
High School Love


It was winter period in America and i had rushed down to a coffee shop that morning to get a cup of coffee so i won't be late for school.

I was on my way out with the coffee when this stunning guy bumped into me and i fell down splashing coffee all over my white school uniform. I raised my head up in anger to pour it out on the idiot who had messed up my uniform but when i raised up my head i couldn't utter a word as i saw a tall, handsome, brown skin dude staring at me. I later woke up from my fantasy when i heard "Dummy" next time look out for yourself.

Damn it, how could this idiot be so rude despite he was the one that bumped into me, Before i could reply him he had left. I quickly rushed to the washroom to clean up myself, although i tried my best but there were still some stains on my shirt, I had no choice than to go to school on a Monday morning looking like a mess.



Forcados high school located here in America is one of the best schools in America with a great basketball team, great laboratory and great teachers. I sometimes wonder how mom and dad would have afforded the fees if i wasn't there on scholarship.

When i got to school that day, Mrs Bree the chemistry teacher was already in class, damn it. Monday mornings are always horrible i said to myself. First it was one random guy ruining my shirt with coffee, now i have to go through the pain of being scolded and embarrassed by a chemistry teacher for coming late to class. I tried sneaking into the classroom but i had even barely started


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.06.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4634-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to God Almighty and my loving family for always encouraging and supporting me

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