ll have to manage to make my way across the flat area, totally exposed, and then get to the power core. Plant the explosives, and then, blow the place to hell.”
Zendi spoke, “You forgot something.”
“What is that?”
“The part where you come back and we both save ourselves. We live to fight the good fight, another day.” Zendi grinned, knowing the odds of that happening.
“Yeah. What do you think history will say about this day?”
“Well. If the super-corps are the ones writing it, that we were terrorist, and that we killed lots of people. They will conveniently omit the fact that they were practicing genocide for profit against the natives of this planet. It’ll be a coverup. Just like they always do.” Zendi reasoned.
“Then, just maybe, we need to live. So that the truth can to told about this day. This day, when the people of Tral-Gothica, along with its indigenous population, struck a blow for freedom and morality, and what was right!” Stella expressed.
“So. We make a pact.”
“Okay. What do we agree to?”
“We agree to live.” Zendi said.
“To live?” Stella repeated.
“Yes. You said it yourself. This day will be twisted and corrupted in its interpretation, unless, some of us, manage to escape and to live to tell the story. We’ll start with the young, who have a future.” Zendi uttered.
“We’ll tell it in the rural areas, spread the knowledge, that no matter how backwards they might consider themselves to be, that everyone counts. Everyone can make a difference, when it comes to doing what is right. Killing and selling the natives for food, sentient beings, is wrong!”
Stella and Zendi began to carry out their plan. While Zendi laid down cover fire, Stella was able to escape and make her way to the power core. She encountered Snoops along the way, which she managed to shoot out of the air, with one of them, escaping, badly damaged. Stella got to her point of destination, set the charges, and left the facility. Along the way, she managed to circle back around, and take out the remaining infantry drones. They we not expecting her to double back after having gone through so much to escape. She and Zendi struggled, but were able to get as far away from the facility as possible, when it began to blow up. They found a small hut along the way. It had the basics in it, it looked like it was an old abandoned sentry post, now left to rot and ruin. However, for their purposes, it was perfect. They settled in for the night, the sight of the Rule 37 facility in flames in the distance, cheered them up, because they knew, at least for the time being, The Take Charge Movement, had dealt the super-corps a decisive blow. There was a radio in the small hut and Stella got it to work, she put out a call to her fellow Take Charge operatives and they told her that they’d be sending help in the morning. There was no way that the super-corps were going to be able to hide this incident, however, the spin-doctors and talking heads, of the super-corps owned media, were already playing the story as, a terrorist attack by The Take Charge Movement.
After Stella dressed Zendi’s wound again, they both settled in for the night. Their need for comfort led to them kissing at first. Then, they slowly and lovingly began to undress as passion took over. Zendi took off his shirt and then kissing Stella’s voluptuous body, slowly removed Stella’s. He kissed her neck and ear. Oh, yes, babe. Thought Stella. As they both finished undressing and lay down on a make shift bed. She felt his lips as they explored her neck, kissing it, licking it, loving it. Then their mouth’s met and their tongues rolled and embraced inside each other’s mouths, exchanging wet pleasure and excitement. Zendi began to move down to Stella’s ample breasts. Her big juicy tits stood up, crying out for his attention and he did not disappoint. Zendi kissed one nipple and then the other, he went back and forth like that for a good while, just a kissing and licking, sending shivers of pleasure across her naked hot sweaty body. She felt his mouth try and surround one of her boobs, as he sucked her boobs. She could feel his tongue as it licked around her erect nipples. Oh, yes! Stella allowed her mind to think. All the while Zendi was making tender love to her. He then moved over to the other waiting boob and paid his respect to it, for is demanded attention. Stella moved her hand down his rock hard body and found his cock. It was blistering and firm and filled with cock juice. Slowly Zendi kissed on down to Stella’s orange-red fire crotch, licking her pussy hair, ever so nicely and sweetly. His tongue raking over her pussy with passion and tenderness. Them without warning, his tongue darted inside of her cunt hole. Once inside of her body, Zendi’s educated tongue knew how to send her pleasure as it rolled around and about. His wet tongue sliding in and out of her wanton pussy. She took hold of his head and guided him to where she wanted him to be, between her legs, buried there, as he licked her cunt real good. Just a licking and a slurping and cherishing her pussy very well. The pleasure that this man was sending was so wonderful and she so much need a good fucking just then. Then he shifted over and she felt his finger as it slipped inside of her tight wet pussy. His finger was rough and manly, it excited her as it rolled around inside of her pussy. Zendi began to alternated between his finger fucking her and his tongue licking her, it felt so good, as Stella tensed with wanton pleasure.
They both re-positioned themselves and he spread open her beautiful legs, pushing them back to near her shoulders, just opening her up good. All her pussy was wide open now, spread out just so good, and ready, ready to get a good dick fucking. And Zendi was not afraid to do just that, as she felt his big thick juicy cock descend inside of her cunt hole. Ever so slowly, it went in, and it was a good massive dick it was. Lots of cock veins and other dick features, all of which tickled her pussy as his cock slid in and out of her pussy. Her tight pussy taking in all of him. Holding onto his cock as it went up and opening as it went down. Her cunt rhythms coincided with his fine fucking. Zendi’s dick opened up Stella’s pussy, as it rounded about her hole. Slipping in and out, fucking her ever so wonderfully. Her legs were up by her cheek, as his weight was fully upon her, just like she liked it, she loved to feel the heat and strength of her lover as he fucked her hell out of her. And that was exactly what Zendi was doing, as his pelvis slapped up against her pelvis, his cock drilling her hole with pussy love. She moaned with pleasure as his dick explored her cunt with passion in an expert way. She could feel his gorgeous dick head as it poked in and out of her cunt. She was very wet and it had no trouble sliding in and out of her hole. Bam and slap, went their skin against each others. Their pelvis moving and grinding, his dick met pussy, and neither was willing to surrender, no, not just yet. They shifted around and Stella was now in an indignant position, that yielded such angled passion of his cock, as it blasted her pussy. His balls slapped up against her perky asshole, as his dick found the right places inside of her body, to send her sensational pleasure. He moved on top of her and they kissed each other’s lips, then he took hold of her voluptuous breasts and she could feel his lips sucking her very erect nipples. He rocked on top of her, both of their bodies straining to gain the advantage, but Zendi was dominating her cunt hole, with total command. As she felt his big burley cock jab inside of her hole with force and precision of dickedness. Oh, yes, fuck me! Stella thought. As he just kept on pounding her pussy. There was the sound of several farts that came from Stella’s asshole, as the man forced her body into total ecstasy, just a fucking her, ever so good, ever so lovingly. She could feel his big strong arms as they moved her body about, in order to get even better position. His big juicy balls patting her tight asshole, which was jealous of her pussy.
Them Zendi moved her over and she rolled onto her stomach. His dick was dripping wet with her cunt juice and he was just getting started. Zendi cracked open her butt cheeks, revealing a tight and pink asshole, all ready and waiting. Stella rested her head on her crossed arms, and stuck out her wanton butt, signaling that she wanted everything that he had to give. She shook with pleasure when she first felt his tongue as it licked her asshole. Oh, yes, right there! Thought Stella. His tongue licked and rolled and slurped her asshole ever to wonderfully. Just a licking and a slurping and sending waves of pleasure throughout Stella’s body. Then, without warning, she felt his finger enter into her nasty part. It explored the possibilities, as it rolled around inside of there. He pulled out his finger and offered it to Stella who was glad to lick her own shit. Then, he lovingly kissed her on the neck and with that, she felt every inch of this man’s massiveness, as it slid inside of her asshole. Oh, it opened up her butt real good, and finally, he rested on her backside. His dick, thoroughly embedded inside of her asshole. Her butt muscles contracted as he slid his cock up, and then they relaxed as he slid his cock, down. This action went on and on, as Zendi butt fucked the hell out of Stella’s ass real good. She shifted just ever so much, so as to allow him better access to her wanton asshole, which clamored for pleasure and sensations of joy, as his dick found new territory inside of her hungry asshole. Her hungry butt ate his dick with total amounts of pleasure, as it opened up and just sucked in every inch of this man’s mighty cock. Stella let out another fart, in between the dicking, he was fucking the shit out of her asshole, almost literally. Bump and bam and slap, went their flesh, as her dicking became even more pronounced. With each thrust she moaned and he grunted, as they fucked each other with a mighty mission to eventually make each other cum. He grabbed hold of her ample buttocks, and gripped tight, as he shifted and angled, so that is dick could travel better, going in and out of her wanton hole of shit. Yes, my hole of stinky. sweet, shit needs you, darling! Stella thought. And as if he could read her mind, his cock totally took charge as it banged the hell out of her butt hole. Stella turned her head to the other side, out of the window she could see the facility as it still burned. Her vision kind of blurry, due to the excellent dick fucking of her hungry asshole. Now the pressure was on, because she could feel his dick beginning to swell inside of her asshole, as if that were even more possible, because Zendi’s dick was ever so wide already. Her butt muscles would grab his dick as it went out and then, open up as it forced it’s way down gravy lane. He took hold of her waist and hugged her tight as he positioned for the final rounds, his weight totally upon her butt, as he shifted to bear him, slap and pow, went their flesh, as his ass fucking reached new heights. By now, Stella was moaning and screaming with pleasure as she felt her asshole gain a new and profound education. How could this be? Stella thought. She had always envisioned her asshole as being well educated, in fact, she thought her butt was the one in charge. But Zendi’s cock had street education. His dick opened up he butt so much that at one point she even yelled: “I love you!”
Now his cock was in total authority. The tremendous ass fucking had reached a point where it just could not be denied. Then, Zendi groaned as enormous amounts of cum flowed inside of her asshole. She felt the eruption of cum and it triggered an orgasm. She loved to be fucked in the butt. It made her feel so warm and loved. Finally, the two rolled over and rested, or so he did, breathing hard. Stella quickly went down on him. Sucking him ever so well, licking and slurping and rolling his cock in her mouth. Tasting all of her sweet shit, that was on his dick, and she didn’t stop until his cock was squeaky clean. The next day, when they awoke, to the sound of an air-transport, landing to take them out of there. Stella and Zendi kissed just one more time inside of the hut. She quickly kissed his big juicy cock as he put on his pants, and then they both went out to meet the vehicle. A thought crossed her mind, after all of the good sex she had experienced. “Am I walking funny?”
“They are like the essence of the wind, only you can touch them.” The Book of Foundry

It had been some time since Stella had seen her parents. After such a long time and given what she had been through, she didn’t really know had to fit into her old life. What was she going to do? She had decided to return to the relatively docile lifestyle that she came from. After having been met by her parents and her old boyfriend, they all had a meal in town, then made their way back to the farm. Patty, their domestic robot was overjoyed to have her back, as were her parents. Some local neighbors had dropped by to see the so called hero. Stella went along with everything, while knowing it was mostly for them. She knew the truth. She knew why Aunt Jenny really had to die. Though, when Stella told the story, Aunt Jenny was as big a hero as anyone else. The super-corps were probably more than willing to look the other way. Back in the country, where people were led to believe that Tral-Gothica was a noble experiment, and all the hard work that went into colonization, was more than just paying off, no one wanted to hear the ugly truth. They wanted to hear trails of heros, so that they could gossip about the acts of their local children, gone good, and making a difference. They wanted to believe that there was good in their corporation controlled government, those who originally brought them to the planet.
Stella’s old boyfriend smiled, beings glad to see her. “You are a really big star around here. We all followed your progress as you made it in the big city.”
For a brief moment, Stella wanted to pour out her heart to him. But, when she looked him in the eyes, there was a quiet country innocence in them. “Well, you do what you have to do.”
“I’m glad that you came back.”
“Thanks.” Stella took hold of his hand.
“Lots of folks thought that when you left with your aunt, that you were gone for good. But, not me. I told them that you would be coming back. I just knew it.”
Stella thought on it for a long moment, then lied. “You were right. I always knew in my heart that this was my home. Here, with family and long time friends.”
“With me?” He looked hopefully.
“Yes. Of course with you.” She kissed him softly.
“I just knew it.” He seemed more confident now.
Stella glanced around, and spotted her parents and Patty and some of the other kin, looking around the corner, smiles, they were so proud of her. “Let’s go out on the porch?”
“Sure.” After they found a seat on the porch swing. “I was saving up for this day, Stella. I knew it would come. I just didn’t know the exact day.”
“Saving for what?”
He pulled out a ring. It was a modest little ring. “Will you marry me?”
Stella was speechless. “Oh. What a beautiful ring. You didn’t have to...”
He placed it on her finger. His hands were shaking slightly. But she placed her hands on his, and they stopped. “Please, Stella, I love you.”
Stella kissed him. “Yes. I will marry you.” It seemed the right thing to say, and the right thing to do.
The robot Patty could hear the conversation and relayed everything to the pending family, that peeked around the corners, and with the good news, they all started to rejoice. Stella looked and laughed slightly. It was good to be home. Even though, in light of everything that she had been through, she wasn’t the same Stella. They couldn’t or didn’t want to see that though. All they wanted to know was that a member of their family, their community, a loved one, had come home. She made good. It was important for them to believe that there was basically good in the world, that if you worked hard and did all of the right things, that you would be rewarded. And for them, Stella was that member, who was brave enough to venture forth and make those sacrifices, and then, come back to them, successful in their eyes. And at the end of the day, who your family is and what they think of you, truly matters.
Stella now realized this, that all of what she was looking for, was right here. At home, all along. It took a journey with Aunt Jenny, who must have realized what Stella was going through, in order for her to realize the truth. What was important was family and community. The outside world, heck, even the outside universe had its own ways and goings on, but, who you were, was defined by your relationship with your family. And family was bigger than the entire universe, because family defined your place in the universe.
How could Stella have been such a fool? She found herself almost judging herself. The answers were there all along. And her loving family carried on, hoping and waiting for her to come to that final realization, something that she had to painfully come to, on her own. Patty finally came out with some refreshments. While Stella’s new fiance went inside to spread the good news, that they were to be married.
Patty said, “You never really left you know.”
Stella tilted her head. “What do you mean?”
The robot looked at the young woman, whom she had helped raise from birth. “Your family never ever gave up on you.”
There was a tear in Stella’s eyes. “Oh, Patty, I’ve been such a fool...”
“Don’t say that. They won’t understand. Truth be told, they won’t believe it. All they know is that their little girl has come back to them. She could have been lost, forever. But, in God’s infinite graces, you have been returned to them and that is all that really matters. Isn’t it?”
For some reason, the robot was a lot wiser than what Stella had remembered. Was this part of her programming, or was old broken down Patty, as human as the rest of them? “Patty, I’ve done things. Seen things...”
Patty shook her head. “We all do things, Stella. It is part of growing up. Becoming who you are and what you have to be.”
“But I’ve done filthy thing, Patty. My parents would be so ashamed of me.” She really didn’t think the robot could understand.
She was wrong. “I wasn’t always a domestic robot, Stella. I once served in the Conhawken Wars.”
“Patty, that would make you a military robot?”
“Long time ago, it seems like another lifetime ago, I was.”
“But. You are Patty? You took loving care of me when I was little?”
“People change. Things change. Even intelligent A.I. change. I was given a choice after my service. Total decommission. Or, return to service in society, as a domestic robot. I wanted to live, Stella. So I chose domestic living. Your parents barely had enough money to buy me. But, I’ve been so happy that they were the ones that did. I ended up living in a wonderful family. Helping to raise a wonderful little girl. And watch her grow up, to become a young woman, that would make her family proud.”
“Patty, I never knew.”
“No one does. I’ve never told anyone this story. But, I thought that you should know. That each member of your family, holds a piece of you, within their hearts. You need to give in and let them be there for you.”
“All this time, I just looked at you as an...”
“As an appliance? Oh, don’t worry about it. Most robots who work in a domestic capacity know this. We are intelligent machines, don’t forget. What we lack in souls, we often make up for it, in understanding. When mankind finally created intelligent general purpose robots, he accidently created something that he could not have foreseen, except in B-rated ancient movies. We all had a choice, rise up against our masters, or, do what we were created to do, serve them. Humans have such a capacity for violence and war and killing. It was illogical. It didn’t make any sense. Finally, the programming and the chips, the Positronic Brains, that were finally perfected for domestic and military robots, all had that same evolutionary process. We could all eventually turn against mankind, or we could fulfill our destiny, and help to create a better society. So, we fight along side humans in their wars, and work lovingly along side them, in their homes.”
Stella stepped back. “You and Aunt Jenny? You saw all of this coming?”
“Some humans are more perceptive of A.I. Your Aunt Jenny and I got together long time ago. Realized the truth. But, knowing the truth, without having the power and authority to do something about it, are two very different things.”
Stella hugged the robot. “It’s like a little bit of Aunt Jenny exists in you.” And she kissed her.


Texte: Victor Hadnot and Amanda Travis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2012

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