
Daughters of Thunder
A Novel by
Evangheline C Farcas


He had lured them.
It was an easy task, they were so trusting. Yet he never thought they would be such a burden.
In the beginning it had been a thrilling challenge, he played them one against the other. He held enough mystery to captivate their attention, he was nothing like the others dueling for their attention. He spoke only when needed, yet his eyes contained mysteries, secrets, excitement. Danger.
Radiana was the first to fall for his charms, he planted a seed of hope in her all too sweet heart. But only a little hope, no more. Then he left her hanging and began on her sister, Rachel. She was posed more of a challenge, which he didn’t mind. It was not that much of a challenge, they all succumbed to him eventually. Soon she did. So the sisters loathed each other, but never in his presence. In his presence they were sweet, each trying to outshine the other. It was simply marvelous feeding on their raw emotions--for indeed, hell hath no furry like a woman’s furry.
It was not a hard task to suggest an outing- a mountain hike- they all loved nature.
They loaded the Silverado truck with enough gear to last them a few days. But there was no need.. Grandfather Mountain was breathtaking---literally.


Caleb was a simple man, with simple faith. He was a blessed man. He had two daughters, who were often defiant but beautiful and full of zeal. He had a wife who love him and was the pillar of the family. Often troubles would barge in to shake the foundations of their home, but in these times Caleb simply did what he did best. One knee at a time he would kneel, turn his face to heaven, and ask. The odd thing was that what he asked for he received. Not once did he doubt, why would he?
Until today. Today was unquestionably different. Chaos was even now ripping through his life. Three days, it had been three full days with no word. They were gone. His daughters had vanished. His heart beat with the rage of a father.
They had said there were traces of a struggle, of course his daughters were fighters-always had been. Radiana’s necklace was found, blood was found, but they were gone.
His heart beat with fear, he could hear it in his ears. Thunder could be heard outside echoing his heart. He was not the only one filled with rage.


Radiana giggled, then sighed in contentment as she lowered her camera. “That’s going to be a great picture.” she said. “We needed this Accalon, thanks.” she continued as Rachel nodded in agreement. Her aqua blue eyes shimmered with excitement and Radiana felt a pang of jealousy as she studied her sister’s eyes, which reminded her of the ocean off the shores of Hawaii. What deepened her jealousy was how Accalon gazed at Rachel, as if she were an angel sent from heaven- everyone looked at her like that.
“We should pack up. It’ll be dark soon, father will worry.” Radiana stated, shifting the attention back to her.
He looked at her with the same gaze he had bestowed on her sister only moments ago. “You’re a good daughter to be so obedient.”
Radiana wasn’t sure if he meant to mock her. Accalon studied her as if he could penetrate her mind. She shifted nervously under his gaze, she felt almost as though she should be ashamed of her devotion and love of her father. She felt childish. He continued gazing at her with his mysterious silence until she longed to hear what was on his mind.
“Nonetheless, lets stay a moment longer, lets not miss the sunset.” His tone left no room for argument, nor would the sisters have given an argument.
So they sat once more at the edge of the rocky cliff, overlooking the deep valley bellow. The sun in its descent splashed a rainbow of colors on the horizon. It was breathtaking and terrifying all at once. The sun seemed reluctant to fade below the horizon, it was like a guardian angel refusing to leave the world to the night.
“Here,” he said taking out a canister, “drink this, it’ll warm you up.”
Gratefully they each took satisfied gulps of the hot tea. It tasted of rosehips and strawberry and a minty flavor they couldn’t quite place. Though it warmed them it left a bitter aftertaste.
They just sat there for a few minutes in silence, just absorbing the beauty around them, breathing in the crisp air. Rachel’s eyes began to droop, as if she could barely hold them open and like a child she rested her auburn head on Accalon’s shoulders. Radiana thought she should be jealous and that she should say something witty, but she was too tired to think clearly. All she could do was look at her sister, wishing that was her with her head on his strong shoulders.
Accalon took out what looked like a thick rope, “How ’bout a little game?” he winked, his voice was milky. That sounded logical, perhaps it would even chase away this sudden drowsiness.
He wrapped the rope around Rachel’s hands and Radiana’s curiosity was piqued. What sort of childish game was this? But Accalon, though tough, was a child at heart, thought Radiana.
“Ouch!” she cried out in surprise, but he ignored her. Rachel squirmed and struggled to get the rope off her hands. “I don’t like this game, you’re hurting me!” each word though filled with desperation was spoken with tremendous effort, as if she couldn’t get enough air to speak.
“Shh, shhhh, my sweet. Trust me.”
But Rachel continued to struggle, while Radiana looked on with half-closed eyes. She began to think something was wrong, the fear in her sister’s face was too real.
“Let go!” Rachel cried, but it sounded like a whisper.
Roughly, he pulled her up, away from the edge, but Rachel kept pulling away--until he slapped her.
Radiana gasped. Holding her hands out for balance she rose, with unsteady feet she walked away from the edge, determined to reach her sister.
But he moved too fast, dragging the whimpering Rachel to the truck. He lifted her off the ground as if she weighed less than an infant. A sickening thud resounded as he threw her into the bed of the truck, at which her whimpering abruptly ceased. He climbed in and proceeded to tie her up. All the while Radiana tried to get her feet to move, to run, at least to walk. But she felt as if she was moving through an ocean of water with waves of nausea slamming her back. She had too keep moving!
Trying to focus on the black truck, she willed herself to place one foot in front of another, though before she knew it she stubbed her food on a jagged rock. The ground collided with her face, or was it the other way around? Electrifying pain shot through her. Dear God! She pleaded as her father had taught her, but that was as far as the prayer went, she felt someone pulling at her hair. She could feel chunks of them coming out as she was dragged backward. He wrapped his strong arms around her neck. She faught back trying to pull back at his pinkie fingers with all her might. This was a flashback. A memory, as though before death, of a maneuver she had learned from somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where. He yelped in pain and let out a string of curses she had never heard from his mouth before. Radiana faced him and attempted to lunge at him with as powerful a punch that she could muster, but again she felt as though she was moving through water. There was no strength behind the punch, her fist landed weakly on his chest.
She tried to pull back, tried to turn and run but he lunged for her neck. He grasped her star of David necklace with the cross in the center of it. It tore through her skin as it napped. Rage filled her as adrenaline attempted to pump through her. Her heart thundered. Opening the palm of her hand she slammed it into his nose with a force that was stronger then she thought she possessed. Taking advantage of the momentum she didn’t stop, she kicked his knee cap and he bent over in surprise. The rage continued to push her on as she formed a fist and slammed it into his temple as he toppled to the ground, stunned.
Not daring to pause for breath she turned to the truck, she had to get to Rachel. As she took a step forward his hands shot out from beneath him and took hold of her foot in an iron grip. When her head hit a jagged rock she could feel warm liquid beneath her, as though it was a puddle. The world she knew faded to a stormy black.


Numerous times Caleb had placed calls to their cells, and numerous times he was greeted by their sing-song voices, prompting him to leave a message. He knew. He just knew that he must reach them. The night was passing fast, it was already three in the morning. So it was in those early hours, before he picked up the phone to call for help to find his daughters, that the father knew. But he couldn’t bend his knees to pray, for fear was chocking him.

-Chapter 2-

As the sisters awoke, coldness slithered through their bones. Their hands were painfully bound. Darkness shrouded them and silence choked them. Fear kept them just as bound as the ropes, but anger drove them. As their anger rose it seemed as though the thunder in the dark night responded, the ground shook with it. The electrifying light of the lightning seeped through the cracks of the roof above their heads.
Accalon would pay, the fool didn’t know what he had stolen. Oh but soon he would.
Their eyes gave a mesmerizing glow each time the lightning came, the thunder punctuating their rage.
“Rachel?” whispered Radiana in a voice that trembled.
A few heartbeats passed.
“Yes, sister.” she replied, her voice flat.
But Radiana didn’t know what to ask, didn’t know what to say, their predicament needed no explanation and to ask if she was okay was ludicrous. Of course neither was okay.
“Are you okay?” she found herself asking anyway, just to fill the petrifying silence.
“Just peachy, sister.”
“Don’t use that tone with me, this is your fault!” retorted Radiana just above a whisper. The ground trembled.
“Mine? How so?” her words came with an effort but clearly brimming with rage.
“You and your charm abasing yourself, flirting with him, making eyes at him. I knew he was trouble. You should have known”
A hate filled pause stood between them, it seemed to have it’s own form, a third entity in this God-forsaken room. The floor was hard and rough, and dirt filled. Radiana could feel unimaginable things crawling at her bound feet.
“Ha! The all-knowing Radiana! So, sister, why then did you begin making eyes at him?”
But she would not explain herself to her. Radiana had seen him first, he had reminded her of someone long ago. Accalon resembled someone she had lost ages ago, seeing him seemed like an answered prayer. Hoping for his love became an ongoing petition to heaven. Bitterly she wished she had not been so rash.
“Wow, you thought he was Reuhen. You did, didn’t you?” she said, this time almost sympathetic.
She nodded, tears threatening to spill, but she refused to shed any more.
“Enough of this.” Radiana ordered. “We were both incredibly stupid, no more. We cannot be divided, sister.” As she spoke the fear abated, they had nothing to fear in fact, but their own hate and what would follow.
That united them in these moments. Hate. But they had never hated before, except once, just once, and that was catastrophic. But now, perhaps hate was called for. Any man that dared touch them, and scar them, and cause them to bleed would reap the fruit of their hate.
“He will pay then.” said Rachel coolly.
“He will pay.”
A door slammed, they both jumped, the thunder rolled.
“Is that so?” he said with malice.
The sisters looked at each other and gave no reply.
He strode to them and bent over Rachel, taking her chin in his two hands, he began stroking her cheek, she tried to move away but he held her in a painful grip.
“Is that before or after I have my way with you?”
Rachel laughed sadistically, “You will pay, before.”
He struck her with a force that could have taken out her jaw, yet she hadn’t moved. Nor did she cry out.
Lightning illuminated her face, she looked like death. Thunder rolled.


His wife, Nadezhda gently massaged his shoulders as he sat on his sofa, his head in his hands, tears marking a path down his aged face.
The officers had left moments ago. Four days, it had been four days now. Only a few pieces of evidence was collected. The necklace, the blood, the tire tracks--which were useless once they hit paved roads, and the camera--which was good because the photos were time and date stamped and the face of the kidnapper was vivid. Yet even with this no other leads poured in. No one had seen them. Not even one person. It was as if they had disappeared into the abyss.
“We will find them. You must pray Caleb.” she urged softly. She knew his gift. She had faith in him. She had hope in him.
“Why don’t you pray?” he snapped.
She came around him, and kneeled before him, gazing with shock in his eyes. Unspoken pain. But her faith was in him, though she also had faith in the One who heard him, hers were not as strong, her prayers were not always answered. He was her head, he was her heart.
“My unbelief shadows my faith Caleb. Yours tears down the doors of heaven. So pray husband, pray. He will answer, He always does.” she begged.
He remained still, staring past her at nothing.
“We will find them, He will protect them until then.” She tried with desperation to soothe him, her own calm, her own sanity depended so much on what he did.
Silence still. Nadezhda made her way to the window, drawing the creamy gold curtains aside, tying them each with crimson ribbons to each side. The night outside was stormy, reflecting the hopelessness of their hearts. She sighed.
“Yes, He will, this I know. But who will save them from the hate he has now birthed in them? My daughters, yes, they will survive, but will they return to us?” he said in his deep baritone voice that trembled. His eyes were still fixed on nothing at all, yet something. Nadezhda wished she could see what he saw now. Caleb always saw, so clearly, he saw the choices that would be made, but he never saw the consequences.
At last with a sigh escaping him he rose from the crimson leather couch. Just as quickly as he rose, he landed with a thud, on his knees where he should have been from day one.
“Father, protect them..”
But the thunder rolled.


Accalon’s desire burned within him. He had shown inhuman restraint up until now. His patience over the last few months had amazed even him. Now he would reap the delicious harvest that these feisty sisters offered. His only regret was that all too soon it would be over, and he would have to begin anew. But would the others ever live up to these two? There was something different about them that escaped him. Radiana especially, there was something about her too familiar. Rachel, well, she had been naïve, but even with her--oh blast it all! He thought, frustrated that he could pinpoint the reason behind his unease.
He stood before them and laughed a giddy laugh, as if he’s had his fill of sweet wine already. He would pay? The drugs must still be in their system.
He bent and touched Radiana next looking into her eyes, the ones that in daylight seemed to be a royal purple, not dark blue. Unusual to say the least, but perfect. He liked perfect. He liked to take the perfect and show them how putrid it really was. Lightning illuminated her beautiful marble-like face and he almost gasped, but he was beyond mortified. Her face…her eyes, chained him.

-Chapter 3-

Her eyes were electrifying, it was like lightning was mirrored in her eyes. But it was not just a reflection, it really was within her. It might have been beautiful, but it was not. It was paralyzing. Accalon blinked and it was gone, in a split second, as if it had never been there. There were no glowing eyes, only darkness and echoes of thunder. Overactive imagination, that’s what it was, he thought, not at all uncommon among geniuses such as he.
Letting go of her chin he shuddered. He got up and walked to the kerosene lamp in the corner and lighted it. Cautiously her returned to Radiana. He lustfully touched each button on her now tattered leather jacket, his eyes never leaving hers. She stiffened, her eyes were brimming with outrage. Radiana shifted as far as she could against the wall, as if she could disappear through it. But there was nowhere to go. Oddly there was no fear in her eyes, only disgust and rage.
“Don’t touch her, Accalon.” Rachel said coolly, her voice was different, like the hiss of a snake. He tried to grasp what had changed in these sisters, why had their fear vanished? It was disappointing to say the least, how dense were they anyway? Still, it was not all a loss, the way Radiana tried to avoid his touch amused him and he let out a low laugh, which abruptly caught in his throat. There it was again, lightning was in her eyes. His twisted imagination was suddenly beginning to annoy him. He blinked as he had before, but what he had seen before did not disappear with the opening of his eyes.
“We warned you.” growled Rachel as the ground began to shake violently. Lightning tore through the dilapidated ceiling, crashing down with deadly force, finding it’s target in Accalon. He screamed at the searing pain, as the burning sensation surged through him like a boiling river. His close burned and turned to dust crumbling at his feet. All that was left was his shameful nakedness. Then it stopped and now he just shivered in a fetal position.
The ground shook again and he whimpered like a child. More light, this time he saw two bolts of lightning as the sisters held out their hands. It was as if the lightning kissed their hands, it’s electrifying kiss causing the ropes to fall away, just as his clothes had. Two more bolts followed kissing their bound feet, they were free.
Then they hovered over him, like angels of death, with murder in their eyes. He scrambled to the door, tripping over his now cold, numb feet. A sharp gust of wind slammed him back to the ground as he opened the door. His heart pounded almost as loudly as the constant thunder outside. He couldn’t move anymore, his fear immobilized him.
Accalon stammered incoherently, trying to form the right words in hope it may birth some mercy in the sisters’ raging hearts. All that came out was, “What are you?”
They smiled, they were not beautiful as they replied in unison. “You don’t really want to know.” Then Radiana continued, “But you will.”
They raised their hands, the sky responded. Lightning passed once more through the ceiling, striking his head. It felt like a million knives as he fell to the ground with a bang. As the room faded to black he realized only one thing clearly, the kidnapper had become the kidnapped.


Caleb was packing. He did it without even thinking, not even realizing what he was stuffing the mountain backpack with. He just knew he had to go, now. He didn’t know where, except he knew he would start where they last were. With a sinking sensation, he also realized, he knew one other thing. His daughters were not in danger, though this brought some measure of relief, he knew his daughters had now become the predators.

-Chapter 4-

Ephesians 5:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NASB)

Caleb shivered as he looked out over the cliff, he could hardly see the bottom. It was the same one his daughters had admired. But it wasn’t fear of heights that caused the uncontrollable shiver, it was what he remembered. He swallowed but the lump in his throat remained. History had a way of repeating itself, in an even more macabre way. It was an eternity ago, ten years to be precise, and the memory still stabbed at his heart as he recollected his brother’s pain. Yonah’s son was only nine, full of life and passion. He was clever in many ways. Camping was a favorite pastime for them, just the two fathers with their children. They would travel hours from the city, with just a tent and the necessary essential. Caleb’s daughters were always thrilled, they loved their adventurous cousin.
That morning had been just as bright as this one, the morning that their world crashed. Evil had resurfaced, though they thought it was buried forever. Radiana, Rachel and Sol made their trek down to the river, just a mile from the tent-a new adventure to discover new territory. Their screams had echoed through the mountains, thunder and lightning had erupted. Clouds moved in unnaturally fast. It was as if the air itself was full of the Being’s power, either that, or nature was enraged. But it was more then that, so much more. When Caleb and his brother reached the roaring river his daughters were holding one another looking up at the fearful sky, trembling and shivering from the sudden chill. Their clothes had become tattered rags. Sol was gone. Only a pile of ashes was found not too far from the riverbank. His daughters remembered vague details-like the man overtaking them, and Sol erupting in rage. Then ashes. Then Sol looking at them, but he didn’t look like Sol-they said. Then he was gone, in a blink of an eye.
Days on end they had searched and searched, but it was futile. Sol had disappeared. Throughout those days they could hear echoes of thunder in the surrounding mountains. They would go to where it had last resounded, but as always all they found was charred trees. Nothing else. Yonah was a broken man, when the police and forest rangers came up empty, he remained behind-still searching for his only son. The pile of ashes were never mentioned, it was their dark secret that needed to be kept at all costs secret.
Now-now was different, it had now come for his daughters.


“What now?” asked Rachel nodding in Accalon’s direction.
A groan came from his unconscious form.
Radiana didn’t respond for a long time. Rage still flowed through her, she hardly recognized herself. She didn’t know she could harbor such hate. There was much she hated now. She hated herself when she remembered arguing with her father. She hated herself for going against his wishes and taking Rachel with her. She even hated him for not keeping them out of harm’s way, for just letting them go, for giving up the fight. She also knew he hadn’t prayed for them, so she understood that they were nothing in his eyes. If he had prayed they would have been found before it found them. His prayers are and always will be answered. Radiana, hated Accalon for taking advantage of her heart in such a way that she had not listened to reason. When she locked eyes with her sister’s liquid blue eyes, she saw that hers mirrored the same rage.
“Now he pays.” she replied matter-of-factly.
Her sister nodded, as if this was just a simple clean-up chore that needed to be done. But then she didn’t look so sure.
“There’s something about him.”
“Radiana pondered that for a moment, her sister was right, but she could take hold of what was so familiar.
“We can’t stay here, we have to move higher up.”
Accalon’s eyes flickered open. The morning sun was streaming through the open door, as if mocking the thunder storm of the night before. He looked from one sister to another with contempt. But he said nothing, his time would come again. They would pay.


The mountain air grew thick, the wind hissed. Though the sun was shining now, the heaviness followed them. It’s grip would strengthen and it would feed on them forever.

-Chapter 5-

The sisters convened outside, shutting the door to the dilapidated cabin with a bang. Accalon seemed to offer no protest to the darkness in which he now was locked.
As the sun began to kiss their faces they let out a sharp gasp, their skin began to tingle, as if they were catching fire. Only there were no flames, no smoke, but their skin felt as though it would peel of any moment. Instinctively they dodged under the nearby trees, instantly the searing pain stopped. They just looked at each other in bewilderment as if to confirm if the other sister had felt the same thing.
“What is all this?” Radiana finally voiced the question burdening both their minds.
Seconds ticked by as Radiana pondered what this could mean. Before there had been no time to consider the how’s or why’s, there had only been time for survival. Now she wondered what it all meant. Had God answered their father’s prayers and sent legions of angels to rescue them? He had always filled their minds with the awesome power of God. Yet this felt different, more powerful even. It was as if the power came from within them. It was both fearful and exhilarating.
“I like it.” Radiana said.
“It seems though, that this power has weaknesses.” Rachel said as she pointed with her finger to the sky. She tried to look towards the sun but she quickly shifted her eyes to the more comfortable dirt covered ground-covering her eyes and rubbing at them.
“So it seems, and so we wait until dark, then we move.”
“We’ll need to lift him into the truck.”
“Yes, but we’ll need to ditch it soon. By now everyone’s searching for it.” Radiana’s tone was logical, if nothing else, she was always logical.
“But if they catch us, we’ll just say we overtook our kidnapper, it’s the truth. What’s the big deal?” asked Rachel, she sounded like such a careless child.
The trees’ branches shifted slightly in the breeze letting bright rays of sun to stream through. The light felt like lightning striking the sisters and they groaned in pain as they pressed closer to the trunk of the tree. They waited for the breeze to stop swaying the branches.
“We must be careful, sister-Accalon cannot know of this weakness.” warned Radiana.
Rachel just nodded impatiently waving her hand in the air as if dismissing this little detail. “Yes, yes, of course. But why are you worried of someone spotting us?”
“Because we don’t want to be found.”
Radiana didn’t fully understand why she felt so strongly about this-except that she knew if they were found, their father wouldn’t like this new power. He would pray it away, as if it was some sort of disease. That must not happen, thought Radiana.
“Well why not?” her sister asked, stomping both her feet.
“He’ll make the power stop, is that what you want, sister?”
She thought only for a moment before answering, her voice had become chilly like the air around them. As she answered the clouds gathered and covered the sun.
They made a dash for the cabin and slammed the door behind them. Accalon jumped at the sound and cured as he hit his head against the wall.
“Can’t you at least knock?” he asked sarcastically.
The sisters’ only reply was cold eyes boring into him. He began to shiver and convulse uncontrollably. When they released their hold on him the convulsions stopped as suddenly as they had come. But he was not afraid, only amused.
“What are you?” his voice came out weaker than he liked.
They looked at each other, then they looked back at him and he squirmed at their answer.
“We are Daughters of Thunder.”
He almost laughed except for the cold eyes that threatened to lock once more with his. He was weakened, caught by surprise, he had to regain his strength. Then he would laugh, yes he would laugh at their stupidity.
“So, Daughters of Thunder, will you kill me now?” he asked.
“No,” said Radiana, “now we rest, and you will shut up.” he didn’t argue.
“We should gag him.” Rachel said in a sing song voice.
Her sister just replied with a shrug. Rachel got up, tore a piece of the fabric on her shirt and tied it tightly around Accalon’s mouth.
“We go tonight then?” she asked as she turned back to her sister. Radiana nodded.
After that only intolerable silence followed. Accalon began to drift, his grasp on consciousness began to fade, replaced by a world so different from this one.


Sol looked down from the branches. He’d always loved climbing trees. He loved the sand paper roughness of the bark. The smell of the pine trees were his favorite, it reminded him of Christmas. In his mind when he climbed a pine it was eternally Christmas. He often remembered the loving warmth he could never return to, and so he surrounded himself with his own eternal Christmas. He also lived through eternal solitude. It was not his choice. They had left him in solitude because of what he had done. He had turned a man into ashes, the man was evil, but so was he. That’s why they stopped looking.
There had been no choice, he didn’t know he could get so angry, nor did he know he could hate so deeply. The look on his cousins’ faces had been fear mixed with disgust. So his hate turned towards them, how dare they condemn him? He had to get away, or they too would turn into ashes.
But they could have kept searching. After a day they had stopped, at least after a day he no longer saw anyone, he couldn’t hear anyone. Darkness had surrounded him, though he had grown accustomed to it-and to the power that came with it. He began to love the power, it took the edge off the pain.
Sol shook his head. Enough of the past! The past had come to him, it had become the present. His once beloved cousins has stepped right into his backyard, and power hovered over them. He was no longer alone. Dark clouds began to amass, the sun began its descent. The air was full of power.

-Chapter 6-

The light seeping through the cracks grew dimmer and dimmer. Soon it would be safe. It was interesting how before the darkness brought forth tremendous amounts of fear to her mind. It was like the darkness harbored monsters, and all the evil of the world, but now Radiana felt comforted by it.
She didn’t want to be found. These powers gave her a chance at a new life, she was no longer terrified of the night, she was part of it. She belonged now. Oh, her life before wasn’t all that bad, except for all her failures. Like the fact that she had dropped out of college, crushing her parent’s dreams. Her life hadn’t only disappointed her parents, it had disappointed her, she was always searching for more-and never found it. Yes, life had already been dark before this power had found her. Sure, she had still attended the youth group at church, she even graced them with her angelic voice. But there was a side to her they didn’t see, or chose not to see. Her confidence were for their eyes only, but on the inside she felt like a withered flower. So she tried to revive herself with temporary fixes, meds that quickly became addictive-but they were effective, they numbed her mind. Her dating life picked up its pace, she loved the flattery given to her by the so-called admirers, though she knew it was all empty words. Their words were just a means to fill their own emptiness. She hated all of them, especially since she knew not a single one loved her, no one truly knew her. As any woman she had longed for the real thing, but the real thing was always just as flawed as she was. What she hated most is that no one knew that she was falling apart. No one took the time to look past her plastic smile-and why would they? Radiana had thought that Accalon was different, but what a fool she had been! So she hated him the most. Her heart was not to be toyed with, he would learn this quickly, she determined.
“Lets get him up into the truck.” she finally spoke, breaking the silence.
“Huh? Where are you taking me?” he demanded, as if he was in any position to demand anything.
“Wherever we please.” she replied sharply.
She moved towards him like a phantom, followed by her sister. They both gripped him in an iron grip. His legs were wobbly, but he gave no push back, he just let them lead him.
Once they reached the truck they shoved him in the back. The strength with which they did it amazed them, he felt light as a feather. He just lay on his back staring straight at the star-filled sky, as if nothing in the world was wrong.
Rachel, cleared her throat and impatiently tapped an annoying rhythm on the side of the truck. “Keys, if you please.” she demanded.
“Back pocket.” He said smugly.
The sisters looked at one another and grunted.
“You get it, I’m not touching him.” Rachel insisted.
Sighing, Radiana hefted herself onto the bed of the truck and roughly rolled Accalon on his stomach. He grunted. Jumping down from the truck she smiled triumphantly as she bounced behind the wheel.
“So where are we going?”
“To pay a visit to our past.” answered Radiana.


The terrain was rough, and with his hands firmly tied behind his back he couldn’t avoid the countless bumps his body took, much less his head. Weakness still gripped him, but in due time it would pass as it always did. Another pothole, this one deeper then the rest, he grunted as his head slammed into the side of the truck. He felt the moonlight fadeing, and he cursed this human shell, as he drifted once more from this world.


A time of times long passed is where he awoke. Well, it was not so long ago, only a decade, but still he never liked a trip down memory lane. These human brain accumulated so much useless information, and the past seemed to be permanently etched in it, to be brought up by the sub consciousness. He hated it. But there he stood a predator, watching his prey. The three young ones were smiling and giggling and splashing water in the river. Oh what fun.
When he pounced upon the girls the boy began to run, but then he bravely thought better of it. What a fool! But he was the target, not them. He was there to awaken him. He was there to deliver a gift to him, the same gift that had been bestowed upon him ages ago. He had taunted him, baited him, and he bit the bait. They always did. Humans hated to be weak, and they always, always began to hate the one, or ones who made them feel as such. Even one as young as this child had failures, fears, lies, yes even this supposed innocent had evil rooted in him.
He never enjoyed the moment when power entered the one to whom he was delivering it, but such was the price to keep such a gift, you had to keep feeding it. The point was for him to think he had one, that he had destroyed their would-be abductor. It had worked like a charm, even the parents bought it. Had they remained a moment longer after they had swept the ashes into the river, they would have seen the illusion. But they never see.
He took back the form he liked most, well the one he always had, the one he had been born with-but it was a magnificent form. His curly golden hair was vibrant, his well-toned muscles gave an image of strength and security-or intimidation-whichever served him best. His eyes were the color of forget-me-nots, very appropriate, for none ever truly forgot him. Still, there was a vague memory that never fully surfaced in his dreams, the time before he had become what he was now. Every time he tried to remember-not that he tried very hard-but every time lightning would flash through his mind and he would awaken. So it was this time, a jolt of thunder and lightning awakened him. Not again, he thought.

-Chapter 7-



To be in the dark world of unconsciousness was somehow bliss, yet his eyes fluttered open as the truck came to a jarring stop. It took his breath away as sharp pain shot through his already banged up shoulder. The lights above him felt like a million pin pricks to his eyes, though it was night all around. Doors slammed, he heart the beep, beep, beep of buttons being pushed, then the slithering sound of liquid flowing, feeding his hungry truck. They were filling the truck with gas-how amateur. He almost laughed. Almost. But everything still felt sore, he was not recovering at the usual rate, causing a slight panic to swell in him.

He had to make his move now, while they were distracted. Rolling on his back he did a sit up. The ropes that bound him had been loosened miles ago. Amateurs, he thought once more.

Rachel had gone inside the ancient looking convenience store, while Radiana seemed lost in thought, pumping gas.

From what he could see the convenience store was the only building situated on the side of a winding road. So he only had to choose which way to go: up the mountain, or down the mountain, or perhaps just disappear into the thick forest. But he knew the night was not a hindrance to the sisters, not anymore. Hmm, decisions, decisions, he thought.

Grunting he jumped from the truck and sprinted down the road toward the forest, each step sent electrifying pain up his entire body. Accalon could hear shuffling sounds behind him. The sky that had been calm and clear quickly turned turbulent, it crackled loudly as if fireworks were exploding. But what was exploding in the sky was not beautiful, it was fearsome. As Accalon looked behind him he could see the attendant of the store starring with his mouth agape as he looked upon Rachel lifting her delicate hands to the sky. The sky responded like an obedient servant, as she pointed to Accalon-it was like a gun waiting to be discharged. He ran ducking into the forest, zigzagging trough the trees. He smashed into something that felt like a rock. Stumbling backward to the ground he looked up into the eyes of the devil.




It cackled, it was a silent laugh not heard by mortal ears. Soon it would be finished, their names would be blotted from the Maker's book, and it would be added to his Master's book. Quite an accomplishment, a wonderful trophy. But it was never just about them. Yes, they were now infected with the disease they called 'power', but it was not sufficient. Indeed it was not sufficient until they were all contaminated with themselves. It was not a hard task, this 'power' would continue to feed on them, it would take root on the rich soil of their evil heart. No one was immune, for all of them were born with this dormant infection, yes all of them would die. The Being continued to cackle.




"You must come Yonah." Desperation seeped into Caleb's voice. He wanted to leap through his cell phone and kneel before his brother, and beg him to come.

The line was silent for so long he thought his brother had hung up.

"I can't do this alone." He begged.

Finally Yonah's voice came through the line and Caleb sighed in relief.

"You always get what you want Caleb. I'll come. But know that what we are up against will not be conquered by prayer alone."

An involuntary shiver passed through him as the truth of the words took full root. The night was beautiful as he looked out from the secluded cabin's porch. As he often wondered he did so now-how could such evil exist in such a beautiful world? Even more so he wondered how innocent children could turn into merciless predators.

The night changed abruptly. The calm was gone, replaced with an animated sky. Violent thunder shook the ground, it felt as the cabin itself would crumble to ashes. They were near. It was near.

"Where are you?" asked Yonah.

"At the Eagle's View Cabin, come quickly, it's getting worse." Caleb said frantically.

After he hung up, he remained on the wooden porch, just looking through the thick trees into the angry sky.

He had chosen Eagle's View because this was so close to where it had all begun. This was where they had lodged while the search was on for Sol. This was where the whispers started. This was where the Book was found. It was ancient, some pages even had red drops on them. The first name in the book was Cain. Even Judah's name was among them. After the death of the Nazareene the names were more scarce, but even with that there were still thousands of names per page. Evil men, evil women. But what was terrifying about each of them was their innocent beginning. They had not always been so, or perhaps the infection had remained dormant since their first breath, patiently waiting to awaken.

Now it was activated in his daughters, was there even a little hope for them? Once the taste of power touched them, had any ever been cured? He didn't know.

Lightning streaked across the sky as if it was in hot pursuit, but of what? What were his daughters chasing?





The eyes were mustard yellow, glowing in the night like jewels reflecting a bloody moon. Accalon began to shake, immobilized by fear. He knew he had to move. It had come to collect, yet he had nothing-no one to deliver. Something had changed, just a day ago he had taken the sisters captive, but now everything was different. They had changed, they were not victims, they were the cons. Everything stood against him.

Vaguely he remembered that once a way had been shown to him, but at the time it seemed to be a coward's way. Now he longed to remember.

"You're mine, Accalon." It hissed.

Footsteps resounded from behind him, the sound of the crunching leaves sounded like bones being crushed. He sprang to the right, it was an ascending path. Not necessarily a wise choice, but he knew where it lead, if he could get there, he would be safe.




Within the hour the local channel sere reporting the bizarre events of the mountains. Rumors of haunting. Wild stories. Footage from the store's cheap surveillance cameras kept repeating as if on an endless loop. Caleb saw Rachel's face, her glowing eyes as if lightning originated in them. He saw her commanding the skies as if they had always been meant to do her bidding. Radiana was running after a man who apparently was running in terror. It was the very same one they had suspected of taking them, and his daughter was running after him-not away. But in seconds she had reappeared, now both of the sisters sped away up the winding road. The unnatural events baffled the media, the police-everyone. But what really got them scratching their heads was the fact that the captives were now chasing their captor.

"These young women, John, are apparently armed and dangerous. Though prior to this night's events we had been on the look out for Accalon Bridges, age thrity-now John it seems the police department here, fear for his life." The voices droned on and on.

Caleb had to leave now, Yonah would know where to come. He sprang for the door, but when he opened it he let out a sharp gasp. It couldn't be.

-Chapter 8-

His face hadn’t aged, not any part of him had aged, not in the normal way. His face was that of an innocent child with brilliant emerald eyes, full of life. Caleb looked into them and felt as though he had stepped through a rainforest-vibrant and alive. For an eternity he was fairly certain he had fallen through time. A gentle summer breeze swept through the boy’s hair reflecting the brilliance of the sun itself. Frozen, he couldn’t utter a single word. Dozens of emotion were flooding him. A sob escaped from his lips. Each tear that escaped the confines of his eyes reflected remorse, relief, joy, love…fear.
“Hello, Uncle.”
Still, words refused to form. If he would open his mouth, his words would be a mangled mess. He gestured as if in a daze for the boy to enter. The wooden floor of the cabin uttered no protest under the child’s feet; it was as if he had simply glided in along with the breeze. He stopped beside the fireplace, thoughtfully examining the ashes.
“Sol, I- that is, your father he-,” Caleb began, stumbling clumsily on each word.
Sol lifted a hand and Caleb ceased speaking. Sol turned his attention away from the ashes. Curiously, silently he walked full circle around Caleb. He stopped in front of him; looking up to meet his eyes he gingerly reached and touched his face in wonder. The touch was so much more then just a touch.
“Sol, we searched. I promise you we did! We prayed, wh-.”
An electrifying touch to his lips silenced him. It felt like burning coals. But there was no pain, only warmth.
Again Sol looked around. It was as if he was hoping to see someone else. Of course, thought Caleb, he wants his father. Sol’s eyes flickered.
“Yes, Uncle, I want to see him.”
All Caleb could do was nod, shock sending irrational fear through him.
“My father will be here soon. I can feel him.”
Caleb nodded again. He suddenly didn’t know if this was good or bad. All this time he had been sure Sol was lost, both to the world, and to all that was good.
“When my Father comes, you will understand.” Each word was pronounced with deliberate emphasis, as if words were foreign to him, even perhaps painful. Hi voice was still as that of a child, but it came in a whisper.
“We tried to find you Sol, we prayed and prayed!” Caleb explained, he had to make him understand how they had never forgotten him. He had to explain how year after year they returned to the spot where they had forever lost him.
“Shhh,” was Sol’s response as he pointed to the leather couch. Caleb took a seat on the overstuffed cushions. So they waited, looking out the window, as if the view could give them answers. The silence stretched on as the sun continued to rise on the horizon, like a triumphant king.

They were forced to stop. The couldn’t go on for the sun had made its dreadful appearance again. They were its prisoners for the next few hours. Though Accalon had escaped, they remained eerily calm, biding their time. He would be found. But now they rested in an empty, long abandoned barn.
Muscles ached from their fruitless hunt, but sleep eluded them.
Rachel smiled savagely. Radiana arched her eyebrows quizzically.
“He’s one of us, you know.” She said matter-of-factly.
“Yes, for sure, Accalon is like us, but weaker.” Rachel continued to herself.
Radiana shook her head. “It’s not possible, the light doesn’t hurt him.”
Frustrated, Rachel kicked at the hay covering the floor. Yes, indeed there was that little flaw in her theory.
“It may be sister, that he is actually stronger then us.” Radiana ventured.
“I wonder…”she whispered as she continued pacing, carefully avoiding any patch of light streaming through the barn, “if there are more like us?”
“There are many more of you.”
Both sisters jumped, instantly locking hands together in fear.
Out of the shadows stepped an enormous man. His muscles looked as if they would snap the buttons off his clean-cut black suit. His eyes were the color of honey. They seemed to glow as he passed nonchalantly through the patches of light streaming through the windows.
“Who are you?” Radiana stammered.
The man just walked past her. He reached her sister in two long strides. He stroked her face and Rachel didn’t even flinch or try to move away. Her eyes locked with his, mesmerized by the sweet honey color. Once their eyes locked, her eyes responded with lightning reflecting them.
“Wh-,” he turned to her abruptly silencing her. Shock cascaded through her with the intensity of a waterfall, a waterfall that she was trapped beneath. Slowly though, the waterfall felt more like a gentle rain. Images took shape, enveloping her mind.
She saw her father, accusation brimming in his eyes. “You are evil.” He accused. Words like: abomination, disgrace, fallen, unredeemable, damned resounded like a gong in her mind.
The man blinked, the images ceased.
“You see how they envy your power.” He said.
Breathless, the sisters gave no response.
“And He,” he continued as he pointed up, “He would damn you for wanting this power to defend and protect yourselves.”
All was lost for them in that moment, as hopelessness engulfed them. It sunk in that they had no one, and loneliness of that fact was terrifying.
“But I do not condemn you.” He said as he pulled them into an embrace. They allowed themselves to be held. He felt like a safe, like a tower they could take refuge in.
“Who are you?” Rachel whispered as she chocked back another uncontrollable sob.
“Your guide, Lucian.”
“Guide?” They asked as if in a trance.
“Yes sweethearts, and I promise to never, ever let go of you.”

-Chapter 9-


It had been easy to hate in the beginning, in those early years when everything had been stripped from him. God had taken it all-everything-so long ago. But now, now he didn't know. Had he? Was there something left that had not been taken? Trudging through the forest exhaustion threatened to incapacitate him, his legs felt numb as he continued his upward trek. And was it God who had stripped him bare? He further contemplated.

Her eyes had been the color of honey, her heart had been just as sweet and their daughter had been the miracle that shouldn't have been. His Zemirah, she had been the sweet melody in his life that had brought another melody, a sweet baby that had filled their daily life with melodious laughter. Now they were no more, and all his wealth was obsolete. At first he had been numb, reeling from shock. But then the seed of hate was quickly planted, watered and tended. He had found him when he was on the run from that grizzly night, just as he was on the run now. How very ironic, he thought. But before this endless running had begun he had first tasted the fruit of power and knowledge that he had never imagined before. He liked it. But now he had to wonder, what would she have thought? It had been ages since memories such as these had dared to plague him. The worst by far was the memory of never finding his daughters body, for surely there would be a body. Bitterness engulfed him at the thought, power sizzled through him. But he was tired of it, what was the point of it? It didn't bring them back. It only brought him back, over and over again, always young, always charming, always alive...he never stayed dead. His image was frozen in time, though thirty years had gone by. Shulamit had been only a year, on that night Zemirah and Accalon had been graced to see her first proud but wavering steps. She had been such a tranquil child as her name proclaimed.

What would she have been like had she lived? Those eyes of hers, even at that young age had an all knowing look about them. Violet in just the right lighting. Yes, He had taken it all, but He was paying, for Accalon had been a busy man ever since-snatching away His precious children.

He stumbled and fell, his mind was not paying attention to his footing it seemed. His already torn jeans tore further on the knife sharp rocks. He let out a string of curses. The sun's merciless rays stalled his healing process and he cursed it too while looking up resentfully at it, as if he could strike it down from the lofty peaceful sky. It bothered him that he could no longer shield himself from the light, he began to feel discarded.

The sound of crunching leaves startled him out of his bitter thoughts. He scrambled to hide. What was left of his heart was pounding. It could be them, he thought, perhaps they had learned to endure the sun. If it was them, it would be bad, but he feared another even more.

The crunching leaves sounded like someone loudly crunching away at cereal. As suddenly as the sound had started it ceased. Birds resumed their rudely interrupted songs for the moment, but only for a moment as it began again, then stopped again, then resumed once more. Accalon held his breath and prayed that whoever it was would pass. Of course he knew exactly who it was, and the fact that he prayed startled him even more then the fear that cascaded through him. In those moments Zemirah's prayer came to mind. His wife had always whispered it, and in the last moments of her life she had even shouted it, 'Save us LORD, hide us in the shadow of Your wings.' But it had done her no good, for God had suddenly become deaf. He should have died that night too, but his hate-that venomous adrenaline-had pumped through him. It was good though because at least, at the very least the murderers had become nothing more then a pile of pathetic ashes-all but the one who had taken Shulamit. All but that one had suffered hell's fury, his fury.

The heavy footsteps that had mercilessly crushed leaves beneath their feet was fading, but Accalon still didn't dare to breathe. Why he feared the one who had bestowed upon him this power, this gift, he couldn't fathom, but he felt his desire to reach the summit of this mountain intensify. If there was any hope left, it was there-that is if what he was searching for was still there.









Radiana gazed outside the window. This cabin had been carefully selected, she could tell. Tall trees surrounded it, effectively shielding them from that dreadful sun.

"He's been gone a long time now."

Radiana just nodded continuing to gaze at the trees in wonder, they seemed so unaffected by the light. In fact, they absorbed it and fed on the sun's rays. Instantly she was envious of them, which was such a ridiculous notion that she giggled aloud.

Her sister looked at her with raised eyebrows, but persisted with her chattering.

"What do you think of Lucian?" Rachel met her sister's eyes with a touch of wonder and even envy at the violet hues that stormed Radiana's eyes at the moment.

Silence was her only answer, as she resumed her gazing.

"Well? Answer me! What do you thing?"

"He's right, I think. He is also telling the truth. And I think I hate father for it, you know he never told me?" her tone was seething with barely restrained rage.

Rachel impatiently tapped the window, seemingly unaware of her sister's dangerous mood. "Well, he never told me either. It just makes me wonder what else he hasn't bothered to mention to us."

Radiana met her sister's eyes, resenting her for the hundredth time since Lucian had dropped his morsel of truth. She had so much and the little fool didn't even see it, while she had nothing, not even what she thought she'd had. Rachel had a father and a mother and the simple truth was Radian did not. It had been a sobering blow, finalizing her resolve to not ever be found.

"You know, sister, he will pay. I'm with Lucian on that."

Rachel's eyes widened as the words sunk in. The power was nice, but the look in her sister's eyes was like that of a calculating conniving snake, waiting to strike. It left her breathless. Somewhere within Rachel there was a voice sounding a sort of alarm, but an alarm that was still too soft to take heed of its warning.

"Okay, but I don't like that we need Accalon for that."

Radiana whirled around, "Well, sister, there's a lot I don't like either, so suck it up!"

Rachel gasped.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2011

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