
Chapter 1.

Kion stood at the peak of Pride Rock, his amber gaze flitting over the Pridelands. The cub's eyes were narrowed slightly, his red tail tip swishing over the rock underneath him. He was tensed, his ears swiveling around.


"Where are you Janja." He whispered under his breath. He didnt like this--The hyena just wouldnt stay away, and the Lion Guard had to chase him off every other day. He cant take a hint. He's not wanted here! Kion thought, his brows furrowing slightly.


From above, Ono soared through the sky, his eyes darting around. The egret didnt like this, either. The Pridelands werent safe as long as Janja and his crew were here, and Ono knew that as well as the next person. His eyes narrowed as he looked around again, his feathers ruffling up.


Bunga stood beside Kion. Now Bunga, didnt take anything too seriously. In fact, is was rare to ever see him...Serious. But now he had a look on his face that told it all; This had gone too far, and this hyena was coming way too much. He knew as well that Janja would bring great harm to the Pridelands. The honey badger let out a soft groan and crossed his arms, scowling.


Fuli dashed around the Pridelands, her spotted pelt just a blur. She was checking behind every bush, under every rock, in every cave, and no sign of Janja. Her tail lashed back and forth as she spun around and raced off toward Pride Rock. Janja wasnt allowed here, she knew that much.


As for Beshte, he stood beside Pride Rock, frowning slightly. Janja was too greedy, and took more then his share. In fact, that hyena was just plain evil, no questions asked. Beshte wanted him out just as much as Kion did.


Kion looked up as Ono flew back to him. Fuli raced up quickly, skidding to a stop beside Bunga. "Any sign of him at all?" Kion asked, pawing at the rock beneath his paws.


"No, Kion." Ono sounded puzzled. "But I know he didnt go back to the Outlands just yet."


Bunga scowled deeper. "He needs to. Im getting sick of this."


Kion shook his head silently. He despised Janja, his arch-nemesis. Couldnt stand him, and that was just an understatement. That stupid hyena needs to get out of the Pridelands. He thought, tail lashing side to side. He started to speak, and stopped with his mouth hanging open. From far off, Janja's laughter could be heard, and Cheezi and Chungu joining in.


Ono shot into the air and gazed around the Pridelands, eyes wide. Hapana! He thought as soon as he saw. The hyenas were surrounding somebody at Flat Ridge Rock. But the egret couldnt see who--The hyenas were blocking his point of view.


"They're at Flat Ridge Rock. They've got someone cornered!"


Kion's amber eyes hardened. "Lion Guard, lets go!" He said, whirling around and racing off of Pride Rock. "'Till the Pridelands end..."


"Lion Guard defend!" Bunga, Ono, Beshte, and Fuli shouted, racing after him.

Chapter 2.

 Kion was running as fast as he could, his heart pounding in his chest. Whoever the hyenas were cornering, needed help, and fast. Fuli raced beside him, her eyes wide. Kion glanced sideways at her as they neared Flat Ridge Rock.


"Here we are!" Bunga came to Kion's side, running quickly beside his best friend. Ono flew above, keeping an eye on things, while Beshte bounded beside Bunga.


Kion opened his mouth to call something to the hyenas, and stopped when he heard a familiar scream. He skidded to a stop at Flat Ridge Rock, his heart sinking.




Kion stared, eyes wide, at the top of the rock. Janja stood on top, blood pooling around his paws as he grinned down at the horrified cub. Kion stared up at him, unable to speak. Suddenly he launched himself onto the rock. Nala was sprawled out, scratches all along her side and down her neck, over her chest. She was barely breathing, her eyes half closed.


"Whats wrong, lion cub?" Janja sneered.


Kion took a few steps back, his horror quickly turning into rage. "You."


Janja raised an eyebrow. Cheezi and Chungu, who stood beside Nala, grinned evilly.


"Made." Kion took another pace back, his claws scraping over the stone below his paws, his eyes blazing with rage.


"No, Kion! Dont Roar!" Bunga screamed. "Nala's still up there, if you Roar she'l--"


"A," Kion ignored his best friend and glared straight at Janja. "Huge."


Janja was only starting to get afraid. He took a pace back, eyes narrowed at the cub. Surely he wouldnt be stupid enough to--


"MISTAKE!" Kion took in a huge breath and let loose the loudest Roar he'd ever Roared before. The clouds shifted into lions, each one Roaring along with him, and the wind suddenly blasted. Before Janja knew what was happening, he went flying into the air, as did Cheezi and Chungu.


And Nala.


Nala let out a sharp gasp of pain as she was blasted off of the rock, crashing straight into a tree. Blood covered her vision, and she heard a sharp crack before everything went black.


As for Kion. He kept Roaring, his claws digging harder into the rock below him with each second that passed. But it wasnt like he could stop anyway--He wanted to, but for some reason he couldnt. Something felt wrong. Terribly wrong. A few trees were torn from the ground and sent flying by the force of the Roar.


"KION!" Bunga screamed, ducking behind him to avoid being blown away. The other members of the Guard did, too. "STOP!"


Kion wanted to. The cub really wanted to. He could feel his energy slowly draining away, but he couldnt stop Roaring.


Suddenly Simba was there, bounding up as quick as he could. He stopped behind his son and gasped. "Kion! Stop!"


Finally Kion was able to stop. He cut off his Roar abruptly and staggered forward a little, gasping for breath. Suddenly he stopped and stared in horror at the destruction he'd caused. Fallen trees everywhere you looked, and...


Nala was sprawled out on her side at the base of a tree, which had luckily managed to stay upright. His mother was still bleeding heavily and at this point her breathing had slowed so much it almost stopped.


Kion stiffened, horror clouding his amber gaze. Simba ran past him to get to Nala, and Bunga followed quickly, followed by the rest of the Guard.


But Kion stayed where he was, feeling numb. He stumbled backwards, almost slipping off the rock, but he didnt care.


What have I done?

Chapter 3.

 Kion just stood there, watching as everyone fretted over his mother. He didnt even go forward; In fact, he backed up a bit more, stepping off of the rock.


Simba lifted Nala onto his back and padded back to his cub. Seeing the look in his sons eyes, Simba frowned.


"Kion we know it was an accident." He said gently. Kion just stared at him, unspeaking. Simba looked slightly concerned, but shook his head. "Come on; Lets get back to Pride Rock." He said as he started to walk.


Kion followed numbly, his gaze fixed on the ground. I cant believe I lost control like that. I let my anger get the best of me and hurt someone I.......


And then, Scar used the Roar to destroy the Lion Guard. Simba's words rang in Kion's head. I could have....I...




He was snapped from his thoughts when Bunga put a hand on his shoulder. "You okay buddy?"


Kion pulled away from his touch and didnt answer. Of course he wasnt okay. But that didnt matter to him at all right now.


Bunga looked at him, concerned. "Kion. It was an accident, and we know that." He told him. "Noone here is blaming you."


Kion didnt even glance at him. "Leave me alone, Bunga." He mumbled, not in the mood for comfort.


Bunga winced slightly, but nodded quietly and said nothing. The other members of the Guard exchanged a glance, then headed off to do whatever, except Bunga.


Simba entered Pride Rock, still carrying Nala on his back. Kion stopped walking and stood there for a long moment. I could have killed my mother. Because I lost control, because I let my anger get the best of me, because im becoming like...Like my great Uncle Scar....


Its too dangerous. The Roar is too powerful for me to handle.


Kion glanced at Bunga before turning and walking away, wanting some alone time, or at least time to think before he made this big decision. As soon as he was far enough from Pride Rock, he sat down and stared at the sky for a long moment.


"Kion," Mufasa said, appearing in the sky. "Whats wrong?"


"I lost control.." Kion whispered. "I lost control of my Roar and I could have killed my mother and.....Grandfather, I dont know if im ready for the Roar. Im just not...Grandfather, I lost control and I almost killed someone!" Tears streamed down his face as he spoke, and he looked down.


"But it was an accident." Mufasa soothed gently. "You didnt mean to lose control."


"But I did." Kion whispered. "I still lost control." He was silent for a moment. "I know what I have to do--I cant use the Roar anymore."


Mufasa shook his head. "Kion, thats not the answ--"


Kion cut him off. "Yes it is. I've made my decision." He stood up and turned away.


"You have to use the Roar. You have to." Mufasa said.


"No. Even if it was an accident, im never using the Roar again. Its just too dangerous, and I dont want to be like..." Kion couldnt even say the name. "....Him."


Mufasa frowned slightly, and disappeared. Kion stared down at his paws for a moment before making his way back to Pride Rock, slowly.


This is the right decision...

Chapter 4.

 Kion was standing in the darkness that often surrounded him in his dreams. There was an eerie silence that made him shudder. He wanted to run, to turn and run away, but he couldnt. Mist seemed to rise up out of the ground and swirl around him.


"Hello, Kion."


Kion stiffened, eyes widening with horror. No, no, no, no!


Scar slid from the darkness and into view, his green gaze narrowed at the cub, a dark smile on his face. He let out a soft chuckle. "So you've finally done it." He said with a twisted grin. "You've finally seen what you are capable of."


"I...I didnt mean to--" Kion stammered.


"No, no, no." Scar smiled. "Thats good. Now you can use it to get power, and do what I could never do. Kion, you have to use the Roar to kill them and take the throne."


Kion stared at him, his mouth slowly falling open as he spoke, his whole body tensed, his amber eyes wide with horror. "No!"


Scar watched him. "Why?"


"Because im not evil!" Kion stepped back. "Or...Or am I..?" His ears fell back.


Scar chuckled.


"Trust me, cub. Your evil. And no matter what you do, you'll always become like me." He disappeared.


Kion blinked, just staring into the darkness as he felt the rest of his confidence, what was left of it, slowly crush.


Im sorry...

Chapter 5.

 "Wheres Kion at?" Bunga asked.


"This is the third time he's missed patrol!" Fuli sighed. "Somethings wrong."


Beshte nodded. "He doesnt even talk to us when he does patrol."


"I mean, I know he's feeling down because of what happened to Nala, but thats just not Kion." Ono added with a frown.


Bunga crossed his arms and looked at Pride Rock, off in the distance. "Well somethings wrong with my best friend, so im gonna go talk to him. You guys stay here." He said as he walked away from them to Pride Rock.


Kion was laying on the ledge in the lair. His gaze was fixed on the wall, on all the paintings, though he wasnt really looking at them. He was just looking at....Something, anything.


"Kion?" Bunga walked in and fixed his gaze on his friend. Kion didnt even glance at him.


"What do you want."


Bunga tried not to flinch. "You've missed three patrols in the past two days, you wont talk to anyone, your basically isolating yourself from your family. Somethings wrong, and im worried."


Kion looked down at his paws. "Just go away." He muttered.


Bunga frowned at him for a long moment. "Kion--"


"I said go away, Bunga!" Kion snapped, louder this time. "I dont want to talk right now!"


Bunga nodded slowly. "Well im here when you do." He said quietly before turning and walking out of the lair. He bounded back to the others with a troubled expression.


"Let me guess." Fuli sighed.


"He doesnt wanna talk." Ono shook his head.


Bunga just looked at them before glancing over his shoulder toward Pride Rock. What was wrong with his best friend?

Chapter 6.

 "Come out here to brood?"


Kion's ears twitched slightly as he heard his sisters voice, but he didnt turn around to face her as she came up and sat beside him. For a moment they both sat there at the peak of Pride Rock in silence.


Kiara glanced at her little brother. He had bags under his eyes, his head drooping slightly.


"Cant sleep?" Kiara asked gently.


Kion glanced at her briefly, then looked down at his paws. "Its that obvious, huh?"


"Well, Mom and Dad have been talking about how you just sit out here every night, and the Guard says you've been missing patrols, and honestly, Kion, you look like beetle dung."


"...Gee, thanks..."


Kiara frowned at him. "Are you still having those nightmares?"


Kion shuddered slightly, his ears falling back, and didnt look up. "I keep seeing him...Every night, reminding me about what I did...And how i'll become like him...Kiara I cant take it."


Kiara stared at her little brother. "But it was an accident."


"I dont care. I...I still did the one thing I swore I wouldnt do with my Roar." Kion closed his eyes. "Maybe he's right, maybe I am going to turn out like him..."


Kiara rolled her eyes. "You wont turn out like him, I know it. Your too sweet, and kind, and you have too many people here that love you. They wont let you turn out like Scar. I wont let you turn out like Scar."


Kion flinched at the name, and stayed silent after that, though it was a bit more comfortable now. But Kiara knew that it would take more then that to get her brother back to normal.

Chapter 7.

 Kion was laying in the lair. He had a zebra leg at his paws, but he hadnt even taken a bite yet. He batted slightly at it and sent it rolling toward the edge of the ledge. His amber gaze was blank. He hadnt eaten for, oh, five days or so?


Who cares. Maybe i'll die and wont have to deal with these nightmares anymore,


It was strange how these nightmares haunted the cub. He didnt sleep, just because he knew once he closed his eyes he'd be back in the darkness. With Scar...




Kion didnt even look up when he heard his dad's voice. "Hm?"


"Kion, im worried about you." Simba said gently, walking farther into the lair. "You havent eaten in days, and you wont even talk to anyone, and you've missed every patrol for five days. Somethings wrong with my son."


Kion said nothing.


"Kion." Simba padded up beside him. "Whats going on?"


The cub lifted his gaze to meet his fathers for the first time in days, his eyes tired. "Im fine."


Simba shook his head. "No your not. You wont eat. Or talk to anyone. Even Bunga." He laid down beside his son. "Please tell me whats wrong."


Kion looked at him, then down at his paws. "I cant do it.." He mumbled. "The nightmares, the Roar, its just too much, and im dangerous. I almost killed Mom, because I got angry and..." He trailed off.


Simba put a paw around his son, pulling him closer. "But it was an accident."


"But I still did it." Kion said, stiffening slightly and leaning away from his father. "Dont..."


Simba sighed. "Kion.."


"I dont want to hurt you." Kion whispered. "I dont want to hurt you like I hurt Mom."


Simba shook his head again. "You wont hurt me."


"How do you know? How do you know I wont just lose control again?"


"You lost control because those hyenas were attacking your mother." Simba said. "And that proved that things can get messy when someone hurts your family, if anything."


"But it also proved that im going to be like.....Like Scar." Kion choked out, pulling away from his father and sitting up.


"You? Scar?" Simba snorted. "Yeah right. I'll believe that when giraffes fly!"


Kion stared down at his paws. "But its true, Dad...Im just like him..."


"No your not." Simba said, staring at his son. "If anything, your the complete opposite of him, because you actually care."


Kion didnt reply.


"Think about it, Kion." Simba stood up, and gave his son a lick on the head, causing Kion to flinch away slightly. Simba shook his head slightly. "Your not Scar." He said as he leaped down and padded out of the lair.


Kion laid down again and stared down into the pool below the ledge, his gaze locked on his reflection. The water rippled, and it was no longer his own face staring up at him, but Scar's. Only a cub-like version of him.


Kion shuddered and looked quickly away.


"Yes I am," He whispered softly.


Chapter 8.

 Kion was walking through the Pridelands, alone. He needed to think...Or as his sister said, to brood, like he always did. Kicking rocks aside silently as he walked, he couldnt help but think about...


Cant believe I did that. The one thing I said I wouldnt do with my Roar.


He stopped walking and frowned, his gaze fixed on his paws. When he looked up again, who else should he see but his arch-nemesis. Janja. The hyena was dragging a zebra along toward the Outlands and hadnt noticed him yet.


Fury flashed through Kion. It was Janja who had caused this. Him and his hyenas. Ears flat, the cub stalked over. Janja dropped the zebra and looked at him, eyes narrowed. Clearly he hadnt forgotten they're last encounter.


"What do you want?" Janja growled. Kion glared at him, putting one paw on the zebra. 


"What do you think your doing, hunting in the Pridelands?" He snarled. "Didnt I make it clear last time you werent welcome here?"


Janja laughed a little. "So?"


"So you need to leave. Now." Kion growled. "Right now."


Janja glared at him again. "And whos gonna make me? You?" He snorted. "What, are ya gonna Roar and send me flying again?"


Now that was a stab. Kion flinched a little and backed up. He looked at the zebra, then at Janja. "Take it and get out."


"Oh your letting me keep it?" Janja was watching him carefully, eyes narrowed. "What a surprise. Leader of the Lion Guard letting the hyena keep the stolen food." He grinned a little. "Its because of the Roar, isnt it? Realized how much destruction you did at Flat Ridge Rock?"


Kion just stared at him, his eyes blank. "Leave, Janja, leave now."


Janja laughed. "Fine, but i'll be back. Now that your letting me hunt here."


Kion said nothing.


Janja snickered, then grabbed the zebra again and dragged it away to the Outlands. 


Kion watched him until he was out of sight, then looked down at his paws. The hyena knew how to get to him now, and obviously Janja would use that to his advantage.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.08.2016

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