

Dear Heaven/Grace:

me and your father are coming home for the holidays! we diecidedthat we were going to celebrate Christmas at home this year, so we will be in the 21st of December. we want you both to know that we expect to meet our grandchilderen, and there Fathers!

Your mother

Chapter one

I woke Up to Tyler crying in the oppisite room, Heavens old room, the one I refused to change besides the crib in the corner. I rolled over to tell Grace, but she was gone. I frowned, then sat up and walked into the other room.

" Hey there, little guy. what's wrong?" I asked, picking him up above my head. I spun us once, and he started giggling, soundind almost like Heavens.

Yes, 3 years, and I'm still thinking about her.

I crooned to Tyler as we went downstairs, to the kitchen. a pile of 100 dollar bills sat next to a simple note.

I can't live with you always thinking of my sister, Diablo! I'm leaving, and You can't stop me. I don't want Tyler, I don't want anything to do with the stupid Kid! he always liked you better anyway. Mom said they and Heaven were coming down for Christmas, so have fun.


I re-read the note a few times, then Groaned. just like that, I was a single parent. I rummaged around in the mail, bouncing tyler to keep him occupied, then found the letter. I sighed, picking up the phone and, for the first time in three years, steeled myself totalk with the girl I was still in love with. Heaven.

the phone rang, and rang, and rang. finally, I got voicemail. I heard a baby crying in the background, and Heavens musical laugh filled my ear for a moment.

" that's Rashka's way of saying hi, sorry. anyway, I'm not able to find my phone, or just don't want to talk to you, eaither one, at the moment, so leave your name and number and I'll get back to you. Merry Christmas!" then I got the beep to talk.

" yeah, heaven, this is... this is Diablo. I need to talk to you, sometime. call whenever, I'm sure Tyler's going to keep me up. kay, bye." I hung up, and groaned. I sat the phone down, then smiled at tyler.

" guess what, bud? we're going to the store. How does that sound, huh?" I sat him down and tickled his stomach, making him screech and laugh at the same time.

Chapter Two

"ok, Jammie. I'll see you tomorrow. " I said, closing the door. i bounced Rashka slightly, and she squealed at the unexpected movement. I picked up my cell, and I realized I had a Voicemail.

It was Diablo.

I sat Rashka on the floor slowly, and she emediately started teetering to the kitchen. she still had balance problems when she walked.

I steeled my self, then called the number he left.

" Hello?" came his emediate reply. the phone had only rang once.

" hey, Diablo." I siad softly. a Kid started crying in the background. I flinched, glancing at rashka.

" ash, away from the fridge." I said sternly. she jerked her hand, which had been reaching for the handle, away. she pouted, but then teetered towards the living room.

" Heaven!? I didn't think you'd call back." He said, suprised.

" Nope, I did. sorry about not answering. How's Grace and Tyler?" I asked casually.

" Tyler's Great. But grace... Grace left. she said that she didn't want to be around anymore." I gasped slightly.

" Oh, Diablo, I'm-"

" don't, say it. too many people have said that already today. apparently she told all her friends before." I flinched, but that sounded like Grace.

" Right, well, what would you like to talk about?"

" have you got your letter from your mom yet?" I frowned, glancing at the stack of mail on my table.

" Probably..." he laughed nervously.

" but you haven't read it. she's coming odwn for the holidays. she said she wanted to meet her grandkids and their fathers,plural. issues much?" I stiffend slightly.

" Not so. Max can come down eith me and Rashka."

" rashka." he whispered slightly.

" why did you pick that name?" I flinched again.

" because, It means devil as well. but anyway, I need to go. bye." I hung up, groaning. max, my current husband, would be home any minute.

" ash, come here!" I called from the kitchen. she appeared with one of her toys in tow.

" do you want to help mom with supper for dad?" she laughed, reaching up to me.


" there's my girls. look at you!" max said, appearing in the kitchen and scooping Rashka up off the ground, where I put her after she got covered in flour. I'm nont even going to explain how. he grinned at me, kissing me slightly.

" hello sweets. how was your day?" I sighed, grinning tiredly.

" long. and yours?"

" same." he said, tossing Rashka into the air, making her squeal slightly.

" what's for supper?" he asked,setting her on the ground. I motioned to the salad I was making, then the oven.

" Pizza and salad." I nodded to the table, and the now open notification from my mother.

" read that." he frowned, but picked it up and read it as he pulled his shirt off and threw it in the dirty clothes shoot that led downstairs.

" your mom wants to finally meet me?" He asked, grinning.

Chapter three

it was the 20th when Heaven and her family showed up. I was actually suprised that she'd wound up with someone like max. he was a construction worker, but not the fat, slobby ones you think of. he was built almost like me, in a weird way.

and Rashka. she was so adorable. i never thought I'd be able to use that word in a sentence, but my little girl was just that-adorable.

and heaven. dispite her being 21 now, she was still as beautiful as when she'd been 18. she wouldn't meet my eyes, though, and i couldn't figure out why.

" so, where's tyler?" Max asked. I'd talked to him before, when he called to speak with grace about something, but I'd never really been chummy with him.

' upstairs, in his room, sleeping. you you want to take Rashka up there, or..." i trailed off.

" that'd be great. Max, would you take our stuff into the first floor guest room, please?'' heave said as she went upstairs. i heard her open a door, and then max sighed.

" she's so on edge. wonder why." he muttered, heading back to the bedrooms down the hall. i grabbed a suite case and fallowed him.

" Probably because of me. me and her don't get along too well anymore." he gave me a long look.

" but you used to.'' I smirked.

" hell yeah. that is, till I got her and her sister pregnant.'' he shook his head.

" if you think that's going to suprise me, then your mistaken. she's told me everything, and, I do believe i'm the one with legal custody of Rashka.'' i felt my eyes widen in shock.

''w-what?" I asked. it was his turn to smirk.

" she didn't tell you? last year I adopted rashka as my child. i am, for the lack of a better term, Rashka's legal father." i stared off into space a minute.



" you gave him custody over our child!?" diablo growled as I came back downstairs, Rashka asleep in the crib with her cousin, and, in an odd way, half brother.

''yes.'' I said camly, getting a drink from the fridge. Diablo took a step towards me, and Max stepped foreward, winding his arms around me protectively.

" i wouldn't go much further, Devil. max has a short temper sometimes, exspecially when me and Rashka are involved." I said evenly. his eyes flashed, but he took a step back obediently. I turned my head to max.

" let me go. go check on Raashka and her cousin, please. if she's awake, bring her down." he grinned, kissing me swiftly before letting me go.

" alright." max left, and Diablo turned to me again.

" you married him?" I growled.

" you were living with my sister."he grimaced, giving me a 'touche' look.

" when did you give him legal custody of ash?" I sighed.

" when she turned 2. the judge said that if you didn't pay me $200 dollars by then, he could have legal custody. you never paid." I shrugged as he grimaced. me and him had made an agreement. he'd pay $100 dollars a month, and he could get Rashka for a week of that month. he paid two months, and then Grace found out. and that was the end of that.

" so, why exactly?" I shifted uncomfterably.

" Rashka needs a father, Diablo. not one to see every other weekend, but a father figure that's there constantly. I'm sorry." I said, then turned to the living room. Max came down with a sleepy eyed Rashka. she was so cute. she had her fathers unruly hair, and she had his deep green eyes as well. funny how all of my new friends say she looks like me.

'' hey sweety, you have a nice nap?" i asked, taking her. Max smirked.

" I thought you were talking to me for a second." I rolled my eyes, and saw Diablo's knuckles go white. rashka saw him and studied him a minute.

" Diawblo?" she said, making my eyes go wide. he smiled brokenly, then asked me with his eyes to hold her. I gave her to him, and he crooned to her softly.

" Rashka, my sweets. my beautiful, beautiful devil child."

Chapter Four

" when is your parents getting here?" I heard Max ask heaven. they had their heads bent together, and rashka was sitting inbetween them. I was cooking spagehtti, only because that was all i had time to make on such a short notice.

" tomorrow. or the next day. now stop asking so many questions!" she hissed back. I smirked slightly. so she didn't like mister perfects constant questions.

" sorry, babe. curious." he said, then he laughed lowly. I glanced behind me and saw that she was nuzzling his neck, the way she used to do to me. I grimaced, turning back to the stove.

" hey, I think tylers awake." she said ubruptly. it went silent, and I barely herad him through the walls. i gave her a funny look, then jogged up the stairs.

" hey, bud. guess who's here? aunt heaven and her stuck up husband." I said, smirking a little bit.

" thanks, diablo." Heaven siad, making me jump about fifty feet in the air.

" why'd you fallow me?" she ignored me, looking around the room, slightly grinning.

" why didn't you change anything?" I ducked my head slightly, then turned away from her.

'' why. did. you. fallow me?" I asked again. I turned to her, and she was leaning against her old bed, grinning.

" because i wanted to. why would you care? my stuck up husbands around, I wont try anything." she said wit ha strange look in her eye. I had a sudden thought that struck me so hard I didn't know where it came from.

what would she do if he wasn't here?

'' I wouldn't do much, trust me.'' she said smugly. I smiled dispite my suprise.

'' still got that mind reading thing going for you?'' she shrugged, pushing off the bed and coming towards me. I couldn't help it, i started hypervenlating. she smirked at me as she took tyler away from me.

" i told you I wouldn't try anything." she said softly, then turned and lieterally flew down the stairs, my son in tow. it took me a second to grasp the situation.

" hey!" I called, bounding after her.

Chapter Five

i was bouncing Tyler on my knee when Diablo came flying down the stairs. he lurched to a stop. Max was outside, on the Phone. he opened his mouth, but I cut him off.

" suppers burning." I said mildly. he scowled, but walked swiftly to the kitchen.

" HEy there Tyler." I cooed, and he laughed.

" HEy mommy!" I felt myself freeze for an instant.

" No, bud, Im not mommy. Im a friend of mommys." He frowned, and his face started crumpling.

"HEy, Don't cry, bud. mom will be here soon, Promise." I said softly, rocking him. we sat like that until Rashka and Max came in. he was frowning.

" Who was that?" I asked, shifting the now Sleeping Tyler so that Max could sit next to me with Rashka.

" That was Tim. he wants me to come in tomorrow." I frowned.

" but you Can't! mom and dad are coming tomorrow." he sighed, leaning his head back.

" I know. but he siad I'd loose my Job if I didn't." I groaned, resting my head against his shoulder.

" couldn't you-"

" I've already tried talking him out of it." he snapped. I Felt my eyes widen, suprised. he never talked to me like that. he sighed, pulling me into a one armed hug.

" sorry, Babe. Just... frustrated. anyway, he scheduled me a plane back at midnight tonight. he said to 'have fun' with you until then. wonder what he meant." he said, his tone going husky at the end. I siged slightly.

" I'm coming home with you." he shook his head vigourisly.

" no, you stay here and see your parents. they've wanted to meet Rashka for a while now. just let them meet her, and then come home." I was quiet for a second.

" they wanted to meet you, too." he laughed nervously.

" technically, they wanted to meet diablo." I growled, springing up and away from him. he sighed as I stormed to the kitchen, where Diablo was eaves dropping. he blushed slightly and turned back to the table.

" it's good to know the house is still as sound proof as I left it." I snapped, putting an groggy eyed tyler in his highchair. Max silently did the same, and I went to the stove and got the spaghetti pan. as I passed him, Diablo whispered

" so your husbands not going to be around." I shivered slightly, setting the pan down, ignoring the fact that my mind seemed to echo his words.


ok, I get that max has to go in a few hours. got that real good.

what I don't get is why they decide to dump my kids on me and- whoa, that backfired. dump my kids on me. I should learn to voice my oppinions better- and go off by themselves. the bastards probably going to some chicks apartment back home to get laid anyway.

" Diawblo, wheres moma?" Rashka asked softly from the highchair.
"shes with Ma- er, Daddy, Devil." she giggled.

" Moma cawls me dat too." she sounded so cute. she always messed her words p just right. I grinned at her. Tyler was a sleep again, as usual.

" really? what els does moma do?" she scrunched her eyes up, and for a moment she looked like a really young Heaven.

" moma calls daddy, uh, wired alot." I frowned.

" weired?" she nodded excitedly.

" yeah. an moma likes loud noises. she has dem in da cawr all da time." I frowned deeper.

" music?" Rashka nodded again, then yawned.

" ready to go to sleep, girl?" she nodded, sighing as i picked her up. she was asleep before i got to the top of the stairs.

i was in the living room when i heard the front door open. I stood up, and stretched.

" Rashka is asleep. you can go ahead and check, but...." I trailed off when she came in, a blank exspression on her face. she blinked a few times, then hergaze suddenly focused on me.

" right. no. I trust you. Good night." she went to go around me, but i caught her arm.

" ok. whats wrong." she sighed, meeting my eyes a moment.

" he's not coming back." I felt my eyes widen.

" what?" her eyes sparkled slightly, and then she closed them so I couldn't tel if she was crying or not.

" Max. he didn't get a call from his office. it was Rashkas babysitter. he's not coming back. he left to go with her." her voice broke at the end, and i instinctively pulled her to me and hugged her.

" I'm so sorry, Heaven. So Sorry..." I mummured. but to be honest, I was suprised, not sorry. I figured he would have let it go on awhile. I know when I see a player. i used to be one, before I met Heaven. but he just up and left.

Chapter Six

I woke up to the sound of Rashka laughing in a room on the otherside of the house. I yawned, then streached hugely before settling back into the covers of the soft, dawny bed. then I frowned.

Jeremiahs bed had never been this soft.

I bolted up right the same time that Diablo threw the door open and both of the kids came teetering into the room, light spilling in with them, and I realized I was in my old room. I gave Diablo a questioning look, but about the time he was going to answer, I heard

" is heaven up yet, Diablo?" and froze. it was my mom, and it sounded like she was coming up the stairs. I glanced down at my tanktop and Maxes bokers, then bolted for the bathroom. I slammed the door, blocking out Diablos laughter and my mom walking into the room.

" Heaven, are you up?" she called. I groaned.

" yes, mother, I'm up. I'll be down after I take a shower." I called, turning the water on.

" very good. me and your father wll take the kids out to the park, you come down after with diablo, ok?" I growled lowly, then tried to say brightly

" sure!" but as she left, I heard diablo laugh and knew he didn't buy it. I was pulling off my tanktop when the door flew open. I yelped, spinning around, but he just shook his head, walking past me to the shower and turning it off.

" why are you-" he cut me off by pressing his lips firmly against mine. I protested in the back of my throat, trying to push him away. he pulled back slowly, then started kissing my neck.

" Diablo, back off!" I hissed, pushing on his chest again.

" You dont want me to." he breathed, making me freeze for a long moment, and then I came to the horrifying conclusion that I didn't want him to back off.

" right?" he breathed, kissing my temple. I trembled slightly as his hands settled on my bare sides, and then he lifted me to sit on the sink. I gasped before his lips caught mine again, and I found my arms involuntarily looping around his neck. he Groaned, pulling back to burry his face in my hair.

" you taste so good, Heaven. God..." he brushed his lips over my jawline, making me tremble again.

"Diablo,really, we need to stop..." I knew he wasnt listening to me, because he lifted me again and pulled me into the bedroom again, pressing his lipson mine when I tried to protest.

" heaven, please, dont do this. I've missed you too much." he set me down, hen rested his forehead against mine.

" alright?" he asked after a moment. I thought, then groaned, pulling his mouth down to meet mine.

" Fine." I breathed.

Chapter seven

" so, diablo, wheres Grace?" Heavens mom asked. I pushed tyler on the swing another moment before sighing.

" she left." her mom nodded, like it was a normal accurance.

" she doesnt stay commeted very long." her dad turned to look at the mom funny, but she didnt see it. Heaven was sitting on the swing with rashka, there heads bent together, oblivious to the world. heaven was grinning, a spark in her eye i hadn't seen before. she glanced up at that momnet, and gave me a small smile before devoting her attention to Rashka again.

" and wheres max, heaven?" she sighed, glancing at her mom.

" he had to go to work. they called him last minute and he had to go. he really wanted to meet you though." she lied easily. i was suprised she didnt give it away.

" oh, im sorry, honey. but our grandkids are just darling, arent they, Roger?" she said, picking up tyler. I frowned, but stopped the swing. Heaven stood up wit rashka, and then sighed.

" mom, I have to get home if you want the dinner done in time today. would you mind watching Rashka?" her moms face split into a grin.

" absolutely. if you want to go and help her too, Diablo, we'll take the kids." i hesitated, then nodded when heaven started towards her car without waiting for my response. i jogged after her and climbed into the passenger seat.

" i thought you'd take a hint." she spat. i gave her a confused look.

" what bit you in the ass? what did i do?" she growled, and she shook her head, driving off.

" Heaven, whats wrong? tell me, please." I asked when she continued to glare out the window.

" MAX!!! he's a bigger fucking asshole than you are and he's pissing me off so bad and if he doesnt leave me alone soon im gonna blow his fucking head off and then burn the peices and he's a JACKASS!!!!!!" she finally said, her voice rising. i felt my eyes widen. she turned her head to the sighed, but i realized she was crying. i sighed.

" pull over, Heaven." she nodded, pulling onto the shoulder.

" now, what did he do?" she sighed, pulling her phone out and handing it to me. confused, I unlocked it to find she had 3 new messages. all of them where from max. i frowned, and opened them.

babe im srry! i dont kno what els u want meh to say! i screwed up, and i want you back. please, im srry!

i pulled her to me, over the seat, and craddled her close to me.

" heaven, om so sorry. why does he suddenly want to come back?" she burried her face in my shoulder.

" I have all the money. he didnt really bring alot of money in, and his mistress just happened to mention she didnt have a job. now he wants to get togther until he can get money and maybe even custody over Rashka.

" no." I hissed, holding her tighter.

Heaven, Two days later

" Heaven! wake up!" i groaned, rolling onto my stomach. someone shook me roughly.

" Get up NOW heaven. youur parents are leaving!" I groaned again, and then turned and shrieked when i came nose to nose with Diablo. he rolled his eyes, throwing me a clean pair of jeans and a sweatshirt that had our school logo on it.

" common, common, lets go!" he said impatiently, sitting on the edge of the bed. i gave him a pointed look, and he just shrugged. I Rolled my eyes, then shimmied into my jeans without sitting up. as soon as my sweatshirt was over my head he was dragging me downstairs. rashka and Tyler was in the little playpen my mom had gotten them for christmas. mom and dad where outside, loading the car. i skidded to a stop while he tried to drag me outside.

" NO! i need shoes, Devil! its freaking six degrees outside, alright!?" I slid on my house shoes, and then he dragged me back outside, pulling me close to growl

" are we really goning to have the Diablo/devil talk again? call me by my name, or dont talk to me at all." I shot him a dirty look as he let me go. i caught his satisfied smirk before i was suddenly staring at the sky with a sore ass.

" sorry." he said tonelessly, as my dad pulled me to my feet.

" bye, Heaven. we'll have to plan a trip where we come out and meet Max, ok?" I grimaced as he hugged me, but agreed. i couldnt look at Diablo as we waved goodbye to them, our talk in the car two days ago still fresh in my mind. as i went back inside, i scooped Rashka up.

" hey baby girl, how are you? do you think you'll want to go shopping today? wanna go find something new to wear?" she squealed, an instant reaction she had to the word 'shopping'. i knew as she grew up it would hurt me- er, the bank- but it was ok. Diablo gave me a long look, then a grin that emideatly meant he was up to no good.

" dont trust yourself in the same house as me with your parents gone?" he asked, leaning in the doorway. I raised an eyebrow.

" I was going to ask if you wanted to come with us, actually. but if not, we can-"

" No no no! thats fine. let me get tyler dressed and get ready, and i'll come with you." i nodded, going back to Jeremiahs old room. i sat rashka on the bed, cooing and making her laugh as i got her ready for the day. she smiled up at me, a dimple appearing on her left cheek. i smiled back, lifting her up again. she pointed behind me.

" Diawblo!" I spun as he sprang into the room, tyler cradled in his arms, makikng me fall back on the bed. I laughed, which made Rashka laugh, which had everyone laughing, because she had the most contagious laugh in the world. i sat up, and Diablo pulled me to my feet.

" give me her while you go get ready." I raised a eyebrow, and he grinned.

" I can carry both of them to the living room, calm down." I gave him Rashka hesitantly, and he grinned.

" great." he strode out, leaving the door open.

" Diawblo!" Rashka said, squealing. he had her on his shoulders, holding her hands so she wouldnt fall, making airplane noises. tyler laughed and clapped from the play pen, grinning from ear to ear. he swung Rashka into his arms suddenly, laughing. he lifted her above his head, spinning slightly, and then he caught sight of me standing in thhe doorway. his eyes widened, as if i'd yell at him. I grinned, and he smiled slowly in return.

" ready?" I asaked. he nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

Chapter Eight

i was walking through the mall, caring tyler, when Heaven squealed excitedly, grabbing my other hand and dragging me to the other side of the mall, into a store i couldnt quite catch the name of.

" i remember this place! I came here all the time! the owners refuse to open more then this store, but they love making this stuff." she waved a hand dramatically, a hint of her sister coming out, still holding my other one.

i obediantly looked around, and realized it was one of those places that sold a little bit of everything. there was a place in the back that you could watch them spraypaint shirts, and another where you could whatch them make crafts, and there was rows and rows of things to buy. heaven dragged me towards the back left corner, where there was baby clothes laying everywehere where you could pick out the shirt and have them lay a design on them. she picked one up Rashkas size, and then she glanced at me, a suprised look on her face. she snatched her hand away from me, looking down. she went to the spray paint counter, knocking three times.

" is that heaven!?" a voice said. a man in Ty-dyed shirt and black shorts came out of the back, then lieterally jumped the counter to squish her to his side.

" hey bob, how are you?" she asked, laughing slightly as he let her go. rashka burried her face in heavens shoulder, peeking out at bob.

" is this your baby girl?" he crowed. heaven nodded, glancing at me.

" can i see her?" He asked. Rashka smiled slightly, lifting her face foreward.

" Hi." she said shyly. bob smiled too.

"Hi, sweetie. what's your name?" Rashka looked at Heaven, and she laughed lightly, like she used to with me.

" Her names Rashka, Bob." his face split into a grin.

" LIke i taught you?" she nodded, shifting rashka to her other hip. bob held out his hands.

" can i hold you sweetie?" Rashka hesitated, the nnodded, reaching for him. he picked her up. she emediately reached up and pulled on his shaggy hair. he yelped and then laughed.

"Well, she certainly is a Devil child, that's for sure." Heaven laughed a full, wonderful sound.

"Well, do you have anything you could spraypaint for her that I can buy?" he handed Rashka back to her. " Nope." she frowned. "Oh, well,-"

"But i've got one you can have on the house." she sighed.

" Now Bob, I can't do that-"

"Yes you are. Here." he grabbed the shirt she was holding and whirled back to the door.

"Marline! come here and get this for Heaven!"

"HEAVEN!" a woman came out and fallowed the mans suit and jumped the counter, hugging her.

"oh, your child is so cute!" she took Rashka and to my suprise she snuggled into her. "Her names Rashka." heaven said softly. Marline smiled.

"Can we keep her a while? you go shopping with you're..." she looked at me, and I felt the akwardness settle over us. It was no use denying that Rashka was mine, you could see she was.

"Grace's husband." Heaven said softly. Marline suddenly glared at me.

"Oh." that 'oh' told me Heaven had told her everything.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2011

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