
March 1st, 2020

Once upon a time there was a girl called Amy. Amy had been born special with super strength and speed. The government had taken anyone who had these powers, but Amy had been hidden. One day someone saw Amy training and reported her to the government. That night they came and abducted Amy from her home. Now Amy is in an unknown area filled with scientists.

Well, I’m not quite sure what to write in this, I’ve never had a journal before, but hey my name’s Amy, I guess. Did that sound weird? Oh well, it’s not like I care. I’m not turning this in for a grade or anything. I’m the Amy in the story, if you haven’t guessed that already. It seems a little easier to write things down if I start with that. Anyway these scientist people are making me write in this journal. I hate it here. I was taken to this military base against my will. Yesterday in the middle of the night, or I guess earlier today my mind’s still kind of fuzzy, the military came into my house and kidnapped me. The military doesn’t kidnap ordinary fifteen year old girls, but honestly, I’m not what you would call normal. I had super strength and speed, guess that’s why they decided it would be ok to violate my rights and kidnap me, assholes. The room that they threw me in is plain; the walls are custard yellow, my least favorite color of course. There’s a bed, a bathroom and a clock. According to the clock its 5:30 AM. It’s been about five and a half hours since I was taken. I wonder how mom and dad are. The last thing I remember before being hit in the head and blacking out was seeing their terrified faces. Well, I’m tired so I’m going to go to bed. The bed doesn’t look too comfy, nothing more but a sleeping bag on a spring frame really. Thanks military douches, goodnight.

March 1st, 2020

Ok, so after kidnapping me and assaulting me, these people decide to wake me up at 7:30 in the morning! I only got like two hours of sleep! It’s like come one! What’s their problem!? They shot at me when I tried escaping. The man kept rambling on happily about how the place was run, who they were, blah blah blah. I almost hit him, it would have been worth the bullet, but I kept my head for the most part. We had entered a gym and there had been an obstacle course and a track area. Four sweaty kids in matching uniforms had approached us. There had been two girls, Lyss and Tracy, and two boys, Parker and Josh, I think. They had acted open and friendly even though I had ignored them and looked in the other direction. I hadn’t exactly been in the mood for polite conversation. The tour guide had nicely suggested that maybe I would like to try out some of the equipment, but I refused to. If they wanted me to do something for them, they shouldn’t have kidnapped me from my family. I mean, seriously?? You take me from my home in the middle of the night then want me to work for you? Uh-uh, that’s not how things work in my agenda. The tour guide had leaded me back to my “room” and locked the door with a sad and disappointed expression. Not that I care. I wasn’t going to become some kind of tool for the military to use like those kids obviously were. Well, I’m going to go and try and catch some z’s since they felt the need to wake me up. I didn’t even get any breakfast! Those jerks. The time is 8:12 AM.

March 1st, 2020

In a few minutes, it will be exactly twenty four hours since I had been kidnapped. It seems so real now. I wish my mom was here, I need a shoulder to lean on. She would have been appalled by the food they gave me. On a Saturday she usually made chicken and rice. Here I got a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with no milk!!! I wonder if they give all the other kids this stuff. Probably not, this is the newbie treatment. Or maybe the rebel treatment, who knows? I miss home so much; I’m counting down the seconds on the clock, almost like its new years. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 It’s been exactly 24 hours since I was kidnapped. Let’s cut the freaking cake. Well now I’m depressed, so I’m going to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be at least a little bit better. I’ve got to get out of here. The time is 12:00 AM.

March 2nd, 2020

I tried escaping today, didn’t go too well. I had punched a huge hole through the steel door and had switched to slow motion. Just as I had thought I was home free I had seen someone running towards me. The person had caught up with me and tackled me. He had almost knocked me out and made me feel so weak! I hate feeling weak. It’s one of my many pet peeves. Others include people who act all high and mighty, and vampires. I mean come on? What’s so great about sparkling vampires? Ok I’m totally getting off track. Anyway the assaulter had stopped and I had glanced up at him. It had been Parker. He had dragged me back to my room and had stood guard while the door was fixed. Right before locking the door one of the scientists walked in and casually tased me. I think it left a mark. Those things hurt!!!! I was ready to rip his head off, but then big mighty Parker walks in pounding his fists like he’s some big shot. God he was annoying. The scientist is making me write in my journal and is reading over my shoulder. He’s an ass. Humph, just got shocked on my arm for that. Oh well it was worth it. Well I’m done writing for today, I’m sure he’ll keep shocking me but it doesn’t matter , I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of that. The time is 12:54 PM.

March 2nd, 2020

The time is 6:59 PM. They sent a guy in my room who acted like some therapist or something. He kept asking me, “Why did you feel the need to escape?”

I had remained quiet until about the 50th time he asked. Then my anger had boiled over and lets just say I had gotten a lot off my chest.

He kept asking me, “Why do you feel that way?” I had already said what was on my mind so I didn’t see the need to answer him. If he couldn’t wrap his tiny brain around what I had just said that was his problem. Seriously, was that the best they could do? It’s pathetic. After five minutes of no answers he had shaken his head sadly and left the room, thank god.

I’m feeling really groggy and don’t know why. I just finished some delicious chicken and potato stew. I’m considering forgiving them, as long as they feed me right. Psh, joking! Besides, is it worth it? I mean, I’ll get training and I might understand my powers a bit better, but they did kidnap me. They took me away from my hometown, family, and friends. Should I trust them? It’s getting harder to concentrate and the room is getting blurry. Did they drug me? What could they have….Oh God, it was the stew! Those bastards freaking drugged me! I can’t believe it! And to think I had considered helping them. Ha! Not anymore suckers! Ugh, that sudden energy burst brought back the drugged feeling. I’m going to go to bed and try to sleep it off. The time is 7:13 PM.

March 3rd, 2020

Today was really fuzzy. It seems like the drug got worst after I slept. It was awful. I hazily remember going back to the gym. This time there had been no thugs with guns, ha-ha that rhymed. Wow, I guess I’m still a little loopy. Today the tour guide dude had been there smiling a huge toothy grin. Trust me, I wanted to punch his lights out but it seemed like I didn’t have control over my limbs or mouth. It was awful! I felt so unprotected! He had suggested to me that I should run around the track a few times and my body had obliged. My limbs had been stiff, almost like a robot. They had made me go around everything, the track, the weights, multiple times until I had felt like I was going to die of exhaustion. That stupid drug made me nothing more than a mindless ape! I was humiliated! How is this legal!? There’s one scientists, I think her name was Doctor Samantha; she looked away and looked almost….embarrassed. I can’t describe the look on her face, but she defiantly wasn’t enjoying what was going on. It’s nice to know not everyone here is a jerk. Well I’ve decided I’m not going to eat anything else that they give me. I’d rather starve to death than become a mindless servant of the military. Wish me luck! The time is 1:03 PM.

March 3rd, 2020

I’m writing this a few hours after my last entry. I think the drug has completely left my system and my mind is a lot clearer. A few minutes after I put my journal away the door had slid open slightly and a plate of food had slid in. Now, I will admit, when the meaty scent engulfed the room I almost ate the stew. I had to clog my nose and look away as I flushed it down the toilet. I felt like singing military taps, how appropriate. Next thing I know I’m going to be freaking going around conquering lands or something! *Sigh* sorry, lack of food has made me really grumpy. I can hear footsteps coming, probably to bring me dinner. I hope it’s nothing too tasty. Stupid temptations. The time is 7:54 and its day one of operation starvation.

March 4th, 2020

Ok, it’s around noon right now and it’s been…difficult. This morning they brought me a plate of hot eggs filled with gooey cheese. It took all of my willpower to dump them down the toilet. Afterwards I had to act all drugged while I was in the gym. I even had to act like a monkey because one of the scientists had told me to. The scientists and the other kids had been howling with laughter. Too bad they don’t know the joke’s on them! Sure, I might loss every shred f dignity I have, but when I escape it’ll be worth everything. I can already imagine them coming into my room after I escape and their faces turning dumbfounded once they see I’m not there, classic! That would be worth losing my dignity. The training isn’t for nothing though. I can feel my muscles growing stronger and I’m faster on my feet. I wonder if they realize how messed up this is for them. They might think I’m becoming their mindless gun for them to use, but I like to think of myself as a fake dud firecracker that’s going to blow up in their faces. Well I can hear someone approaching the door. Talk to you later tonight! The time is 12:27 PM.

March 4th, 2020

Its 9:18 PM and I just back from some kind of lab and the gym. They have started timing my runs. I overheard them talking and apparently my top speed is 409 mph, the last record was 406 mph by Lyss. I haven’t even been trying that hard! Imagine how fast I would be if I ran at top speed! I remember when I was still free there had been a field I had practiced in. It had been right next to the nuclear power plant that had caused all the mutations. Was that why I’m faster than the others? I don’t know about strength though. I don’t even know what a bench press is! All I know is that I can break through a solid block of concrete without breaking a nail. In the lab they asked me a bunch of questions about my childhood. Like when had I discovered my powers? Had I trained? Did I have any siblings? I lied easily for each one, even the sibling one. My mom is four months pregnant with a boy. I hope he isn’t cursed with my powers too. Hopefully if he is he won’t be careless and be caught like I had been.

I can feel the effects of not eating, my stomach feels like it’s trying to digest itself and I feel faint all the time. I need to get out of here, but the question is how!? My minds too muddled to come up with anything so I’m going to hit the hay. The time is 10:53 PM.

March 5th, 2020

The weirdest thing happened today. Tracy, one of the other “lucky” ones, asked if I wanted to join them all for lunch. The scientists didn’t seem to have a problem so I went. The cafeteria was having an all you can ear crab and sushi bar. Let’s just say I wasn’t the cleanest eater in the room. What can I say? Crab and sushi are my favorite, plus I was starving! I probably looked like a pig but I didn’t care. All I knew was I was finally getting some food in my empty belly. Now that I think about it, it probably wasn’t a good idea to eat all that food at once. My stomach is cramping up. It doesn’t feel like a drugged feeling though, thank goodness. I guess they finally trust me now, suckers! I’m thinking I need a day or two to come up with a plan and get all my strength back. I’m thinking about digging through the wall, jumping out, and then running. If the tests are correct and I’m the fastest, I think I can get away easily. Someone’s coming, bye! The time is 1:25 PM.

March 5th, 2020

I’m scared, really scared. When they got me, they took me to what seemed like a conference room. The other kids were already there. Apparently there had been some revolt against the government and we had to go calm them down. I would have been fine just letting them revolt; if I was free I’d probably be there too. Now honestly, I thought if we lifted up a car or something it would show them they couldn’t take us and they would stop. Well when we got there and we tried talking, they opened fire on us and attacked us!The other kids had started fighting back. I had seen Parker and Tracy rip off a man’s head. Oh God, it had been awful. I had tried to run but one had jumped on my back and knifed my arm! It still stings, but the guilt is worse. I hate writing this down, but I feel that the world needs to know. When I escape I’m going to bring this journal as proof off the awful things that go on here.

Anyway, when the man attacked me I reached behind me and accidently hit his head. I swear, I meant to hit his stomach! I had heard a sickening crunch, it’s still ringing in my ears, and he had fallen to the ground. It was too much for me to handle, still is. My hands are shaking as I write this. I had run, I still want to run but I can’t. They had found me huddled in an alley five blocks away. Now that I think about it, why didn’t I keep running? In the confusion of the fight I could have probably slipped away quietly and escaped. Why hadn’t I done it? I don’t want to sleep, I’m afraid of what I’m going to see behind my closed eyelids, but I’m getting tired.

There’s one more thing I want to add before I go to bed. The other kids didn’t seem fazed at all. They were high fiving each other like they had won a game of football or something. In all honesty that scares me more than the….memory. They might seem like normal kids on the outside, but on the inside they are heartless. At least I feel like crap about it. It’s like they have no emotions. I’m falling asleep so I’m going to bed. Maybe tomorrow the day will be better. The time is 11:53 PM.

March 6th, 2020

The day went on as usual. The only difference was that in the morning a meeting was called. The man in charge had congratulated me on my first successful fight. I had wanted to barf. Successful, yeah right. A success, is this seriously good for them? The kids had nodded their heads in agreement. I kept my eyes down the whole time, biting back tears. How twisted has our government become? I didn’t dare speak out; I still had to have them believe I was one of them. After the meeting it was nothing special, we just trained in the gym all day.

March 6th, 2020

I got to leave base without a battle for the first time today. Doctor Samantha, she was the one who had seemed a little nice, asked if I wanted some fresh air. I had been on my toes the whole time, but we went to a nice little market. She had apologized for yesterday, why’d she have to bring that up? I had been silent the whole time. After that she let me go to the kitchen with her and she let me use a knife to cut up vegetables. It felt for a moment like I was back at home. That is until the rest of the lab coats had walked in. They had ripped the knife from my hand and sent me to my room. I need to get out of here. I’m not even sure if I can make it one more day even though that’s all I need. I tried starting a hole in the wall, but after I got a few millimeters in I got a huge zap. Guess they still don’t trust me, not that I don’t blame them. I still see myself as a fake dud firecracker. I’m just a tired and worn out firecracker. Tomorrows the big day. I’m going to do it around midnight so I’ll need all my strength. Goodnight.

March 7th, 2020

Today was like any other day here I guess. They let us have a free day in gym. The other kids let out their inner child, something I had they had lost long ago. They played tag. It was actually pretty fun watching them zip around the gym as nothing but blurs. After a couple of rounds Josh had invited me to play. I had figured, what have I got to lose? That game had won me my freedom honestly. As we were running I had accidently ran into a wall. There had been no pain; it was almost as if the speed had prevented the pain somehow. Of course, even though my freedom had been right there I hadn’t run. Guess that earned me some respect or something cause they all were staring at me with huge eyes. It was pretty funny. I had just casually walked up to Lyss, taped her on the shoulder and said, “Tag, you’re it!”

After that we played more tag until around noon. Then we had lunch, a delicious chicken stew. That brought back some unpleasant memories. As soon as I got back to my room I had tried out my new theory. It had worked! I’m leaving this place at midnight tonight! The time is 2:25 PM.

March 7th, 2020

Once upon a time there was an innocent girl called Amy. Amy had a happy life with her parents until one day she had been kidnapped by the government and military. She had met many new people including Josh, Tracy, Parker, and Lyss the others like her. Now after one week with them she’s finally found a way to bust out.

Wow, my life sounds liked it should be a movie or something. Too bad it’s not. In movies the main character always wins and defeats the bad guys. I don’t know how this story is going to end. I hope it ends something like a movie, but not exactly because honestly that sounds too classic. I woke up from a six hour nap. Right after dinner I had gone straight to bed. I just made the hole in the wall. The air smells sweet compared to the confined air I’ve been smelling for a week. Goodbye confinement. Here I come world.

March 8th, 2020

I’m free. That’s probably the happiest thing I’ve had the pleasure of writing in this thing ever since I got it. I have no way of telling time, but I do know that the end of the day is nearing. I’m sleeping in an alley, but hey no one ever said this would be easy or comfortable. I had to, uh, borrow some clothes and a small black backpack from a convenient shop. All black clothing of course. I felt bad about it but I had to ditch the orange jumpsuit that the military had so nicely provided me with and there was no way I was walking around the streets naked. That would have been awkward…. I’m going to have to pay that shop back later. I’m not taking food though, that’s just low. I feel like a hobo or something because I’m sleeping in a cardboard box, but who cares? I’m not judging. Hopefully I’ll be there by noon tomorrow.

March 9th, 2020

I did my first heroic deed today, on accident too! I had just woken up and I had heard sirens as I crawled out of the box. At first I had thought they were after me so I had run. Not super fast at first, but as they got closer I did. When I had glanced behind me I had seen two AMF (Armed Military Force) cars approaching. I had instantly thought they were after me until I had run into a man running on the sidewalk. The shock had switched me back from high speed mode to regular speed. The man’s bag had fallen; did I mention he was wearing a bag? Oh well he was. Anyway the man's bad had fallen and hundreds of hundreds dollars bills had spilled out of his bag. The AMF trucks had pulled up and had arrested that guy, not me! One of the guys had approached me. Apparently their cars weren’t the AMF; they were the ANF (Armed Nations Force). They were against the government and were in charge of most of the rebellions. That brought back some bad memories. Of course I had instantly felt guilty. He had thanked me again before getting into the car and drove off. This of course had bought a bunch of questions to my mind. Why hadn’t my family taken refuge with them? Why hadn’t the military taken the time to eradicate them? Of course I didn’t have any answers, but I did feel all good inside. I’m now heading towards my house. I kind of took a map; add that to my growing list of debts. Heading west back home. Can’t give you a time update, but it’s defiantly before noon.

March 9th, 2020

I am a complete idiot. I can’t believe I didn’t see this coming! As soon as I entered our old neighborhood I saw AMF trucks everywhere! Of course they would have expected me to come home first. I did manage to sneak past them and steal some time with my parents. They had reacted exactly as I had imagined it. Mom and Dad had cried and of course I had shredded a few tears. I had run upstairs after talking with them and grabbed my old backpack and stuffed it full of my clothing. I had traded the, er, “borrowed” clothes for my overly large t-shirts and long jeans. I had also grabbed my mask that I had been working on before I got kidnapped. It’s nothing special, just an all black mask with a few sequins on the sides. I had gone back downstairs to find a bowl of my mom’s famous chicken and potato stew. Mmmm, it had been yummy. I’ve got a thermos in my backpack filled with it. I know what I’m having for dinner. *Smiley face* Ha-ha I just had to put that there. Afterwards I had snuck out the back door and just ran blindly in the opposite direction. I don’t know where I am but I can see a small city in the distance. I’m going to visit it tomorrow. Goodnight.

March 10th, 2020

Did another good deed today. It was one of those cliché saving the old lady from the bad guy kind of thing. I had been walking and heard a lady scream. When I got to where the screaming was I had seen a huge masked dude bending over a really old lady snatching her purse. Again, total cliché. I had just casually walked up to them, and he had the nerve to pull a knife on me. I had punched him in the face. It felt good. I think I almost gave that old lady a heart attack though. My bad. I had given the old lady her purse back and walked out of the alley. There had been a small girl who was chasing a ball into the deserted street. At first I had ignored her until a speeding car had almost hit her. It had been a teenage girl on her cell phone, of course. I swear its idiots like that that make me ashamed to be a teenage girl. So anyway the car had totally been speeding, so I raced out and grabbed the kid. It was then that the stupid teenager had finally noticed that she had almost committed unintentional murder so she stopped her car. Of course I had lectured her about her actions. Then the kids mom had walked up, wonder where she had been when I had saved her kid, and had asked for my name. I had decided to start a new trend and said, “just call me Number 5.” I am totally mocking the scientists by saying ha I escaped from your clutches. Then I had sped away. I think I’m going to stick with that. I shall be Number 5, hero to the helpless.

March 11th, 2020

I’ve decided on a uniform. I’m going to wear my mask along with black sweats and a black t-shirt. This is so exciting! I feel like a real super hero, the kind I read about in my books. I feel like a ninja or something, just rushing through cities and helping those in need. Earlier I saved a cat from a tree. Not that heroic but it’s still something, right? This city isn’t that bad. Well I’m going to get some lunch, bye!

March 12th, 2020

Today was eventful. Saved an old lady, stopped someone from jumping off a bridge, and prevented some deaths, the usual. I kinda wish something else more exciting would happen, ya know? It’s nice saving people but not when it’s just repetition, repetition. Something exciting needs to happen! Spice it up! I’m about to enter a new town called Whalesing, I think. Maybe something will happen there.

March 13th, 2020

I am currently inside a cave. The visit to Whalesing had been good, there had been no crime to be taken care of, that is until I went to the mall. I had been walking when I saw the kids. Josh, Lyss, Parker, and Tracy had been there sitting nonchalantly by a fountain. Let’s just say I was glad it was super crowded. They spotted me even though I had tried hiding, and Parker had grabbed my arm. It’s still sore. I had started screaming; guess he hadn’t been expecting that because he had released it right away. Like I said, it’s still sore. Security had come over and escorted me outside, and detained him. As soon as I got out, I bolted. It’s nice to know I’m faster than all of them. So anyway, the cave I’m in is gorgeous for a cave. At least there are no vines. I’m going to bed.

March 14th, 2020

Stayed in the cave today. I feel like a trapped animal. I really hope they don’t find me. They’ll have to drag me back kicking and screaming if they do. I explored the cave some more and found an underground cavern hidden behind some boulders! It feels like I’m inside a giant purple geode. The small cave that I had slept in last night is nothing compared to this cavern. I wish I could live in this cave, there is fresh cave water and I could get food another way. Who knows? Maybe one day I will.

March 15th, 2020

Left the cave today. I really hope the coast is clear. I headed over to a town I had heard about in Whalesing. Sonvient apparently is a town down on its luck. There are robberies daily, shootings, and riots. I wonder if this is the same place where we tried to stop… No, I’m not writing about that. No way. I hope that isn’t going on when I get there. Hopefully it will be successful.

March 15th, 2020

Ok so the coolest thing happened at the town. I found out I have telekinetic powers! I had seen a bad guy in the distance with a gun on some children. I was too far away for even my speed to work so I had imagined the gun whipping out of his hands and it did! The kids are alright and I’m feeling great. I found out I can move multiple things at once, like I have hundreds of long arms at my disposal! I was able to push a car slightly while it was parked. That was just awesome right there. I wonder how I can use this to help others. I’m going now, bye!

March 16th, 2020

Today’s a day off! I ditched my costume and mask and traded it for a bathing suit and sunglasses. The beach was awesome. It’s the first time in a while that I’ve felt even remotely normal. It’s a nice feeling. The sand was sugar while and the water sparkled. I wish I could live here forever. I’m going back to the water, so bye!

March 17th, 2020

Time for work again. I was cruising through a beach bazaar thing and saw a newspaper. The front article had been about some town with a huge crime rate. Well seems like a cry for help! I’m going to head over to the city as soon as I finish my ice-cream. Should be
there later today.

March 17th, 2020

Just got to the outskirts of the town, it’s a mess. There’s a spiral of smoke coming out of the town. I’m leaving my backpack in that cave I found which is conveniently located a few miles from here. That’s just awesome! I’m going to keep my journal with me though. I don’t know why, just an urge I guess. Heading in now, wish me luck!

March 18th, 2020

I’m back, sadly. I can’t believe I let myself get caught. They punished me pretty severally, and I’ve got the bruises to prove it. Journal, these people are monsters and as sly as a fox. They led me to believe that a city was having a rough time so I went to help and there’s a huge blockade of them surrounding the city as soon as I go in! Can’t believe I fell for it too. I should have been less sloppy about my work. I think they might have found out about my telekinesis too. I kind of used it to lift myself up in the air while I was running. They just brought me back with a dart in my neck and punched and kicked me repeatedly. I’d rather be sleeping in an alley than here. I’m still not sure what’s going to happen to me. The time is 10:48 AM.

March 19th, 2020

They brought me to some interrogating room today. They asked me how I had been able to fly. Looks like they don’t know it was telekinesis. They kept me in there for over five hours trying to get information out of me. They tased me whenever I didn’t answer them. They dumped me back in my room after I stayed quiet the whole time. I’ve had enough of it here. I need to get out or I’m going to die in here. I need to see the real world again. I’m sick of being treated the way I’m being treated here. Tomorrow when they bring me to that horrid room I’m going to escape. I’m going to leave this journal here. It symbolizes all that I went through and I want to leave that all behind. Either I escape or I die. Either way, I’m never going to write in this journal again, so goodbye. The time is 1:23 PM.


Texte: Note: All images were found on Google. I do not claim to own them.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2011

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