
Lost In The Forest

There was no way to tell if Kiyoshi and Daisuke were going the right way or not as darkness was starting to consume the land and the fact that the trees were starting to become thicker as they traveled down the path that led back to their village didn’t help matters in the slightest. Kiyoshi clenched his jaw, the remaining fur on his face pulling backwards to make his face seem more like a skull than it already was. His head lifted upwards to look around the dark, lonely forest, almost seeing nothing but inky black around them, in front of them or behind them. He let out a frustrated snarl, something that he rarely did on a normal day, causing Daisuke to flinch slightly in surprise.
At the scared sounds made from his little brother, the older fox’s snarl turned into a sympathetic look that he would always have on his face beside his usual cheerful expression and coiled his forearms or what was left of them, around his little brother to hold him close. As he was being pulled in for a brotherly embrace, Daisuke snapped himself out of his trance and followed in his brother’s footsteps, hugging the white fox tightly as if his life depended on it, it probably did. Even with several patches of his brother’s coat missing, Daisuke didn’t allow that to stop him from curling into his chest and arms to allow him to feel the affection his brother was emitting so strongly even after a terrible curse had damaged both his mind and body.
The black fox’s ears drooped as he buried his face into Kiyoshi’s chest, nuzzling his muzzle into the few patches of white fur that weren’t rotten or simply bone/decayed muscles. As he did this, he felt a small smile come to his lips. Despite being cursed with something such as this, his coat was still as soft as the fleece blankets his mother made for both him and Kiyoshi when they were little. It was such a deep and nostalgic memory that despite the awful situation they were in, Daisuke was very tempted to take a nap and just push away what was happening around them. Above him, Kiyoshi took in a deep breath as he brought his clawed bony paw up to his brother’s head to stroke his messy black coat.
It was a small comfort, but it was one they needed right now for their situation was going from bad to worse, the rotted white fox’s tail coiled around Daisuke’s own as it curled around the black fox’s body. Kiyoshi sighed tiredly


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.04.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-3972-1

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