
One. ,The Triumph

This is the original draft to this story . I am currently working on a new draft . This was also my first 

atrempt at writing a story . 

 The new draft will follow a similar story line but some names might change , as well as some of the situations , either having greater detail , or leaving certain scenes completely out .

the reason for an entirely new draft is because there is more that I don't like about this draft than I do . So instead of editing the current draft , I will complete a whole new re write and hopefully get myself closer to finishing the novel .





Haulin’ down the highway at just fewer than 145 mph cradled on his BMW, young Jonathan Sparks’ heart beats for the freedom of the open road. There is something to be said about the exhilarating chill in the air at 1:00 am in the middle of October.
Jonathan quickly snaps out of his trance, realizing how fast he is going. One might have a chance at not getting caught at those speeds on the interstate but not on the 11. The smooth comfort of his BMW alone is enough to bring back the peaceful memories of his youth. Even though Jon was only 18 himself, he often feel’s much older. Most 18 year old men don’t experience the amount of stress and responsibility that he has grown up with. But he found the irresponsibility of flying on 2 wheels brought him back to 18. And the sound of the VA state police siren did just the opposite. He had already adjusted his speed the moment he snapped out of his daydream. The speed limit was 55; he couldn’t have been going much faster than that he thought. Jon looked at the speedometer; “62 miles per hour, NUTS “. Just as that irritating chill came over him after one suddenly realizes that they may have been caught. The VA state Mustang roar’s past Jon. With the dark of night laying against the sleek body of the mustang it seemed to disappear, and in just a few seconds all Jon noticed was the glimmer of the twirling lights, and the echoing siren.
Jon decides it’s time for a fill up, both for his bike and for his stomach. He pulls into next gas station he can find. Luckily it’s a big truck stop built with a diner attached. Thoughts of Belgian waffles topped with whipped cream and hot cinnamon apple seemed to scream Jon’s name.
After fueling the bike Jon rode over to the diner’s parking lot. The sharp early morning air seeps into Jon’s helmet as he lifts the visor, causing his eye’s to tear up ever so slightly. He now felt the rest of his body getting colder, as his concentration from riding now went to eating. Jon pulls off his helmet with one hand while turning off the bike with the other. He slides off the bike feeling the muscles in his legs relax, tossing the bike keys in his helmet that he now carried in his right hand.
Jon sat in his booth at the diner waiting disappointed, as Belgian waffles don’t seem to be on the diners menu. He figured French toast would do just as well, at least he could get his hot apple cinnamon.
Jon stared out the window at the BMW he had been riding throughout the night. One would expect by looking at the bike that the rider would be climbing off it with a black leather racing suit. But Jon on the other hand, while he loved the power of control he felt riding a beast such as that. He was never much for the dramatic. A pair of dark blue old navy loose fit’s, Lugz boots, a black American eagle T, and a blue denim jacket got the job done. As cold as it was outside Jon didn’t ever wear gloves. By the time his hands got cold it was time to fill up anyway. Jon had a high tolerance for the weather. It’s not that Jon never got cold, he just loved it; it made him feel alive, even more alive than riding at top speeds on the beamer.
The bike much like Jon was simply detailed. With just a lonely BMW emblem located on the body right under the brake and clutch levers. The gray on black S 1000 RR BMW never identified itself with flashy lettering, only blistering speed that makes the muscles in Jon’s forearms scream trying to hold on while accelerating.
One might ask how a young man such as Jon came upon a machine of this caliber. But not Jon, for he knew all too well. The beautiful bike was in fact the first of many visible changes in his life. And if not for the changes that were not so visible, he would not be sitting in a truck stop diner not eating Belgian waffles, and not eating French toast either apparently.
“How long does it take to dip some bread in eggs and fry it “; Jon said with a whisper of irritation. Like many of us, impatience is a quality that rules when Jon’s hunger speaks. As impatient as he was feeling he would never use his frustration to embarrass himself or anyone, else for that matter.
Jonathan found himself chuckling, his gaze still staring out the window. There was someone dressed in one of those racing suits .He imagined trying to get himself in one of those ridiculous outfits. He looked away wearing a sort of a smug smile. “Well at least its solid black “he thought. If the suit had been worn with other colors to it, Jon would have found even more humor in it.
And almost as instantaneously as he saw it he smelled it, his early morning breakfast waltzing down from the other end of the diner. He could hardly wait to get something warm inside his bones.
The waitress obviously overworked wore a rather pretty smile. Her dark brown wavy hair pulled back in a pony tail frazzled from too many hours of sweat and who knows what else that lingers in the kitchen air.
Jon smiled, as her smile seemed to ease the slight irritation that he was feeling not more than a few minutes ago.
“My name is Kimmy, and I’ll be your waitress this morning “; she said.
Jon smiled “Thanks Kimmy this looks great “.
Kimmy sighed a little “sorry for the wait the kitchen was just changing shifts “
Jon smiled a little bigger “Not a problem “
Jon gave an assuring grin, and with that Kimmy walked busily back to the kitchen.
Jon cut into the triple stack of French toast and brought a toasty, sweet, gooey, buttery piece to his mouth. “Man that’s good “Jon thought. Feeling comforted through his senses Jon takes a good look at his surroundings. He catches a glimpse of the rider he found so humorous coming through the door. He cracks another sarcastic grin. The rider looked to be about 5’4”, but Jon knew that the rider couldn’t be much more than 5 ‘as the riders boots gave them about 3-4”. Jon imagined what kind of bike a rider that size would be riding. That thought alone kept him smiling.
Jon cut into another piece of his breakfast inadvertently keeping an eye on the rider watching the helmet come off.
Jon found himself stopping mid chew as he stared at the rider.
The most beautiful auburn hair flowed from out the helmet. It took but only a second to realize this rider was in fact a beautiful lady. As he looked closer he could see her figure in what now seemed to be a not so ridiculously looking racing suit.
Jon stared as she strode in his direction. It felt as though all his surroundings were dimming with every step she took. Jon’s eyes were wide now as she got closer.
She smiled as if to say “calm down there tiger “. She calmly slowed in his direction stopping by his side, smiling almost to a complete laugh.
, and whispered in his ear “You gonna eat that? “
It was then Jon realized that not only did he still have a plateful of food but a mouthful as well.
“Mmwuahuh “Jon blurted forcing, the gooshy remnants of French toast through his throat.
With a half smile “Hmm “she said, and strode away just as she had come in.
Jon knew he would be in big trouble if he watched her walk away, but he could see distortions of her reflection in the big diner picture windows .He had to pause before taking another bite. He couldn’t get the visions of what looked like diamonds he found in her blue eyes out of his mind. The voice he heard in his ears constantly replaying, “You gonna eat that? “Over and over again. Some might say that the woman of their dreams has a voice like an angel, but not Jon. Her voice was playful and almost juvenile. A fact that excited him being that he was the oldest in his family. Jon had to always be very grown up. And now this, the whole reason he was riding in the first place seemed to pale when she spoke. Jon actually felt a little ludicrous for this. But what could he do?
Jon decided he had taken enough time to daydream. He hurried his food, and guzzled a nearly cold cup of coffee, left a ten dollar tip, paid the bill and strode like a marine, helmet in hand feeling unstoppable; to his bike.
He hopped on the beastie BMW, turned the key and slipped his helmet back on.
Jon put the bike in gear and drove through the parking lot, and there he saw it. He thought to himself “so that’s what she rides “again with that smug smile. He again was dazzled checking out the Caspian Blue Daytona 675 made by Triumph, not because of the bike, as impressive as it was. No, he was dazzled by the thought of how perfect that bike might fit her. She had hardly said anything to him, and yet he had learned so much about this woman in a very short time. He hated to leave, but he had no choice. There were bigger questions in his mind right now.
He turned the bike in a half circle back towards the diner hoping he might catch a glimpse of her. He only saw what looked like a waitress cleaning off his table. It wasn’t Kimmy though. “The waitress shift change “he thought.
Jon thundered out of the truck stop back out onto the 11. And decided to hit I 81 as soon as he could. Jon was now dealing with thoughts of romance that seemed to trigger a deeper misunderstood sense of urgency created for the current task at hand.
Jon flicked his wrist turning the accelerator. Thoughts of passion mixed with thoughts desperation sent all four cylinders in the sleek bike screaming to a hundred miles an hour.
And there Jon stayed, for what seemed like an eternity. The intense emotions laced with the freedom on the bike made it seem like he was completely alone, and almost invincible.

Two , Arested

 The Shenandoah Valley was a great place for a ride. But this early in the morning, and this time of year there was always a danger. It was hunting season, and the deer were in their rut. Jon noticed more than one carcass lying on the shoulder of the long stretch of interstate. Deer cause great damage to cars, but if Jon ever hit a deer on the bike he was done for.
Jon rode all day, stopping a few times to eat. Although his BMW was far more hungry than he was, causing him to stop every hundred fifty miles or so. Jon was headed to Boston, and he prayed every mile for good weather. So far he was getting it.
Jon couldn’t wait for some dinner. He remembered this nice little place in Milford PA it was a little out of the way, but he would just take the 81 to 80 to state 209. Then he would take state route 6 to I 84 all the way into Massachusetts.
The Apple Valley Restaurant would fill him up good, but he had to admit it was the apple cinnamon cheese cake that he was really craving.
As Jon sat at his table in that little restaurant, road weary waiting for his cheese cake, he hoped that someday he might be able to take someone special to this little out of the way place. He immediately thought of the woman he saw that morning. It was so early in the morning at that truck stop diner. And he hadn’t had much sleep since then. She almost seemed like a dream.
There it was in all its glory. The cheesecake to beat all cheesecakes. The cool ricotta based cheesecake with the warm apple crunch, and spices were perfect. Jon still smiling savoring his desert with a child like voice in his ear; “You gonna eat that? “
Jon needed a place to sleep for the night. Not far from the restaurant he had spotted an inn / steakhouse. It all seemed nice, but not over done. Perfect, that’s just his style.
The room was a hundred bucks a night, not bad Jon thought considering he hadn’t slept much anyway; it would have been the cost of two cheap hotels. This place was actually a little nicer than Jon had originally thought it might be. Yeh he was going to sleep good tonight. Jon double checked the directions on his GPS, called the front desk for a wakeup call for five thirty a.m., and without a third thought crashed on the bed.
Jon woke the next morning, not by the wake up call. But by the alarm clock ticking away inside his head. Jon always had a knack for waking up before the alarm. He seemed to always go to bed a little afraid of over sleeping. He reached blindly in the dark towards the night stand for his cell phone .With his head still buried in the pillow he surprised himself finding the phone one the first try. Little things like this seemed to make Jon’s day start off just right. Jon brought the cell phone to his sight and flipped it open.
“3:19 am “Jon was not a morning person, and it seemed like he was exhausting himself with the efforts of smiling. But he couldn’t help it.
One thing that Jon’s close friends and family always knew about him was his very close relationship with God. In Jon’s words “The creator of everything we can and cannot see.” The three o’clock hour seemed to be the time that Jon would hear God’s voice more clearly than any other time. It was never a voice he could hear with his ears, but rather a new knowledge that seemed to be instantly known. Sometimes Jon would just lay awake waiting. On occasion Jon would be so tired he would just roll back over and fall asleep not realizing what he might be missing out on. But Jon felt like he had a good night’s sleep. He rolled over on his back, clasped both hands behind his head as if he were being arrested. Jon just stared at the ceiling. His thoughts were deep enough had you seen him in person you would have thought he was looking through the ceiling into the sky at some unseen realm. Jon was very aware of where he was though. He was also very aware of where God was. And somehow at three o’clock in morning those two places seemed to weave themselves together with very little effort. Jon knew the anguish he was feeling, he knew God knew it to. He also knew the incredible feeling of peace and comfort that seemed to cover him. Jon learned very quickly that it was in those incredible times of peace that God was preparing him for something. Jon readied his thoughts, focusing on his day. He focuses on God in these moments absorbing as much strength as possible. Almost 26 hours earlier Jon had felt like a well prepared soldier going into battle, excited, and powerful as he left that truck stop diner the morning before. But in times like these he felt like, what he thought, Jesus might have felt, having the power of the universe in his hands, coming to serve with Love. Jon knew he didn’t have the power of the universe in his hands, but he knew he had it in his heart. Jon thought getting out of bed and starting your day like “ the creator of everything we can and cannot see “ would do might be a good way to get it done . Jon lay there for a little while longer just waiting. Even though it was two hours before 5:30 he realized very quickly it was time to get up.
Jon realizing he had left his pack strapped to the rear fender of the BMW got dressed in his clothes from the day before, and headed for his bike. He was very fortunate that Milford was a quiet little town. “Thank you, thank you “still sensing Gods presence. The pack was still there, not only that but it hadn’t rained. But there was a coating of frost on the pack. He brushed off the thin layer frozen mist, and released the small cargo net that was securing the pack to the bike.
The chilling effect of the body spray that Jon used seemed to counter act with the hot shower he just dried off from. Yeh he felt a little more alive! Jon felt like a new man all clean and shaven. Jon reached in his pack and pulled out his winter beanie that had an NFL logo on the front. Jon decided since there weren’t any helmet laws in PA that he would ride to the gas station down town helmet free. He would wear the helmet once he got on his way though. He never really felt safe without a helmet, but thought that the morning air would help wake him even more.
After checking out of the hotel around 5 a.m., refueling, and pulling into the local Turkey Hill for a breakfast sandwich Jon was on his way. Twisting and turning his rocket on wheels up route 6. Not far up the road would be the entrance for I 84. He couldn’t wait to get on the interstate, for he would be in Boston in a few hours. Jon was about ready to pull off route 6 when he saw the flashing lights. There was an accident on the freeway and the police were not letting anyone on. Jon knew the area pretty well; he would just ride up to the next town on the 6 and hook up with 84 there. That sort of thing didn’t bother him. It was a nice ride from Milford to Matamoras, the last town in PA before the NY border.
Jon and the BMW made good time of their unexpected detour. They were on the 84 in about 15 minutes. Being that there was an accident one exit behind him he thought it wise to keep the bike at the speed limit, as he expected there to be more state troopers on the road. Jon was right, he saw three police cruisers speeding in the west bound lane and one parked with its lights spinning on the shoulder of the east bound lane. Jon would bring the bike up to about 75 mph once he hit the NY boarder less than 10 miles away.
Jon was in a great mood considering his circumstances. Shoot he was in a great mood for any circumstance he assumed. Just crossing the NY border the BMW screaming past Port Jervis. Jon still felt his God with him. It seemed nothing could bring him down. That feeling alone re assured him that there was something in his day that was sure gonna try to. But he didn’t let it bother him. He just rode, rode in the careful watch of his saviors care. There was no greater feeling than being alone with God in the open air at almost 80 mph.
Four and half hours later Jon found himself in a little town just north of Boston. Tewksbury was nice, but he found himself missing Milford already. As he rode about 35 mph down Heritage DR. he was reminded of his own lifestyle and how this community didn’t remind him of anything about him. He rode to the end of the cul-de-sac and he could see the baseball diamond through the thick of the trees. This little neighborhood was in fact simple, however it had buildings that seemed to be shaped from the same “cookie cutter “as he put it. A neighborhood doesn’t have to be rich to have personality. Jon also knew that there are neighborhoods to suit all kinds of personalities; this one just didn’t suit his.
Jon slowed the bike to a stop. He turned the key shutting down the bike, and slipped off his helmet. It was almost 10 am now, and Jon was already feeling hungry for lunch, but he would shake it off. Jon just sat on the bike for a while with his right leg over top the gas tank and his left leg resting over his right leg. The sun had been on the rise for the last 3 hours or so, and Jon’s black helmet was rather warm. He placed his hands over top the helmet gripping it almost like a basketball. Jon could now start to feel the nervousness of the unknown. Men and women of the military go into nervous situations every day, but this was nothing like a military operation. In fact Jon felt guilty for feeling this nervous over something that now seemed so trivial. Yes what Jon was about to do was important, but it was far from life threatening?
Jon had a quick conversation with God assuring himself that He was there with him. He slid off his beautiful ride, helmet in hand tossing the keys in the helmet. He walked at a normal pace to a small row of houses nestled in front of the tree line that separated it from the baseball field. A row of 4 houses attached to each other. They all looked the same. Jon was hoping he wouldn’t be ringing the wrong door bell. He didn’t ever really need addresses as he usually went off of memory alone when coming back to familiar places. But in this case it might have been a good idea. It had been a time long since and almost forgotten.

Three ,Assembled

 Jon knew it was one of the middle houses, so he chose the home closest to the east side of the building to his right. With clammy cool fingers Jon pushed the little white button that was almost completely hidden from site notched into the molding of the door jamb.
Jon’s stomach pained and swirled as he heard footsteps coming rather quickly down a flight of stairs. There he stood waiting. He was more nervous than when he thought he was being pulled over for speeding. He could ride that bike at top speeds at any given moment without flinching. But here he was scared just about out of his mind.
The door made almost a suction sound when it opened; the house was obviously built air tight with some good weather stripping keeping the drafts out of the house.
His eyes wide and his jaw clinched tight.
“Jon?” A woman about twice Jon’s age spoke with a slight heartfelt pop in her voice. With tears starting to form in her eyes taking the last couple of steps slowly towards Jon. She gently reached for Jon’s clammy hands as he stood there almost stunned.
“Hey “with a half smile and several crackles in his throat.
It had been 5 years since he last saw his Mother. And at this moment was overtaken by the beauty of a mother that had almost been forgotten, and ignored.
She returned his half smile, as it was the same smile.
“Come in Jonny, I’ll make you something warm “.
Even after 5 years Mom would always know what he needed and when he needed it. His Mom still holding one of his hands leading him into the door way, through the living room, the dining room, and then the kitchen. Jon noticed a little ceramic tile hanging on the refrigerator painted light green, with the name Trixie on it. Each letter of the name was spelled with their own color, red, purple, blue, yellow, silver, and then pink. Obviously done by a child’s hand and imagination. With slightly tearing, smiling eyes “You still have this” Jon could hardly get the words out. It wasn’t a question but more like a statement of joyful disbelief. Since Jon was nearly 6’2”, Trixie at about 5’6”, she still held one hand, wrapped both arms around his one and pulled her head resting on his big solid arms. Jon could hear his mother’s emotion, both by her beating heart, and by her occasional sniffles.
“Sit down ok Honey “, Trixie smiling through her tears and precious red nose. “ I need some tissues, I’ll be right back “.
Jon smiling much bigger now turned with his free hand cradled his mothers face and kissed her on the cheek. “Ok Mom “.
Trixie looked at her son, tears falling from her eyes like little raindrops rolling off of a Lilly.
“Give me a few minutes ok sweetie I’m a wreck “
Still with little crackles in his throat he squeezed out “Sure thing mah”.
Jon took his time taking his steps through the kitchen to the breakfast nook. Multiple memories seemed to flow through his thoughts simultaneously. Now standing at the little glass table in the nook with 2 lonely chairs at its oval ends. Jon found himself leafing through his Mothers mail. Bills and letters of all types were marked Tracy Sparks. After all this time she still hadn’t changed her last name. Jon recalled in his memories some of the hardest days in his life up until just recently. There was never a divorce only a signed certificate of death.
Jon heard those same rapid footsteps coming down the stairs.
Trixie stopped in the kitchen. She grabbed the tea pot from off the stove top, turned to the sink and let the faucet fill about four cups of water into the pot, turning quickly to her previous spot at the stove placing the pot on the gas burner clicking it to high. She glanced over to the fridge gazing at her name drawn by a 4 year old on a slab of ceramic.
She recalls her little 3 year old Jonny trying to say mommy’s name. She smiled as she remembered how cute his raspy little voice was trying to create all the syllables for Tracy.
Visions of him saying “Mommies name is Trwecksee. “It didn’t sound completely like Trixie. But that nick name stuck none the less. All her neighbors knew her as Trixie, and she remembers all of her children having fun with it as if teasing her “Mommy is Trixie, Mommy is Trixie.” In those days past it wasn’t always funny, even good kids like hers had tendencies towards the annoying at that age. But now they are all sweet sweet memories. She always loved it most when Jack said it though. Trixie sighed, “I miss him so bad Jonny.”
“I know Mah “sighing stressfully, “That’s why I’m here”.
Jon took a couple steps towards his mother, “maybe we should both sit down “.
The mother and son now reunited sitting at opposite ends of her little breakfast table
“Jonny I know I wasn………” Jon stopped her mid sentence holding his hand motioning that he needed her attention. “Mom I have some news, it’s about dad. Mom, dads alive! “
Trixie clasping both hands together on her lap under the class table with streams of tears on her cheeks. There was no sob no sounds, only the pat of tears lightly popping on the glass table.
Five years ago Trixie had left her family in the care of her brother and sister in-law for 2 years to search for her husband, only to return empty hearted, and to add to the heartbreak there were two girls and one boy that were angry for her leaving them and wanting nothing to do with her. Somehow anger had infected her children. They blamed their parents for not having any for two years. Maybe they were right Trixie thought. And what more, taking the advice of her friends and family to let her husband Jack go. She can see the memorial service they had for him so clearly in her mind. She could never really decide if she believed he was really gone or not, even after signing all the legal documentation. But she knew she would never change her last name. She needed as much of Jack as she could get. And within the past five years with her children disowning her, Jacks last name was all she had left of him.
“What? You know where he is Jonny”? , her eyes red and still filled with tears
Jon , a little stiff from 1 ½ days of riding in the cold pulled his chair away from the table pushing his feet against the hardwood floor . He slowly got up, “Mom I need to show you something, you’re gonna need your coat.”
Trixie noticing her sons intense look with his road worn emotions, she got up wiping her tears “Just Show me Jonny.”
Jon took his mother by the hand and led her out side. At first Trixie had a feeling of being rather oblivious. All she could see was the west side of the cul-de-sac, the trees, and what looked like small puzzle pieces of the baseball diamond through fall lit branches. What was Jonny doing, she thought?
As they walked down the side walk, Trixie walking ever so slightly behind Jon blocking some of her view at the end of the cul-de-sac. They followed the round sidewalk hand in hand, and then she saw it. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Trixie bit her bottom lip holding back all the emotions that were screaming inside her heart.
They ended their little walk facing the BMW. Trixie glided her fingertips across the rear fender of the bike lengthwise down across the seat, looking intently at every detail of the area where Jack used to sit. She palmed around the opposite side of the gas tank noticing every contour. With her arm still around the bike like someone might do if they were holding on to their lap dog that is if they had a bull mastiff. “How did you get his bike Jon?” With a much more serious focused tone so much so that the cool 40 degree air was of no concern to her. “Jonny, your father took this bike with him to that job in Nevada, how did you get this?”
“Mom I’ve been getting this bike piece by piece in the mail since June “.
Trixie grabs the throttle handle with her right hand, and slides her right leg over the seat sitting her little self on the bike. She recalls when Jack got this bike. It was actually one of the prototypes for the 2009 racing model. It was in 2005 when Jack acquired this one though. Jack was a mechanical and electronics engineer, with a hobby as Jack called it in physics .He was basically a grease monkey with a PHD, contracted by the US government. Other times Jack was contracted by small companies outside the US boarders. Jack never divulged how he “acquired “this bike but he apparently had some connections with the higher ups at BMW racing. In fact Trixie never even saw the change in the bank account when he brought the bike home on that first day. Jack was known for bartering work for certain hard to find items, and that’s what Trixie had always thought it was.
Jon followed closely in his father’s footsteps. The first thing that Jack did on the following day of the beamer’s arrival was call for a young 12 year old Jonathan Sparks. Jon remembers that day. It was one of his best days, and if he had more time to think about it he could probably say with full confidence that it was his best day ever.
Jon remembered walking into the garage seeing the beamer in its entire glorious splendor. Jack said,” Son I want this “, opening both hands towards the bike as if he were submitting someone with some great honor,”down in the basement.”
Jon knew what that meant. They were gonna strip that 200 horse power beauty down to every last bolt , piston ring , and chain link , and put it back together . Jon was helping his father build things since before Jon could really talk. But what it really was, just a boy in a diaper learning how to say connecting rod. Jon and his father must have torn that bike apart and re assembled it more than 5 times.
Had all the parts for the bike come all at once Jon would have had it done in no time , but getting small packages just about every day for the past few months meant he could only get it done in a few months . Jack had sent his son the parts in the exact order that they were to be re assembled knowing full well that his son would know.

Four , Another Triumph

 Trixie asked Jon for the keys, as she sat on the BMW. Without a question why or any hesitation, Jon dangled them waiting for her to snatch them. She slid the key in the ignition, and almost in one motion turning the key while rolling her wrist on the accelerator. With a violent pop followed by a wailing scream the bike seemed to come back to life, waking from its chilly early morning nap. Trixie’s countenance seemed to change from emotional confusion, to one of purpose, and intention. She turned the ignition switch putting the beamer back to sleep.
Rolling her gaze around to meet Jon’s eyes, “I’m comin’ with you Jonny “.
Jon with worried eye’s, “Mom, I don’t know what’s gonna happen “.
Trixie stood up on both foot pegs. Pulling her shirt tail down turning her gaze back towards the bike noticing the speedometer, she herself gauging the insanity of her lonely past five years.
“You’re going to find your dad, that’s what’s going to happen Jonny “.
With frustration in his voice, and an irritation 5 years in the making Jon blurted out.
“But mom you tried that already “, doubting his mothers resolve,” remember “?
Trixie twisted her hips kicking her right leg around jumping off the foot pegs hands free, still focusing on the details of the bike.
“That’s why you’re going to do the looking Jonny. Your father left you the pieces. You’re going to follow the road your father paved out for you, and IM going with you. I’ll help you if I can, but I’m going with you “.
Jon feeling a sense of power given by his mother’s confidence in him, they started back towards the house. As Jon opened the house door for his mother they could both hear the boiling whistling steam through the tea pot.
“You want some tea “? Trixie asked.
Jon still considering his long lost mothers demand to come with him , and this new course of direction as an unforeseen bump in the road , with a very slight hint of worry in his sigh ,” That sounds nice “ .
After placing a little light tea bag in each coffee mug Jon watched standing in the kitchen as Trixie poured the steaming hot water into the mugs. The lopping sound of the hot liquid rolling over the tea bags and swirling into the cup seemed to lull Jon’s nerves, so much so Jon wondered if his mother was taking her time just for that reason.
Leaving the tea bags they both leaned against the kitchen counters facing each other. Jon leaning against the sink and Trixie near the stove. They sipped at their tea without sugar or cream fully aware of the little hot streams rolling into their chest. Both seemed to be in a state of meditation of sorts. The house was quiet; the only sounds were little echoes from sipping ceramic coffee mugs, being depleted of their soothing contents.
“Soooo……,” Jon taking another sip, “Will you be ok on the back of the beamer? I mean we could take your car, but I don’t really think we should be leaving the bike behind”.
Trixie cupping the mug in her hands letting the heat absorb into her fingers, motions with her eyes, “Come on “. They walk towards the door for the entrance to Trixie’s garage.
Trixie opened the door and with a smug little half smile just like the one Jon wears on occasion said,” You forget Jonny, riding is in our blood “.
There it was, Jon couldn’t hold back the biggest grin he’d ever remember having. Jon hadn’t thought about that young woman dressed in well fitting leather racing suit all day, but flashing pictures in his memory of flowing auburn hair, and eyes so beautiful with the voice of the sweetest type flicker away like pictures in a photo album.
Trixie instantly noticed Jon’s change, “Jonny?” smiling almost as big as he, almost chuckling. “Are you ok?”
Jon still staring into the garage asked with a huge grin,” When did you get the triumph Mom?”
“Last month Jonny, it only has a hundred miles on it, why? I know it’s not a beamer, but those bikes are just too big for me. Jonny what’s going on? “
“O I know someone that has a Daytona to, except its blue. “
Trixie going for another sip of tea, “A friend of yours? “
“Somethin’ like that Mah “.
With another hot gulp of tea in traveling through Trixies chest, “Yeh I really liked the black, it’s a great bike Jonny. Don’t worry I shouldn’t have any problem keeping up.”
Jon walks back towards the breakfast nook still grinning ear to ear,” I have no doubts “. Jon notices the wooden rocking chairs that sit on either side of the gas fireplace in the family room, and turns his smile towards his mother motioning his head towards the fireplace, as if he were asking if it was ok to take a seat.
Trixie motions her hand with the tea cup in it, “Sure Jonny its ok.”
Jon and his mother sat talking about what seemed like everything, and sometimes nothing at all. Trixie was very concerned about her two daughters, as Jon explained that Cassie and Ronnie were still very angry and bitter.
“Jonny the only thing harder than being away from my kids was not having your father in my life, I couldn’t lose him Jonny. I should have never signed that death certificate.”
Jon with a voice of curiosity, “Why did you sign them Mom?”
A look of self disappointment came over her, “I just caved Jonny. I just caved.”
After some more time by the fireplace Jon and his mom continued talking over some hot tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches that Trixie prepared.
A little smirk came over Trixies lips, “So tell me about your friend with the triumph,” pausing for just a second, “will I get the chance to meet her? “
Jon once again found himself in mid chew, however this time he wasn’t eating French toast but rather a melted cheesy crispy lunch. Trixie didn’t like how Jon sounded trying to say “maybe” with his food in his mouth. Scrunching her cute little nose and shaking her head in a playful way
“Swallow your food Jonny “
Trying to avoid any more questions about his “dream girl “he tried to think of a way to change the subject, but his mother beat him to it.
“So what’s the plan Jonny?”
Jon slowly rocking in the chair, “goin’ to Long beach.”
Trixie rising from the rocking chair reaching for the empty dishes from their lunch asks,
“California? “
“Yep California, That’s where the beamers parts were sent from. I guess dad used a local BMW dealer to ship the parts in for me.”
Trixie now standing in the kitchen leaning with both palms down on the edge of the sink, her eyes closed trying to hold back tears, tears that wouldn’t come anyway, she just couldn’t cry anymore. She couldn’t help but think what her “Jack” has been up to. She knew that whatever it was he better have an incredibly good explanation for all of this.
Trixie was so focused on memories of Jack that she didn’t notice Jon’s footsteps coming into the kitchen. She felt her sons hand on her shoulder, and he whispered,
“I thought we might leave early in the morning. I wasn’t sure how this day would turn out, so I reserved a hotel for tonight.”
“Well cancel it Jonny “she replied quickly “You’re spending the night. I have a spare bedroom ready. I have everything you need.”
“Hey Mom?”
With almost a tired sigh “Yeh?”
“ It’s still not too late I was wondering if you would like to take a ride , O I dun no maybe to the movie theatre “, Jon had one of those smiles on his face that would indicate he was up to something . “ I hear Denzel has a new movie that just came out? “
“ Hmmm “ tapping her chin playfully as if she were contemplating , but what she was really doing was teasing her son . “ I think Denzel is just what the doctor ordered. He has a gift for motivation. “
The show started at 7:15 that night so they were back before 10. But Jon was feeling all the emotions of the past 3 days wearing on his body. Trixie to felt the need to feel the comfort of her bed.
“What time did you want to leave in the morning Jonny?”
“I was hoping to leave around 5.”
“Mmmm ok, what would you like for breakfast?”
With a very tired childish grin Jonny softly pleaded,” You wouldn’t happen to have a waffle iron would you?”
Trixie smiled looking away headed towards the stairs, “I’ll have breakfast ready by 4 sweetie. If you need anything before you get to sleep let me know ok?”
“Thanks Mom, I will.”

Five , Dreamer

 Jon lay awake again, this time around 330 am, knowing the long trip he had before him. It was only the night before that he was laying in an Inn in Milford PA, and now it seemed like a distant memory lying in bed at his mother’s house. A mother that so long ago a 13 year old swearing he would never forgive. One would think that a boy that seemed so close to God would find it easy to forgive his one and only mother. But Jon had let his heart turn to stone, and not until Jon started receiving the BMW’s bike parts in the mail did his heart’s hard surface start to break away. Through the course of the past few months he started to understand how his mother’s hope for her husband’s life would have caused her to leave them, especially now knowing that his father was indeed alive.
He lay there praying to God for forgiveness, to continue to break his hardened heart. And to be able to show his two sisters how to forgive.
He was thankful for the opportunity to be reunited with his mother though. He was thinking about the night before. The movie with his mom was actually very special. Everything was feeling very new to him.
He folded his hands together across his chest as he lay there on his back, most of the covers strewn around the bed. He again just tried to focus on God. He was about to spend 4 days on the road riding with his mother of whom he just was reunited. He needed to keep his head. He needed to be able to think without getting all clouded. Jon reached over the edge of the bed for his pack. He pulled out the GPS going over the directions again. He would take the 90 to 39, to 76, to 70 then the 15. All of it would be interstate riding. He wasn’t looking forward to California gas prices though, but perhaps Long beach wouldn’t be as bad as LA. Just like little surprises like being able to find his cell phone in the pitch dark early in the morning would start him in a good mood, also would something little like the thought of paying 20 bucks to fill up a 5 gallon tank get him off on the wrong foot.
Jon heard a knock on his bedroom door.
“Breakfast in 15 minutes Jonny. And don’t forget to make your bed.”
Always a mom I guess Jon thought. Jon slowly sat up in the bed, his legs dangling over the side on the floor. Jon massaged his face, and scalp trying to wake up a little faster.
Jon could hear the sounds of frying pans, and spatulas. He could smell sweet things, and smoky things. He couldn’t wait to see what Mom made. Jon got up and walked over to the bedroom door, opened it and walked across the hall to the bath room. Now looking in the mirror, his hair was a mess. That’s what happens I guess when you don’t roll over every once in a while. Your hair looks steam pressed, and the rest of it sticks straight up, he thought. Jon fixed his hair. He walked to his bedroom, fixed his bed, grabbed his pack and followed his nose downstairs to what he imagined would be a feast.
Jon had imagined right. It was a feast. Trixie had prepared Belgian waffles with some left over apple pie filling she had topping them. Trixie loved baking pies, especially this time of year. She had also made a couple omelets, some sausage and ham. Jon was in heaven and he let his mom know it.
“This is awesome Mom. I love it “
“I’m glad you like it honey “
After breakfast Jon and his mother cleaned up the dishes, put them in the dishwasher, turned it on, and headed towards the front door towards their unknown adventure. Jon was particularly concerned about his Mom as he was unsure of the dangers that lay ahead. His father’s disappearance, alleged death, and now reappearance made Jon feel very uneasy. Knowing that his father worked for governments caused him to wonder what kind of trickery might be in their future. Trixie however was more concerned about Jon being warm enough.
“Don’t tell me that is the only coat you brought with you Jonny. “
Smiling chesherly “Yeh mom I’ll be ok “.
They both walked out the front door, Trixie locking the door behind her. Walking with new senses of purpose they both mounted their bikes simultaneously after Slipping on their helmets and securing their packs. Both looking straight ahead with synchronized turns of the key, the two bikes screamed in harmony with each other, and were off to the interstate.
Jon and his mother rode free in the cool morning darkness. The sun would be rising in about an hour, and the highway was already showing traffic activity for the morning rush hour. Once they made it past Boston their road was pretty clear until they hit northern Indiana as the night time traffic was heading north into Chicago. They would stop in Joliet Illinois for the night as 12 hours on their rides was long enough.
Jon was very excited to get going the next morning as they would be stopping in Colorado. As Jon and Trixie both left their separate hotel rooms, they still had what seemed to be a certain sense of purpose. A purpose that could only be seen by looking at their faces and watching them walk. Trixie dressed in the same type of style Jon did with exception of the denim jacket. Trixie was a rather thin woman and she was far more affected by the elements than Jon was. They would ride interstate 80 from Joliet to the Colorado boarder then hop on the 76 right into Denver.
Waking up in Denver at around 3 am was the plan. They wanted to get to long beach sometime in the afternoon as it would be close to another 15 hour ride from Denver. They would take the 76, the 70 and the 15 through Colorado, Utah, the bottom hook of Nevada, right into Long beach. The ride was just beautiful but slightly treacherous as they rode through the Rockies and the southwest portion of the cascade Mt ranges. There was no snow on the roads, but there was some on the mountain sides in the Rockies. It was a long and hard ride as it was just about 1000 miles from Denver.
It had actually taken about 17 hours to get there which put them at about 8 pm. As much as they wanted to, they knew they didn’t have it in them to investigate the local BMW dealer. In reality they probably spent 5 hours to many on their bikes. They would take a good night’s sleep in a hotel and get a fresh start in the morning
Its 930 pm and Trixie is resting awake sitting on a blue couch in her hotel room. She left the sliding door to her room’s balcony open so she can hear the ocean waves crashing against the beach. The full moon’s reflection shimmers as the sea breeze moves little caps of the ocean surface on the horizon. Trixie reaches over to the bed and pulls the covers towards her. She snatches the pillow off her bed, and lay across the couch all snuggled in a big poofy comforter. She closes her eyes, listening to the power of creation just outside her room. It is moments like these that she always is reminded of how big God really is.
Trixie was always in awe of how God had put everything in motion to be self sufficient. Everything moves as it should everyday she thought. She would often times refer to Gods timing as the ultimate rhythm section. Once the music’s been written he just lets the band play. And if the crowd gets out of hand he’ll just send in security is all. She had a knack for coming up with her own kingdom parables. She just loved communicating God in ways that were so simple to understand. Trixie hoped that she and Jonny would have a spot in God’s musical tomorrow, or would they just become part of the crowd. NO she thought, there was a definite purpose for her son and for Jack as well. She wanted, and was so ready for a miracle.
Its 1030 pm now and Jon can’t sleep through his nerves. He stands against his slider window, his head resting on his forearm peering out at the moon wondering if his father is anywhere near looking at the same moon. With the slider closed and locked Jon can almost feel how percussive the ocean is as the waves slam the shore, feeling the slight vibration on chilly double pained glass. Jon feeling a sense of desperation rests his right hand on the slider windows handle thinking he needs to get as close to God as possible . He slowly flips the latch and smoothly pulls the slider door open. The curtains that surround the opening catch the ocean breeze swirling about until the rest of the room accepts the new cool air, the tails of the curtains just swinging a few inches in what seems to be random directions. Jon steps out on to the balcony as if he were entering some grand arena of some kind. He took a couple steps towards the balcony’s edge leaning on the white picket rail. Jon looked out at the moon feeling the evening air on his face. They were in southern California so the October air was not as harsh as it was for most of his ride. As Jon looked out into the horizon, focusing on the sky that seemed to separate the moon from the ocean surface, he knew that God was looking right at him.
“God, am I doing this the right way? Mom is with me I don’t feel right about it. I love having her here, but I am afraid for her.”
And right in the very center of Jon’s being he could hear,
“Do not throw away your confidence Jon; you’re going to be rewarded for it. You have been trained by me and those who love you. I will direct your path if you will just seek and trust me Jon. Your mom is with you, and I direct her path as well. Trust Me Jon.”
Jon could almost feel his burden get heavier. But he knew the voice of God, and couldn’t argue. Perhaps Jon would have felt more at ease if God had said that his fears were well founded, that his mother shouldn’t be going with him any further. Really, Jon should have known better, as much peace as God would give him he was never one for making it easy for Jon. With the heavy burden came a feeling of power. That was not an uncommon feeling for Jon after just having a conversation with “The Creator of Everything we can and cannot see.”
Jon’s tired body moved away from the balcony’s rail over to the soft lounge chair nooked in the corner of the balcony. His body losing most of its strength right then and there he plummeted on the long soft relaxing chair. With an absolute clear mind Jon fell asleep.
As Jon and his mother rode from the hotel on their way to the BMW dealer they could feel the warm southern air beating down on their helmets. Visions of palm trees, ocean wakes and California beach goers seemed to almost fade into existence. Jon felt so free , he was thinking of his father still alive , he had thoughts of his “ dream girl “ as he saw his mom riding in his side view mirror about one car length behind him . He had visions of a wonderful future with his new found family.
Going through an intersection the light just turning yellow Jon checking his mothers position once more as she seemed to be a little further back about one and a half car lengths . Trixie sped up to beat the red light.
Jon watched in horror as a yellow H3 hummer hoping to beat everyone else off the line with the upcoming green light. Plowed into Trixies bike, catching the black Triumph on its back wheel, spinning it carelessly through the air across the street. Jon couldn’t see his mother anymore , everything seemed to move in slow motion as Jon turned the beamer around , and just before Trixies bike went careening into the beach…………….
Jon woke up…… still in the lounge chair on his hotels balcony, his heart beating like the sound of wild horses running at full speed across the plain . It took a full minute for Jon to realize it was just a dream. It was still dark and he was having a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Jon quickly got up, his heart still going crazy. He looked out to that same empty space where God was watching over him. He couldn’t see the moon anymore as it was now shining over the hotel directly, but he could still see its silvery distorted reflection on the waves. Jon reached into his jean pocket and pulled out his cell phone. 12:39 pm, Jon had a lot more sleeping to do. He walked through the already opened slider, pulled on the handle and shut the door keeping it unlocked. Jon still shaking the effects of his dream from his mind said.
“O God “with a worried voice “be with us,” collapsing on his bed fully exhausted.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2018

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