

"Get down here! Now!" Dad called. I groaned, rolling off my bed. I pulled on some jeans, and then had to take them off when I realized they were backwards. I stumbled downstairs, musing my already disarrayed hair. I skidded to a stop as I say the neighbors in the living room. Our new neighbors. The girl id seen last night was strangely missing.

I had snuck outside last night to… do some business that needed to be done, and had seen a dark figure framed by a soft light, almost like candle light, in the window. I could tell it was a girl, and could also tell it wasn’t the one standing here between the two parents.
“ Hello, my name is Allysa, and this is Brian, my husband. This is our daughter, Tracey, and we wanted to welcome you to the grove, as we call it.” The mom smiled warmly, but something scary flashed behind her eyes. I nodded, and dad rolled his eyes.
“ His name is Baron. Don’t mind him. He’s not a morning person.” I laughed lifelessly.
“ Or a day person. In fact, you could say I hate anything but pitch black.” I met the girl’s gaze. She was a year younger then I was supposed to be. She trembled, and I turned away abruptly, bored.
“ I’m going to go out dad, see you later.” I left, only to back pedal.
“ Do you have another daughter?” I asked. The mother frowned, shaking her head, tightlipped. I nodded, jogging upstairs. My dad apologized for me, and then ushered them out. He stormed upstairs. I was already in bed, the heavy drapes in place and the lights off.

“ Do you always have to act like that.” He asked mildly from the door. I groaned into the pillow.

“ I was out late. Can’t you let me sleep?” I asked, pleadingly. He huffed.

“ if you listened to me, you wouldn’t be so tired. Who where you concentrating on this time? Your mother? Your sister, Sara?” I shrugged.

“ No one. I was thinking.” He sighed, but left the doorway, closing it soundlessly. I groaned again. I buried my head in my pillow, and slowly let my larger than normal hearing range expand, until it included the other house. The mom was hissing something under her breath, but the dad was talking in a normal tone to someone.

“- You need to get dressed, sweetie. Get up, and I’ll make you breakfast. How does biscuits sound? And bacon?” a low moan came from whoever was with him.

“ Mom wont allow that, and you know that.” The dad sighed, and then light footsteps got closer to the area that they’re voices was coming from.

“ Mom said that she needed to get up and start cleaning up. She also said that she had better make sure that she was in the basment by midnight, because it’s supposed to be a full moon tonight. She’s staying at a friends tonight.” The dad sighed again, and the same soft voice that had answered him said

“ It’s alright, dad. I’ll be fine if you to want to leave, too. I’ll make sure everything is secure.” There was some silence, and then the sister I now recognized said brightly

“ Well, I for one don’t want to be around. So can I go over to Kaseys?”

“ Yes. I guess you can, but you should be proud of your sister, Tracey.” She huffed.

“ Why? She’s the one who brought it to us in the first place!” feet stomped off.

“ Let me see what’s wrong, sweetie.” The dad said softly. There was some rustling, and then a short gasp.

“ Sweetie! Why didn’t you tell me?” there was a low groan.

“ it’s fine, dad. I’ll be fine. Can you hand me something to wear?” she asked. The dad moved away from her.

“ so, how’s the family across the street?” she asked. I concentrated further, and tried to gently probe her mind. A firm block slammed in place, and it made me dizzy enough to slip out instantly and cradle my head in my hands, my hearing range back to the normal range. i cursed under my breath, then hissed as more pain erupted in my head. now i knew she was a strong telepathic, that she was inflicting pain on me deliberately.


I groaned as I straightened up, not trying to touch my back. I knew it was ripped from one shoulder to the opposite hip, and knew that at least one of the three rips was infected already. I swiped at my white hair impatiently, knowing if I didn’t clean faster than mom would scowl me. Ever since my mistake on my fourteenth birthday, almost two years ago, all she ever looked at me with in her eyes was hatred, and, once, absolute terror. As if on cue, I heard her yell

“Sweetie! Get in here now!” I groaned again. my mom used to love my name, but now she said it with enough acid to melt steel.

“ Honey, calm down. Did you see how bad she was injured last night? Give her-“

“- a little slack? Some lame excuse? My condolences? Why? she’s the one that brought this horrible torment onto herself and our family. If she couldn’t handle it and her responsibilities I give her here, then she shouldn’t have brought it onto us.” My mom hissed. I turned into the library, and she gave me an Icy look, and dad winced when he saw me grimace as I tried to straighten up, causing pain to shoot along my back.

“ Look at this room and tell me why it isn’t clean yet, Sweetie.” She spat, I flinched away from her accusing tone, obediently casting a lazy glance around.

“ Because I haven’t got here yet?” I said lightly. I heard the crack of her hand before I felt it.

“ Get cleaning. And don’t smart mouth me, young lady.” She turned and whirled out of the room. Dad sighed as soon as she was gone.

“ I’m so sorry, Sweetie. You know not to provoke her. Come here, let me see your back again.” I sighed, but obediently took a step towards him, keeping my eyes down. I knew he found my mismatched cobalt blue and moss green eyes unnerving. He chucked me under the chin gently.

“ You should let someone else replace you.” He said softly as I removed my shirt so that he could see my back. I gasped.

“ No! Dad, you and mom aren’t fit enough, and you know that Tracey would never do it!” he was silent as he studied my back.

“I never said someone from this family, Sweetie.” I growled lowly.

“ I am not subjecting this onto an unsuspecting citizen of a normal life.” He was quiet for a long time again.

“ I’m going to pour some stuff on your back, and it’s going to burn like hell.” He said a second before my back exploded in pain. I let my breath out in a low hiss, closing my eyes. Someone shoved through my block, and I slammed a firmer one in place, a ghost a frustrated hiss in my mind.

“ This person I’m thinking of, they aren’t normal.” Dad said abruptly. I sighed, letting my head fall foreword.

“ No, dad. That’s that. I did this, drew it to me, and I’m not passing it on.” We’d had this discussion twenty times before. He sighed.

“ I knew you’d say that.” I pulled my shirt back on, turning to face him.

“ Thank you for trying, daddy. Really.” I hugged him, but he held still, not wanting to touch me.

“ the people, across the street, there not… right, are they?” I asked softly as I began to clean slowly, my back stinging worse than before, but I didn’t mention it dad. He sighed.

“ don’t worry about it, honey. And I’m sorry, really I am, but… I’m going over to Carl and Maceys tonight.” I gave him the best smile I could muster.

“ of course, dad. I understand.” wouldnt want the monster in the basment to get him, would we?

"bye, Tracey." I said as her friend pulled up in the drive. she gave me a nasty look before turning to mom.

" I'll be home before tomorrow night, alright? love you." she kissed her forehead and then was gone. emediately mom stood up.

" I should get going, too. Frances and Wane are waiting for me." she headed to the garage, so that me and dad were the only ones at the table. it was 8, and soon i would have to start setting up the perimeter guards, making sure nothing would leave, or come into, the house, especially the basment. dad gave me a sorry look, then he was gone, too.


“ are you sure you want to do this,Baron?” dad asked, giving me the fruit basket that he’d bought at work. I nodded vigorously, glancing at the house across the street again. he gave me a long look, like he knew I was up to something, but nodded, opening the door for me.

I sighed in relief, glad he didn’t notice how everyone that had come over had left. I strode across the gravel road, and reflectively glanced up at the black window that had been lit up last night. A shadow moved, and I grinned, knocking on the door.

Nothing happened.

I frowned after a few minutes, then I glanced back at my house. Emidately I searched for dad, and found him immersed in his work in his study. I pulled my lock picking kit out of my pocket and, in my record time of ten seconds flat, had the door open and was striding through the house. Emideately I felt the air shift to my left, and had a split second to turn before I saw the gleam of something metal arching towards me. I grabbed the wrist holding the knife and spun low, knocking the person off there feet. I heard them gasp as the air flew out of there lungs. I flicked my hand, and the lights turned on in the narrow hallway. I automatically pinned the hand I’d held above the head, and then I glanced down and froze.

Suddenly I was swimming in blue and green eyes, anger gleaming in them. I had to blink a few times to realize the pale, beautifully sculpted face was etched in pain. I eased some of my weight on her middle, studying her. Her hair was uncharacteristically saint white, and cut to just above her shoulders. I pried her fingers off the knife, catching her other hand as if flew up to hit me. She made a small sound of protest as I removed the knife successfully and pocketed it, holding her hands with one of mine high above her head. She gave me a very icy glare that made me grin.

“ well hello there. This a wonderful way to greet your guest. Is everyone treated this way, or am I special?” she hissed lowly.

“ your not a guest. You broke into the house. I could have you arrested, you know.” Her voice was surprisingly low and gravely, but still soothing to the ears. I studied her some more, taking in the fact that she had a small scar running from her chin, along her jaw line, stopping near her ear, and the fact that her nose had a very faint splash of freckles on her paper white skin no regular human would normally see. She bucked suddenly, causing me to release her to steady myself before I crushed her. She shoved me, causing me to fall backwards. I expected to fall on her legs, but she had them out from under me faster than I hit the ground. She scrambled up as I stood up, pressing her hands into a wall behind her. Her eyes flashed.

“ what do you want?” she asked, her voice dropping another octave. I smiled slowly.

“ I wanted to see what your parents were hiding in the attic.” I said casually. She glared at me a moment, then closed her eyes. I noticed she didn’t put her weight on the wall, and I didn’t dare take a step towards her.

“ what’s wrong?” I asked, confused. Her head snapped up suddenly.

“ you need to leave. Now.” She said, in almost a whisper. I frowned.

“No. I’m not going to. What’s. Wrong?” she glared at me suddenly.

“ Its none of your business, alright?” She turned to leave and I gasped, reaching forward to latch onto her left shoulder. There were three oozing lines in the back of her shirt.

“ Good God, what happened?” I hissed. She tried to shake off my hand, and then she froze. I could tell the movement had caused her a lot of pain. I pushed her foreword so that she went into the room she’d attacked me from. I lifted a hand impatiently, turning on the lights in there as well. Suddenly something clicked into my mind.

“Doesn’t me doing that bother you?” she turned her head, then blinked so that we were plunged into darkness again. A second later the lights were back on. I raised an eyebrow. I wasn’t that advanced yet.


I glared at the guy over my shoulder, wiggling it a moment to show that I wanted him to let me go. He dug his nails in a second, and then released the pressure.
" Show me your back,” he said matter of factly. I spun to face him, not allowing my wince of pain to come through.
"Hell no." I said softly, rising to the balls of my feet so that I could pounce if needed.
A slow, aggravatingly mocking smile appeared on his face.
" I don’t think your going to have a choice, Honey." I narrowed my gaze at him, and his smile broadened.
" Are you trying to burn me on the spot? You might succeed if you keep giving me that look. He shifted his weight, and I lurched across the room, putting the loveseat between us, the stairs behind me. I glanced at my watch reflectively, and when I glanced up, he was leaning on the back of the couch, his face scant inches from mine.
" I could be over this silly piece of furniture and have you pinned under me so I cold heal your back before you draw your next breath." He said, sounding gratingly like an amused male jerk. I hissed lowly.

" You need to leave." I bit out, backing slowly away from him. As he promised, I sucked in a sharp breath as my stomach slammed into the floor, his legs pinning mine to the floor as he pulled my shirt up. He sucked in a sharp breath.

" What happened to you?" he asked softly, all traces of male amusement gone. I bit the inside of my cheek, refusing to answer. He realized that, and sighed. A second later I felt a feather light touch on the raw, burning edges of the rips, and I cringed into the floor, trying to get away from his touch.

" Who are you?" I spat out, suddenly furious that he had pinned me to the ground so easily. I felt him move, and then his breath hit my ear.

" People call me Baron. How about you?" I bit my tongue again, processing this information as he sat up again, his hand once again brushing against the edges of the ripped skin. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt this time.

" You were the one trying to get into my head all day, aren’t you?" I asked flatly. He hesitated a moment.

" Yes, I am. And you made it extremely impossible." he ran his hand once more against my back, and I realized the skin was smooth now.

" What did you do?" I asked, shocked. He pressed his hand into the small of my back as he sat forward again, his other hand catching mine as I attempted to hit him.

" I healed your back. You had some kind of unnatural poison in the tears. What did this to you?" I closed my eyes, wiggling my hands in his vice grip.

" How old are you?" he asked suddenly. I frowned at the floor, confused.

" I'm almost sixteen. Why?" he sucked in a sharp breath, I heard it. His nails dug into my wrists.

" How are you so powerful?" I shook my head slowly. He pulled me up abruptly, spinning me so he could study my face intently. His eyes widened suddenly.

" You were touched by..." he trailed off, surprise making his eyes sparkle slightly, there deep browns lightening a shade. I snatched my arms away from him, scowling.


I studied her a long time, until she dropped her furious gaze.
"Where is he?" I asked, suddenly terrified. If he was somewhere close, and dad and me hadn't sensed him... we were in big trouble.
" Kyndil is here, in this house, isn’t he?" I asked softly when she turned away from me. I stepped forward, making her look at me.
" Isn't he?" she jerked away from me, stepping back into the hall.
" I'd appreciate it if you got out of my house now, please." she said calmly in her quiet voice. I fallowed her to the door reluctantly.
" I never got your name." I said to buy time. She stared down the hallway a long time, then sighed.
" It's sweetie. Please, just leave." she said. I racked my brain for something to say, but finally I just sighed, striding down the steps and across the street. I waited until I was in the house to burst into a flat out run, bursting into dad’s office.
" We found him." I said excitedly. Dad froze, and then took off his glasses slowly.
" Your absolutely sure." he said slowly. I nodded viciously.
"Where?" I felt my smile falter.
" He’s, err, in the house across the road." his eyes darkened.
" You don’t joke around about this kind of stuff, Baron! What’s wrong with you?" I groaned, sitting in his chair across his desk.
" I'm not joking, dad. He bound himself to the family’s oldest daughter somehow. Just like the last family. And the last. How come we still haven’t found out how he's doing this?" dad sighed, rubbing his eyes.
" They only have one daughter, Baron." he said it as if he was trying to convince himself.
" No, I just met their oldest daughter. Her names Sweetie. She had three cuts along her back, and Kyn-"
" Don't say his name!" dad hissed, lurching forward. I sat back.
" Fine. HE had given them to her. I felt his power. There gone now though." dad sat back.
"Naturally, you healed her." I grinned.
" Naturally." he groaned.
" And how did the human child take that?" I raised an eyebrow.
" She’s not human. At least not fully. Somehow she got some kind of Smarintine in her." dad shook his head slowly, and then set it on his desk.
" Your sure its Smarintine." I nodded.


“Ow.” I allowed the moan to escape as I woke up. I tried to move and instantly regretted it, freezing. I attempted to asess the damage while sitting there.

My face felt like it was twice the size it was supposed to be. My arm was crooked, and my leg hurt. My arms and back hurt as well, and I knew both my legs where covered in bruises. I remember a long cut on the inside of my thigh, and I sighed, managing to sit up through whimpers and dizzy spells. I was sitting up, eyes closed, when suddenly I felt someone else in the room. I felt my eye snap open, because my left one was swelled shut, to see Baron standing in the doorway.

“ How the hell did you get in?” I said. It came out muffled, but he understood.

“ I just did.” He frowned, and then was suddenly standing in front of me. He trailed his fingers along the side of my face, and a tingling sensation started.

“ What are you-”?

” Healing you. Stay still.” He sat down in front of me, frowning as he traced around my eye. I blinked, and was able to open both of them. He traced my cheek, and my temple, and then smoothed his hand over my forehead before coming back around to my chin. Then he traced my bottom lip lightly.

“ Would you-“

“ Please, stop talking. You just busted your lip again.” I closed my mouth and he rushed his fingertips on my mouth again. Then he pulled my jacket off, making me gasp.

“ Would you-“

“ What did I just say?” I clamped my mouth shut, scowling.

“ Thank you. I’m trying to help you, Sweetie. Please, hold still.” I shook my head, and then groaned. His hands flew to the nape of my neck, where he caressed it lightly until the pain subsided. Then he gently stuck out my arm and ran his hand along it. I watched in awe as the bruises disappeared, and then I saw him grimace.

“ Tale a deep breath.” I gave him a funny look, but sucked in a deep breath. I screeched as he snapped my arm back in place, jerking my arm away.

“ I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.” he held out his hand, waiting for me to place my arm in it again.

“ Can you stand?” I shook my head, marveling that it didn’t hurt to do so. He nodded.

“ Ok, I’m going to pick you up and have you stand slightly, putting your weight on me, ok?” I nodded. He slid his arm around my waist, and picked me up, making me gasp. He held me so that my feet where touching the ground, but I had no weight what so ever on them. He sighed.

“ Hold absolutely still.” He quickly ran his hands over my legs, making me squirm and then almost fall over.

“ What did I just say!?” he snapped, glaring at me. I flinched slightly, and he sighed.

“ Sorry. Please, listen to me, ok? I’m trying to help.”

“ Why?” I asked softly. He studied my leg, ignoring me. Suddenly he knelt in front of me, letting me grasp his hands tightly to steady himself.

“ Put your hands on my shoulders while I heal this cut, will you?” I hesitated, but did as he asked before he got mad again. He ran his fingertips over the deep gash, and I watched as it sealed itself slightly. He did it again and again until it was a faded red line, and then he ran his hand down to my ankle, which was red. He murmured something, and then it started fading as well. He ran his hands over my other leg, and then stood up, allowing me to ease my weight onto my legs.

“ Is your back ok?” I nodded mutely, and he nodded.

“Great. Let me see your hands.” I held them out, and realized there was little slits over them like someone had ran them over gravel.

” How does this not hurt.” He murmured, not really making it a question.

“ It does. But I ignore it.” He gave me a surprised look. He traced each line slowly once so that it healed completely. Finally he sighed.

“ You’re still going to be very sore. I can’t help that. But you should feel a lot better than before.”

“ Definitely. Thank you.” I rolled my shoulders tentively. The muscles strained slightly, but otherwise it was ok.

“ Your very welcome. Now can you help me?” I stiffened immediately.

“ I’d appreciate it if you got out of my house before my parents get back.” He shrugged, leaning in my doorframe.

“ Help me out then.” I sighed, walking forward until I was standing inches from him and had to crane my neck to see him slightly.

“ Get. Out. Of. My. House. Now.” He blinked down at me, a small smile on his lips.

” I’d like to see you make me.” I sighed. I didn’t feel like wasting my energy, but I couldn’t not make him leave. I concentrated a moment, and then grinned at him so suddenly worry actually flashed over his features.

“ You are leaving my house. Now.” He frowned as the compulsion I’d set deeply into the words had him turning and walking to the front door.

“ What the hell!” he complained, obviously trying to break free. Sweat beaded his forehead. We were literally three steps away from the front door when he stopped abruptly.

Damn. He’d break it.

“ How did you do that?” he asked, a bewildered expression on his face. I grimaced.

“ It didn’t work.”

“ SO!? You’re the first to compulse me to do anything in- along time.” He changed his wording abruptly. I raised an eyebrow.

“ it still didn’t work. Now get out.” He shook his head, but stayed in the exact spot he had stopped. I smiled suddenly.

“ It’s not a complete stop, then.” I circled him, trying to figure out what was holding him in place. He tried to fallow my movements without actually turning his body completely around. Suddenly I smiled, reaching up. All I had to do was move his left collar and he’d be walking again. I flicked it, and he lurched forward again.

“ DAMMIT!” he hissed. I laughed slightly, and he snapped his head back up to me. If you could slightly counter act a compulsion, all your focus is trained to one spot. If that spot happens to move though, you’re stuck in the compulsion. I made sure he walked al the way back to his house, and then turned and started to head for the basement stairs. In my hurry I had blown the door off last night, and I needed to repair it.


“ Baron! What are you doing?” dad asked as soon as I robotically walked through the door. His eyes widened. “ you’re under-“

“ Shut up!” I growled as I felt my muscles relax. I shook my hands out and then my feet.

“ who was powerful enough to put you in a compulsion?” dad asked incrediously. I shook my shoulders.

“ sweetie.”

“ how old is she?” I grimaced. “ sixteen.” He burst out laughing.

“ well, her parents are back, although I doubt it’ll be for long. So, I have a job for you.” I gave him a weary look.

“ o…k?”

“I’m going to compulse her parents and sister to leave the house for a month. You’re moving in. HE is going to stay connected to… Sweetie, so she has to stay around or it will physically hurt her.”

“ he’s already physically hurting her.” I muttered. Dad sighed. “ either way, you’re going to stay over there. If I have to I’ll give you an oath to say so that you can’t leave. She can’t leave the house, if she’s just like the other girls.” I laughed. “ trust me, she is nothing like the other girls.” He rolled his eyes, motioning up to my room. “ go get packed. I’m going over there now. I’ll see if I can compulse them to let me see sweetie, too.”

“ they won’t.” I murmured without thinking. He frowned. “ why do you say that?”

“ well, the dad might. But the mom believes that she’s a sin to all creatures and is no longer her daughter, so if you asked if they had a daughter with a compulsion under it, then she could honestly say no.” he glared at me. “ And how do you know all this?” I grimaced, looking away.

“ I…uh… might have over heard them talking about it, and, er, thinking it.” He sighed a long, agitated breath.

“ how many times have I told you to stay out of peoples heads?” he asked.

“ a lot. But it hasn’t sunk in yet. For the record, I still haven’t been able to get even a glimpse in sweeties head.” He gave me a surprised look.

“ she seems to be one extraordinary girl.” I shook my head slightly, heading up the stairs. “ something like that, yes.”


“ Sweetie! What in the world did you do to the door?” mom hissed. I finished collecting the debris, then turned to her. “ I was in a hurry and blew it off. I’m about to fix it.” She glared but went upstairs. Dad came in, holding me at arms length.

“ Did he hurt you?” I shook my head, and he sighed in relief. “ usually he’s worse in the full moons. Did he…?” I turned back to the door, wincing. He kissed my head gently. “ I’m sorry I wasn’t here, Sweetie. I should have-“

“ all you would have been able to do is listen to me scream. You know that.” I said softly, holding my hands out. A moment later the door was back together, if not glowing slightly. Dad put a hand on my shoulder.

“ you must be sore, Sweetie. Go soak in a bath and I’ll finish in here. “ I rolled my eyes and flicked a hand. He jumped as the door was suddenly on it’s hinges, in it’s place. “ or you could do that. Huh. Go get in the tub. Hurry, someone’s coming up the drive.” I turned and rushed up the steps to the false door in the second story hallway, which led to my bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. I eagerly went to the bathroom and started the water so that it steamed. I stripped down and sank into the warm water, sighing. I reached over and added a few cups of bubbles, smiling and sinking down farther.

About 20 minutes later someone knocked on the door. I sighed, standing and quickly pulling on a teeshirt and some underwear, figuring it was mom or dad.

“Yes?” I said,opening the door. I gasped as I saw Baron.

“ what the hell!?” I growled, going to slam the door. He wedged his foot in the way.

“ I need to talk to you.” He said, looking me up and down. I hissed, and his eyes flew to my face, amused.

“ can it wait!? And how did you get past my parents!? Wait, let me get dressed.” He studied my face a moment, then grinned. “ sure.” He moved, and I slammed the door. I pulled some jeans on and pulled the tee shirt off so that I could pull a bra on. I pulled it back on and combed my hair, taking my sweet time. I bolted out the door, hoping to make it to my room before he could stop me, but his arms snaked around my waist and he lifted me off my feet like that.

“Hey! What are you doing!?” I hissed, kicking my feet furiously. He started downstairs. I beat at his arms, and he grunted, jolting me so that I was off balanced. I screeched, and then he threw me on the couch. I bolted up right and his hands slammed down on my shoulders, pinning me in place. I growled, but focused on the man I saw in the kitchen . he came into the living room carrying a tray.

“ I figured you’d want some herbal tea for your sore muscles.” I gave him a suspicious look, but took the cup he gave me, taking a sip. I felt my eyes widen in surprise as I felt the warm drink slide down my throat. Something clenched in my stomach, and I froze a moment.

Kyndil was awake, and he was NOT happy.

“ u-um, I-I need to go for a minute. W-would that be alright?” Baron let my shoulders go and sat on the arm of the couch next to me. “ no. we need to talk to you.” I ducked my head.

“ I really need to go.” I said softly as my stomach tightened more. I bent over slightly.

“ I think she’s getting sick, Baron. Let her go. “ I sprang up and head him fallow. A deep rumble filled the house, and the basement door swung open. I sprinted for it, planning on slamming it closed.

“ NO!” Baron tackled me to the floor. I cried out as It felt like my stomach was being ripped out, and I felt an invisible fist hit my face. Baron was suddenly gone, and I scrambled up, shoving on the door, tears running down my face as the pain worsened. He was summoning me, and refusing was so painful I was starting to black out. My feet started sliding towards the door, and I wedged myself behind the door, shoving. It gave away a few scant inches,and then something snapped in my leg. I cried out but gritted my teeth and shoved again. suddenly Baron was next to me, helping. A moment later so was the man. A growl came from the basmenet and I gasped as my head snapped backward so that I fell. Baron shouted something, but him and the man continued shoving on the door, gaining an inch by slow inch.

Then the invisiable beating began. Blows hit me everywhere, and I curled up, protecting my searing stomach from any more damage and letting small whimpers go as the hardest blows fell. Suddenly I felt my self sliding, while the blows still fell.

“NO!” I screeched, uncurling and lurching back. It felt like someone shoved something through my stomach, and I doubled over, but planted my feet. He had been trying to get me into the basement. If he got me in there, I couldn’t get out until I fought him off and managed to get through the door. I gritted my teeth as the blows came again full force, and then the voice came.

“SHE’S MINE! I CLAIMED HER! LEAVE HER BE, BROTHER!” another, solid punch hit me In the face, and I flew back, slamming into a wall so that I blacked out.


“SHOVE!” dad gritted out, and the door slammed closed. I whirled around, to see Sweetie laying on the floor, looking worse than she did this morning. I bent to pick her up, and something shocked me.

“Damn. He coated her. We can’t touch her until she wakes up.”
“ so we’ll have to wake her.” Dad said, heading for the kitchen.

“ Dad, let her be. She’s worse then this morning. We-“ he came back and splashed a glass of water in her face. She jerked up, and then moaned, slumping back on the floor.

“Sweetie, can you hear me?” she moaned again, which I took as yes. I kneeled closer so that I felt the buzz of the coating on my face as I studied hers. “ Give me permission to touch you, Sweetie.” I said softly, reassuringly. She half opened her eyes to look at me, and I saw fear in her eyes.

“ I just want to help you. Will you let me heal you, Sweetie?” I asked soothingly. Her eyes fell shut, and a moment later she nodded once just slightly. The coating fell away, and I immediately stroked her hair back. “Thank you. Can you hold still?” She nodded again just slightly, and I glanced at dad, confused.

“ He hit her in the mouth. It probably hurts to talk.” I looked back down at her to see he was right; blood was trickling from her mouth.

“ Please don’t bite me.” I murmured, then went to touch her jaw to open her mouth.

She screamed.

I jerked back as tears started streaming down her face.

“ shit. Her jaw’s broke.” I said, glancing at dad. He leaned down and traced her jaw once. She shuddered, but allowed him to do it, tears running harder down her face.

“ I’m sorry this hurts, Sweetie. I promise I’ll help.” Dad nodded at me, and I went to open her mouth again.

“Don’t use your hands. Saliva will be faster.” Dad said, bending down to look at her leg. I gave him a blank look, and then went wide-eyed as I realized what he was saying. I looked back down at her, and she was looking at me. I hesitated, and then probed her mind. She slammed a block down automatically, and then, to my surprise, it fell away. I winced as I felt a shadow of the pain she was feeling. She held it behind a veil quite nicely.

You do know what he’s saying, don’t you

? I asked. She nodded just slightly, and I slipped out of her mind, bending to press my lips to hers. After her lips had healed of all cuts, I hesitantly probed her mouth with my tongue to find any cuts on the inside as well. She flinched back once or twice, but otherwise was completely still. I took one final, unnecessary sweep of her mouth before pulling back. Her eyes where closed.

“ Thank you.” She croaked out. I looked at dad worriedly. He glanced up impatiently.

“ What are you waiting for? Do her neck, and face, and, if you can, arms.” I hesitated, and then kissed the cut above her eye, and then the one along her jaw. She had a bruise coming in above her forehead, and I kissed that, too. I hesitated before pulling back. She tasted like the sun. I gave her a weary look before tilting her head to the side. She grimaced, and I felt around until I felt the pulled muscle and the tore one off to the side.

“ Dammit. He hit you hard, didn’t he?” I muttered before bending to kiss her neck as well. This time she tried to jerk away from me completely, whimpering, and I pulled back, giving her a confused look.

“ Don’t.” she croaked. I hesitated, then sighed, using my hands instead. She didn’t pull back again. I healed all the cuts and bruises on her shoulders and arms as well, and by the time I was done, so was dad.

“ You’re not going to be able to walk, Sweetie. Baron, carry her to the couch.” Dad said. I bent obediently to pick her up gently. She weakly put her arms around my neck as her top half swayed, grimacing.

“ I’m sorry.” I said automatically. I set her gently on the couch, and she still grimaced.


“ What was that?” the man asked. I cleared my throat. “ who are you?” He gave me a surprised look, then sighed. “ I’m Barons father, Zairian. Guess I should have introduced myself first.” I nodded, trying to sit up. Baron was there, pushing me back down. He sat next to my stomach on the couch, studying my face.

“ why is Kyndil attached to you?” he said softly. I grimaced.

“ When you where a kid, and on your birthday cake as you blew out your candles, what did you wish for?”

“ a dog.” He said automatically. I felt my eyes widen.” Well, I didn’t. I wanted to know why I was so different from my family. When I was angry the house would shake, when I was scared no one would be able to find me, even if I was standing in the middle of the room. If I was sad, it poured. So on my 14 birthday, I wished someone would explain to me why I was different. That’s all I wanted. The next day, while I was playing hide and seek in the basement with my sister, something grabbed me from behind. I screamed bloody murder, and my sister ran upstairs to get my dad.” I shook my head slowly, looking down.

“ when he came down it was too late. Kyndil had already convinced me that he could make me understand what I was. He said I just had to promise to come and visit him whenever he called. I was such a kid…” I muttered, frustrated. Something touched my arm, and I snapped my head up to see Baron looking at me.

“ you’re right, you where a kid. Technically, you still are. It wasn’t your fault, Sweetie.” I grimaced, turning my head away from him.

“ Barons right. It wasn’t your fault. His brother has a way of bending his words around.” I glanced at Baron, white faced.

“ Kyndils your brother!?” I squeaked. He grimaced. “ not by choice, I promise you that. We share a mother.” I shook my head, closing my eyes.

“ do you want something to eat?” Zairian asked after a second.

“NO!” I shot up, then groaned. They gave me confused looks. I sighed. “ anything I eat he’ll just make me throw up.” As if on cue my stomach turned so that I clutched it.

“ How does he do that?”

“ he uses me to feed. He controls…almost all of me when he’s at his peak, which is…. In two days. It starts about a week before, I have trouble keeping food down and it becomes harder for me to use my arms. Tomorrow I most likely will be unable to walk unless he allows it, and then he’ll start controlling things I can see and how much I move my head. The next day, he’ll basically drag me into the basement, and i….. I can’t come out until I’ve won the game or I find the door again.” I said the last part softly. They where quiet for a long time, and then Baron touched my arm again.

“ what games.” I met his eyes briefly. “ last night was tag. Every time he tagged me we’d start over, but he’d…. well, you saw, first. The day before was the game I’m best at- I have to find my way through a maze without him catching me. Usually I make it out of that one unscathed.”

“ Besides beating you and…playing games, what does he do to you?” he asked softly. My stomach clenched and I doubled over. Baron jumped up, helping me into a sitting position as I started dry heaving. It seemed like forever before it stopped.

“ I don’t think he wants us to know.” Zairian said thoughtfully. My stomach tightened again.

“ I don’t think so either, so could we please stop talking about it!?” I hissed. He nodded, and the pain eased. I hesitated, then slowly sat up. I glanced around, then into the kitchen.

“ get me some more of that tea, please? I think I can have that.” When my stomach didn’t tighten I nodded. “ yes, I can have that.”


“it’s getting late.” Dad said softly. I glanced up. I’d been watching the tv in Sweeties house, her head in my lap after she fell asleep. A rumbling sounded in the house suddenly, and Sweetie’s eyes flew open.

“ He’s awake!” she squeaked, fear in her voice. I felt anger at my brother for scaring her.

“ are you alright?” I asked as she sat up, running a hand through her hair. She nodded, but I saw how bad her hands where shaking. I glanced at dad, and he nodded. I stood, bending to her.

“ let’s get you upstairs and into your room.” She hesitated, then grimaced.

“ I can’t touch the first floors floor.” She said softly. I felt my eyes widen.

“ why not?” she hesitated.

“he’ll drag me down if I do.” She admitted. I emediately swept her up bridal style. She looped an arm around my neck.

“ Holycrap.” She breathed really fast, then glared at me as i chuckled.

“ a warning would have been appreciated!” she hissed. I laughed again.

“ I’ll remember that. But for now, let’s get you up stairs. I hope you don’t mind sleeping in your parents room, because I am not putting you back in that hole you live in.” she just nodded, putting her head on my shoulder. I hesitated at the top of the steps, not sure which way to go.

“Set my feet on the floor, please.” She said softly. She waited a moment before raising her head to look at me. I hesitated a moment more before setting her down. She leaned against me, but began a slow walk to the end of the hall to a door that looked like it would lead to a closet. She opened it and there was a set of stairs. “ Their room is up there.” I bent to pick her up again, and she put a hand on my shoulder.

“ Where are you staying?” I grinned. “ with you, of course. Dad’s sleeping in the guest room, and someone has to stay with you to make sure you don’t do anything chaotic. Now hold on to me.” She obediently put her arms around my neck as I lifted her again, slowly so as not to scare her again. she closed her eyes and pressed her forehead into the crook of my neck. She was cold, but still felt soft. I got to the top and frowned, confused.

“Second door on left. The first one on the left is dads closet, mom’s on the left. The last two doors are dads bathroom and moms bathroom.” She said. I jumped, thinking she’d fallen asleep. “Thanks.” I said, walking in. I reached for the light.

“DON’T!” she groaned loudly, the loudest I’d ever heard her except for when she was in pain. I sighed, but stumbled to the middle of the room.
“ Left.” I obediently walked left until my shins hit the bed. I laid her down slowly, but I still heard her muffle a groan. “ I’m sorry, Sweetie.” I went to pull away, and she tightened her grip on my neck. “ where are you going to sleep?” I hesitated.

“ Probably on the ground. I’d turn your head into the pillow because I’m going to have to turn the light on.” She hesitated, then sighed.

“ If you want to, there’s room on the bed so you don’t hurt your back. “She finally said. I felt myself grinning. “Are you sure?” she hesitated again before saying, “Yes.”

“ Ok then. Can you scoot over or do you want me to move you?” she gave an indignant snort, and let my neck go. I heard the covers rustling, and then they stopped.

“ There.” I sat on the edge, taking off my shoes and chucking them. Something crashed, and I winced.

“ It was just a glass vase mom was wanting me to get rid of. It’s fine.” I shook my head, pulling the covers back and sliding in.

“ How do you know what it was.” She hesitated a second before sighing. “ I can see.” I shot an doubtful look to her side of the bed.

“ Don’t give me that look.” She snapped, anger in her voice. I felt my eyes widen, then hesitated before saying

“ Prove it. Do something you could only do if you could see.” She sighed.

“ Like what?” I shrugged. “ I dunno. Surprise me.” There was some movement from her side, and then the bed sunk next to my shoulder away from her. I figured she’d reached over to touch it. “ you missed.” I said smugly. Suddenly something was tickling my face.

“ No I didn’t.” she whispered, her breath washing over my face a second before her lips found mine without error. I had a second to realize she TASTED like the sun too before she was pulling back. My hand shot out and I grazed her hair. I found the base of her neck.

“ common now, we can do better then that.” I said softly, pulling her down again. she strained against my hand a moment, then sighed, leaning down again and kissing the corner of my mouth. I locked my fingers in her hair, my other arm snaking out until it was around her waist, pulling her down gently until her body was resting on mine. Then I went to lean up, but she beat me to it, lightly kissing me again.

“ This isn’t fair. You can see, and I can’t.” I murmured. She laughed lightly, surprising me.


“Fine. Give me a second.” I said, going to lean away from him. He wouldn’t let me budge. “ Do your eye blinking thing. Just a lamp or something though, not the main light.” I hesitated, and then glanced at the lamp next to my side of the bed. It flickered on, and he laughed.

“ You look worried, Sweetie, what’s wrong?” now that he could see his fingertips trailed my jaw line. I felt my face heat up.

“ I’ve never willingly kissed someone before.” I murmured. He hesitated, then sat up; pulling me with him so I was half sitting on top of him. I went to pull away, and he squeezed my middle lightly.

“ Hold on. Do you want me to kiss you now?” I hesitated before nodding slightly. He tilted my head up and leaned forward.

“ You’re sure?” He said softly. I nodded again.

He leaned the rest of the way slowly, and then he was kissing me. He let me relax a moment, and then he hesitantly touched my lips with his tongue. I paused a moment, then allowed him to slip inside. He sighed, and I felt giddy at the feel of his tongue exploring my mouth so hesitantly, as if he wanted to make sure it was all right. I wound my arms around his neck, pulling him closer, and anchored my fingers in his hair. He pulled back suddenly, kissing along my jaw line slowly, making me shiver. He tightened his hold on me, squishing me deliciously closer. He used his other hand to tug on my hair until I tilted my head back. He began kissing my neck just as slowly, and I shivered again, biting my lip to keep from groaning. He suddenly kissed my lips again.

“ Now don’t do that. You’re holding back.” He said in a slightly husky voice, Before kissing a spot on my neck that made me gasp. He chuckled lowly before swiping his lips across it again. this time I let myself groan, and he kissed my lips slightly harder than he had before. He turned us slowly, then just as slowly pinned me under him, allowing me to pull away if I wanted to. Supporting himself with one hand, he just loomed over me, studying my face. I glanced away, and he laughed, kissing the neck I had just exposed. I involuntarily shivered again, and then groaned as he nipped In the exact same place. He pulled back slightly, brushing a kiss onto my cheek, then my lips lightly. “We need to stop.” He mummured, all the same bending to kiss my jawline again. I sighed. “Why?” He laughed lowly, skimming his nose along my jaw.

“One, Because my dad could walk in at any time. Two, Because at Midnight you won’t be able to control your limbs very well, and who knoes what Kyndil will do. And Three,” He leaned down and kissed me hard anough I was sure my lips would bruise. “I am getting way too addicted to your kisses already. And, if that isn’t anough, Reason Four is you need to sleep.” I rolled my eyes, but nodded. “ Alright. Fine.”
I didn’t even glance up and we where plunged into darkness again. he gasped, and I rolled to my side of the bed. His hand shot out blindly, and I froze, confused, as he found my arm. He pulled on it gently. “Come here.” I Rolled again, and he pulled me close to him, an arm around my waist. “Good night, Sweetie.” I smiled just slightly.
“Good Night, Baron.”


I felt my eyes widen as she said my name for the first time. In her low, Gravely voice, it sounded amazing. I was going to kiss her again, but One, It was too dark to see, and Two, that was a very, VERY bad idea with my dad probably about to stick his head in the door in a few minutes.

“Baron, wake up.”I groaned, rolling onto my stomach, throwing my arm over her stomach.

“Go back to sleep, Sweetie. It’s…..2 in the morning.” She hesitated, and I turned to face her though I couldn’t see.

“He wont let me, Baron. Kyndil says I can’t until you two leave, or until I go to the basement.”

“Don’t you DARE!” I hissed, bolting up. She turned the light on so I could see her grimace. “I’m not that dumb. But I’ve been up for awhile now and im bored.” She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

“And I can’t walk. He has control of my legs now.”

“Well come here.” I held out my arm until she curled into my side. She suddenly clutched her stomach, gasping.

“What’s wrong!?” I panicked, brushing at her hair.

“Kyndil doesn’t like you t-t-touching me.” She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut. I squeezed her into my side.

“ I don’t care. Give me a moment.” I brushed my fingers along her forehead, and I felt her connection to my brother. It was stronger than I ever remember it being with any of the other girls.

Brother, hear me. Me and father are NOT leaving, and you had better leave her alone. She isn’t going down into that basement as long as I’m here. So let me say it again. leave. Her. Alone.

“You don’t have to do that.” She said softly as soon as I was done. I rolled so her head was resting on my chest. “ no, but I wanted to, so I did. How is it his connection to you is so strong?” she was quiet a long time.

“ I think it’s because for awhile, before the games began, he was… a friend, I guess. I trusted him, and allowed him in. then all of this started about a year ago, and… I don’t even recognize him now. He’s a completely different person.” I studied the top of her head.

“How close where you two?”
“we… when I had a problem, I went to him. He shared things, only the happy things, with me when I was upset so that I would laugh. And then, one day when we where talking, I said something he didn’t like and he hit me for the first time. And it wasn’t just a smack, either. He literally beat me, and then held me in his house for a few days until I could walk.”

“Wait, he has a house?”

“He did. He moved into the basement to ‘keep an eye one me’ as he put it. He put some kind of portal in it so that he can go wherever he wants to, though. And I’m surprised he’s letting me tell you all of this.” I brushed her hair away from her face.

“What did you say that made him hit you?”

“That I-“ she moaned suddenly.

“He isn’t going to let me answer.” She bit out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.01.2011

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