
What is love ?

What is love
Is it not a feeling
Is it not a look
You get
Is it not something that just comes to you
Like a thought
Or a dream
Love is the thing you do for others
Love Is calling them up
Love is trying to be there
Love is trying to video cam with them
Love is doing anything to see them
Doing anything to hear their voice
Love is how much you want to be near them
The sicknesss you get
When you yearn for them
When you constently wonder what
They are thinking
What they are doing
How they are
How their day was
Love is constently worring for them
But love is also knowing you can trust them
Love isn’t just for a partner
Iove is also family and friends
Love is also an action
Help ing others
Show you care
That’s love
Love is not just by
Or touch
Or just in the moment
Love takes time
But once you have love
You have happyness


Small tiny and little
Brown eyes, brown hair
Sweeter than sugar
Our sweet girl
Who’s laughs that fill the air
Your smile is brighter than the sun
Watching you grow older and older
Day by day, night by night
Growing into a beautiful girl
For now you’re a little beauty
One day prettier than the stars
You’ll shine with flying colors
And never listen to the others
You’ll be your own person
Believe in the truth
You’ll one day be a beautiful woman
My dear cousin
Sweeter than sugar
Please grow slowly
So I can help you grow
Take time slowly
My dear cousin
Enjoy your little self
Before you have to grow
Stay a little angel
So innocent and sweet
I love you dear cousin
My dear sweet cousin
Small tiny and little
Grow slowly with time
So I may watch you grow

The golden box

The box
Covered in gold and pearl
It holds my heart
For the one I love
It was given to me from love
24 carrot gold
Ruby red roses
This box holds my heart
And you hold its key
It hold not just my heart
But my special things
The guitar pick
My best friend gave
The pearl necklace
My grandmother gave
The ring that my mother bought me
The bracelet she gave me
This box holds
My closest and dearest things
This gold box
Means the world to me.

True love

Cold starry night
All the stars glowing bright
We stand beneath the moon
With His arm around me tight
His whispers in my ear s
In the breath of the whisper
Hes’s saying I Love You
His arms never realizing me
His hand stroking my hair
Him and I
Just standing in each others presence
Time comes quickly
We pull a part
We leave in different directions
I going right
He going left
Last things to touch
Was our lips
And finger tips
Even far apart
we always find each other
even if its worth the money and time
we call
we Skype
damn we even try to plan at time
time goes on and life fly’s by
the last time I’m with him
and stay forever
he fell to his knee
in his hand he held a box
that little box
contained a tiny shiny ring
one that fit perfectly
on my tiny finger
once the box was open
he needed not to say a word
I cry
And I giggle
And say yes
He slips the tiny ring on my finger
He hugs me
And he whispers
I love you
And I will linger
For ever
With you
I shall give you roses
And one that is fake
For my love will last
Until they all die
He hugs me and kisses me
Both our eyes fill with joy
This is true love
Where love never ends
Romantic words are said
And the partners
Do anything
To stay together
And try not to end
For I am with him
And he is with me
Our hearts beat
As one
With true love


you see me coming you way
but you do not want to be
seen with me
i am a disgrace you may
but why you keep calling
me back
i cannot let this go on
i must put an end to it
you say you love me
so show me that love
you have hurten me before
but this time it will be
because i have no heart left
for you to break

the boy and his eyes

Sweet and kind
Blue eyed boy
Always speaks his mind
Look at his eyes
They tell you the truth
They open the door to his soul
They show love
They show passion
They show loyalty
The blue eyes are open
They look at you
I wonder what he’s thinking
In the moment
His eyes also so seductive
Calling you towards him
Calling your name
In a small whisper
You hear them call you near
They show how much love the boys has
But they also show despair
They tell us a story
But only he
Knows where
The story lies
In the eyes of the boy
One day to turn into a young man
Strong and stable
Warmth and kindness
The young man looks
Feeling all alone
You can see sorrow and loneliness
In the eyes of the man
With the right kind of change
The boy’s life turns
And twists
And becomes happy once again
Once he is man
Those eyes of his
Will show much wisdom
And strength to carry on
All eyes show a story
But his is best of all
So much adventure
Makes you wonder
That man he will become
For all we know at this moment
He is one of the best
Sweet and loyal
And never second best
He shows so much compassion
For those all around
Even for the girl he loves
He never turns her down
He’s a best friend
A loyal guy
A great role model
And all of this is told
By looking in his eyes
Looking deep with in
You can see so much
Not by a word
Not by a touch
Just by looking
In to his eyes
You can see it all
These blue eyes
Are the doorways to the soul
Of this bright blue eyed boy


Look into these eyes
The boy shows sorrow
And dispaire
His souls brused and hurt
Hes loyal
Hes trust worthly
And has compassion
Look into his soul
Though the eyes
The doorways of the soul
Tell this young mans story
Hes been broken and healed
Has a story no one understands
But there is light
One day he will be a man
Strong and true
He will learn to deal with his struggles
And keep moving forward
He’ll learn to forgive and forget
To trust and to show kindness
His eyes show how little
Trust this boy has for the world
Alone and in pain
The boys eyes cry for love
They call for help
They call you to them
Knowing you can trust him
Hes a best friend
And a loyal one
And knows how to be the man
He know how to show compassion
And forgivness
These eyes of this lad
Are true
They show the goodness of a man
May these doorways never be closed
So one day love will enter them
Because when one has love
One has true happiness
Those eyes show the boys soul

And his story

The question and the answer

Who is this boy
Can you tell me about him
What is he looking at
What is he thinking?
If you could see in his eyes
You’d know what he was thinking
Wonder what he’s doing
Wonder how he’s feeling
Know how much love is in his heart
How much he cares
See the goodness in him
If you could see his eyes
You’d see the doorway to his story
You’d see the sad pain he’s endured
The suffering
The loss
The pain
The confusion
But then you see love
The people he has met
On his journey
How much he cares for his lover
How much he cares for his sister
His mothers
His friends
And family
You see the truth of the matter
Just by looking into a picture
You can read the whole story
And look into the eyes
And you can see the doorway
He believes in the new things
That have come his way
And never letting go
Is the best way
He also means the world to me
The love he gives is stronger than ever
Never knowing
How much he makes my heart beat
He can smile
And bring you out of darkness into light
And shining brighter than the sun
He’s confident and sure
But one thing that’s
Amazingly true
Is his love will never go
He will always love
Will always be strong and true
He’s loyal
Trust worthy
And will never
Let go of the people
He loves dearly
He is a true
Honest man…<3

The key to the broken heart

When I look at you
I look in your eyes
Please look in mine while talking to me
How long does it take to find the light
In your eyes
Now its changed to darkness
How long will it take
For you to realize
The stares in the sky
The bats that fly
In the night sky
The birds in the trees
The birds and the bees
The kids on swings
The birds which sings
The passion in me
The heart of mine which screams
How long will it last
Till you hear the blast
The blast of my heart
Crying for thee
To set it free
Can you not see
what your doing to me
Oh, crying from the pain
Oh, crying from the hurt
Do you know there's a scar on my heart
Oh my god, stop looking down
DUDE! Stop looking away
Geez, please look at me
Please, please look at me
Boy, you blame it all on me
You claim it was me
Oh but I saw you with her,
I saw you touch her
I saw what you did with her
I heard what you said
I saw threw the lies that you said
I see all the shame I throw onto you
So why act like I can see?
How dare you kiss me
When your lips touched her lips
How dare you hold me
When your arms were around her
You say my lips are softer
But I hear other wise
You say my eyes sparkle like the night skies
But that’s nothing but lies
How dare you say that you love me
When I always see you with her
You think I cant see
That you only love her
You think ill believe the crap that you spread
I heard the words that you said
I saw what you did
I heard all the words
Boy, I aint livin in your world
acting like every things a blur
I just want to talk
Tell you how I feel
Yet while I speak
You yell you’re the victim
And blamed it on me
You’re the one who lied
The one who cheated on me
Told another girl you loved her
With me acted like you never knew her
Oh, hunny let me tell you
Oh my god, let me say
It was the venom of your words
That made me stay
So don’t go playing your little mind games
All it does is make you look lame
You’re the one who stung me
Paralyzed me with those words you said
Oh the memories of those words you once spoke
The words you spoke in a rhyme
Spoken at the place that we met at the time
At the place that smelled of sweet sweet warmth
With the coffee, the sugar , and the hot coco
Where we drank our mocha
At the time when you said your rhyme
The rhyme at the time
Which did the crime
The one which captured me
When I rather climb trees
Laying on my back watching the stars in the sky
Swinging on swings
Humming with bees
Singing with birds
Swim in the seas
But no
You did your crime
By saying that rhyme
Stealing my freedom
All at the time
At the place we met
But instead of climbing trees
You had me climbing mountains
Just to get closer to you
To try and be like you
Spoiled and bratty
To be like you, a proper high class brat
But I like my social class
I don’t want to be like you
I want to be like me
Free in the breeze
With the birds and the bees
No matter how awkward I can be
If you cant accept me as me
Then return me to the store
and take your receipt
Now go away
You heard all I had to say
You heard my pain
Wait, hold on
All I ask
I beg
Please don’t hurt another
Don’t cause her pain
Don’t cause her hurt
Like you did my heart
You smile at me now
You think I'm trash
Hell I know I'm better then that
Go ahead call me names
Boy, I aint worth your rath
Go ahead be a jerk,
Cause yelling at me isn't gonna work
I sure hell know
You aint worth my time
I just wanted
Wanted so bad
For you to hear the screaming heart
I yearn for your apologies
So I can move on and forgive
But as I can see
That sure is wishin to big
I can sit here like a girl
On my couch
In the dark
Watch sad love movies
Eating junk
While my mom holds me and my heart hurts
But I'd think you know me well
I aint like a crying well
I aint like that and never will
I'm not gonna cry
Or sigh
Or eat junk food
Or get crude
I'm not going to act as a child or a brat
Even if you want that
But ill be sweet as sugar
Smoother then butter
And watch you crumble like corn fodder
I don’t care if your like a pig
Cause in my mind of the flame
Your more of a donkeys nickname
You want me to act like a child
But know ill act out
Fight for my freedom
My hearts crying out!
So please unlock your chains on me
Return me my key
With that rhyme at the time which paralyzed me
I wish for it back
No I want it back
I'm frozen no more
You know of my past
And the rath of my pack
You know my pack
You met my pack
They always have my Back
No how matter bad
They will fight for my freedom back
So please, please
Please look at me
Look at my heart that you took from me
Look at the fish in the sea
The birds in the trees
The kids on the swings
The birds that sing
The soul of the body that screams to be free
The pain of heart that cry's for freedom
Please respect my soul
Which calls for its freedom
I believe you still own yours
My body holds my soul and my heart
Let my soul free
So it can soar
With the birds and the bees
In a place were I'm free
Without you near
And those poisoning words you spoke
Let me go
Let me free
Can’t you see
What your doing to me
the pain your causing me
Let me be who I want to be
So let me ask one last time
Please release me
Please I beg
Leave me be
Release me
Give me my key
To release me from the chains
Please return my key
I beg please
Release me with the key
My hearts screaming
Please, please ,please
Give me back my hearts key
So I can release my self from you
And have freedom
from your world forever free…


Texte: no copy
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2012

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