
Chapter one:

I woke to the sound of glass breaking, and all of the sudden a scream erupted from the apartment beside mine. I jumped from my bed and looked out my window; a flame was shooting out the window beside mine. I backed up from the window, wondering what to do. Just as I backed away, a flaming beer bottle sailed through the window, just eight feet from where I stood. Before I could think, the bottle exploded and my apartment went up in flames, knocking me over.
I screamed and crawled into the kitchen where the flames hadn’t reached yet, I crawled toward the front door and didn’t have to touch the handle to know it was too hot, it was smoking.
I sucked in a breath and automatically went into a coughing fit; the room was filled with smoke. I panicked, running and jumping over the wall of fire to get to my window.
“Help!” I screamed, still coughing.
The firemen were here, trying to rescue as many people as they could, but it seemed the entire building had been bombed. Suddenly, the door was broken down and a man in a mask came in. I heard the crack of the ceiling and looked up, a terrible feeling of dread coming over me. I looked back at the fireman and reached out a helpless hand as the ceiling fell.
The last thing I heard was the sound of a male voice yelling “no!”

I awoke in a hospital bed, I had a respiratory mask over my face and I felt like I’d just been hit by a truck. I pulled the mask off of me and tried to sit up, but a hand pushed me down. “Oh no you don’t.” an attractive voice said from beside the bed.
I looked toward the owner of that voice and almost passed out. The chief of the fire department, Daniel Rodney Havens, sat beside my bed. Even with the week I’ve been here, I’ve heard that Daniel is sought after by every woman in the small town of Sabadell, every woman except me, of course.
Daniel is a large, muscular man, showing that he worked out probably twice a week. He has broad shoulders, and washboard abs. His arms were muscular, and I wouldn’t mind having them wrap around me for the rest of my life. Daniel had chocolate brown eyes and rugged-looking dark brown hair that went down just below his ear.
“You gave us quite the scare. You were lucky the floor gave way just as the ceiling did. The Landabuild’s couch saved your life.” He chuckled.
I rubbed my head where a sharp pain kept hitting, feeling a slight bump there “you also got a concussion; your head hit the wooden frame under the arm rest pretty hard. You have internal bruising where the supports of the ceiling hit your leg, and a few burns on your arm. But other than that you’re fine” he explained.
I studied the bandages on my arm “how bad are the burns?” I finally spoke.
“Not all that bad, just imagine you set your arm on an electric oven for a few mere seconds. You’re lucky it wasn’t worse” he murmured.
I nodded and leaned my head back, looking up at the ceiling “what is your name?” he asked me.
“Skylar Grey.” I whispered.
“I haven’t seen you around before. You must be fairly new since the entire town hasn’t started speaking of you.” He chuckled.
I nodded “I moved here a week ago. I used to live here when I was little, but my parents moved. I moved back thinking it would be a nice change” I lied. He didn’t need to know the real reason I left.
He nodded “well you’ll be the center of attention now…may even get in the paper”
Panic flooded me “how far out does the paper run? Is it just through the town?” I asked, trying to be casual about it.
He didn’t seem to buy my casual façade, he studied me with careful eyes “relax, the paper doesn’t leave the town” he murmured.
I did relax, I was safe. “Maybe you want to tell me why you’re really here.” He raised an eyebrow.
I immediately tensed again. “It’s nothing important. And I don’t want to talk about it, anyway.” I said.
“If you don’t want the papers leaving town, it’s obviously something important. Are you hiding from someone?”
“No!” Just my ex-husband.
“I think you’re lying.”
“Well what do you care if I am? And what are you doing here anyway? Where is Uncle Jess and Aunt Mabel?” I had to change the subject before his hypnotizing eyes made me spill everything.
“I care because you could be in danger. Your Aunt and Uncle had to run the store today, and asked me to make sure you were okay.” He kept his eyes trained on me, refusing to let me change the subject. “Please, I just want to help. Who are you hiding from?” He said, leaning forward on the chair and putting his hands on the edge of the bed.
“I…I’m not hiding from anyone I just…” I couldn’t think, my mind was swimming.
“Who are you hiding from?” he said again.
I shook my head slowly, finally looking away from him “I’m hiding from my ex-husband, okay? I divorced him three weeks ago, but he doesn’t get it. He’s a violent man and will do anything to get what he wants. He has connections and will probably find me soon enough, but right now he has no idea where I am. I’d like to keep it that way for now.” I said.
I wouldn’t look at Daniel, he probably thought me weak and stupid. That’s how I thought of myself.
“Have you told the police?” he asked after a few beats of silence.
I sighed in frustration. “He has a lot of money. If I tell the police he’ll just pay them off and send them on their way. He called me once and told me that if I told anyone again that he’d kill me. And that’s why you can’t tell anyone about this, not a soul. If he found out that I talked to you about this I’d be six feet under. Please, promise me you’ll not tell anyone!” I begged.
His eyes got impossibly darker “I can’t just stand aside and let this happen!” he growled.
I was about to reply, when the door open and the doctor walked in. I was so caught up in the conversation that I didn’t even notice that my arm was burning.
“Hello Daniel. Skylar, I’m Dr. Lonny. How are you feeling today?” He asked, lifting my bandaged arm.
“I’m feeling okay. My arm hurts and so does my head. I think I’ll be alright to go…oh wait…” I trailed off, realizing that I had no home to go to.
“Yes, most of the people who lived in that building are making that realization.” Dr. Lonny murmured, probing my head for the bump.
“I’m sure my Aunt and Uncle have an extra room…or I could just get another apartment…” I was talking more to myself than I was anyone else.
“Your Aunt and Uncle don’t live in a house. They live above their store” Daniel informed.
“Well I’ll go with plan B” I shrugged.
“I don’t think you should be living alone with your injuries. Your internal bruising will leave you unable to walk without assistance.” Daniel said.
I knew where this was going, and I wasn’t going to have it. “Well. Skylar, you’re looking okay. I’ll come back with your release papers in a few minutes” Dr. Lonny said, glancing at Daniel knowingly.
Aunt Mabel bustled in just as I was about to tell Daniel I’d be fine.
“Oh sweetie! You’re awake! I hope you don’t mind us leaving Daniel to watch you. He doesn’t have work today and offered. The store is busy, but your Uncle wanted me to come down and check on you. Jess and I have been wracking our brains trying to think of a place for you to stay, but we can’t think of anything! We called all of the apartment buildings we could think of, and they’re all being filled by the people who lived in the apartment building that burned down.” She said hopelessly, patting my hand.
“She can live with me.” Daniel volunteered just as I was thinking I’d have to move away again.
Aunt Mabel’s eyes brightened. “Oh that would be wonderful! You can stay in town Sky!”
I gave a wide eyed glance at Daniel. “No, no. I don’t think that would be necessary.” I said quickly.
“Skylar Grey! How are you going to turn down an offer like that? Why it’s downright rude! He offers you a place to stay from the kindness of his heart, after pulling you from that burning building…”
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry, just being stubborn is all. I’m independent.” I shrugged.
Mabel relaxed and smiled at Daniel. “Thank you Dan. What a nice offer that is.” She murmured.
Daniel smiled, blinding white against his dark skin “no problem Mrs. Gabriel.” He murmured.

After Daniel left, saying he had to prepare a room for me, Mabel kissed me on my forehead and left as well. Fifteen minutes later the doctor came in with release papers, and I was set free with a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. My Aunt Mabel had gone to the store to get me new clothes, since mine were lost in the fire.
I had a crutch under my arm because the internal bruising in my leg rendered it useless. I couldn’t put weight on that leg. I was just contemplating how I would get to Daniel’s house when he strolled into the lobby of the hospital.
He smiled at me as he approached “I’m glad to see you up and around. But we need to get you home. Come on, your closet has been stocked with clothes your Aunt bought. Your room is all ready, and everyone is eager to meet you.” He said as he walked me out to his car.
It was a red Corvette, with black leather seats, and a high-tech dash. Too many buttons to count.
“This is a very nice car.” I murmured, stroking my hand down the soft leather. Daniel glanced at the hand that stroked the leather and I could have sworn his eyes darkened, but he looked away before I could know for sure.
“Yes. It’s one of my favorites.” He murmured, clearing his throat.
I looked out the window as we passed where I once lived. A man stood with his back to us, looking at the rubble and I tensed. He turned around and I gasped. “Oh my God!” I leaned back against the seat, putting my hand to my forehead.
“What? Who was that?” Daniel asked.
“J-just speed up!” I said in a panicked voice.
He sped the car up and rounded the corner, speeding to the outskirts of town. “Who was that?” he asked again.
I tried to do some deep breathing, watching as my hands shook. “It was John’s best friend, Gram. He must be helping him look for me!” I panicked.
“Calm down. They won’t get near you at my house.” He promised.
I worked to slow my breathing, trying to comfort myself with that thought. He turned onto a winding road, with forest all around. It was amazing, but I couldn’t keep my mind off of Gram, how did they find me so quickly?
I was pulled from my thoughts when he rolled to a stop; I realized we idled in front of a beautiful Victorian style house; grand white pillars lined the outside, a beautiful wraparound porch sat behind the pillars.
I opened my door and looked up as a hand reached in. Dan smiled and grasped my hand, helping me up and situating my crutch under my arm.
“Thank you.” I murmured.
“My pleasure.” He replied.
He helped me up the stairs, putting his hand at the small of my back and grabbing my hand again. He was very patient as I limped up the stairs one at a time.
“I hate this, I feel like a crippled old woman.” I sighed as we reached the porch.
“It’s only temporary. Then you’ll be back on your feet and walking around.” He assured.
“I know. It just makes me feel helpless…I mean what would I do if he found me? I couldn’t do a thing if he found me here alone.” I hadn’t thought about that, if I answered the door and came face to face with John, he’d have the upper hand; I wouldn’t be able to run.
“Skylar I don’t want you to think about that. I understand you’re scared, but I will keep you safe. If it means that I have to have someone with you at all times, I’ll do it.” He promised.
I nodded slightly, smiling up at him. “Thank you. You’re being too kind to me.” I said quietly.
He pulled out his keys, but before he could open his door, it swung open, revealing a petite woman with short red hair and kind caramel colored eyes. She smiled brightly at me “hello dear! Why it’s been such a long time since I’ve seen you! Your mother, father and I were good friends. I haven’t heard from them in a long time. How are they?” she asked, ushering us inside.
“Oh dear, how rude of me! My name is Linda, I take care of the house for Daniel.” She introduced herself.
“Nice to meet you. I’m sorry, they never spoke to me about you…and if they had I would have found you and told you. My father died of cancer two years ago, and my mother is in a rehab center. She turned to alcohol after he died.” I murmured.
Linda stared at me with wide eyes. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry. How very hard that must have been for you.” She grabbed my hand and pat it.
I smiled slightly, not really sure how to answer.
“Daniel, the room has been prepared as you requested.” Linda murmured.
“Thank you, Linda.” He replied.
Daniel led me through the house, never heading towards the stairs. “I’ve put your room on the first floor, just because it’s easier for you to move around without having the hassle of taking the stairs in your condition. After you heal, I can move you upstairs if you’d like.” He shrugged.
I nodded, admiring the beautiful vaulted ceilings, the walls were robin’s egg blue, and the floors were beautiful hard wood.
“Your house is beautiful, I’ve always loved these houses, but I’ve only ever seen the inside of one from pictures. It’s more beautiful in person than I imagined.” I said.
“Thank you. Linda did all the interior decorating. She knows how to make a house inviting, mostly because she’s a kind woman. I’m very sorry about your parents, by the way. I understand how it feels, I lost my mother when I was eight, and my father was arrested for using illegal drugs.” He said.
We stopped in front of a white door with trim the same color as the hardwood floor. I turned to Daniel and put my hand on his arm. “I’m sorry Daniel, how terrible.” I said softly.
He put his hand over mine and smiled. “It’s alright, that was a long time ago, and I’ve learned to cope.” He murmured.
I smiled back and he took his hand off mine, letting me drop it to my side. He turned and opened the door “this is your room. There is an intercom system in every room, press number five if you need Linda, and number eight if you need me. We can speak through the intercom as well, just pick up the phone and hold down number eight or five, and you can speak to us. Your clothes are through that door, and the bathroom through there.” He pointed to a door to the left.
The room had simple white walls, and dark hardwood floors, the bedspread was purple, with velvet floral designs. The pillows had matching pillow cases, with a dark purple velvet flower across each one. I sat on the bed and sighed. “Thank you.” I said.
He smiled slightly, nodded, and then left. First order of business was to take a shower. I had to cover my gauze wrapped arm though, and I couldn’t stand without assistance. I groaned and dropped my head in my hands; this is going to be fun! I thought dryly.
“Skylar? Is there something wrong?” Linda stood in the doorway with a laundry basket.
“No. It’s just frustrating having to have help with everything I do.” I murmured.
She smiled warmly. “I understand. No one wants to be helpless. Is there anything you’d like me to help you with?”
“I’d like to take a shower, but I need to wrap something around my arm, and I can’t stand.” I sighed.
“Well. I can help with both. I’ll get some plastic wrap to wrap around your arm, and since I know how awkward it is to shower while someone you don’t know holds you up, I’ll get a chair to put in the shower.” She pat my shoulder and left the basket of clothing on my bed.
About ten minutes later, she came in with a roll of plastic wrap and a plastic chair meant for outside. “This was all I could find that wouldn’t rust or ruin in the shower.” She laughed softly.
I smiled “that’ll be fine.” I said.
“Okay. Would you like me to help you wrap your arm? Or are you alright to do it on your own?” she asked from the bathroom, setting the chair in the shower.
“I think I can manage, thank you Linda.” I said.
She smiled, grabbed the basket of laundry and left. I grabbed the plastic wrap and wrapped my arm up, making sure no water could get in.
I limped into the bathroom and started the walk-in shower, setting my crutch against the wall beside the shower; sitting down on the closed toilet seat, as I stripped off my clothes I looked up, a mirror sat on the door directly across from me. My eyebrows lowered over my eyes. My natural blonde hair was out of its usual braid, and it wasn’t looking so good, my bright blue eyes were tired and dull. I hopped on one foot over to the shower and quickly sat down in the chair.
I sighed and let the spray of the water relax me, loving the spacious shower. I washed myself as best I could and then started on my hair, making sure the plastic wrap didn’t come off.
I turned the shower off and grabbed the towel that was hanging on a bar beside the shower, drying myself off as best I could.
I wrapped my towel around myself and grabbed the crutch, settling it under my arm, I limped into my room, opening the closet. I grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants, dressing myself while I leaned on the bed for support.
I sighed, this day has been exhausting. I set my crutch beside my bed and slowly, trying to lessen the pain, got under the covers. I braided my hair down my back and tied it with a pony-tail holder I found on the vanity against the wall. I lay down and cuddled into my pillows, I’d forgotten to turn the light off, but I could care less. I fell to sleep a few minutes later.

Chapter two:


I knocked softly on Skylar’s door to tell her that dinner was ready. I cracked it open to see that she was sound asleep with the light still on. She must have been exhausted. I leaned against the doorjamb for a few seconds, watching as her chest rose and fell and listened as soft breaths left her mouth.
She was so beautiful. I’d never seen a woman so beautiful before. Her eyes could stare into your soul, and I’d love to run my hands through her hair while kissing her with abandonment- wait a minute! What am I thinking? I’ve only just met this woman!
I shook my head and turned the light off, closing the door softly. I turned and jumped, realizing that Linda stood with her arms crossed, a smile on her face. “You’re very fond of that girl.” She said, not a question, a statement.
I snorted. “No I’m not. She needs a place to stay, so I’m lending her a room.” I shrugged.
Linda followed me into the dining room, and I could practically feel her rolling her eyes, “I may be old, but I’m not blind. I saw the way you looked at her.” She pointed a finger at me.
“I’m telling you I only feel sympathy for her. I can’t afford to feel anything more.” I murmured.
Linda held up her hands as if in surrender “alright, whatever you say Daniel.” She didn’t believe me, and to be honest I didn’t believe myself.
I sighed and dug into my dinner, eating in silence.

I headed to my room after dinner, passing by Skylar’s room to get to the master bedroom down the hall. I heard what sounded like crying coming from Skylar’s room. I paused and listened.
“No…please…I promise I won’t-“ a scream cut through the door like a chainsaw and I ran in.
Skylar looked terrified, sitting up in bed with her pillow cradled to her chest, tears running down her cheeks.
“Skylar! Skylar listen to me. It’s alright, it was just a dream.” I murmured, taking her face in my hands and wiping the tears away with my thumbs. She broke down, so I pulled her into my arms and cradled her to my chest. She buried her face in my chest and gripped my shirt tightly in both of her hands.
Linda appeared in the doorway, her hair was wet and she had a robe on. “What’s happened?”
“Nothing, nothing she just had a nightmare.” I explained.
“I’ll go get her some water.” She walked quickly down the hall.
I stroked her braided hair in way of comfort, trying to calm her down. “What happened, Skylar?” I asked softly.
“I was so afraid. He had me backed into a corner, and I couldn’t run. He told me that if I ever ran from him again that he’d kill me, and just as he pulled a knife, I woke up. God it was so real!” she cried.
I felt anger flow through me, knowing exactly who “he” was. I tightened my hold on her, kissing the top of her head softly. “I won’t let him touch you. I promise.” I said.
“I’m so afraid, Daniel.” She whispered.
Linda came in and set the water on the bedside table. “Call me on the intercom if you need anything else.” She murmured.
I nodded and thanked her. After she left I pulled Skylar back, looking her in the eyes. She gripped my shirt even tighter in her hands “don’t leave me tonight.” She begged.
I shook my head slowly. “I won’t.” I promised, I’ll never leave you, I added in my mind.
I pulled her back into my arms and sat against the headboard, cradling her to my chest. She curled her legs up, using my shoulder as a pillow. Every once in a while she’d hitch a breath, but she wasn’t crying anymore. I leaned my head on hers, closing my eyes and letting myself drift off to sleep.

I awoke to sun streaming in the window behind the bed. I still had Skylar cradled in my arms, but she was now using my chest as a pillow, and we had somehow ended up lying on the bed. I pulled myself up on my elbows, staring down at Skylar. She slept peacefully, one of her hands loosely curled around part of my shirt, the other hand resting limply on my arm.
I carefully shifted her off of me, easing out of bed. I walked quietly out of the room and went down the hall to my room. I quickly showered and got dressed in my work uniform. Fifteen minutes later, I strolled into the kitchen to find Skylar sitting at the table, coffee in hand, hair out of its braid and cascading down her back in long, thick curls, her crutch sat against the wall beside her. Linda was cooking breakfast, standing in front of the stove with her spatula in hand.
Skylar smiled slightly at me. “Good morning Daniel.” She murmured, ducking her head to sip some coffee.
“Good morning. Linda, I have to head to work today, my “vacation day” was fun but the boss is going to have to deal with me coming back to work. I’ll see you tonight.” I grabbed a piece of bacon, hugged Linda who scowled at me and turned to Skylar.
“Can I speak to you for a minute before I go?” I asked her.
She nodded once and got up, bracing herself on the table and balancing her crutch under her arm, she followed me to the dining room.
“If there is any sign of Gram or John anywhere near the house, I want you to call me right away. My number is on your bedside table. If you need me for anything, don’t hesitate to call. It’ll probably be a slow day; it always is. So I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
She nodded. “Okay. She said. “And Daniel? Thank you…for last night, I mean.” She blushed.
I smiled, lifted her hand and pressed a small kiss to her knuckles. “It was my pleasure.”

Chapter three:

I blushed furiously after he left, rubbing my hand where it tingled. I limped back into the kitchen and sat down at the table, thanking Linda as she set a plate of breakfast in front of me. “You seem a bit flustered dear. Is there something wrong?” Linda asked me.
I hesitated, but decided that this woman knew Daniel better than I. “It’s Daniel. He’s being too kind to me; I’m not used to a man extending such kindness to me.” I admitted softly.
“Oh? And why is that?” she asked me, sitting down in the chair beside me.
I sighed; she was going to find out soon enough anyway. “My Ex-husband was abusive, and hardly ever took rejection well. When we went through the divorce, I let him have everything of mine, just to get him off my back. But he didn’t get it; he seems to think that we’re still married. He told me that if I ever told anyone about his behavior toward me that he would kill me and anyone I told. That’s why I ran. I moved here a week ago because John won’t give up until he finds me. Just yesterday I saw his best friend, Gram, investigating the building I used to live in.” I explained.
“And does Gram know of your husbands…violent behavior?”
I snorted. “Gram was there when he raped me.” It slipped before I could keep it in.
Linda sucked in a sharp breath. “Your ex-husband raped you?” she asked in alarm.
I sighed again. “It was five days after the divorce was settled. He and Gram found me when I was walking home from work. They drug me back in an alleyway and John raped me repeatedly. I thought they were going to kidnap me, but they left me there. That was the night that I ran.” I explained.
Linda’s eyes hardened. “If Daniel doesn’t kill the man I’ll kill him myself. What a terrible man. Did you tell Dan about that night?” she asked.
I smiled slightly and shook my head. “No…I figured he knew enough.” I whispered.
“You need to tell him, sweetheart. I know it’s hard to talk about, but he can help you. You know he used to be a policeman. He’s got friends up at the station; he can help you with this. Oh, and about him being too kind, you deserve all of his kindness and more, plus I don’t think he’s doing this out of sympathy.” She pat my hand.
I raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What do you mean?”
She only grinned a little wider and got up, starting on the dishes. “If he used to be a policeman, why did he become a fireman instead?” I asked her.
She smiled, shaking her head. “He decided that he was better at that job than he was as a policeman. He thought it was a better job than catching drug dealers and pulling over speeders. Which I agree with.” She laughed softly.
I liked Linda; she was nice to talk to, and she was nice. Her eyes twinkled with pride when she spoke of Daniel; I suspected they had a mother-son kind of relationship. I smiled and dug into my breakfast.
“This is delicious. I haven’t had a breakfast like this since I was little.” I complimented.
“Thank you. Its Daniel’s favorite. Unfortunately, he hardly ever has time for it. He works from morning till late at night. I usually cook dinner for him and put it in the fridge, I’m not going to wait up that late.” She put her hand to her heart and waved the other hand in the air.
“I understand.” I chuckled softly.
Linda wiped her hands off on a towel and walked over to me. Patting me on the head, she smiled. “I’m going to go freshen up. If you need me, just press five on the intercom.” She said before leaving.
I sighed and decided to find the living room. I limped over to the sink and rinsed my plate off, remembering that Daniel led me through what looked like a living room on his way to my room. I was about to settle into the loveseat in the middle of the room, when the doorbell rang. I knew Linda was in the shower, so I got up and limped down the hall to the front door. I braced myself and cracked the door open. I opened the door wider when I confirmed that it was no one I knew. It was a tall man, with black hair and light green eyes.
“Hi. My name is Ben Finnick. Are you Skylar Parkinson?” I tensed, that was my husband’s last name.
“I’m sorry, it’s Grey now, Mr. Parkinson and I are divorced. How can I help you?” I asked.
Mr. Finnick raised a confused eyebrow. “Maybe I should have done a little more research. I’m sorry; your husband hired me to find you. He says you disappeared one day and never came back.” He said.
Of course he does.
“No. My husband and I divorced about three weeks ago. I moved here recently. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” I murmured.
“That’s just fine. Thank you for your time Miss. Grey. I’m sorry to have bothered you in your injured state.” He said, referring to how I leaned heavily on my crutch.
“It’s no trouble. Bye now.” I said.
He nodded once and I shut the door, letting myself freak out. He knows where I am now! He only wanted that stupid private investigator to find my location! I went as fast as I could with this stupid crutch down the hall, and came into my room. I found Daniel’s number on my bedside table, and dialed his number into the phone I got from the kitchen.
I worked to keep from breaking down as it rang, and finally, Daniel’s voice chimed in on the other line. “Hello?”
“Daniel, he found me. He hired a private investigator telling him that I disappeared, and told him to find me. He knows where I am now!” I panicked.
“Calm down, I’ll be right there. My boss is about to kick me out anyway.” He said.
“Please hurry.” I said.
“I will. I’ll just tell the boss I’m going and then I’ll be right there.” He said.
I disconnected and went into the living room, sitting back in the love seat and trying not to panic. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wincing in pain. I crossed my arms over my knees and buried my face in them, breathing deeply.
What felt like hours later, I felt the couch dip beside me and warm arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around Daniel’s neck and buried my face in his shoulder. “He knows where I am.” I whispered.
I heard and felt him sigh. “I know. He won’t get near you though, I promise.” He said.
I thought of what Linda said, that I should tell him about the night that John raped me, and decided that now would be a good time.
“Dan…” I trailed off, trying to gain some courage.
“Yeah, Sky?”
“There is something that I didn’t tell you…part of the reason that I ran…” I trailed off again, unwrapping my arms from around his neck and sitting up. I swallowed hard and stared at the blank TV screen as I relived the horrible event.
“Actually, it was most of the reason that I ran. It was Saturday, five days after we finally settled the divorce. I was walking home from my job at the mall, it was only a block away from my apartment…” My eyes unfocused and I got sucked into the memory, still explaining quietly what happened.

It’s freezing out here! I thought, burrowing deeper into my coat. I could almost see my apartment, just around the corner. It was dark, and the neighborhood was empty. No cars driving by, no late night joggers, just me and the frigid air.
The sound of two sets of footsteps behind me made me glance over my shoulder. John and his best friend Gram came toward me with identical grins on their faces. I stopped and turned around, an eerie feeling of being in danger washed over me as I watched them come closer.
“Hello, beautiful. What are you doing out here so late?” John strode over to me and grabbed my face roughly in his hand.
I slapped John’s hand away and backed away from him. “John, we’re over. What are you doing here, anyway?” I asked, still backing away.
“I like the way you say my name, baby. Say it again.” I hadn’t noticed that Gram had gone around and had gotten behind me until he grabbed me by my arms and threw me into a dark alleyway.
My scream was cut off by a blunt smack in the face. I scrambled to my feet and quickly tried to run away, but John caught my wrist and yanked me back into his arms. His ragged breath was in my ear, and he was pressing himself against me enough for me to feel his erection.
“I wouldn’t do that again baby. You don’t want to die, do you?” he said in a rough voice.
He spun me around, slammed me against a wall and ripped my jacket off, exposing me to the frigid air. He stared down at my chest with pure lust and insanity in his eyes.
“Please John. Don’t do this.” I whispered.
He slapped me again, hard. “Shut up, sweetheart.” He then took the front of my button-down work shirt and ripped it open, making me shiver from the cold.
I looked away from him to find Gram leaning against the wall behind him, grinning with lust in his eyes. They were both insane, I realized, John did the work, and Gram watched with pleasure.
John kissed me roughly, pushing himself fully against me. He grabbed the front of my jeans and ripped the fly open, throwing me on the ground and roughly pulling my jeans down. I squeezed my eyes shut as he pulled my underwear down, bitter tears escaping my eyes.
I heard the sound of his belt being undone, and then I heard his pants drop. I sobbed quietly, knowing if I did it too loud he would slap me again. He came down on top of me and roughly grabbed my breasts, making me cry out in pain.
“That’s it baby. I want you to scream my name.” He groaned in my ear.
I shook my head slightly, sobbing.
“Hey John, you mind if I try her out for a few minutes?” Gram chimed in, voice rough with anticipation.
“Gram, she’s mine. We can go visit your bitch tomorrow.” John answered.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head profusely; I didn’t want to remember anymore. “It’s alright, Sky. You don’t have to tell me anymore.” Dan said, pulling me back into his arms. I sobbed quietly into his chest, holding on tightly to the back of his shirt.

“I could kill him. I could kill him with my bare hands.” Dan said, holding me tightly to him.
I pulled back and stared into his eyes, they were angry. “No. I don’t want him killed; I want him in a mental hospital far away from me.” I said, acting on instinct and putting my hands on his warm neck.
Dan’s hard brown eyes slowly turned into molten chocolate as they stared into mine. He reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear, making me shiver and blush. He slowly leaned his head down, our faces getting closer and closer together. Our lips were inches apart when I realized what he was about to do. I sucked in a slow breath, unable and unwilling to move from the position I was in. Just as our lips were about to meet, Linda walked by the open door to the living room and it brought us back to reality. He pulled back, traced my face with the tip of his finger, and smiled roguishly.
I smiled sheepishly and pulled away, sitting with my hands limply clasped in my lap. “Anyway…what were we talking about?” I asked.
He let out a laugh; one that I realized was extremely attractive. “Your ex.” He picked up my hand and played with my fingers.
“Oh forget about him. Where were we?” was what I wanted to say, and then I’d lean over and kiss him passionately.
It wasn’t that easy, though. I had no idea who this man was, what I really said was, “oh…right.” His hand on mine was extremely distracting, what am I saying? HE is distracting.
He had his long legs stretched out in front of him with his ankles crossed, he was still wearing his uniform, but his jacket was hung over a chair in the corner of the room, revealing a tight shirt that outlined all of his muscles perfectly. His dark brown hair was casually messy, falling ruggedly over his eyes in a few places.
I didn’t realize what I was doing until I had already done it; I ran my fingers through his hair, moving those pieces out of his eyes.

I blushed furiously and quickly looked away. “sorry.” I murmured.

He chuckled, but it sounded a little off. “No I…don’t be sorry. I like it.” He said, sounding dazed.
I looked over and opened my mouth to speak, but he suddenly grabbed my chin and slipped his other hand in my hair, pulling me in and smashing his lips to mine. I couldn’t help it; I wrapped an arm around his neck and ran the other hand’s fingers through his hair. It was so soft.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, running his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance.
I gladly opened my mouth, letting his expert tongue explore my mouth with a passionate moan from me. He growled low in his throat and pulled away. He licked his lips, staring at me with darker-than-usual eyes, making my stomach flutter.
And just like that, he got up and walked out of the room, leaving me to wonder what just happened. Was he angry at me? Did I do something wrong? I had no idea.

Chapter four:

It’s been a week since our kiss, and things have been a bit awkward between Daniel and I. Every time we sit down for dinner, I catch him staring at me, his eyes that same molten chocolate as they were when he kissed me. He would quickly look away and I would blush and suddenly become fascinated with my plate. If Linda sensed our discomfort, she didn’t say anything. We hardly spoke anymore, Daniel and I, we would just greet each other and then quickly leave the room.
I sat in the library, my feet curled under me reading Jane Eyre. My legs were feeling much better, and I could actually walk for a short time without needing assistance. I had just gotten done with the first chapter of the book when Linda walked in. She smiled at me. “Hello dear, I hope I didn’t disturb you. I’m just here to tell you that I’ll be off visiting my niece for four days and you’ll be home alone, except of course for Daniel being here, but he works long hours. So I just got back from the grocery store with food and beverages that should last for the duration of my stay with my niece.” She murmured.
I smiled and nodded, but on the inside, I was panicking. Four days alone in the house with Daniel? “Okay. Have fun at your niece’s house.” I said.
She hugged me lightly and kissed my cheek. “Bye now.” She said.
I watched as she grabbed her duffle bag and bustled out of the room. Soon after I heard the alarm system beep and the front door open and close. Daniel was at work today, so I was alone.
I walked into the living room with only minimal pain and sat down on the cushiony love seat, relaxing into the soft leather. I turned the TV on and watched the cooking channel. A few minutes later I was dozing off, my eyes were closing, no matter how hard I tried to keep them open. I suspected it was because of the nightmares I was having each night, one night I would wake of screaming, and the next night I would wake up in a cold sweat wondering where I was.
I finally fell asleep just and Paula Deen was putting her cake in the oven.

I awoke in a cold sweat again, but I was in my bed. I distinctly remembered falling asleep on the couch. I sat up slowly, disoriented. I realized it was daylight outside. I looked at the clock and realized it was six thirty, the sun had just risen.
I got out of bed and reached behind me to undo my braid, and realized that my hair was a huge curly mess. I groaned and walked into the bathroom to assess the damage. It was worse than I expected, my hair was sticking up everywhere, wild curls stood around my face, and my hair was a giant frizz ball. I grabbed a hairbrush and started working my way through it, complaining to myself as I did it.
“Stupid hair. Who asked for you anyway? Who wants wild curly hair, huh? Not me!” I groaned as I tugged the brush through my hair.
I heard a chuckle from the bathroom door and looked over to find Dan leaning in the doorway, great.
“Look at this mess! This is why I hate my hair!” I carefully brushed through an extra tangled spot.
“I like your hair. Especially when you leave it down.” He murmured out of the blue.
I glanced at him from the mirror; he was studying me with those scorching eyes again. “How did I end up in my bed this morning? I thought I fell asleep on the couch.” I said.
“I woke you up when I got home. I don’t think you were fully awake, though. You tried walking to your room, but you almost collapsed to the ground and fell asleep again, so I just carried you.” He chuckled again.
I blushed and rolled my eyes. “I’m a mess when I’m tired.” I muttered.
He smiled and I tugged again at my hair, finally able to get it untangled.
I finally got it untangled. I braided it and then twisted the braid into a bun. I turned to Daniel when I was done. “So Linda is off to visit her niece for a few days.” I said.
He nodded once. “Yeah. She needed a few days off anyway. Her niece called saying she had sent a surprise for Linda and it came in the mail yesterday, that surprise was a ticket to Santiago to visit her. I told Linda to take a vacation, and she took my advice.” He explained.
I nodded too. “That’s very nice of you, Daniel.” I murmured.
“Call me Dan.”
“Okay, then you call me Sky.” I said.
I squeezed passed him and walked over to my closet. My wallet had been lost in the fire, so my insurance company helped me with everything. My bank replaced my credit cards, my driver’s license was copied and sent to me, and I got money back for fire damage. But I still had no car; I’d used public transportation to get back to my home town.
I used the money from the insurance to stock up on my wardrobe and get a new phone. So now my closet was full. I grabbed a T-shirt and a pair of jeans and walked out only to run into solid muscle.
I looked up and came face to face with Dan. We both stood frozen, except for his arms circling my waist to keep me from falling. A slow grin spread across his face, his eyes burning and mischievous. He tightened his arms, crushed me to his chest so my feet were lifted off the ground, and kissed me. The kiss held a sort of teasing, a message to say that this was only a taste of what was to come. He pulled back, eyes molten chocolate.
He released me and without another word, walked out the door. I leaned back against the closet door and put my hand to my heart.
“A man that sinful should be shot.” I whispered.
I walked into the kitchen and had just decided to make waffles when my cell phone rang. I answered it while I was making the batter.
“Sky? Hi sweetheart, it’s me! Your mother.” I dropped the wooden spoon that I had just pulled from the droor.
I hesitated for a few moments before saying in a slightly cheerful voice. “Hi mom.” I leaned down and picked up the spoon.
“I got the number from your Uncle Jess. I’m out of rehab now, and I promise I’ll stay out this time.”
I wanted to believe it, I really did, but she’d been saying that for the past two years. “Mom…” I sighed. “You’ve been promising me that for a long time now.” It hurt to say it, but I had to be honest.
“I know…I know I have been, but this time is different! You’ll see. I’ll be sober from now on; it’s what your father would have wanted! I promise you, I’m not taking one drink.” She said.
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger. “Okay…talk to you later.”
“I love you.”
I hesitated. “I…bye mom.” I sighed.
I pressed the end button and stared at the phone for a few seconds before setting it down and pouring the batter in the waffle maker. Dan came in a few minutes later as I was making the last waffle.
“I’m off. If there are any problems I’ll be with my phone at all times. I’ll be home early today, we got someone to take the second shift” He said, grabbing an apple from the fridge.
I nodded, my mind weighing heavily on the fact that I couldn’t tell my own mother I loved her. “Bye.” He said.
“Bye.” I muttered.
He paused for a second, studying me as I sat down glumly at the table. “We’ll talk about it when I get home.” He decided.
No we won’t, I thought, leaning my head down and sipping my coffee. He left the house and I was alone again. I sighed and slumped in my chair, staring at the shiny black tile beneath me. I nibbled at my waffles, still thinking about mom. She was perfect before dad died, never had a sip of alcohol, all that changed after dad died, I couldn’t get her away from the bar.
I jumped as a knock came to the door. I looked out the peep hole to see a delivery man with a small package in his hand. I turned the alarm off and opened the door.
“Hello. Mrs. Parkinson?” I tensed and my heart sank.
“I go by Miss. Grey now, Mr. Parkinson and I are separated.” I informed him.
“Sorry for the Mix up. Please sign this.” He said, handing me a clip board with a piece of paper.
I signed his clip board and handed it back to him. He tipped his hat, handed me the box and left. I told myself to stay calm, that’s all it was, a mix up. I sighed as my legs started to hurt worse than usual, I couldn’t stand for longer than ten minutes. I went into the living room and sat down on the couch, box in my lap.
The box was just a simple brown box; it was long and rectangular, and taped shut nice and tight. I retrieved a knife from the kitchen and cut through the tape. I opened the box and almost threw it across the room.
Inside the box was a white carnation, to someone who didn’t know anything about John and I’s relationship, which was everyone but John, Gram and I, they would think it was just a simple gift. To me it was a cold hard stab of fear through the heart.
John and I sat across from each other; between us was our beautiful mahogany wood two-person table in the dining room. It was our first anniversary, and the first time John showed his true colors to me. I lifted my wine that he’d bought special for this night and took a sip. John took my other hand and leaned forward, kissing it like the gentleman he’d always been.
“Happy anniversary Baby.” He smiled his charming smile.
I smiled back. “And it’s been a wonderful anniversary.” I replied.
He held up a finger to tell me to wait. “It’s going to get better. Now close your eyes, I want to give you something.” He murmured.
I closed my eyes and a few minutes later I felt something smooth, yet silky in the palm of my hand. I opened my eyes to see a white fake carnation.
“Now before you say anything. I want to tell you why it’s fake. It’s fake because no matter how long you have it, how much it goes through, it’ll never die. That’s what our love means to me. Our love will never die.” He murmured.

At the time I thought it was sweet, now I understand it was just a ploy to get me to fall even more in love with him, and I bought it.
I got up to walk around the table, but as I did, I accidentally knocked over the wine glass I had set down, making it fall and break on the hardwood floor.
“Oh my gosh!” I gasped; the whine had reached the area rug and stained it.
John suddenly got up; I looked up at him and realized that he was angry. “You little bitch! Look what you did!” he walked angrily around to where I was standing and took hold of my shoulder, forcing me down on one knee, making me cut it on the glass.
He took the flower he gave me and threw it on the ground, getting a whine stain on one of the petals.
He slapped me across the face, grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the house, telling me to clean the mess up on his way.
I turned the flower over and put my hand to my mouth, stifling a sob. The whine stain was still there. A note was attached to the silk-wrapped stem. It read: Till death do us part, love you Baby.
I was caught in a wave of nausea, and my throat closed over. He’d found me, and now he was making it clear that he was never going to let me go. I had to get out of here.
I got up, threw the box on the floor and ran into my room, ignoring the pain in my legs. I ran into my closet and grabbed the duffle bag that my Aunt Mabel got me and threw it on the bed. I’d just started stuffing it with clothing, I was going to call a cab, and I was going to leave.
I heard the door open and close and a male voice call for Linda. I creeped out into the hall and back into the living room. Just as I entered the foyer, I ran into solid muscle.
I yelped and stumbled back, but just as I was about to fall, two strong arms caught me. I looked up and my eyes met these bright blue ones.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He apologized.
“No, it was my fault, I should have been watching where I was going.” I said, backing away from him.
The man was tall, about as tall as Dan, with strong-looking muscular arms, broad shoulders, and a tan complexion. His eyes were aqua blue, and his hair was sandy blonde. He smiled charmingly at me and I got the same tingly feeling down my spine as when Dan smiled at me.
“Hi. I’m Blake; I’m a friend of Dan’s. I was looking for Linda because she has one of my shirts.” Blake said.
I smiled back and shook his hand. “I’m Skylar, but you can call me Sky. My apartment burned down and I’m living here until I can get back on my feet. Linda just left yesterday; she was going to Santiago to visit her niece. Would you like me to help you find your shirt instead?” I asked him politely.
“That’d be great. She should have it in the laundry room.” He said.
I nodded and walked through the house, ignoring the pain as I walked. A voice in the back of my head told me that it might be good to rest, but I ignored it.
I walked into the laundry room and immediately spotted a lone shirt hanging on the rack beside the washer and dryer.
“Is this it?” I asked, pointing to the shirt.
He nodded, grabbing the shirt off the rack. “Yep. So are you and Dan…you know… dating?” he lifted his eyebrow and grinned.
I quickly shook my head. “Oh no. I mean…I don’t think so, if we are I don’t know anything about it.” I laughed.
“So…he wouldn’t mind me asking you to dinner.”
I stopped and looked at him. “You mean…like a date?”
He chuckled deeply. “That’s what I mean.”
I smiled slightly. “Umm…I don’t know…”
“Oh come on. We’ll just have some dinner and if you don’t like me, then we won’t go out again. How about it?”
I thought about it, it might be fun, and he seemed as charming as Dan.
“Okay. Sounds fun.” I said.
“Great! I’ll pick you up Saturday at six o clock.” He said.
I nodded and we walked out of the laundry room.
As we walked passed my room, Blake paused. “Looks like someone’s still unpacking.” He pointed to my bag which was messily thrown on the bed; clothes were hanging out of it.
I laughed nervously and shrugged. “I haven’t had time.”
He raised an eyebrow and nodded. “Huh.” Was all he said. “Well I should be going. It was nice meeting you.” He said.
I smiled. “Nice meeting a friend of Dan’s.” I said.
He smiled, tipped an imaginary hat, turned and left. I relaxed and leaned against the wall. He’d suspected something.
Now that I’d had time to think about it, I decided to stay, Dan would protect me, he said he would. And I just accepted a date to a very handsome man.
I realized my legs were killing me and carefully walked over to the bed, I pushed all of my things to the floor, deciding I’d deal with them later.
I took my braid from its bun and laid down, burying my face in one pillow and cuddling the other to my chest. I soon fell asleep that way.
I awoke to the front door opening and closing. I looked at the clock and realized it was five in the afternoon. I sat up slowly, yawning.
I was working my hair out of the braid when Dan appeared in the doorway. He had the box that I’d thrown in his hand.
“I’m guessing by the fact that this was across the room in a corner that you didn’t like what you saw in the box.” He said.
I stared at the box with a mixture of fear and hate. “You would guess right.” I whispered.
He shrugged and casually threw the box over his shoulder, making me smile slightly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
I shook my head. “No. I want to forget I ever saw the damned thing and get on with my life.”
Dan chuckled and reached the bed in five long strides, sitting on the edge beside me. “Okay. Do you want to talk about what was bothering you this morning?”
I didn’t even want to think about that. “Nope. Uh-uh, I’m not even going to think about it.” I said stubbornly.
He sighed. “It is bothering you though.”
I sighed as well. “Yeah…my mom called this morning. She’s out of rehab. She told me the exact same thing she said before, that she was sober and she was going to stay that way.” I muttered.
“Maybe this time will be better.” He said, climbing on the bed and sitting against the headboard with me.
“I told myself that the other two times. I don’t know, deep inside there is still a little bit of hope that she’ll pull through. She told me she loved me, and you know my answer? ‘Bye mom.’ I couldn’t tell my own mother I loved her.” I felt like slapping myself in the face.
Dan draped an arm around my shoulders and sighed. “I understand.”
“By the way, your friend Blake stopped by today to get his shirt. Does Linda always do his laundry?” I asked.
Dan chuckled. “Not always. His washer and dryer is broken.” He said.
“Ah…and he also asked me to dinner on Saturday…” I trailed off.
I felt him tense. “He…what?”
I looked at him; he was staring at me in a mixture of outrage and disbelief. “He asked me to dinner.” I said slowly.
“And you accepted?” he asked.
“Yes. Is there a problem with that?”
Daniel pressed his lips together in a thin line. “Yes. You can’t go.” He said.
I turned to face him, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrow. “And why is that?”
“Because…because it’s too dangerous. Your ex-husband is still out there.” He said.
I rolled my eyes. “I doubt he would come for me in a restaurant full of people.” I said.
“Then…” he stared into my eyes, and his hardened with a new anger. “You still can’t go.” He said.
I threw my hands up in the air. “Since when are you my mother?” I asked incredulously.
“I’m not your mother, but I am going to keep you in the house. I’ll change the alarm code if I have to.” Daniel was very confident that he could do it, too.
“I’m a grown woman, Daniel! And I’ll date whoever I want! Why all the protectiveness all of the sudden?” I asked.
He got up and pulled me with him, pulling me very close and staring at me in the eyes. “I’ve been protective of you since we’ve met.” He said lowly.
“That still doesn’t give you an excuse to lock me in the house.” I said, my voice losing its confidence, he was making my mind swim being so close.
“Trust me, I know Blake. We’ve been best friends since high school, and he hasn’t changed a bit. He’s a player. All he wants from you is to get you in bed.”
“Then we’ll only go out once.” I said.
Dan chuckled darkly and slowly shook his head; he was so close that his nose lightly brushed the tip of mine. “That’s not how Blake rolls.”
My phone rang, making me jump, but Dan still had his hold on me, eyes not wavering from mine. I tried to get out of his arms, but he just tightened them. “Dan, I need to get the phone.” I said.
“Let it go to voicemail.” He said, leaning down and nuzzling my neck.
I sucked in a breath and unconsciously melted into him. Suddenly, letting the phone go to voicemail didn’t seem like such a bad idea. The phone quit ringing, and I moaned softly as he placed a soft kiss on my shoulder.
He’d just gotten his hand under my shirt when the phone rang again. I groaned and pulled away. Dan sighed and leaned against the bed with his arms crossed. I picked up the phone and placed it to my ear, leaning my hip on the bed. “Hello.” I said.
“Skylar, where were you? You had me worried!” Aunt Mabel said.
“I was…in the shower, I didn’t hear the phone.” I heard Dan’s low chuckle behind me.
“Okay. Did you hear? Your mother is moving back into town.”
I felt Dan’s hands on my sides, they slowly moved down, sliding down until they reached my waist. I let out a slow breath and leaned into him. “Uh…n-no she didn’t tell me that when she called.” I said.
Dan’s breath hit my ear and he nibbled on it playfully. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. “How odd. She’s moving on Oak Street, to that really nice house the Gonzales’s built. They couldn’t afford it so they moved.”
I could hardly hear her; Dan had started slowly kissing down my neck. “C-could you hold on for just a second?”
I covered the speaker with the palm of my hand and turned to face Dan. “I’m trying to speak, and it’s a little hard when you’re doing… THAT to me!” I hissed as the tips of his fingers traced my stomach.
Dan grinned and placed a light kiss on my lips before leaving the room. I glared at the doorway for a second before returning the phone to my ear. “I’m sorry. My phone was acting up. That’s really great for mom! But what did her Therapists say? Do they approve of this?”
“She doesn’t give a cow’s patoot what they think. Said it’s good to have new surroundings and she thinks that the memories are causing her depression. She really thinks this’ll be good for her.” Mabel said.
I gave a sigh. “As long as she’s alright, and Oak Street’s not far from where I’m staying. So if…you know, something like last year’s disaster happens again, I’ll be able to get to her relatively quickly.”
Last year my mom got so addicted to her depressant pills that she over dosed, I had been coming to visit that day, and found her on the floor in the bathroom, her eyes had been glazed over and she was barely breathing.
“I know. That night was terrible. You were lucky you got home when you did, she could’ve died. Has she been…you know, better after that?” she asked.
“I don’t know. She doesn’t talk about it. I think after that she decided to take rehab seriously. That was the last time she touched those pills.”
“Good.” I heard some muffled voices on the other line. “I have to go sweetheart. Nice talking to you!” and she disconnected.
I smiled; she was never one for goodbyes. I set the phone down and turned around, only to bump into a solid chest again. “Dan! How long have you been standing there? I thought you left.” I said.
“I did, but I came back in. What happened to your mom?”
“How’d you know I was talking about mom?” I was sure I hadn’t mentioned her name.
“You mentioned she was in rehab. I assumed it was your mom.” He shrugged.
“Oh. Last year she over dosed on depressant pills, I had been coming over to visit that day, she told me afterwards that she was feeling really down that day, and didn’t want me to see her like that. She then went on to tell me that they weren’t working fast enough so she started popping them like M&M’s.” I explained.
“And you found her.” He said.
I nodded. “I found her on the bathroom floor, eyes glazed, barely breathing. I would have honestly been better off seeing her down, then almost dead on the floor.” I said, falling back against the bed.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly.
“Thank you. But it actually helped. She took rehab seriously, and her depression got better.” I said.
He leaned against the bed beside me. “Back to Blake…” he said, tracing the tip of his finger down my arm.
I raised an eyebrow at him. “If I were to say I was still going?”
“I’d handcuff you to my bed.” His voice was casual, but his eyes were serious.
“You can’t do that!”
“I can and I will.” Again, casual voice, serious eyes as he traced my jawline with the tips of his fingers.
“You can’t do that, Daniel. Suppose you did somehow handcuff me to the bed? What then?”
Wrong question. His eyes darkened and turned into molten chocolate and I shivered, not in the least bit cold. “That is not what I mean! You have work, how will I eat, or even…do my business?” I asked.
He sighed. “Okay. I’ll lock you in my room.”
“You still haven’t solved the eating problem.” I said, crossing my arms.
He threw his arms up. “Fine! Go out with him! Be my guest! Don’t come crying to me when he hurts you just like every other girl he’s hurt!” He shouted.
“Fine! I won’t!” I shouted back.
He stormed out of the room and I slammed the door behind him. “Bastard.” I muttered.
I sat on my bed with a huff and crossed my arms.

Chapter five:

I was running, running so slow, and I couldn’t run any faster. I glanced back and shrieked, John was gaining on me. I choked on a sob as I kept running. But suddenly I ran flat out into a wall, and the wall turned out to be Gram. Gram smiled menacingly at me and grabbed my shoulders as I screamed, trying to get away. He yelled my name and shook my shoulders once more. I struggled to get out of his grasp, fear enclosing around my heart as John came closer, a knife gleaming in his left hand.
“Skylar!” I awoke with a start, staring into Dan’s eyes, it wasn’t Gram’s voice that called me, it was Dan’s.
“D-Dan?” I whispered, confused.
“It’s only me, Sky, it’s only me.” He whispered back, pulling me into his chest.
I broke down, sobbing as I buried my face deeper in his warm, bare chest. “Shh Skylar, I’m here.” He murmured tenderly.
“I was so afraid.” I sobbed.
“Shh, I know. I know, it’s alright now, I’m here.” He said again.
I cried without words for a while, letting him comfort me. He stroked my hair softly and whispered to me gently, I felt so grateful for his presence. Finally, I calmed down, only hitching a breath here and there. “Babe, these nightmares are going to make both of us keel over before our time.” He said, and I realized that his heart was racing.
I laughed wetly. “I’m sorry, Dan.” I said, lifting my head to look at his face.
He kissed my forehead, letting his lips linger for a few seconds too long. “No need to apologize, I understand.” He said.
I wiped my eyes and glanced at the clock, six, I wasn’t going to be able to fall back asleep. I sighed and pulled my braid over my shoulder. “I hate this. Why does John want me back? He can charm his way into anyone else’s life, why does he want me?” I asked Dan as I unbraided my hair and combed my fingers through it.
He stared at me in the limited light, eyes dark and molten chocolate. “I can think of a few reasons why he would want you. You’re gorgeous. You have hair like an angel.” He twisted a curl around his finger. “You’re sweet as hell, and you’re stubborn.”
I raised an eyebrow and frowned. “I wouldn’t say stubborn is a good trait. And I’m hardly gorgeous” I scoffed.
His eyes darkened with anger this time. “Don’t ever say that! You are more than gorgeous, you’re exquisite.” He growled, gripping my shoulders angrily.
I sucked in a breath and stared shocked at Dan. I watched as his breathing slowed and his eyes slowly calmed. He let me go, one hand at a time. “I’m sorry, Sky.” He whispered.
He then got up and left the room. I stared at the door for a few seconds, unable to say anything. I then got up and walked over to my door; I opened it and looked out. Dan was gone. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, I did something wrong again. I shouldn’t have said that, clearly, it made him angry.
I sighed and walked out to the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing an orange to peel. A few minutes later, Dan walked in a few minutes after I got coffee brewing. He wasn’t in his uniform, and I raised an eyebrow, but before I could ask, we both heard something fall and crash in the living room. We both froze what we were doing and looked at each other.
“Did you reset the alarm when you came in?” I whispered to Dan.
He shook his head slowly.
He swore under his breath and grabbed my arm, leading me behind him as we crept toward the living room. He looked in, and slowly crept in, keeping a hold of my arm. The vase that Linda had set out a few days ago that held fresh flowers was smashed on the ground. A note was tied to my old wedding ring where the vase used to be. I put my hand to my mouth and stopped in my tracks, unable to move anymore.
“Sky, what’s wrong?” he asked softly.
I shook my head slowly. “N-nothing, go check the foyer, I’ll stay here.” I whispered.
He studied me with careful eyes before shaking his head. “No. Come with me. It’s not safe.” He said.
I was actually glad he didn’t leave me in here alone, I would’ve run back to my room and started packing right then. It wasn’t safe, not only for me, but for Dan and Linda, too. He kept a firm grip on my arm, keeping me close to his side; the door to the house was wide open, with another present sitting on the front porch.
I walked forward and leaned down, picking up the small white box with a big red bow taped to it. With a shaking hand, I opened the box. It dropped out of my hands and I heard a shriek, which I’m guessing was me. In the box was a lock of my hair, tied up in one of my ribbons. I was furiously combing my hands through my hair, trying to find the lock that he cut. I found it at the nape of my neck; it must have been too short to fit in the braid.
Dan leaned down beside me and gripped my shoulders. “Sky.” He said softly.
I wasn’t listening, I was overwhelmed with the fact that he found me. This couldn’t be happening to me!
“Sky!” He said, more forcefully this time, he shook me gently, making me look at him.
“He found me…and now he’s playing with me!” I cried.
Dan pulled me into his arms, stroking my hair and kissing just under my ear. “He won’t hurt you. Not while I’m around.” He promised.
“He got in last night and cut my hair!” I said frantically.
“Then you’ll sleep in my room.” He shrugged.
I quickly shook my head. “No. He can’t see you with me, he’ll get jealous and he’ll kill you.” I was very sure of it; I once smiled politely at a cashier when I was grocery shopping and John was with me. He went into a jealous rage because he thought I was flirting.
“I don’t care what he’ll do, Babe. As long as your safe, it’ll be alright.” He said.
“You don’t understand.” I said, pushing away from him and standing. “He’ll do anything to get what he wants. He once threatened our contractor because he said he couldn’t put a downstairs bathroom.” I threw my hands up into the air.
“I do understand. What he needs to understand is that I’m never letting you go.” He said, getting up and pulling me into him.

I stared into his eyes, which had turned the molten chocolate I loved so much. “I’m not going to win this argument am I?” I asked.
He shook his head, a smile forming on his lips. “No.”
I sighed. “Fine. But no funny business. You sleep on your side, I’ll sleep on mine. Got that?” I poked a finger at his chest.
He shot me a salute and let me go to close the door, picking up the lock of hair before he did. “Got it.”
He left me in the kitchen to search the house, setting the alarm as well. I nibbled on a piece of orange and stared down at my coffee. I jumped when the doorbell rang. I got up and walked out to the foyer, pausing a few feet from it. I unset the alarm and peeked out the peep hole. It was a woman, she seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t put a name to her.
I opened the door and stared out at the woman. “Yes?”
She threw up her hands and stared at me with an expression of disbelief. “Skylar Carolina Grey!” she admonished. “Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me!” she exclaimed.
I broke out into a smile, I only knew one person besides my family who knew my middle name. “Lily-bear!” I squealed.
Lillian and I were best friends in elementary school before I moved. We’d lost touch after a few years. We stood up for each other and were practically joined at the hip.
“Hey Sky! How the hell are yah?” she asked me, holding out her arms to hug me.
I ran into her arms, almost knocking us both over. “Oh my gosh I missed you!” I squealed.
She pulled back and crossed her arms, staring at me in playful anger. “Oh really? Then why did I have to find out from mom’s best friend’s coworker’s wife that you were back in town?”
I laughed, but guilt flowed through me, I hadn’t even thought to call her. “I’m sorry! I’ve had so much on my mind, my apartment building burned down, and I had no place to live…”
She laughed and waved her hand. “You are way too easy. I don’t care, Sky.” She suddenly turned silent and her eyes focused on something behind me.
“Hello Lillian. Nice to see you again.” Dan said politely from behind me, his hand settling on the small of my back.
“Daniel.” She greeted with a small smile.
“So Lillian, how have you been these days? Gosh, I can’t imagine, with how long it’s been, what’s going on with you?”
I ushered her into the living room and sat down beside her, Dan said that he’d forgotten something in his room and excused himself. “Well, in the past few years I’ve invested in the outlet mall out here, and gotten quite a bit of money. I’m actually dating a really nice man, his name is Gram.” And that is when my happiness crumbled.
“When did you meet him?” I asked hesitantly.
“I met him five days ago. We met in the grocery store. He’s new in town, and he says he’s a private investigator.” She said, leaning in and lowering her voice.
My stomach churned and I clutched it, feeling a wave of nausea roll over me. “Are you alright? You look a little…green.” She said.
I gripped Lillian’s shoulders tightly, staring her straight in the eyes. “I want you to stay away from Gram, okay?” I asked.
She looked at me in confusion. “But you haven’t even met-“
“Please, trust me, he’s not a good man!” I said, desperately trying to convey that.
Lillian pulled my hands from her shoulders and held them both tightly in hers, looking at me with careful eyes. “How do you know this? What happened to you, Sky?” she asked softly.
“N-nothing. I just know that he’s a terrible man.”
She cocked her head to the side and stared at me with the don’t-give-me-that-crap look. “He did something to you.” She said.
I sighed, I knew if I didn’t tell her, that she wouldn’t stay away from Gram, but I was afraid to bring her into this. “If I tell you this, you have to promise me that this will stay between us, no one can ever know this.” I said seriously.
“I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick two needles in my eye.” She said.
I smiled, but it quickly faded. “Gram didn’t do anything to me…well, nothing physical. I married a man named John Parkinson. He was so charming when we first started dating. He never even raised his voice at me. We soon got married, and on our first anniversary is when he showed me his true colors. I accidentally broke a wine glass, and he went into a rage. He cut my knees with the broken glass and slapped me. That night he left the house, and came back drunk with Gram. John had gone to a strip club.
“I’ve divorced him now. But five days after the divorce settled, he followed me home with Gram one day.” I took a deep breath as I prepared to tell her this again. She stared at me with horror struck eyes.
“H-he and Gram dragged me into an alley…a-and Gram watched while John raped me repeatedly.”
Lillian sucked in a shocked breath and pulled me into a hug. “Oh God! I’m so sorry. You should have called someone! Called me for Christ sake! I would have put my foot so far up his ass it would come out his mouth!” she said.
I laughed. “So you’ll stay away from Gram?”
“Yes! The bastard can drown for all I care!” she said.
I relaxed and hugged her back, relief flowing through me. “So, onto a lighter, yet so much hotter topic.” She nudged me playfully. “You’re living with Mr. Hunk over there?” she stage whispered.
I laughed softly, looking around to see if he was coming. “Yes, I’m living with Dan-“
“Dan?” she asked, looking at me in shock. “Does he know you call him that?”
I looked at her in confusion, cocking my head to the side. “Of course. Why?”
“Honey, he doesn’t just let anybody call him Dan. He likes you.” She said with a knowing smile. “The only people who call him Dan are his best friend and Linda.”
I stared at her in surprise, but before I could say anything, Dan strode into the room. “I hope I’m not interrupting, but Blake just called, he said he’d called you but you didn’t answer. He said he had to cancel Saturday; an emergency came up, his sister Rosalina is in the hospital with a baby. He said he’d call as soon as he was free to make new plans.” I could see his eyes smoldering with disapproval and…jealousy? But he kept his face smooth.
I nodded and looked at Lillian as her hand landed on my arm. She stared at me in shock, “Blake?” she asked bluntly.

I giggled and glanced at Dan. “I’ll tell you about it later.” I said.
She checked her watch. “I should go anyway, I just came to visit you. I’ll call you later Cupcake.” She said.
I nodded and walked her to the door, hugged her, and closed and locked the door after she got into her car.
I didn’t have time to react before I was spun around and pushed against the door, pressing himself against me. “I like you a lot, babe.” Dan said in my ear, using his new nickname for me.
A soft moan escaped my lips before I could stop it as his hands slipped under my shirt and trailed up to the small of my back. I was afraid my clothes would catch fire with how hot this man was. “Really? I had no idea.” It was half playful, half truthful.
I’d suspected that he felt something for me, but I hadn’t known what. And what does ‘I like you a lot’ mean anyway? What am I supposed to think?
“Babe, it’s hard to believe. I don’t kiss a woman like that for shits and giggles.” He growled.
I shivered. “No doubt.”
He trailed kisses down my neck, pulling the shoulder of my shirt down so he could place a long, lingering kiss there. I sucked in a sharp breath and felt him smile against my skin.
He leaned up and pressed his lips to the corner of my mouth. “Bastard.” I muttered, making him smile.
“Oh I’m sorry, I must’ve missed my mark.” And he pressed his lips to mine.
“Much better.” I mumbled between kisses.
He chuckled deeply and tightened his arms around me, slipping his leg between mine and deepening the kiss. I ran my hands up his chest, up to his wide shoulders, and into his hair. He growled and grinded against me, making me gasp, this seemed to be his goal, because he thrust his tongue in my mouth.
He explored my mouth in a slow, sultry dance of his tongue. My fingers combed through his soft, brown, rugged looking hair and wrapped my arms tightly around Dan’s neck. I barely registered him breaking the kiss so he could rip my shirt off through all the lust. Before I knew what was happening, my hands acted on their own accord and slipped under his shirt, lifting it over his head.
It was as if we weren’t in control of our bodies anymore. I knew this was wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself. I admired his perfect chest, all the way down to his six-pack-stomach. His jeans sat dangerously low on his hips, and I could see his obvious arousal.
I ran my hands down to his stomach, tracing each muscle until I reached the top of his jeans. Dan leaned his forehead on mine and a low rumbling sound came from his chest. I shivered and leaned my face up, pressing my lips to his. He kissed me slowly, his hands sliding up my abdomen. Before he could reach my breasts, the home phone rang, breaking us from our intimate position. It was only then that I realized that I was about to do. I grabbed my shirt from the ground and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.
I didn’t meet Dan’s eyes; I just turned and walked into the living room. I slipped on my shirt, picked up the phone and pressed the call button. Pressing it to my ear, I worked to make my voice pleasant. “Hello.” I said, glad my voice didn’t waver.
“Hi, can I speak with Skylar?”
“Aunt Mabel, this is Sky.”
“Oh! You sound just like Linda on the phone. I just called to tell you that your mother will be coming in tomorrow to look at the house. I’m going to take her through, and I was wondering if you’d like to join us?” she asked pleasantly.
God help me, I was still thinking about Daniel and the kiss we shared, I could barely concentrate on anything else. “Uh…sure.” I said.
“Great! I’ll let you go sweetheart. We’ll meet up at Uncle Sam’s coffee shop at one. You know that little old place we used to go to when you were little?”
“Yeah. Yeah I know the place.” I said, plopping myself down on the couch.
“Okay.” And she hung up.
I rolled my eyes and set the phone back on its stand. Dan must’ve gone back to his room, because he didn’t follow me. I got up and decided to see what was behind the house. I ran into my room and changed. My legs felt better, they didn’t hurt when I walked, and the burn on my arm was close to a scar now. I slipped on some tight jeans and a long sleeve shirt, it was cold out today.
I went to the kitchen and looked out the window of the back door. The forest behind the house was not really a forest at all; it was more like a park in your own back yard, trees shaded the entire place. I grabbed the handle and opened the door. Fresh air rushed in to the house, the smell of fresh pine and maple trees made me smile. I walked out on the patio and breathed in fresh air, leaning my arms on the railing. It cleared my mind, made me think clearer about this whole thing going on with me and Dan.
Dan and I couldn’t be together, if John found out, he’d kill Dan, and possibly beat me to death in a blind rage. And I probably shouldn’t even be going on a date with Blake, but Blake was charming and I felt okay just having dinner with him.
Dan was obviously looking for something more. Something that I couldn’t give him. Lord knows I was attracted to him, a woman would have to be dead not to be attracted to Daniel, but I couldn’t act on that attraction. John was playing games with me right now, but soon he’ll tire of his games, and he’ll come for what he claims is his. Me.
I sucked in a deep breath of fresh air to calm myself and was startled by Dan’s voice behind me, “Here, I made some hot chocolate.”
I turned around and smiled at Dan, trying to act as if what happened back there didn’t happen. “Thank you.” I said, taking the mug he held out for me.
He gestured to a two-person table on the other side of the deck. “Would you like to sit?”
“Yes. Thank you.” I said as he held out a seat for me.
He sat down across from me and silence slipped over us both. He sighed, staring out at the forest. “What are we doing?” I asked finally.
He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, the corners of his mouth tipping up slightly. “Strange, I could have sworn we were enjoying the morning air.” He teased.
I gave him a dry look. “You know what I mean. What did that-” I gestured in the direction of the foyer. “-Mean?”
“It meant that we’re extremely attracted to each other.” He shrugged as if it meant nothing.
I rolled my eyes. Obviously. “Yes but what does it mean for…US?” I asked.
He studied me for a few minutes, his eyes and face not showing anything. “I don’t know what it means for you, but I know what it means for me.” He said.
I cocked my head to the side. “And what does it mean for you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I love you.” He shrugged.
My heart stuttered in my chest and my hand froze halfway to picking up my mug. I looked at him, his posture was relaxed, face casual, but his eyes were smoldering as they bored into mine.
“Don’t get too upset. It’s not the love that slaps a ring on your finger and calls you Mrs. Havens.” He said.
I paused before saying, “then what kind of love is it?”
“It’s the kind of love I know I can’t act on.”
“Because of John?”
“I couldn’t care less about John. I know I can’t act on it because you and I both are not ready for a relationship.”
“So what happened in there was a lapse in control and won’t happen again.” I said.
He smiled. “I said I couldn’t act on my love for you. I didn’t say I’d never touch you again.” He said.
I crossed my arms, trying to hide the shiver that unwillingly ran through me. “It can’t happen again. Daniel, you have to think of what could happen if John saw us in that…position!” I said, a blush creeping up as I thought about it.
His smile faded and his eyes darkened. “Like I said; I couldn’t care less about what John thinks.” He said.
“Well I care! He’ll kill you!” I said, my voice raising an octave.
“Babe, did it ever occur to you that my well-being is not much of a concern to me?” he asked.
I blew out a sigh in frustration and glared at him. “Well it’s a huge concern for me!”
He growled and slammed his hand down on the table. “You shouldn’t worry about me!” he yelled.
“Well too bad because I do!” I yelled back.
I stood and without another word, tromped down the stairs and into the grass. I walked far enough away that he couldn’t see me and leaned against the large trunk of a tree, staring at the leaves above me. He loves me, but he knows I’m not ready to get into that kind of relationship...the problem was…I loved him back.
I ran my hand through my hair and cursed under my breath. This was bad; this was very, very bad. I had to distance myself from him! What happened in the foyer could not happen again, period.
I sucked in a deep breath and blinked the tears away from my eyes, distancing myself from Daniel was going to be a hard thing to do, especially since he didn’t want to distance himself from me. I noticed something gleaming in the distance and my head snapped over in the direction of the gleam, it was coming through the trees. I walked toward it and broke through the trees. I gasped as a lake came into view; we were right beside Carmines Lake. I stood stunned for a full minute. I hadn’t been here since I was six years old, my family threw a birthday party for Lillian and I since our birthdays weren’t that far apart.
I walked down the rocky beaches, taking in the fresh smell of the lake. It felt like home here, more than New York felt like. I felt like I belonged here. In the distance I could see the part of the beach where the road meets, lots of families come here to enjoy the warm weather, but right now there was a chill in the air.
The sun still shone, without a cloud in the sky, but it was almost the end of winter, and spring hadn’t sprung yet. The beach was empty, and I was alone at last. I walked down the dock and sat with my feet hanging just above the waters reach. I lay down and closed my eyes, putting my hands behind my head and enjoying the cold, winter winds.
I heard footsteps coming up onto the deck and knew without opening my eyes who it was. It was as if I could feel his presence like a force-field. “It’s quite cold to be out here with only a long sleeved shirt.” Dan’s voice was now soft, not a hint of the anger he felt before in his voice.
I shaded my eyes and looked upside down at Dan. He smiled and walked over, sitting beside me. “I’m fine. I’m not that cold, actually.” I said, pushing myself up into a sitting position.
He raised an eyebrow at me as I rubbed my arms and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. Damn him, as soon as he touched me, my entire body warmed completely. I shifted uncomfortably. “Dan…”
“Just let me enjoy this, just for now.” He interrupted.
I shook my head, if I did, I’d never want him to stop enjoying it. “I can’t, Dan.” I said, pulling away from him.
He sighed and dropped his arm. I felt cold without his touch, but I kept my distance anyway. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.” He said softly.
I looked up at him. “I understand.” I replied.

Author's note:

Thank you for all your favorites and comments! I'll be updating very soon! Please friend me if you'd like to know when I update! Thanks.


Chapter six.

I’d convinced Skylar to stay in my room, and it wasn’t because of John. She thought that it was, but John was a simple excuse. I wanted her warm body next to mine, I’d had a lot of cold showers and restless nights just thinking about it. She told me no funny business, and I gave my word, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to take advantage of this.
I locked the house up, making sure to set the alarm, and headed upstairs. Sky lay on her side, her arm under her head, hair in the usual braid, reading a book. She put a bookmark in between the pages and set the book down as I approached. “Goodnight, Dan.” She said, her honey voice soft.
I slipped my shirt off and climbed into bed. “Goodnight, Babe.” I said.
I turned the light off and laid down, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to me. “Dan…” she sighed.
I smiled in the darkness. “Yes?”
“I thought I said no funny business.” She said, her voice accusing.
“Do you find this funny?” I asked, trailing the tip of my finger down the soft skin of her arm.
I heard her take in a shaky breath. “No.” She admitted. “But you knew what I meant.”
I sighed, leaning my head down and putting my lips to her ear. “You and I both know that John wasn’t the reason I wanted you in my bed. Now relax, I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to do.” I whispered in her ear.
I felt her shiver and smiled, kissing the soft skin below her ear before tucking her head under my chin and closing my eyes. She sighed and I listened to her breathing in the silent room. “I love you.” I whispered after a few minutes of silence.
She took a large intake of breath and let it out in a whoosh. “I love you too.” She mumbled, half asleep.
I stared at her figure in the dark; the night was cloudy, making it pitch black in the room. I was completely shocked that she would admit this to me, even in her sleep. A slow smile spread across my face and I tightened my arm possessively around her. She’s mine, I thought, and I’m never letting her go.

The next morning, I awoke on my stomach, with a warm body half on top of me. I awoke to a soft hand trailing down my back. I let out an involuntary moan and the hand paused. “I thought you said no funny business.” I teased her, my voice still groggy.
“Is this funny to you?” she asked me in my ear, tracing a finger along my shoulder blades.
I smiled and turned over, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to me. “No. As a matter of fact it isn’t.” I said.
Her bright blue eyes bored into mine, and I couldn’t look away. They were the most amazing blue I’d ever seen, and they had me in awe every time I looked at them. “I need to go get ready.” She whispered.
I smiled; no way was I letting her go that easy. “One thing first, Babe.” I said.
I put my hand to the back of her head and pulled her face down to mine, pressing my lips to hers. Her leg slipped in between mine, whether intentionally or not, I didn’t know. I rolled us over so she was on her back, supporting my weight on my arms so I didn’t crush her.
“Dan…” she whispered, but I pressed my lips to hers again, I didn’t want to stop just yet. I ran my hands down her sides, and down to her thighs. I guided her leg to wrap around my waist and she didn’t object, she tangled her hands in my hair and deepened the kiss. I wanted more, though. I grinded against her and she gasped before moaning. I took the opportunity to thrust my tongue in her mouth, exploring the warm, sensual curve of her lips.
Her tongue met mine and she returned my kisses with a new enthusiasm. I felt myself harden as her hands moved from my hair, down to my stomach. I was losing control, fast. I wrapped my arms around her waist and ground into her, making her moan against my lips.
I felt her hands leave my stomach and could almost feel the atmosphere change. She’d realized what we were doing. “Dan.” She whispered again, making me pull back. “I need to get ready.”
I sighed and leaned down, pressing one last kiss to her forehead before rolling off of her and looking at the clock, I had to get ready for work, anyway. “Okay. I have to get to work, anyway.” I said.
“By the way, I never got the chance to ask you why you weren’t at work yesterday?” she said it like a question.
“The co-chief had a shift yesterday. Today is my shift.” I told her.
“Ah, the trainee worked out, huh?” she asked.
I nodded, surprised she remembered. “Yes. Better than we expected. The boss down in the city thinks I’m working too hard, and she wants me to get a few days off once in a while.” I explained.
The boss being Miss. Loraine Fairfield, she is an extreme flirt and practically throws herself at me and my men every chance she gets. She is beautiful, but not my type. I wanted a girl with a personality; I didn’t want a carbon copy of Barbie. I’m sure my men have slept with the boss more times than I can count, but she has yet to get me in bed.
Sky sat up and stretched her arms above her head, letting out a light groan as her joints popped. She wore a tight fitting tank top and shorts that reached mid-thigh. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her beautiful, fragile body.
She didn’t notice my staring as she got out of bed and walked towards the door, humming softly to herself.

Just as I reached the fire station, my phone buzzed. I looked at the ID, it was Blake. “Hey man, is Skylar’s phone dead? I tried to call her…” he said when I answered.
I tried hard to control the words that bubbled to the surface, but they slipped out, “Blake, I’m going to tell you something right now, she is mine. I don’t want you touching her. You get near her, and I’ll rip your heart out of your chest.” I said darkly.
I heard his chuckle. “I knew you were fond of her. You don’t let just anyone take up residence in your house.”
“Your damn right I’m fond of her, and I’m not afraid to admit it.” I said.
“Right, so do you think I should tell Skylar the reason I cannot go on a date with her? Or should I just say I got another date?” he asked sarcastically.
I sighed, she’d be angry with me, but I didn’t want Blake to hurt her. “Tell her the truth.”
“Right.” And he disconnected.
Blake and I’s relationship went deeper than just having met in high school. We signed up for the army when we were eighteen. We were in the line of duty together. I was shot in the side trying to give one of our men first aid treatments, though the bullet missed all of my major arteries, I was sent home. After that I did some undercover work and gained a lot of enemies. Blake, soon after, was too close to a land mine and had thirty two pieces of shrapnel removed from his leg and shoulder. He was sent home. This was why I wasn’t afraid of John. His game is child’s play compared to what I’ve seen.

I was just grabbing my jacket to leave when my phone buzzed again. “So I’m yours now?” came Sky’s very angry voice when I answered.
I smiled, imagining her cheeks going rosy red, her bright blue eyes turning to ice, and her full lips pursing in that very attractive pout. “We’ll talk about this when I get home.” Before she could answer, I hung up.
I wanted to see her face, how she’ll set her jaw stubbornly and her eyes will turn defiant, how her perfect eyebrows will raise as if to say “you can’t seriously be trying to control me!” and her delicate hands will ball into fists at her sides. She was beautiful when she was angry; it was only second to when she was happy. Her smile could light the room. Her eyes could shine like stars.
When I got home, she was standing on the porch with her arms crossed, glaring at me. I laughed before getting out of the car. “Hello, beautiful.”
“Don’t you “hello beautiful me-!”
I cut her off by grabbing her around the waist and pulling her into a long, demanding kiss. “Too late.” I whispered in her ear when I pulled back. I felt her shiver and smiled. “And you are mine, and you will always be mine. Deal. With. It.” I whispered slowly.
I let her go and walked in the house, acting as if nothing happened.
“What the hell? I am not yours! As I recall, you were the one who told me you couldn’t act on your love, and now you’re claiming me as your own? I don’t think so.” She said.
I sighed, but didn’t turn around, she was right, I did say that. God, I wanted her, I needed her, but I couldn’t, she didn’t want this, and my background didn’t allow anyone involved with me in that way. I had a lot of enemies, and I didn’t want to get Sky involved in it.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I just…I can’t bear the thought of his hands on you…I’m in love with you, you have to expect jealousy.” I shrugged, turning to face her.
She stared at me for a few seconds, her eyes turning from cold and hard, to soft and caring. “I didn’t realize…I guess I didn’t think you’d be jealous.” She whispered.
I snorted a sarcastic laugh. “In all my years, I’d never been this jealous. I wanted to rip Blake’s hands off when he mentioned the date.” I told her truthfully.
She sighed. “I-I just…John is out there, and possibly Gram as well. I don’t want him to see us together, he’ll go into a jealous rage and do something rash, like kidnap Linda to get to you, or worse, he’ll sneak in like he did before and this time, he’ll kill you in your sleep.” She stressed.
I smiled, it wasn’t likely. I was trained to sleep lightly and I had a weapon easily reachable hidden in my pillow case. John wasn’t going to kill me that easy. “I’ll be fine. Trust me, I’ve dealt with worse.” I hadn’t realized what I’d said until it was out of my mouth. I’d practically just told her that I was in the war.
“What do you mean?” she asked me.
I hesitated. “Nothing. I…I was a cop before, I’ve dealt with rapists and murderers more times than I can count.” I said.
She didn’t seem to believe me, but before she could ask a question, my phone buzzed. “I almost forgot, how was the outing with your family?” I asked her as I looked at the ID.
It was Bernie, one of my men from the fire department. “It was…eventful. Mostly because my mother was driving and it’d been so long, she got lost.”
I pressed the call button, smiling. “Very interesting. You seem to know the roads better than your mother.” I told her.
“Daniel, it’s Bernie, we have a situation. The apartment down on third street, above the bakery.” Bernie said.
“How bad?” I asked him, my smile dropping.
“The whole place is up in flames, two people trapped inside.”
I cursed under my breath, glad I was still in my fire suit. “I’ll be right there.”
“What, what is it?” she asked me worriedly.
“A fire above the bakery, two people trapped inside.” I told her.
She leaned a hand against the wall and used her other hand to clutch her forehead. “Please don’t tell me it’s Haywood’s Bakery.” She whispered.
“It’s on third street.” I explained.
“My God…that’s my Aunt and Uncle’s bakery.” She said.
I rushed out the door. “If anything happens, I want you to call me immediately.” I said as I got in the car.
“Please get them out of the house!” she called after me.
“I promise!”
And I sped off.

Chapter seven.

I paced the floor for probably an hour, the TV on as I watched the live news feed from a helicopter. The apartment window above the bakery had flames shooting out of it. I saw a man in a full fire suit go in. I sat with my hands clasped together, praying that Aunt Mabel and Uncle Joe were alright.
I saw one of the men go in after his companion and what seemed like hours later, they came out with two people in their arms. “They have the victims, repeat, they have the victims!” The news anchor said with relief in his voice.
I almost cried in relief, my heart was pounding and I was cheering as I jumped up and down. “Thank you lord!” I exclaimed in relief.
“Wait…hold on…one victim seems not to be responding, I just got a report that she wasn’t breathing.” The anchor said.
My heart stuttered, she? That meant Aunt Mabel wasn’t doing well. I sat down and clasped my hands together, praying to God that she’d be alright. I didn’t think my mother could take losing her only sister, she’d be devastated, more so than she already. I felt tears brim in my eyes, please don’t die, I thought softly.
“They’ve got her breathing! What a remarkable crew! They’ve got her breathing, but she’s in critical condition, they’re getting her to the hospital right now.” The anchor said.
I sighed in relief, wishing I could be there for her. I watched as the sprayed the building with water, making sure it didn’t spread to other buildings. My Uncle and Aunt were going to be okay, I thought with conviction.
About two hours and a lot of pacing later, Dan entered the front door. He ran his hand through his messy brown hair; his uniform was covered in soot.
“They’re both alright, Cal and I got them out just before the ceiling-“ before he could continue, I threw my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. “Thank you so much.” I whispered.
He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. “Hey, I promised I would get them out. I never break a promise.” He said softly.
“Can I go see them?” I asked him, looking up to meet his eyes.
“We will if that’s what you want, Babe.”
I nodded and grabbed my jacket. “Let’s go.”
“Ah, Babe?” Dan asked, his voice full of amusement.
I looked back at where he stood by the living room door. “You’re in your pajamas.” He said.
I looked down and my cheeks grew pink. I’d changed when I got home, I was wearing my tank top and shorts that reached mid-thigh. “I forgot.” I muttered.
“You sure you want to go tonight? They’ll be in the hospital for quite a while.” Dan said.
I sighed and shook my head. “I want to see them.”

After getting changed, I slipped my jacket on and Dan led me out to the car, opening my door for me to get in. Making sure I was settled, he got in the driver side and started the car. I leaned my elbow on the door and put my forehead in my hand. “I need a vacation.” I muttered.
Dan chuckled. “Babe, you need a relocation. You have more stress and drama in your life than the soap opera channel can comprehend.”
This dragged a smile out of me. My entire life these days consisted of a dangerous man that claims to love me and to own me, a man that wanted to either kill me or make me his unwilling wife, and so much family drama I thought I could drown in it.
“Babe, you look like you’ve been put through the ringer.” He said, his voice softer this time.
I hadn’t even realized until he spoke that I was dozing off against the door. “I feel like I’ve been ridden hard and put up wet.” I mumbled.
We pulled up to the hospital and Dan helped me out of the car, supporting most of my weight with an arm around my waist because I was tired as hell. “Excuse us.” Dan said to the woman behind the counter when he and I walked up. “We’re looking for Mr. and Mrs. Williams. They came in from the burning apartment?”
The woman, who was attractive, with blonde hair, hazel eyes and a Barbie figure, looked a little flustered as she stared at Daniel. “Uhm…sure. Let me see, ah yes, Mabel and Jess are in the emergency ward, second floor, room 206.” She informed with a very, very friendly smile Dan’s way.
He nodded politely. “Thank you.”
“Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.” She said, fluttering her lashes flirtatiously and puffed out her oversized chest.
I resisted the urge to gag as Dan pulled me away from the desk. “She was…nice.” It felt like acid coming out of my mouth, and kind of sounded like it too.
Dan chuckled and pressed his lips to my temple. “No need to be jealous, she has nothing on you.” He whispered, leaning his head down so his lips brushed against my ear.
I gasped and pushed him away. “I was not jealous!” I denied, crossing my arms and staring ahead down the hall. I wasn’t jealous…was I?
“You’re absolutely right, I’m sorry for the false accusation.” He chuckled.
He took my hand and pulled me into the elevator, pushing the button for the second floor. Hospitals always gave me the creeps, and I think it showed on my face because Dan wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gathered me into him, kissing my forehead in a very comforting way. I cuddled into his embrace until the elevator doors opened. Dan reluctantly let me go and we walked out into the hall. Dan and I stopped as we reached room 206. I looked at Dan. “I heard…I mean I saw…they said that Aunt Mabel was in critical condition.” I whispered.
“Her lungs were collapsing from the smoke mixed with a recurring asthma problem. She’ll be okay, I promise.” He said, staring into my eyes.
I took a deep breath and nodded. Lifting my hand to the handle of the door. I cracked the door open and peeked in. The nurse was checking Aunt Mabel’s IV. “Is it alright if I sit in for a while?” I asked her in a whisper, as not to wake them.
The nurse looked up. “Of course. Are you family?”
“Yes, I’m their niece.” I said.
She looked behind me at Dan. “He’s a friend.” I explained.
“I’ll be close by if there are any problems.” She informed, leaving the room.
I walked over to Mabel; she looked so feeble compared to when I saw her this morning. I already missed the twinkle in her eye and the warmth her smile could give.
Jess was worse off. His arms were covered in gauze, with the blood slightly seeping through. His forehead was bruised and his foot was in a cast. I gently grasped his hand, trying to warm it with mine. “They’re both so sweet, Dan they didn’t deserve this.” I whispered.
Dan stroked my arm comfortingly, standing close to my side so I could lean into him. “No one ever does, Babe.”
I hated to admit it, but he was right. No one ever did deserve to end up in this place…but they did anyway. I sighed and walked over to the long, cushioned, backless bench that sat in front of the window that overlooked the parking lot. Dan sat down and pulled me into his lap, cradling me to his chest. “They’ll be alright.” He promised in my ear as I cuddled into him.
“Thank you, Dan.” I whispered, closing my eyes.

Aunt Mabel’s POV.
I struggled awake from the darkness that had pulled me down for so long. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted against the bright, florescent light above me. What was all this pain coming from? I lifted my head and looked down; realizing that my calf was wrapped in gauze and it was burning like crazy. The annoying beeping beside me told me where I was, I was in the hospital.
I remembered the fire, but I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten out. My immediate thought was Jess, where was he? I felt a hand grasp mine and looked over, relief instantly washing away the panic that was threatening to brew. Jess was safe. He smiled slightly at me, and lifted his hand, wincing. His arms were extensively wrapped in gauze. He put a finger to his lips and pointed to the corner of the room.
I looked over to find Sky, but not just Sky; she was in the lap of none other than Daniel Havens. He had his arms wrapped around her thin frame in an almost protective way. Sky was curled up, her head resting on Daniel’s chest, and her hand lying limply on his bicep. They were both sound asleep on the bench, looking like they’d both been through hell and back.
“When did they get here?” I whispered to Jess.
“Probably last night some time. They look right together, don’t you think?” Jess whispered back.
I nodded, they looked perfect together. I knew why Daniel was offering his home to Sky, and it wasn’t for common courtesy. I could see it in the way he looked at her, as if she were the only woman on earth. He cares for her more than they both know. They belonged together, I could feel it. “They look like a couple; all curled up together like that. I’m glad Sky’s finally openin’ up her heart again since that jackass ripped it apart a month back.” Jess muttered.
I gave his hand a light pat to calm him down. “He makes her happy. When she went out with us to look at property, I could see a gleam in her eye that I haven’t seen since her father was alive. I just hope he doesn’t hurt her.” I whispered.
“Yeah…me too.” Jess agreed.
Sky’s POV.
I awoke slowly, aware that I was sitting up. I was extremely comfortable, lying against a sturdy chest, the sensation of arms around me. I listened to Dan’s heart beat and his slow, even breathing, letting it pull me awake. I lifted my head and looked at his face, he looked worn out. I sighed as guilt seeped through, this was all my fault. I hadn’t realized how many times I’d woken up screaming at night, or how many times I’d pressed the eight button on the intercom because I’d woken up with a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I removed his arms from around my waist and quickly silenced my phone as it rang. I glanced at Aunt Mabel and Uncle Jess, they were both still sound asleep. I stepped outside the room and looked at the number and raised an eyebrow, I didn’t recognize it.
“Hey Baby. Did you miss me?” my blood ran cold and I felt myself stumble into the wall behind me.
“John.” I breathed.
I heard his soft laugh, but there was a hard undertone to it. “I must say, I’m disappointed in you. You’re being a little whore, aren’t you my sweet? Tell me, does your little lover know anything about our little accidents?” he asked me in a sweet voice, but I knew better.
“He knows nothing.” I lied.
“Good. I’d have to kill him if he knew anything, remember?” he laughed darkly this time.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“Ah, ah, ah, I’ll ask the questions, Baby.” He said.
I waited for his question, clenching my hand into a fist and biting my lip. “Gram’s little…love interest, suddenly lost interest in him. After visiting you. Does she know about our little…accidents?” I could hear the threat in his voice.
“Of course not! I didn’t say anything to her about that.” I said, glad my voice didn’t waver.
I looked over as a hand landed on my shoulder. Dan studied the terror in my eyes for a long second before pulling his phone out and making a call.
“Good. We wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt, now would we?”
“of course n-not.” I could feel myself losing it, I was about to break down in fear.
“I have to go, I love you Baby.” He said, before disconnecting.
I dropped my phone on the tiled floor and slid down the wall, running my hands through my hair in panic. He had my cell phone number, and he was watching us. Me being as stupid as I was, I’d only thought he was planting these things and leaving…but he was watching us.
I felt my breathing turn to hyperventilation and Dan leaned down in front of me. He put his hands on both sides of my face, staring into my eyes. “Sky, look at me.” Dan said softly, but firmly.
“He was watching us.” I gasped.
“Sky, calm down. He won’t hurt you. I won’t let him.” He told me.
I couldn’t calm myself down, he was watching! He saw me out with my mother, he saw…oh God…he saw what happened in the foyer between Dan and I!
Dan stared into my panicked eyes for a few seconds before his eyes turned determined. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, almost instantly wiping my mind of what happened. I felt hands involuntarily snake around his waist, he moved his hands down to my waist and pulled me up so I was standing, pressing me back against the wall. He pulled away and I opened my eyes to meet his molten chocolate ones. “He won’t hurt you.” He said, determination and strength strong in his voice.
I could only nod, my mind was muddled with thoughts of him and I, doing some very dirty things that would make my father turn over in his grave. “I called Blake, he’s going to start searching for him.” He told me softly.
I oddly felt relief at his words. I’d thought telling the police would bring panic and feelings of insecurity, but I finally felt like this was going to end it, someone finally knew of my ex-husbands’ true nature.
“Daniel Havens, what a surprise.” At this voice, Dan immediately pulled away from me.
I looked at him in confusion, he stood in front of me in an almost protective pose. I looked around him at who the voice belonged to. “Hello Michaels, what brings you here?” Dan’s voice was almost a growl.
“My nephew’s wife is having a baby.”
“Ah, how nice for you. Shouldn’t you be with them now?” It was clear what Daniel was insinuating, he was practically telling him to leave his presence.
“I saw you come in with this girl last night and I thought I’d…drop in.” The dark undertone in his voice reminded me of John, who was this man? He seemed older, with only slightly greying black hair, and his grey-blue eyes were cold and emotionless, it brought shivers running down my spine.
“Skylar, go check on your Aunt and Uncle.” Dan told me, never taking his eyes off of the man.
“Go, Skylar, now.” He ordered.
I furrowed my eyebrows, but obeyed, I could tell by the desperate undertone that this man was no one to be trifled with. I stepped into the room and noticed that Aunt Mabel was awake. I quickly changed my expression so she wouldn’t see the worry there. “Hi Aunt Mabel, how are you feeling this morning?” I asked her softly as I approached.
“I’m fine. It’s your Uncle I’m worried about, look at his arms! And what happened to his foot?” she asked, looking at the cast.
“I don’t know Mabel, I think he broke it somehow in all the panic.” I informed.
She squeezed my hand and pat it. “so…are you and Damian…together?” she asked me suddenly.
I raised my eyebrows and quickly shook my head. “No, of course not! I…he’s just-“
“Oh, don’t give me that bull that he is just being kind. He’s fond of you. I saw the way you two were cuddled up together on the couch, I may be getting older, but I’m not dead! I see the way he looks at you, and I definitely see the way you look at him. Take my advice, snatch him up while he’s still available.” She told me.
She was right, of course. And she wasn’t getting old, she was forty seven and healthy as a horse. Her light, wavy blonde hair had only a few greys in it, and her dark brown eyes were still full of life.
“It’s more complicated than that, Mabel. I-I can’t explain why now but I will as soon as things calm down. I’m going to move out soon anyway, I’ll get a job and a new apartment…it just won’t be in Sabadell.” I sighed.
“What? Why would you move?”
Before I could answer, a voice I knew all too well cut through the calm air like a knife. “What?”
I closed my eyes for a second, gathering my courage, before looking at Dan. “Uh-oh.” Mabel whispered beside me.
“Let’s talk outside.” I murmured.
He nodded once, his eyes cold, face devoid of emotion. It scared me, I didn’t know this Daniel. I walked out to the hallway and took a deep breath before turning around, only to lose the breath as I came face to face with Daniel. He gripped my shoulders tightly. “You won’t leave me.” He said, his voice almost an order.
I felt tears brim in my eyes, and my heart constrict, leaving was the only option. “I have to. I need to get away before John gets any bolder.” I insisted.
He shook my shoulders lightly as he spoke, “I don’t care about John. John’s game is child’s play compared to what I’ve seen. He’s nothing.” Dan insisted.
I closed my eyes and felt a single tear run down my cheek. “I can’t stay, Daniel. I won’t.” I whispered.
He growled and pushed me up against the wall, smashing his lips to mine in a demanding kiss. I could feel myself melting into him, feel my body heat up as it molded to his. I shouldn’t let it happen…but I couldn’t stop myself. I opened my mouth with a sigh and he thrust his tongue in, meeting mine with a growl of pleasure from him.
He pulled away and stared into my eyes for a long moment. “I won’t let you leave me.” He whispered.
I felt the tears I’d been holding back brim over and I pushed his hands from my arms. “I can’t…I just can’t.” I said, and I walked away.
It was the hardest thing I’d ever done. I left him standing in the middle of the hall, memories of the kiss still swimming in my mind. I pulled out my phone and called a cab, having to bite my lip in between telling him where I was.
My heart felt hollow, and my chest was tight. I felt as if I’d left my entire life behind…without even a goodbye.
I stopped at the house and told the cab driver to wait. I then ran in, and immediately grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. I then wrote:
Dear Daniel.
I’m sorry. There are no words for how much I regret this decision, but if I hadn’t left, someone would have gotten hurt. I want you to know that I love you, more than anything, but it doesn’t change what’s happened. Maybe, when John is out of my life, we’ll meet again, but if not, then goodbye, my one true love, I hope you have a good life, with a wife and children that you love as deeply as I love you.
With greatest sorrow, and deepest love, Sky.
I set the note on the kitchen table and let my hand linger for a few minutes before running to my room, and packing everything I owned. I ran out to the cab and stuffed everything in the trunk. “Take me to the bus station, Gabe.”
“Right. Where yah headed this time?” he asked me.
“I don’t even know yet.” I sighed.

Authors note:

Okay, so a lot of you have been commenting and messaging me to update this book and another one of my books. I'm just here to say, I'll be updating them soon! I've been busy with my home schooling, and my family is visiting from Oklahoma, so I'm sorry I haven't been updating!
Anyway, thank you all for the messages and the comments! For your patients, here is your update! XD
Please comment, and friend me if you'd like me to notify you when I update.
Thank you in advance!

Chapter eight.

It’s been three weeks since I left Daniel, and John doesn’t seem to have followed me, so I’m safe for now. I left my phone at Daniel’s house, but I call Aunt Mabel from my new phone to let her know I’m okay…I won’t tell her where I am.
I got a part time job at a grocery store as a cashier, it gets food on the table, but I’m struggling with bills. I live in an apartment with five hundred dollar rent; it was the cheapest rent I could get.
“Paper or plastic?” I asked the woman in front of me, she had four children and looked dead on her feet.
“Plastic.” She mumbled.
I looked down, starting the process of scanning items, it was harder than they made it seem. The woman leaned down to scold her children as they fought over a pack of gum, and my mind drifted to Dan, was he alright? Had I hurt him with my sudden goodbye? Did he think of me as much as I thought of him?
I felt empty without Dan, like I wasn’t the same person. Dan, though he was frustrating and wanted things I couldn’t give him, made me happier than anyone I’ve ever been with. He filled my life with meaning…but I couldn’t stay. John had gotten too brave. I should have left as soon as I saw Gram in the town, Dan wouldn’t have meant so much to me; we wouldn’t have known each other.
I sighed in relief as I looked at the time, my shift was over. I checked out the last customer I had and set up the sign that said I was closed.
“See you tomorrow, Cindy.” I said to her as she walked by.
Cindy is my coworker, we have a mutual agreement, if I’m nice to her, she’ll be nice to me. “Yeah, see you tomorrow. Oh! There was a man looking for you this morning when I was cleaning. Said he knows you.” I paused mid-step.
“Did he say his name?”
“No, now that you mention it, he didn’t. He was tall, real handsome, brown hair. Girl I’d fall over dead if a man like that came askin’ for me.” She fanned herself.
“Did you tell him where I was?” I asked her.
“No. I told him I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t want you tellin’ strange men where I lived, no matter how sexy.” She said, and I felt extremely grateful for her thoughtfulness.
“Thanks.” I said with a slight smile. “I’ll see you later.”
I walked out to my old, beat up, rusted Camry with a missing bumper. I slid into the driver’s seat and sighed, dropping my head in my hands and rubbing my face tiredly, my life is too complicated, now I’m hiding from two men. I slid my key into the ignition and turned it…nothing. I tried again, still nothing. It was trying to start, but it just couldn’t do it.
I got frustrated, banged the dash board with my hand, and the car started. This made me smile a little.
I drove home, constantly checking my mirrors, if Dan was here; chances are he’d find me. If there was one thing I knew about Dan, it would be that when he wanted something, he worked hard to get it. I pulled into my apartment parking lot, humming to myself while I listened to the radio.
As I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, my cell phone rang. I looked at the number and sighed. “Hi mom.” I said when I answered.
“You told me you were on vacation! How could you lie to me?” she yelled, making me pull away from the phone.
“Mom, calm down, you’re hurting my ear.” I rolled my eyes, tucking the phone between my shoulder and my ear while I unlocked the door. I pushed it open and walked into the kitchen, throwing my purse on the counter.
“Mabel told me about Dan. Sweetheart, Dan is not John, he’s a sweet guy!”
“It’s more complicated than that, mom.” I muttered.
I heard her scoff. “Fine. That wasn’t what I wanted to talk to you about anyway, I just read in the paper that John is in jail for breaking and entering, do you know anything about that?” she asked me.
I felt my mouth drop open and the apple that I had pulled from the fridge slipped from my hands. “No…I mean I had no idea he was even in town.” I lied.
“Yes. He was found supposedly robbing Daniel’s house. Can you believe that? I knew he was scum when you met him.” She muttered.
“He’s in jail now?” I asked her.
“I’m coming home.” I said.
Before she could answer, I hung up and grabbed my purse. Home was about three hours away, I didn’t care how bad a shape my car was in, I was going to get home and have a few words with him.

I was exhausted from the drive, and my car’s air conditioning wasn’t the best, so when I pulled up to the police station, I was more cranky then before. I wanted to give John what-for. I hurled myself from the car and marched right into the building. Blake was leaned down beside his coworker, looking at something when I slammed my hands down on the desk.
He looked up and his eyes widened. “Skylar? What-“
“I want to see John. Now.” I said.
He studied my expression for a few seconds before nodding. “I’ll get it set up.” He said.
“And I’ll be waiting.” I said, plopping myself down on the bench against the wall and crossing my arms.
Blake went to set up an interrogation room for John, and all the men stared at me in silence. I supposed they all knew about John’s abusive nature, but I held my head high and ignored them all.
“Skylar? Come with me.” Blake muttered.
I nodded and stood up, following him back. I looked through the one way glass at John, feeling my anger heightened, I was no longer afraid of him. I was angry as hell at him.
“Now if you have any problems with him, I’ll be right outside the window listening, just call for me when you’re ready to leave.” Blake muttered.
I nodded once and entered the room, slamming the door shut behind me. Instead of sitting in the chair, I took it and propped it under the handle of the door, making sure no one could get in and interrupt my revenge.
I turned to John, who’d stood up from where he once sat. “Hello, Johnny.” I sneered.
“Hey, baby. You know I’ve been waiting for you.” He smiled.
I walked over to him without another word and slapped him straight across the face. “That’s for what happened at the Halloween party.” I growled.
The banging on the door told me that they’d realized I wasn’t here to just talk. I ignored it and balled my hand into a fist, punching him with all the force I had in the stomach. “That’s for our anniversary!”
I grabbed his shoulders and slammed him into the wall, punching him so hard I thought I heard a crack. “That’s for Christmas eve!”
I pulled my knee up and hit his groin so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if he bled. “That’s for what you did to me in the alley!”
He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the stomach. “And that’s just to make me feel better.” I said, wiping the dust from my hands.
I turned and walked over to the door, pulling the chair from where it sat, propped up against the knob. I opened the door with a satisfied grin. “I’m done here.” And I meant it. I was done with John, I wasn’t afraid of him anymore. I knew self-defense, and I was going to kick his ass all the way to Melbrook St. If he even tried to get near me again.
Blake stared at me with a grimace. “Remind me not to make you angry.” He said.
“Oh, believe me, I’ve wanted to do that for months.” I said.

I walked out to the car, a bounce in my step. I laughed, the heavy feeling taken from my shoulders. I stopped in front of my car and thought about what I just did. “I just beat the hell out of my ex.” I said aloud.
I let out a startled laugh, I was free, and I wasn’t in danger anymore. He was going to be put away for a long time, and I didn’t have to worry. I felt happy for the first time in what seemed like ages. I actually did a little dance in front of my car…that was until a shiny red corvette glided by. It skidded to a stop and I cursed under my breath…Dan was back.
I sighed as it became apparent that he wasn’t going to get out of the car, he was either wondering if it were really me or he was afraid he’d scare me away if he got out. I walked the short distance to his car and knocked on the window. It took a second, but it finally, slowly rolled down. “Ah…h-hi Dan.” I said, leaning into the window.
Without a word, he grabbed my face, practically pulling me through the window, and kissed me.

Authors note (IMPORTANT)

So this is second to the last chapter. I'll be writing the last chapter soon! Oh and also there will be a second book! I don't know when I'll start writing it, I've got a few more books I'm planning to write.
Anyway, please friend me if you'd like to know when I update, thank you all for your support on this series!
XOXO Emily.

Chapter nine:

I watched from a distance as he half-pulled her through the window and kissed her. It made me wonder what changed his mind. He’d told me once that he would never have a close relationship with a girl, and now look at him, He was practically living with the girl!
I grinned, this was perfect for me. I looked over at Levine, my partner at the agency, and nodded. “She’s ours.”
“Are you sure, Michaels? Last time we tried to take something from Daniel he killed half our men to get it back, and got the other half on his side! Shouldn't we just leave the guy alone?”
I let out a laugh. “Not until he’s six feet under.”
“Enough!” I ordered. “She’s ours. Call the boss and tell him to get our men together. The sooner we get her secured, the better.” I felt my blood boil as I watched him smile at the girl; he didn't deserve happiness, not after what he did to me. To my son.


Texte: I own this book, and everything written in it, if you try to steal this book I'll sue the pants off of you. Thanks.
Bildmaterialien: Google Pictures.
Lektorat: Emily Zimmerman.
Übersetzung: Emily Zimmerman.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2012

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This is to my family, who never gave up on me and always encouraged me to follow my dreams. <3

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