

The walk down the city streets was quiet besides the sound of three pairs of sneaker-clad feet pounding the stone ground as they walked along with a purpose. Well, maybe a little too quiet for poor Andrew, he knew it was stupid to be afraid of the dark and silence of the nighttime city especially after countless times and adventures through the dark alleyways and sometimes not always, either closed or even abandoned buildings that were way creepier then anything he’d ever seen in horror films, but he couldn’t help the feeling that he was being watched and after what had happened with that man, well that made the feelings even worse. It almost made his guts hurt like hell nearly like they were being crushed by a five pound rock.

Andrew swallowed harshly, a lump had formed in his throat from the feelings clenching his heart harder than any kind of wall he had the displeasure of bumping into when drunk. He tried to force it back down, but it was almost like attempting to swallow a rock or food that hadn’t been completely chewed up, the latter option he accidentally did while eating a pack of jawbreakers with his two friends when they snuck to a candy store during school. The lump in Andrew’s throat was a reminder of that memory and it nearly caused him to choke on his spit and fear as he walked almost like a zombie in a horror movie.

The boy rubbed a couple fingers against the fabric of his shirt before pulling at the collar and some of his shirt away from his now sweat soaked skin, his clothes themselves suddenly feeling hot and uncomfortable despite the coolness of the night around them. Andrew took a shaky breath and gave what could easily be considered the world’s loudest gulp in the dead silence of the world and city as a whole, swallowing down the five pound rock in his throat which hit his stomach like a heavy rock being dropped into a small pond.

The noise was rather unexpected even if it was made by his own throat and shamelessfully, the sudden interruption made Andrew nearly leap out of his skin. “Goddammit Andrew,” the blond boy muttered under his breath, slapping both hands against his face in some horrible attempt to calm himself down or something. “Relax, it was just you making those noises, definitely not anyone else out here and definitely not…him…” Well, that just threw all of the reassurance Andrew once had for himself out the freaking


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.06.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1551-0

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