
The Murder Of My Friend

I was shocked. Tears flew down my eyes and my cheeks. I couldn’t talk. How could this happen? How could Teddy commit suicide? I turned on Quebec’s most famous channel, N.F.Q. There was a news flash, ‘Teddy Murphy of Quebec City College has committed suicide. She was found dead on Monday morning at 8:30 am.’ Her body was lying in the blood-covered snow. Teddy, my best friend, couldn’t commit suicide. I think somebody murdered her. I had to find out who did such a horrible thing. I had to fight for my best friend. 

I missed Teddy terribly. I cried the whole week after she was murdered. We were best friends from Kindergarten. When we had a fight, she would say,” Oh Frances! Come on let’s patch up. We both look like giant, red tomatoes when we are mad at each other.” We used to laugh at that. I had to stay strong for Teddy’s family. I wondered how her mother reacted to her murder.

There was a knock at my door. It was the police. They asked me a couple of questions, and I told them she wouldn’t commit suicide. She was very happy and cheerful until one day, a boy gave her something and she was a little tensed. She was tensed for only that one day. The police asked me if I knew that boy, but I didn’t. Was the boy connected to Teddy’s murder and how? Why would some random boy kill her? All these questions bothered me day and night. My mind filled with hatred for Teddy’s murderer. I had to find out who this boy was.

I went to school and it felt very sad. It wasn’t fun anymore. Everybody was talking about Teddy; it hurt so badly. I was determined to catch Teddy’s murderer. As I walked down the hallway, I saw a reddish- orange paper peeking out of locker- D127. I took the paper out and it read- YOU ARE THE UGLIEST AND MEANEST PERSON EVER. YOU SHOULD KILL YOURSELF. The message was written a number of times on the paper. It wasn’t signed by anyone. Could this paper be linked to Teddy? But it wasn’t Teddy’s locker. I think it was Eva’s locker. What would the paper have to do with her?  I finally found out who the boy was; he was Charles Poirot. I stalked him to his locker and found the same little piece of reddish- orange paper I found in Eva’s locker. This didn’t make any sense. At the same time, I was suspicious about him being linked to Teddy’s murder somehow.

I was visiting Teddy’s mother. She had turned so pale and blank that she could pass out any time. She wept all the time when she saw me. She said, “Oh Frances, I miss Teddy so much.” She let me in, in Teddy’s room. I looked and remembered all the time we spent together. She was so nice. Why was she murdered? I couldn’t help but cry. As I glanced around the room, I saw the same reddish-orange paper sticking out of her desk. It said- TELL THE PRINCIPAL AND I WILL HURT YOU BADLY. Who wrote this? I was still suspicious about Charles. What was Teddy going to tell the Principal? I needed evidence to prove that Charles was the murderer.  I secretly took Teddy’s cell phone and went home. I promised Mrs. Murphy, Teddy’s mom, I would visit her often. Teddy’s cell phone needed to be unlocked for me to check the texts. The combination was not easy, but somehow I could figure it out. The majority of the received texts in the inbox were from Charles. My suspicion about Charles was correct. He murdered Teddy. I also remembered something, I didn’t notice at first. In the news channel when they zoomed over Teddy’s body, her arms had bruises and scratches. That was unusual for a suicide case. That was one of the main evidences.


As I opened the door and went out to tell the police, a hand grabbed me from behind. The person, I guessed Charles, said, “Rat me out and I’ll murder you like your best friend.” Luckily, I managed to push the alarm and the police arrived at the scene timely. They surrounded Charles and asked him to drop his knife and leave me. They threatened to shoot him. He left me and started running for his life.  After a wild chase, the police finally managed to catch him by shooting him in the leg. They took him in police custody. As the police were taking him away, he gave me a nasty stare with a smirk on his face. I turned cold with the threat in his poignant looks. I feared he would run away and kill me. He did try to run away, but the police overpowered him. I had goose bumps.  The police thanked me for the evidence I presented. Consequently, he was taken away for interrogation. The interrogation revealed the motive to murder Teddy. Here’s what happened….. 

From the freshman year at Quebec City College, Charles was stalking Eva, Teddy and me, but we never noticed. Later he started bullying Eva, but she was too scared to tell the Principal or her parents. One day, she spoke her heart out to Teddy. Teddy decided to keep a secret from everybody, even me. Teddy, who was bold and courageous by nature, decided to speak up for Eva. Before she was going to do that, Charles murdered her. This would ruin his career and his life forever. 


Charles texted Teddy from Eva’s cell phone saying that Eva was in trouble. He called her up on the roof top. As Teddy arrived there, she couldn’t see Eva. Thinking that it was a prank, she was about to leave the place. She was cornered by Charles and she had a fight with him. He didn’t intend to kill her, but she was pushed off the rooftop and died instantly. Charles cleared off all the traces of him- certain texts, bruises on his body, Eva’s call history, etc. except the reddish-orange paper, Teddy’s deleted texts and bruises on Teddy’s arms. That’s what caught him. After his explanation there was a long silence, which was broken by Charles’ crying. I planned on killing him. I attacked him, but the police held me back. I was weeping uncontrollably. His trial day was set. He was ruined for life.I was happy that I stood up for my best friend. I am sure she is smiling down upon me from heaven. Charles was sent to jail and luckily, Eva is doing good. I feel satisfied that my friend’s case was brought to justice. Eva thanked me for what I did for her and Teddy. Charles, ironically, regrets what he did. I am always going to miss my friend, but she is in a good place where no one can hurt her. Even if I try to make a new friend, I would never have best friend as good as Teddy. The college campus is a much better and safer place after Teddy’s killer was put behind the bars.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.10.2013

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