
Heart ache
My heart aches as my hand shakes
Thinking about him hurts
Talking about him hurts
My pain is solitary
My tears are silent
Nobody sees's them
I feel shallow and lonely
Nobody see's inside me
All they see is my smile
Not my broken heart
Or the tears that threaten to fall
The only sign is my strained smile
But it dosen't matter few notice
Im invisible to them like my pain
That's how i want it to be
I don't need help, I don't want help
It hurts my heart to forget him
But i can still comfort others
Even if I cant comfort myself

The Pain

with a heart ache
i cry silent tears
im silent
i cant talk
if i do ill cry
i feel as if i want to die
i dreamed of him for so long
wishing he would return some day
now i cry for my pain
he dosen't know
he will never know the pain i feel
its my love for him
hes with someone else
i never told him how i feel
i was to scared of what he would say
i missed my chance
im left wondering what could have been
But ill never know

My heart cant take it
Im ready to declare myself dead
I cant argue
theres nobody to talk to
nobody to provide comfort
should I figth the urge to die
I say theres no reason to
cuase when youre dead people start to listen
there always to late
it never changes

I wish he'd hurt me
so i could have a reason to cry
But its not him I long for
Its who he used to be
I cant love the past
Getting over him is a hard task
Even if I do try to bury my fielings for him There wil never be a moment when I don't think of him, Hes probably forgotten me
My heart still longs to tell him
I love You

Its all lies
My life, Love
Can I trust anybody
I feel let down
Maybe I should just give up
Is it worth to keep going
If everything is going to let you down
Why keep going?
Should I stand up if I fall
when I know i'm going to fall again
Being let down cuts deeper
into my broken heart
Isolation is the only way

You cant trust anybody
Theres nobody to lean on
I should just let go To keep believing in something hopeless is dumb
But eventually all hope is lost
Just give up and don't look back
When I have nobody
Why should i keep hoping to see him
I use what little hope I have left
But it will eventually run out
Ill' let fate decide
But it will eventually
be too late

I look at myself and realize
I don't have a LIFE
I don't have LOVE
I don't need LOVE
becuase its not REAL
Nobody gets ME
Nobody EVER will
That's fine with me
I don't need anyone
But i'm going to keep denying it
I'm going to keep silent
Not going to let anyone see me
or help me
Why should I?
Ive learned to not trust anybody
runing wont help
So I just bury my feliengs deep
and smile
Nobody bothers to see under my smile
Why should they?
Note: The rest are broken heart quotes from google

I want to be remembered as the girl who smiles even though her heart is broken And the one who can always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own

im not
Im not supose to love you
Im not sopuse to care
Im not sopuse to live my life
Wishing you were there
Im not sopuse to wonder were
you are and what you do
Im sorry I cant help it cuase im in

LOVE with you


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2010

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to ma secret love.

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