

In prehistoric times there was a conflict between the humans and the fairies. The humans didn’t want the dark fairies to poison their people and land. The fairies were offended since not all the fairies used dark ways. The ones that were bad was deported to the Lily of the Valley Bush, an appropriate name since the leaves and nectar of the bush are poisonous, where they stayed fighting for survival amongst one another. The humans were still not convinced and started attacking the fairies. The furious fairies unleashed the citizens of Lily of the Valley Bush to fight with their wicked ways. Amongst that group was the fearful Larkspur that is known to commit the cruelest of crimes. To defend themselves the human’s became wizards to help with the war. The humans and the fairies didn’t know that the real broil was a child that had been lost a few days back. It was the child of the king of humans, King Snapdragon, and the queen of fairies, Queen Acacia, which thought the other, had stolen their daughter…
The sun shone like a strong golden flame. Iris walked through the museum garden in its thriving glory. She was there for a school field trip which she had to beg her foster parents for the money to attend. She breathed in the air, loving the feeling of warmth that seemed to envelope her. It felt as if the flowers knew how the girl felt and seemed to sing with the breeze making it all the more peaceful. She stumbled over a twig and fell to the ground springing the trap that the Larkspur had set for their unlucky victim. The last thing she saw was a brilliant flash of red.
“Wake up”, a man said in a harsh voice that sounded like nails on a chalk board. Iris opened her eyes and saw nothing. The light was too dim to see so she was waiting for her eyes to adjust, but the man had other ideas. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to another room that smelled of sweat and blood. Such a metallic smell thought Iris. By now her eyes had adjusted and she was staring at a hideous face that belonged to what looked like a woman.
“Do you know where you are and what you are meant to do” she asked in a surprisingly pleasant voice compared to her appearance. Irish concealed her surprise from reaching her face and kept her mouth shut. She began to notice that they weren’t the only ones in the room. There were children, teenagers, women, and men in the smelly room. “Good you don’t talk much which means when you go an missions you won’t ask questions and if you die then you won’t get so dramatic and scream your lungs out” she said in a singsong voice. She then pointed behind her. Iris made a mistake and took a glimpse and saw the accumulating pile of dead bodies that protruded the smell of the room. She also saw the winces that the prisoners made. Knowing that having weakness could kill her she kept her emotions concealed.
She was suddenly thrust a stick and the woman brought her battleaxe down on Iris. Iris only had seconds to react and she used them well because she nearly missed the blade. “Good reflexes I see” the woman preached. “By the way, my name is Ms. Hyena” Ms. Hyena continued to give fatal death blows and in turn Iris nearly escaped them. Ms. Hyena liked what she saw, but she didn’t know that Iris could do much more. All Iris showed her was that she could dodge.
At night everyone went into their rooms. The beds didn’t look that bad which was a
good sign that she might be able to sleep even though her head was brimming with questions. Her bed was the bottom of one of the bunk beds. She did see a flash of yellow atop the higher bunk, but was too tired to be that curious.
When everyone got situated it was so quiet that you could hear a pen drop. Iris could feel the tension in the air and that made her want to go home even more. After waiting a few long, agonizing minutes Iris couldn’t take it anymore. “Where am I?” she said in a quiet, but demanding voice. “You are at the place where the Larkspur keeps people to train” whispered a small voice from one of the corners. Iris closed her eyes to the unwanted information. She was schooled on this group and there cruel deeds. “What are we expected to do here?” she forced her mouth to say. “We have to train to be assassins and the weak get slaughtered” said a boy on top of one of the bunks. “She seems to have a liking to you” says another boy with an English accent. “I suggest you learn fast or end up dead” advised a teenager. “What happens after we are finished training?” asked Iris. “Missions” everyone seemed to say in union. “A girl was recently deemed fit for missions and left yesterday. That’s why you are here” said the English boy.
The morning came swiftly, but not swift enough for Iris not to have a nightmare. She saw a woman that had soft golden hair like the rays of the sun on the day she was at the garden. She was reaching out a hand, but when she was about to reach Iris she turned into a younger version of Ms. Hyena. Ms. Hyena then started a laugh fit for a hyena. There were images of the golden woman meeting a handsome man and they were falling in love. Another image was with the woman having a child. The next was one night a person came in and stole the child. The last one of the images of sorrow and rage mixed together and the man and woman fought each other with ferocity, but they still had great sorrow when alone.
Iris then woke up with a jolt. There was a noise that sounded like a bad imitation of a blow horn. Everyone got up and marched out to the eating room. Today they were serving oatmeal and Iris learned that they only served breakfast and breakfast was always oatmeal. Iris forcefully swallowed the garbage they called oatmeal so she wouldn’t be hungry during the rest of the day.
They watched as the blades and sharp objects turned on the obstacle course they were supposed to maneuver without being sliced to pieces. A bulky man went through smoothly and only got a big gash on his back. Others weren’t that lucky and finished with bruised, sliced, bleeding bodies. Iris watched until she was the last one to go. Ms. Hyena came in and there was a blanket of uncomfortable silence. “Come on now, you and I both know you can do it.” she urged Irish.
“Ms. Hyena, let’s make a blood deal” Iris said after thinking. There was a twinkle in Ms. Hyena’s eyes as she said, “What’s your deal”. “If I could make through this obstacle course without a scratch from its sharp edges everyone will have medical supplies to treat their wounds until it heals.” “That would be fine, but I do not have a medic to treat them” she said with wickedness in her eyes that suggested that she was lying. “That’s okay, I can do it” Iris said with confidence. “Fine, but you also have to assume the responsibility over breakfast” she said with ignorance since her attempt of stumping Iris was futile. “Deal” Iris agreed.
Iris took what she knew when she practiced at gymnastics back in her old life and applied it to the obstacle. She saw a few obstacles that could serve as beams and bars. She backed up and faced it head on. She did a triple flip, landed on a beam, jumped and span on a bar until she had enough momentum, and then she propelled herself onto the other side. All eyes were on her, but she stared into Ms. Hyena’s eyes. Ms. Hyena did the slightest nod that she could only see. “Go to the eating room.”
Iris started for the eating room, but bumped in to a boy with red hair. “Excuse…” Iris was about to say. She then knew that she didn’t need to excuse herself since he did it on purpose. Iris gave an exasperated sigh and walked away from the boy who she thought she recognized. She didn’t like it that Ms. Hyena had little helpers around here, but why did he have to be so hot. “Iris” he called. Giving a sigh Iris turned around. “You must come with me” he said. Iris didn’t know why, but she followed him. Maybe it was the way his voice sounded reassuring, or the way his hair reflected the light, or how hot he was. Whatever it was when he led her to a secret door that revealed the room of Ms. Hyena. She wanted to face Ms. Hyena with her face blank, but she didn’t seem to see them.
“Don’t you dare tell the girl that she is the daughter of the king and queen.” said Ms. Hyena to the lady in charge of food. “But…doesn’t she have the right to know her mom is the queen of fairies and her dad is the king of the humans?” “Don’t you dare say their names ever again!” hissed Ms. Hyena with so much venom that it would take billions of venomous snakes to produce it.
Iris felt hysteria rise within her throat and continued towards her mouth, but she swallowed the bile feeling making sure that no expressions were on her face. She forced herself to continue listening, but there wasn’t anything that there was to listen to. She quietly let herself out and started for the kitchen. She could hear the boy walking behind her, but she continued.
When arriving at the kitchen someone would think that there were pigs who decided to live there. Food was smeared here and there, dishes piled high upon the puny sink, knives scattered in various places, but it all looked as if it were intentionally put there. A fork was too straight, plates stacked neatly for more quantity, and towels placed carefully on the floor. Iris pulled up her sleeves and started to work. “Put the towels in that bin, silverware in the dishwasher, and anything that isn’t usable or just plain weird put it in the garbage. You’re in charge of the floor.” Iris said to the red headed boy. “What’s your name? Since you already know mine we can’t introduce each other properly.” yelled Iris so that he could hear her through the sound of the water she turned on to wash dishes.
“I’m Eucomis. I have had 137 missions in a month and I can do whatever is needed to succeed in a mission.” He sighs in a practiced reply. They continued working for a few hours and the kitchen was clean. Iris was going to wake early in the morning to cook. She turned and left for the door, but before she went out she turned around and said, “Nice meeting you Eucomis. Thanks for the help and I don’t doubt that you’d not do anything to succeed in a mission.” With those last words hanging in the lavender scented air she left.
Iris spent the rest of the day tending to people’s wounds, a lot of admiring comments flung at her, and she day dreamed about Eucomis no matter how hard she tried not to. She went in a deep sleep fit for sleeping beauty…
Meanwhile, Eucomis is talking to a phone in a dark passage way underneath Iris’s bunk. “She is safe and well tended to… yes she is very skilled…she is kind and made a blood deal for the other prisoners… medical supplies… she is at the lair where they train assassins…no.”
Now, if Eucomis would press his ear to the ceiling he would hear the very quiet whimpering of Iris as she saw the dream from last night. She was watching as the two people fought one another, but suddenly she went back to the garden and saw that all of the flowers had died. It looked like a graveyard and the flowers no longer sang with the wind, but now they look like fallen angels.
Something urged her on and made her stop at a particular gravestone. It was blank, but it looked like someone sanded it down to look blank. “Do you wander whose name was on that stone my child” said the voice of the woman. Iris nodded in reply. “Look at what you are wearing and listen the words” Iris looked down and saw that she was wearing a beautiful gown, but all she knew was that it was beautiful. She didn’t know if it flowed like silk, what color it was, or if she fit it well. Words were whispered through the air as if it were the last words a person would speak. “Defeat the wicked and greedy. If you fail you tumble into darkness and lose cause the suffering of many. Make a Larkspur mad and you will succeed all the faster…” Iris now knew that the flowers were the ones saying the advice. Then all the flowers turned to dust and floated farther and farther away with the wind.
Iris woke up early so she could cook for everyone. She made nutritious things to boost their strength and stamina. Most people wouldn’t eat the ingredients but she disguised it by putting it in the coffee, milk, waffles, eggs, bacon, and even the syrup. When the noise that woke people up sounded everyone filed into the room. The first thing they registered was the smell then the food and their eyes turned as round as the plates containing the breakfast. Iris thought how she should serve the food and thought better then letting them spoon their own food on plates. The results would be everyone stampeding to get to the food or there would be a humongous mess that she would have to clean up. “Sit down and eat so your food doesn’t get cold” said Iris gently. The people seemed to see that they could eat and rushed to their seats and gratefully stuffed their faces.
At practice for the next few days everyone did very well and Iris trained them. Soon everyone liked her and they started becoming a team. They excelled in everything that was out against them. One day after they finished their obstacle Ms. Hyena came in and seemed to suck all the air out of the room. Iris didn’t know what they were waiting for until Ms. Hyena boomed, “Congratulations everyone, you are now eligible to attend missions. Your first mission will begin tomorrow. You are to be in the palace with the queen and her soldiers. You must be bathed and some people will come in so you can pick what you want to wear. Have a good rest tonight and I’ll see you in the evening.” This shocked everyone so much that they filed out quietly without a word.
That night everyone dreamed of the palace. Some smiled in their sleep others frowned. Iris couldn’t seem to sleep at all. She kept thinking what the queen looked like and would she like her. She had bottled up her feelings so that she could focus on training. As she rose to go to the kitchen for water a hand caught hers. When she turned around she saw that it was the blond hair boy from the first day. “Hello my name’s Caladium. You can’t sleep too?” he babbled at her. Iris gave him reassuring smile and whispered, “Yeah. I guess I’m a little nervous.” She showed a little bit was by spreading her arms out. This caused Caladium to laugh and for Iris to blush just a bit. “You look cute when you blush…” he said. Then he looked like he regretted it
the next minute. “Can I call you Cal?” I said to reassure him. “Sure” he said with the widest grin. The next day everything was a rush. The only big surprise was that they didn’t wear flowing dresses or symmetrical suits. They wore battle equipment and weapons strapped on their waists and backs. On their ride to the palace they saw lands that were twisted and wrinkled, pretty and lit, and just odd. When they stopped they were pushed out forcefully into a battlefield. Iris saw where they were and saw immediately that they were placed in the middle of the two opposing forces in the war. Everyone seemed to want to laugh from the two sides. She got her bearings and saw that there were long steel shields. She lifted her fist to signal them to stop and watch which they did immediately. She signaled the shields and everyone went to take one and immediately formed a semi-sphere. “They tricked us, they wanted us to be tossed into the war and by some time for the queen’s side…”yelled Iris. Her words seemed to spread out so everyone could hear. The two sides did not want to hear this. They could only hear this powerful voice that captivated them. “What we will do is defend ourselves and prove that we can withstand any force” she shouted in reassurance and that earned her shouts that could have scared the thunder.
They then heard the two sides advancing. Something suddenly tugged on Iris and made her look up. It was Eucomis and he said in the calmest voice a person would ever hear, “Come with me…now.” Everyone looked at her to see her reaction. “No” she said simply. Something must have been happening because everyone nodded and the next thing she knew she was flung in front of Eucomis on the horse and was running away. Iris knew she was defeated so she just closed her eyes, leaned on the horse’s neck, rubbed the scared beast, and listened to her comrades fight without her.
The king and queen watched as the girl was forced on the horse and when she sagged in defeat. They could tell that she was the one who encouraged that group to fight back. No matter how much force was applied on the large dome it would not budge. They seemed to know that their leader was not there but they fought all the harder. As the king and queen saw the girl reach the edge of the forest the king realized that they boy was his spy he sent to investigate the Larkspur. What they didn’t know was that Ms. Hyena saw Iris leave also and was on hot pursuit. As the girl and boy were out of sight the queen and king made a sharp breath and in that breath combined with their shocked faces whispered, “Daughter…”
When the horse stopped and Iris opened her tear stung eyes she saw that they were at a quiet pond. She got off the horse taking Eucomis with her. As Eucomis fell with a thud and groan Iris went to the pond followed by the horse. The horse drank water as Iris smoothed his hair. “I’m sorry back there I had…” attempted Eucomis. “What’s his name?” “Thunderbolt.”
“Did someone say thunderbolt?” A sorcerer came out of the forest to the clearing holding a small box in one hand. The Eucomis made a defense pose in front of her. Iris felt herself forgive the red haired boy just a little bit for what he did. “What do you want” growled Eucomis. “I admire your bravery out there in the field Iris and I have come here to give you a gift. It is magical and will do whatever you want it to if you ask. Now please except it.”, said the sorcerer ignoring Eucomis. Iris came up and accepted the box. She opened it immediately to reveal a beautiful blue stone necklace that made her feel calm. “Ah, the stones affects is already helping you. It seems to like you quite a bit.” said the sorcerer with an approving smile. “Can you help me wear it” said Iris as she gave it to the sorcerer and turned around. Iris felt soft gentle hands put the necklace on her and when she turned around he disappeared.
Suddenly the ground shook and they were tossed in the air and when they opened their eyes they were back in the center of the two sides. Iris saw that she was stared down by Ms. Hyena and all of her comrades tied to metal stands to get whipped. She closed her eyes and thought about what to do…
“Don’t touch her Hyena” snarled Queen Acacia. “You know that she is my daughter” said Acacia desperately. That was accepted with a shocked gasp from everyone. “If you dare lay a finger on my daughter I will tear you to shreds Hyena” threatened King Snapdragon. This received even more gasps. “Ms. Hyena, I want to make a blood deal” Iris said calmly standing to face her. “What are your terms” she asked with venom. “If I win you have to let them free.” “Okay, I except your terms. If I win I will be the future ruler of the fairies and humans”, replied Ms. Hyena with a smug look on her face. “I accept you terms and conditions”
They then each chose their weapons. Ms. Hyena chose a wicked piece of metal that barely resembled a sword. When Iris chose her necklace Ms. Hyena laughed. Iris brought the necklace to her lips and whispered “help me.” She was instantly was equipped with a sword and armor. What the audience noticed that the princess looked even more beautiful in her white armor. Iris held her sword with it facing inward so when she held it standing up it pointed upward instead of downward. Ms. Hyena laughed at her posture and said, “The sword is supposed to be held in a fist with your thumb on the side of the blade not the other way around.”
Iris just waited for Ms. Hyena to advance, but she didn’t have to wait long since she Ms. Hyena was already charging. Iris jumped at the last second and flipped to Ms. Hyena’s back. When Ms. Hyena turned to face her opponent and opened her mouth and shut it again. She looked down and saw the blood oozing from the gash in her left leg. Her face turned red with rage and charged once more. “What would you do with all that power?” said Iris as she dodged her battlers swing and sliced her again. The woman howled in pain, but continued charging. “Please stop, we don’t have to do this” offered Iris. Every move Ms. Hyena made Iris dodged and made another gash. “Let’s do it the easy way not the hard one, okay.” suggested Iris. “I want the hard way” shouted Ms. Hyena in determination. “I stole you so this day would come where I would rule. I knew your pathetic parents would cause a war for your sake. They are so predictable and so are you”, she hollered as she brought the blade down.
Iris caught it with the palm of her left hand. The blade seemed to be terrified of Iris’s skin. The audience watched as Iris’s suit slowly curled with red swirls. She seemed to change also. She became a black fairy that illuminated darkness. “I was counting on you to pick the hard way” whispered Iris in a voice so full of venom you would flinch just by hearing it. She took Ms. Hyena’s sword and thrust it into her gut.
Iris wasn’t with the present time but was in the middle. Her body coped to thus change by turning it into her dream. The words slowly made sense. She had to defeat Ms. Hyena or she would rule the fairies and humans. She had also succeeded in making a Larkspur angry and the way Ms. Hyena was thrusting herself at her made it easy for her to be defeated. The flowers were right, but Iris couldn’t bring herself to actually kill her. Instead, Iris punctured Ms. Hyena’s sword in her stomach and asked the necklace to spread the shards of the blade throughout her body without killing her. She then told it to send her to a place no one would find her. The obedient necklace did what it was told and Ms. Hyena was gone.
Everyone cheered for the success for their princess. The sorcerer came before the princess and turned into her mother. They shared a hug before her father rejoined with his beloved. They seemed to accept each other quite quickly. Princess Iris’s comrades were set free and rejoined their family. Then, everyone went to the queen’s palace for a shelter, water, clothes, and a feast.
As the feast began Iris couldn’t ignore that Caladium was cuddling with a gorgeous blond in a corner. It seemed that everyone had someone to curl up with, but her. She rose and left to go get some fresh air. No one noticed her leaving except Eucomis. She walked into the star lit night. It felt warm and cozy when the breeze lifted her black hair. “Your hair looks beautiful in the moonlight” complimented Eucomis. “And you look quite dashing in your suit.” replied Iris. “Why have you followed me out here? Why don’t you go in and enjoy yourself at the feast?” asked Iris. “I should be asking you that same question” countered Eucomis.
“Why aren’t you with your beloved?” whispered Iris looking up at the sky full of stars. “Because my beloved is right next to me so why should I go? Should I regret what I said and take it back?” answered Eucomis. Iris didn’t say anything. She went and sat down in a space where it was private but still comfortable. She patted the spot next to her and Eucomis sat down. She leaned into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her as they lay down. “No. You should not fret about saying your true feelings. I want you by my side and stay there for me.” spoke Iris on his chest. “I want to be by your side forever Iris. Will you let me be there? Can accept me even if I was a spy? Even if I knew who you were from the start? Even if I’ve killed more men then I can count? Even if I was there when you got captured?” whispered Eucomis in her hair.
“Yes” she replies holding on just a little tighter.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.03.2012

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