
Like The Bully



Like a rat chasing after a mouse

Like a dolphin chasing after a shark

Like a tiger chasing after a cheater

Like the bully you are

You think you can frighten

You think you can take

Away everything from those smaller than you


Unknown to you is that a rat may be bigger than a mouse but a mouse is much smarter

Unknown to you is that a dolphin isn't able to eat a shark, while a shark is able to bite back


Unknown to you is a tiger can run but not as fast as a cheater

But like a bully

You are confused

You don't understand that big isn't always better

You don't understand fast isn't compared to how big you are

You don't understand that intimidation can frighten someone for only a little while before they too get tired of you you taking everything from them


But like a Bully you don't understand





"Don't tell me that!"





This was the second time today. Being called by my mother. I wanted to refuse but I couldn't stay locked up in my room forever.


I got up from my


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Loza Maybe
Lektorat: Honour
Satz: Loza Maybe
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-7103-6

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Doing wrong instead of right is wrong.

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