







A pen isn’t mightier than a sword, pens don’t win battles, and swords don’t write poetry.


Mighty is the hand that knows when to pick the pen and when to pick the sword


Risk your heart, either it will get swallowed up or evolve like a heaven full of     shooting stars.


Dig deep inside your mind, to discover the deeply hidden well spring of love, peace and contentment

Always grow in love with the man that dedicates his time for you other than the one who sugarcoats his absence with material gifts



















Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, “ you owe me” look what happens with a love like that, it lights up the whole sky














“whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. If you continue to believe as you have always believed, you will continue to act as you have always acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted, you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If you want different results in your life or your work, all you have to do is change your mind”

“I promise to remember that we aren’t perfect, but strive to remind myself of the ways we are perfect for each other”

“your wounds will heal because that’s what wounds are meant to do. Your cuts and scrapes may leave behind scars, reminding you of that fall or break, but they will heal and you will be stronger than you were before. It’s the same for heartbreaks and disappointments and failures…they might sting now, they might make you sick to your stomach, they might bring you to your knees right now, but soon you will be healed, and sooner you will be stronger than you ever were before”-walk the earth

The path does not need to be clear to still be beautiful, just believe and  open your options to the world.













From my heart to yours, I dedicate this marvelous work of art mostly to my late mum Kelly, to my family and extended family  at large, the Gichuru’s, Kabiru’s, to my friends and acquaintances who helped me in pushing it through with their encouraging words. To my friend Anne who inspired me all through, and to me for not giving up along the way….

Mercy,Kellyshan,Kyle,Anne,Sylvia,Jane,Joe,Esther,Kelvin,Fredrick,James,Dennis, thanks for always holding on till the end






















 I dedicate this work of fiction to my family, friends and acquaintances, who have stood by me throughout the ages as I conquered my demons. A short story comprising of twelve chapters of exhilarating bromance,meeting Anna is an exemplary work of art with the intent to imbue even the hearts of stone, the pessimistic to be valuable optimists, the power of love in the modern day conquests. The struggles herein are a poetic justice. Stay entertained by this great work of art.its never a dull moment.

“when the first time I met you, you were like a nymph from heaven,

I looked into your eyes and forgot everything else,

Then I remembered I loved you many times before,

Endless chats, like a queen enchanting in a cloudless sky you remained as  vivid as a ruby,

I remember the way your eyes would light up when you smiled, and the way you would laugh,

You made me laugh too, something I rarely do, I miss all those finer little things about you,

I remember how happiness seemed an ordinary feeling, it wasn’t something that we wished for,

It just happened every day, I miss all those little things, it was never a dull moment,

Two hopeless romantics, I crave you in the most innocent form,

I crave to say goodnight and give you forehead kisses and say that I adore you,

When I say I love you, it’s not because I can’t do without you, it has nothing to do with me,

I love you for who you are, what you do, how you try,

I have seen your kindness and your strength,

 I have seen the joyous and pious part of you

And I understand it with perfect clarity exactly what you are,

You are the one I wouldn’t mind losing sleep for

The only one I can’t get tired talking to, the one who crosses my mind constantly,

You are the only one who makes me smile even without trying,

Laugh like a kid, without being afraid to,

I told you am a son of love, love I give, love I get,

Thank you for being you for me…

 Am never a poet, these words are my own, the emotions rubbed with every inch of absolution..



Have you been in love? Have you ever tried forgetting yourself for a moment and you were overshadowed by how amazing it feels being afloat in the life of another? How delightful it feels, when the love is new, it’s like a brand new toy, you don’t even want to lose its sight, the world seems so small and your voices become angelic, not wanting to hurt each other, proper choice of words in every conversation, avoiding heated arguments and always being at peace with the surroundings. Love is a strong as death, true love smothers one to death, if you ever loved someone so much and they ended up hurting you, life seems a walk in the park, like you just want to die, be free of life’s insurmounts,then there is the love that breaks you free, meeting someone who makes you feel human, you do all the silly stuff together, no judgements,just two beings doing  what they love and supporting each other, being there in both good and bad times, such is the love that is deemed true, being protective like a mother hen to its chicks.

It always linger, every echo feels like the very last moments you were together, every hug feels sticky, always glued on thoughts, thinking about each other.sometimes,you keep on checking on your cell phones, waiting for a message or an email from the other end, every minute feels like there is a phone buzzing literary…….

Meeting anna is one of my most complementary work of arts, indulging the reader and making him/her feel like they are the ones on the heroine and hero of this piece of work, it’s fascinating, something you would read and reread without getting over it.a 21st century setting where social media is the most common means of communication.

To my best friend, midlife is what makes life worthwhile, before the fire of your youth is quenched, remain always true to every inch of humane deeds, for there would be no love in humanity decree…..True love and care, no bouts of insolence and charisma tames the tonal variations in every conversation, everything feels brand-new and forever remains too short a time……

With lots of love……………



                                                       Austin K Njoroge





















For once in my life, I don’t have to try to be happy, the thoughts of Anna always make  me smile, her charm and vivaciousness always keep me smiling, her idea of togetherness and honesty that made me grow in love with her. From a simple conversation I felt it, I wanted it but was afraid not to quake a love imp, a fiery cherubim that would either make or break me.she had that incredible way of making my heart happy, I don’t how that kind of fondness came to be, something I had never done before in my teenage years, was this a midlife crisis? Was it going to be real, how will it work? I kept asking myself a zillion queries. The way she walked to my heart like she always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire.

It was an amazing feeling to find someone who would always want to hear about all the things that go on in your head. I finally found a drug for all the anxiety, panic and distress, it was in her voice, it was her body engulfed in mine, her entire self-engraved in mine. Love should always fill you up not deplete you, this felt everything life had to offer, a love so true, a feeling so real. When searching for an inner peace there is no other person I would rather be with, Anna-she captured my heart and was smothering me to death day in day out. Never been this relentless, never at any point in life felt so light, maybe I would fly if feelings were wings I would skip all the planets, the idea of being in love is all that matter, how to protect and keep the love pot boiling in each and every second. Sometimes two people find each other with both broken foundations and they build together as a team to make a foundation that’s indestructible. Love is always about how you love each other every day, the best love is always an unexpected love, you don’t just pick someone and cross your fingers it will work out, you meet them by fate and it’s an instant connection and the chemistry share is way above your head, something you cannot control but let it grow. You just talk and notice the way their lips curve when they smile or talk, their eyes on yours and all at once you know you are either lucky or screwed. I never thought it would be Anna who would change my life this much, there are so many people that I thought could have, but they did not, then our paths crossed, so randomly so suddenly and my whole world feels much better, the hidden puzzles of my heart finally locked in to give it full satisfaction, my heart is happy because of this, you are an instrument of joy-you are my happy place.

“I will never find words beautiful enough to describe what you mean to me, but I will spend the rest of my life searching for them”

“this is my confession, as dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all of my pieces”

“I grew in love with you the way you touched me without using your hands”

“you are the end of my road, after a lifetime of missed exits and wrong turns, you make me feel like I am already home, one journey ends, and another begins with you”

Sometimes you meet someone and its crystal clear that the two of you belong together, real love is rare, a lot of people date with motives and marry for perks, if you have someone who loves you at your core, don’t let them go.




















Anna stayed awake the entire night, the cold of the night made her feel sick, nauseated and overworked, she made some coffee, sipped from the edge of her bed, she felt the burden of carrying the whole world on her shoulders-it always took the best of her, gave her terrible migraines, she took her phone and scrolled through, installed the telegraph pre-registered and activated it, she read through the timeline, chimes sound notifying her of a new message,’insomnia’’,the message read, this was a secret chat, she didn’t respond, sipped her coffee and continued scrolling through the application. She wanted the world to herself so she ignored the messages and continued with her easy lonely life, every warm gulp of coffee felt comforting, felt nice, something she smiled and winked at her image on the mirror. She went to the lavatory, wiped her  face and got to bed, she felt like answering to the messages would give her a sleepless night, she replied with a nod emoji, she wished Vincent would ignore the reply so she could just rest without anybody invading her privacy. Unluckily for her, Vincent too was having trouble sleeping, this seemed to be a very long night for both of them, he introduced himself as the son of the soil,calm,collected and charismatic, Anna introduced herself as a woman who kept a lot to herself, that’s what loneliness sires, opening up and conquering the demons of her solid life was never going to be an uphill task. There was something special about Anna, from her adorable profile picture, she seemed decent, decent women aren’t to be toyed with, Vincent thought to himself. The dark side of her, her engagement messages seemed as genuine unlike other telegraph users whose insolence was spelled from their first responses. He told her she looked adorable, and was thankful that insomnia got them talking in the  middle of the night till the wee hours of the morning.

They both wished each other pleasant sleep, Vincent did not sleep at all, he switched on his television and started watching a movie, he kept checking on his cellphone, reread the conversation with Anna and smiled crazily, he thought he was going crazy, this was an unusual feeling. Something he could not explain, it had just happened,thethoughts of it all made him freeze-nothing feels good than a love so delightful, a ghostly love, feeling intrigued by a person you’ve never met on a viz a viz.Anna on the other side was reading a book, she never slept and smiled at the thought of the anonymous who had knocked her off balance, what if this is just another mere infatuation?, she in the past had a few relationships that turned out sour, had sworn not to be in any other relationship, then came this ghostly Vincent. A mutual feeling of love is in itself a deliberate gesture of torture, you keep on thinking, drawing what’s real and the what if’s. A troubled mind is a sober mind, she felt love after what seemed decades of loneliness and wishful thinking.

The following day would either make or break this new found love, a ghostly love, in the shoes of another and they fit perfectly well. Anna woke up earlier than usual, made her chocolate pancakes and chamomile tea, she had the taste for the finer things in life. She took her laptop switched it on and shook her head to great oldies music from a century ago. She took her breakfast and took a quick shower, most of her days were spent indoors, she loved her privacy and to her this was how she ruled her world from within the walls of her heart’s liking. She applied lip balm on her lips and licked them sensually, combed her short hair and put on her favorite floral dress, she was to stay holed up for the day, it was going to be a long day, somebody had invaded her privacy in the best way possible, she smiled at the thought of it all. She took her cellphone and found Vincent had left her a message wishing her a fruitful day, she replied and kept her phone on a wooden stool next to her study space. Vincent was walking down the streets of Springvale heading to his place of work, he seemed in a hurry, picked his coffee from De Roselle’s restaurant few blocks from his place of work. He found the cleaner dusting his seats and handed her new towels for doing the same, their relationship was primarily cordial, they used to talk deep whenever they had time off schedule, her kids would visit the offices on Saturdays, Vincent loved them and always felt alive with them disturbing his  loner’s way of life. He switched on his desktop computer, his laptop and scrolled through his emails.

Sometimes living your dream is not as easy as it seems, Vincent wanted to be a doctor, he had that eagerness of being articulate in surgeons gloves, saving lives, that did not happen as he became a vocal volunteer and a humanitarian charter consultant, he was a jack of all trades. He ran an Online store selling organic and ayurvedic products. He was a part time writer, a newspaper columnist and a digital marketing guru. Only thing he lacked was love, finding someone who would not judge him, be with him and do all the crazy things without being judged on the same. He once tried dating and he ended up being terribly hurt that he almost lost his life, depression had got the best of him, he did not trust any lady with his heart, this was going to be a journey of a million steps, getting it together, sobriety and


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Bildmaterialien: Austinbanks
Cover: austinbanks
Lektorat: Austin K Njoroge
Übersetzung: Austin K Njoroge
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.07.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-4900-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my late mum Kelly for being the pillar of my life, my dad Steve,sisters Rachel,Jacqueline,Esther and my little brother Joe..Mercy,Kellyshan,Kyle,Anne and my extended family at large To my distinguished friends, James,Denis,Patrick,and many others who have helped in making this thrilling peace a success

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