
Chapter One

I pushed the curtains out of my ways and marched out into the main room. My client only feet away from me with a red hand print across his face. I strapped my mask back on and straightened my corset. "Sapphire, why are you acting up?"

 "This creep, tried getting under my clothes," I cast a glare back towards the creep. His few hairs were slicked back, he wore a nice suit, but it was thin and showed the bulge in his pants. "I told him to stop, but he practically held me down and climbed on top of me."

My boss sighed as he motioned for the bodyguard to take the man away from me. My boss grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into his office. "I know you have been here for awhile now and are the most wanted, but this bullshit has got to stop."

"This bullshit?" I stood from my chair and slammed my hands on his desk. "I was almost raped four times this week, had you get the bodyguard twelve, and you want me to stop my bullshit?!"
"Sapphire, calm down."

"No, you calm the fuck down!" I collapsed in the chair and silent tears ran down my face. My boss was actually a very sweet man, never tried anything with his workers and let them stay here if they don't have a place to sleep.

"I know this is putting a lot of stress on you, why don't you take the night off?"

"I can't, I need to pay the bills this week," I wiped the tears from my face and stood on my two wobbly legs. "I am good, just had a tiny breakdown."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I walked out of his office and into the private bathroom. I wiped the massacre form under my eyes and reapplied my eyeliner. Putting on some lip-gloss, I studied myself in the mirror. I had dark brown ringlets for hair pined up in a bun. My eyes were dark blue; that is how I got my name. Sapphire.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I am a stripper, sadly. My true name is Sapphire, Sapphire Banks.

My college Sandy walked into the bathroom. "Girl, are you alright? I heard what happened."

"Yeah, I am fine. It wouldn't be Mega Bucks if you didn't kick someone out, right?" I nervously laughed and walked back to the main room. It was dark with bright pink sofas for anyone to sit and watch the show. A lighted stage lined with poles, where the strippers danced.

We all wore the same black corset with black underwear, fishnet stockings and black heels. A beautiful half white mask was the main attraction though. Feathers spread across the top. That was the main reason I picked this strip club, because of the masks. At least if someone I knew came in, they wouldn't be able to recognize it was me.

My first week here I was moved up to a personal stripper. I don't dance on the stage anymore, clients could request me and we go into a private room.

I took a huge sigh as I walked into the examination room. At this club, the private strippers are chained to the wall and a man walks in. He examines us and chooses the one he wants.

Four others stood in the room with me, waiting for Anthony to come in and chain us to the wall. It didn't take long for my arms to be locked into the chains and another client to walk in.

He stood six feet tall towering all of us. Dark shaggy black hair hung in his face, a body that could make a girl melt in her shoes, and eyes that looked into your soul. he wore a button up shirt and faded jeans.

The man walked back and forth, studying us. Many girls whistle out to him, or slide against the wall to get his attention, but I stood still. My head hung low, ashamed that this man sees me like this.

I didn't know the dude, but his option mattered a lot to me at this point and chained to the wall, begging for him wasn't the first imppression I wanted him to see. I stared at my feet, clicking my heels waiting for the agony to end.

My chin was harshly pushed up, the man stood inches away from me, studying my face. My breathing picked up and I shrunk back into the wall. Our breathes mingled together in unison and I couldn't help, but beg to the gods he would pick me.

"This one," he had a low husky voice that brought shivers up my spine.

"Smart choice," Anthony unlocked my wrists and showed the man the way toward our own private room. My hands sweat and I couldn't quite get a handle on my nerves. The man in front of me had a way about him, the sent me sweat glands on ultra speed.

He opened the door for me and I walked past him into the room. It was a pretty small room with a black couch pushed to the far corner. The walls were a dark red and the floors black tile.

I made my way over to the couch and sat down, waiting for him to sit down next to me. I closed my eyes and took a couple of breathes, forcing my nerves to calm the fuck down. When I opened them, his hazel eyes were intensely staring at me. "I don't want a lap dance."


"I am not here for a stripper," he leaned back in the couch and folded his arms under his head.

"Then why are you here?"

"Why are you?" he avoided my question.

"Because I work here," I snapped and crossed my arms. He might be sexy as hell, but my temper could not stand him. "You avoided my question."

"I know," he gave me a small smirk. "Kids don't grow up saying I want to be a stripper. Why are you here?"

I turned to tell him to go screw himself, but I was caught in his stare again. It was very intense, but beautiful. I made my insides burn and my outside freeze. "I have large bills to pay."


"That is for me to know-" I was cut off by the sound of gun shots. I didn't have enough time to react, before the man grabbed my hand and we ran out of the room. "Take a left!"

I started for the door, but a voice froze me in place. "Sapphire, you ran out of time." I turned around to find one of Chris' henchmen. He was a large man with a gun in his hand.

"Sapphire we need to leave," the man tugged on my arm, but my feet wouldn't move.

"Where is Chris' money?"

"Sapphire!" I struggled internally, telling myself to place one foot in front of another, but I just couldn't. Another gunshot and the henchman fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

I turned around to find the man with a gun in his hand as well. "Fuck it!" He tossed me over his shoulder and slammed his body into the door. The cool air was welcomed to my sweat body.

I could feel my fear fade away, a peacefulness replacing it. Blocks away from the club, the man placed me onto my feet. "Can you walk again?" I nodded, knowing my tongue was still heavy and unusable. "Bloody hell, now you can't talk. Where do you live?"

My mind left him and I slumped to the ground. I couldn't think straight and eventually my eyes grew heavy. My head hit the concrete, but by that time I was in a peaceful slumber.

Chapter Two

I struggle underneath the covers, I tossed and turned, but the covers still stuck to my sweaty body. I kicked my feet multiply times; since when was the covers so thick. I turned my head and opened my eyes.  Outside the window you could see a park just below and a lttle further back a river.

I jumped out of bed, falling to the floor because the blankets were still wrapped around my feet. "Where the fuck am I?" My crappy apartment was never this clean or bright before. The walls were a bright shade of white as mine were a dull yellow. The carpet was just that, a carpet! I had hardware floorings, or at least I thought I did.

Stumbling to the door, I walked into a bathroom, not excactly where I was heading. I stood by the mirror, excamining the mess I call my face. My makeup was smudged and my hair was slicked back with... is that blood? I patted my head and looked at my fingers. Crusty red blood fell to the floor. I thought back to the night before. Was I shot?

I walked back to the bedroom, stopping at another door to listen beyond it. pans and pots were clinking on the other side of the door. I wasn't sure if it was safe, but I grabbed the blanket from the bed and wrapped it around me, hoping to cover some of my ice cold skin. I slowly opened the door and walked to the kitchen were a very large man stood.

His back was towards me, but I could tell he was very handsome from just looking at his back. Muscles rippled down his arm and towards his think legs. His hair dark and shaggy curled around his ears and stopped above shoulders. "Uh, hello?"

The man turned around and images of last night flashed in my mind. Chris's men came to the club last night. I could have been dead by now if it wasn't for... "I see you are up now," he placed a cup of coffe on the table and picked one up for himself.

Shuffling towards the table, I sat down and sipped the coffee. Many things raced through my head, but the main one was what I was wearing. Still in my stripper clothes, I sat next to the most gorgeouse man on earth, who pretty much rejected me last night. "Thanks for saving my life," I mubbled and sat the coffee down.

"It was nothing really." He turned around and placed his mug into the sink. "If you don't mind me asking why was the man after you last night?"

I sighed knowing I wasn't going to avoid this question, "My brother was a druggie. He owes a loanshark more than we could have paid for. Anyways one day he just uped and left without so much as a goodbye. Sine the loanshark can't find him he is now after me." I looked down at the table, "that is why I am what I am." I motioned to my clothes and looked up at...

"You know my name, but I don't know yours."


"Nice meeting you Oz," I stood letting the blanket fall and placed the mug in the sin next to his. "If you don't mind, could you give me a ride back to my apartment?"

Oz walked into the bedroom and left me standing in his kitchen. I was about to go after him, but something caught my eye. I picked up a picture of a beautiful young lady. She had short blonde hair and blue eyes. She stood by the edge of a canyon and had her arm wrapped arm Oz's shoulders.

Fabric was place over my head. I moved my arms around until I found the holes for the arms. I looked down to see a huge shirt on me. It was at least twice as big as me and had the rolling stones logo on the front. "Thank you," I turned around and gave Oz a tiny smile.

He just nodded his head before walking back into the bedroom and bringing out my shoes. I thanked him again and went to the couch to go strap them on. "She is beautiful."

"Yeah," Oz placed the picture where it last was and turned to me leaning on the wall.

"Is she your girlfriend?" I blurted out before I could stop. I looked down at my shoes, blushing. "You don't have to answer that, I was just trying to make conversation."

"No it is ok. She isn't my girlfirend, she is actually my sister."

"Really? You guys look nothing alike."

"Yeah, she got her looks from our father." I stood and followed him out the door. We walked down the stairs and onto a prety street. Trees lined the sidewalks and flowersbeds laid against the buildings. Each building looked the same, a three story made out of red brick. They were all reallly close together, just the way I imangine how my home would have looked if I wasn't busy paying for my brothers mistakes.

"This place is wonderful," I grabbed a cherry blossom from one of the trees and placed it in my hair. "How do I look?" The flower fell from my hair and floated to the ground.

Oz knelt down and picked the flower up. He stood back up, brushing some hair out of my face and behind my ear. He delicately placed the flower in my hair and smiled at what he done. "There, now you look wonderful too."

My knees felt weak and my heart felt like it was about to explode from my chest, but my mouth had to ruin the moment. "What I didn't look wonderful before?" Oz chuckled, turned and walked away from me.

I followed him until we reached a motorcycle. "Here," he gave me a dark red helmet and hoped onto the bike. He started up the bike with a loud vroom and put the kickstand up.

"What about your helmet?"

"Your health is more important than mine," I could just barely hear him over the loud bike. Hestantly I threw my leg over the bike and made sure I was at least a couple inches from him. "You better hold on." The motercycle veered forward and I clucthed onto his waist. Scooting closer to him, I rested my head on his back, so the wind didn't hurt my face.

I told him where to go and finally after ten minutes we drove up to my crappy building. "Thanks," I swung off the bike and handed him the bike. "For everything."

"It was no problem," He placed the helmet over his head and started the bike again.

"Well I guess goodbye," I walked up my steps and unlocked my door. Oz didn't drive away until I was completely in my place and the door shut. I slumped to the wall, oh why didn't I give him my number or asked him if we could meet again. It was stupid of me not to at least ask, even if he wasn't interested in me.

I stood and placed my keys into the glass bowl on the counter. "Hello mother," I kissed the forehead of the picture of my mom and walked into the door. "I am sorry I wasn't home earlier, something happened at the club." I took the flower out of my hair and placed it next to my mother's picture. "I know I shouldn't still be working there, but I have no other way of paying off the bills."

If I didn't know better I would have thought that was the last time I saw Oz.


Chapter Three

I pushed past the line of people circling the club and walked up to the bouncer. "Sapphire. I am here with Sandy," I waited for the bouncer to look through the list before stepping inside the ropes. The club was called Ice, very original, but it did have cool decore.

I felt my way through the club. Ice was a basic club, there was a bar to your left when you walk in that extended through out the whole wall. You walk down a few steps, squeeze your way through the tight spaced tables and you find the dance floor. The tile were techo colored, wihich changed depending the speed of the music.

To the right of the dance floor was a stairway to reach your way to the VIP section, the place I was headed now. Another bouncer stopped me at the stairway, but I was let through when Sally called me over. "Hey girlie!" I tightly hugged Sally before moving over to my other colleges.

There was at least fifteen of us in total, all different, but uniquely beautiful all the same. One of my close's friends Madeline, pulled my arm and gave me a drink. "What is it?"

"How should I know?" She laughed before tugging me to a group of out friends. "Look who I found?!"

"Sapphire!" Three girls screamed all running over to me. "Girl you are late," Fionna lightly hit my arm before going back to sit down.

"No one told me we had to be here at a specific time!"  We all sat back down, enjoying the shadows that protected us from unwanted eyes.

"So I don't know about you girls, but I am finding a man right here and taking him home with me," Fionna giggled into her cup. "Have you seen the meat out there?"

"YES! There is way to many to choose from," Heather laughed.

"What about you Sapphire, you finding yourself a hunk of meat tonight?" I stopped drinking and set my drink down. Find myself a hunk of meat? Images of Oz popped into my mind, making me squirm in my seat. "Not tonight."

"Awww," they all pouted before changing onto the topic of shoes. I love my girls, but they all blondes in the brain. I silently laughed and tried taking a sip, but it was all gone.

"I'll be back," I stooted away from the seat and made my way towards the stairway. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Let me get that for you," an arm reach over me taking my cup and led me down the stairs. From what I could tell the guy was very tall, almost 6'2. He had short blonde hair and lanky body. "My name is Jason."

"Saphire," we reached a bar and I fine got to see his face. Nice green eyes, freckles covering his nose, nothing I wouldn't fall over if I didn't already see perfection. "So what made you want to buy me a drink? Is it my beautiful face, my perfect body, or to get the girl in the purple dress and red hair jelouse?"

"W-W-What are you talking about?"

"Oh just how you to have been eyeing reach other for awhile now," I leaned across the bar and got the bartender's attention. "Surprise me?"

"So you have been watching us now?" Jason leaned in, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes I was only because I thought it was very stupid of you not to walk over there and grab her fucking hand," I shurgged and leaned my back against the bar. I watched the red headed girl. She was pretty, nothing special, a normal girl, but defianlty pretty. "The only reason she is dancing with that piece of meat is to get your attention, obviously it worked out."

"How do you know so much," he leaned against the bar as well.

"I am a girl," I thank the bartender and took a sip. tequila? I downed the drink and asked for another. "I have been in this situtation before."

"So what do I do?"

"You could ask her for a dance which will bring her great joy or you could dance with another girl."

"Which as better resualts?"

"You get hot steamy sex with your second choice," I down the second tequila and was whisked away to the dance floor. Jason's hands wandered places I would never let them be, but I could feel the girl's eyes staring straight through my brain.

I slid down Jason's body before getting pushed away by the red headed girl. Her face was completely red, with little creases on her forehead. "Get off him!"

"My pleasure," I stood and brushed my bottom off. I slauntered back to the bar. You help a guy out and you end up on your ass? How is that fair? I sat down on a stool and handed the bartender the money I owed him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"  Oz stood in front of me, his hand clenched in a fist and his eyes squinting. It was very adorable to me. I strugged, turning around knowing I was going to get a reaction out of him. Oz grabbed my shoulders turning me around then pulled me off the stool.

"Do I know you mister?"

"Shut up!" Oz pulled me through the crowds that was trying to get in and and bursted into the cold air. It felt like just like the last time I saw him, us running from Chris and his men. But what were we running from now?

"Oz, let me go!" I struggled against him, almost ripping my arm out of its socket. Oz wrapped his sweaty arm around me waist, instantly warming me.

"Come on honey, don't want to be late now do we?" We walked past the bouncer who looked at us supiously before turning back to the pleading women. I could have yelled out to the hundreds of people that we past, but the feelings of his arms. The way my body reacted near him. I shuddered, cuddling closer to him until we were out of sight.

Oz let me go and pushed me into a alley, "Why were you there?!" His eyes were a dark black before softening into a golden hazel I was use to. The moonlight shone behind him, giving him almost an angelic affect. I brushed back his hair like he did to me and looked down at me heels, blushing.

"I was out with friends, my co-workers to be exact."

"Shit," sirens were heard down the street before coming closer. Oz pressed me up against the wall, so both of us were in the shadows. His arms were on either side of me as I was holding onto the wall to make sure I wouldn't fall.


"Shh," we stood silent for awhile, waiting for the police cars to drive past before I took in an air of breath. "I'm sorry about this."

"No, it is fine," I leaned my head against the wall. Oz pushed himself away and walked back down the alleyway. "Where are you going?!"


"Aren't you going to explain this to me? Aren't you going to tell me why you dragged me out here!" I ran up to him grabbing his arm to stop him.

"Go home."

"Go home?" I walked in front of him and stopped him with my hand. "No fucking way. You better fucking give me an explanation or I'll, I'll stalk you!"

"You'll stalk me?" he gave me an amused grin before turning down the street. "Goodnight Sapphire."

"Fuck you!" I stomped my foot, breaking the heel of my favorite shoe. "FUCK it all," I took my shoes off before turning down the street and started my way home.


Chapter Four

I walked towards Mega Bucks, a creepy feeling overcoming me. I threw my duffelbag over my shoulder and kept my eyes forward, not thinkng about the horrible streets in front of me or behind me. Not thinking about the crooks that could jump out, but something better. Something that could be possibly even more dangerous yet exciting.


Even if I haven't seen him in a few days, doesn't mean I don't think about him. He is constantly haunting my thoughts, morning and evening. Awake and asleep.  It was a tiring process that I couldn't escape even if I tried.

I shoved away my thoughts and pulled on the door handle. I struggled with it, yanking with all my might, but it wouldn't budge. I walked to the side of the building and tried to look through the smudged windows. Wiping away some dirt, I peered inside to find cops.

Ducking down, I put my hand over my mouth to calm my breathing. A cop walked out of the door, looked around and walked back inside.

How did cops figure us out?

When I was first signed, I was warned that this wasn't actually allowed. That this club is secret for mayors and major buisnessman could come to. Even though it is often talked about in this small town, it still wasn't allowed. None of the parents and wifes liked the idea of a strip club, so a law was passed.

It was completely stupid, but it was a law and we got to follow the laws.

I crept to the alleyway and ran to the otherside. I sprinted until I could make out the maple trees, and cherry blossoms. I shoved aside my bangs and looked over the apartments. They all looked the same to me, beautiful, but the same.

I spotted Oz's motorcycle and made my way up the nearest apartment building. There was four doors in the hallway, each only having a hanging number on the door to tell the difference. At the time, it never occured to me to even look at his apartment number, much less remember if this was the right building.

Collecting some courage I knocked on the first door to the right and a old lady answered the door. "Sorry wrong household."

"Who's home are you looking for, sweetie?"

"I am looking for a man with black hair, very large."


"Yes, do you know what number he is in?"

"I don't quite remember sorry," I sighed. "But you could ask him."

I turned around to see Oz walking up the staircase, "Thank You."

"Hey you," I walked towards him. Oz's eyes flickered up to me and a faint smile crept on his face. "Didn't think you would see me again, did you?"

"I was actually expecting your arrival," he pointed down at the bag, "do you like chinese?"

I walked into Oz's apartment again, expecting something different. I can't it explain it, but it had a different feel to it. Maybe it was the fact that I was actualy invited in here and didn't bump my head and had to stay.

I placed my bag by the door and walked into the kitchen. "How did you know I was going to show?"

"Lets call it pyshic powers."

"No, really. Do girls randomly show up at your door all the time?" I took out the food from the bag as Oz took plates out.

"Your the one who said you were going to stalk me," he shrugged and pulled out two forks. "I'm surprised you didn't show up earlier."

"Oh, yeah." I helped carry the food to the living room and we sat down on the sofa. "Are you sure I can eat this?"

Oz chuckled and tilted his head, "I didn't poison it, if that is what you are asking."

"No," I laughed and shook my head. "It is just, not many people buy me food. Actually not anyone and I don't want you to feel like you have to-"

"Sapphire, I wanted to buy you this. I don't feel like I have to."



I grabbed my stomach from hurting. "It wasn't that funny!"

"Yes it was," I pushed myself off the floor, but one look at Oz's face sent me into another fit of laughter. "I am so sorry."

I was trying to get up when the carpet under slipped. I slammed into Oz's chest and my food went all over him. His hair, his clothes, even inside his shoes. Even though Oz kept denying the hilarousiness of it, he was eventually laughing on the floor with me.

"Well now I know not to invite you over for dinner again."

"You were going to ask me to come to dinner again," I cooed. I picked off a noodle from Oz's head and threw it in the sink. "That is probably a smart idea."

"Probably," Oz mocked me and threw our food away. "Let me get cleaned up and I will take you home."

"I could walk," I protested.

"It is thirty degrees outside and dark as hell. You can wait fifteen minutes," Oz picked a noodle off his shirt and threw it at me before walking into the bedroom.

I grabbed a handtowel and got on my hands and knees, trying to clean the mess I made. Scrubbing some of the sause off the floor, I stood and screeched. "Shit, you can't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry, you were just very amusing."

"How am I amusing?" I threw his towel into the sink and grabbed my jacket.

"Well for one you were scrubing a stain that has been there since I bought this place. You were so focused."

"How was I suppose to know that?" I hopped onto the back of the morotcycle and grabbed the helmet from Oz's hands. Oz gently grabbed the straps and strapped me up. He hopped on after me and kick started the bike. "Thank you."

"My pleasure."


We drove up to my apartment, the door was slightly cracked open and a light was on in the kitchen. "Do you live with anyone?" I shook my head and pressed onto Oz tighter. There was a number of possiblilties who could be on the other side of my door. SO many people Derik pissed off. So many people that are after me.

"We should just go back to your apartment."

"Who ever is in there, has already heard the motorcycle and know we are here. There is no point in running now," Oz got off the bike and held is hand out to me, "You won't be alone."

I grabbed his hand, electric shocks running up my arm. "I am not sure." I got off his bike and held on tightly to his arm. Without Oz's support I would probobaly hit the floor by now, either to get close to the ground or just because I fainted.

"What could go wrong?" Oz pulled up his jeans and showed me his gun.

"Why do you-" I was shushed by the sound of something crashing in my house. We both slowly made our way up the stairway and I pushed up the door. Oz let go of my hand and walked in first. I heard something hit the floor and the two hit many the things before it all stopped.


I ran into my room, "Derik?"

Chapter Five


Dropping my keys into their bowls, I flipped the switch watching the lights blink in and out before staying on. In front of me, Derik and Oz have frozen in thier spots, Oz's fist in midair. The bloody lip, the swollen eyes, I completely ignored.

In the fight Oz's shirt must have rosen up because a sliver a skin was showing. A smooth tan stomach that was taunting me with his muscles. "Oz could you please get off of him," I grabbed hold of Oz's arm and pulled him up before he muttered a word. My twin brother, Derik laid on the ground his feeble arms were crossed in front of him, a feeble attempt not to get punched in the face. "Why are you here?"

Derik slowly got up from the floor, his curly hair falling in front of his face. Derik and I couldn't look anymore alike. We both had the Banks brown curly hair and tanish skin. Derik was about a head taller than me, the same height as Oz, but that was the only difference. We both had a splash of freckle on our noses and of course the sapphire blue eyes. But Derik's was a shade brighter, but still the same beautiful blue.

"Awe Lilly bear, you didn't miss me?"

"Don't call me that," I pushed past him, storming my way towards the kitchen. The lights flickered as well, but at least it took a shorter time to come on. I sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, laying my head in my hands.

"Lilly, you know if I had a choice I would have stayed, but they would have caught me," Derik sat down across from her. "It wasn't like I wanted to leave you alone."

"She died," I lifted my head, tears at the brim of my eyes. "A week after you left, she died, because you left. She couldn't handle the worry for as her only son lefted without a note."


"Stop calling me that!" I stood up, pushing my chair to the ground with a thud. "Why are you here?!"

"Please calm down," he simply crossed his arms over his chest and raised his head. "It would be easier for me if you would."I looked to my left, cacthing a glimpse of Oz. His face was pale and he looked like he was internally struggling. When he looked up, he caught my eyes giving my one of those heart-racing smiles of his.

"So who are you?"  Derik glared at Oz. I was about to jump in, but Oz walked into the kitchen and stood behind me, his hands on my shoulders.

"I am a friend of Sapphire, I was dropping her off," he didn't hesitate. They stared at each other, neither wanting to back down for the safety of Sapphire. At the moment that was all each one was thinking about, but from Sapphire's perspective it looked like they were going to hit the floor again.

"Why are you here?" Sapphire snapped again, gaining the attention from both boys.

"Well, I had to tell you something and I couldn't hide it from you anymore," Derik shuffled in his seat, wondeirng if he was doing the right thing.

Sapphire nooded in encouragment, what could he possibly want to tell me after six long years? Derik opened his mouth about to speak, but quickly closed it and glared at Oz. "Would you mind?"

"I want him here," I spoke before Oz could walk away. "I trust him, if you tell me than you are telling him too." I looked over at Oz who stood by the door his hand tightly gripping the handle. He turned around and made his way back over to me, but sat down in the seat next to me instead.

"Well it started when we were sixteen. Mom had just gotten sick and she was on her death bed. She had place the responsibility of taking care of you onto my shoulders. I was the man of the house, I couldn't watch my sister starve, so I did what she wanted, I got a job."

"Well after a crappy week, I realized all my hard work and long hours won't be enough for the both of us and the house, so I got a different job. Working for Chris."

I silently gasped, "You were working for that- that loanshark?"

"Well... he wasn't, isn't a loan shark. He is a drug dealer, I was his new recruit. It paid the bills on the table and we had enough money left to buy you a new car. I sold drugs to the school, getting half the money for myself and giving half to Chris."

"You were the drug dealer?" I stood up again, the chair dropping to the ground a second time. "You were the fucking bastard!" I lunged at him, but Oz caught me before I could sink my claws in. I scratched at Oz's arms, pulling to get to Derik. "She had so much going for her, you no good son of a bitch!"

Derik stood and backed toward the wall, his mouth hung open, "I didn't know."

"She was a deppression pills, she couldn't take any other pill than the ones her doctor gave to her," I tried grabbing for him again, but Oz pulled me back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, restraining me from completely loosing it.

"I didn't know!"

My best friend, Kelsey, had the world at her fingertips. Good grades, great personalilty, but one day I walked into her room. She had overdosed on pills. I ran down the stairs screaming for her parents. When they fianlly ran up to me, my eyes were leaking and all I could do was point.

Later that day she died in the hospital. I watched my best friend's life slip away from her. When the doctor came in, he told me and her parents that she overdosed on different pills, ones that was not prescribed to her. But he didn't have to tell me that, I knew about this problem for awhile now. She told me that she was getting over it and she was, but that day...

"J-J-Just leave," I slumped into Oz's chest watchng as Derik made his way out the door. I silently cried, but I softly tugged Oz's arms off of me and wiped my eyes. "You should go too, you probably have work or something to do in-"

He pulled me in his arms; he was cradling my head into his shoulder. I cried for Kelsey, for the others that died because of my brother. I cried for the safe arms that were wrapped around me, thinking that Kelsey should be here, experiencing this. That she should already be married and have a great job. I cried for the other lives lost.

"You know most guys wouldn't know what to do. They would either push crying women away or take advantage of them."

"I am not most guys," he quietly mumbled into my hair line. He kissed my forehead and lifted my chin, "I will always be here if you need it."

"Thank you," I quietly said. I cursed under my breath. I have noticed I have been saying that frequently, especially toward Oz. I looked down and gasped as blood ran down Oz's arm. "Did I do this?"

"It is nothing," Oz tried pulling away, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the sink. Placing a towel under the faucet, I waited for it to turn cold, before placing it on Oz's arms. Patting the blood away, tears swelled in my eyes again.

"I'm sorry," I dropped the towel in the sink and pulled another one out from the drawers.

"It really doesn't-" he winced as I pat his arm, drying the water up. He looked down at me and gave me a cocky smile, "You know I am really enjoying this."

"Shut up," I hit his shoulder with the towel and hung it on the oven's handle. Grabbing his hand, we walked to my livingroom and I pulled him down with me. I turned the TV on, clicking it to cartoons. "Spongebob!"

"What is this?"

"You have never seen Spongebob?" I got up from my seat and got onto my knees looking for my Spongebob CD set. "Then be ready to laugh your ass off." I placed the disk in my player and sat back on the couch. I cuddled into Oz's side, but he has gone stiff.

"Umm, Sapphire, why does your brother call you Lilly?"

"Everyone called me Lilly back then, it is my middle name. Sapphire Lilly Banks. I never really liked it, so that is why I force everyone to call my Sapphire again."

"I like Lilly, it suits you," Oz placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me back towards his side. The show came on, but I wasn't paying attention. I was watching the gorgeous man that sat next to me, our warm bodies brushing against each other.

His shirt had risen again, and I could feel his skin sending me goosebumps. Oz leaned down close to me, "Your not even watching it," his breath brushed against my cheek giving me tingles.

"Yes I am," I retorted and turned back to the Tv, but my eyes wandered back to Oz. He was starting to notice and began looking down at me. Back and forth we would stare at each until we both looked at the same time. I tucked a piece of hair behind me ear, remembering the flower he placed there a couple days ago.

"Lilly," he gently said, his hands sliding down my arm. I wanted to reach out and run my hands through his hair.

"Mhmm," I felt this tug inside me, pulling towards him. I was so attractive to this man, everything about him was addictive. Just the way he blinks, his long eyelashes gracifully brushing his cheeks could make my legs go numb.

I could feel his body getting stiff again and he pulled away slightly, breaking my trance. Turning my attention away from him, I was disappointed he didn't feel the same way about me. He didn't see me like that, "I think you should go."

I looked back at Oz. His eyes said he was hurt, but he just nodded his head standing up. I followed him to the door. "Lilly," Oz turned around and lightly kissed my forehead, "I will see you tomorrow."

I nodded my head again, a smile pulling at my lips. "Tommorrow?"

"I will pick you up at two," he turned and walked down my stairs and hopped onto his motorcycle. "Till tomorrow." He kick started his bike and drove off. I closed thedoor and locked it behind me.

That boy is going to be the death of me. 

Chapter Six


"Miniture golfing?" I picked out my club and a bright pink ball with the logo, Wacky's Palace on the side in big black letters. I grabbed Oz's arm and pulled him down to my level. "Is this even allowed, this place isn't even Wacky's Palace," I showed him the ball and he cracked up laughing.

"Come on, do you not like miniture golfing?"

"I don't know, I have never played," I shrugged and followed the couple in front of us untill we reached the first course.

"You have never played?" Oz walked behind me and circled his arms around me. "I guess I will have to show you."

"Gosh, this is so cheesy," I laughed nervously, but didn't dare remove his arms away from me. The afternoon's air was warm, so Oz was wearing a t-shirt, showing off his perfect arms that were now wrapped around me. I held in a shudder and looked up at Oz to realize he has been talking the entire time I was staring at his arms.

"Do you understand?"

"Umhm," I stuttered. Blushing at myself I looked down at my brightly colored ball and focused on making it between the two fish, over the bridge, and into the hole. Swinging my arms back I hit the ball lightly; it went into between the fish, but no over the small bridge.

"Try again," Oz engouraged me. He stepped away from me this time and let me swing by myself. Even though I was thankful, I couldn't help but feel the warm air that took place of the abbsence of Oz's body. This time I was going to get it over the fucking bridge. Swimging back forcefully I hit Oz.

Oz grunted and fell down on his knees, his head in between his legs. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I threw the club down and ran towards Oz getting on my hands and knees. Everyone around us laughed, but I was blushing from the attention I was bringing us.

"It is Ok," Oz gasped and lifted his head. He tried giving me a reassuring smile, but it looked more like a grimace and his head fell back between his legs like the effort of looking Ok was useless. Standing up, Oz's legs shook a little, but he stood fine. People around us started to clap and everything.

"It wasn't like a parlyzed the man," I snapped and everybody turned back to their game. Shameful of myself, I looked back down at my club and kicked it. "Told you I never played before."

Oz grabbed the side of his stomach and fell to the ground again, but laughing this time. He was practically rollling around. A teen couple walked up to us and looked between Oz and I, "Did you hit him again?"

"I didn't hit him again you fucking brats," I started blushing again. The teens walked away snickering and muttering adults under their breaths. I pulled Oz up, "I'm not that funny."

"I am not laughing at you," Oz sobbered and picked my club from off the ground. Oz placed the club in my hand, "you are just very amusing."

"Thanks, I've been told."


We sat at one of the few tables around a truck, eating some icecream. "I am never going back over there, golf hates me."

"Why would you say that?" Oz licked his icecream, distracting me slighty from the conversation at hand. I watched his tongue scoop some icecream into a neat little spot and his lips sucked it up. I watched this a few times before remembering I probably look weird watching.

"I lost three balls and almost threw my club at a little kid for bumping into my ball," I licked my lips.

"Ok next time we won't go minture golfing."

"Next time?"

"I mean yeah, if you would like to. Because if you don't I understand, it is not like I am forcing you, you are a grown woman. Not that you look grown, you actually look young. I mean not your boobs, your boobs look like an adults. But it wasn't like I was staring... or anything."

I let a little laugh slip before finishing off my icecream. "Come on, I know where we are going next." I grabbed Oz's hand and we ran to his bike. Grabbing his helemt, I strapped it on and hopped onto the bike.

"You look like your suppose to be on a bike," Oz backed up a bit, getting in a better view to look at me.

"Really?" I blushed a little. "Come on, the place we are going closes at nine."

Oz hopped onto the bike and started it. In seconds we were on the road, zooming past cars and trucks. I held onto Oz again, using the excuse of the motorcycle to press my body close to him. Resting my chin on his shoulder, I told him the directions to get there.

"So you come here often?" Oz looked at the guns that was at our exposal. He picked out a pistol, while I grabbed my double barreled shotgun.

"Yes," I clipped a piece of paper on the clip and pressed the button so it could move back. "My father was in the police force before he divorced my mother. We didn't have a lot of money for minuture golfing or movies, but me and my brother came to the Shootout often. I got good at shooting and when my parents divorced, I didn't want to give that up."

"I am sorry to hear that," Oz stood next to me and clipped on a piece of paper too.

"Later on in life, I realized my father was a dipshit and we don't talk anymore. I could care less where he ends up," I put on my mufflers, ending the conversation.

Oz did the same and we both started to shoot. It felt good holding a gun again, since I couldn't come the past month. The feeling that I was holding inside, ran up my arms and into my gun. Pulling the trigger, a beautiful silver bullet flew through the air and hit the target. If you have never used a gun, you would have flown across the room shooting this one, but my vast experince kept me in place.

After an hour we both ran out of bullets and our shoulders were aching. "You are a really talented shooter."

"You aren't so bad yourself," bumping my hip into his we laughed our way outside.

"Hey Oz!" a voice called out from behind us. Turning around a short, slight chubby guy came running towards us. He had dark red curly hair and a stubbly beard. He ran up to us, "Hey I thought you had the day off?"

"I do," Oz's voice held a cool tone to it. The same way he use to talk to me when we first met.

"Then what are you," the man's eyes landed on me and his eyebrow rose. "Sorry for not introducing myself, I am Fredrickson. I work with Oz."

"Oh hi," we shook hands. "I am-"

"Lilly," Oz said my nickname before I could finish.

"That name suits you," Fredrickson nodded his head before turning back to Oz. "Are you two dating?"

"No," Oz snapped.

Hurt, I looked down at my shoes. Well now I know his feeling about me. "Oh, well it was nice meeting you Lilly and I will see you on Monday Oz."

Oz nodded and grabbed my arm, forcing me to follow. "Lilly?" I turned around, shook my arm away and walked back to Fredrickson. "Don't give up on him. He has been a friend of mine for awhile," Fredrickson looked past my shoulder and over to Oz who was angrily kicking dirt. "It would be good for him to hang around a good heart."

"Thanks and I wouldn't," I ran back to Oz and grabbed his hand.

"What did he say to you?"

"Just how it was nice to meet me," Oz looked in my eyes. Seeming sastified he walked me back to the motorcycle.


We pulled up to my house around seven. "This is my stop," I hopped off the bike. "Thank you for today."

"No problem," Oz put his helmet back on and turned his head to the street. My heart broke a little.

"I guess I will see you soon?"


"No you don't," I pulled the helmet off his head and threw it on the ground. "Do not start this with me!"

"Start what?"

"This, your cold shoulder. I have felt it the first couple of days we met and it wasn't fun. I thought 'Hey once we start to know each other than it would go away', but no. I feel it everytime we get close," I kicked the helmet and it skidded in my grass.

"Could you get my helmet?"

"No, not untill you tell what is wrong!'

"Fine," Oz snapped. He got off the bike and picked the helmet off the ground. "Goodnight Lilly."

"No!" I hit his chest. "You can't untill you tell me what is wrong." I could tell my feeble attempts weren't helping, but actually making it worst, but I couldn't stop.

Oz grabbed my fists, "You can't make me stay when I don't want to and nothing is fucking wrong." He said in a deadly cold voice.

"Oz you are hurting me," I whimpered. Oz looked down at my fist in his hands and pulled away. Staring down at his hands, Oz turned away and hopped onto the bike. He startkicked it and was riding down the street. "Fine, who needs you anyways!"

I wiped the tears from under my eyes, "you fucking bastard. I DON'T NEED YOU!" I yelled at his recieding back. "I don't need you."


Chapter Seven


Hearing the soft ring of my door bell, I rose from my comforty seat and put down my book. Padding over the cold floors, I opened the door to a young man holding a boquet of flowers. "Yes?"

"Are you Lilly?"

"That would be me," the young man forced the vase in my hands and walked down the walkway. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, a jump to his step. Turning around, I closed the door and walked to my kitchen. Setting the vase down, I sniffed the beautiful flowers.

I picked up one of the beautfiul orange flowers and went book to my book. Placing the flower in my spot, I closed it pressing the flower. Going back to the vase, I searched for the card that usually went with these and found it at the center of the flowers.

The card had a beuatiful silver lining and blue stars covering the front and back. Opening the card up, I sat in my seat:

Dear Lilly,

I am sorry for how I acted yesterday, I didn't mean to fight with you. If you would give me another chance, I would like it if you accepted these flowers. Beautiful tiger lillies for even more beautifulier Lilly.

From Oz

I closed the card and replaced it from where it was found. I touched my heart, feeling it pound against my chest. He does care for me.

I stood from my spot and emptied the water from the vase. I set the green vase under the faucet and turned the water on. Since it was a old household the water slowly poured from the faucet. Sighing, I went back to the livingroom to read again, but the doorbell rung again.

"Hello?" I opened the door. Oz stood on the porch, his hands behind his back pockets and his face pointing towards the ground. It was a very appoligetic stance and almost brought tears to my eyes. Gosh I was such a cry baby, but the flowers and now this, was to much to handle.

"I'm sorry Lilly, I know I shouldn't have screamed at you like that."

"It was my fault as well, I over reacted. If you don't want to tell me everything, I shouldn't pry. You will open up when you are ready." I stepped forward and gave him a hug. It wasn't anything special, but it got my blood heated and my toes curling.

It was awkward at first, he just stood there rigid. But it didn't take long for his arms to circle around me and squeeze me to him. He laid his chin on my head and sighed, "I really am sory."

"I am too," I pulled away from him, "and hey. Thanks for the flowers."

"What flowers?"

"The tiger lillies. The card said it was from you," I turned to go show him, but he was pulling me off the porch and running towards the motorcycle. "Oz, what are you-"

I was blown from my feat and hit the concrete head on. I blinked repeatly, but the black around the edge of my vision was still there. I pulled myself up and noticed my house. Nothing was there, it was all on fire. Pieces of wood was burning down and my sofa laid feet away from me.

"Sapphire!" A man's voice came at me in a muddled way as if I was under water. I looked around in a haze, wracking my brain to find the owner of the voice. I felt myself shift and I was being moved, but I wasn't using my feet. Or was I? Everything felt numb, if I was shot it would feel like a pinch then.

Looking up, I saw a beautiful man carrying me. He had black hair the curled at his ears and hung in his face. An angel of death, that is what he looked like. A beautiful angel that was taking me far away from the hell behind me.

He looked down at me, tears brimming in his beautiful hazel eyes, "Sapphire, are you ok?"

"Shh," I rose my finger to his mouth. I stroke my finger across his lips, the warm velvet made my fingertips tingle. "Don't cry, it will be all fine."

I could feel the cool sensation of tears fall onto my face and the man turned back to the front. Closing my eyes, I leaned my head against his chest, sucking the warmth from his body. "Sapphire, don't fall asleep."

"I won't," I mummbled in his chest. I could feel the calm feeling wash over me, a dark hole tugging at my mind. It would have been so easy to let go and it was.


I turned my head repeatly trying to shake away the constant  thump in my head. It was always there even when I was asleep. I could here the doctors above me and Oz speaking kind reassuring words to me, but the constant beep was always there. Looming in the back of my mind, waiting for its time.

Closing my eyes tightly I got ready for the blinding white light, the movies and books says would happen. But it wasn't. Instead the first thing I saw was Oz, his hand wrapped around mine sercurely and his head resting on the edge on my bed.

Looking around the room, it had cream colored walls and another bed in the room, which my brother occupied. He woke up when he heard my bed sheets russling. "Morning sister."

"What happened?" I could remember staring in golden eyes or fire, I wasn't sure. My memory was all fogged up, the last thing I could clearly remember was Oz and I standing on the porch, hugging. I blushed and looked down at our fingers entwined together. The feelings that run through me.

"Your house exploded. Apperently there was a bomb in the flower vase," he threw his legs over the bed and sat down at the other chair besides me. "He is pretty cool guy," Derik motioned at Oz to change the subject.

"Yeah he is," I played with his thumb, twirling his large fingers with mine. "I thought you hated him."

"I did, but he showed me I could entrust you to him. He stayed by your side through all the nights you were here, even if the doctor told him to go home."

I wanted to ask more question, extract every detail of what he said and did from my brother, but I played it cool, "How long was I in a coma?"

"Five days. The doctor said it was a mixer of stress and the cracking of your skull," he pointed to my forehead. I reached my fingers to my head, feeling the cotton wrappings around my head. I could feel the pulse of my headache grow slightly fom the knowledge of the source. "You can leave as soon as you recover, your head is going to need to be wrapped for another few days."

"Thanks," I yawned and closed my eyes. "If Oz wakes up, tell him to wake me up." But that didn't happen, I didn't wake up for another two days. My headache decreased a couple of notches.

I woke up again and searched the room for Oz. I closed my eyes, a deep sadness overwhelming me. I was expecting Oz to be sitting next to me, like he did the last time, but it seemed like he not here at the moment. Closing my eyes, I wanted to fall asleep for another couple of days and try again, but before the sleep settled in, the door was opened.

I bolted up and almost ran out of the bed to hug Oz, but I was held in place from the dark circles that were under his eyes. His skin wasn't the usual color of caramel, but a slightly pale verison. But what held me in place was his eyes. The deep emotion that stirred inside the hazel color. A storm that knocked the breath out of me and caused the emotions inside me to stir as well. Grief. Surprise. Overwhelming happiness. And lust.

"Sapphire," he made a slow steps toward me and fell to his knees by the bedside. "Sapphire," he kissed my forehead and pulled me into a huge bear hug. The memory of his carrying me away from the house, popped into my mind and I pulled him closer. It was the first time I have seen him cry and probably will be the last. "You scared the crap out of me."

I chuckled into his chest and pulled back resting me head onto the pillow. My head was killing me and anymore of these emotions would make it explode. Thankfully the doctor came in at the correct moment for me to distracted myself.

"It in nice to see you are awake Ms. Banks."

"Nice to be awake," the doctor was a tall lady. She had the curvy figure, the dirty blonde hair, and the large green eyes. She held herself like she knew what she was and what she was going to be. A confident woman. "When will I be able to leave?"

The doctor looked at my clipboard, flipping pages, "It says we need to do a few more tests, than you will be able to leave with your fiance."

"My fiance?"

"Yes, honey. Remember I am your fiance," Oz gave me a wink when the doctor was not looking and a look that said I will explain later. Nodding my head I turned my attention back to the doctor.

"Let me refresh your bandages and I will leave you two," she doctor came towards me, slowly unwrapping the bandages from my head. "Would you like to see the damage?"

"Not yet," I closed my eyes, waiting for her to finish up and leave me and Oz alone again. When the doctor left I turned to Oz my eyebrow raised, "fiance?"

"It was the only way I could stay all night," he scooted me over and laid down in the bed next to me.

"Is this even allowed?"

"They can't say no to the man who almost had his fiance blown to pieces now could they?"

"Well to bad, I am not your fiance and was not almost blown to pieces. A bit over exagervated."

"Just let me enjoy a real bed, your brother is a hogger," he rested his head next to mine on the pillow and wrapped his arms around me to prevent from either one of us to fall off. I played with the fabric of his shirt, feeling the smooth texture run across my fingertips. The smell of Oz was over powering, almost like citrus fruits. "How is your head?"

"It feels like it wants to split my brain in half. All I want to do is sleep," I laid my head on Oz's shoulder. "The feeling of complete calm wash over you, is the best feeling in the world."

"Then fall asleep."

"But I don't want to. This is the first time I have seen you in days," I blushed and looked down at the small gap between us. "I just want to spend time with you."

"Lilly," Oz tilted my head up towards me, running his fingers down my chin to the back of my neck where he played with my hair. "You need your sleep."

"Not as much as I need you," I mummbled. Even though I didn't want to I closed my eyes a third time. "Oz?"


"Will you be here when I wake up?"

"As long as you want me, and maybe even if you don't. I will stay by your side."

"That is reassuring and kind of creepy."

Oz chuckled and placed one of his arms under my neck, so my head was in the crook of his shoulder. "You are the one who asked." He kissed my forehead again and stroked my arm, "Goodnight Lilly."

Chapter Eight


Playing with the strings of my dress, I pushed the tears away from my face. My hair was in loose curls around me and makeup and lightly applied to my face. Even though I protested, I gave in when Kelsey's mom said, "This is what Kelsey would want."

"Now Lilly, Kelsey's best friend, would like to say some words.

I stood from my chair and climbed the steps to the stage. We weren't in one of the nicest churches I have seen. It was more of a room, with a stage, benches, and crosses hung on the walls. Kelsey's mom was broke, so the beautiful funeral that my best friend should have had was instead being held in the worst neighborhood in our city.

"My best friend loved the saying, I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. Our friendship pretty much sums that all up. We both hated each other with our souls when we both met. I, the nerd of the herd and she was the most loved person in school."

"When we first met, we were throwing pies at each other," I silently laughed and wiped a tear away. "In life you expect something to happen and the excact oppisite happens. Kelsey's death has ripped my heart to shreds like so many others, but we will have pick ourselves up. Because why dwell on the past when we have so much more to live for."

I turnd around placing my hand on the coffin, "Kelsey went where she was needed and beyond. She got things done and lived her life to the fullest. I think we should take example from Kelsey. She will always be in mine heart and everyone's she met. Love you Kels." I turned around and felt the soft hand of my brother's soft hand rest on my shoulder.

"It will be ok, Lilly," Derik showed me off the stage.


The cracks on the floor reminded me about Kelsey's funeral. After the good night of sleep, Oz took me to the police station so I could tell my statement. It was weird when we walked in, everyone greeted Oz like he came here often. Maybe Oz saved hundreds of distressed women every year.

A ping of jelousey shot through my blood.

Sitting on the bench, I waited for my name to be called. Looking over at Oz, he stood by the counter taking to the lady at the counter. He was leaning on one side and giving the petite blonde lady heart warming smiles. That bastard.


I stood, but realized it was only Fredrickson. "Oh hi! What are you doing here?"

"Didn't you know this is where I worked?"

"At the police station? You are a police officer?"

"More like an undercover dective, but don't tell anyone," he put his finger to his lips and smiled. "I have to turn in some paperwork, but I will talk to you later."

I watched Fredrickson walked down the stairs, carrying a stack of files. If Fredrickson was a undercover dective than that meant... I shifted my eyes over to Oz, ready to go consult him, but a lady called out my name. "Lilly Banks, you may go in now."

I stopped midtracks, I wasn't sure if I should keeping going or just turn around. Oz met my eyes and gave me a reasurring smile. It made her skin prickle with goosebumps and it made me sick. I turned around and made my way to the room.

It was like you saw in dective shows. A grey room with a mirror-window and a grey metal table and four chairs. I knew what I was suppose to do, but instead I paced the room, my thoughts distracted me momentairly.

A dective walked into the room, a crisp grey suit with a blue shirt, navy blue tie and black sued shoes. I sat in the chair and glared up at the man, "Hello Lilly Banks. It would be easy if you just tell us what happened and you could leave in minutes."

"I would like to talk to Dective Oz."

"He is... busy at this moment."

"Then I will wait here untill he comes."

Anger flaired underneath his eyes and he took a step back. He ran his hand through his hair, "It would just be easier if you write down what happened and you could leave."

"Not untill I speak to Oz."

A low buzz came from the ceiling and the dective walked out with a angry grunt. I could hear some shouts through the window and soon the door reopened.

Oz slowly walked into the room, his eyes on the ground. "Hi Ms. Banks, you called for me?"

I jumped up my hands on the table. "You know why I called for you. Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were a undercover dective?'

"Well the point of the undercover dective is for me not to tell anyone. I couldn't compromise the mission I was on."

"Was it to become my friend, make me fall for you, and destroy the trust I had for you? Or was it to get information out of me about the strip club."


"Then what?"

Oz casted his eyes nervously to the ground and back to her fiery blue eyes. "I needed to know information about Chris, Derik, and how you were involved." With that I launched myself across the table and grabbed onto Oz's hair. Before I could do any real damage, I was pulled away and was being dragged down the hallway.

When I was settled, I looked at the ugly yellow office I sat in. The desk was a horrible green and the chairs were a dark purple. Nothing in the room matched or gave any clue to who office this is. Just as I was about to demand to be let out, Oz and another man came into the room.

Oz decided to stand in the back corner, but the other man went to the seat behind the desk and sat down, "Lilly, I am requesting your full attention."


Chapter Nine


"Have you ever heard of telling the truth? How do I even know if your name is Oz? Did you lie about that too?" I stormed into his apartment letting him carry my bag in. I walked towards the guest bedroom I will being staying in for the next month or so.

"You could have at least carried your bag in!"

"Why should I? It is not like I actually want to be here?" I stormed into the room and slammed the solid white door behind me. The room was pretty nice. Bright yellow walls with white daisies dancing across the room. Light wood flooring. A white post bed with a yellow comforter and white pillows that took up most of the bed.

I stormed over to the bed and pushed them off, regretting that I have ever met him. Crusing at the unfairness of everything, I threw pillows across the room, regreting I have ever cared for Derik. That Oz had to walk into the stupid club. For me ever taking a job at the stupid job.


"Don't fucking call me that!" I threw a pillow at the door and laid down on the bed, now that most of the pillows were at my feet.

"Fine! I was trying to be nice, but you are being a stubborn brat!" I could hear his stomps as he walked away from my door and slammed his own bedroom door. I held my breath for awhile, wondering if Oz was in his bedroom for awhile. Just enough, so I could get something to eat.

Sitting on the bed for awhile, I got up from the lumpy bed and made my way towards the kitchen. Only steps from the 'fridge, a knock came from the front door. Casting a glance at Oz's door, I could barely hear the shower running and decided that since I was living here for awhile, I might as well let them in.

Turning my attention to the door, I looked through the peephole, but the person had their finger towards the hole. What if it was Chris' henchmen? Or even Derik? I wasn't ready to confront him or anyone at this moment. I was going to let whoever out there stay out there, but I heard a lovely voice from the other side.

"Oz are you home? I saw your motorbike outside."

Unlocking the door, I stood in front of a beautiful young lady. Her golden locks were pinned up in a bun, only her bangs were in her face. She had green eyes that looked like you could be swimming in moss and dimples on her cheeks when she was smiling.

"Who are you?"

"I-I-I am Lilly. Oz's cousin."

"Oh, nice to meet you," she held her hand out, but I ignored the friendly gesture. This girl was beautiful, a slim figure, but just enough of everything to make you beg at her feet.

"What's your name?"

"Flora, I am Oz's girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Well of course someone as hot and godlike as Oz would get a girl like Flora. Damn if I was a guy, I would be chasing after her as well. I took a step back and turned my body to let her in. After she walked in, I closed and locked the door behind her. "So how long have you and Oz been dating?"

"About a few months," Flora walked to the kitchen and pulled a water bottle out of the refridgerator. "Sorry what was your name again, I could be such an airhead sometimes."

"Lilly," I snapped at her and made my way towards the spare bedroom.

"Wait! I am afraid to be out here all by myself?"

"Your afraid to be by yourself?"


Sighing, I turned on my heel and sat down on the comfy one seater. I waited for Flora to sit down befor asking her some questions. "Do you know what Oz does?"

"I believe he is a dective. An important one at that. Everyone in his office just loves him."

"So you do know," I heard an door open and Oz walked out of the bedroom, hair wet and a fresh pair of clothes on. "Guess who is here, cousin? Your girlfriend Flora."

Oz's head snapped up and his eyes landed on Flora. She rans towards hima and jumped into his arms, placing a very passionate kiss on his lips. "Oh baby, I missed you so much. I just got back from Flordia an hour ago. Why didn't you pick me up like you promised?"

"I am sorry love, but I had so business to take care of," Oz's eyes flickered to me before turning back to Flora. "Have you met Lilly?"

"Yes," Flora waved me off and started to back him up into his door. "I havn't seen you in like three weeks. You know how much I missed you?" Her hands roamed down his chest and slipped into his front pockets. "I missed you alot."

"I think I will be leaving," I got up quickly before clothes were being ripped off. Closing the door, I slid down to the floor and rested my head on the warm wood. Have I already said he was going to be the death of me?


I don't like this one bit. I sat next to the two love birds, making out on the couch. Turning back to the Tv I tried listening to what the main character was saying, but the sound of moans next to me, ruined the sad effect the movie was suppose to have.

Standing from my spot, I made my way to the front door. "Where are you going?" Oz stood from his seat and made his way towards me. I could see the anger flickering underneath the beautiful hazel, but my anger made all logic in my brain go out the window.


"Not at this hour!"

"Oz, chill. I will only be out there for like ten minutes. It is better out in the freezing cold than watching," my eyes flickered to the hoe behind Oz, "the movie." I turned around and opened the door, disobeying the commands I got from the head of the police.

He said never to go out past eleven o'clock without Oz, but there was no way I was going to stay in there.

Stuffing my hands into my pockets, I pranced down the stairs and into the cold night. Goosebumps ran up my arms and down my legs. Me being me, I was wearing some fannel pants and a tank top, not the best clothes for 60 degree weather.

Rubbing my hands together I started my walk around the block.

The night air was freezing cold, but the scenery made me forget abut the cold, even if it was only for a bit. You could cleary see the stars from where I was standing. With the busy city, you neer see the night sky, especially in my crappy nieghborhood. But where I stood you could see the moon and stars.

Rocking on my feet, I started my walk again. Pulling a cherry blossoms off a tree, I touched the petals. Cherry blossoms has to be my favorite flower, even if it brought sad memories. And even happier ones.

Throwing the flower on the ground, I crushed the flower with my foot. Enjoying the softness under my toes and the warmth the tiny flower brought.

I heard a trashcan getting knocked into, I turned around to see a shady character. He or she was walking towards me, a hoodie covering their face. Turning back around, I steadily continued to walk. The feeling to start running over took my nerves, but I kept the slow pace. If I started to run, they could run too and I am not sure I am faster then them.

Turning around was out of the options as for I am about thirty feet from Oz's steps and they are mere inches. Turning the corner I ran for my life, but I felt a tug and I was being dragged into an alleyway, a hand over my mouth. Kicking my feet and trying to swing my arm around, I got a punch in.

"Fuck Lilly."

I stopped my struggle and turned towads Derik, the last person I wanted to talk too. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"Shh, they might be able to hear you!" Derik grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a fire escape. "Start climbing."

"But I am afraid of heights," I whined.

"Get your ass up there!"

Grabbing hold of the cool metal, I struggled to lift myself. But finally, I could swing my leg over and pulled myself all the way up. "What about you?"

"I am going to distract them, you climb that fucking stairway and don't leave for another thirty minutes." He made his way out of the alley before I could protest. I stayed silent for awhile before I saw the man who was following me, make his way past the alley and ran after my brother.

Ignoring his "strong suggestion" I climbed down and jumped off the ladder. Silently or as silent as I tried, I made my way out of the alleyway. I should have turned left and gone back to Oz's, but my brother could be in trouble. Instead, I took a right, I stalked the man who stalked me. Ironic.

For a long time, I just followed him. He must have lost my brother in a matter of seconds and was now wandering around the neighborhood. I always stayed my distance, making sure I didn't bump into trash cans like he did.

He turned down a street and when I caught up to him, I was hit in the head with a gun. Falling to the ground, three men towered over me, grinning down on me. "Look who we found."

"Chirs will love our catch of the day," one of the guys slung me over his shoulder. Well my day was turning all peachy. Hoping that Oz will somehow notice I was gone to long and look for me, would be turning down the street any moment.

In a haze, I could see a guy come from a distance with black hair, my heart made little flutters. When he got closer, I realized his hair wasn't black at all, but more like a dirty blonde. A scar ran down his chin and a devilish smile curled on his lips. "Nice to meet you Ms. Banks, I am Chris."

I was hit in the head again and this time I fell limp against Chris' henchman's shoulder.

Chapter Ten


I tripped over something and tumbled over. Since my hands were bound behind my back, I let my face take the fall in agonzing pain. "Get up, bitch," someone pulled on my hair. It was difficult walking, without anyway of knowing where to go. The only clue of knowing I wasn't going to run into a wall was the buffy guy behind me that like to feel up his victims.

Throwing my head back, I heard the crunch of a nose breaking and I tried running forward, but three pairs of arms caught me before any escape. Thrashing around, I tried kicking, but I still had no idea where anyone was. I could have been kicking a bunny to death and I wouldn't know it.

One set of arms pushed me forward and I almost tripped again. Having no other option I followed the grunts or shoves of the gorillas.

Apperently finally reaching our destination, I was pushed into a chair and chained down. The rope around my neck was untied and the bag was pulled off of my head. I stared a very handsome man. He had deep hazel eyes, almost like honey. Beautiful golden hair, and perfect lips that looked like velvet. But the most distracing feature was the scar running down his chin. A dark tan scar and bulging out from his skin and slightly green. It looked like it had a pulse and was going to pop and puss would fill the room.

"Like what you see?"

Glaring at Chris, I tried kicking him, but my feet were chained to the chair as well. "Nothing about you is enjoyable to look at. I rather see a dog licking its ass than stared at you." I tried moving the chair, but looking down at the leg, it was bolted to the floor.

Instead of the reaction I was expecting, Chris laughed. A evil laugh that sent childeren crying for their mothers. "You amuse me. That is what your lover tells you right? I see why he is so attracted to you," Chris squat down next to me and grabbed my chin. "beautful shappire eyes, is that were you get your name Sapphire?"


"What do you want from me?"

"I was actually looking for your brother, but..." he stood from his chair and walked around me. He picked up strands of my hair and sniffed it. He felt at the back of my neck and down my back. He slid his hand around to my stomach and up to my chest. "You will do quite fine," he rubbed my chest before dropping back and analizing me once more.

"Your brother left my dealings without so much as a goodbye-"

"Join the club," I muttered.

"He was my number one guy, he knows about clients and drug dealing. Murders that I have committed and some law suits that should have put me in jail. He had information that would make your ears bleed and stomach explode," Chris whispered in my ear. "I was going to use you as a bargain, but you have so much more potiental."

"Sir," a large man walked out of the shadows and gun strapped to his back. "You are running out of time."

"Yes, thank you," Chirs turned back to me, a smile playing at his lips. "Have fun." He walked out the door and slammed it behind him. I was going to scream at him, but a large object hit me in the head. Shaking my head a couple times, I got the wooziness to leave and I look at the gorilla.

"What!" He didn't answer, but he held a bat in his hands. Swinging again, he hit me in the gut; Blood dripped down my mouth and I spat it on the ground. "Is that all you got? I felt worst," I yelled at him. This time another dude walked out of the shadows, a knife dancing across his fingers.

The first gorilla held me down, while the second sketched something in my skin. On my shoulder, I could feel the steel blade cut through the skin and flesh. My insides screamed, but I bit on my lip. I did not want them to see the weakness that I felt, so instead I bit hard into my lip, drawling blood.

When the second gorilla was done, he walked back into the shadows, leaving me with gorilla number one. "You're a pussy. Can't get your hands dirty so you use that fucking bat. Is your punches weak? Do you have an issue of hitting girls?"

I was hit again in the stomach. One last time I was hit in my forehead, where I had a concuction and I was knocked out cold.


I was thrown on the curb outside of Oz's apartment. They dumped me and drove away, into the showdows like the crapholes they were. I stood up, staggered a little, but slowly made my way up the stairs. It took me about an hour by the sheer size of the steps, but I was thankful that Oz thought to leave the door unlocked.

Stepping threw the door, I locked it behind me and walked towards the kitchen. But another shot of pain form my shoulder caused my to shriek out in pain and I fell to the ground. It felt like twenty skrew drivers were shoved into my shoulder and they kept twisting. And twisting. And twisting. 

The energy that I extertied from the climb up the stairs left me on the cold tile, shivering from the cold, fear, and pain.

It didn't take long for Oz to show up. When he walked through the door he stopped in his tracks when he saw me and rushed to my side. "Lilly! What happened?" He knelt by my side and picked up my hand.

I shrieked and spit up blood, because he moved my bad arm. "C-C-Chris," I shook my head and turned to my side. Oz reached out for me, but I shrunk away from him, scared of the male gender.

"I am not going to hurt you," Oz said sadly. He tried again, but I moved away from him, whimpering at my sore body. Oz sighed and got from the floor. He walked towards the bathroom and came back with a damp towel. "Do you trust me?"

I laid on the cool tile, afraid of the mere sight of my shadow and he asked if I could trust him. Thinking back to the last week or so, I wanted to trust him. SO much that it hurt, but I was still afraid. Shaking my head I tried scooting away, but Oz scopped me up in his arms.

I screamed and thrashed around. I tried scracthing at his face or kicking him in the gut, but he had a tight hold on me. He walked towards his bedroom and he sat down on his bed, me in his arms.

Still thrashing around, I tried screaming for help, but I gurgled up some blood again and spat it on the ground. Oz tucked my head in the crook of his shoulder and shushed me with calming words. Rocking me back and forth, I was soothed into a clam state of sadness.

Oz scooted back to the headboard and he laid us down. Stroking my cheek and rubbed away a spot of blood from my chin. He lightly kissed my forehead and went back to saying soothing words until I fell asleep. It wasn't peaceful slumber, but I didn't wake up from nightmares.

I was in the state of nonexitences. Between black and white. I was floating in the grey, shaking from the thoughts of Chris. I woke up in the middle of the night.

Looking up at Oz, he had a hint of a smile on his lips. I could have left, his arm was only lazily ontop of my stomach, but instead I cuddled into him. I drunk up to comfort he provided, "I do trust you Oz."

Chapter Eleven


"You got to be more careful," the chief of police screamed at me as I was walking out the door. Going down the hallway, I stopped in front of Oz who was once again talking to the lady at the desk. I walked past him and out the door.

"What did the cheif say?" he ran towards me and grabbed my arm spinning me around.

"He said I have to be more careful and not to leave the house after nine unless you are with me," I shook his arm off. I turned on my heel and made my way to the motorcycle, "Which is not happening."

"Don't you care for your saftey?" Oz ran after me, always one step behind me. I could feel the worry coming off of him in huge waves that want to pull me under. I was happy that he was worried for me, but it wasn't enough. I spun around and looked up at him.

"I don't have anything to live for. My best friend is dead, my mother is dead also, if you didn't know. My brother has pushed all his problems on me, and the one person I decided to trust in somewhat years does not trust me back. So no, I do not give a shit about my saftey." Confused and messed up, I took off down the road. My feet were flying underneath me and my hair whipped around me.

I could hear Oz starting his bike and the engine roaring to life. Oz drove past me and stopped in fornt of me. I turned the corned, but before I couldn't make it far, before Oz pinned me to the ground. We both laid in the grass, heavily breathing.

"Your best friend and mother is dead, yes. But your brother did not push his problems on to you and I do trust you. I would tell you everything you want to know, if only you would listen. I would have spilled my guts, but I didn't want you to turn away from me," Oz lightened up, when he noticed I was paying attention. He rest on both his elbow and laid above me, "You wouldn't have opened up to me if you knew I was a cop."

"You don't know that," Oz's soft hand rested on my cheek and I leaned into it. I stroked tiny circles on the back of his hand. "Maybe I would have been more attracted to you," I shrugged.

"More attracted?"

I shrugged again, but this time a smile curled on my lips. I entwined my fingers with his, "Yeah more attracted."

I ran my other hand up his chest and played with the curls at the base of his hairline. I pulled him towards me, but a cough stopped me halfway. "Ignore him and maybe he will go way," Oz whispered in my ear, only half joking. Laughing, I pushed Oz off of me, he rolled to a stop and glared up at Fredrickson. "What do you want?"

"I was coming over here, to remind you of the Police Awards. I was wondering if Ms, Banks would like to accompany me to it?"

"What makes you think she would accompany you?" Oz scooted close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. It looked like he was about to bite Fred's head off. I liked it.

"Because you are going with your girlfriend," Fred offered his hand and I thankfully accepted it. I didn't find Fred all that attractive, but he was right. I wasn't going with Oz.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled a cruel smile at Oz. "It will be fun."


"That kiss would have been a mistake," I pushed my bangs out of my vision and slurped on my shake. Looking over at Oz, I tried putting on my best smile, but it wouldn't come.

"Yeah, it would have been," Oz stirred the fruit in his shake and took another slurp, Putting his shake down, he fiddled with his thumbs, "Lilly, I think-"

"Hey you guys!" Flora stood by the doorway, waving her hands around trying to get our attention. Sighing, I wacthed as Oz's girlfriend bounced her way through the ground, her curls bouncing with her. "Isn't it funny catching you two here?!"

"I told you, we were going out for shakes," Oz put his head in his hand.

"Oh you meant this Steak and Shake? How was I suppose to know you two were going to be at this Steak and Shake out of the other six in a mile radiace form you house?" She pointed to the seat, "Is anyone sitting here?"


"No. I would love it if you could sit with us. I smirked at Oz and turned back to Flora, "I was just saying how we should have brought you with us."

"You were?" Flora beamed and turned to Oz. "Look what I brought!" Flora pulled out a straw from her purse and plunked it in Oz's shake,"Now we can share."

"Awe how cute," I sipped at my shake, I was half enjoying this and half not. Finishing my shake, I put down a five dollar bill and stood form my chair, "Well Oz, since you have componany, I will get going."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a dress I need to buy. You remember don't cha? The Police Awards." I turned to Flora, "Oz hooked me up with one of his buddies. Are you two going?"

"I didn't ask her yet," Oz seethed. "Would you like to go to this ball with me?"

"I would love too!" Flora jumped into Oz's lap and gave his a huge kiss on his lips. "You are just so sweet!"

"Isn't he?" I started to walk away, I smile on my lips. A plan started to from in my head, oh this was going to be fun.

Chapter Twelve

I kept walking even though I could feel the pressure of many eyes on the back of my head. At least five were following me in a black truck a couple blocks behind me and one is "walking" his dog. It was not like I was out at night, actually it was two o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was out and beating down on me. Only a light breeze kept me from sweating.

Well at least sweating heavily. Every second the guys were behind, I grew more nervous. Obviously I wasn't going to show that, but I wasn't going to relax either. "... but you have so much more potential."  It was one of the last things Chris said to me. It still haunted my nightmares.

"Lilly!" Oz ran out of the apartment. He jogged towards me and stopped when he saw the expression on my face. "What's wrong?"

"There has been people stalking me for a couple blocks," I moved my eyes to the right, motioning for Oz to look over there as well.

"It is just a guy walking his."

"And the gun in his pocket? Is that just for, you know, walking is dog also? What about the truck that is coming around the corner? You know the ones, with the guns pointed to the back of my head?!"

"Sapphire!" He grabbed my shoulder, slightly shaing me. Taking a calming breath, I looked up at his beautiful eyes. Hazel, It wasn't the usual brown with green in it. No, it was more of a dark brown. But deep down you can see a golden, glowing behind the dark abyss that he trys to hid his emotions under. "They won't try to attack you in broad daylight, if they are pointing guns at you."

"That makes me feel better," I sarcasticly say and pushed his arms away. Rolling his eyes, Oz grabs my hand and rushes me up the stairs.

I set the basket of fruit from the market on the counter and turned aroudn to look at Oz. He was staring at the picture of his sister, a slight frown on his face. "Do you miss her?"

"Yeah, we don't see each other often. I am always working and she had a newborn baby to take care of. I missed the birth of my neice," he turned towards me, the brim of his eyes moist. He turned back to the picture and laid it upside down. "We use to be very close."

I walked towards him and wrapped one of my arms around his waist, "Why don't you ask her to visit you now? You have to stay home most of the days now because of me. And I don't bother sleeping on the couch."

"I could never do that to you," he laid in head on top of mine and pulled me closer to him. "Anyways, I don't think you would like being woken up through out the night."

"I love babies. I could watch her baby when you and her go out and get to know eachother better."

"No, I don't think so."


"I'm Sapphire, but you can call me Lilly," I met Oz's sister on the steps of his apartment. She had a dirty blonde hair with the same hazel eyes as Oz. Her lips looked like a natural pink, the color of rose petals. She also had a natural blush.

"Nice to meet you Lilly, I'm Allie." I took some of her stuff and led her up stairs. I grabbed most of her bags, so she only had to carry the baby and her carry ons. I stepped into the apartment and showed her the guest room. "So you are the one who I talked over the phone?"

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping you would say yes, much less pick up. I was actually surprised when you agreed, most people wouldn't go meet a stranger."

"Well, I was missing Oz dearly," she smiled when she pasted the picture of her on the table. Comparing she still looked like herself, but more mature and actually looked even more beautiful. She was an example of a woman that grew into beauty and not out of it. "Also he has talked about you when we speak once a week. I have heard nice things about you."

"Good," I laughed and set her bags down by the door. "I would ask if you would want to go out and eat, but I am guessing you are jetlagged?"

"Yes I am. But I would love to go out sometime soon. Get to know the girl who has my little brother wrapped around her finger."

"I wouldn't say he is wrapped around me finger. I think it is actually the oppisite way around."

"Well, I have never heard my brother talk about a girl before you. You must be special," Allie yawned and stretched her limbs. "I don't want to be pushy, but would you mind watching Sophia? She was sleeping on the whole way coming here; she is not really tired anymore."

"I would love to take care of her," I grabbed the carrier from Allie and sat down on the couch. Taking the baby out of the carrier, she stared at me, her large doe eyes growing bigger. They were the same color as her mother's and uncle. But a hint light, almost yellow. Her hair was a dark brown, the color of chocolate. She was certainly a beautiful baby.

"You are the prettiest baby I have ever seen," Sophia grabbed my finger and pulled on it. She put my large finger- compared to hers- in her mouth and tried chewing on it. Though it doesn't hurt for as she had no teeth yet.

I played with the baby for an hour before she grew hungry. Standing up, I went to one of the bags and pulled out some mashed peas and carrots baby food. I rested Sophia on my hip when Oz opened the door and stopped when he saw the baby. "Who the fuck is that?"

"Sh, don't curse in front of a baby," I covered Sophia's ears and chuckled. Laying her on the counter, I gave her a spoon to play with while I opened the baby food. Oz came towards me and stood behind me. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me toward him.

"Lilly, why do you have a baby?" 

"I am watching her," I grabbed the baby again and the food. I walked back to the couch and sat Sophia on my lap. "Who is a cute baby? Open your mouth please," I scooped some some baby food and showed it to Sophia. Sophia giggled and tried grabbing for my hand.

"Thank you for watching Sophia," Allie walked out in pajamas and stretched, "Hello Oz."

"Allie what are you doing here?!"

"Oh, I invited her here," Sophia opened her mouth and I spoon fed it to her. I gave Allie her baby back and I watched as she spoon fed Sophia without any problems.

"Did she cry much?"

"No, actually she did not cry at all."

"Well I believe Sohpia has taking a liking to you. Oz would you like to hold your neice?" Oz sighed and held out his hands. When Sophia looked up at Oz, her face got as red as a tomato. Then she let out a large screech that could make your ears bleed.

"I think Sophia didn't take a liking to you like she did to me."

"You think?"


Chapter Thirteen

I stared at the bruise that was slowly fading away. My shoulder still ached when someone touched it and a scar was starting to form. The only thing that was healed was my head, the doctor said it was hit very hard, it only hurt so much because it was only just starting to heal.  "You looking at yourself again?"

I turned around and smile at Allie. We have gotten very close to each other, exchanging phone numbers and personal experiences. She was the closest thing I had as a friend since Kelsey. "I just cant wait till the bruising is gone, the sun has finaly started to shone."

"We could go to the beach this weekend. Bring Oz and Flora as well," she shugged and leaned against the doorwy.

"Ugh, I hate Flora. She is just way to... perfect. And perfect. How do you compete with perfect?!"

"The only reason you hate Flora is because she is-"


"I was actually going to say Oz's girlfriend. Haven't you ever thought of telling him how you feel? I live with you two, you can almost feel the hormones in the air when you two are in the same room. And sometimes when your not!" Allie perked up when Sophia started to cry, "that is my cue to leave."

I watched Allie leave and I turned back to the mirror. I turned around and tried to look at my shoulder. I knew there was going to be a scar there, even when everyone says no; I can see the pity in their eyes. "Looking at yourself again?"

"I swear you and Allie are twins," this time I turned to Oz, his shoulder leaning against the doorway like Allie did only seconds before.

Ignoring my comment, Oz walked in and closed the door behind him. Coming up to me, he touched my shoulder, "How does it feel?"

"A little sore, but it will go away soon," I turned towards Oz and noticed the little space between us. I took a step back, "How does my forehead look?"

Oz removed his fingers from my shoulder, only to touch my head. His fingers ran themselves through my hair and traced my hairline, "great. Almost like you never hit your head on concrete."

I stared at the the shirtless stomach, almost laughed that I haven't noticed unitl then. I almost reached out and ran my hands down, but then it was take things to new levels, and I wasn't sure we were ready for different levels. I looked up at Oz who stared down at me.

"I think this bathroom is only big enough for one person," I breathed out, my voice squeaked.

"Well then, we would just have to get close so we can both fit comfortably," I saw a shadow of a smirk on Oz's lips, but before anything could happen, Allie walked in.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you two were in here," Sophia was in her arms, rubbing her eyes and stretching her arms. Sophia looked at me, a smile came my way. It felt good that this child gave me its approval, something I needed.

Oz looked between me and Allie, "Well I will be going." Oz stepped around Allie and into the livingroom. Allie looked at me and stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

"Is this the meeting room or something?!"

"I opened the door and litterally, a wave of sexual tension washed over me. It was so blinding and completely what I expected. Did you guys kiss?"

"I don't feel like talking about it," I stepped around her and opend the door.

"So that is a no?"

"Yes. A big fat no."


 Outside it started to sprinkle, a soft thumping that beat against the windows. I bundled under the blankets with one arm out so I could rock Sophie to sleep. Allie was in the shower and Oz out on a date with Flora. Or at least that is what I thought.

Allie walked out of the bedroom in PJ and started to rock Sophie to sleep instead. She had a tower wrapped around her hair and water dripped down her cheek. "So Oz was telling me about the ball thing."

"Yeah, I am not sure if I am still going. I don't think I could handle your brother in a tuxedo much less Flora falling all over him," I stood up and stretched out my limbs. Well I think I am going to bed now," I kissed Sophie and waved Allie goodnight.

When I got into bed I fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.

In the middle of the night I heard a banging, but I fell back to sleep. Untill I heard Allie scream out for her life and the small recieding wails of Sophie. I bolted from the bed and found Allie lying on the floor, her head in between her legs.

Oz ran out seconds after me and raced towards his sister, "Allie, what's wrong??"

"He-He took her!"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2013

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