
Chapter 1.

Today was a brand new day. The skys parted revealing the glowing, gentle sun. I stared out the window indifferently as its glow came through my window. I wanted to protest, throw a blanket through the damaged blinds, but I found myself staring at the reflecting lights. 

The call from my mom downstairs startled me out of my deep thoughts. A new school, new friends, new enemies--I knew that it was sure to be terror and horror. I was not prepared for what would really, truly, come today...

Another call snapped me out of my thoughs completely, and I grasped my backpack from the bed and headed downstairs. She was standing in the kitchen, over the hot stove. My father sat with a newspaper. I rolled my eyes, unseen to them. They tried--way too hard--to be a perfect family. Just because they had different gender twins!

Think of the devil, the devil shall appear. Michael came gracefully down the stairs and stood beside me. I could sense his gaze, narrowed and puzzled, as mine had been. Now it was truly annoyed.

Then his green gaze met mine, seeing the annoyance. His own gaze shadowed over, quickly replaced with mischeif. I pursed my lips, wondering what he was up to now. He said nothing, just went to the table to eat. My stomach felt queasy; I knew I was in no mood to eat. With my luck, he'd poisoned it or something. You can never tell.

Michael looked up at me, and a wild grin went across his face. "Arent you going to eat, Rosie?" He said with innocence. His voice had changed a while, while back. When we were both..i dont know..fourteen, (Were sixteen now, even though, strangely enough, he looked in his twenties) Michael went away to summer camp. We got a call a few days after he left that he was passed out. Scared as we were, we didnt go down there to get him until the good news arrived he had woken up, complaining about a burning in his throat. He was fine now, sometimes, but he'd never, to this day, told us what happened, why his eyes were a deep Amber, almost golden brown, why his voice was smooth and sweet, like honey, why his skin, tanned, had lightened up, bone white.

In that same obnoxious tone, the tone that made it unbearable to be around him, he said, "Come eat. I didnt do anything." Then he chuckled. Even though he was sometimes a jerk, I knew he looked out for me. But somehow I didnt trust him. Of course, he didnt poison it, duh. But still, I was far too worried about how today would turn out.

"Uh, nah. I think i'll pass.." I said uneasily. Michael surpressed laughter this time, and picked at his food. That was another thing, he never ate. Though somehow, he hid the food, tricking our parents into thinking he had eaten it. Usually he scooped his food onto my plate. I wondered what he would do this time. He lifted a bite to his mouth, then set the fork down with a clank. My parents didnt even looked up. They were used to my brother by now.

"Im gonna be late for school." I muttered, kissing them both on the cheek. Michaels face flushed utterly with relief, and he leaped to his feet, abandoning his full plate of food. He grabbed his backpack and was out the door in half a second.

"Bye sweetie." Said my father. "Have a good day today, ok?"

"Sure, sure." I said lowly. "Just like every other day." I allowed bitterness to creep into my voice at the end, but not bitterness for them. For myself.

"Oh, Rose, dont--" My mother started softly. I cut her off. "Im gonna be late, bye guys!" I called as I raced out the door. "Love ya!"

My brother was waiting for me. He grinned at me, showing off his row of pearly white teeth. I scowled. 

"Show off." I muttered, and he let out a soft laugh, a tinkle. I rolled my eyes.

"Lets go." The buss was just pulling up. I hopped on, choosing a seat in the far, far back. Michael took one unnocupied in the front.

A few more kids got on, with my friend Lisa. She sat beside me with a short smile. 

"Hiya hiya!" She giggled softly. "Hows today so far?" She asked me. Lisa understood my worries about new school. Well..not really new school. Just not the same.

"Lets just say Michael wouldnt let me eat today." I said, bitterness dripping from every word. Even from all the way up, his gaze reached mine for a second; I could hear his laughter, low and soft. My scowl deepened.

"Im telling you, hes a vampire." Lisa lowered her voice. Michael's gaze flitted to her; I was still watching his movement. There was something in his eyes I could not make out. Fear..? Terror..?

I wasnt sure.

"Hes not a vampire, Li." I said, my voice low with annoyance. "Youve gotta stop reading those stupid books." 

"Team Edward...woohoo." Lisa muttered, though there was a light in her eyes. Id heard enough about these books to know Jacob was the werewolf, Edward the vampire, and Bella was the thing they chose to fight over. Such a stupid novel...

But I snapped myself from those thoughts. Michael was chuckling again, this time a bit louder, at Lisa's words. I frowned.

"Why do you think hes a vampire, anyway?" I asked her softly. Michael's chuckling stopped abruptly; I glanced up to see his interested gaze scorching Lisa, waiting for her next answer.

"Pale skin, golden eyes, amazing voice, speed, not eating.." Okay, I had to admit. Everything she listed was exactly my brother. But he couldnt have been a vampire. Didnt the new vampires...newborns...from twilight, give in to their craves? Wouldnt Michael had killed us all if that was the case?

I shook my head, answering both mine and Lisa's question. No.

Suddenly the bus doors whooshed open. I hadnt noticed we stopped. 

A boy about my age, though very tall, walked in through the door. He was a deep tanned, his brown, doglike eyes low. I heard a sound from Michael, almost like a..a..growl. The stranger returned it with a low noise in his chest.

"Werewolf." Squeaked Lisa. "Their fighting."

The boys


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-5097-5

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This is turning out very nice. Ill admit, alot of ideas came from Twilight :D

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