
An old life

Once upon a time there was a 13 year old girl. She had 2 best friends. One was a blonde she was practically sisters with, the other a brunette that was best for advice, that she needed alot.Her mom and stepdad fought alot.So she would hide in the woods. Say she was going to her friends but actually hide in an abandoned cabin. She would hide from her family, friends, from her life. Not only that she got beat up at school for being to smart, or to much of a goody-too-shoes. So she tried to deal. She would file the bad memories in the way back of her
brain. She grew silent, but she still had those best friends that stood by her.This helped alot. Knowing she had somewhere to hide and people to run to for her problems.Not having to cope on her own was the best thing she could ask for. She always thought that would be there for her. She never really noticed HOW important it was though, until it was ripped from her life, well more something that faded into the background, like those terrible memories that she filed into the back of brain.

Starting over

When the girl was told she had to move she was devastated even though her life wasn't the best it was like detaching your emotions from your heart. This was her home. Michigan with its snow, its homeyness the feeling you BELONG somewhere. How could she loose her best friends, her home, her life! Oh why did she try to hide from her life? The one thing that she regreted the most was ignoring her life. What an idiot she had been.

So, starting to drive cross country in a uhaul she decided to write her experiences. She saw the worlds largest truck stop,a huge porcelein elephant, and the worlds rubber band ball.Still she was sad she had to move.

After a long 2 week drive she finally got to the place she was supposed to live in. She couldn't call it home just yet. She and her family were moving in with her nana. She quietly took her boxes to her room and started to unpack.When she went to bed her best friend texted her " You there yet? I miss yew!! Luv and miss ya sis" So she texted back. " Yes im here and I hate it I gotta go to bed night sis"

She soon met her cousins one went to her school which was a relief not having to face school alone. But it was spring break so she had a week of sitting around befor school. Which was boring but she was ok with it.


After spring break she started school. She had noclasses with her cousin and couldn't find him during lunch so she sat alone. She was quiet at school. Then a whole buncha guys came over and said " Hey youur new here wasup" She replied with a nod and they left which was good she didnt want to deal with guys. In her point of view they were hormone crazed meat handed assholes. She DEFINETLY didnt need that.

The next day when she was going to the locker room a boy came up to her and started talking. he said " Hey your the new girl right? Im like one of your cousins best friends" And for the first time she didnt think boys were stupid idiotic jerks. They started talking it was amazing.

So the girls grandmother was getting worried about her walking alone so she asked her cousin to walk with the girl. She didnt think much of it. So next day comes by school plays on lik normal all is well, then her cousin waits for her and takes her to his group of friends which where all guys. There were 5 guys in all. But she noticed right away the boy she had gym with her was there.They started walking they went up the highway and after about 15 minute the boy said "Are you being so quiet cuz you dont know anybody?" I nodded my head and he started introducing me to everyone "Well nice to meet you" he rest of the walk home she joked around with them and it was fun. She walked home with them again the next day, but after that she didnt anymore.

She started likeing the boy in her gym class for his goofyness and cuteness, she realized not all boys are jerks. She doesnt know if he ever liked her back or not but she sure likes him. She often daydreams about him and wonders what goes through his brain when they talk together. She wonders if they will ever be more then friends.

Yes a crappy life lesson

So this girl had to completely recreate her life in a new spot. She misses her friends but made new ones. She cant wait to visit her friends this summer. And loves talking to the boy in her gym class. The boy in her gym class helped her move on and become happy. She knows she will never tell him this.

But all I have to say to the boy who helped me through this is: Even though Im 13 I think I fell for you so thanks!! <3


Texte: Emoluv
Lektorat: none
Übersetzung: none
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.05.2012

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