
Love Bird.

I picked up the letter taped to the back of the bench, feeling my anticipation grow as I opened the next clue.

There was another letter, and below it was a phone number.

It read:

Well, love, you've found another clue. The number below is your next lead, follow it with an open mind, because this is the start of your puzzle.

Love, Jane.

I looked around, finding a payphone across the street. I pulled out some money and rushed across, popping the coins in the slot. I read over the letter once again, imagining her telling me she loved me with that soft smile that could turn my heart to mush. Geez, I sounded like a girl.

I sighed, dialing the number. It rang two times while I fidgeted nervously on the other end.

The phone picked up, and I heard...nothing.

Well, not exactly nothing, it was as if the phone had been dropped in a crowded street. Children laughed, people chattered, and I could hear the faint squeak of tennis shoes on a slick floor.

So...a crowded place?

"Hello?" I asked, my voice husky with the desperation to hear her voice.

"Have you figured out my clue?" She asked.

I sucked in a relieved breath. "Jane." I whispered.

She chuckled softly. "Hi, love. Did you figure out my riddle?"

"I'm guessing it's somewhere crowded." I shrugged.

"Good. The next clue is in my favorite place in the world, The bakery down by Larson St." She informed. "You'll need to wait until Saturday at three O clock when Benny is working. Give him your name and ID, and he'll have the next clue." 

"Alright. And Jane?" I asked before she could hang up.

"Mhm." She said softly.

"I love you."

Her laugh was like music to my ears. "I love you too."

I let out a heavy sigh. "Why can't we just meet like normal people?"

"Because that's no fun." She replied easily.

"I want to see you." I mumbled.

She giggled. "Well put those clues together and you'll find me in no time."

I was about to argue, but the line went dead.

Grumbling to myself, I set the phone back on the hook and turned around, heading back to my car with the note clutched in my hands.

One thought sent a thrill through my mind as I started my engine.

One step closer.

Literal Grim Brother.


I was eager to get the next clue, but Saturday was tomorrow. I'd have to wait. I was off work today, and it was driving me mad having nothing to do. 

Jane's beautiful face was the only thing I could think about on my way to the coffee shop. The way her blue eyes would light up when she laughed. When she would bite her lip when she was nervous or embarrassed. The intuition that would spark in her eyes when she figured something out. Her love of the blue gingerbread man and her hate of the green.

I had to chuckle at the last part. What a strange, yet wonderful girl. 

I pulled into the parking spot of the little cafe, my eyes scoping out the area before carefully getting out. Although Kent had claimed Ike had been incapasitated and heavily bleeding when they escaped, he still had powerful people on his side. He was out there, even if he wasn't out there.

I sighed and headed inside, walking up to the counter.

"Hey Victor, how are you this m-morning?" Silvia, a shy, but friendly girl asked me, her cheeks turning red at my approach.

"I'm fine. How about you?" I asked politely.

"I-I'm okay. M-my mom finally got her car fixed." She stammered.

"That's great. I was about ready to pay for the fix myself." I chuckled.

"Y-yeah." She mumbled awkwardly. She cleared her throat, giving me a weak smile, "The usual, then?"

"The usual." I confirmed.

It always confused me as to why the girl always seemed to shrink when I'm around. I've seen her at ease with all of the customers, a decent worker, but then I step up and the girl loses her nerve. 

I never could figure out why. Maybe because I was an officer? I doubted it, most of the people here knew me by heart. Silvia started working here not long after I came back from Florida, I immediately took a liking to the shy girl. Although she was quiet, the few words she did utter were admirable and mature.

She was a petite girl, probably no older than nineteen. She had big brown eyes that fit her personality, and short, mousy brown hair that was always pulled away from her face with a sparkly headband of some kind. Her mother was almost exactly the same in looks, but her personality was outgoing and boisterous. She always found a way to make a joke of even the most serious situations.

Nodding in thanks to the kid behind the counter, I took my coffee from him. I walked over to my usual seat by the window, pulling the strap of my bag over my shoulder and setting it on the table. 

I opened it up, taking out a few files from work to pass the time with. I was busy reading over a DUI case file, sipping my coffee in one hand, when someone slid into the seat across from me.

I cast my eyes up to see my sister.

"Jean." I greeted warily, knowing what this was about.

"Hi Victor." She said, taking a casual drink of her coffee.

I sighed, setting my file down and settling my gaze firmly on her. "I know what you're going to say-"

"Just hear me out, Vic. He is going through a lot right now. The day she left really messed him up. Just talk to him. Please? You're the only one I know he'll listen to." She pleaded.

I snorted. "Right. What makes you think he's going to listen to me? I'm the reason she left."

She gave me a dissaproving glare. "You are not the reason she left. Besides, he's your brother. You two have been thick as thieves since he was old enough to talk."

I pressed my lips into a thin line, unable to argue with that fact. Still, it was going to be hard to get past the bitter jealousy...on both sides. 

"Have you told him about this?" I asked, taking a long drink of my coffee.

She shook her head. "He's coming over tonight. I told him that Mom wanted to make him dinner."

I rubbed my temple in a tired manner. "I'll be the first one to tell you 'I told you so' when he punches me."

 She rolled her eyes. "He won't punch you. And I'll smack him if he does." I scoffed.

"Sure you will."

She flashed me a smile and her eyes lit up. "Is that a yes?"

I groaned. "I'll see you tonight."

She cheered and stood up, skipping over to me and pecking me on the cheek. "Well I'll see you later."

I grunted in response.

Go Your Own Way.


The kitchen bustled with activity, as mom cooked dinner. Jean was playing some new game on her phone, as she sat on the recliner to our left. 

And then there was us. Logan and I sat across from each other, dead silent. We probably looked like mirror images of each other - arms crossed, stone-faced, eyes never wavering. Jean had tried to start conversation, but gave up as we just grunted. 

"Dinner is ready!" Mom announced happily, not oblivious to our silence, but ignoring it.

Logan and I stood up at the same time, glaring at each other as we waited for one another to move. Anger radiated from me. Resentment from him.

Don't get me wrong. I came here to speak with him - to reason with him. But as soon as he saw my face, he went livid. He yelled about how I was out to ruin his life. He even brought Jane into the fight, which was when I shut down. We still had a lot of things to work out, her and I. Including Logan's apparent love for her.

I felt...almost defeated as he railed insults at me. Wondering why the love of my life had to be wound in such a complicated way with my relationship with my brother. I wished that none of this could have happened - that Jane and I could have met in a different, more simple life. 

But then, Jane wouldn't be the same. She wouldn't have her famous sarcastic attitude, and the love of candy land and oldies music. I loved my Jane.

But so did he.

Logan picked at his food, answering mom's inquiries about his life with one-word answers. He never seemed to visit anymore. We had no idea what was going on with him.

We were silent for the first fifteen minutes, the only sound in the room was the clanking of our plates. Mom calmly lifted her drink to her lips, taking a long sip of water as she stared hard at my brother and I, Before she sat the cup down softly, and then her hand slammed down on the table top, shocking all of us.

"I will not tolerate this any longer!" She snarled, having suddenly done away with the calm facade. "Logan, I want you to apologize right this second to Victor for your behavior. And Victor!" She pointed at me, her face creasing in a hard frown. "You never call anymore, either! You're just as bad as him! Now, I loved Jane as much as the rest of us, but she is gone," Her voice, surprisingly, grew thick with tears with the last few words. "And none of us can make her come back. Nor does moping change what happened!" Finishing, she took her glass of wine and chugged the whole thing. "I learned that lesson with your father," She added as she set the empty glass down.

We all stared at her, saddened at the mention of Dad. On the other hand, we were all dumbfounded at her outburst. We'd never seen mom so angry. 

And then, her lip trembled, and she burst into tears. "I'm losing my baby boys!" She sobbed, her face falling into her hands.

Logan and I jumped up, our chairs hitting the wall as we hurried to her side. Jean was sitting back, her face in her hand, and she looked as if she were crying as well, as her shoulders shook.

We both hugged Mom around the shoulders, our arms crossing each other as we always did when we were kids. 

"We're not going anywhere mom!" I assured frantically.

"He's right, Ma. Look, we won't fight anymore, alright? You're right," Logan added, throwing me a desperate look. 

We were always frantic when Mom started crying. It was always bad when mom started crying.

And suddenly, she was bright again. Pulling her face from her hands, she smiled as if she'd never been crying at all. "Well, that's settled then," She said, wiping her cheeks.

Confused, Logan and I looked at each other, before we were distracted by Jean's boisterous laugh. "They fell for it, Ma!"

I began to fit it together. And I groaned. "This was your plan from the beginning, huh?" I uttered, a smile beginning to pull at my lips.

"Hook, line, and sinker!" Mom patted both of our heads, kissing us on the forehead before pushing back on her chair and standing.

"Now, how about some cake?" She offered.

Logan and I stared at each other, dumbfounded, before a smile twitched at Logan's lips, and we burst out laughing.

That was good. It had been a long time since I'd seen Logan laugh.

We stood, and soon our laughter died. Logan sighed as he rubbed his neck. "Sorry, man. I've been a dick," He muttered.

"A dick you have been," I agreed, earning a glare from him, but I just laughed. "But I, my friend, have also been quite the dick. So let's just accept that we can be dick-wads to each other sometimes and go back to being brothers," I said dryly, holding out my hand. "Deal?"

He hesitated, before grinning and letting go of his neck, reaching down and grabbing my hand in a hearty, rough, but warm shake. "Deal."

Jean suddenly grabbed the backs of our heads, and grinned. "Now kiss."

Breaking away from her grip, Logan and I gagged in disgust.


The drive back to my house was filled with the sound of Fleetwood Mac, Go Your Own Way. I remembered once, when Jane recommended this song to me. I'd been in love with it since. It seemed so fitting now.

I stopped at a light, tapping my fingers to the beat, and a small figure in a large hood began making their way across the street. I would have thought nothing of it, if they hadn't laid an envelope on my hood as they passed. 

"Jane?" I fumbled with my seat belt, unbuckling it as I watched her break into a slow jog, glancing back at me. I saw her gleaming, mischievous eyes in my headlights, and her bright smile. She was teasing me. Her eyes clearly told me, Catch me if you can.

"Oh I will, Baby," I uttered, throwing my door open as she disappeared around the corner.

I broke into a run, turning the corner to find her gone. I saw back lights of a car turn the corner down the street, and cursed. She had a getaway car, of course.

I made my way back to the car, glad that the street was empty at this time of night. I grabbed the envelope as I passed. As soon as my door shut, I flipped on the light, and tore it open.

Dear Victor,

I just remembered that you'll need to order a suit for the end of this puzzle. 

Don't worry, I've got a friend whom I called for a favor. Just give him your name and he'll treat you like a king. 

PS: Don't try to tell me you already have a suit. I know that all you have is three fancy ties, a couple of dress shirts and a dark blazer that I assume you've had since you became cheif. Not to mention one pair of black slacks.

Here's the number. 

Love, Jane.

On the bottom she scrawled a number, and drew hearts all around it.

I stared at the letter in confusion. How did she know about my wardrobe? What's more, why did she need me to buy a suit?

Shrugging, I set down the letter and drove the rest of the way home. When I pulled into my driveway, I noticed that my porch light was on, and golden light streamed out from my bedroom window.

Shutting my car down, I reached over and opened the glove compartment, grabbing my gun.

I got out of the car, tucking my gun into the waistband of my jeans and making my way to the door. I tried the handle. It was unlocked.

I cautiously entered, taking stock of my surroundings. 

My house was relatively big. The living room was narrow but long, and a wall seperated it from my spacious kitchen. To my left was a hallway that split both ways. in the opening, straight ahead, was the bathroom. Straight through the left hallway led into my room, and a guest bedroom was what the right led to.

The living room and the kitchen were dark and empty, and the guest bedroom and the bathroom weren't touched. However, when the door swung open in my bedroom, my camera set up on my old tripod was a dead giveaway that someone had been here.

My brow crinkling, I quickly swept the room, checking the closet, where clothes had been moved around and some were on the floor.

I turned back to my camera, and suddenly Jane's letter hit me.

Don't try to tell me you already have a suit. 

So that was it. I thought with a smile. "She broke into my house." I muttered in disbelief.

To think, if I had been here...if I had just stayed home...she probably wouldn't have come, but just letting myself think she would have made my heart ache something fierce. 

"Geez," I muttered, twisting the camera off of it's tripod. "I'm pathetic."

I sat down on the bed, rubbing the back of my neck with one hand while I turned on the camera. I was greeted with the start up music, and the darkness of the screen as the lens rested on my leg. I pressed the review button, and my eyes took in a clear picture of Jane's face, as she grinned at the camera, wearing one of my "Fancy ties" around her neck. She stood just where I did not a minute ago, her hair pulled back with a silly sweatband, as it tumbled over her shoulders. I scrolled forward, eager to see more, and found another picture of her wearing my blazer, a mock stern look on her face as she pointed at the camera, as if scolding the viewer.

My heart pounded as I longed for her to be standing here yet again. I had the urge to go get my blazer to see if it still smelled like her.

I scrolled forward again, and noticed she'd taken a video. Eager, I quickly pressed the play button, and her face appeared, blurry until the camera focused on the close frame. 

She was grinning my favorite mischievous grin as she backed away to a full standing position. "Hello viewers, AKA Victor." She fluttered her fingers in a cute little wave. "For today's show, we're going to have a walk through Victor's closet!"

I watched as she threw open the door behind her, flipping on the light. "Wish me luck!" She blew a kiss, and then disappeared into the closet. A minute later, she came out sporting my black slacks, and a black tie. The slacks were rolled up at the hips, and hardly stayed on her, but I found myself laughing at how adorable she looked.

"The first look is straight from 'Victor's Fashion Boutique,'" She murmured in a smooth voice. "And it's one of my favorites."

After spinning around to show off the look, she went back into the closet, and closed the door. My smile wouldn't leave as I waited for her next look.

She came out in my dress shirt, with nothing else on. It was huge on her, covering everything up, but it still caused heat to bloom in places I didn't need.

"This is something I'm quite fond of," I was too. "It's called the 'Night Line.' And it's something I would love sleeping in." She murmured, spinning around. 

She gave a cheeky smile to the camera, and I knew from the look on her face that she knew how frustrated this video would make me. But still, my smile stayed in place.

She walked back into the closet. It took a minute, but she came back out in my blazer, a dress shirt, and her regular jeans. "This last look is the 'Casual Dressy' style. Victor wears this one the most. It's especially adorable when he tries to keep his hair smooth to keep up with this look, but I make him angry or frustrated, and he always ends up messing it up," She laughed, losing the professional voice as her eyes softened.

I could feel my own face soften as well. I missed her like no other. 

She turned back around and dissapeared into the closet. She left it open this time though. When she came out, she had a shirt clutched in her hands. "I'll be taking this with me. Thank you. I love you, Vic. Goodnight!"

She blew one last kiss to the camera, and she approached it, and smiled at the lens - at me - before the video cut off.

I spent the rest of the night with my lights off, trying to fall asleep as I stared at her smiling face. I fought the urge to grab what she'd worn and try to find her scent. It was useless. She'd only briefly worn them.

I wished that she had left something of her own in exchange for my shirt. But I pushed the thought away. I needed to grow some balls. I'd see her soon enough.

But, strangely, 'Soon enough' is not nearly soon enough. A voice in my head muttered, and I couldn't help my nod of agreement.

It was killing me knowing she was somewhere in this city, but unable to figure out where.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'd find the next clue, and be that much closer to finding her.




I woke up with a groan, feeling heat on my face. I opened my eyes to see that I'd made the mistake of forgetting to close the blinds last night. The sun proudly shone in, causing my eyes to water and squint. I pulled Victor's shirt over my face, using the advantage as a double-win as I inhaled his scent.

"Ah, just the way I remember it." I whispered, feeling a little creepy, but I was having Victor withdrawals. 

I smiled under my make-shift blind as I remembered his face. I don't think he realized it, but there was a sort of smile on his face that accepted my challenge with open arms. He liked this game we were playing as much as I did.

Finally, I pulled the shirt from my face, lifting my hand to shield my eyes from the sun as I looked at the clock. It was seven forty five - which explained why the sun seemed to be about to come through my window - Plenty of time to get to the Tux place to help Daniel plan out Victor's Tuxedo before he called.

If I knew Victor - and I knew him well - he would go looking for the next clue first.

Smiling, I rolled out of my hotel bed, walking over and pulling the curtains over the window, shrouding the room in comfortable, grey darkness.

"Fucking sun almost ruined my morning," I grumbled.

Now, don't get me wrong. I liked the sun. It was very nice when you were trying to get a tan, or you wanted to swim - which I rarely ever wanted to do unless it involved making out with Victor - but when the sun blazed a hole through the freaking window and almost burned your face off in the morning, it wasn't all that welcome.

I turned, strolling over to the bathroom and grabbing my big fluffy towel that I had taken to the laundry room to bleach a few times before using it - because when it came to hotels, I was the epitome of a germophobe. 

After showering forever, because I didn't have to worry about water bills, I dried my hair, and dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. I threw my leather jacket over the ensamble, putting my hair into a high ponytail. I was so used to Florida weather that it was strange coming home, where it rained a few days a week and clouds actually covered the sky for more than a few hours into the morning. I was glad that at least I had a warm day today.

I left my room, making sure my key card was still in my jacket pocket. The hallway bustled with activity, as a woman ran by with a huge cart of pillows and blankets, panting. Another nurse who was leaving an empty room with sheets in hand, grumbled to herself, and then called. "Room 50 again?"

"You know it! He thinks the world revolves around him!" The other puffed as she paused to speak to her friend.

"Just because he's planning the ball doesn't mean he's royalty!" The woman snorted.

They both laughed, and I felt a smile tug at my lips. I had heard that the host of the annual Guildertree ball was going to be staying in this hotel for a little while. 

"Excuse me," I murmured, catching both of their attention. 

They brightened immediately. "Yes, Dear, how can we help?" The woman on the left asked, her nametag read Zoey.

I smiled as I approached. "I'm sorry, but I'm out of shampoo and conditioner in my room. I'm going out for a little while, and I was wondering if I could have the bathroom stocked while I was gone?"

"Of course, Dear. It'll be all stocked up when you get back," She gave me a genuine smile that crinkled the corners of her mouth.

Suddenly, two doors down from us, the door flew open, and a man stepped out. "Where are my new sheets?" He complained as soon as he noticed the women.

"R-right away sir!" The woman on the right, whos name tag read Lisbon grimaced, as she began pushing the cart to his room.

"I've been waiting for a whole ten minutes! He complained, stepping out of her way, and throwing up his arms as if to say 'Finally!'. "Do you know how long that is?"

I looked at Zoey and rolled my eyes. She let out a giggle. The man turned when he heard the laugh, and his eyes landed on me. 

"Hello," He said, a smile immediately replacing the frown.

I widened my eyes in disbelief, before turning to Zoey. "Thank you."

"It's no trouble, Dear," She replied with a knowing smile. "You have a nice day."

With that, I walked away, leaving a very confused man. "Hey..wait!" He called, catching up with me. "My name is Jason Dean. And you are...?"

"Jane," I replied.

"Jane. No last name?" He asked, pausing with me as I stopped by the elevators. 

"Nope," I replied flippantly, waiting for the doors to open.

"Hmm," He said with a grin. "A challenge."

"No, clearly this is not an invitation, this is a sign. And no, this is not one of those signs that tell you to drive forth full speed ahead, this is one of those signs that tells you 'Wrong way!' and 'Do Not Enter!'," I told him, watching the elevator numbers impatiently.

"Go out to dinner with me," He said, without any preamble.

With a large sigh as the numbers on the elevator paused, most likely as people were getting off, I turned to him. I studied his features, finding him attractive. Sure, he was pretty with his uniform brown hair, and his pretty blue eyes. But even filling out that suit as good as he did, he didn't come close to those molten golden eyes that could pierce my soul.

"Sorry, but no," I replied, my tone blunt.

Finally, the doors opened, and I stepped in. Unfortunately for me, he followed. "You are amazing!" He laughed, leaning against the wall by my side. "No one has ever turned me down before! I like this."

"I'm sure all of those women were shallow, blonde, blue or brown eyed, and they had an afinity for embesseling money from old rich men," I snickered.

"Of course they were!" He shrugged as if he didn't understand why that was bad. "But sometimes I need a challenge."

"Go find another "Challege." Like a married woman or something. Because you'll have no better chance with me," I muttered, watching as the doors slid open with a sigh of relief.

"Nope. I'm set on you," He told me, blunt.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to him, shot him a salute, and exclaimed in an overly-happy tone, "Good luck with that!"

And I turned, and set off, grumbling to myself about jackasses and their over-confident need to prove themselves as such.

I smiled and hugged the doorman, Mr. Gaits on my way out. He was a sweet old man who was always smiling. 

"Jane!" He chortled, "Going to set out a new puzzle piece?" He asked me.

I laughed. I'd told him that my love was trying to find me, so I set out puzzle pieces for him.

"No, I did that yesterday. Today I'm going to grab him a suit," I chucked him gently on the shoulder. "You have a good day and don't tire yourself."

"Aw," He waved me off. "I may be old, but I ain't cripple!"

Laughing, I nodded. "I know, but it worries me you standing out here all day."

After hugging him one more time, I set off, jumping in my rental car and pulling away from the curb. Now, you may have been wondering where I get the money for these hotels and rental cars. That's easy, I took it from my Dad's emergency account. With what I was going to do to him when I found him, he wouldn't be needing it anymore.

A few blocks away, there was a tux place called Deluxe Tux. My best friend when I was sixteen ran the shop. We still talked now and then, and I convinced him to hear out my plan. He conceded to helping, but only if he got to meet this Victor I told him about.

So instead of just getting the tux and leaving it in his closet (as planned) I gave him the adress of the tux shop and that was why I was headed there now. I was supposed to plan it out before he got there.

As soon as my car pulled to a stop in front of the tux shop, Tarence skipped to my door, pulling it open and dragging me out to give me a huge hug. "I haven't seen you in years!"

I laughed. Tarence and I had been very close friends. We were both outcasts in our family, him having confessed that he was gay, and me having a criminal record. He wasn't one of those guys that openly talked about his sex life, or talked about many men at all, in fact he used to blush when asked out by another guy. But, hanging with me, he did have his moments of oggling some asses with me in magazines that we stole from the convenience store.

"Right?" I laughed, pulling away from him and smacking him on the shoulder. "How've yah been, Yah big lug?" I exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Good, good!" He nodded as he led me inside. "I'm going steady with someone now," And there was his adorable blush.

I gasped, and then pulled my hand from his to clap. "Do tell!" I demanded.

"Well, his name is Vandry...," He trailed off, and I could swear he went a shade darker. 

"Wait, wait, Vandry Connahue?" I asked, my voice in disbelief.

"Yes. You know him?" He asked in surprise.

"I dated him in seventh grade!" I exclaimed. "He's gay?"

Laughing, he nodded. "He came out two years ago."

"Jeez, where have I been?" I muttered to myself as we looked through wracks of tuxes.

"Anyway, he asked me out last year, around christmas time. We dated for eight weeks before Vandry popped the question-,"

"Wait, the question? The big question?" I inturrupted, looking at him with wide eyes.

"No way!" He said, his cheeks going cherry red as he waved his hands in a 'stop right there' movement. "He asked to go steady."

"Oh," I chuckled. "Sorry, go on."

"Long story short," He began with a roll of his eyes. "we've been together for a year and a half, and I don't think I've ever been happier in a relationship - the one thing though, is that he's...a little afraid of commitment." I crinkled my eyebrows in worry. "We're working on it, though!" He said quickly, seeing my expression. "He's already talking about plans for the future, and stuff like that. So it's okay."

I nodded, deciding not to voice my concerns, but instead turning to search for a tux. "So I'm thinking neon blue slacks paired with a bright red jacket," I said thoughtfully.

"Step away from the tuxes!" He exclaimed, his arm sweeping me back.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm kidding, moron!"

He grimaced. "I can never tell with you."

I rolled my eyes, pulling out a nice black blazer. "What about this?" I asked. "Paired with a red shirt underneath, and a black tie?" I suggested.

He rubbed at his chin, pictureing it in his mind, before nodding. "Put it on the consideration wrack," He gestured to an empty wrack by the dressing room.

"So what is this going to accomplish?" He called from one of the isles of tuxes.

"What do you mean?" I called back, admiring a dark blue blazer I'd found.

"Didn't you say you and Victor didn't have the greatest talk the last time you saw each other? And what about Logan?" His head popped up over the wrack to look at me.

I shrugged, although I felt a pang of anxiety when Logan's name was mentioned. The last time we'd seen each other, he'd kissed me senseless. "I figure we'll cross that road when we come to it."

I saw his forehead crinkle, before his face disappeared behind the wracks again.

"Your life is more riveting than a soap opera," I heard him mutter.

I laughed, but it was a little hysterical. "Try living it."



I watched with an amused smile over my newspaper as Victor passed by. I sat on a bench, my hair tucked into a brown wig, with dark green contacts on. I was sitting next to an old man who smelled very similar to the Port-O-Potties at a Renascence fair I'd gone to with Kent one year. He was sleeping, so I wasn't really worried about him.

Victor was following my next clue - and I could see the giant puzzle piece I had made sticking out of his pocket. I snickered.

I wanted to see his reaction to this clue I'd set out. I had purposely set this one in a bad part of town, right in between a gentlmen's club and and old beaten down motel room where prostitutes were known to hang.

He cautiously walked across the street, re-checking the adress on the letter with an incredulous shake of his head.

He  briefly scanned the area, and his chest lifted as he heaved in a sigh. He went into the alleyway between the buildings, and I waited, laughing under my breath.

A minute later, he came stumbling out, clue in hand, a woman attatched to his arm. I had to hold back howles of laughter as I watched him try to shake off the hooker, shaking his head as he pushed her hand off of him as if it were a rat infested with the plague.

The newspaper crumpled in my fists as I kept my laughter to a minimal level.

He finally got the woman to go away, stomping down the street quite a ways, before stopping to open the letter.

After a moment, he pulled out his phone, and I held my breath.

My disposable phone vibrated in my pocket.

"Yes?" I asked, still chuckling. "Did you...," I paused to snicker, "Find my clue?"

"You're damn right I found your clue. Jane, do you realize how dangerous it is to go waltzing into an alleyway and-,"

"Relax, I had it handled. Besides, from the sound of your voice, it seems like you had quite the...encounter!" I burst out laughing.

"'re watching me, aren't you?" He accused, and I watched him scan the area.

I sighed, wiping a stray tear from my eye. "Of course not. I'm not stupid."

"Jane," I sobered at the sound of his voice.


"We need to talk."

I was silent. My heart pounded in my chest and I looked over at him. He stood with his head down, kicking at the asphalt beneath his feet.

"A-about what?"

"Logan. Us. Everything," He breathed.

"What about us?" I refused to speak of Logan. Not yet.

"What I said...rather...didn't say...about you not...being able to have our doesn't matter, Jane. I know that now. I mean...yes, it does, but...not in the way think. I mean...," He spluttered, and I watched him reach up and rake his hand through his hair in frustration. "It matters because I thought...that you could trust me with everything. That if you ever had something to tell me...that you shouldn't feel the need to...keep it from me. And what I said to your father...about...that...about you only-,"

"Being a lead to Ike?" I finished softly.

He hesitated, before whispering, "Yeah...that. I didn't...mean it, you know that...right? It's just that...he threatened to keep you from me and...I just...I panicked, you know?"

"Yeah," I breathed, "I know."

He looked up at the sky, and I heard his tight intake of breath. "You do?"

"It's been made clear who I can trust...these past few weeks," I muttered vaguely.

"I...I love you Jane. No matter what I said...or how I said it," From this distance, I could see his wry smile, "I have always loved you."

I blinked, as I felt my heart melt into a puddle at my feet. The homeless man snorted loudly, and then went back into his steady rhythm, bringing me out of my trance.

"I have to go," I whispered, "I only have a limited number of minutes on this phone."

I heard him take in a long breath. "Yeah. I'll ah...see you."

"Yeah," I mumbled, hesitating, before murmuring, "'s going to take a lot for me to...fully gain back the trust I lost. I'm broken, and a little afraid. But I do love you...bye."

"Wait, Ja-," I snapped my phone in half, throwing it into the bin beside the bench. 

"Sorry, Vic," I murmured as I folded up my newspaper. "Can't track me that easily."

I'm Going To Kill You.


An evil laugh escaped me, as I watched the overly-fake skeleton hand fall on Carol's shoulder, and she screamed.

"Get the bitch! Get her!" I laughed, reaching into the box for another cookie.

"Huh?" I looked down, to find no cookies. "Oh come on!" I groaned.

I looked over to grab my chocolate milk, and saw that it was all gone too. Muttering profanities, I paused my movie. "Am I seriously going to have to go to the store again?"

I groaned, and then gasped, remembering my little ice cream bowl. I rolled off of my bed onto my knees, crawling over to the mini-fridge. "Come to mama, little ice-crea- shit!" I exclaimed, looking at the empty wasteland that was my fridge.

I grumbled all the way down to the first floor, in sweats and an over-sized hoodie. I lifted my hand in a half-hearted wave to the front desk as I passed, and they watched me with perplexed faces as I grumbled my way out the door.


The basket in front of me made a horrible ringing sound, and I was pretty sure it had a square wheel, as it bounced like a car with hydraulics. I groaned, grabbing a box of chocolate chip cookies, and a box of oreos. I sat them in the baby seat, staring at them as if they were my last hope at life.

I turned the corner to the fridge isle, planning on grabbing some bottles of milk, when my breath caught in my throat.

"Mom, the orange juice would be an isle down!" His deep, baritone voice complained.

Clang, clang, clang! I grimaced as I quickly backed around the corner. 

Blue eyes turned in my direction just as I ducked out of sight, and I bit my lip as I turned my basket - pulling majorly to the right - around. clangclangclangclang! The banging got faster as I ran down the isle, and turned on two wheels. 

"I need crackers, will you grab some for me?" I heard her sweet voice ask, and I cursed as I looked to the left of the isle I was in - crackers at eye level.


I paused to catch my breath, and looked over with a raised eyebrow as I realized there was ice cream in the freezer next to me. "Ooh," I whispered, seeing salted caramel - my favorite.

"Ooh, Mom can we get some ice cream?" He called to her.

"Oh I suppose. It is a movie night, after all."

I bounced from one foot to another anxiously, my body tensing with excited adrenaline as I quickly grabbed the ice cream from the freezer and threw it into the basket. I repeated a certain curse word as I clanged down the isle, seeing his figure turn the corner just as I turned the opposite. 

I decided that I'd get the milk elsewhere, pulling up my hood and tucking my hair into it, as I rushed to the cashier.

I was bouncing around with a tense smile, making the guy behind the counter give me a look. He took his very sweet time ringing up my items, and my breath stopped in my throat as I heard a basket roll up behind me.

"Mom, you forgot the popcorn," He told her.

"Ugh! How could I forget it? It's the ultimate movie night snack!" I heard her smack her forehead with her palm, but I didn't look up, my eyes wide as I stared at the counter, a huge, nervous smile coming over my face.

The cashier was now observing me like I was insane, but I was so focused on the masculine presence right behind me, that I didn't bother to notice.

"Movie night, too?" I jumped as I pulled out my wallet, almost dropping it.

I opened my mouth, baring my teeth as I repeated in my head, not good, not good, not good!

"Ah...yeah!" I made my voice higher than usual...or at least...I think it was intentional.

"That's cool...what movie are you planning to watch?"

Just relax...he's making conversation. It's nothing. He doesn't know who you are.

"Ah...House On a Haunted Hill!" I squeaked, handing the money over to the cashier with shaky hands.

"Ah, the new one or the classic?"

"C-classic, of course!" I laughed nervously, watching with blazing eyes as the cashier slowly put the money into the cash register, cursing how slow he was going.

"Yep, that's my favorite, too. Both are cheesy - but the 1950's version is the best."

My heart pounded as the cashier handed me my change, and I fumbled to put it in my pocket as I said, "Oh, m-mine too!"

I froze as a dollar went floating to the ground, to my right. My eyes closed. If I turned to lean down, he'd see my face. 

I was just about to lean down and blindly reach for it, when the dollar was pressed into my palm. "Here."

The contact of his skin on mine made my hand tingle, but I refused to acknowledge the feeling.

"Th-thank you. I'll be on my way now,:" I said, before turning to leave.

"Logan, I got the popcorn! Extra buttery!" She exclaimed in a dreamy voice, which caused Logan's attention to turn from me. This was my chance.

I clanged away, staring down at my life source with a big smile of triumph. I couldn't believe I had gotten out of there alive.

I clanged all the way to my car, groaning as I pulled my stuff out. I stuffed it into my trunk, before returning the godforsaken basket to it's lineup. When I reached my car again, I pressed the unlock button on the fob and...

It didn't unlock.

I pressed it again.

The same result. I felt like Mr. Incredible when he picked up the car to throw it. I was bickering to myself and kicking the door with the whole of my foot.

After getting all of my frustration out of my system, I pressed down hard on the button, and it unlocked. More bickering ensued.

Once I finally got in the car and got it started, I pulled out, pulling my hood down and running a hand through my hair...and then I slammed on my breaks.

There it was, the jackass of all jackasses. That person, driving the wrong way in the isle, and waiting for someone in the front to pull out.

My hands tightened on the wheel until they were white, as I fought the urge to flip the guy off and cuss him out so hard that his mother would blush without even knowing why.

When the old lady - did I mention he was waiting for a handicap spot? Without a handicap license? - finally pulled out of her spot and - making me back out to do so - drove off, he finally made his way into his illegal parking space.

"Oh I should totally call Victor on your ass!" I raged as I zoomed past, not even in the mood to deal with him. 

I pulled out a little too fast, and had to slam on my breaks again as I came nose to nose with another car.

I blinked a few times, yelling, "Son of a...oh shit," My voice lowered as I met eyes through the windshield with none other than Logan Price.

He blinked, his eyes becoming increasingly incredulous as I saw him mouth, "Jane?"

A rush of excitement and adrenaline went through me as I threw the car into reverse and backed up a bit. I maneuvered the car between his and the small space between the sidewalk, laughing a little hysterically when I actually made it without scraping the side of the car.

I zoomed out of the lot, swerving in front of a car, causing him to slam on his breaks and honk the horn.

"Sorry!" I yelled at him, waving as I zoomed off, aware that Logan was scrambling to drive after me.

I went from zero to sixty in less than six seconds, flying onto the highway like a madwoman. Most would say that I was running from my problems, but I wasn't...intentionally. Okay, so I was totally running away from my problems. The entire point of this whole scavenger hunt was so I could work out my problems before seeing him face to face. I didn't even want to think of Logan's reaction. 

As I'd said before, the last time we saw each other, he'd kissed me senseless.

He obviously thought of Victor and I as "no longer an item." That or he just didn't care, which was highly likely for Logan. I checked my mirrors for any sign of him on the way back to the hotel, but I saw none, and relaxed as soon as I was parked in the parking garage.

Sliding out of the car, I got my precious ice cream and cookies out of the back. I skipped all the way to the entrance of the hotel, a small smile on my face as I opened my cookies to eat. I took a step toward the spinning doors, and was grabbed and pulled back.

I yelped as I was spun around, and my eyes met two livid bright blue ones.

"I'm going to kill you," He stated, his chest heaving with silent breaths.

And then his lips fell on mine.

For Now.


I didn't have time to react, before he pulled me back, and was shaking me by the shoulders as he growled, "Where have you been? You crazy, stubborn, stupid, beautiful, crazy woman!" 

I glared at him. "I don't appriciate being called crazy...twice!"

"Well I'll say it again!" He exlaimed.

And then I was crushed in his arms, my chin resting on his shoulder as he held me with all his might, burying his face in my neck. "Don't ever make me worry like that again."

I could have mistaken his words, they were muffled, and soft, but the desperate tone of his voice, and the heaving of relieved breath from his lips made me think that I was right on the mark. 

He reminded me of Victor, as his arms held me tighter. The day I'd run off, claiming that my family was safer, Victor had done the same thing. And the thought of Victor, caused guilt to pang in my stomach.

My heart was fluttering, and butterflies were swarming in my stomach, and my arms, aching to do just as they were doing without my permission, slid around his torso. I couldn't stop myself from feeling something for this man, and it made me heavy with guilt.

"Have you been safe?" He asked me, pulling me back to put his hands on each side of my face.

I nodded, staring into his worried eyes, "I've kept under Ike's radar. He currently thinks I'm in Mexico."

"Good," He breathed, crushing me back in his arms. "That's good."

My hands felt his strong back, and it made me feel even guiltier at how familiar he felt. Wasn't I trying to reconsile with Victor?

"Where's your mom?" I asked, realizing that she wasn't right behind him.

"I told her to head home. Jean is waiting on her."

"She's not going to tell-"

"No," He assured, stepping back and letting me out of his arms. "I told her that you probably had good reason for staying out of our sight, and not to tell anyone else," He informed.

Good reason. I snorted mentally. Is running away from your problems a good reason?

"Thanks," I mumbled.

Hesitating for a moment, he stepped forward and lifted my chin to meet his eyes. "How long has it been?"

"Hmm?" I murmured, blinking once.

He stepped back, clearing his throat as he murmured, "Nothing."

Silence followed, and for a moment, I was lost at what to say. Luckily, Logan saved me the trouble, gesuring out into the night and asking, " want to go somewhere to talk?"

"Somewhere?" I replied, blinking.

"Like shop, or something...," He trailed off, scratching the black of his head.

"Um...," I looked down at my bag of ice cream.


"Seriously?" Logan asked, amused, and also dry as I brought another spoonful to my lips.

"What? It was going to melt." I shrugged, offering him another plastic spoon - supplied by the coffee shop. "Want some?"

His eyes flickered down to the giant carton of ice cream sitting in front of me, and I could see him contemplating. Finally, he shrugged, and took the spoon from me. I slid the ice cream to the middle of the table, and we spooned our delicious dessert in silence.

"So," He said between bites, and I had to hold back my smile as I noticed a bit of ice cream on his nose. "What have you been doing all this time?"

"Hmm? You mean here?" I replied, stuffing my mouth with ice cream.

His lips twitched, and he shook his head absently for a moment, before answering, "I mean, the reason why you dissapeared in the first place. Everyone was kind of wondering the same thing."

"Mm," I muttered, unable to say much more for fear of showing off a mouthful of ice cream. After my mouth was cleared I answered, "I'm looking for my father."

He crooked an eyebrow. 

I felt my smile break through, and I threw a napkin at his face, "Wipe the ice cream off of your nose!"

He caught it, wiping the ice cream he hadn't known was there with a roll of his eyes.

"Anyway," I said in a dry tone, "Dad apparently set my brother up to be kidnapped - hurt him, even. I'm looking for him, to clear up the situation. I'm either going to punch the shit out of him and turn him into the police, or hug him and apologize for ever doubting him."

Logan blinked a few times. "He's working with Ike?"

"That's the gist of it," I sighed, "I'm hoping it's a misunderstanding, but I won't say my brother lied."

There was a moment of silence. Logan seemed to put the pieces together. " think he's here?"

"No," I snorted, "Finding him is proving a little harder than I thought."

"So...," Logan trailed off, and I knew he'd figured it out as his eyes turned disappointed. "You're here to get help?"

I let out a sigh, setting my spoon in the ice cream and leaning back. "I am. I didn't want to just go find Victor, so I'm having him find me - because you know how I love making things easy. I'm setting up puzzle pieces across town for him to find."

He leaned back, and did something I didn't expect, his head went back and he let out a boisterous laugh.

Everyone in the shop looked in our direction, but Logan took no notice as he leaned forward again with a full-on grin, eyes twinkling with mirth as he asked, "I'm guessing he took that quite well?"

I felt a grin overtake my face. "It's drivin' him crazy."

If possible, his grin grew wider. I felt my own pride well up. I knew Logan was proud of me - we were partners in crime when it came to pissing Victor off. 

"So...I'm the only one who knows you're in town, right?" He asked, his smile softening into a more casual one. 

I hesitated, before nodding once. "You and an old friend of mine," I confirmed.

"Old friend?" Logan inquired, before taking another bite of ice cream.

"Yeah, he owns a tuxedo shop downtown. We've known each other since high school." 

"He's trustworthy?" Logan asked, staring seriously into my eyes.

I snorted. "He thinks my life is richer than a soap opera - don't worry," I assured with a smile, "He wouldn't say a word unless I gave him the OK."

Logan smiled. "Your life is a soap opera."

 I shook my head. "No, no. If my life were a soap opera, I'd be the man-stealing bitch. I cannot stand the emotional protagonist. Ugh!"

"Well then, what would you catagorize your life as?"

"A series of unfortunate events," I muttered in a dry tone.

He laughed out loud again, and then he nodded in agreement. "Right."

I leaned back with a smile of my own, watching as he spooned himself another bite of half-melted ice cream, still chortling.

"You seem to be in a good mood tonight," I remarked.

He looked up at me, meeting my eyes as his own shined. But this time, there was no smile. His face was soft, but all of the happiness seemed to store in his eyes, and he nodded. "I am. Better than I have been in a long time."

I felt myself swallow involentarily. I knew that look. It was a look that I'd seen many-a-time, but not with Logan. It caused guilt to spring up again as my heart reacted to that look. 

Stop it! Don't look at me like that! I can't...don't you know what you're doing to me?

 Despite the shouting debacle my head was creating, I felt myself smile back at him, and I knew I was done for. 


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked for the third time, my eyebrow crinkling as I stared up at Logan.

He laughed, and nodded. "I'll be fine."

"But, maybe I should take you home...after all," I mumbled, unsure.

He shook his head, and leaned down to my level, staring me straight in the eyes. "I'll be fine. You can't risk being seen, right? Mom understands, but Jean will undoubtedly handcuff you in the bathroom and never let you out again."

I winced. "Is she angry at me?" It dissapointed me, because I'd just gotten her to like me when the whole shitstorm went down.

"Quite the contrary. She misses you. She's angry, yes, but not because you left without reason - because you left in the first place."

My heart warmed, and my shoulders relaxed. I smiled a genuine smile this time. "I'm glad. Not that she's angry of course-" I quickly added, letting a laugh escape, "But, you know, that she doesn't hate me. I'm glad she understands, even if I didn't give any of you a reason for leaving-"

His warm lips on my cheek caused my words to cut short, a soft gasp sucking it's way in, instead. 

"I get it," He whispered, his lips brushing my cheek, and I felt them heat to near boiling point. 

I hadn't even realized that my hands grasped his biceps. My blinking eyes met his, and his gaze held mine for a moment, and then strayed down to my lips. 

"Tell me something," He breathed, and I could only blink again. He took my silence as permission to ask, and said in a hushed voice, "Have you spoken to him?"

He didn't have to say his name. I knew who he spoke of. I felt myself nod. My heart pounded in my chest, as much as I tried to tell myself that he didn't affect me.

He nodded as well, and sighed. "Then this will be the last time...for now."

And his right arm slid around my waist, jerking me into him, while his other hand found my chin and lifted my lips to meet his. His lips were hot, and urgent. I felt all of my willpower leave me, as my arms wrapped around his neck, and my hands began to run through his hair.

My only coherent thoughts weren't helping much. 

Damn, how fucking in love with this goddamn idiot am I? Geez, get it together, woman!

He broke from the kiss, uttering a single word - which later I realized with much embarrassement was my name, but I was too far gone to decipher such an intricate language as english at that very moment in time.

Logan slowed the kiss after a moment, and it became slow and deliberate, weakening me in the knees just a bit. When he finally pulled away, and let go of me, I was wobbling on my knees, and I was sure my face was dazed and awe-struck. 

"See you, Jane," He murmured, and he looked downright hot with his lips swollen, and hair amess. 

And then I blinked. My cheeks suddenly flamed, and I stumbled back a step. I was suddenly acting like a man who got caught doing unmanly things, like hugging a kitten.

I cleared my throat, hard. "Yeah!" I said in a gravelly voice, and punched his shoulder. "I'll see you...ah...dude."

Dude? And why do I sound like fucking Ping from Mulan?

Logan snorted, and then laughed, before turning and strolling away. He waved without looking back.

"Dude?" I hissed at myself. "Of all the idiotic- argh!"

Turning, I stomped into the hotel, still feeling dizzy from the onslought I had just been delivered, but trying to maintain as much dignity as possible. On the way up to my floor, my hand made it's way to my lips a few...thousand times at least, before I'd rip it away, and smack it a few times, scolding it as if it were a child.

"No! No! You are not allowed to admit it!"

Admit what, exactly? Well just the fact that I had absolutely had no qualms about his lips on mine. At all. In any way. And also, the fact that I might have been in love with him.

But it wasn't like I was ever going to kiss him again. He said it himself, right? That it was...the last...

"Oh my god," I whispered, staring at the elevator doors with wide eyes as they began to slide open.

"Did he say for now?"

What Would You Do,


"What?" He cried, staring at me with wide eyes.

I cringed, holding my hands up in a gesture for him to cool his sphincter.

He swept the area as he realized everyone was looking at us, and leaned forward, lowering his voice. "You saw him?"

I nodded. Tarence leaned back, his eyes burning with curiosity. "And?"

I rolled my own, my cheeks reddening as I mumbled, "He kissed me...twice."

His mouth dropped open, and he flattened his palms on the table. This time, he didn't care who heard as he yelled, "Twice?"

I cringed, and groaned. "Terance," I complained, "Not so loud!"

"Okay, okay," He conceeded, lowering his voice as he took a deep breath to calm himself. And then he stared at me, waiting for me to explain.

"I didn't expect them...well, that's not really true," I thought back to the last kiss, it was vaguely expected. "But now he knows where I am. He hasn't visited me since that night, but...I just have a bad feeling."

"A bad feeling? Girl, if I were you I'd be on cloud nine."

Rolling my eyes, I settle them back on him, and glare. "Yes, I'm currently trying to reconcile my relationship with my boyfriend, and I should be on cloud nine that another man kissed me - twice."

"Okay, okay," He repeated his words from last time, but this time with a small laugh. "I was just trying to lighten you up - you're down straight in the dumps, I can tell."

I opened my mouth to protest his words, but before denial even left my mouth, I lost my fight, and slouched back in my chair. "I can't win," I groaned, and my forehead fell into my hand.

I could practically feel Tarence's grimace. "Like I said, this is a soap opera." And then he gasped. "Does that mean I'm the token best friend who gives all the good advice and stuff?" And then he got really nervous.

I sat staring at him with an amused expression as he straightened himself and forced his expression into a serious gaze. He then looked at me and said, "Everything happens for a reason."

I stared at him, sitting up straight in a slow manner. And then we both burst out laughing.

"What the hell?" I laughed, leaning on an elbow as my face fell into my hand yet again. 

"I'm sorry. How about, life is like a box of chocolates?" He snorted right after he said that, causing me to shake with laughter as a cackle escaped. 

I shook my head, whiping a tear from my eye. "I don't think you're cut out for the token best friend job. You're more comic relief, I think," I teased him.

"You may be right," He pointed a finger at me, nodding in agreement. 

"Also, the last advice you gave me was that I should totally get that tattoo of bugs bunny on my thigh because it complimented my witty personality," I reminded him, shooting him a glare.

He grinned then. "Hey, bugs bunny was a freaking trickster if I've ever seen one, so obviously he's your spirit animal."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, okay, so I'm a little sarcastic now and then-,"

"A little?" He cut in.

I continued, ignoring him. "But I'm also innocent and sweet!"

We stared at each other for a moment, before both of us burst into another fit of laughter. 

"You?" He wailed, slapping his knee.

I shook my head, wiping a tear from my eye as I held my other hand up. "Alright, alright, I know. Innocent is a bit of an exaggeration."

"A bit!" He cried, holding his stomach.

After a moment, our laughter died down, and I smiled over at him. "Thanks for this, Tarence. It's nice to have a friend around who knows exactly how to distract me."

"Hey," He shrugged, bringing his coffee to his lips. "It's been an occupation of mine since high school."

I sighed and sipped my coffee as well, although I made a face as it wasn't as hot as it was before, and left a bad taste in the back of my mouth.

"So?" He asked, leaning forward.

I stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. When he didn't, I shot him a confused look.


"So what do you plan to do about this?" He asked me, and there was no need to add the 'duh'.

I grimaced. "I didn't exactly get the chance to tell him that I was off the market, but the next time I see him, I'll definitely have a long talk with him," I told Tarence, my voice determined.

"How do you think he'll take that?" He asked me, his eyebrows furrowing.

My determined expression wavered, and I shifted my eyes to the table. " well...I think."

He shot me a sympathetic look as he set his hand atop mine across the table. "Stay strong, Sister. I know you - you can do this."

I smiled at him. "Thanks, Tarence."

"Anytime," He replied.

"So how are you and Mr. Perfect?" I asked him, and then sipped at my coffee.

His smile had a dreamy glow to it as his eyes sparkled. I smiled indulgently. He's so adorable sometimes.

"Well," He began. "Vaund took me to a really nice restaraunt the other day. It was so beautiful - you know, Faber's."

"Faber's?" I echoed in astonishment. "Really?"

He grinned, and nodded. "It was so awesome. He was so sweet the whole time."

I nodded along with his story, and he recounted the details. Things like what Vaundry was wearing, and how he'd chosen a really good wine for them both. It sounded like a really nice night for them both. But as he got to the end, his expression clouded a little.

"But...he's still a little...distant."

"Distant?" I asked, my stomach knotting for my friend. "What do you mean?"

He laughed, suddenly smiling again, and waved his hand, "Don't worry. I'm sure it's fine. He's just shy."

Furrowing my brows, I nodded, unconvinced. "Yeah. I'm sure that's all...but call me if anything happens, okay? I'll always talk to you."

He smiled, and this time it was genuine. "I will."



I left the coffee shop, promising to call Tarence as I hugged him goodbye. I had gone out to put another clue out for Victor, but Tarence had called to ask if I wanted to hang out with some coffee. I supposed I couldn't watch him get this one. I put it in an extra special spot for him. A laugh bubbled up just thinking about it.

I headed back to the hotel, and just as I stepped out of the car, in front of me, Jason had just stepped out of his. Giving a tired sigh, I ducked my head as I walked towards the door, but my arm was caught, and I knew that it was over for me.

"Ah the lovely Jane!" He said, as I turned around with an extra salty look for him.

"Ah the pain in my ass Jackson."

"'s Jason." I knew that.

I let out a long sigh. "What do you want?"

He tilted his head with a small grin, and it almost looked charming. Had I known who the bastard actually was on the inside, I would have probably thought he was an alright guy. Ha!

"I actually just wanted to ask whether you were free this Friday."

"Actually, I wanted to ask you the same thing!" I said, brightening my face and pointing at him as if it were such a coincidence. 


"Yeah! I've got this guy you'd probably love to meet - his name is Victor. He's a police chief I'm currently and very seriously in love with and I'm sure he'd be thrilled to meet you."

He dropped his hand. "Now that's no fun."

"Life isn't fun, Jacky-,"


"-That's why I was made! Someone has to  brighten it!" I continued, ignoring his correction.

And with that, I saluted him, blew him a mock kiss, and then twirled around on my heel. I walked away with extra finesse, just to piss him off.

"Ms. Jane," Benny greeted with a kind smile, and my own face softened in response.

"I see you're still working hard as always," I said to him, giving him a hug. "Anyone give you trouble today?"

"No," He murmured, a slight tremor in his voice as he shifted his stance slightly. "It's been as boring as always out here."

I laughed, nodding. "Good, good. You tell me if someone bothers you. I'll give 'em the old "swift kick in the ass!" Or so it goes."

He patted my shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind, Ms."

I grinned and waved as I walked into the hotel, but I wasn't paying attention and accidentally ran into something.

Or maybe it was somone.

It wasn't one of those dramatic things you see in books where I nearly fall over - no, I'm too much of a ninja for that. I simply bumped into him and let out a weird little squeak in surprise.

"Geez," I complained as I looked up, "Can you be any more of a wall? I think my insides are bleeding from the impact."

Logan quirked his eyebrows, smiling with a bemused expression. "It's not my fault you hardly ever watch where you're going."

"Well, well, well. Long time no see, stranger," I greeted him with a pat on the stubbled cheek.

"Jane," He said, rolling his eyes at me.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head.

"You have a stalker," He pointed behind me.

I looked, and there was Jason, standing at the entrance and watching us. God, was he creepy or what?

"James!" I greeted, waving my hand over my head.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, before making his way over. 

"James this is Logan. Logan this is James."

"Ah, actually it's Jason. Nice to meet you," He said, reaching his hand out, "I'm putting together the annual ball this year."

"Oh," Logan replied, and didn't say anything else, taking his hand in a strong grip and shaking it once.

I felt a laugh bubble up, but repressed it. There was no "pleasure to meet you." Or even a "Hello." It was just an intimidating stare and a simple handshake. Jacky looked like he was trying to size Logan up.

"So, how do you two know each other?" Jacob asked, and he looked apprehensive.

"I should be asking you the same thing," Logan replied, his eyes flickering to me.

"He's my stalker, like you said," I told him, flashing an innocent smile.

Logan took a step forward to grab Jackson and he jumped back with a yelp that, in my opinion, didn't fit his look very well. He held up his hands as if in surrender, and said in a slightly scared voice,

"I-I promise you I do not stalk anyone! She's kidding!" he looked at me desperately, "Right?"

"Hmm," I thought for a moment, eyes rolling to the ceiling, "Am I kidding?" 

"Jane!" He begged, Logan stepped forward another step.

I laughed as I gripped Logan's bicep to stop him.

"Fine, fine. He doesn't stalk me. Let's go upstairs." 

I grabbed Logan's hand and dragged him to the elevators, leaving Jacky standing there with eyes wide. 

When the doors opened and I dragged him inside, he finally spoke.

"Who in the hell was that guy?"

"My stalker," I reply, pressing the button for the third floor. 

"Jane!" He groaned, and I grinned up at him.

"Fine. He's putting together this year's annual ball. He saw me in the hallway and apparently thinks I'm in love with him."

Logan furrowed his eyebrows, his blue eyes staring incredulously down at me. "And you let this happen?"

I shrugged. "I didn't encourage it, but the guys incorrigible, if you know what I mean."

His expression went flat, "You attract some annoying guys, you know."

I glared up at him. "Yeah, he's a close second with you."

He grinned, "Owch. It hurts."

The doors opened, and I rolled my eyes as I entered the hallway, walking down to my room. I slid the card and opened the door, leading him inside to the living area.

"How can you afford all this?" He asked, looking around.

"Dadio," I answered, as I walked over and pulled the curtains back.

The sun filtered in, and I could see down to the street. There wasn't much going on - cars coming and going, people lumbering across the street, shopping at the little strip mall. This place was quiet.

"Okay...," He trailed off, still confused.

"So, what brings you here?" I asked, turning around and lean against the window, warm from the direct sunlight.

He looked at me, and suddenly his expression faded into a serious gaze. His hand, which had been holding onto his elbow, fell  to his side, and he stood straight.

"I came here to ask you a question."

"Oh?" I asked, and tilted my head. "What would that be?"

He took a step closer, the light of the sun hitting his face, and for a moment I was taken aback. His hair looked to be glowing, a golden crown that made me curse his perfect existance - why couldn't I look half as good as this jackass? His eyes captured mine, so blue that I could almost see ocean waves lapping the shore. I missed Florida, suddenly.

"What would you do, if I fought for you?"

If I Fought for You?


That bad feeling I had? Yeah...totally warranted.

When was it? Victor was supposed to be getting his clue about now. I was just planning to wait for his call when I got back to the hotel. But standing here in front of Logan, with eyes wide, probably looking like a deer caught in the headlights, that call would probably pass through one ear and out the other. 

I hadn't planned to have that talk with him just then. Far from it. I had planned to put off talking to him about it as long as possible until we both hated each other and the talk wasn't necessary anyway - but of course I forgot the minor detail that god hates my guts.Okay, maybe he didn't. Maybe he was just trying to put me in a situation so I had to face my problems like a damn woman, but really? Give me no time to prepare? Real smooth, God. Real smooth.So I stood with eyes open wide, stuttering on my words and trying to pull myself together enough to form a fully functional sentence. I was failing of course, and nothing but words like "you," and "I," and "what," were managing to escape...mostly in that order. Occasionally I'd switch it around a bit to something like, "I, what, you," just to shake things up.Logan hadn't wavered, eyes holding mine and mouth set in a thin line. His clenched fists told me he was ready for a firm rejection.And that's what I was going to do.I opened my mouth, taking in a deep breath, forcing my heart to calm down, and let it out slowly. I looked down at his shoes, and steadied myself."Y-you know I love Victor," I whispered, as my voice wouldn't raise any higher."Yes. But you love me too." He said, and I flinched, looking up at him.His eyes were confident this time, and he waited for me for refute him - he wanted it."That's-," My voice faltered, and my heart beat painfully. I was suddenly out of air. I closed my eyes and turned my face away in shame. I couldn't say it.He didn't speak, and I could almost feel the shock in his silence. The air was tense, and then I heard him move forward. I could almost feel the air around me constrict when he got too close. I felt pathetic as I tried to shrink back slightly, holding myself and refusing to look at him. I didn't open my eyes.I knew he reached out, but I still jumped when his fingers touched my face. He trailed them down to my neck, and gently lifted my chin. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes, and moved them up to his face. His usually bright blue irises were dark, and dangerous. They warned me that he was about to do something that I may or may not have liked - and I didn't have much of a choice, because after all, Logan always did what he wanted.He leaned down, and I barely had time to close my eyes before his lips pressed to mine. It wasn't like his previous kisses. This one was soft, sweet, and very slow. Damn him.

My hands let go of my own arms, and I was about to reach out to him, when the phone rang.

Logan paused, but didn't take his lips away from mine. But the shrill sound of that annoying, generic ringtone was like a cold, clean glass of water...thrown all over me.

I pushed away from him, parting our lips breaking his hand's contact. Without looking at him again, I pushed past him and headed for my phone, which sat on the corner of the bed. I picked it up and opened it without looking at the ID. There were only two people who had this number.

"H-hello," I winced at the roughness of my voice, and cleared my throat.

"Jane?" He said, and he sounded surprised.

I closed my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, before replying, "What did you think of this last clue?"

He scoffed. "I can't believe you made me climb into a Chuck E. Cheese slide. Do you know how many people stared at me? I had to dodge kids and I think there was a puddle of pee at the top," The disgusted voice he used caused laughter to bubble up, and I regained my bearings.

I wasn't some weak little girl that couldn't woman up and tell someone outright what I chose. Even if it hurt them, it would hurt worse to lead them on. Logan didn't make me feel the way Victor made me feel. Not by a long shot. I loved him, but not...not like Victor.

"Well that's payback for trying to track me. Besides, Chuck E. Cheese has good pizza."

He let out a disgusted noise. "Uh-huh." 

"Eat a slice," I teased.

I glanced back to see what Logan was doing, just in time to get the phone snatched from my hand. There was a moment of confusion and slight insanity where I wondered if God was bored with our conversation and decided to end it himself, before I realized that Logan was behind me, and pressing the phone to his ear.

"Hello Victor," Logan murmured, ignoring my glare as he dodged my grab for the phone.

"Logan!" I hissed, angrily kicking at his shins. He dodged that as well.

"Yeah, this is Logan. Yeah we're having a real fun time here," He shot me a teasing grin. 

"Logan!" I said, this time loudly. "Give me the phone!"

But his face turned serious, which made me pause. He stared straight into my eyes as he said, loud and clear, "She's mine. I'm not going to lose this time. I'll make her realize how much better I am for her."

Just as I heard Victor's loud voice over the phone, he took it away from his ear, and then snapped it in half.

"Logan!" I shouted as he threw the mangled phone on the bed. He began to walk towards me, but I was angry. "How could you do that? You asshole! I should- hey!" 

He wrapped his arms around my waist, and dragged me forward, before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine once again. But I kept my mouth rigid and broke my lips from his. I lifted hand, and smacked him.

"Ow!" He let me go, holding onto his cheek.

" asshole!" I repeated, raising my fist to hit him again.

He held up his hands in defense, "Hey now, is that any way to treat the man you love?" he teased, and I glared daggers at him. 

"Man I love?" I spat, "You just hung up on the man I love."

He let a small smile curve his smug lips. "You love me too, remember?"

I laughed, but it wasn't exactly amused, "I really think we need to have a talk, but right now I really feel like I'd kill you, so please, just leave for a while."

He lowered his hands, eyes capturing mine once again. "I won't give up, Jane."

"And I won't give in," I said in a slow and calculated voice.

He smiled, suddenly his old self again. "We'll see about that. I'll take my leave now."

I watched him turn and walk away, but he paused and then turned around. He took one step and leaned down, capturing my lips in a chaste kiss. But I kicked out and hit him in the shin with the tip of my shoe. 

He hopped backwards, swearing under his breath, and laughed. "Nice kick, Babe."

"Out!" I shoved him towards the entrance, and he stumbled slightly, before finally picking his way to the door and opening it, throwing me back a grin before finally shutting it behind him.

"Asshole!" I called, still seething.


The entire day I grumbled to myself, thinking I'd have to buy another disposable phone. The telivision droned on I stared at the mangled object at the end of my bed. I glared at it and hoped it caught on fire, as if it were a voodoo doll with a direct link to Logan that would singe his hair off and leave him bald and ugly...although I doubted Logan could ever be ugly...damn him.

That night I wondered what Victor was thinking. How was he taking the fact that Logan knew where I was? Did he hate me now? I groaned as I rolled around in bed, Victor's shirt clutched in my hands. Now that I knew my feelings clearly, it was easy to see how Victor felt every time he called me. I wanted to see him. 

With a groan, I rolled into a sitting position. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I searched with my toes for my slippers. While I searched the bedside table for my keys. When I finally found them, I slid my feet into the soft, warm shoes and stood up. My pajamas consisted of fluffy pants, and a silk shirt, which I bought from the convenience store. I felt damn comfortable.

I felt my way to the door, seeing as I was too lazy to turn on the lights. But halfway there, my foot hit the corner of...something - god, was it something - and seering pain shot up my leg, causing it to buckle slightly. I sucked in a breath through my teeth, and a string of profanities let forth from my mouth. This one's for you, Mom.

When I was done hopping around in the darkness, my eyes fully adjusted, I limped to the door, more annoyed than before.

The hall was empty when I stepped out, as it was late at night. I played with the keycard in my hands as I walked, staring at the floor. When I reached the elevator and pressed the button, I took a deep breath. Was I really going to do this?

It seemed only fair. I mean...Victor was probably going to beat it out of Logan anyway. Maybe.

Or maybe it was just me. Maybe I'd just had enough.

My thoughts swirled lazily in my head as I watched the numbers of the elevator lazily make their way down. When the doors opened, I stared out at the lobby, which was empty as well, save for the woman at the desk, who read a magazine. I waved to her when she looked up, and she paid it no mind. I was usually out this late getting icecream, I realized.

While I laughed to myself about that revelation, I left the lobby and headed down the street to the parking garage. My car awaited just inside, and I paused, staring at it.

I was seriously going to do this. Suddenly butterfies filled my stomach, and Victor's face filled my vision. My hands shook, and I blinked rapidly. I was nervous.

"God I'm a wimp," I groaned to myself as I forced myself to move, my pink slippers sliding along the concrete.

My palms sweat against my keys, and I unlocked the car, forcing the door open as it stuck yet again. I slid into the seat and took a deep breath yet again as I rolled the engine over. It purred...well more like violently growled beneath me as I contemplated what I was about to do. 

But without further ado, I pulled out of the parking space, and left the garage. I hummed the tune of I Will Survive as I navigated the very light traffic. At two AM there wasn't much happening. I knew his adress from a previous B&E involving a closet, and stealing a shirt, but it was still iffy...meaning I drove around the block twice before I remembered which house was his...or maybe I was just stalling, but I'm gonna go with the former.

I pulled into his driveway, noting that his lights were off. Of course he was asleep. If he wasn't I'd probably be worried. A part of me - the chicken shit part - said to let him sleep. To go back to the hotel and just let this all go.

But of course, who ever listens to the chicken shit?

So, I pulled the keys from the ignition, and the car gave a pathetic rumble and a few chokes before it settled into slumber. With a few long and deep breaths, I steadied myself, and got out of the car.

It was a little chilly out, but I braved it and made my way to the door, running a hand through my hair to make sure it didn't look like a tangled mess. I straightened my shirt for some stupid reason and smoothed my pajama pants. I was stalling again.

Taking a deep breath, I reached out...and stopped just short of the doorbell. Did he have a long day? Maybe he was tired. Maybe I shouldn't-,

No. I shook my head, and smacked my palms to my cheeks a couple of times. Get it together!

With a grunt, I reached out and punched the doorbell. And managed to accidentally press it twice. Shit. Now I felt bitchy.

But I waited, rocking in my slippers, heel to toe, heel to toe. Shit, did he not hear me? Maybe he is too fast asleep. Maybe I should knock? But then again, that would be quieter than ringing the doorbell. Maybe I should have just gone home, he probably didn't want to see me anyway-,

But my thoughts cut off, and so did my breath, when the lock on the door tumbled. My eyes were wide and my stomach was in knots when the door swung open. And there he stood. Shirtless, in basketball shorts and barefoot. He certainly didn't look tired, as he froze with his alert, golden eyes set on mine.

And it felt so good to see them in person.

Trying hard to hide the fact that my legs were trembling, I lifted my hand in a cheeky wave and said, "Hey sexy."

He blinked. And then he blinked again. He was frozen in place. His eyes traveled from mine, all the way down to my feet, and then back up again. I let out a sheepish laugh.

"Yeah, yeah I'm not in my Sunday's best. But hey, at least I came. I didn't exactly plan this...I mean...I kind of just missed your face...well that sounded creepy-,"

"Jane?" He asked, and there was a desperate edge in his voice, as he finally took a step closer.

I shut up, blinking up at him. "No it's the jehova's witnesses. Do you have time to learn about our lord and sav-," But before I could get the rest out, he took another step forward, and captured me in his arms.

It was such a relief to feel his strong arms around me, that I forgot about everything for a while. I forgot about our problems, and my problems with Logan, and my father, and Ike. God, too many men causing problems in my life.

At that moment, though, it was only us. Two people in love, without a care in the world.

"God, Jane." He squeezed me tighter.  He repeated my name, as if it was the only thing he could say. 

I didn't reply, wrapping my own arms around his torso as I let my hand stroke his back. He buried his face in my neck, and we stayed like that for a long time.

"Jane," He repeated in a softer tone, his body relaxing as his breath brushed my neck.

"I'm here," I whispered, my hand coming up to play with his hair. 

"I'm home."

God, I've Missed You.


I sat with hands folded in my lap. His kitchen was moderately sized, with a wooden table sat in front of the bay windows that overlooked the front lawn. The dark stained cabinets over the black granite counters gave a cozy, yet masculine feeling to the room. The tiles underfoot were deep burgandy, and fit the color scheme nicely.

As usual, his house was spotless. I wondered breifly as the smell of hot chocolate reached my nose how he kept such a clean house with such a busy schedule. 

A steaming mug was set down in front of me, and he sat down next to me with his own mug of coffee clasped in his hands.

I blew on the hot chocolate in an innefectual attempt to cool it off, before lifting it to my lips and taking a small sip. He sipped his own in silence. We sat without speaking for a moment, and I could tell by the way he gazed down into his cup, golden eyes unfocused, that he was trying to figure out what to ask me first.

I fidgeted in my own seat, feeling a bit of regret for coming here. I wasn't ready to answer what he wanted to ask. In fact I didn't think I was ready to see him at all. I couldn't believe I had actually gotten into the car, let alone knocked on his door.

The hell was I thinking?

I went through a list of things in my mind that would have been a better, less troubling option. Instead of coming here, I could have just called him. Instead of coming here, I could have talked myself down in an ice cream shop with a douple scoop of banana split. Instead of coming here, I could have just stayed in bed and smelled his shirt. I could have done anything else.

But of course my brain has never exactly won the nobel prize for thinking things through.

"Jane," I blinked from my reverie and looked up. 

He wore a reluctant expression, his eyebrows turned down with the corner of his lips in a frown, and I realized that he was as much dreading asking these questions as I was answering them.

I let out a heavy sigh and held up my hand. Victor watched as I carefully collected myself, gathering my courage in a big gulp of air and letting it out in a heavy sigh.

"First off," I began, curling my hands back around my cup and staring down into the liquid, "Logan found me. I was out buying icecream when we...I guess ran into each other. I thought I got away from him but he'd followed be back to my hotel. We talked and...and he left," I swallowed thickly.

Victor tilted his head. "You're lying."

I winced. Was I really that horrible a liar? 

"Come on now," I complained, "I can't be that bad!"

"Your eyebrow twitched," He explained, lifting his hand to brush my hair from my face, "You can't have forgotten about that?"

I groaned, dropping my forehead against the lip of my mug. "I thought I fixed that."

He smiled briefly as I glanced at him, but it slowly faded. "He didn't just leave, did he?"

I lifted my head fully, letting out yet another sigh. "Not...exactly...,"

Victor's eyes darkened to that familiar cold stare that he got when he was angry, "He kissed you, didn't he?"

"Yes but only once!" I blurted, and he raised his eyebrows.

"He kissed you multiple times?" He reached up to run a hand through his hair.

Damn eyebrow.

"Okay, yes, multiple times," I admitted, pouting.

Victor sat in silence for a few long seconds, before he pushed his chair back, and began to stand. I reached out in a flash, wrapping my hand around his wrist before he could get any further.

"Please," I pleaded, staring into his cold eyes, "If you're going to be mad at someone, be mad at me. Don't hurt him."

Victor slowly stood up, despite my grasp. His eyes didn't leave mine, however, and he let out a soft sigh.

"Jane," He murmured, and his voice was softer, "Do you love me?"

I blinked as he slid his wrist out of my grasp, and wrapped his fingers around my own.

"Of course I love you," I mumbled in confusion, as he slowly pulled me out of my chair.

"But you love him, too." This conversation seemed familiar somehow.

"I-," I tried to protest, but my words died yet again. I couldn't say it. So I settled for, "Not as much as you. Not...not nearly."

Victor let go of my hand, and lifted it to touch my face. He took a small step forward, and I had to look up at him. His hand was warm against my skin, and his presense was like stepping out of a stuffy room and into the cool night air. He felt good. He felt right.

I watched his face as he wrapped an arm around me, and dragged me into him. 

"The only way he'll back off is to see that you've made your decision. To see that you belong to me." He murmured, and my eyes fluttered closed as he leaned down. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, and then my nose, and the my cheeks. Slow, soft kisses littered my face.

"Jane," He murmured again, and this time his voice had that desperate edge to it as his lips rested on my forehead yet again, "I've waited too long to do this with you again. Stay with me tonight?"

My arms drifted around his waist, as I melted in his hold.

"Mn," Was all I could murmur, with a tiny nod.

With a small smile, he pulled my chin up with a gentle hand, and finally pressed his lips to mine. My heart fluttered, and a weight lifted from my shoulders. I was finally home.

The kiss began gentle, but quickly turned hot and urgent as his arms tightened around me, and he pulled me even closer to him. My hands clutched at his back as he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

My scalp tingled as one of his hands slipped into my hair. I didn't register that I had been moving until my back hit something hard - by the indentions I felt, I assumed it was his door, but I wasn't about to open my eyes to check.

My hands slid up to his neck, and began playing with his nape, as his hand slipped from my hair to fumble with the door knob. 

He broke away to laugh as he couldn't find the knob in the first try, and I couldn't help but grin as well.

"Need some help?" I asked breathlessly, reaching down to grab the knob in his place. 

He let out a breathy laugh, and used his knee to bump the door open. It hit the wall with a thump, and I barely had time to think as he walked us into the room, because his lips attacked mine again. I couldn't help but admire his strength. He treated me like I weighed nothing, which was pretty damn sexy to me. 

I broke away in a breathless giggle as I was suddenly thrown down. I bounced on the bed, and looked up at him, blinking as I watched him stare at me with a small grin.

"You have no clue...absolutely no clue how aggrevated you make me," He rumbled as he slid onto the bed, strattling me for a moment, before dropping on all fours above me.

"What did I do?" I asked, my voice quiet with excitement.

The fact that he was here with me was like being on a sugar high. My blood zinged with energy, and my hands shook with antiscipation as they pressed to his broad chest. My eyes were wide with happiness, and I knew I probably looked crazed, but neither of us seemed to care.

He let out a scoff, and my attention was pulled from admiring the fact that he existed. "Do you know how long I've waited to have you like this? With me?"

I moved my hand to my chin, a single finger pressing to my lip in thought. "Hmm...nope!" I replied, blinking at him with innocent eyes.

He grinned, and it was fierce and bright. I had never seen such a beautiful expression before, and I couldn't help but grin back.

"God, I've missed you," He rumbled, putting his weight on one arm as he reached up and ran his fingertips across my cheeks, fiddling with my hair.

"Really? I had no-," My remark was cut off when he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.

Damn, he figured out the only way to shut me up.

Tell Me All About it.


Slowly, my eyes opened. My face was pressed into a pillow, and it smelled familiar. I blinked a few times as I idly wondered why my bed smelled so heavily of Victor, but then I realized as I became more aware of my surroundings, that I was, in fact, in Victor's bed.

I wrapped my arms around my pillow and smashed my face more fully into the down softness, inhaling through my nose to catch his scent once again. I had never felt so peaceful.

As I became more awake, I noticed what sounded like a constant flow of water through a tap. Lifting my head from the pillow, I listened harder, hearing a soft Pop! every few seconds, and my consciousness finally put together the sound of a sizzling pan.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes with a heavy sigh. My pajamas were haphazardly on my body from rolling around all night. I briefly wondered if I'd kept Victor up. I adjusted my shirt so my bra wasn't hanging out, and stretched myself out to maximum capacity, pointing my toes. It had been a long time since I'd slept so deeply. Normally nightmares about Ike and his escapades kept me tossing. For me to sleep deep enough that Victor could slide out of bed without me noticing was a rarity for me.

I stood up, forgetting about my slippers as I padded barefoot over to the door. When I swung it open, the smell of bacon wafted over me, and I followed my nose to the kitchen.

When I reached the doorway, I peered in to see that Victor had his bare back to me. His hair was a mess, more so than usual, and like me, he was barefoot. With a spatula in one hand, he pushed around the bacon that sizzled crisply in the pan, flipping it every once in a while. I was brought back to Florida once again, when I'd wake up to my mom making breakfast, and Kent sitting at the table. I looked around for a moment, thinking that they had to be somewhere - lurking around the corners to pounce on me and lecture me about sleeping in bed with a man.

But they were nowhere to be found. The house was empty save for us.

"Did I keep you awake?" I asked after a moment of admiring his back. It was muscular, and I was a sucker for pretty backs.

He turned his head at my voice, glancing back at me with a smile. "Yes and no. It's not every day I have you in my bed, so I kept waiting for you to disappear."

Not exactly sure how to reply to that, I approached him and asked, "What's for breakfast?"

I slid my arms around his waist as I settled my forehead on his shoulder blade.

He let out a hum that reverberated through my body, and slid his own hand over mine as he replied, "Bacon, eggs and toast. I can't do much else."

I let out a light laugh. "Fine with me."

I heard the sound of him pushing the pan to the back burner, and when then the click of the switch as he turned the stove off.

He turned around in my arms, wrapping his own around my waist as he pulled me close to him. I set my chin on his chest, gazing up at him through tired eyes.

"How did you sleep?" He murmured, his voice soft as he lifted one of his hands to my hair, running his fingers gently through as he untangled a few parts.

I let my eyes close for a moment, before replying, "Good. Better than I have in a long time."

"Good," He murmured, and I opened my eyes to see that he was smiling down at me, his expression soft.

We stood there for a long time, enjoying each other's presence as I closed my eyes yet again, burying my face in his chest. I was on the verge of falling asleep in the comfort of his embrace, when he let out a big sigh.

"Breakfast is going to get cold."

Blinking my eyes open, I reluctantly pulled away. "Let's eat!" I announced through a yawn.

We ate in silence for the most part. Mostly because I was too busy shoving food into my mouth to speak, and he was too busy watching me, which would have made me self-conscious if I was more of a girl. As it was, I figured, he fell in love with me, so he has to deal with the good and the bad. I was preparing him.

I was pushing my eggs around in the maple syrup that I'd poured to dip my bacon in, when Victor spoke.

"Are you going to tell me where you planned to end the game?" He asked, taking a bite of his toast.

His enigmatic eyes were soft, studying my face as if it were his first time seeing it. As if he were taking in every detail. I shrugged as I wiped my mouth off with my napkin.

"No. You're still going to play the game," I murmured, smiling to myself as I reached over and sliced off some butter to put on my toast.

He was silent for a moment, before he leaned forward, eyebrows furrowed. "What?"

I laughed, leaning forward to meet him halfway as I pressed a kiss to his lips. Despite his shock, he immediately responded.

When I pulled away, I grinned at him, "The game is still on."

"But isn't the point a little moot now?" He said, his voice desperate.

"Afraid I'll make you crawl into the sewers next?" I asked, food forgotten as I leaned back with crossed arms, enjoying the expressions on his face.

"You wouldn't-," He cut off as he blinked, "Actually, yes, you would."

I winked, picking up my toast and taking a big bite. Through my food I murmured, "You know me too well."

He narrowed his eyes. "So where will the next clue be?"

I blinked as I realized that I had never told him. Logan had cut me off before I could.

"Ah, right," I murmured. "3535 Mary Jane Lane. Under the weeping statue."

He rolled his eyes. "What weeping statue?"

My smile was mischievous as I forked a big bite of eggs. "You'll know it when you see it."


I left Victor with the assurance that I'd come back. I felt bare without my leather jacket, and wondered why I didn't bring it with me. Despite it being my dad's, and the jury being out on his innocence, I couldn't find it in myself to throw it away, or stop wearing it. It was special to me. It held special memories of good times. Times that were bearable to think about.

I drove back to the hotel, and parked in the closest spot to the entrance of the parking garage so I wouldn't have far to walk. People stared when I entered the lobby with nothing but pajamas and slippers on, but I ignored them. I was once brought into jail in nothing but a swim suit because I'd broken into a closed YMCA drunk and tried to swim laps.

I was a really stupid drunk.

I entered the elevator, and waited, humming softly to myself, as the doors closed. I had my hair up in a bun, and as I looked at myself in the distorted reflection of the doors I realized that I looked terrible. Geez, why did Victor put up with me? I looked like Frankenstein's bride!


The elevator stopped on the second floor, and when it opened, a man with dark hair and casual clothes stepped on. He nodded to me with a tight smile, and he was on the phone as he reached for the buttons. He paused as he noticed the third floor was pushed, and dropped his hand.

I leaned against the wall on the opposite side of him, trying not to listen to his conversation.

But hey, I'm nosy.

"No, nah she wasn't on second. I'm headed to third. Look I'm trying here! It's not so easy to find one girl in a place with four hundred rooms!"

His voice was quiet, and he wasn't looking at me. But I felt myself tense. I knew it wasn't likely that he was one of them. There was a one in a millionth chance that he could have been talking about me.

But what if? It never hurt to be paranoid, and as it stood, I was pretty damned sure that I had the right to be.

"Yeah. Yeah I'll call you if I find her. No, I didn't lose it! Look I know what she looks like so-,"

He was arguing now. I heard a slight jersey accent in his tone.

"Yeah. I'll call you," He snapped, and shut his phone.

I gave him a polite smile as he glanced at me, and the door slid open. I forced myself to keep calm and keep a steady pace as I made my way to my hotel. I was exposed, and noticeable, in my bright pajamas with my hair in a knot. I didn't want to bring any unnecessary attention to myself.

I listened as he stopped behind me, to knock on someone's door, and took in deep breaths as I fiddled with my key.

It took ages to reach my door, at least to me, and I slid my card in a bit of a hurry. My phone was broken. I had no way to call for help - my hotel phone was busted.

I turned the handle, but it didn't budge. Damn! I had slid the card too fast. I paused and let myself breathe for a moment. It may not have been anything. I could have been just freaking out. But my gut told me that something was very wrong, and I always listened to my gut.

Well, almost always.

I finally got the light to turn green, and turned the handle. I entered the room and shut the door behind me, flipping the lock over. I would pack my things, wait until he was down the hall a ways, and make my escape.

He would probably avoid my door, although he might check just to make sure. I had to prepare for that. I turned the shower on, and, despite my guilt for disturbing the neighbors, grabbed my ipod from it's place in my backpack and settled it on the counter, plugging it into my portable speakers. I put it on the loudest setting, and then rushed off to complete my task.

I would make him think I was preoccupied, and couldn't hear him.

Quickly I started to pack my things. I took my jacket from it's place on the bed and shoved it, rolled up, into my backpack. I knew I couldn't wear it if it was really me he was looking for.

I changed out of my pajamas and into Victor's shirt, and a pair of running shorts. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and pulled on my hoodie over all of it, pulling my hair over my shoulder and tucking it into the collar.

I waited, tense, on the bed, listening for any sign that he would knock on my door. At least ten minutes passed, and just as I thought, he had seen me go in, and hadn't knocked. The perks of looking like shit was that no one recognized you.

I shouldered my backpack and walked back into the bathroom, where I carefully turned the shower off, before ever so slowly turning the sound down on my Ipod, and then finally off. I didn't want him to notice anything.

I shoved my things into my backpack, and then peeked out the peep hole. I didn't see anyone, but I still carefully opened the door and peeked out.

He was down the hall just a little ways, knocking on a door. I eased out, as his back was to me, and slowly shut the door just as the one he was knocking on opened. It was James. Or Jared. Jackson? I was so tense that I couldn't even remember his actual name.

He didn't notice me, thankfully, and neither did Mystery Man. I was a little bit down the hall, moving as discreetly as I could, but I looked back just in time to see Jared...Joseph? Oh it doesn't matter! He pointed down the hall to my door, and the man looked.

He did a double take as he noticed me, and abruptly turned, yelling, "Hey!"

But I was already booking it. I made it down to the end of the hall as I slammed into the buttons and started to press them frantically. I could hear him yelling to stop, but the doors slid open, thankfully very quickly, and I flew in, almost hitting every button but the close button. The elevator started to slide at a slow rate, and I bounced up and down, watching him advance just as the doors slid completely closed.

I waited with breath held as I watched the elevator descend. It seemed like ages before it actually happened, and the doors opened again.

I flew out, and shrieked when I hit another person.

I looked up at the disgruntled stranger, throwing him an apology as I shoved past him. My keys were held so tightly in my left hand that I wondered if I'd drawn blood. I didn't pause to look.

I ran through the foyer with everyone's eyes following me, but I didn't care, as I shoved through the door and ran into the streets. But I ran into someone else.

I looked up, ready to shove past them again, but paused for a second when I realized it was Logan.

"Jane-," he began, but I grabbed his arm and took off again, with him in tow.

"We have to get out of here right now!" I shrilled, and he ran behind me.

I ignored his questions as I ducked into the car park, and leaned against the wall to rest a second as I peeked around the corner.

"Jane," Logan panted slightly, "What's going on?"

"Ike," I said by way of explanation, fumbling with my keys.

The man stumbled out of the hotel, and began to scan the streets.

"Ike?" Logan exclaimed, as I began to drag him again, "What are you talking about? I thought you said he thought you were in mexico?"

"I thought he did!" I cried as I unlocked the car and struggled with the door. "I don't know how he found me!"

My hands were shaking so badly that they slipped from the handle as the door stuck, and I let out a cry of frustration, kicking the door.

Logan grabbed my hands, and I looked up at him, realizing that tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"It's going to be alright," He said, his voice soft.

His eyes were hard, though, and I knew he was ready to protect me at all costs. Sniffling, I nodded, and Logan let go of one of my hands, reaching over and grabbing the handle.

With a grunt and a hard jerk, I winced as the car let out a loud crack, and the door opened.

"Thanks," I murmured, and he nodded once as he jogged around the front to the other side.

I quickly got in the car, and slid in the key, praying to god that the engine actually started.

Praise all that is holy, it started without a hitch, and violently shambled to life. I couldn't tell for sure because of how loud the engine was, but I thought I heard the bottom of the car dropping out. I ignored it, and hit the gas, reversing out of the space before flooring it out of there.

"Where are we going?" He asked as I fishtailed out of the lot.

"Victor's," I replied when the car finally straightened out.

I had been so panicked that my backpack was still on my shoulder. I hooked my finger into the strap and let the car drive itself for a moment as I threw it in the back. I had gone from a panicked, crazed maniac to a stone faced, emotionless asshole in no time. I probably seemed like a psychopath.

But in reality it was just a defense mechanism I'd acquired over years of being scared straight and dealing with it. I had to calm myself down somehow, so what better way then to block emotions completely?

Logan was watching my face with worry, probably about the change in expression, but I didn't have time to answer his questions as I took the familiar route to Victor's home. I watched the mirrors intermittently to make sure I wasn't being followed, and even then I couldn't have been sure.

I passed Victor's house and parked two blocks down, before getting out and walking. If they did find my car, they wouldn't know where I was, and I'd have time to get out of there before they found out.

I had grabbed my backpack, but Logan insisted he take it. I gave up before I could argue with him. I didn't have time.

"Jane," He said, trying to keep up with my fast pace.

I'd been too stupid. Too complacent. I should have been moving around more, used a better, less conspicuous name. Perhaps put another, imaginary person in the room with me to lower suspicion. If I had done these things, would I have been safe?

Am I ever safe?

Frustration filled me at the thought that Ike was out there, using his cowardice tactics to get to me. That person that guy was talking to probably wasn't even Ike. Just another person he'd routed his business through. Those people never seemed to end.

"Jane!" I was pulled back as I realized I had been clenching my fists so hard that my nails dug into the skin.

"What?" I snapped in response, immediately annoyed at being stopped.

"You're acting like a war veteran!" He exclaimed, face hard.

"What are you-,"

"You parked two blocks away, you've been searching the area since we left the hotel, and in the car you were mumbling to yourself about things you could have done to "Change the outcome" of the situation! What's going on? Where is Ike right now?"

I had said all that out loud?

"I-I don't know," I mumbled, preoccupied as I glanced around. We shouldn't stand out in the open.

"Look at me!" He demanded, causing my eyes to snap to his.

I blinked. He was genuinely afraid. I could see that in his eyes. But not for himself. I could feel how afraid he was for me, and worried. Not just for the situation at hand, although I could see that was putting some stress on him, but for the state of my being. He was worried about how I was acting.

"Please," He murmured, "I'm losing you and I don't even know how to bring you back."

I was shocked at his words, flinching back slightly. "I-I," I reached up, rubbing the back of my neck as I averted my eyes. "I'm sorry. But we can't stay out in the open for too long."

There was a moment of silence as I felt his expression change. He knew what this meant, just as much as I did. Slowly, his grip on my wrist loosened, and then he let go entirely. My arm fell limply to my side. He took a small step forward, but hesitated in reaching out to me. Finally, in the corner of my eye, I watched him nod.

"Yeah. You're right. You could be in danger. I'm...I'm sorry."

Ignoring the pain in my heart, I turned and resumed my silent trek to the house. There was an awkward air around us now, as I could feel his eyes on my back.

I reached the driveway, seeing that Victor was home. Had he already gone to get the clue?

I reached the front door in seconds, but before I could even reach for the key, it flew open, and I was encircled. His arms were like steel traps, tense and unyielding. I was pulled into his chest in seconds, and all I could see or feel, or even smell was Victor.

"Victor-," My voice was muffled into his chest, but he only held me tighter.

"I got a call from the station that a girl had been seen being pursued by an unknown assailant. The description matched yours. God, Jane, I didn't know what to do. I couldn't call you, and I was getting ready to head over there myself."

Feeling the vibration of his chest reverberating through my body, and hearing his pounding heart beat caused me to relax. I felt safe. I felt as though all of my worries from before had melted away. I didn't want to leave this position.

"Are you alright, Jane?" He asked me, pulling me back to look at my face.

"I'm fine," I replied instantly, wanting to stem his worries. "I haven't seen anyone tailing me. I got away with no injuries. I'm okay."

He let out a deep breath, just as a throat cleared behind us.

We turned to find Logan, standing awkwardly a few feet away, with his hands deep in his pockets. He lifted a hand and waved once.


There was a moment of silence, as Victor took in his face. His eyes squinted slightly as if he was in disbelief. He looked down at me, and I gave him a sheepish smile.

"I ran into him at the hotel, I couldn't exactly just leave him there."

My explanation didn't please him. He let go of me and started towards Logan, but I quickly moved in front of him and pushed both my hands against his chest.

"Don't you do it!" I scolded, giving him a scathing look. "We don't have time for a brawl right now, and my face doesn't exactly need to be on the news."

His hard eyes looked into mine, and slowly he relaxed. "Fine. Logan, get your ass inside," He ordered, taking my hands from his chest and pulling me close to him.

He pulled me inside as Logan trailed after us, and I felt guilty that he had to see us like this. Victor was especially clingy since Logan was around, causing me to roll my eyes. I knew it hurt Logan, and I tried to keep my distance from Victor for that reason. No matter if I didn't feel that way about him; Logan still had feelings for me, and for me to walk all over that by ignoring the fact would be even more hurtful. I'd feel like a bitch.

I sat in the single chair in the living room, much to Victor's disappointment, and the brothers sat far apart, shooting each other scathing looks when the other wasn't looking. It was almost amusing - if I hadn't been the cause for their differences I would have laughed. This time, pissing them off wasn't fun.

I let out a heavy sigh and leaned over, picking up Victor's phone from the table. It was a touch screen, which made me make a face. I hated touch screens. I hadn't used one in so long that I felt like a three year old trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Despite my annoyance, I finally figured out where to dial, and dialed up a number I'd memorized for my own convenience.

I stood up and began to pace as I waited, chewing my lip as the tone grated on my nerves. The brothers watched me with slightly puzzled looks as they wondered who I was calling.

Finally, there was a click, and a gruff voice rang out through the speaker.


"Hey Finn!" I said, stopping my pace as relief set in.

"Is that Jane? How long's it been?" He roared with laughter, and I smiled, wincing as I pulled the phone from my ear at how loud he was.

"It sure is! Couple years, right?" I replied.

"About there! So? What's going on? Need another "rental"?" This time his laugh was evil.

Finnegan Clark was a mean son of a bitch, who sold stolen cars that he calls rentals. I used his services years ago when I found his number amongst my father's lovely phone book. When I first met him I thought he looked the type to smash a skull in just for fun. Turns out he only does that to people he doesn't like. Luckily for me, he took a liking to me.

"Sort of," I replied, sighing, "I know I said I'd never turn in this favor, but remember that "repo" job I did for you?"

Victor's eyebrows raised at the obvious quotation marks in my voice, and Logan grinned. It was nice to see an expression other than annoyance and sulk.

"Sure do," He murmured as I turned away from them. "That was some fine work."

"Yeah, so I'm calling it in. I need a favor."

"Really?" He laughed, and I had to pull the phone away from my ear again, "Well butter my biscuit; I never thought I'd hear it!"

I ran a hand through my hair as my face shown utter annoyance. "Me neither," I muttered, my voice dry.

"What'dya' need, Sugar?" He laughed.

Letting out a deep breath, I glanced at Victor, who stared at me with clear and determined golden eyes. I could tell he was still trying to figure out what "repo" meant, and I grinned slightly.

"A decoy," I replied.

There was a moment of silence, and I could practically feel him grinning.

"Tell me all about it."


YEEEEES I like Finn. Reminds me of a really badass grandpa in my mind at the moment. With a really deep voice. And who is soft on people he likes. Yes.

Anyway, what do you guys think? What's this "repo" job Jane talked about?

Sorry for the long wait, yet again. I'm a slacker. I know. Call it what you want.


sorry had to.

ANYWAY love you guys! Have a good week. I'm going to be going on a road trip this week on Thursday So that should be fun!

Hope you enjoyed, you guys! See you next chapter.

- Em.

Child Lock.


For the life of me, I couldn't remember how I ended up in this position. The road stretched on, seemingly endless, as the tension in the car felt like it could be cut like a cake. But it was one of those deceptive cakes, where it looked all sweet and frosty on the outside but on the inside it tasted salty and disappointing.

Yeah, that kind of cake.

Cakes aside, Victor had insisted that he come with me on this little road trip. And so, of course, Logan insisted he go as well. I outright refused, but my attempts to run out the door and jump in the car before they could catch me were immediately stopped by Victor's arm around my waist. 

So, being bitter, I locked the doors to the front seat and forced them both to sit in the back. They were less than pleased, especially since they had no desire to be within five feet of each other, let alone the width of a tiny, shabby car. 

Yes, we took mine. I didn't exactly think it through, and my poor car was rattling apart. I simply turned up the radio to drown the suspicious tapping sound emanating from the engine.

Ironically enough, as I felt  Logan's eyes staring into my back, Silver Springs was playing.


Despite the odd irony this song captured, I sang along, because who doesn't love a good Fleetwood song? 

Sounding like a drowning banshee, I wailed along to the song, hitting the high notes so perfectly, it wasn't even difficult. 

"Time cast a spell on you," I sang, raising my hands from the wheel, "But you won't forget me!"

The car swerved slightly, hitting a pot hole. I caught the wheel, letting out a stream of curses to the beat and melody of the song. Never lose the spirit. 

Huh, was that knocking sound always that loud?

"Jesus, Jane!" Victor complained, "I love your singing voice as much as the next guy but keep your hands on the wheel!"

"Hey!" I blindly pointed behind me, "Leave my driving alone!"

I turned the radio up some more, to drown out both the engine and my annoying boyfriend, and attempted to hit the high note on the next verse. My banshee noises have improved.

I glanced in the rear view to see Logan shaking with silent laughter, and Victor glaring at me. I shot him a wink.

"Someone's in a bad mood today! Huh, Logan?" I yelled back, seeing as I wasn't going to turn the music down for anything.

What he said sounded like a garbled mess.

"What?" I screamed. "I can't hear you!"

He waved his hand at the mirror, grinning. It was nice to have him actually smiling for a change. 

Shrugging, I shrieked along to the song, and just to piss of Victor, I swerved to the beat. He was rigid in the back seat the whole way, hands holding onto anything he could.

"I'm driving home!" He yelled at one point, and I just laughed.

We exited the highway, and wound down a road that hadn't been serviced in probably fifty years. Houses were spaced miles apart, and properties were a down. 

There we came upon the "Junk Yard." That's what I liked to call it. It was code for Finn's place. Hundreds of cars sat, some destroyed, some in pristine condition. He was off the radar, save for one phone that very few had the number for, and traced back to Kansas. He claimed to "collect" cars, and has fixed up more than I could count, hence the junked cars lying about. He had a lot of connections, most that he made you pay a pretty penny for. 

Victor still had no idea what we were doing here, simply because I spoke in code the entire conversation. And who could understand,

"Grandma's in the hen house with five eggs in the basket"?

That's code for, "I'm in trouble and I need a couple bail outs."

Bail outs meaning decoys.

I pulled into the driveway, made by countless cars driving in, and spotted Finn standing on the porch. I lifted my hand, and he grinned. That's Finn, alright.

A hulking man, he stood at six feet. He had a scruffy beard that didn't quite reach his chest, but was still long enough to braid - if he would let me, dammit. His hair was long as well, like a man stuck in the seventies, it was thick and went down to his shoulder blades. He usually kept it under a cowboy hat, or had it back in a loose tail at the nape. He was in his late forties, but even now I could tell he was a handsome man back in his day. He reminded me of a grandpa...who had gone to jail for ten years. So he reminded me of a jail-hardened grandpa.

He stood in a stance that reminded me of a veteran - at attention, hands behind his back. But he was smiling, so I knew he was at at ease as he could be, at least.

pulling in next to his car, I threw mine into park, and turned around to look at the two in the back.

"Stay here."

Grinning, I opened the car door. little did they know, I had flipped the child lock on.

Stepping out, I listened as they began to fiddle with the door knobs. They quickly realized what I'd done, and I slammed the door just as their protests started up.

"Well hello there, Darlin!" He greeted warmly, stepping off of his porch with arms outstretched.

I accepted his hug with one of my own. "It's been a minute, Finn. What've you been up to?"

He pulled back, letting out a laugh. "Usual business. Who're your friends in the car there?"

"Overprotective morons," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Ah," He stared into the car with slightly narrowed eyes.

"And," I sighed, "One of them happens to be a cop."

There was a few seconds of silence, as his eyes narrowed on the car for a little longer, before they widened, and he turned to me. "What?

I held up my hands, "Hold on a second, let me explain."

"You brought a cop here? Honey-bun, I'm sorry to ask, but've you gone nuts?" He exclaimed.

It was nice that he wasn't accusing me of selling him out. Even if he thought it was crazy - he knew that I would never do that on purpose. It made me smile.

"He's a friend. A boyfriend, actually," I explained, glancing at the car. Logan was half over the seat, trying to fit his other half through as he tried to get out through the front. Victor had apparently attempted to crawl through the seats with him, and they were both stuck, pushing at each other and arguing. I pressed my palm to my forehead, sighing out, "He insisted on coming along."

"You? Dating a cop?" He set his hand on my shoulder and let out a booming laugh, "How in sam-hell did that come about?"

"Well...long story short, it wasn't my idea," I answered, thinking about how hard I fought my feelings in Florida. Seemed a life-time ago.

"Hmm," He murmured, and we both glanced at the car. Logan and Victor were too large to get out, and they were stuck in between the chairs. "And the other?"

"Logan. The other protective moron. Brother to moron number one," I replied. "He's harmless."

At least, to Finn he was. To me he was anything but.

"Alright. So you can convince the cop to stay silent?"

"Victor?" I scoffed, "Of course I can."

"Well then," He slapped me on the back. "Get 'em out here before they hurt themselves."

I grinned, shooting him a salute, and then walked over to the car. They watched me miserably as I slowly approached, just to piss them off. Victor glared daggers as I pretended to have trouble with the knob, and as soon as I opened the door, they began to complain.

"Are you crazy-?"

"How could you-?"

"Get us out-!"

"Open the doors before I-!"

"Alright!" I yelled, rolling my eyes. "God, Mom and Dad, you're embarrassing me in front of my friends," I complained in a teenager voice.

They both glared, and I grinned. 

"Alright. Hold on."

I reached down, and lifted up the handle for the chair. Without warning, it flew forward, smacking Logan in the face, in the process. I was too pissed off at them not to be amused, as I leaned over, laughing my ass off.

"Are...are you...okay Logan?" I wheezed out.

"I'm fine," He replied, clearly pissed.

I tried to hold it in as I opened the door, but it released in a snort as the image of his dumbfounded face appeared in my mind. Both of them stepped out of the car, ignoring my laughter, and brushed themselves off.

I led them over to Finn, still grinning, and introduced them.

"Victor, Logan, my good friend Finn. Finn, Victor and Logan."

"Nice to meet you boys," he said to them, staring them down with an intimidating gaze. 

Ah geez. Does everyone have to be an overprotective moron? I'm not that frail and weak!

"So," He turned to me, eyes warming as he grinned once again, "You said you needed decoys?"

"I've always wanted to be in two places at once," I told him, nodding.

His smile dimmed slightly. "From what I know of you, you wouldn't call in a favor unless it was serious."

Of course, he was right. I didn't like it when people owed me, especially people I liked. Calling in this favor wasn't exactly something I was doing willingly, but a trip to back Mexico would cost me, and Ike wouldn't fall for it this time. I let out a heavy sigh, slumping my shoulders.

"Yeah. You know the situation with Ike, I presume?" I asked, not caring that my voice sounded as exhausted as I felt.

His hand on my back, he led me up the stairs, and over to the two rocking chairs he usually sat in.

"Your dad stopped by a good while back. Told me to take care of you if I needed to."

I sighed, knowing that questioning Finn about Dad's whereabouts would get me nowhere. Dad only ever revealed his whereabouts in code, and it was only a guess since our code-names translated to here or there. We were over-careful with his location.

But, instead of staying silent, I asked anyway, "He say where he was going?"

"Ah," he said, looking up as he thought, "Somethin' about Phoenix."

Phoenix Arizona - code for either Colorado or Michigan. Hot equals cold.

"Geez," I groaned. "How long ago was that?"

"Least...a month or two ago."

A month or two. He moved around frequently, and never settled down anywhere longer than two to three weeks. Changed his appearance every other week, and never went to the same place twice, unless it was a place of "Business."

Victor and Logan leaned on the railing, a few feet apart, watching my face.

"So, anyway, want to explain?" He asked, the old, rickety rocking chair squeaking as he leaned back in it.

I leaned back in my old chair, letting out a sigh. "Ike's got my location. Probably tracked me down by scouring any and every convenience store, and gas station, and showing my picture around to every local in a ten mile radius. Ike may be stupid, but he's smart," I muttered, causing Victor to raise an eyebrow, "He knew I'd have to stop sometime, and that I wouldn't fly. He tracked me back here by witnesses. He already knew my hometown, so by the time the rabbit trail started to grow cold, he had already guessed where I was going."

"So," Finn began on a sigh, "Why not just skip town?"

I shook my head. "I can't do that. Not yet, at least," I murmured, "I have some business there that I'm not finished with. I'll probably have to dye and cut my hair-," I noticed Victor tense, and Logan straightened up, so I backtracked, "Or wear a wig, but if I just convince him that I have skipped town, I'll at least have enough time to get what I need and then skip."

I didn't look at Victor's expression, nor Logan's. I knew what they were both thinking, and I didn't want to face them right now. I'd discuss my plans with them later. Whether they disagreed or not.

"Well then," Finn said, leaning forward again, "I got three candidates inside. Not many got your hair color so I had 'em die it instead. Long hair, like you asked, and I had 'em get a leather jacket. About the same height, although few were exact."

"Good," I sighed, standing up, "Let's go meet Me."

Finn stood up, stretching before heading for the front door, I followed him halfway, before I was stopped by a hand on my arm.

I looked up to find Victor, and I knew he wanted to talk to me.

"You guys go on ahead," I told Finn and Logan, "We'll be right behind you."

"Sure. Don't be long, now," Finn said, smacking a hand onto Logan's shoulder and dragging him along.

Logan stared at us, at me, until he was out of sight, and I turned to Victor with arms crossed. "Yes, oh Protective One?"

He set his mouth into a thin line at that, but sighed instead of commenting on it. He took a hold of my shoulders and dragged me close, pressing a single kiss to my lips. I responded in kind, despite still being annoyed with him, and opened my eyes when I felt his hands tighten on my shoulders ever so slightly.

"Are you really alright?"

I blinked, not expecting this question. I'd expected him to ask about what I'd said earlier, or to warn me away from Finn. I expected him to try and convince me to go back home, and let him protect me. I didn't expect that he'd be concerned about my well-being.


He let out a soft sigh. "I know that the whole thing with Ike hasn't been easy on you. When you were getting dressed, Logan said you weren't yourself on the way back to the hotel. He said that your expression when you ran into him-," I pressed a finger to his lips. 

"I'm fine now," I murmured. His expression turned dubious, and I smiled, "I promise. I just...needed some reassurance." I studied his face for a moment, knowing that the only reason I was fine was because of him. If he hadn't held me in that moment, I would have run around in circles until I broke down. 

I reached up, wondering how I'd stayed away from him for so long, and pressed a palm to his cheek. He had no idea the effect he had on me. Or maybe he did. Either way, I was fine in knowing that he would always be there for me.

"Let's go inside," I said, before I got any more sappy then I was.

Victor, his expression puzzled at what I meant, let me pass him, following me silently into the house. 

"Oh another one!" A voice squealed, and two more heads turned in our direction.

I paused at the scene in front of me. Finn was leaning against the wall behind the couch, with a stoic expression, as he watched Logan stand awkwardly in the middle of the living room, surrounded by girls. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he shrugged.

"I'm more afraid of a bunch'a girls than I am a band of hit men," He told me, "I ain't about to say anythin'."

I shrugged, knowing that his caution was warranted. Girls are scary.

As one of the women approached, Victor inched his way behind me, causing me to grin. "What's the matter, Victor?" I asked him in a low voice, "Afraid of a few women?"

"Deathly. I already have you to contend with." He replied, squeezing my shoulders.

"Hi!" The girl greeted, eyes moving right past me and focusing like an eagle on it's pray - which happened to be Victor. "I'm Johanna."

"Victor," He replied in a blunt voice, "Have you met my girlfriend, Jane?"

Rolling my eyes at his obvious attempt to take the attention off of himself, I stuck out my hand, as she finally set her gaze on my own, which would have pierced my skin had it been a knife. "Jane Harison. You're my decoy," I said, grinning.

Clapping his hands, as Logan tried to inch his way away from the girls, Finn shrugged himself from the wall. "Alright, girls. Let's get down to business."

Johanna put her hand in mine, her mouth set in an unfriendly smile. "Nice to meet you."

Finally, I thought, an annoying woman in my life.









That's That.


We were sitting on Finn's overly comfortable couch. And yet I couldn't get comfortable at all - simply because Victor was practically sitting on top of me. I was staring ahead with an annoyed gaze as he shifted once again, listening to Johanna grill him with questions about himself. She had no shame.

Of course, I was enjoying every second of it as well - It had been so long since I had a woman causing me problems instead of a man. Of course, that doubled the problems with the men - as one of them was practically crushing my leg.

"Alright," Finn set down the glasses of tea in the middle of the table, he settled his eyes on me, and for a second he didn't register what he was seeing.

I sat on the end of the couch, hand cupping my cheek as my fingers dug into my temple. Logan was stuck in between the other three, as they talked to him as if he was the greatest discovery since sliced bread.

"Separate," He ordered, commanding voice ringing through the room.

The girl's stopped their chatter, turning their gazes to him with confusion.

"You heard me," He snapped when they didn't move, "You, pretty boy, over there," He demanded, "You four, over here," He pointed to the couch beside him.

Thank God for Finn. Johanna obediently stood and left us to go over to the couch next to Finn, and Logan sat next to Victor - much to both of their chagrin.

I was given the freedom of space, as the blood flowed back into my leg and I let out a breath of relief.

"Alright," Finn sighed, picking up a glass and offering it to me - and only me.

I wanted to laugh as he sat back without even bothering to hand out the rest of the drinks. Victor and Logan exchanged a glance at the obvious disregard of their presence, and I held in my laughter as much as I could. The sound of the clinking ice in my glass was almost smug as I took a long sip, enjoying this just as much as Finn seemed to be.

"Now, let's begin phase one, shall we?" I grinned as I sat my cup down on the table.

Finn nodded, a small smile forming on his face. "Now I've got an idea from what I heard on the phone, but enlighten me just in case," He told me.

"Well," I began, falling into old routine. How long had it been since we'd discussed strategy? "I'm gonna need Grandma to get the flowers in a bunch."

Finn nodded, following along without difficulty as expected. "She gonna be wearin' the tall hat?"

"You know me too well," I winked, and then continued, "And then just before the Carriage falls into the pit, we're gonna change it into a pumpkin."

Finn was full-on grinning now, "Good, good. I like it. Don't let Cinderella be caught before the ball am I right?"

We both laughed.

"And also we need to tip the-,"

"Okay, what the hell are you two talking about?" Victor cut in.

I blinked, my gaze cutting to his. It took me a moment to realize that I had been speaking in code. I burst into laughter,

"Sorry, sorry. Old habits, right Finn?"

Finn gestured toward our audience, "Yeah. Gotta use plain English around these types."

Logan and Victor, elbows on knees, put their foreheads in their palms. It was the first time I'd seen them look so alike. It was almost cute. The girls looked just as dumbfounded.

"Okay," I began once again, still chuckling, "So basically, we're going to gather Ike's men into one area. Get them thinking that I'm there by making myself known. This means causing scenes: not anything like robbing a bank or anything, that'd be too suspicious. Stay in town for a few weeks, let everyone know your face. And when they come looking - book it. The first sign you see that someone is looking for you, beat it out of there as fast, but as discreetly as you can. Lead them farther and farther away, but don't make it obvious that you're leading them. That's one mistake that is too easy to make. If you make your presence too well known too quickly, you run the risk of tipping Ike off that something isn't right," I was serious now, staring at the four. "I hate to put you all in danger like this, and I promise that you will be compensated in full. Should you be injured in any way - and there is a risk that you may be, - I will take full and total responsibility."

I didn't want them getting into anything that they weren't prepared to handle. I wasn't going to force them into a situation that could very well be detrimental to them. I was the one Ike wanted. If he ever caught one of these women, he'd do what he needed to get the information out of them. That wasn't something I wanted to inflict on anyone.

Which brought me to my next point, as I met all of these women's eyes with no ounce of the humor I had just a moment ago.

"This man is ruthless," I said, putting extra emphasis on the word. "If he catches you - tell him everything he wants to know. I will not hold it against you to tell him every single detail about what I've told you. If he catches you, I can't guarantee your safety. Do you understand?"

The women, who were happily chatting it up with Logan and Victor just moments ago, were mirror images of my expression, although theirs held a bit more caution and fear in them. I couldn't blame them. One of the women, a soft-spoken girl who hadn't exactly taken part in a lot of conversation with Logan and Victor, stood up now. I watched her, expecting her to refuse the job. To walk away. But she walked around the table, past a stoic Victor and Logan, and knelt in front of me. I watched in confusion, as she took both of my hands in hers.

"A man like that deserves hell and all it's accommodations," She said, and her voice wasn't as soft-spoken as before. Her green eyes were angry. "So why don't we give him something even better? A woman's scorn."

I stared at her for a second, and then let out a short laugh. "I like her," I told Finn, glancing at him.

"Came highly recommended," He replied.

She smiled at me, standing back up, "Well," She sighed, glancing at the women, "How about it, ladies? Want to drive this crazy man insane?"

The women, who's faces were once white and afraid, turned determined, and their hesitant smiles made my heart squeeze.

"I suppose, if there's anyone who can drive a man like that insane, it's us," One of the women nodded.

I grinned, watching as the women nodded in agreement. "Alright then, we're in agreement."

"Now," I started, as the girl in front of me stood to go back over to the couch, settling back down next to Finn - he handed her a tea. "Listen close, because this is when the plan gets detailed -,"

"No code this time," Victor cut in, annoyed.

I grinned and winked at him. "No promises."


"Alright, girls," I laughed, hugging each of them as they left. "You all be careful now."

Johanna, giving flirty eyes to Victor, simply gave me a fluttery wave.

I couldn't bring myself to hate Johanna, though. Probably because she was confident, and I liked confident girls. I was never the jealous type. I watched her trail her hand along Logan's chest, and felt deep satisfaction in the lack of emotion I felt at the sight. Even with Victor, I felt just a twinge of possessiveness. Logan wasn't mine, though. I felt no claim over him.

"Well," Finn groaned, stretching his arms over his head. "Quite the day, huh?"

I punched him in the shoulder as I entered the house again, Victor and Logan trailing behind me. "Indeed."

We plopped down across from each other on the couch, and I gave a heavy sigh. "Well, Finn. What do you think?"

"I think the cat's died and my house stinks."

Code for this is a risky plan, and he doesn't like how suspicious it is.

"Yeah well, not like we can bury it out back," I replied in a dry tone.

Code for we ain't got much choice.

"Yeah, but we can still cover up the smell."

Code: We could take a little bit to hammer out the details.

"What good would that do?" I muttered. "It's already in the carpets."

Code: Ike already knows where I am.

"Yeah, but-,"

"Code talk!" Victor and Logan snapped at the same time.

I glanced at them, both looking as perplexed as my mom when I threw a tampon at her when I was fifteen - that was code that she was being a big fat PMSing ragemonster and needed to chill.

"Guys, calm down," I said, wishing I had a tampon to throw at their foreheads, "Not like it's anything important to you guys anyway."

Victor sighed. "Geez, you guys and your code talk. How long did it take to concoct this secret language of yours?"

"Black mustang," I muttered absently, reaching for my half-water tea.

He let out a growl that made shivers run down my spine.

"Ooh, I love night time," I grinned.

Code: I like it when you're angry.

"Jane!" He snapped, and I smiled innocently, batting my eyelashes.

"Yes, honey-bear?"

"Don't call me random names," He narrowed his eyes. "Speak in a language I understand."

"Aw, but night time is so fun."

"Night time is about to throw you out the window," He threatened, his hand gripping my elbow.

Night time was about to do something, and it didn't involve a window. It involved a lot of lip, and a lot of tongue. My stomach tightened as I gave him a dangerous smile. His golden eyes turned molten as they glanced down at my lips.

We both blinked as a throat cleared. I looked up in surprise, forgetting that we had company. Logan wasn't looking at us, but out the window, and Finn was shaking his head.

"Buy a ticket," He muttered.

Code: get a room.

My cheeks turned ten shades of red, as I smacked Victor in the arm just because I had nothing else to do, and cleared my own throat.

"So," I announced, a little too loudly. "The plane's landed?"

Code: we're all in agreement?

In the corner of my eye, I watched Victor narrow his own at me.

"It's headin' fer' the jet bridge," He sighed.

Code: I suppose I have no choice.

"Good," I grinned. "That's that."

"I don't even know what "That," is," Logan mumbled, eyes mystified as he stared ahead at nothing.











Just as Much.


On the drive home, I was still working out this plan in my mind. I'd have to lay low - which meant planting clues for Victor would be a little more of a challenge. But, then again, I liked challenges. I'd order some wigs immediately, and keep an open line phone for the girls to call if they encountered anyone suspicious. Finn would give out the order to bug out should anything go wrong, and I would get what I needed done back home and then leave. Just a few weeks more.

I glanced at the rear view mirror as I relaxed back into my seat, and Logan was sitting with his elbow on the door, staring out the window. I only studied his face briefly before turning my gaze back to the road, but the guilt I felt over his expression tore at me. I was hurting him, with my open display of affection for Victor, and I knew who I belonged with. I did love Logan, but not as much as Victor. Not near as much. 

It was a strange revelation to have. Like a knot in my gut that released and the overwhelming rightness of the feeling. I couldn't imagine living without him. And while the feeling was much the same with Logan, it was different. Overwhelmingly so.

Victor was sound asleep, probably exhausted from worrying over me so much. I felt much better after talking with Finn. Safer. I thought back with a smile to when we were leaving.

The sun was just a little past the tree line when we left, after talking the plan out in detail. Finn ignored the bickering of the other two as he pulled me in for a long and affectionate hug. He'd always been the crazy uncle I never had, and at times he reminded me of a father. Even if we didn't visit or see each other for years at a time, it was always as if we'd never parted. Kindred spirits, is what my brother would have called us.

"You let me know if you get in trouble, okay?" He murmured in my ear as he rocked us back and forth. "I may be old but I still know how to kick some ass." 

I smiled to myself as I held him a little tighter, unable to quite get my arms fully around his shoulders, "I'll keep that in mind, Finn. Thank you," I added the last part after a short pause, trying to convey that I was thanking him for more than just the offer to protect me.

He let me go, patting me just a little too hard on the shoulder as he gave me his signature grin. "Don't you worry about nothin' sweetheart. I'll take care of it."

Those last words sounded a little ominous coming from him, but I smiled and thanked him anyway, promising to try. When we left, I noticed that the smile had faded from his face as he watched us pull off. I couldn't explain the uneasy feeling that settled in my gut, and prayed that I wouldn't regret telling Finn as much as I had about it. 

I shifted my eyes to the rear view mirror again, a bit out of habit, and was surprised to meet Logan's eyes. His oceanic irises wore a breathtaking serious expression, and it seemed as though he were simply studying me through the mirror. I couldn't discern what he was looking for, though.

"What?" I asked, turning my gaze again to the road. His expression was a little disconcerting.

There was a moment of pause, and then a long sigh. "Just thinking."

I glanced back into the rear view mirror to see him staring out the window again.


"What if you'd met me first?" I couldn't tell if he was ignoring my prodding question or answering it.

I blinked, watching the road fly past as I went a good seventy MPH down the rural highway. The only thing around us was fields filled with crops of different kinds, and small farms spaced in between, with horses, goats and other animals grazing away. It was a peaceful scene, one that I'd wished to be a part of when I was a little girl. How did all of my dreams come to this?

I couldn't answer him for a moment, seriously contemplating the question. Rolling it over in my mind and trying to come up with an answer. But all I could do was repeat the question.

What if I'd met him first? What if I'd met him first? What if I'd met him...first?

I stared solely at the road now, aware of his gaze on the mirror. He was waiting, and he wouldn't speak until I answered. So I let my mouth move, instead of thinking. I simply answered.

"I can't answer for certain," I heard myself saying, with a composed voice, "Because in this life, right now, Victor is my everything. All I've ever known is the time and place where I met Victor first, and I fell for him, first. If...if I had met you first," My voice wavered for some reason, as my thoughts started racing with my own words. "If we had met before, I think...I think we might have...," I couldn't say it, because I knew it was true. the words that were about to come from my mouth were true, I realized. They were so painfully true.

But Logan didn't speak, and his gaze still burned into my back. I knew I had to say it. It was like a burning thought that if it didn't leave my mouth, would scorch my tongue and leave me unable to say anything else.

"If we had met...I think we might have loved each other...just as much."

But the words didn't relieve me. In fact they made this burning on my tongue spread to my throat. I couldn't speak anymore, and I didn't look at Logan again, giving a thick swallow and tightening my grip on the wheel. Logan didn't speak again either, but I didn't feel his gaze lift. For a long time until he fell asleep, I could feel his eyes on me. I never looked to see his expression. I was also aware of the silent tears flowing down my cheeks. This painful weight on my chest that reminded me every time my heart beat that I was hurting him. I found it hard to breathe. 

They both slept all the way home, which was comforting to me. I didn't want to face them. Not with everything that had happened. Better that they were unconscious than to listen to their conscious silence. 

When I arrived at Victor's house, I drove past, eyes scanning the area for any cars that I hadn't seen before. I drove two blocks around and parked, glancing around a bit more before turning the engine off. It gave a few chokes before it growled into silence, the vibrating and clicking giving way to an almost eerie silence, as my body got used to the feeling of no more vibrations.

The sudden silence also awoke Victor and Logan. Almost simultaneously I heard them shift and groan. Instead of throwing in some sarcastic comments about both of them making me drive the whole way, I got out of the car and with a calm hand opened both of their doors for them. They seemed to sense my change in mood, as both of them followed behind me without a word, on our trek back to Victor's home. 

I took the long silence to compose myself. To lock away all of the emotions that I refused to show to the both of them. I counted in my mind all of the times I'd lost my cool in these past few days in disgust. I wouldn't be so weak again. So I took a deep breath, and forced myself to smile as we reached Victor's lawn.

"Well, Victor," I said, whirling as soon as we got to the front door. "With this, the game continues."

He narrowed his eyes as I grinned at him, shoulders slumping as he pulled his keys from his pocket. "I was hoping, with the danger and all, you'd forget that but...,"

"But apart of you knew that, me being me, I'd never do such a thing," I finished for him as he handed me his house key.

I could hear his sigh intermingled with a groan as I stuck the key in the door and entered the house, and I smiled to myself as I went in ahead of them. I started to say something else as I threw my keys on the kitchen table, turning around to give my signature sassy look, but a disturbing thud caused me to turn with much more haste than I'd intended.

I could hardly register Logan hitting the ground, and the sound of his body hitting the floor in front of me. I could hardly put together the sight in front of me as my entire body froze in place. Victor stood stock still, as a black, leather gloved hand held a steady gun to his temple. Another arm came around his neck, as the man's companion pointed a gun at me.

"We've got a message from Ike."

The mention of the vile name made me flinch, as my hand wordlessly reached out for Victor, who's gaze stayed locked with my own.

"West Virginia. A town called Galilee. You want to see this guy again?" He tapped his temple with the gun, but Victor didn't flinch. I did. "Come to 6087 David Street."

I hadn't even noticed the other man move, but he'd pointed his gun in the air. The resounding gunshot sent a shrill panic through my blood as an involuntary shriek came from my lips, my whole body jumping as for a split second, I expected to see Victor dead on the ground. My shaking hands squeezed tight as I watched Victor's eyes, which had closed at the sound, reopen to meet mine again.

"Jane," He murmured, his voice rough, "Don't-,"

But he couldn't finish his sentence, as the partner knocked his head hard with the gun, that same sickening thud resounding through the air as his eyes rolled shut and he slumped.

"Vic-," My voice was so frail as I watched them drag him off, still holding the gun to his head with every intention of killing him had I made one move. I was frozen anyway. The day that he actually was shot replaying over and over in my head as I stared with a horrified gaze at the open door.

The car outside revved up. They'd parked it somewhere I wouldn't see. It sped off, and I was left standing with my whole body trembling, horror crashing down on me like boulders. 

"Victor!" I heard myself scream, finally. It sounded so strange even to my ears, this shriek of panic. 

Before I remembered running, I was out on the lawn, screaming that same thing over and over again. People's doors had already opened when they heard the gunshot, and I could hear sirens in the distance but all I could do was run, screaming his name as I stumbled off the curb into the street, falling onto my knees.

"Victor!" My voice broke off into a sob as all that was left was the sound of my own crying.

I didn't remember Logan making his way out to me. I didn't remember his sluggish movements and how he held his head. I didn't remember how he took both of my arms and shook me when I wouldn't answer him. I didn't remember his panicked expression when I wouldn't - couldn't - tell him where Victor was. 

I wasn't functioning correctly. My entire body had shut down and I was running on nothing but the automatic functions. My brain wouldn't connect back. I couldn't feel anything, or hear anything. My ears roared and my stomach rolled. The next thing I remembered was crawling away from Logan and vomiting all over the street. 

And then sitting up and looking at a stricken Logan with blank eyes. I remember not recognizing my own voice, as hoarse and emotionless it was, as I almost mumbled,

"I'm going to kill them."


Oooooooh Jane's angry! JANE'S PISSED. JANE'S SO PISSED SHE CAN'T EVEN FATHOM HER PISSED-OFFNESS. It's about to go down guys, and I can hardly wait.

PLOT TWIST? I think so. Major plot twist, yeas.

Why did they take Victor instead? What are they planning? How's she gonna get him back???? WHAT ABOUT HER AND LOGAN? 

Stay tuned.

And stay awesome, my lovely Fanions <3








I Know What You're Thinking.


When the police got there, I had long since fallen silent. Logan answered every question he could while they bandaged him up and asked him the routine questions about his head, and they couldn't get a word out of me. Even Logan tried to get me to speak - stroking my face, brushing the hair from my eyes, speaking to me in a soft tone. I was more of a statue than a functioning human at that moment. I remembered Logan helping me stand, practically carrying me over to the cop car where he slid me in and then followed after. I stayed tucked under his arm for the rest of the journey, cradled to his side. 

I remembered the cops up front speaking worriedly about Victor, wondering what he'd gotten himself into. That's right - they all knew him. The realization only made me feel worse. I'd gotten their chief kidnapped. 

And the next thing I knew I was sitting at the station, eyes staring at the floor without really seeing it. I was so lost that it took a moment to realize that someone was speaking to me. And even when I heard them, I simply looked up, a slow and sluggish movement that seemed to take every ounce of my concentration to complete, and met their eyes. My recognition was faint but familiar. Glen.

"Hey, Jane," He murmured, eyebrows knitted as he greeted me with the kindest voice I'd ever heard him use. "I'd like to ask you some questions. Do you think you can answer them for me?"

The fact that he'd become so familiar with me - that all of my escapades in the past and all of my acts of rebellion had actually made us friends in a sense - hit me hard for some reason. The fact that he cared enough to speak to me like this even though both of us knew that I was the reason Victor wasn't here right now, even though I'd been nothing but trouble in the past, was what caused my face to crumble and for small whimpers to quickly escalate into sobs. My head dropped into my hands and in front of this lone cop that had always found my attempts at being a total asshole hilarious, I felt more vulnerable than I ever had. His hand dropped onto my arm as he patted me without words. 

I wept for all of the stress that had been building up for years. I wept for all of the heartbreak I had to endure, all of the confusion and loneliness that followed Dad's disappearance, all of the times I got drunk just so I could be that rebellious girl everyone knew me as. I wept for Victor's love for me, and Logan's, I wept for the situation at hand, I wept for my family and all of the shit I put them through. I think I apologized about eight times.

But then, I lifted my head, sniffled pathetically for a minute as I wiped my eyes with my arm, and looked at Glen with a red nose and bloodshot eyes. 

"Okay," I sniffed, as he dropped his hand. "I'm good."


"I didn't see their faces - they had ski masks on." I replied, leaning forward in my chair as Glen and his colleague, David sat with elbows on the table and their hands under their chins. Like two weird twins who had nothing in common accept they wore the same clothes and had similar mannerisms. 

Glen sighed, "Well, that rules out a lineup. Did you get a look at the car?"

Again, I shook my head. "No, after he knocked Logan out I wasn't able to move. Any sudden moves would have ended up with Victor dead on the floor, anyway," Even I was frustrated at my lack of information.

"You said they spoke to you," David spoke up, releasing one hand to point at me, "What did they say?"

This was the question I dreaded. I hoped to God that Logan, who was being interrogated in the next room, had been unconscious for this part. 

"That this was payback for my...resistance," I lied, focusing on that damned muscle in my eyebrow to make sure it didn't move an inch. "That if I don't want anyone else to turn out like Victor that I should cooperate with Ike."

"Nothing about a hostage? Nothing that denoted that they would keep him alive?" Glen cut in, his hand laying flat on the table as he stared into my eyes.

Looking at his desperate expression, I could feel the guilt claw at me as I ripped away all hope he had with one single word, "No."

The word was believable. It was weak and faint and my voice wavered as it was coming out of my mouth. I didn't want to lie, but I had no choice. If Ike found out I'd told the police about this...Victor would be dead for real. I and I alone had to go through with this. I would fix what I'd broken. The cops would be keeping an eye on me but that didn't matter much - I'd get away. Glen leaned back with lips pressed into a thin line. He looked past me at the mirrored wall, and simply stared for a long time. David stared at the table for a while, and I knew both of them were taking in what this meant. The guilt clawed at my chest and my heart hadn't stopped with it's ragged beating since I'd decided to lie. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered, unable to say much more as I looked away in shame.

"You did nothing wrong, Jane," Glen murmured, his gaze turning back to me. "You did well, telling us all of this. Thank you."

And the guilt tore a hole in my chest. His gaze was cold and disconnected. He was trying to keep his composure as a member of Victor's police force. Trying not to lose whatever dignity Victor had maintained. 

I'll kill them.

An intake of breath from Glen made me look up, and he let it out in a sigh. "You did good, Jane. Thank you for your cooperation."

He stood up along with Daniel, and I followed their lead, as Glen gestured to the mirror, and a second later the door opened. Another policemen walked in and took me by the arm, leading me with a gentle hand out of the room. I didn't look up as I heard Logan's soft voice. He must have finished before me. That made me feel a bit more hopeful. Maybe he had less to say - maybe he was unconscious for most of it.

"Oh, Jane!" I did look up when a very familiar voice gasped my name.

Laury rushed towards me from where she stood with Logan, and as soon as she reached me she wrapped her arms around me in a warm embrace. I didn't respond as she squeezed me, a little confused as to why she could even stand to touch me in the first place.

"You've gone through so much, Jane," Laury murmured in my ear, rubbing my back, "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry...?" I mumbled, lifting my hands to Laury's arms. "What...,"

I pushed away from Laury, angry for some reason, though not knowing why. Her hands fluttered in confusion when I shrugged away from her, earnest eyes questioning me.

"Sorry? Why are you apologizing to me? Why does everyone treat me like I'm--like I deserve some kind of...," I trailed off, my hands balling into fists as they pressed against my temples, the guilt inside clawing at me like some trapped animal. 

"Like I didn't get Victor into this mess!" I finally snapped, breath hitching and catching as I felt the anger that was rolling through me come to a head. This was anger at myself, but I was taking it out on them. It only made me feel worse, but I couldn't stop.

"I'm the one who brought Ike here, and," I swallowed a sob, as I backed away from Laury's hand that reached out for me again, "I'm the one who brought him into your lives and I'm the one who wasn't able to stop him!

Logan took a step forward as I abruptly squatted to the ground, running my hands through my hair. But I didn't pay attention to him, tears spilling over once again as I once again realized how helpless I was in this situation. I wanted to kill those men, but with Victor in their hands I was truly powerless. One false move and Victor really was as good as dead. The only thing I could do was get away. I had to go get him by myself. Even if that meant giving myself up. As far as I was concerned, Victor's life was far more important than whatever dignity I still had. I wondered how I could have been so stupid as to think that I could actually get away from Ike. It was only a matter of time before he took someone that I cared about. He went right for the heart when he took Victor, and he knew it.

I was done waiting for the next Victim to be taken from me. He wanted me? He had me.

Warm hands fell over the ones I'd splayed over my cheeks, and my eyes looked through my fingers, expecting Logan's face. Instead, I found Kent. My brother's eyes bored into mine. Kent and I were extremely similar. Black hair, brown eyes. We were taken as twins at times, even though he was a year older. We were also extreme dorks. But in that moment I saw a side of Kent that I hadn't seen since the first night that Dad disappeared. A gaze that was so painfully familiar to me, yet I'd only seen it once before. He had been holding Mom as she rocked on the floor, crying when the news came of what Dad had done. He'd said he got a promotion. He'd explained away the extra income with such confident lies that no one suspected anything. All of the extra trips, just made it hurt worse when the truth came out.

Kent's eyes were the same, cold and angry, and yet so tender that you felt like you would break under his gaze. Such a mixture of emotion that made me terrified of what thoughts were running through his head. Because in that moment, I knew with perfect clarity what he was thinking. I was thinking it too. 

"Jane," He breathed, pulling my hands from my face with gentle fingers and then letting his palms settle on my cheeks, thumbs stroking the skin next to my ear as he treated me as though I would dissipate under his touch. "I know what you're thinking, and I won't let you."

My mouth screwed up as more tears blurred my vision, trying not to let out the sobs that desperately pushed at my throat. He knew that I couldn't speak, so he simply pulled me close, settling on his knees as he wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his face into my shoulder, holding me tighter than I think he ever has, even when I left that time in Florida.

"Jane, do you have any idea how worried we were?" He mumbled into my shoulder, "Do you know what I went through when I went to get you and...and you were gone? Don't put me through that again, Jane. Please," He pleaded, his voice more vulnerable than I'd ever heard it as he gripped my shirt in fists.

I didn't think I could control my own strength either as I squeezed him in a vise-grip, so glad that he was okay. We were in the same city, and I had avoided them like the plague because I was terrified of seeing Kent, remembering that day was left to my dreams. Seeing Kent would make me relive those memories while conscious and I didn't think I was ready for that. That way of thinking only made me feel worse now as I couldn't hold my brother tight enough, able to finally feel for myself that he was safe and sound. It was such a relief to me after all that had happened today that all I could do was take deep breaths, audibly letting them out in huge, shaking sighs, close to sobs. Those memories were nowhere to be found.

Arms came around me from behind, and I instantly recognized the perfume my mom always used for work. She was crying, I could tell by the soft noises she was making, but I was so happy to finally have my family here, in my presence that I couldn't focus on anything else. For a moment I was able to revel in the family that I could trust and love here and now that I could forget about my guilt over Victor. I could just cry for how much I'd missed them, and for how much trouble I'd caused them.

When we finally pulled away from each other, we were all tear-stained and sniffling, but I felt a closer bond to them than I had felt since Dad disappeared. I realized just how much he separated us when he left. My loyalty to him got in the way of my love for my family.  Mom took a moment to hug me personally, after Kent had let me go, and when she pulled away she stroked my face, keys hanging from two fingers, studying me with a sad smile. I smiled back at her, more apologetic than anything.

"I've been a bit of an asshole," I told her, sniffling with a laugh.

She gave a wet laugh, sniffing as she wiped her eyes with her knuckles. "We both have."

We stood up, Kent's arm wrapping around my shoulders as I was finally able to pull myself together enough. I had probably been lying to Glen, though it may have been unintentional, when I said that I was good. I was a wreck.

"How did you guy's know?" I asked.

"I called them," Logan piped up, standing next to his mother who was wiping tears from her eyes. 

Jean was standing silently next to Logan, looking away from all of us with a stoic expression on her face. My heart ached. What was she feeling right now? It was hard to read Jean. I knew she had to hate me - I got her brother kidnapped. I'm every bit of the bitch she thought me to be. Instead of dwelling on it, I turned my eyes to Logan and smiled.


He smiled back, although it was strained, and nodded in acknowledgement. I couldn't say my smile wasn't without it's sadness as well. The feelings that I was able to forget were slowly creeping back in. Victor was still gone. A part of my family was missing, and the hole that I felt in my heart was clear evidence of that. Until he came back, I wouldn't be able to rest.

Until I brought him back.

"We should head home," Logan murmured. "Everyone is tired. Jane, you've been through too much tonight to discuss this matter any further."

I didn't agree with that. Compared to Victor I was on cloud nine. What's a hole in my heart to a gun to the head? Being taken to a strange place to be held under circumstances that I could never imagine. It killed me to think about it.

"Mm," I mumbled, to at least make him think that I agreed.

"There will be police cars stationed outside of each house in undercover vehicles, in case Ike is watching," Glen spoke up behind us, and I turned, not realizing that he had been standing there.

I looked over at him, and he only met my gaze. His eyes were determined, angry, and underneath all that, scared. 

"We'll find him, Jane," He promised.

I looked away, my gaze falling to the floor. They wouldn't. But I would.


The ride home was quiet. No one spoke, and not even the radio played. We decided that it would be safer to stay in one house. Well, they did. I stayed quiet under Kent's arm, and planned my get-away. We went in separate cars, but to my surprise, Jean rode with Kent, Mom and I. I wasn't sure how to act, sitting next to her in the back with Kent's arm still tucked around my shoulders. My hands sat limp on my legs, as I stared ahead without seeing, taking comfort in the warm body next to mine. Kent hadn't let go of me since he first hugged me. I think he somehow sensed my impending disappearance, though in no way was he conscious of it. If he were, he'd seem a lot more worried. At the moment he was relaxed as he stared out the window. Perhaps he just didn't want to let me go after last time.

Victor was heavy on my mind, as I watched the road ahead disappear underneath the car. I couldn't relax, anxious to put my plan into action. I needed to be patient, though, because if I wasn't than I would screw it all up. I couldn't make Logan suspicious. He'd never let me out of his sight.

A warm presence on top of my hand, wrapping around to squeeze my palm jolted me from my thoughts, an abrupt and shocking feeling of confusion breaking the calm facade my body had created after so much trauma. The raw emotion that I felt was like being exposed to the sun after being trapped in a dark room for hours. It stung, and burned, and all at once hurt. Blinking, I looked down at the source of this feeling, and realized that a small hand gripped mine. Numbly, my eyes followed the arm up to the face. Jean wasn't looking at me, but out the window, but her thumb rubbed my hand in soft motions, and in that moment she didn't need to. Everything that her expression, and words, didn't say, that one action did. She felt the same. Anger, hurt, devastation, but also...hope. Undying, unwavering hope. 

'He'll be alright.' That hand said. 'So stay strong.'

I slowly looked back down at our hands, tears blurring my gaze, but I blinked them away. Jean never hated me. She just had to deal with her own emotions. My heart beat painfully in my chest as I squeezed her hand back, wanting so much to deny that support, that comfort that I didn't deserve, but also needing it. For some reason, this personal gesture from Jean was even more important than Logan's, or Laury's. Jean struck me as similar to myself. Controlling at times, distrustful of those around her to a degree, but loyal. Loyal to such a degree that it was painful sometimes. She was also fiercely protective of family, which is what made this gesture important. Victor was her family, and the fact that she was willing to comfort me even in this small way, meant that she considered me family as well. 

She didn't let go of my hand until we pulled up to the house. I had never seen Laury's house before. Jean lived with her, still going to college as she was just a couple of years younger than me. We slid out of the car, as Laury was already striding for the door, keys in hand, as Logan trailed after her. I studied the house, a colonial style, all white with big windows and a wraparound porch. I imagined Victor, Logan and Jean in their childhood years, chasing each other around the porch, playing hide and seek and hiding behind the trees that dotted the yard. It was a warm home, full of memories.

I allowed Kent to lead me down the sidewalk, after Jean and Mom. We lagged behind the rest, as Laury prattled on about the mess in the house, leaving the door open for everyone to go in. I glanced around the neighborhood, looking for the car that followed us here. I noticed a black, generic car, with two men inside as they watched us walk in. I noted their location and filed it away in the back of my mind. They were the only two I could see, but I knew there were more. I'd figure out where they were later.

Kent squeezed my shoulders, and I turned my eyes from my survey to him. He regarded me with concerned eyes. "We're fine," He murmured, "I promise."

I blinked, as I realized that he'd misinterpreted. Though it did comfort me to know my family would be under close watch, I wasn't looking for Ike. Not yet. I was looking for an escape route. 

"I know," I managed to smile up at him, "You'll all be fine."

His eyebrows furrowed, puzzled at my words, but he was distracted by Logan calling us from the front door. 

"Come on, we're figuring out who sleeps where tonight," He said to us, gesturing for us to come inside. 

We quickened our pace a bit, making our way up the stairs to where Logan stood. Kent paused along with me, as I came to a stop in front of Logan. When I didn't say anything, he squeezed my shoulder one more time, and then let me go. It felt a little weird without his warm arm around me, having had it there for so long, but I simply gave him a slight smile as he went ahead of us. Logan let him pass, and then leaned his shoulder on the door, electric blue eyes meeting mine. 

"I just...," I hesitated, and then let out a soft sigh, "I wanted to...apologize."

It felt weird to say it out loud, but I knew I had to. I would never move on if I didn't, and I needed my mind totally on Victor tonight. 

"If you're about to apologize to me about Victor-," He started, but I held up my hands, and cut him off.

"No, no. Well...kind of," I laughed, and scratched the back of my head. This day seemed to be lasting forever. "I wanted to apologize...for what I said to you, back in the car. The truth is, that I do love you. More than I should." His eyes widened slightly at this, and that tired edge that they held faded a bit, as his cheeks surprisingly reddened. "I denied it for a long time, and...well that wasn't fair to you," I murmured, still smiling as I leaned against the pillar behind me. Logan was frozen in the doorway, his eyes on my face. I focused on the stained wood-grain of the porch, clasping my hands together.

"I...I love you," I started, swallowing, as my smile turned sad. "I wanted to apologize for that. For the pain that I...that I'm causing you now. Because you and I both know...," I trailed off, as Logan's hand came under my chin.

I was so focused on the floor that I hadn't noticed him move. He lifted my face, making me look at him. "That you love him that much more," He finished.

I couldn't answer, because his expression took my breath away. Those blue eyes were so painfully sad, and yet his love for me was so apparent. Like waves, the emotions from his eyes lapped over my heart, and for the first time I really let myself feel how it would be to be loved and cared for by Logan. It was...peaceful, serene, and yet so tragic. I wanted to take him in my arms, to take that pain away from his expression, and just allow myself to love him. And what was the harm? I'd be gone by tonight, anyway. Today would be enough. 

So, still staring into his eyes, I lifted my arms. He glanced down at my hands as they laid on his stomach and then, as my eyes turned down to his chest, they slid around his waist, and I carefully stepped into him. His own arms stayed light around me, as if unaware of how to react to this. This wasn't a hug for my own comfort, nor for his. We both knew this. It was too intimate, too hesitant and the tension in the air wasn't one of pain, nor sadness. Slowly, his arms tightened around me, and then finally, he exhaled, what sounded like a pained moan, and then he crushed me to him, hand sliding into my hair, as his other hand slid around my waist and held me so tight that I couldn't breathe. 

"Jane," He whispered, voice so rough and vulnerable that I only held him tighter, clutching his shirt, though this time it was out of a different desperation than with Kent. This was not a brother and a sister sharing their grief, this was two lovers, sharing an intimate bond. "Jane, please...don't say goodbye," He stroked my hair, "I know what you're thinking, but please...don't...,"

Funny, that's the second time I'd heard those words today. I know what you're thinking. But this time, Logan had no idea what I was thinking. To him, this goodbye meant the end of something much different. But instead of answering, I gently pushed myself away, pulling him down to press a long and tender kiss to his stubbled cheek. 

"I have to," I said to him, reaching up to put both my hands on his cheeks, my thumbs stroking his jaw as I smiled up at him. "Because I can't possibly stay, like this."

Perhaps I wanted them to find out, I wondered about that as the words left my mouth. These words were intentionally chosen, just to hint at the bigger picture. But I knew they wouldn't figure it out. Not until I was long gone. Perhaps that's what scared me the most. With this, though, I felt at peace. I finally got to tell Logan what I needed to. My family would be alright. Mom and Kent would understand, because finally, I wasn't doing this for Dad, or even for them. 

I was doing it for Victor. For me. And that was enough. 


Huge cliffhanger, huh?

So what's gonna happen with Jane? 

On another note SPRING BREAK'S HERE. YEAH BOIIII. So excite. I'm going to be updating a whole lot this week, SO BE READY. Long chapter too! Woo! 

So? I know Jagan shippers will be pissed with me, but just wait Eheheheheh it's gonna get a whole butt-ton better. GET READY FOR SOME SHIIIIZZZZZZ.

Love you guys, stay tuned, and tell me what you thought of this chapter!!















Texte: This book belongs to Emily Zimmerman and anyone who attempts to plagiarize this book in any way will be prosecuted.
Lektorat: Emily Zimmerman.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.03.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my mother, who found the first book as hilarious as I wanted her to find it. cX

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