
I live in a crime ridden city, ST Louis, America; Baden

It all started when I was five,
I met a girl called Ally fallo
She had jet black hair and strange pale grey eyes and the faintest skin ever, a light white but even though she looked creepy and sinister, she was kind and forgiving but all ways understanding. She would never judge anyone but her parents were the opposite.
They were a strange pair her mother had bright flaming orange hair but the same pale skin and also the same pale eyes, her father was the same but he had jet black hair and his eyes were darker.
At school they would stand in the car parking lot and stare at everyone and they would give sharp gestures if anyone would start talking about them, anyone would know what type of car they drove, it was a Mercedes Benz S600 Guard car, they weren’t even legally sold in America! The Mercedes could have a tank rolled over it and there wouldn’t be a scratch! It was war proof. I ALWAYS WONDERED WHY THEY HAD THAT CAR BUT I NEVER THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO FIND OUT…

For some reason we became good friends even though are parent really didn’t like each other she would NEVER let me go to her house but wasn’t for the reason that her parents didn’t like my parents . Ally would always be disappointed but she always stayed at my house and when her parents picked her up they would step out the car in an orderly manner but would never come inside our house.

As the years went by thing changed she stayed less at my house because that was what her parents said, but for a strange reason our friendship became stronger …

At the age of eleven her parents never picked her up and it was like they were trying to avoid me and my parents so they had an Idea they thought it would be nice to drop ally off, since it was chucking it down , ally didn’t even seem to mind ! She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt
But when my parents stopped her and asked ally, she started arguing and pleading for us to not drop her off but my parents ignored her even when I started to yell they only said be quiet. My parents walked into the after school club really proud and bold and asked for where Ally lived but that was a BAD mistake …. A very bad mistake
I always knew something was wrong with her parents but I never suspected they were…

They lived in a slightly big house it was like a mansion and their wasn’t any houses near by it was place away from civilisation it was surrounded by a thick forest it was surrounded by lake morthor so we had to borrow a rowing boat just to get to the house, she lived in the peaceful part of st Louis, well that’s what it’s called but lots of gangs hide around there in the caves of blackthorn wood, my parents heaved and puffed. They were exhausted; you could tell by the way the looked.

My parents walked to the glazed door and knocked three times, knock, knock, KNOCK
We heard a muffled slam, they had just come home.
Then we saw the door open and there stood her parents shocked and horrified, they were just the same as I remembered them but her mother was wearing lipstick I think.
I guessed they had been caught out. They looked remarkable the same from when I was five not a single crease or wrinkle was in their face.
They hadn’t AGED! Was that just me or didn’t my parents realise that, my parents just stood there gasping, the silence ended by my mum blurting out “you will have to tell me what anti age cream you use,”
The shock had ended by my mum
Once again.
Alice’s parents replied “we will reassure and tell you what cream we use, would you like to join us for dinner? “ I saw a glimpse of a provocative smile

Luckily my parents answered “no thank you, maybe next time,”
I really hoped we would never stay for diner but maybe that was me an imaginative child.

But the worse had to come; it started at secondary school …

It was my first day, me and Ally didn’t stayed close even though we had never been to gloomsby school It was so large and gloomy maybe that’s why its called gloomsby school .I stood out side the school looking at it, it was huge It reminded me of the school in Matilda but there were lots of older kids in gangs dancing and singing to songs.
I wandered the corridor and saw graffiti all over the walls and I knew it she was so early for lesson unlike me but when I came into room six. She hadn’t saved me a place and she was sitting with another group of 10, luckily a small group of girls invited me to their table.

So on my first day I made four new friends called Charlotte, Cleo, Rikki and Emma,
They were all nice.

Ally didn’t stay with me at lunch but I was surprised she had never
Deserted me
I saw her, she was SITTING! Next to the mysterious gang of the school well that was what they were called, they never let anyone join their group so why did they let ALLY join, which was my question. I felt betrayed, she said FRIENDS FOREVER NO MATTER WHAT ….

Days passed by I got more suspicious but my new friends told me to leave her but I couldn’t.

Days passed and all what the same she had fallen to the commandment of
Morgread the gangs leader and during time she drifted further
She never phoned me
She never talked to me
Or looked at me
It was getting worse

I felt so alone

It was my sweet sixteenth birthday ,time had flied by it had been four years since I had joined this school , I don’t even keep in touch with ally anymore even though she still goes to this school but I have lots of friends and were all really close …
Ally had missed my twelfth birthday, my thirteenth birthday, my fourteenth birthday and my fifteenth birthday. It was like we were enemies she was forbidden to go to my other birthdays and see me but I hope she goes to this birthday because it’s really special it’s my sweet sixteenth. But she properly won’t though.

Great I have to go to school on my birthday but at least its Friday,
It brings lots of memories to me every birthday but in all of them ally isn’t there.
It is like I am a ghost to her; she doesn’t even know me anymore.

Ally is really different from when she started school, she still keeps to herself and her slightly larger gang and when she started she was as loud as can be that’s why we had lots of friends she always loved being tanned but now she is as pale as can be, she has strange grey eyes not like mine a bit but paler.
But all her gang look the SAME they all seem mysterious and forbidding it’s like their fire you get to close you get hurt like on my twelve birthday
I only bumped into Hale and he snarled at me but it was an animal snarl and as soon as he snarled, whiley walked straight to him and dragged him away like a vicious dog I SWEAR he was going to bite me that look in his eyes seemed he wanted to KILL me. Later that evening he walked near me and then said “your time will be up soon, hahahaha,” he stared at my lips and leaned closer, I ran away and he tried to catch me but I was almost home.

The things that confuses me, is why did she leave me, why did she join THAT stupid gang, and why does she act like a new person …

I have to find some way to find it ALL out I’ll have to do some thing …

“Ooh is that ally,”

“Lilith forget it, she won’t come she never does, why won’t you accept that!”

“But charlotte, she will come I’m sure.”


“Emma but out of this!”
“All of you, she will come I’m sure.”

“Oh, Lilith did I just hear a door bell ring.” mouthed Rikki

“That her out of the way for now.” sniggered Cleo

I guess they were right she wasn’t going to come and I bet they put that present there
Is there any point to life? I heard them; they don’t like me at all or was that true did she really visit even though she is not allowed? did she put the present there I cant wait any longer I have to find out my questions It is like have a pin poking me all the time , not being able to know everything is really painful
All I need is the truth, even if it hurts ….

School today hooray, it doesn’t seem like the ordinary thing I say but I am only happy because I might find out what is going on;]

What shall I say to her, shall I say why have you have been ignoring me, no too soppy or shall I just spy on her, no.
I walked amongst Emma because she is my only friend who walks and I know one thing about Ally, she Always walks everywhere her parents never drop her off.
The walk to school was really slow Emma kept talking and babbling on but then I saw her was my chance …

“Hey Ally, where have you been all my life!”

“I don’t like you so go away!”


“OK then I met someone who was better than you,”

“Cut out the lies and tell me the truth ally, why are you doing this to me,”

“Because I have to Lilith, go away unless you want to get hurt.”

“I’d rather get hurt and know all the truth about our OLD friendship,”

“I have to go now Lilith,”

Why doesn’t anything go right for me, great the bell has gone once again I’m late.
I sat in next ally everyone stared at me but I just said “Ally invited me on this table,”
Then I smiled, they all glared at Ally alarmed and angry.
I was suddenly afraid but I stayed close at break, hidden, I heard them quietly shouting at Ally and questioning her all I heard was …

“Ally is she one of us, a vampire?” queried Morgread
“Morgread, I don’t know she just sat there,”

“Tell me all of it, Ally,”

“Well she was shouting at me and saying she would find out the truth about me,”

“Hey Val read her mind about what she knows about us,”

“OH MY GOD, she knows everything! That you’re a vampire and she has realised that your all of us are vampires!”

“Ally you know what you have to do,”

“No I don’t want to kill her!”

“No Val she wont survive no-one ever survives so as the head of this group I say no, just kill her it will be less painful,”

“What you care about how she feels, she’s only human,”

“I will deal with it in my own way and the boys can help ok only to make sure she doesn’t run away ….”

My heart was beating furiously and I could hardly breath the world was spinning around me though I came to grips and realised I DON’T WANT TO DIE I will have to leave my home and hide somewhere . Where shall I go?

I have no time to waste who cares about school no one will miss me if I cut the last couple of lessons , luckily I left my motorbike from yesterdays detention.
I biked home , then ran up the stairs oh dear my parents are outside my house I thought they were at work , they must have been going to their house but why would they stop at mine it is in the edge of the woods were no one knows where it is … except they know my bike ….

“Young missy what are you doing!”

“Nothing so go away!”

Then my worst nightmare happened my parents opened the door

All I heard was gasping and then a loud blur of words
I realised I would have to hurt them that’s the only way to get out of this to live.
“MUM DAD SHUT UP I HATE YOU SO I’M LEAVING, I am staying here tonight so leave!”
You should have seen their faces, they were upset and happy then my dad slammed
The door and started cheering but all I could hear from my mother was crying.
At least I get to live … but I do hope they don’t tell Ally I am here.

I climbed out the window and grabbed my motorbike and put my helmet on, I climbed out for a reason my parents were still in the house so I said I’m having a shower and locked the door , they are bone dumb so they will think my bike has been stolen ,I’ll give you
One reason why you don’t have customised bikes, People can recognise you
I drive a Bentley chopper lots of people have that bike but my parents can recognise my bike.

I raced my way to the forest but then I was stopped by a group of stunningly breathtaking boys they were stood in a line standing bold and fearless they all had leather jackets and leather boots surrounding their dark baggy blue jeans but then I realized they didn’t have bikes or a car nearby do how did they get here I started my bike but I realized I was leaking petrol so I stopped instantly but I was
Grabbed by the neck ….. And found myself leaning against tree

All the boys ran away and I was left alone with Morgread he sat down beside me in the middle of the forest and then smiled. I had always liked him, but I had never admitted it. He had jet black hair and green eyes and pale skin but I liked him like that. I was normal compared to the girls he hung around with I was plain I looked a bit like them apart from they were perfect so he properly won’t like me.

I was comforted by a his southing voice repeatedly saying don’t worry it won’t hurt
He held me carefully and took my helmet off and ran his fingers through my hair,
Then found the zip for my leather jacket and slowly unzipped the zip then pressed his lips to my neck, I could feel his teeth at my throat but I could tell he was being careful and the world fell away I could feel warmth disporting around my body but then the warmth stopped and I felt a burning pain running through my whole body reaching the darkest moments then I heard a voice say “ I enjoy you “ the voice kept away the pain all I could see was silver then I was pulled into his mind, he kept saying it will be ok , I’ve got you …

I woke up everything was different brighter, but I found myself in a warehouse,
Stuff was everywhere and arranged neatly like a home then I realized Morgread was holding me and he said “I thought you were never going to wake up.”

“What happened I only remember….”

“Shhh Lilith relax its ok.”
Then he pressed his lips gently to mine and whispered in my mind “I love you,”
Our peace and tranquility was ruined by laughter
There we saw was a group of shadows giggling
Then Morgread yelled “get here right now!”
And I heard “I thought he didn’t like her,” in a high pitched voice
Then a long line of vampires came in.

Morgread whispered in my mind
That’s Val as you have already witnessed. He Looked like Morgread apart from he had blue eyes ….

By the time was over I knew around ten people aged eleven to sixteen, well remembered

Val Blackraven is huge and is sixteen but has droopy blue eyes. His thick, wavy, coal-coloured hair is very short and is worn in an attractive style. He has an over muscled build.

Hale pitchthorn is fifteen and has large blue eyes that are like two sapphires. His fine, wavy, neck-length hair is the colour of fresh cream, and is worn in a complex, handsome style. He has a narrow build but His skin is white.

Whiley summers, is tall and muscular in a way but is extremely fast he looks like Val has round blue eyes that are like two pools of water. He has short black hair but has a graceful build.

Pierce Winters has dark eyes unlike the boys because usually boys have pale eyes I couldn’t really see him because he was in the shadows.

Drako mant looks likes Hale’s identical brother but is sixteen but has round brown eyes. His thick, straight, cream-colored hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a cascading waterfall. He is tall and has an elegant build a bit like hale

Katrina silica has slited blue eyes that are like two pools of water. Her thick, curly, long hair is the colour of chestnuts, and is worn in a complex, attractive style. She has a feminine build. Has nice dark eyes which support her face and she is only eleven

Rosaleen spite is perfect in everyway she is sixteen and has stopped ageing already she is a classic blonde she has droopy cobalt-blue eyes. Her silky, wavy, yellow hair is worn in a style that is impressive. She has a curvy build and her skin is china-white.

Saffron sile is shy but powerful and is a nimble person she is only twelve and new to this life she has round iron-grey eyes that lack any white, and that never blink. Her silky, wavy, azure hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a burning fire. She is short and has a leggy build.

Bliss sile is saffron older sister she is a fiery person completely the opposite she looks like a angel but looks can be deceiving she has deep-set black eyes that are like two dark pits. Her luxurious, wavy, white blonde hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a pair of wings. She is very short and has chalk white skin. She has a small head but she has full lips

All of them all looked nice and welcoming and then the light flew around me and I saw ally asking if a girl called charlotte if she could know that they were vampires and they said yes but luckily she didn’t, but I hate ally now the rage was burning through me it was hotter than the sun but as cool as the moon and the light stopped and a found myself again. Morgread was staring at me gob smacked I looked around and realised we were somewhere else we were on my favourite beach.
Then Morgread came to me and said “are you alright, anyway how did you get us here …”

“Er…don’t you mean how you got me here.”

“Lilith I think you’re gifted,”

“What do you mean gifted, I am normal anyway I only felt a bit crowded how can that do anything?”

“Well that can do a lot,”

“Why don’t we enjoy the moment whilst were here,”
We sat on the smooth sand and snuggled up whilst watching the sun set he was so warm even though he was a vampire but then I woke up ….

We were in the ware house again on the bed I felt so confused about this gifted thing
Anyway what harm could it be to be gifted…
Then I looked at the clock and realised it was half seven I only had one hour to get ready
I looked at the floor and their was my bag filled with my clothes and a note saying

To Lilith
Just gone out be back at seven forty-five.
From Morgread

I only have fifteen minutes to get ready.
I got dressed in my skinny jeans and boots but wore my tight fitting leather jacket over my top just before Morgread came in …

“Hey Morgread how come you go to school if you don’t have any parents?”

“To keep an eye on the younger vampires.”

“Oh, come on lets go to school,”

We drove on our motorbikes, it was raining but nobody cared I didn’t bother putting my helmet on, I never wore it anyway. I sat next to Morgread during history it was unusual everyone stared at me and I didn’t know why, properly because I look a mess a monster from the deep!

I also noticed ally wasn’t here, I wonder why she isn’t here I thought then a reply answered she thinks your dead , then I tried to project my thought and then Morgread stared at me amazed like he had heard it everyone on the table stared as well . The bell rang we walked to the field and they all said in a chorus “how did you do that?”

I replied “do what, try to talk to you.”

“Yes, your thought transferred to all of us,”

“Wow how did I do that, can you all do that, Morgread?”

“No they all can’t reply but they can listen unlike humans, I can do that but it’s a gene experienced leaders have not new born vampires!”

“Hey how come everyone stared at me?”

“You look stunningly beautiful that’s why.”

“Do I? I’ll look in the mirror to check your not lying,”

There stood a proud female; she had slanted bluish eyes that are like two chunks of lapis lazuli. Her thick, straight, blonde hair was neck-length and is worn in a precise style, her long golden locks of hair cut down in layers portraying her pale face but she had eyes that turned silvery blue she also had large pupils with dark thin lips and a straight nose, Morgread was right I was beautiful …

I am so exited we are going hunting; he is going to teach me how they hunt.
He led me to a forest and there I saw was people on the floor at the top of the mountain

“Er what are they doing on the floor? And what are we going to do with them?”

“What do you think, we are vampires you know.”

I gasped at the thought of draining them without then having a chance
Morgread looked at me he was LAUGHING I didn’t understand why he was laughing and I whispered in my mind to him and said ‘what are you thinking.’ I also showed my imagery of what we were going to do to the bodies. He just stared coldly and replied; ‘Lilith were not that evil, we give then a fair chance.’
I sadly and shamefully replied ‘sorry are you ok?’
He finally said ‘yes I am anyway are we going to get on with it’.
I said ‘yes’ and grabbed his hand he lifted me up and sped to the mountain with the bodies on, the wind flied by us If I had not been carried it would have been a long six hour climb!
I whispered to Morgread “hey how come I couldn’t run by myself like all of you?”

“Lilith you are only a few days old and you haven’t fed yet,”

“Oh, thanks for telling me.” I smiled

Then the bodies started move but then stood up instantly, Morgread stood in a protective position eyeing up the gangsters, scowling at them but when one of then stared at me in a crazed way ,Morgread brought me in closer.
They all stood up and stared at me in a weird way then I stared at the floor and a pile of guns were piled in a clump.
But then all the gangsters reached for the guns and stood into a dominant position. I had a look of fear on my face, then they all smiled at that but I whispered to Morgread ‘shall we run?’ He replied no we are going to stay, I yabbed on saying what if they shoot you what if they kill you he calmly said ‘they can’t kill us we are old vampires we will heal’ . My heart fluttered and worried to myself what if they kill me I kept worrying about if they killed me Morgread whispered ‘I won’t let them hurt you!’ I asked ‘why are they staring at me’ but then Morgread replied crossly ‘don’t you realise that they see you as a weakling!’

They coldly looked at Morgread then scowled and they pulled the trigger
Blood ran …
There laid seven bodies draining blood
And it was all over

I felt much better but the girls weren’t pleased because they wanted me to come hunting with them because it was supposedly a tradition, you hunt with the alpha, [the leader] but there are two leaders in this group and well that’s it, Morgread argued because he was the only alpha there so the argument was resolved. Lillie is the second alpha she has it in a right through her blood just the same as Morgread. Every one in the group has had vampire parents unlike me.

Days passed and Morgread said I was growing powerful and more self controlled but he thought I was growing at a alarming rate and that by the end of the next month I would be stronger than himself and he is pretty powerful. Vampires get measured by a bar like a phone bar one two three four and five, Morgread is a five and anyone who is a five is asked to contract an alliance with the vampire legion .Morgread refused the offer and took his chances. But he is worried, I am not sure why because I know I may become a 5 bar but they don’t allow females to fight…

“Hi Morgread, are we going hunting this weekend?”

I thought about my first hunt, and I couldn’t wait till this weekend, when we hopefully hunt.

Morgread just stood outside the school quietly and had a angry look on his face
“Morgread what’s the matter?”

“They have changed the rules of the alliance, females can fight but their aren’t any over five bar and they are scrounging everyone up who is over five bar and you are an eight bar.”

“Why did you never tell me,”

“I …..I …..”
“Couldn’t face to tell you anyway it doesn’t matter I am swapping places with you,”


“If you go you will get hurt or even worse… that is why I am trading places with you.”

“NO! Wherever you go, I go, so I’m COMING!”

“BUT….but…..fine you can come.”

The day went fast, now I do realise how fast I am developing I can read minds, see the future, control the elements, create pain by a mere thought, , create force fields and teleport and that is in a matter of a month being a vampire. Morgread doesn’t know I can do that much though …

A hatred female vampire looked up her eyes were glassy, she was totally unaware of the world around her. Wind howled all around her the sky was black and the grass beneath her feet was frailed black. Ashes swirled in the winds what was she or in a matter what had she done...

Then I woke up

Everyone was staring at me, where was I? I wasn’t at the warehouse or my house. I was in a cave! Blackthorn wood …

What was I doing here?

“Lilith , are you ok?”

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be ok, Morgread?”
“Anyway what are we doing here?”

They stared with worried anxious expressions. Oh dear.
“MORGREAD TELL ME WHat happened, please,”

“The legion are looking for you, your power has grown so much in a small amount of time,”

“They searched the warehouse and they had a skilled tracker , it’s just moments of time till they find you,”
Morgread stared at Val evilly, I guessed Val shouldn’t have told me that.

I felt weak and everything became blurry, I started to gasp and breathe heavily.
“I just need a moment,”
I walked to the mouth of the cave, I heard footsteps behind me.

I heard their worried thoughts and sighed, my vision became clear the further I ran.

But then I was grabbed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2011

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