
chapter 1
Have you ever felt lost or not loved. I am fourteen and I am lost and not loved cause what you looked like.Not knowing where i am going. Or why I am still living.Well the onley feason why i am out in the forest this late bis beacause of the elders said to others that we will kill the ones that don't have our eye or hair color.I used to live in shyvillie,USED TO.It is so stupid.It's what they want is what they get.I hear movemeant in the bushes.

"who is there"? Noone replied ofcourse.It was just silance.I was scared.Then a boy ran out. He look 15 or 16.He stopped and dusted himself off.

Chapter 2
"Why are you out so late.You should know that vampires are out at night".I noticed he had green eye's and cat brown hair.
"Why"? I quistioned the stanger.
"I am just wondering,you shouldn't be ou here."
"Then why are you out here?"
"I will tell you later.By the way my name is Arel.What's your name?"
"Pareil.What dose your name mean?"Arel looked surprised at the quistion.
"It means angel of fire." He quickly glanced at the ground than u."Yours".
"Pariel means to lead darkness awey."

chapter 3

"Pariel you never told me hy you are out here all alone at midnight."
"ok long story shorht. I used to live in shyvillie but since the elders rule they orded other people to chase the one's with black hair and green eyes out.Now everyone hates me."
Pariel sat on a log by arel.At that same moment arel put his hand around me.
"Do you want to live with me?"
"are you sure about that?What whould your mom and dad think about it."
Frist I am sure, And second I only live with my sis and bro."

"Ok.I have this feelinf.I never had it before".

"I know what it is called.You love me."
"NO" i said blushing like craazy.I think he noticed cause he grinned.

"Oh, pareil I need to tell you I am a vampire."

chapter 4

Pariel just stood there shoocked.Arel mustv'e read her expersion cause he said.Don't worry.I won't bite you."
"Are you sure that you won't bite me."
"Yes, im am sure.I do have a heart when it comes to the ones i love."Pariel blushed and shot a small smile."are we just going to stand here all night or go to my place?"
"ok>One quision.Are we dateing?"
"Do you want to?"
"Yes.Arel can we go?"
"sure.Pareil jump on my back."Pariel obeod.When I was on his back he took off like lighting speed.The trees look like a blur.In just about Two minutes we where in the heart of the forest.

chapter 5

"We are here.Come on I will show you around."He grabbed my hand and lead me into his house."WOW" I toughtIt's so huge.
"My bro and sis live here to."Arel said."I will show you where you will sleep.Remeber I sleep during the day so you have to change to that."
"don't worry I already do."Arel just grinned.
"Who is that?!"Said a demanding voice."She smell's human!"
"that is angel.My sister."Whisperd arel.
"Angel,this is pariel.She is staying with us I finelly turned around.She is so beutfull.She had long stairght golden hair green eyes and she was pale.Well she is a vampire.
"Hi.How are you?"
"Fine!"Angel growled."Arel how much did you tell it!"
"Angel I told her that we are vampire's."
"AREL,WHY?!"At that moment Angel's eyes turned chimson than raced off.We walked in silance.Till we got we got to a door.
"Here we are".Arel opened the door. There were hardly lights like the rest of the house and there was a coffin,some magiziens and a desk with same papers on them."It time to go to bed."
"Ok.What time is it?"I climbend in while asking.
"It's four am.Why?"
"just wondering." He jumped in and I scooted by him. I felt wrong but at the same time i wanted to stay like this forever.

chapter 6

1 week past
"Pariel wake up it's six theirty."
"Hey can I tell you something baby."
"Sure suger."
"People are after us.Angel said that I have to bite you if we want to stay togter."
"Ok.Bite m.As lonng we stay toghter forever."he just grinned."Are you going to bite me?"He grinned more wildy.
"only at a cemeture.Why you want to go now?"
"yES I LOVE YOU."He lifted me up and took off.Angel came to but in bat form.
When we got there there were people there.Probly vampire's cause they were pale.
"Honey you will feel a shap prick."
"Ok."I said detirmde to be his vampress. His mouth was going to my neck.I chould feel his breathing getting faster than he put his mouth on my neck than his white fangs came out.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2011

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