

"Can I come hunting with you Mallie?" Sally's vibrant red eyes glowed; she brandished her fangs as the thought of sinking them into fresh blood sunk in.

"Sure." I smiled. "Maybe i'll catch something with you this time." 

"Your not that bad." Sally encouraged, a mischevious twinkle taking place of the hunger in her eyes. "Just..leave the swimming to the ducks, kay?"

I snorted. "I swear, he was mocking me." I protested. "Seriously, he was dancing into the creek!"

Sally chuckled, her eyes light with joy as she walked cheerfully beside me. The smell of our cabin became faint as the scent of prey sunk in. Sally's eyes lowered; her steps became as light as feathers.

"Lets not bring home a human, kay?" I told her seriously. "Last time, Celestial and Jason puked everywhere."

"Speaking of..why havent you found a mate yet?" She asked me, pausing to glance at me as she inquired. I kept walking, feeling a twinge of reproach at her words.

"Im not looking for one." I shrugged. "Its not important right now."

"Mallie, having a mate is a big deal." Sally's voice was urgent, but gentle. "If you dont find your other--"

"Look, Sally, can we please drop it?" I begged.

"Your going to have to face the truth soon, you know." Sally called. 

I spun. "What?" I asked, bewildered by her response. 

"Your forgetting, I can read minds better now." She explained. "Admit it, Mallie, your avoiding your true love because your scared of rejection."

"Thats not-" I began, but a crackle in the bushes stopped me. I looked up.

"Whats that?" I asked, but Sally had her head lowered, her pale lips drawn back into a fierce snarl. "No, it cant be.." She rasped. "She's dead."

I lifted my head, a scent washing over me. As soon as I caught it, my mind was blank. Sally crept beside me, her red eyes narrowing with defiance.

"She..she.." I backed away. I was aware of Sally's growls, but my own snarls drowned them out. "She lived..?"

"I did." The evil, bitter voice was laughing, and Everest stepped from the bushes, followed by two others. "Actually..the clone didn't."

Everest locked her gaze with mine, as one of the people rushed for Sally. I tensed,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4465-3

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

The Sun's Shadow series has ended, and im bringing on a new series, The Werewolves Pack. It will be the same characters, but more too.

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