


My name is Samantha, Samantha Williams, a successful lawyer who has been unable to scale through her ugly past.

I am the first child of my parents, Mr and Mrs James Williams. My journey of anger and hatred started when i was five years old. I began to feel the negative vibes around me, my Father and i didn't get along well as he takes every opportunity to hit me at the slightest provocation and when my mother tries to come to my rescue, he beats her too. I then later realized that the reason for his hostility towards me was because he wanted a male child and my mother couldn't conceive again after having me. Life became hell for me and my mother when my fathers family decided to get him a new wife. My mother pleaded with my father to be patient with her and not bring a new woman into our home but my Father turned deaf ears and before we knew what was happening, there was a new woman in the house. Saying this woman was demonic was an understatement as Lucifer was perceived to be a learner where she was. She was what i called "Epitome Of Wickedness". She made sure she tormented the living daylight out of my Mother and i especially when she became pregnant. She stopped my Father from caring for us, giving us money to feed and even paying my school fees.

My Mother had to start a petty trade so that we could feed, then she was able to raise a substantial amount to enroll me in a public school. Then i was in Jss3, preparing for my final exams, whenever i closed from school, i helped my mother to hawk some fruits, that was how we survived.

The Junior School final exams finally came, i tried my best as it wasn't really easy for me combining hawking with study but the results finally came out and i cleared all my papers. Mother was so excited that she danced around the house when i broke the news to her that day. Things were moving on fine as Mother and i were surviving on our own through Mother's little business until my Father's wife gave birth to a male child. That was when my mother and i experienced real hardship.













I was on my way back from school one day when i saw my Mother crying outside the house with our things thrown outside, i ran to her and asked her what was happening but all my Mother could alter was "We are finished". I didn't know what to do as i was lost in confusion, then it later dawned on me that my father had thrown us out of the house. How could he do this? How could he be this wicked? were the only words i could utter as tears gushed down my face. We didn't have anywhere to go, none of my mother's relatives were in Lagos,none of my father's relatives would allow us in. From that moment, i hated my Father and men in general. I locked my heart against him and swore never to forgive him. I then went to my Mother to console her, we picked up our bags before it would be nightfall and headed to nowhere in particular.

We were walking on the road with no destination until my Mother saw one of her female customers whom she narrated our ordeal to and the woman took pity on


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.06.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4760-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to God almighty who is the source of all inspiration, to my loving family for their continuos support and to my loving Mother,Mrs. Josephine Omorefe, for her unconditional love.

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