
Past City Activity

In the darkness of midnight, the air of the abandoned city alleyways was filled with the smell of drifting cigar and scented vape smoke. Sitting near the full or empty metal trash cans were a group of teenagers, all boys, some were holding cigarettes at their sides or near their mouths as they took in deep drags on the cancer sticks but the rest of them were not. Instead, they were either staring into the unknown distance of the alleyways or simply making small talk with their other companions of their group.
The teenagers with cigarettes did the same thing as their other companions while they occasionally took long drags of their death sticks till they were nothing but tiny stumps that were simply flicked away into the trash of the alleyway. Once the teenagers were done with the smoke break, they simply got back into their conversation they had left only so they could throw their cigarettes away, having what they considered to be a bro chat. A long ago chat they couldn’t have at school.
From all around them, the night air had become free of the toxic smoke and hummed with the sounds of the city winding down and the occasional breeze that blew through the alleyways, ruffling the exposed hair of some of the boys as some were wearing hats like baseball caps but there were a couple who were insane enough to disregard the warm spring air and wore on two thick winter hats that had on hockey team logos.
Despite the wind not being strong enough to lift the fabric of one’s jacket, it was still able to move the discharged soda cans that some people had left behind in the alleyways to rot causing them to clang against the cement ground. Some of the boys paused in their conversation to turn their heads in the direction of the sudden noises, but they turned back to what they were doing when all of them realized that was all the sound was and attempted to remain oblivious to the rest of the world.
However in a world like this, one cannot always be oblivious to the entire world forever. The sound of an empty soda can being kicked and sent flying a few feet down the alleyways caught everyone’s attention, even the kids who were the most disattached from the rest of the world now stood at attention. Heads whipped around in the direction of the noise, eyes squinted as much as they could to attempt to see through the darkness that was blanketed over them, bodies slowly tensed up and hearts rates started to pick up with each passing second but not to the point of complete fear, not yet, that would come later.
After a few long seconds of staring into nothing but darkness, the kids turned back to their conversation, figuring that the noise was simply another midnight urban explorer passing by the alleyways and accidentally kicked a soda can. That was what everyone thought at first, bored teenagers with nothing else to do would come out to the city to urban explore or whatever the hell else they did with their time, especially the three most teenage infamous smokers/urban explorers: Andrew, Bram and Ronald.
So when the second empty can was sent flying into a wall, the boys in the group immediately assumed that the culprit was either Andrew, Bram or Ronald or maybe though unlikely, some new kid who happened to be walking by. However, when the third can was kicked into the wall, that’s when one of the boys stood up and began storming in the direction of the noise, clearly having enough of the constant interruptions. His friends waiting on the sidelines all turned their heads in the direction their friend had gone.
One to see who or what was making the noise and two: to ensure their friend and make sure he was okay. On one hand, not going with their friend was an example of disloyalty and cowardice they knew. But on the other hand, there was a possibility that the person kicking the cans was one of the aforementioned teens, mainly Bram or Ronald though those two possibilities were somehow low. But the idea of the culprit being someone else the group didn’t know about was possible, but there still left the question of who was out there in the alleyways at this time of night besides them up in the air.
The leader suddenly stopped in his tracks, leaning forward then squinting his eyes to try to see through the darkness, the other kids followed in their leader’s footsteps though they didn’t have a good view of what was going on but not one of them wanted to move from their spots unless they had to. Eventually, the leader boy seemed to get frustrated at not being able to see even a foot away into


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2691-2

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