

"Kikani, I need to talk to you." The door to my room closed and my friend/alpha, Celestial walked in, her eyes low.

I looked up from my book and closed it, figuring she needed to talk about hunting arrangements or something.

I was totally unprepared for her next words.

"On my journey, John told me something...about you," She began slowly, and I sucked in my breath.

"How does it work?" Celestial looked up, curiously.

I stiffened. "I dont know what your talking about." It took all I had to keep my voice straight, but inside I was horrified.

"Your..powers." I flinched as she spoke the words. "To stop, freeze, manipulate"

"Thats none of your business." I told her, clenching my fist.

"Actually, it is." She paused slightly. "It's an alphas job to know all of her packs powers."

"So what about Rianna then?" I challenged. She looked shocked, so I added, "yeah, didnt know she had powers too, huh?" I could read the future, but I had seriously not seen this coming!

"No, i didnt. What can she do?" Celestial asked.

"Ill never tell you. Ill never tell anyone. Who told you about me?" I snapped fiercely.

"John." She confessed.

I snorted. "Well, he needs to stay out of my business! Isnt it my job to tell you? Who does he think he is?" I stood up and pulled the pillowcase off my pillow. I stuffed in some clothes, and was getting ready to put in a small blanket with a heart pillow.

Celestial grabbed my arm. "Kikani, dont do this. Dont leave, please."

"You dont understand." I shook her off and put in my stuff. "If I stay, Celestial, im sorry, but ill end up killing him."

"Why?" She asked quietly.

"Because." I turned to her with narrowed icy blue eyes and said coldly, "He is my brother."

Celestial was frozen in shock so I wrote a quick goodbye note and grabbed my pillowcase, and jumped out my window.

I landed on the ground gracefully, hardly making a thump. I turned to the pack house for the last time, then turned and barreled away, leaving my pack behind me.

Chapter 1.

 I am known as Kikani.

Or, to others, Mitusa.

Im not sure who, or what, I am, but what I do know is that I was never trying to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4285-7

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