
Chapter One

I hid in the shadows as the guard walked past me; his flash light hit me, but he didn’t notice. He was too busy listening to the baseball game on his radio to notice anything. I waited till I couldn’t hear the game anymore and I walked out of my corner into a nice looking lobby. White couch were in the corner, there was many dark wood desks scattered everywhere.
The halls were usually silent at this time, but my boots squeaked as I walked to the stair case. I was going to the tenth floor, but using the elevator would just be stupid; too many cameras and you could hear the elevators ding throughout the building.
I pushed open the heavy metal doors and started my way up the staircase.
One the tenth floor was more offices, but they were closely pushed together almost like a maze. In the distance I could see a guard’s flashlight. I made the quick decided to hop onto the desk and jump onto the beams holding the ceiling up. It only took me a couple of seconds, right on time because the guard walked right below me.
My mask covered my jagged breathing, but the guard was hyper aware, he took his job seriously. It was a chubby man, about the same height as me, with a balding head. He directed his light everywhere even under the desk, I was thinking of hiding under.
Before he could leave I fell on top of him, knocking him out. I dragged his body under a desk and started to look door office B54. It was at the end of a very long hallway. I pulled out a pin from my backpack, going old school and opened the door.
I searched the room; it was a small office with a small window to comment it. A small desk with pictures of ids filling every space it could and hung up on the walls too. I didn’t look at the picture long though, because I had a safe to look for.
There was also a bookshelf inside, but nothing but picture was on there. The only thing other than a picture was a book, with I pulled. The bookshelf moved over by itself and a beautiful metal safe was inside of the wall.
I pulled out my phone and connected it to the safe. There was a keypad on the safe; my phone started to go through numbers finding the right combination. Minutes later the safe opened up. Thousands of dollars were stacked in there almost overflowing and spilling out, but I wasn’t there for the money.
At the bottom of the money was a folder. I quickly shoved it into my backpack, then a felt the cool metal of a gun press to my temple, “Step away from the safe.”
I lifted my hands and turned around. A male stood inches from me; he had black hair that fell in front of his face, but you could still see the scar running across the eye and down his cheek. His eyes were an aqua blue which stood out against the all black he was wearing. “I am not here for money.” I walked against the wall and played with the straps of my backpack.
The man looked at me, assessing me before turning to the safe. “Why are you here then?” He put his gun into his waistband and started shoving money into his bag.
“Not important, just be out of here in ten minutes,” I ran out of the room and climbed the staircase to the roof. I stayed there for a while looking at the beautiful city. I didn’t realize how much time started to pass because the alarms started to go off. Three guards stood on the other side of the roof.
I hooked myself to the zip line and pushed off the ceiling, “get back here.” I landed on the other building and turned around to flip them off. I didn’t waste time though; I pushed the door open and rand down the stairs.
I didn’t stop until I was five blocks away from the building. I hid in an alleyway when officers drove by. I quickly stripped and replaced my clothing with a floral print dress. Then I splashed some liquor of my neck and wrist. I took out all of my supplies and stuffed it into a large pursue. I turned around and saw a hobo staring at me.
I threw away the backpack in the garbage and walked out to the street, stumbling and tripping over my boots. An officer pulled up to me, “Miss have you seen any specious activity?” The officer had blonde hair and brown hazel eyes. He was pretty cute for a thirty year old.
“Depends,” I walked over to the car and leaned into the window, “What kind of activity are you talking about,” I slurred. I flicked the hair away from my chest directing his eyes there.
“Have you seen any females running down this street wearing all black and a backpack?”
“No, I don’t think so, but I am kind of woozy. I wouldn’t remember,” I stepped away from the car and started to walk off, but the car pulled beside me again.
“Would you like me to take you home?”
“Don’t you have a woman to catch? I will be fine,” I waved him goodbye as he drove past me. I walked down the streets, usually a scary place at night, but the people out here knew not to mess with me. They were frightened of me, scared that I would tell the stories of the streets. I am sneaky, I hear things from people and tell rumors to other. I own this neighborhood.
“How did you get out?” The man with the scar walked with me. He was dressed in a white button up and blue jeans. The only thing that would tell he was in a struggle was the bruise on his face.
“The roof,” we walked down the street, many thugs nodding at me. “What about you?”
“I walked out of the lobby.”
“What happened there?” I lightly touched his face before pulling away.
“I ran into one of the guards in the lobby. He was tough; usually they can’t get a punch on me.”
“Or maybe you weren’t in your game tonight,” I shrugged. “It happens to us sometimes.”
“Not with you. I saw the way you knocked out that guard, pretty clever. Anyways will you ever tell me why you were there?”
I turned right, “Maybe some time.” I turned around, the man was already out of sight, but his scent, minty roses, lingered in the air. I kept walking into I stepped into another lobby, but this time I took the elevator to the fourth floor.
I knocked on door number 413, and Laura answered the door. Her face glowed with excitement, “Come in,” Laura pulled my hand and I walked in. She led me to the kitchen where her parents sat. Their apartment was crappy; it had peeling wallpaper and stains on the carpet. They had three wooden chair in front of the TV.
“Laura please leave,” her father ushered her away then sat back down. “You may sit down.”
“I am not going to stay here long; I was just dropping this off.” I dug in my purse and handed them the folder. Laura’s parents quickly went through the folder; there smile grew with every page. “This is all you need to win the lawsuit.”
“Thank you,” Laura’s mother hugged me before going to her husband crying with happiness. I slowly walked out and ran into Laura.
“Are you going to come back?” she had blonde pigtails and a cute blue dress on. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.
I bent down and wrapped her in my arms, “I won’t be back for a while, but I will come back. I promise,” I held out my pinky for her to wrap her pinky around. “Don’t get in trouble and get good grades.”
“I will,” She hugged me again before I left.

“You are a softy,” William blew a cloud of smoke in my face. He was my closest friend, also the one who got me out of a sticky situation. I trust him full heartily, “You were in front of piles of cash and you didn’t grab one stack?”
“Yes, I want to make my own money instead of stealing it,” I pulled up my hair and put on some jeans. “I want to know that when I have a pile of cash it is because of my hard work.”
“But Robin, you are one of the best robbers I have ever known and you use it for the good?” He put out his cigarette. We were in our small apartment, getting ready to work another day at the café. “We could live in a mansion right now; somewhere in Spain.”
“Come on,” I tugged on my arm, “We could be fired if we are late again.” We walked down the street when I saw the man again. It has been a week since I went on my last mission, the same time I last saw the man. “Um I will be right back.”
I crossed the road and into the alley where I just saw him enter. “So you live a normal life?” The man walked up to me and leaned against the wall; arms crossed and one foot on the wall. In the light he was beautiful and dangerous.
“I can’t live like a thief forever,” I shrugged. “Don’t you want to do something other than stealing?”
“Shh don’t be so loud.”
“These walls won’t talk,” William yelled my name, but I waved him off. “What did you want anyways?”
The man pulled out a clipping of today’s newspaper from his back pocket. “Is this what you were after?” I snatched it out of his hands and begun reading.
To sum it up it said that Laura’s family got a huge check after they showed new evidence to the court. It ran their opponents business to the ground. All Laura’s father said was they had to give thanks to Robin Hood. Is that what everyone is calling me? I like it.
“Yeah, that was me, so?”
“You’re a famous robber in this town; you probably have many connections, and know everything about every business.”
“I need your help tonight-“
I cut him off, “I have rules. I can’t help another customer for two weeks anyways I was supposed to go out tonight, but good luck…”
“Robin,” I ran out of the alley and to William.
“Is he a friend of your?”
I looked back to Venus who was at the entrance of the alley. He had a cigar in his mouth and staring at us, “You could say that.”
I wrapped the apron around me and William tied it. His fingertips staying on my back a little longer than necessary, but the chef called me back before I could call him out. I rushed to the back and pulled the notepad from my pockets, “Yes?”
“Table four,” he pushed a pile of food into my arms. I balanced it in my arms and walked out to the café. It was the simple café. Red walls, wooden floor boards, and a couple of brown couches. In the corner were a few bookshelves; near the counter were tall tables with chairs matching. It was a small room, everything was squished together, but it was cozy.
I walked over to table four, a small woman in white pearls. I looked down at the food in my arms; she definitely couldn’t eat all of this. It was way too much for her by herself. “Here is your food mam,” I set down all the food on the table, having to shift some plates around to make room.
“Oh thank you,” she nodded her head towards me.
“Would like anything else?”
The lady grabbed my wrist, “Would you please sit with me?” I looked at Ricardo, the chef. He did say not to say no to the customer.
“Why not?” I sat across from the lady. She looked in her thirty, golden brown hair in a bun. Her makeup made her look younger, and by the way she holds herself, I know she isn’t around this part of town. “I’m Robin,” I extended my hand.
“Julie,” she placed her hand in my before taking it back. “I know this might be a little… out there, but I need your services.”
I stopped my reach for the muffin and went straight into Robin Hood mode. That might sound weird, but I feel like I have you persona. One of them myself, then this other chick who is fearless, mean, and won’t let you run her down. Robin Hood is independent, while I on the other hand am not.
“Can we talk about this later in a more secluded place,” I pulled off a piece of paper from my notepad and scribbled an address there. “Four o’clock is when my shift ends. I can be there in ten minutes.”
“Thank you,” she stood. She pulled out a wad of money from her pursue.
“Aren’t you going to eat any of this?”
She looked back at me with a faint smile, “You and your friend can have the rest. Tell Ricardo that I said hi,” she walked out of the café and crossed the street. I waited till she was just a speck before picking up the tab; a seventy-five dollar tip.
Ricardo came out and hit my thigh with his towel, “Why are you standing around, I called for you!”
“Julie said hi,” I looked for his reaction, but he was a glass slate. The only thing that gave him away was the tears in his eyes.
“W-What else did she say?”
“To let me and William eat the food she didn’t touch.”
He nodded his head, off in space, “Sure, whatever. You have ten minutes.”
When I turned around William was already stuffing food down his face, what a gentleman. I sat in the seat I just got up from, “How did you know, your tables are all on the opposite side of the café.”
“Small café,” he shrugged and stuffed another pancake into his mouth. I laughed and picked up a muffin, chocolate chip. I watched William stuff and swallow, stuff and swallow. “Are we still on tonight with Isabella and Henry?” I put down my muffin, just so William can pick it up and stuff it in his mouth.
“At Neon?”
“Yes,” I stood from the table, leaving William. Getting back to work, I saw Venus across the street, lurking in the shadows. He was leaning against the building, arms crossed over his shoulders, biceps bulging. It was a sex in a box, hot sexy box.
I put down my notepad and untied my apron. I shuffled across the street, stuffing my hands into my pockets. “Are you stalking me?”
He shrugged, but a small smile pulled at his lips. “I have a lot of time on my hand. I actually came here to ask if you want to get something to eat after your shift ends.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have something to do after work, but I will be at Neon later in the night. You could come and I could introduce you to some of my friends,” I waited for a reply, but it never came. “It could be fun.” Venus stared into my eyes until I was forced to look away.
“Robin get your ass in here, or you are fired.”
“I’m coming,” I turned back to Venus, “Are you going to be there?”

Chapter Two

I wore all black, something that Robin Hood wears often. It was an old building, about thirty, but they keep the lights on because it is a huge hang out for teens. The lights flicker and the floorboards creak. “Is that you, Robin?”
I stepped into the light, “From here on out you call me by Robin Hood.” Julie wore a bright red jacket and pencil skirt, white blouse, and red shoes to match. “I have a couple of rules to go through before anything else. For one you never contact me, I will find a way to contact you, if needed. Two you give all information I ask for, no ifs or buts. Third you can’t tell anyone about me or what I did. For you it was like a nothing happened.”
“I promise I will agree to these rules,” she pulled out a folder from her pursue and handed it to me. “This man right here,” she pointed to a small stocky guy. Brown curly hair and the face of a troll. “He raped my daughter. But she didn’t tell until a month after it happened. When I went to court, there was no proof, no way to keep this man locked up.”
“How did this happen?”
“My daughter walks home from school. That day she went to her friend’s house and didn’t tell me, she didn’t leave the house until it was dark.”
“She doesn’t know where it happened?”
“No she was gagged and blind folded, but after she got a good look at him.”
“What do you want me to do then?”
“Find proof,” she pulled out another wad of cash and put it in my hand, “This is only the first half for just accepting.”
I put the money in my backpack, “Where does he live?”
“Everything you would need is in there. The only is that the next court date is next week, so please be quick.”
“I will try,” I nodded my head in respect before marching up the steps, into the lobby. I didn’t have a ride, so I walked home. It wasn’t far, the streets weren’t scary, but it felt like daggers were going to be plunged in my back if I took a wrong step. I constantly looked behind me, but no one was there, nothing but the things that lived in the dark.
Isabelle came barreling at me the moment she saw my platinum hair, “I haven’t seen you in so long.” She embraced me, giving me a pat on the back before stepping back and giving me a full check over. Isabelle had dirty blonde hair she decided to pin up into a bun. Her tan skin glowed against the white lacey dress she wore and her green eyes matched her jewelry.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while,” I hugged her again, before turning to Henry. He was a large man, muscles was the main thing on his mind after Isabelle. He had brown curly and hazel eyes. He stood next to Isabelle with his arm wrapped around her waist. They have been dating since the beginning of high school.
Henry lifted me up, spinning me around, “Robin you look like a woman now.”
“Are you saying I looked like a man before?”
“No, but I didn’t realized you could clean up so well,” he gave William one of those weird man hugs. After we all got caught up we walked in Neon, looking for our usual table. Neon was the only club in the city. When you walked in it was completely dark, the only lights were the ones inside the cages. Many woman with what looked like undergarment swung around poles, hissing at anyone who walked by, and trying to convince people to let them out.
“What do you want to drink?” William whispered in my ear.
“The usual will be fine,” I watched William and Henry walk to the bar. When they were at of our sight, Isabelle grabbed hand.
“So tell me everything. Are you and William… you know?” She wiggled her eyebrows at me.
I laughed, “No we were never like that.” I looked at William at the bar, “At least I was never like that.” I turned back to Isabelle instantly smiling. I missed my best friend, even though she was the one who started my thieving. “What about you and Henry?”
“Oh!” She held out her hand to show me the huge rock on her finger. “He proposed!” I shrieked with her, excitement bubbling up inside me.
“When are you guys getting married?”
“Three months, In July. And of course the moment I was engaged I thought I should ask my best friend in the world. Then when she said no, I decided to ask you.” I slapped her in the arm and laughed with Isabelle. Oh how I missed her.
William set my drink on the table and held out his hand, “Would you like to go dancing?”
William was exhausted, but I still had this buddle of energy inside me that wasn’t fading anytime soon. His dancing lagged and when a samba came on, he refused to take another step unless it was toward the table. I started to follow him back disappointed, when a hand wrapped around my wrist. “Would you like to dance?”
“Of course,” I followed Venus to the dance floor. His bangs were pulled back so I could see his whole face at once, the scar and everything. He wore a green button up and black jeans, something I have only known him to pull off. “How long have you been here?”
He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close to him, “I have been here enough to know a couple of guys has been eyeing you since you walked in.”
A blush crept to my cheeks, “So you have been here before I got here? Wow I feel like a jackass.”
“Don’t,” he brushed a piece of hair away from my face, “I enjoy watching you outside of the alleys. You look so innocent, but I know you’re not. You could kick my ass right now if you really wanted too.”
“Well I am not the only one fooling people,” I wrapped my arms around his neck, “you look all dangerous, but I bet you are a huge teddy bear on the inside.” I poked his chest, but there was nothing cuddly there, it was all man. “What did you want to do when you grew up?”
“Before robbing banks and stuff like that, what did you want to be?”
“You can’t laugh.”
“I wanted to be a writer. I liked the idea of creating my own story, controlling what happens, instead of wondering what will happen. I like to know that I could make anything possible in my books.” He looked down at me and a small blush appeared. “Cheesy huh?”
“No, not at all,” I put my head on his chest, feeling the way he breathed. We stood like that for a while, people around us grinding and hormones in the air, but we rocks back and forth to our own music. It was romantic and everything a girl would want, but I am not a normal girl.
I pulled away, feeling myself not being able to breathe. “Come on, you can meet my friends.”
I pulled him with me, snaking through the crowd until we reached the table. “Everyone this is Venus and Venus this is everyone,” I introduced. I could tell Henry instantly liked him, Isabelle admired him, and William was boiling with jealousy.
But he fit in the group very well, listening to jokes or stories and even telling some as well. It was something that I dreamed of, but it all crashed in matter of seconds. “So how did you and Robin meet,” Isabelle turned toward Venus.
“How we met?” I laughed at the thought. We both were robbing the same bank. Then he started to stalk me. Yeah that definitely wouldn’t get me into a mental hospital. “We met at the café,” I said the first thing that popped into my mind.
“Yeah,” Venus looked at me, “we talked for a while. Then the next day I find her stalking me everywhere I go.” He winks at me before turning back to his story. “I tried to get her to leave, but she kept coming back for more.”
“That is bullshit; he was the one who was stalking me.”
“I don’t know,” Henry looked between me and Venus, “You are the one who seems to be the one who would stalk him.”
“Thank you,” Venus nodded to Henry.
I could feel my blood boiling. “You know what,” I downed my shot and stood up; knocking the chair down, “I’ll be outside.” I pushed my through the crowd and stepped outside. The wind was cool against my sweaty skin. The leaves were just starting to grow on the trees, everything was starting to bloom, but there was still a chill in the air.
“Are you OK?” William walked up to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him, thanking him for the warmth, but it didn’t feel right. Nothing about William felt right. He was tense, nervous almost.
I wrapped my arms around myself, “Just need some air.”
We stood like that for a while, silent. “Are you and Venus…. Romantically involved?”
I blushed, “No.”
“Good, because you deserve more,” he hand started to brush my back. His fingers, cold, skimmer the top of my skirt. “You deserve better.”
“What are you doing?”
“Something we both wanted for a while now,” he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. He captured me lips with him, forcing his tongue down my throat. I tried pulling away, but I was held tightly, bruises already forming on my waist.
“Get off of me,” I kicked him in the shins. When William dropped to the floor, I tried running, but he got up quicker than I thought possible and trapped me against his body and the ground. He laid on me in a way I couldn’t use my legs and he held my arms down.
He brought my arms above my head. He held both of my arms down with one hand and started to rip my shirt open. “You’re so beautiful,” he smelled my hair and went back to kissing me. My lips started to bleed from William constantly biting them. I couldn’t move, I trusted him.
William was knocked off of me. Venus jumped onto William, pounding his fist into William’s face. William couldn’t get a punch on him.
I backed away, wrapping my arms and my legs and rocked back and forth. I watched the blood seep into the dirt; I heard the sound of bones breaking. When I was sure William passed out, Venus came to me. “I won’t hurt you,” he coaxed me. But I kept backing away, shaking my head.
When I bumped into the wall, Venus wrapped his arms around me, pulling my head to his chest. I screamed and kicked, but he held me there. When I didn’t feel Venus’s hands advancing, but only comforting me, I relaxed into him. I laid there crying into Venus’s shirt until Isabelle and Henry walked out.
“What happened,” Isabelle pulled me away from Venus. She held me as well, glaring at Venus. Henry called 911. Soon the cops were putting William into a gurney and questioning Venus. I also was on the gurney, but I passed out before I was in the truck.

Chapter Three

Venus stood in the kitchen, shirtless, cooking pancakes. His shorts were hanging loosely on his narrow hips and his hair was wild. “Who was the lucky girl tonight?” I reached around him and grabbed a plate.
“Her name was Daniela,” he placed some pancakes and bacon on my plate and turned back around. “She is amazing, beautiful, and very flexible.”
“Ewe, I don’t need to know this,” I slapped him on his arm and sat at our table. Venus and I have been living for a year now and been partners in crime ever since he saved me. We had a love hate relationship, always fighting.
Venus sat down across from me and took a sip of his coffee, “Don’t be jealous.”
“I’m not,” I mutter and stuffed another pancake into my mouth.
“It’s Ok. You don’t have to hide your feeling. You know you always have an invite into my bed.” Venus started to stroke my knee.
I blush slightly and looked at my plate, “You always offer and when do I ever accept?”
“I’m just saying,” he stood and put his coffee mug into the sink. Just as I was finishing a beautiful girl, Daniela walked out of the room wearing Venus’ shirt. Her hair was disheveled and her lips were swollen.
“Morning,” she walked up to Venus and kissed him. Her hair was a dark brown and fell to her butt. From what I could tell, she had curves, legs, chest, and a butt. Everything Venus likes.
“This is my roommate, Robin,” Venus nodded his head to me. Daniela turned around gives me a look over; she must have not found anything interesting and gave me a smile.
“Hi I’m Daniela, you could call me Dani,” she held out her hand and shook my hand. They were very soft; I instantly did not like her. “Don’t be minded by me asking, but are you a lesbian?” Venus started to choke on his coffee and I? I was pissed.
“No. No I’m not,” I stood from my seat and gave a look like ‘make her leave or I will literally kill her.’ I walked into my room and got changed. Today me and Venus were going to meet up with another potential customer and Venus tells me I have to wear a formal dress.
I jumped into the shower and when I came back out; I could hear Daniela whining from the other side of the door. “Just one more time.”
“I can’t, I need to get to work soon,” I heard the front door open. “I will call you later.” I could hear Venus’ footsteps come near and walk into his bedroom. I started to put under my undergarments, but I couldn’t find the dress I was going to wear. I looked around until I remembered that I left it in the living room.
I stuck my head out the door and could hear Venus’ shower on. I quietly tiptoed out and pulled my towel tighter around me. I walked around, lifting up pillows. Then I remember that it was in the closet. When I walked around the corner Venus stood there holding my dress up.
“Did you forget something?” He had a confident smirk on his face.
“Please give it back,” I tried reaching for it, but he pulled it away from me.
“No,” Venus tapped his chin and shook his head, “I want something.”
“Please, we need to leave soon. I thought you were in the bathroom taking a shower,” I whined and held onto my towel.
“Yeah, I knew you would think that,” he walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my neck. “You know I love you and you know that I love your body.” He slowly backed me up until I was stopped by the couch. He slowly lower me onto the couch and climbed on top of me.
“What do you want?”
“You know what I want,” he pushed my legs apart and laid comfortably in between them. His fingers went through my hair and his lips followed my collar bone. “I want,” he kissed the hollow of my throat. I started to shake with pleasure, my body heating up.
He nibbled on my earlobe, “I want a sandwich.” He stood up and pulled me up with him. He smirked at me, “You heard me.”
I flipped him off and snatched my dress from his hands, “You could suck some balls.”
“Every Friday.”
I walked into the nicest restaurant in the city with Venus on my arm. I wore along blue sapphire dress to match Venus’ eyes, but I doubt he would notice or care. The restaurant had beautiful paintings on the walls; me and Venus looked at each other. We are defiantly robbing here next.
Venus escorted me to a table, pulled out my chair and everything. He sat next to me and held my hand under the table. He knew that I hated meeting the customers; actually I hated anyone who walked besides Venus and Isabelle.
“What would you like to drink?” the waiter eyed me until Venus coughed.
“I would like some champagne and she would like a lemon with water,” he watched the waiter walk away and turned back to me. “How are you feeling?”
I looked around and shuddered, “I’m fine.” A man sat down at our table and tapped the vase three times then placed the napkin in his lap; it was our code. I took the clip out of my hair and Venus pulled on his ear.
“Good, I was scared you wouldn’t show,” the man must have been twenty-five. “I am Chief Cooper of the Police Department. I usually don’t mingle with crooks,” he eyed me up and down, “but we have a problem with the station.”
“What is it?”
“Last week we got a tip about this drug warehouse, but when my most best and trusted team got there, it was already empty. This has been happening for two months now.”
“What do you want us to do?”
“Tomorrow I want you two to check out this next warehouse and if there is activity, take pictures. Me and my boys have to wait for a permit, but if we get real evidence then we can storm the building.”
“Give me the time and address and we will be there.”
“Here,” he handed me a small stack of cash and a piece of paper. “This is going to be quiet; I don’t want anyone to figure this out.”
“We ask the same from you.”
I stood on top of a building looking down at the street. Cars, lamp post, like very city sidewalk. Early in the day Venus pointed out that we were running low on cash and if we didn’t get some soon, goodbye nice apartment.
“Can you step back from the edge? I didn’t put a harness on you yet,” Venus hooked the rope to a vent and started to work on me. It took a couple of minutes, but we both were harnessed and ready. I pulled tools from my bag, one of them a laser.
It was a normal laser that didn’t hurt anyone, but after I was through with it… Let’s just say, don’t mess with me. I picked up the piece of ceiling I just cut out and Venus hid it. I went down first, so I can disable the lasers, or traps that they think they can pull on us.
Venus came down after a while and we both went looking for the paintings we saw earlier. “We don’t have much time,” Venus whispered in my ear.
“I know,” I started to unhook the paintings from the wall and carefully placing them into the bag. Venus had his own bag, so it only took us a couple of minutes to get the paintings. Venus went back up and I started to hook the bags to the wire.
Outside I heard talking and some flashlights. “Venus the cops!” I ran into the kitchen and hid in one of many closets. All the lights turned on, but I could only tell from the light under the door.
“Looks like robbers already got here, everyone look around they might still be in here,” Then I heard about ten foots steps all walking around, looking under things, opening doors. The only thing I could hope for right now is that Venus made it away. Venus and I always said if cops come we have to go and leave the other person behind, no matter what.
My door opened up and Chief Cooper stood in front of me. His eyes were bulging out, but he didn’t say or do anything. “Nothing in here,” he winked at me and closed the door. After about half an hour I heard them leaving and I finally got to get out.
I stretched and made my way to the alley. In the distance I could hear the sirens slowing moving away. Nothing better to do, I walked the streets. I wasn’t dressed for the cold wind and I was defiantly not wearing the right shoes to run home.
After a couple of minutes Venus pulled up beside me, “Need a ride?” I thankfully hopped in and cranked up the heat.
“You were supposed to leave me behind,” I pointed out.
“Yeah well, we both knew that rule was a load of crap. You would stay for me, just like I stayed for you.”
“Maybe I would have left,” doubtfully.

Chapter Four

I tossed and turned in my bed, flashes of William kept me awake most of the night. He haunted my dreams every night and some mornings, but its only gets so bad that I can’t sleep once a week now. Before I couldn’t sleep at all.
I threw the blanket onto the floor and got out of bed. I peeked out of the hallway and snuck into Venus’ room. In our apartment we have three bedrooms, one’s mine, ones Venus, and one is when Venus has a new play thing. I don’t like hear screaming all through the night, at least when they are on the other side of the apartment I could crank up my music.
Venus’ room was about my size, he had a twin bed, a desk, and a bookcase. Nothing special. I shuffled toward him and lightly poked his arm. “Robin? What’s wrong?”
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Venus shuffled to the edge of the bed, so I could have the wall on one side and him on the other. When I have nightmares I often come in here, so it isn’t awkward or anything.
“Having nightmares again?” He wrapped his arm around me and pressed each other bodies together; he doesn’t have enough room on his bed for us not to be close.
“Yeah,” I used his chest as a pillow. “Thank You Venus.”
“I already told you,” he started to play with the ends of hair, “you always have an invite in my bed.” He kissed the top of my head.
Venus slept with his shirt off and blankets on the floor, so I made sure to cuddle closer to him. I studied the picture on his desk, the only picture he has. It is of him and I at the circus. Venus had asked a random person to take a picture of us together, but I didn’t realize what was happening at the time. I was eating some cotton candy when Venus came behind me, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my cheek. We were both were looking at the camera, but my eyes were as big as does.
When I asked Venus if he could delete it, he laughed. I told him we had millions of pictures of us on the camera, but he insisted to keep that one. When I was caught trying to delete it, he printed it out and framed it to punish me. It was last year on my birthday. Every time I walked in here, I got pissed looking at the picture, but now… I am happy he keeps a picture of us in his room; even if I look dorky.
“Robin stop,” Venus moaned. I looked down; my hand was lightly brushing his abs and his chest. Playing with the little hair he had on his chest and messing with the strings of his sweat pants. I must have been redder than a tomato; when I looked up, Venus was blushing too.
“Sorry,” I laid my head back on his chest trying not to mess with him this time. I studied the picture again, “We have to go back to the circus.”
“Yeah… but we are not going to go back to the elephant exhibit.”
“You just think elephants smell weird.”
“No, that elephant was giving me the death stare. I swear every time you looked at him he looked away.”
I silently laughed and wrapped my arms around Venus’ waist, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Staying behind, having my back, letting me in your bed; you could choose,” I squeezed him tightly. “Goodnight.”
“Sweet dreams, Robin.”
I woke up slightly on top of Venus, our legs twisted with each other and my hand… down there! I could feel the slight bulge in the sweats and knew I should have took my hand off, but couldn’t. I looked up to confirm he was still asleep and lightly brushed the fabric. The bulge grew bigger and I quickly took my hand off before he woke up.
I laid my head in the crook of his shoulder, trying to sleep again, but couldn’t. My mind kept wandering, but I didn’t let my hand do the same. Instead I moved my leg closer to me, so it brushes him. I could feel his slight stir and pretended I was sleeping. His breathing picked up and I could feel him shift.
Venus moved me around a little bit, soft enough not a wake me and looked down. I could feel his movement; he slightly gasped, but kept still. He tugged the blanket on top of us. “Robin wake up,” he called my name a couple of time before I “woke up”.
When I did the first thing I saw was his smile and his inflamed cheeks. “Morning,” I moved the hair away from his eyes, “What is our schedule today?”
“First I need to take a shower,” he motioned with his head with our legs tangled. Inside I was frowning, but I put on an opps face and moved my legs around till we were separated.
“Don’t you need to take a shower?” I laid my head on his pillow.
“Yeah, but what rude gentleman would get out of bed first, you could go,” he awkwardly smiled.
“No,” I snuggled into his bed, “I think I will stay here.” I watched Venus pull the blanket around him and went to get his clothes and towel.
“I’ll be out in a couple of minutes.”
After a big whiff of Venus’ pillow, I went back to my room to take a shower as well. I came back out in some nay shorts and a white tee. Venus was in the kitchen by the time I got out, sipping on some black coffee. “How was your shower?”
“Cold,” he turned to the sink and put his cup in. I grabbed the cereal from the cabinet and milk from the refrigerator. He grabbed the cereal out of my hands and pulled two bowls out. He poured the cereal and I poured the milk.
We both sat down at the table and awkwardly ate out food. “So… what are we doing today?” I stirred my cereal, but I wasn’t hungry much. Actually I don’t remember why I even took some.
“Well first we have to go down to the black market and see if we can sell any of those pictures we got from the restaurant. Later we need to scope out the warehouse.”
“That is today?”
“Yeah, we planned it yesterday,” he pulled out his chair and stood, “You were there.”
“I know, but we usually get a week or a little more before we do a heist.”
“Well this is the chief of police,” he picked up my bowl and placed both in the sink, “we better not piss him off.”
“I guess,” I went back to the room to change in to something more appropriate. Dark black skinny jeans with a blue tank top and a pinstriped vest. I slipped on my white heels and made my way to the door.
“You ready to go?”
“I guess, could you help?” Venus came towards me, a tie around his neck. He always had a difficult time tying his tie.
“I show you every time you ask, how you have not learned by now is a clue to me,” I stepped forward and straightened his collar. I tried focusing on the tie, but Venus was breathing down my neck. He smelt like pinecones and woodchips. A man’s smell. I looked up, inches away from his face, getting closer and closer, but the doorbell rung.
He snapped away from me and went to the door. “Daniela!” He kissed her and lead her into the house. “You remember Robin?”
“How could I not remember that pretty face of hers,” she walked up to me and pinched one of my cheeks. “The pretty roommate of my boyfriend, how could I not?” She sneered at me, squeezed my cheek a bit harder, and turned back to Venus. “You look handsome, but your tie!” She undid what I started and retied it. She looked up at Venus and pecked his lips, the kiss that was supposed to be mine.
“Thanks,” he looked at me before wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her towards him. “How could I repay you?”
“Yuck,” I grabbed the key from the bowl and walked out before having to witness anything. I swiped the tears that were starting to form and ran down the stairs to the garage. In my car, there was a makeup bad in the make and I quickly touched up. There were no signs that I felt disturbed.
Venus walked down with his hair wild and red lipstick on his cheek. “You have something…” I turned back in my seat and pulled out of the garage.
We stood by the warehouse, a little after dark. Venus and I both wore are darkest clothing and the most comfortable shoes we could find. We stood about thirty feet away watching a couple guys load up the truck. “What do you think is in there?”
“I don’t know, but we are here to find out,” Venus held up the camera and made his way to the truck. We stood on one side well the huge men stood on the other side. They were much larger than the both of us and had guns.
I motioned up and it took Venus a couple of seconds to get what I was saying, but eventually he boosted me on top of the truck. I silently crawled to the other side and peered down at the two men. I had to get a good look at what was in the truck and that wasn’t happening with two baboons over here.
I waited till one of them looked away before punching the second one in the neck. It was a good move to knock the person out, but he fell to the ground with a thud. Baboon number two grabbed me by the arm and pulled me down with a yank.
“How did you get here?” he stroked my cheek. Baboon threw me on the ground and put his foot down onto my ankle, breaking the bone. “Because you are not leaving.”
“You are wrong sir,” Venus stood behind him and tapped on his shoulder.
“And what are you going to do?”
Venus didn’t say anything, but his cool confidence did not reach me. He just walked around Baboon and lifted me up bridal style. When Venus turned back around he shoved a cigarette in baboons face and walked away. “You are an idiot.”
“I take that as a complement,” he set me on the ground and rummaged through me back until he found splints. He put them on each side on my foot and wrapped my ankle in gauze. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t there sooner.”
“Your timing was perfect,” I sat up and leaned against the wall. “What are we going to do?”
“You stay here and I will be right back,” He kissed the top of my head. “Don’t move,” he tried giving me a smile before running back to the truck. I could see him where I was, but he was only a speck. I was hidden in the shadows and by the time he hears my scream it would be too late.
I watched him take picture of the truck and the baboons. He stuffed two packages of something in my bag before making his way back over here.
Someone came beside me and covered my mouth. “What a nice surprise.” I looked up into dark black eyes, William’s eyes. He smiled at me and pulled out a small knife.
“I can’t get you now, but I will soon. Trust me I have my ways.” He looked up to see how far Venus was. “I have eyes on you at all times; you say a fucking word about this… I will kill your boyfriend.” He pointed his knife at my hand and drove it through. “This is a fucking warning.”
He slipped back into the shadows, leaving me crying in pain. It took only seconds for Venus to come, but by then blood was all over my clothes. “Robin how did this happen?”
I shook my head and cried out in pain again. Nothing came to my mind, but pain… the only thing I know right now is not to say a word, for Venus’ sake. He lifted me in bridal style again and ran to the car. “I should have never left you there,” he muttered to himself. He kept looking at me from the corner of his eye, tearing slipping down his cheeks. “I will get whoever did this,” he promised to me before turning back to the street.

Chapter Five

It was about a week later before Venus let me out of my house and the only reason was to mourn over Henry’s death. You heard me correct. About a month after I was almost rapped Henry died of cancer that no one knew of.
Isabelle was depressed for a long time, still is, but the only thing that keeps her out of the dark side is Margot, Henry and her child. She didn’t find out until after Henry’s death. For nine months, Isabelle loved life, enjoying the sun, but after the baby came… it looked too much like Henry. The eyes the hair, all too familiar.
Isabelle wanted to adopt here, but I made her promise that if she didn’t love the child by the time it was five, I would take her. Sometimes I feel like Isabelle counts down the days.
Venus and I didn’t knock on the door, we just barged in. The house was full of people who all loved and respected him. Everyone was in black clothing, drinking red wine, and telling storied about Henry. It was all too depressing to watch.
“Robbie,” Margot was a little older than one, but already knew how to saw my name. Kind of. It was better than what she called Venus.
“Penis, Penis,” Margot stretched her little chubby arms high in the air, trying to grab hold of Venus. Many people turned their heads to look at us.
“His name is Venus, but Margot doesn’t know how to say it,” I explained. Just in time Margot was reaching for “Penis” again.
Venus picked her up and ruffled her head. “I can’t wait till she knows how to say my name.”
“I kind of like her nickname for you,” I laughed.
“Yeah, well you got Robbie, where as I got-“
“Venus, Robin, I have missed you guys so much,” Isabelle walked into the room. She looked like she had aged about ten years. She was still breathtakingly beautiful, but the life had been sucked out of her eyes, she has grown pale, and there were dark circles under her eyes.
“Isabelle,” I ran into her arms, but it felt like I was hugging a stranger. “Are you drunk?” Isabelle shook her head, but she started to giggle like a teenage girl.
“I might have had a few,” she walked towards Venus and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Was I blind before or have you gotten hotter?” She ran her hand up and down his arm, but he shrugged her off.
“Isabelle, you look good,” he asked more than said.
“Oh you are just too sweet,” Isabelle pulled a little canister from her purse and took a swig. She turned to see me glaring at her, “Oh you wanted some?”
“No, I did not want some,” I looked at the people who was staring at us and pulled Isabelle up the stairs and into the bathroom.
“Whoa slow down, we just met lady. I do not do this kind of thing,” she pulled the strap of her dress up and took another swig. “If you want this,” she motioned to her body, “You need to pay.” Then Isabelle burst into a bunch a giggles again and lightly hit me in the arm. “I’m just pulling your chain, I know who you are.”
“Isabelle, what happened to you?”
“Oh you see, I told the ladies to redo my nails, but the girl said she already did them four times and was not doing it again,” she held up her fingers for me to see. “I wanted them blue or maybe pink… I forgot.”
“No, I am not talking about your nails, “I pushed her hands to her side. “What happened to my fun loving, SOBER best friend.”
“She is out the window, now you have a crazy and wild best friend,” she slipped off her dress and threw it out the window.
“Is everything ok?” Venus called from the other side of the door.
“Could you get me a pair of clothes from her room,” I looked down at the beautiful black dress that just got ran over. “And some water.”
“I could get them,” Isabelle tried to get up, but she fell into the tub instead holding her head. “Why is the earth moving?”
“Thank you for coming,” I escorted the last guest out of the house. I watched them drive down the street before going back upstairs to check on Isabelle. I pushed the door open; Isabelle was on the ground, puke near her mouth, and half her clothes on.
“She will be ok,” Venus came up behind me.
I looked back and forth between Venus and Isabelle, “I hope so.” I sighed and closed the door silently. “Did you see her; she was drunk in front of all her friends and family. How do we not know that she is like this all the time? Maybe she goes out every night and doesn’t come back until the morning,” I started to panic.
“You need to calm down,” Venus grabbed my shoulders and directed me down stairs. “You can’t start judging your best friend like this; she needs you now more than ever.” He sat me down on the couch and sat down next to me, grabbing my hand.
“How did you become so smart?” I leaned my head on his shoulder.
“I’m not smart, you’re just so desperate you would take any advice,” he started making tiny circles on the palm of my hand.
“That is what you think,” we sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peace. I was content just sitting there forever, Venus boiling my body by a couple of strokes on the hand. But it ended to soon when we heard the baby cry from above. “I will get her and you could get the milk.”
We stood and walked away from each other, me going to the kitchen. It was pretty clean and after a couple minutes of searching I found no liquor. I pulled out a bottle of milk and put it in so hot water to warm it up.
I stood in the doorway watching Venus playing with Margot. Margot was on her back and Venus was blowing raspberries on her tummy and cheeks. Margot’s laughs rung through the house, giving it more of a homey feeling than creepy.
“Your good with her,” I walked in and picked Margot up from the floor. I held her in my arms and sat down in a rocking chair by her crib.
“Yeah, well I practically grew up my brother.”
“I didn’t know you had siblings,” I watched Venus kneel down next to me, stroking Margot’s hair behind her ears.
“Yeah, I was actually the second youngest; two older sisters, an older brother, and a younger brother. We were put in the orphanage when I was thirteen,” He gave me a small smile. “You would be a good mother too.”
“Well that isn’t happening for a while,” I silently laughed and looked down at Margot. She had her father’s curly brown hair and her mother’s breathtakingly beautiful blue eyes. She was smaller than most babies, but you could tell she would grow up to be a powerful, independent girl like her mother.
“Why not now?” Venus pulled a chair over from the other side of the wall and looked at me intently.
“Well, I don’t want to bring a child into this horrible world, especially with me in this condition.”
“What do you mean?”
“I steal for a living. I get food when people out there are starving to death. I would consider it when I get out of the robbing business and settle down with a nice guy,” I stare at Venus.
“What if that doesn’t work?”
“I would own a book store.”
“For a chance of normal,” I shrugged and stood from the chair. I carefully placed Margot in her crib and signaled for Venus to follow me. We slowly shut the door and made our way down the stairs and back onto the couch.
“I am sorry to tell you this, but once you get into robbery you can never go back. It will haunt you one day,” Venus stretched his legs across me.
“Well it was just a dream,” I snap. I watched Venus’ eyes grow hurt, but never expressing it on his face, to manly. “I’m sorry. If you had the chance to go back, not to steal would you?”
Venus stared at me for a while, and then shook his head. “I got good things from robbery.”
“Much better,” he smiled at me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.02.2013

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