

I sat with my arms around my knees in the closet, crying as screams echoed through the house, it was happening, I knew it was, but I couldn’t bring myself to move, to jump out the window and run, I was rooted in place hidden in my closet. I tried to quiet my breathing as I heard my door bust open; a growling echoed through the room, I cowered against the wall.
A large sniffing sounded right outside the closet door, this was it; the beasts had found me. The sniffing sounded much like a horse, but I knew it was something much worse.
The door to the closet burst open and I couldn’t help but scream. The white beast roared in my face, I whimpered, cowering into the wall.
I expected this to be the end, but the beast sat down on its haunches and made a noise that sounded…pained? I peeked at him; he was looking at me with confused silver eyes. I turned my head toward him; he laid down, putting his head on his giant paws, staring at me.
My father always told me that I was to be special, but I had no idea that it was like this. I was as the legends said, that one girl would come along, and save the humans from the beasts.
“You killed my family” I whispered gravely.
He whimpered deeply in his chest, it almost sounded like an apology.
“I am as the legends say, the Lorkana?” I asked in a whisper.
The beast lifted its head and nodded. I wondered how my father knew.
“What do we do now?” I asked.
He got up, and I flinched. He noticed my flinch and took a small step closer to me, he leaned his head down on the ground, as if bowing, I reached out hesitantly and touched his fur; it was soft and silky. He lifted his head and grunted at me, as if trying to convey something. He got up, walking out of the closet and turning his back to me; he looked at me, to his back, and back to me. I realized what he wanted me to do, and gasped.
“I don’t want to hurt you by holding your fur” I whispered, I didn’t know why, but I was suddenly concerned with this wolf’s wellbeing.
He rolled a big silver eye and snorted, a big sneeze-like sound “alright, alright, just be careful while running” I whispered.
I got up, walking cautiously over to him, I lifted my leg over him, sitting on his big back, I gripped his fur tightly, but made sure not to hurt him. I expected him to run down the stairs and out of my house, but he jumped out the window.

chapter one:

He ran at inhuman speed through the forest, being taught how to ride a horse helped me to stay on, straighten your back, relax your muscles, and hold on. He came to a sudden stop, digging his claws in the ground and lifting his head, in an almost royal pose. One front paw in front of the other, head raised in a prideful way, he looked full of authority, even to me, sitting on his back.
A growl echoed through the forest, and instinctual fear washed through me. A snarl ripped through the white beast’s chest as a black beast stepped into view. He studied me for a second, and as his golden eyes met mine, recognition, just like the white beast, came into his eyes.
The black beast bowed down, nose touching dirt, as the white beast passed him. He entered an empty clearing, walking over to what looked like a rock slide, he sniffed around for a second, and pressed his paw against a small rock, it glowed with a magic I could not comprehend and a large crack emanated from the rock, I expected there to be another rock slide, but two large boulders rolled away to reveal a staircase.
“This is the kingdom of wolves?” I asked as he started down the torch-lit staircase.
He grunted in what sounded like ascent.
“I read stories about this place, legends about its beauty, but never thought it existed, my father always told me legends of the Lorkana before bed, how she would bring peace between humans and beasts, but never believed something like this would happen” I whispered.
He could hear the sadness in my voice as I thought of my father, and glanced back at me with apologetic eyes.
As much as I thought about it, how he killed my family, I couldn’t bring myself to hate him, my mind rebelled from such hateful thoughts toward him, I couldn’t feel hate toward this beast that killed my family.
He trotted down the stairs at an even pace, and at the back of my mind, I registered the footsteps of the black beast behind us.
“What happens now?” I asked.
He looked back at me and gave me a look that said ‘I have no idea’
I sighed, we reached the bottom of the staircase, and he trotted through a torch-lit cavern, toward a bright light.
I had heard the expression, the light at the end of the tunnel, but I had never really understood it until now, I felt relief as we started toward that light, because it meant I would be out of this claustrophobic place.
But as we neared the light, I heard growling, and snarling, and I knew that they smelled me. Fear froze me as the black beast that was following us came up to flank the white beast. They walked side by side out in the open, and I was overwhelmed with all the beasts and –surprisingly- men and women that glared balefully at the white beast and I.
The white beast snarled, and all of the beasts whimpered, looking down. He trotted passed them all, baring his teeth at a few.
We seemed to be in a main plaza, it was magnificent, brightly lit with a magical light that I couldn’t figure out, it was still like moonlight, but it was bright, bright enough to light the large room. We entered yet another cavern lit with torches. As he walked, he growled, the black beast lowered his head as if in a small bow, and ran ahead.
“There were men in that cavern, men and women” I whispered.
He grunted softly, and as we walked, I heard much lighter footsteps coming. A man came into view, a man with golden eyes and black streaked hair.
“Your majesty” he bowed his head.
The wolf grunted and nodded once.
The man looked up and smiled “hello Johanna, we have been waiting for you to return” he spoke as if I was here before.
“Return?” I asked.
He cocked his head to the side “perhaps I shall let his majesty explain” he said, flickering his eyes down to the white beast.
The white beast didn’t answer, he just quickened his pace down the cavern. We reached a much darker opening; it still had a silvery light, but not as bright as the last opening. He stepped through and I gasped, how could a cave be as big as to hold this? A large castle sat in what looked like an outside clearing, but I had heard of this place in the stories my father used to tell me. I wondered how my father knew how these places would look, these were not well known stories, these were stories my father claimed he made.
I was deep in thought as I looked at the underground castle, it was absolutely beautiful, more so than I ever imagined. It reminded me of the fairytales I used to read to my little sister at home, beauty and the beast, sleeping beauty, all just folklore, but this castle was centuries old, and very real. The stone towers were sky high, with pointed rooftops, and a large wooden drawbridge, the entire castle was surrounded by a large moat.
I had always seen the castle of my king and queen from the distance of the town rooftops, and I had always dreamed of going inside.
The white beast trotted in as the drawbridge lowered, a large, very intricately done city was in front of us, it was empty, but I had a feeling it was not always like this “everyone is sleeping right now, they have a long day’s work tomorrow” the man explained, seeing my inquisitive look as my eyes swept the empty city.
The white beast didn’t stop at the city, but trotted around a large fountain in the town square and up to a large gate, it opened with an obnoxious creek, in which I cringed at, and he broke into a run as he ran through.
“King Nefarious will want to know she is here” the man said to the beast.
The beast grunted as he walked up to two guards, guarding a very large, intricately designed wooden door. The guards flashed a glance at me, nodded at the beast, and opened the large door. The man did not go in, I looked back at him; he smiled and waved. I smiled a little back.
“Why didn’t the man come in with us?” I asked.
The beast snorted again, grunting. It confused me, but I let it go.
We were in a large foyer, absolutely beautiful and nothing like I imagined it. Tiled floors, stone walls, and huge famous paintings hung on the walls. The beast’s claws clacked on the floor as he ran through another set of doors. He skidded to a stop, making me have to push my hands against his back to keep from falling forward. Two beasts stood in front of this door, one black, and one brown. The beast lifted his head high; it was so big that it hid me behind it.
“Brother, I smell human” a menacing voice snarled.
The white beast growled.
“Logan, you know King Nefarious will never listen if you bring a human in his throne room, he is mad at you already” a gentle female voice said.
Logan? That is this beast’s name?
Logan lowered his head with what sounded like a smug chuckle, what was once beasts were now humans, a menacing looking man, and a gentle looking woman, the woman had blonde hair, with strange brown streaks, and the man had white hair, with black streaks. I watched as they both assessed me, they met my bright green eyes and gasped.
They half fell on one knee, clasping their hands together and putting their heads down.
“Princess Johanna, You’ve come home!” the woman choked.
My eyes widened, princess? How am I a princess?
“Logan, we had no idea, go in, please, King Nefarious will want to know of your discovery” the man said, quickly getting up and opening the door.
The door opened, and I gasped yet again.
The throne room was more beautiful then all of the castle put together, it was like a forest, trees surrounded us, flowers grew everywhere, but in the middle of this beautiful room was two thrones, covered in soft grass and flowers. The only reason I knew this was a throne, was because a man sat in it, he straightened when he saw us enter. Logan sat down, letting me ease off of his back. We walked side by side toward who I guessed was King Nefarious.
“What is the meaning of this Logan?” The king sounded outraged as he looked at me.
Suddenly, the white beast was not standing beside me anymore, but a man, he was not like the other shape shifters, his hair was completely white, and he had a stance of authority and pride, He bowed down on one knee, pulling me to do the same “your majesty, I ask your permission for me to explain” Logan said, not looking up at the king.
“No, I will not, first; you destroy my home, then, after I forbade you to come back for three months, you come back with a human!” he yelled in fury.
“Your majesty, this is no ordinary human-“
“I don’t care what she is, she is not allowed here! Do you realize what happened last time we let a human into our home?” King Nefarious got up, grabbing me by the arm and lifting me up from my bow.
His painful grasp on my arm did not let up as he grabbed a knife from his belt “Your majesty, n-“
“She cannot leave this realm alive!” he growled, he put the knife to my neck, but before he could slice it, he looked up into my eyes. He gasped and immediately withdrew the knife, dropping it to the floor.
“My daughter” he whispered, putting his hand on my cheek.

Chapter two:

I stared at him in terror, this man tried to kill me, and now he claims I’m his daughter? He saw the terror in my eyes and sighed “please forgive me, if I had known I…” he trailed off, glancing at Logan.
“Please, let me explain” he said, holding his hand out for me.
I looked at his hand, and glanced at Logan. Logan nodded encouragingly, so I put my hand in his, still a little hesitant.
He led me through a part of the small forest, into a clearing where three small chairs made of vines and grass surrounded a table made of the same thing. I sat down on one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs, across from King Nefarious and Logan “if you don’t mind my saying so, this place is absolutely beautiful” I commented quietly after a few seconds of silence.
“Not at all, thank you, I am glad you think so” he said with a smile.
I studied him as he studied me, I had to admit, he had my eyes, and my hair, chocolate brown hair, and bright green eyes, just like me. But I wouldn’t admit to myself that this man was my father, my father was a kind, loving family man.
“So, onto explaining” King Nefarious, said, starting the conversation that I somehow dreaded.
He took a deep breath and stared passed me, looking at nothing “it happened only three months after you were born, your mother died of childbirth, and I loved you dearly. We were attacked by the humans, and at the time, we weren’t as careful as we are now, the cave in which we live was not shrouded, but we have learned from our mistakes. Anyway, Nathanial Grey infiltrated the castle with a group of humans, we took the humans down easy, but Nathanial managed to escape while the others were distracted, he found in your nursery, the nurse was found knocked out behind your crib, you were gone.
“I never saw you again after that, though I never stopped looking, the only way to recognize you was your eyes, they are an unachievable green, no child ever born has your eyes, they have golden flecks in them, you achieved the gold from your mother, but, obviously, you have mostly my eyes” he explained, moving onto a lighter topic.
So that was how my father knew what the castle looked like, and how he knew I was special, I wondered why he took me, why he told me all these things, and didn’t tell me that he took me from the very place he talked of.
“So…I have been lied to for seventeen years?” I asked, my voice almost deathly calm.
Sadness took over his eyes “apparently so” he said.
I couldn’t…no…wouldn’t believe it! My kind, loving father was no liar, and he wouldn’t do that, a part of my mind informed me that I was in denial, but I didn’t listen.
“I don’t believe you” I whispered.
Shock took over his eyes “You don’t believe me?” he was in disbelief.
“No, I don’t believe you, my parents, and little sister, were slaughtered tonight, and you expect me to except your story with open arms? I’m sorry, but I can’t” didn’t they hear the obvious pain in my voice? If they didn’t hear that, then the tears streaming down my cheeks should have tipped them off to the turmoil I was feeling.
Logan looked apologetic, but not guilty. They both seemed to have no idea why I was crying, I guess they have never had their family slaughtered, heard their screams in the other rooms, knowing you couldn’t do anything about it.
I stood from my chair, “can I please go home? At least give my parents a proper burial, you might not know what it feels like to lose your family, and then get told they were not your family at all, but I do” I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.
King Nefarious stared at me for a few seconds more, and suddenly, his eyes softened “go ahead. Logan, please make sure she gets there safely” he said, waving a hand at Logan.
Logan looked at him in disbelief, but nodded, getting up and bowing his head. I did the same, letting Logan lead me away.
Logan was silent, much like when I first met him, as a beast. He changed into a beast once we were outside of the castle, in the sleeping town; he looked at me and then pointedly to his back. I got on and we were running, I could feel his anger as he ran, and I knew he was angry at me, but he didn’t go through what I went through, he can kill heartlessly, but my father raised me to be merciful to those who deserve it, my family did not deserve to die.
We ran through the plaza, and I did not receive the baleful glares that I did last time, but wolves and men alike, bowing on one knee. I hated it, I did not want that, I wanted my simple life, my father’s stories, my mother’s cooking, and my sister’s endless curiosity about princesses, I missed it all.
Logan ran up the stairs this time, seeming to express his anger through his feet, the faster he ran, was how angry he was getting. I had to concentrate on not falling off of him, but I knew how to ride a horse, being in the many horse races I had been in, I was skilled.
I didn’t care how tight I was holding his fur; I was desperate to stay on. He skidded to a stop as he reached my now eerily quiet house, and almost slammed down on his haunches, making me fall off of him and land on my butt. This did it; I was now angry at him “did it ever occur to you that this might be hard for me? I guess you would never know, since you are a heartless...selfish…beast!” I spat, getting up, dusting myself off and walking angrily toward my house.
I didn’t expect to see what I saw when I swung my door open, and I realized why he jumped out the window. Blood, it covered the floor, my father’s body lay in a pool of blood, I backed away, tripping on something and falling, yet again, to the ground.
My chest heaved with sobs, yet only gasping breaths came out; I covered my mouth and closed my eyes, praying that this was all a dream.
“Johanna, you don’t need to see this” Logan’s hand touched my shoulder, but I jerked away, scrambling to my feet.
“Don’t touch me, just…leave, alright? Leave, please” I begged, taking a step away as he tried to walk towards me.
He studied my eyes for a while, and then, finally, he nodded turning, shifting, and leaving.
I closed my eyes, praying for strength as I prepared to go back in. I opened my eyes, squared my shoulders, and turned to the house, my father always kept me working, kept my strength up, so I could probably dig all three of them proper graves. I avoided the house for as long as I could, walking into the barn, feeding the horse, and grabbing a shovel. I walked out to my mother’s garden, deciding this is where I’ll bury them.
I spent all night, digging three holes. I had just started on my sisters, when the light of day broke through the clouds. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and kept digging, I got about four feet in, before I decided that that was good enough. It was probably five O clock in the evening before I was done, I squared my shoulders, and yet again, prepared myself for what I was going to see. I was tired, and hungry, but then again I felt numb, I just wanted to get this over with. I brought the wheelbarrow over to the front door of the house, because I couldn’t carry my father alone. I closed my eyes, before looking into the still open door. My father’s blood was still partially wet, he felt cold, and his eyes were still open, I kissed his forehead, putting my hand over his face to close his eyes.
I picked him up the best I could, carrying him out of the house, I dragged him into the wheelbarrow, wheeling him to the deepest hole. I had picked a few roses, so, after laying him in the hole, I set a rose on his chest. Then, I went upstairs, into my mother and father’s room; my mother lay on the ground, her neck slit open. I sat beside her and cried, sobbing quietly. Finally, after about an hour of mourning, I wiped my tears as best I could, closed her fear struck, glazed eyes, and picked her up, she was lighter than father, so I didn’t have to use the wheelbarrow. I jumped into her grave, setting her down gently and putting her favorite flower with her, a lily. I smoothed her hair from her face and let a few tears escape, and then, the hardest task of all, my own, five year old sister. I had to stand at her door for thirty minutes before I finally got the courage to open it, what I saw made me drop to my knees yet again, and weep, for three hours I wept, not just for my sister, but for my family, I sat at my sisters side, and wept.
The moon had come out, and I was finally picking up my little sister, closing her eyes. I set her in her grave, kissed her forehead, set her rose in with her, and sang her favorite lullaby.

“Let me be free, be who I am, for I am not moldable, not anyone but me, if you should tell me what I can and cannot be, then princess, oh princess, let me be free” my words carried through the night air, my voice marred my sniffles and thick with tears. My sister only liked that song because it involved princesses; it always made me laugh when she would get excited before I would sing that part.
I got up, dusted myself off, blew a kiss to each of my family, and started filling the holes. It took most of the night to fill each hole, and I was exhausted by the time I was done.
I sat against the house, too scarred to think it ever as a home again, I leaned my head back, humming my sisters lullaby, I fell asleep.

Chapter three:

I awoke to sniffing in my face, not a large nose, as I expected, but the nose of a pup. I opened my eyes and looked down, in my lap was a little fluffy white puppy, I knew what kind of pup this was, it was a Pyrenees, it was so fluffy and cute. “Hello little guy, where did you come from?” I asked, scratching behind his flappy ears. Pyrenees are usually used to protect sheep and goat, this puppy seemed all alone. He barked a small, yappy sound and jumped up, licking my face. I laughed and stroked his small body.
A huge bark, booming and definitely a large Pyrenees came from the barn. I had forgotten I left the barn open last night, this pup looked about eight weeks old. The pup yapped at me and skipped clumsily over to his mother, standing in the doorway of the barn. I sat up on my knees, touching all three of my family’s graves, getting up; I walked over to the barn, stretching lightly.
I looked inside; my horse didn’t have a problem with the little litter of five and the giant dog inhabiting the barn. I walked cautiously inside, I didn’t want to startle the mother, the mother didn’t have a problem with me though; she trotted over to me, her stomach still a little stretched, and plopped down on her haunches, her tongue lolling out to the side.
I leaned down and let her sniff my hand, and then I stroked her head and scratched her ears. She looked thin, and I wondered how she had been feeding her babies. I sighed “are you hungry, girl?” I asked softly.
She licked my face, I didn’t expect that and laughed, I wiped my face “alright, follow me” I said.
All six of them were practically stepping on my heels as they followed me. I walked into the back door, it lead straight into the kitchen, so I didn’t have to see the living room. I looked in the pantry for something, a few cooked pieces of deer from two nights before were not edible to me anymore, and so I set it on the wooden floor, the puppies were probably about weaned off their mother’s milk by now, so they chowed down on the meat.
I decided that I should clean the living room, it wouldn’t be the same, but at least my father’s blood wouldn’t cover the floor.
I grabbed a mop and the tin bucket from outside, pumping the water from the well into it.
A sound in the woods made me turn my head sharply and stop pumping water. I watched for any movement, but saw none. I shrugged it off as a deer or a critter. I walked into the house; the dogs were already finished with their food, so they just sat on the floor, their tongues lolling out. I walked into the living room, sucking in a deep breath.
I started mopping the wood floors; my father’s blood was almost completely dried on the floor, so it was a little hard to clean. After about an hour, I was done. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, sitting down on the ground. The door to the kitchen opened and the mother dog skipped in with her litter. The mother lay down against my side; she must have felt my pain, because she cried softly.
I put my head in my hands and cried, the mother dog sat up, putting her head on my shoulder and crying.
I took my hands from my face and wrapped an arm around her, petting her shoulder lightly “you wouldn’t understand sweetheart, you have a wonderful family of little babies to take care of, you’re a good mother, kept your little babies alive for eight weeks at most” I praised her softly.
“Your good with dogs” a deep voice startled me.
Logan stood at my front door, watching me as I sat with puppies and a large dog surrounding me.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“King Nefarious wanted me to make sure you were safe, it’s dangerous, being all alone in this big house” he said, assessing me with the dogs.
“I left the barn open and they found their way in, I wasn’t about to let these puppies starve” I said, picking one up and cooing at it affectionately.
Logan walked over, sitting down across from me; all five of the puppies clumsily climbed up on his lap, the mother, however, stayed faithfully at my side.
I laughed slightly at the look he had, it was a little overwhelmed. “What, never been surrounded by puppies before?” I teased.
He gave me a blank look, and I realized that he hadn’t. “You haven’t had a dog before?” I asked.
He shook his head “no, being a dog myself, I never really wanted a dog” he said.
I looked down, I had forgotten about that, I didn’t know how, but I did.
“Oh, well it’s a walk in the park, like this, pick a puppy up, and scratch him behind the ears or stroke him down his back like this, it’s relaxing” I explained, picking a puppy gently up and holding it to my chest.
He picked it up, and the puppy wriggled excitedly, he examined it close to his face, and the puppy licked him. He scrunched his face up and put the puppy down, I laughed and picked the same puppy up, cooing at it “that’s a good puppy” I cooed.
The mother got up, and I set the puppy down, all the puppies were tripping over each other trying to get to her stomach, she growled at them as they tried to get milk from her.
“Why is she growling at her young?” he asked in alarm.
I gave him an amused look “she’s weaning them from the milk she provides, once they get about eight weeks old, she starts the weaning process. It’s natural for her to be rather aggressive toward her pups” I explained, watching as she walked out the back way.
“King Nefarious is worried about you” he said suddenly, as if he had wanted to say it for a while.
“If he were worried about me he would have come himself” I said, getting up and walking into the kitchen.
“He wasn’t lying when he said he was your father, do you know how long he has been searching for you?” he asked.
I slammed my hand down on the counter “I’m not his daughter! My father is out there in a grave, along with my mother and sister, I am not related to him” I snapped.
He stared at me in shock “I don’t understand you Johanna, why can’t you just accept the truth?” he asked.
“Because I’m scared!” I shouted, my voice breaking.
I walked passed him, running a hand through my hair, I walked out to the barn where the pups sat with their mother on their little bed made of hey.
“Johanna, I…I’m sorry, but denying everything doesn’t make it any better, what do you have left here?” he asked from behind me.
That struck me, what do I have left here? The graves of my family, an empty house, a horse and six dogs, I have nothing.
I fell to my knees and put my head in my hands once again “I don’t know!” I cried.
He sat beside me and put his arm around me, pulling me into his side. “Come home Johanna, please” he whispered, rubbing my arm.
“Okay, but can I bring the dogs? They’ll die if left here” I said softly, sniffing.
He nodded and helped me up, keeping me close to his side “come girl, follow us” I said, my voice still a little thick.
She got up, as if in understanding, and walked over to me. Logan led me out of the barn and shifted, looking back at me, I hesitated a second and ran back into the barn, opening the stall, I led the horse out; I stroked her nose while taking her reins off of her.
“Bye Starfire, I hope you find a good home” I said softly.
I took a few steps back and used the command I taught her to run “hae!” I called.
She took off into the forest. I turned around and looked at Logan; his big silver eyes were watching me with a strange expression. “Let’s go, but make sure the dogs can keep up” I said.
He nodded as I situated myself on his back. He took off in a run, but not the inhuman speed it was, it was slow enough that the dogs could keep up. I looked back every once in a while, the dogs were keeping up easily, but it took about an hour to get there, much more time than the ten minutes it took last time.
When we got to the clearing, it was much more beautiful in the light of the sun, wildflowers and long green grass covered the field, the puppies were yapping and jumping around in the field, while the mother stood idly by our side, watching them. Logan walked over to the rock slide and sniffed around, once he found the rock he was looking for, he pressed his paw to it, it glowed once again, and the crack echoed through the forest. It startled the puppies and they ran to their mother, hiding behind her.
I smiled as they peeked their heads around her and watched as the rocks rolled away to reveal the cave opening. We all walked through, the mother as calm and complacent as ever. I wondered what to call her, she seemed strong, brave. I wanted to call her and her pups something that sounded it.
I puzzled for a long time, over what to call her, glancing down at her from time to time as she trotted down the stairs beside us.
Then it hit me “Aileen” I said out loud.
Logan looked at me with a confused look “I’ll name her Aileen, it means noble” I explained.
Logan glanced at Aileen, and then at me with a look of approval. He nodded, looking into my eyes for a second, before looking back down at the stairs. As we reached the light at the end of the tunnel, the puppies scurried over behind their mother, this place was strange to them, their mother was not nervous, probably because I felt fine. We walked into this place, the light was now like the light of the sun, it lit the large room perfectly, so I could see. Everyone was running around this place, and I realized why, this was like a second town square, with stores, homes, inns and other things. Everyone stopped what they were doing to bow their heads and greet us, giving the pups and mother an inquisitive glance.
Suddenly, a small boy broke through the crowd, I recognized his face somehow, but where did I see it? I jumped off of Logan, he stopped to see what I was doing, the boy was breathing hard, and he seemed to have been desperate to get to me, I leaned down in front of this boy “hello, do I know you from somewhere?” I asked softly.
He nodded quickly “I’m Valor, you helped me when my mamma died” he said. I gasped, that’s how I knew this child, his mother was murdered by thieves, and they left him in the streets. I had been bringing him food and water since he was five. “You are a beast?” I asked. He nodded excitedly “I changed when I turned ten” he said, he still spoke like a small child.
I remembered the night he disappeared, the only thing I could figure was that the beasts had killed him, but he was one. A part of me was glad that he was okay “are you doing alright, living with someone? Are they taking care of you?” I asked.
He nodded at every question I asked “my new mama treats me nice, she feeds me every day, I have friends and even go to school” he said.
Relief washed over me at his words “good, I have to go, but I’ll be sure to visit, you be good, don’t get into trouble” I said sternly this time.
He bowed his head once and smiled “I will, bye Jo-Jo” he said, hugging me.
I kissed his cheek and touched his nose with the tip of my finger “bye” I smiled.
I got up, realizing that everyone was staring at us, the entire room gaping. I turned toward Logan with a confused look, what were they looking at? This was a boy I had known for five years. I didn’t recognize him because he had changed in the few years I hadn’t seen him, he must have only been eleven. Logan was staring at me with that strange look again, I jumped onto his back and leaned over, picking up the pup that had woken me up this morning, I was going to figure out a strong name for this one too. Maybe Aiden, which meant ‘fire’ but that sounded too much like Aileen. As I contemplated, we entered the large cavern. The mother started to get nervous, I could tell because she was crying slightly, I looked at her, confused, she was staring straight ahead, a dreadful feeling came over me.
“Logan, run, the dogs will catch up, find my father” I said urgently.
Logan looked at me with a confused look “Logan, go!” I ordered.
Without needing another order, he took off down the cavern.

Authors note:

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Chapter four:

We arrived at the front gates, they were standing open, and people were crowded around the gates, they parted for us as we ran by, the dogs were barking and yapping behind us. I felt dread overtake me as I thought about my father, whom I never knew, what was wrong with him? Why did I feel this way?
We ran through the castle, the door to the throne room was wide open, and that only heightened my angst.
We burst in, as soon as we were in, I jumped off of Logan while he was still moving, the woman and the man that guarded the door were leaned over my father who was on the ground, I ran over to them “what’s happened?” I asked in panic.
“We don’t know” the man said.
I lifted his head in my hand, checking his temperature.
Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at me “Johanna, I saw your mother…she was there, in front of me” he whispered, obvious pain in his voice.
“Father, it’s going to be okay” I whispered.
He was staring over my shoulder “Mirrala” he breathed.
I looked behind me, no one was behind me “but what about our daughter, Mirrala?” he asked no one.
“Father, look at me, I’m right here, there is no Mirrala” I whispered.

He looked at me strangely “it’s my time, Johanna” he whispered.
“What? No, father, please, I have not even gotten to know you” I said, my voice thick with tears.
“Perhaps it is better that way, Johanna, your mother is here, with us, it is my time” he said.
“Please father, tell her to give you more time, please, just let me get to know the only parent I have left” I begged, tears falling.
He shook his head, bringing his hand up to touch my tearstained cheek “I know we have only just met, but I’ll always be with you” he whispered.
“Father, I- I love you, I didn’t get to know you, but I know that you would have been a wonderful father, I’m so sorry” I whispered.
He smiled slightly, closing his eyes “I love you too, my kind-hearted daughter, there is no need to apologize, your mother and I will visit you often, we promise” he whispered.
His hand dropped from my cheek, his breathing slowing, I took the hand that was on my cheek tightly in mine, my breath coming out in quiet sobs as I watched him die.
“Goodbye father” I whispered.
I kissed his forehead gently as the man whose name I never knew checked his heartbeat.
“He is gone, majesty” he whispered.
I closed my eyes and nodded “Logan, Demetrio, go and tell the others, I’ll stay here” the woman said in her gentle voice.
The shuffling of feet was all I heard, The woman got up, and sat back down beside me, she put her arm around my shoulders “your majesty, he would want to be buried beside his beloved, I know it’s painful, but we have to do this” she whispered comfortingly to me.
I nodded, opening my eyes to look at her “what is your name?” I asked.
“Vivia, sister to Logan and Demetrio, Logan was the heir to the throne, but since you came back, the responsibility will be handed to you” she explained.
I nodded, I could do that; I was the Lorkana.
“My brothers and I are sworn to protect the King and/or queen of the beasts, or wolves as we call them here” she said.
I nodded, staring at my deceased father on the ground “shall we take him to the memorial yard until the grave is ready?” she asked softly.
I nodded “of course, we cannot leave him here, that would be disrespectful” I whispered.
She nodded, getting up and helping me up, she picked him up with no struggle at all, which surprised me, with how small and delicate she seemed. We carried him through the castle; the guards leaned down on their knees, mournful looks on their faces, as we passed. We passed the others in the town square, all bowing and whispering words that explained in themselves the wonderful king that my father was.
They whispered things like “long live the king” and “he was a wonderful man” it all made me wish I had been there to experience these years that he ruled, to get to know this man that I hardly knew as a father.
We passed through the other town square, and everyone bowed on one knee, I noticed Logan, standing with the dogs.
Aileen trotted up to me, crying slightly, I pat her head and she followed me, her pups trailing behind her.
A man stood beside me, bowing his head, I nodded to him in greeting “your grace, we have gathered at the grave yard, and are ready to start on the grave, where shall we dig?” he asked.
“Beside my mother’s grave, he would have liked to have been close to her” I informed.
“Yes your majesty” he said, bowing and quickly walking away.
He walked into another cave opening and vanished, Just as we were about to do. This was a much grander cave opening, with a beast head carved into the top, and swirling patterns along the sides, it looked as if it were an opening for a grand hall. As we entered, it seemed that way too, paintings of what I guessed were our ancestors, kings and queens from the past lined the walls. “The memorial hall is where all kings and queens go to be given their prayers and, hopefully, given a peaceful rest, after he or she is buried, they put another painting up, this tradition started in the seventeen hundreds, we have lost some of the paintings, but the ones from the eighteen hundreds up till now, we have plenty of room for more, our kings and queens live for a long time, King Nefarious was one hundred and two” she said.
I looked at her in shock “and Mirrala?” I asked.
“Her majesty was only two years younger than your father when they married; she died seventeen years ago, only eighty five. Quite young for the average time of death, actually” she replied.
I nodded, still in shock; I would have guessed that my father was only thirty, maybe forty.
“My father didn’t look one hundred and two, he looked much younger, in his mid-forties at most” I said.
She smiled slightly “our aging process is…slower than humans” she explained.
“Oh” was all I said.
We reached another opening, and I gasped as we entered, this place was the most magical I have ever seen, small, wispy, silver lights floated around me, my father’s lifeless body, and Vivia, she watched with a smile as they lifted my father’s body from her arms and lay him on a bed of ivy leaves and smooth vines, roses grew around him in the blink of an eye, pink and blood red, along with bluebonnets, Indian paint brushes, and other wildflowers. They covered his body in a casket-like way, and the lights dispersed, going back to their idle floating.
“Those are the spirits of our ancestors, your fathers spirit will be free to roam in this place with your mother once he is buried” she whispered, as not to disturb the magic of the moment.
I nodded as I examined this relaxing place, pine trees were spaced out everywhere, with vines wrapped around them, a rose bush grew beside one of the pine trees, it’s vines laced up the tree in intricate natural patterns, blood red roses bloomed all over the tree, contrasting on the dark wood of the tree.
I watched as one of the small silver lights wisped over to the grave of flowers, lingering there. The light seemed to grow brighter, and get bigger “watch” Vivia whispered.
Suddenly, the light was not a light any longer, but a woman, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. I gasped as she touched the flowers, and they retracted at her touch, revealing fathers face. “My husband, may you be with us now” she whispered, her voice carrying through the forest-like place.
She smiled as she touched his cheek, and then she looked up, her eyes, a striking gold, meeting mine. She smiled affectionately “Princess Johanna, I must leave you now, to let you have your time with her majesty” Vivia whispered.
I nodded, not looking away from this striking woman who was my mother, after Vivia left; she walked around my father’s grave, her eyes never leaving mine. She stood in front of me, her smile growing as she assessed me “my daughter, you have the absolute best of your father, brown hair, green eyes, and brave as a lion” she said, pulling me into an affectionate hug.
I wrapped my arms around my mother, burying my head in her chest “mother, brave as I may be, I do not see how I can handle much more” I whispered.
She gently pulled back, smoothing my hair from my face “I know it’s overwhelming at first, don’t worry sweetheart, your father and I will be with you every step of the way, I don’t have much time to tell you this, but you can visit us once a year, of course you can visit us more than that, but we will not be able to speak to you after that one time is over, we will be forced to stay in our spirit forms, and I know that Logan will help you, don’t give me that look, you know you feel something for him” she said with a knowing smile as I gave her a confused look.
She started to fade at a very gradual rate “it’s my time to go, sweetheart, I love you, and I believe in you” she whispered.
“I love you too mother, please tell father that when he is released” I whispered back.
She smiled and nodded, and then she was a human form no more. A soft wind caressed my cheek and I smiled, knowing it was her.
“Majesty, the ceremony is ready” the man from before informed me.
I turned to him and smiled “let us free my father, then” I whispered. I walked over to him, patting his forearm “tell me, what is your name?” I asked.
“Daniel, your majesty” he whispered.
“A very strong name you have, Daniel” I said with a smile.
He smiled back and bowed his head “thank you majesty, and may I say that we are all so glad you have returned” he said.
“As I am glad to be here” I replied.
We were silent after that as he led me through the town square. “It’s quite a beautiful sight, a spirit ceremony, no words can describe quite how beautiful it is, when the spirit leaves the body permanently, it is like nothing you will ever see before” he explained, staring ahead. The town square, for the first time, was empty, no one was there, and it was like a ghost town.
We walked into the cave opening that he had disappeared into after I had informed him of where to bury my father, and I could hear an almost magical singing, like a choir at a church; they sung in such harmony that it almost sounded inhuman. The torches that hung on the walls started to glow not red, but silvery blue and they brightened the cavern. As we neared the cave opening, the singing got louder, and I could hear instruments being played.
We entered, and everyone bowed, giving me their greetings, I understood why the town square was empty, everyone was here, to honor the king.
I stood at the head of the grave and looked at everyone, the choir had gone silent, Valor had come to stand beside me, and I pulled him into my side, and Aileen sat down faithfully beside me. And as if the words were being whispered into my ear, I knew exactly what to say “my brothers and sisters, we are gathered here, not to mourn a death, but to celebrate a new life, for in this time, my father, and your King shall live on as a spirit, in this realm, he shall be at peace!” I called in a triumphant voice.
Cheers echoed through the room, and I knew, that this was how it was meant to be. My father would live on, and I would bring peace to the realm of humans and beasts, this was how it was supposed to be.

Chapter five:

“Let the ceremony begin!” I said loudly.
The singing started up again, along with the chanting of a woman, dreadlocks with beads laced through them, a necklace of silver and bones adorned her neck, her skin, a golden brown, and she had a magical feel to her as she chanted in a different language.
A light shown from the grave as they filled it with the soil of the earth, it was the same silvery light that the spirits were, only much, much brighter. I stared as it got brighter in the hole, so deep that I couldn’t see the bottom, it seemed to float to the top, the woman’s chants got louder, I glanced down at Aileen, she seemed unfazed as she watched calmly beside me.
The light floated from the grave, coming in front of me, at the head of the grave, wind picked up around me, swirling around my face, I closed my eyes and smiled “hello father” I whispered.
The woman’s chants did not stop, they picked up, getting too fast to understand as she spoke fluently in a language I didn’t understand.
I opened my eyes to meet the eyes of my father; he was smiling, little creases fanning out around his eyes “Goodbye my daughter” he whispered, already fading.
“Until we meet again” I replied.
He faded back into light and, in a snap, was gone. The chanting stopped, and I looked down, the hole was filled, and my father was at peace.
I looked up, across from me, at the foot of the grave, was Logan, who was staring at me with that strange expression again.
I looked quickly away and down at Valor, he was looking around me at one of the puppies in wonder. I followed his gaze to see that he was looking at the one that had been in my lap that morning. I leaned down and grabbed the puppy, picking him up; I looked at Valor “I have been trying to think of things to name him, it needs to be something strong, like your name, any ideas” I asked softly, looking at him.
He widened his eyes “you mean I can help you name him?” he asked.
I nodded, smiling. He clapped his hands and sat down beside me “every time I look at him I think of Faolan, it means wolf” he said, looking down with pink cheeks, as if embarrassed.
I looked down at the puppy with smile. “That is a perfect name” I approved.
He looked up in surprise “really?” he asked.
I nodded “he is very brave, and from what I have seen and heard, wolves are very brave and strong” I said, glancing at Logan. He was sitting down at the foot of the grave, staring at me with a small smile.
I looked back at Valor, who was stroking Faolan’s head with a finger “would you like to keep him?” I asked in a conspiratorial whisper.
He looked up yet again in surprise “really?” he whispered back.
I nodded “but you have to promise me to take really good care of him” I said.
He nodded a few fast bobs of his head “I promise I’ll feed him, water him and keep him safe forever” he said, a seal of promise in his voice.
I smiled and handed him to him “here you go then, make sure he has got a warm bed to sleep in” I said.
He nodded, getting up and bowing his head “thank you” he said.
I nodded and he ran over to his adoptive mother, who he explained the puppy to. She looked at me and bowed gratefully; I nodded and smiled, stroking Aileen’s head absently.
“Johanna, you must be tired and hungry, you haven’t eaten or slept, or even changed clothes in four days” Logan said from beside me, startling me.
I looked up at him and nodded, realizing that I was starving.
“I’ll lead you to your room to freshen up, and you will have fresh clothes, once you are done, I will be there to escort you to the dinner hall” Logan informed, helping me up.
I nodded silently and followed him as he led me down the hall.
“I have had your room prepared, it is complete with a canine bed” he grinned at me, it took my words from me and I only nodded, a shy side that I wasn’t used to coming out.
His grin faded and he looked confused at my lack of words, he took it the wrong way “did I do something wrong?” he asked, his eyebrows pulling together.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I just have a lot on my mind” I said quickly.
It wasn’t really a lie, I did have a lot of things on my mind, but that was not why I couldn’t speak. I was trying not to admire his large form, broad shoulders, and obviously chiseled chest. He looked at me and grinned “what?” he asked, uh-oh, I was admiring. I looked away, blushing “nothing” I said.
In the corner of my eye I saw his grin widen and he chuckled silently, looking ahead of him. I clasped my hands in front of me and looked at the ground, staring intently at the ground beneath my feet.
“Why did you give the boy Faolan?” he asked suddenly.
I smiled “he has a connection with the dog, I have a feeling they have a bond that goes deep somehow, they are meant to be united” I murmured.
“How do you know?” he asked.
“My father always used to tell me, that when someone belongs with someone else, you can see it in their eyes, in their very souls, the boy had been completely entranced by Faolan, and Faolan seemed interested in the boy, I was meant to find Aileen, just as he was meant to find Faolan” I explained, patting Aileens head affectionately.
“What of the other pups?” he asked.
“Train them, they would be powerful guard dogs when they grow older, Aileen is already protective of me, she may seem calm, but she saves her energy for when danger comes” I said.
He nodded, studying Aileen with intense silver eyes. He looked up and met my eyes, his silver eyes melting my heart. They were so scorching that I could almost feel the heat of them on my skin; it sent shivers down my spine as he stared at me. Then, suddenly, without warning, he changed into a wolf looked pointedly at his back. I climbed onto it, running my fingers through his soft, silky hair. Did I imagine the small shivers that seemed to have just gone through him? He was off, dashing through the town square, and down the cavern towards the castle, His feet making a small thumping sound as he ran.
I smiled in exhilaration, for my father was not in danger, and Logan was not angry, this was simply for me to enjoy. As he ran through the castle’s town square, I noticed more people were moving about, it must not have been time for sleep just yet. The sun was setting low on the horizon, this had been a long, yet short in a way, day. The wind generated from us running so fast was flowing through my hair, and cooling me down, it was quite nice to be able to enjoy the wind in my face.
We ran through the gates of the castle, and up to the guards, who had assumed their posts once again, they bowed on their knees as we approached and opened the doors for us.
“Your majesty” they greeted in unison, looking at me.
I smiled and nodded once in greeting “gentlemen” I greeted in reply.
As we walked through the foyer, he made a turn for the winding staircase “is this going to be like the fairytales? I am the damsel in distress, in the tallest tower, upon the highest hill, awaiting my prince charming to rescue me” I recited, smiling softly as I remember my little sister loving that story.
Logan seemed to chuckle as he trotted his way up the stairs. I watched as his long snout stretched into a menacing looking grin, his long, pearly white, sharp teeth showing.
As he reached the top of the staircase, he slowed to a walk, walking down the hall he stopped in front of a grand looking double door room, with two guards standing in front of it. They bowed their heads in greeting and opened the door, closing it behind us as we walked in. I looked around my room, and then looked at Logan with a smile, I turned so I was facing him and ran my hand through the fur on his head “thank you for bringing me here” I said quietly.
Suddenly, he was human again, and we were face to face, my elbow was on his broad shoulder, my hand tangled in his hair. The closeness stunned me into silence as I stared into his eyes. He grinned and wrapped a strong, muscled arm around my waist, pulling me into him, he was a head taller than me, so I had to look up to see him, but he had his head leaned down, so close to mine. “W-what are you doing?” I stammered, nervousness making me speak.
He leaned his face closer to mine, our lips impossibly close, yet still not touching “what does it look like?” he asked huskily, making me shiver.
I couldn’t answer, I was too caught up in his sweet breath on my face, his musky smell invading my senses, making it hard to think, his body, so warm against mine, and it was like a wildfire where his hands touched my skin.
Passion, that is immediately what my mind registered this feeling as, I was on fire, but not in a bad way, in a very, very good way. He didn’t say anything as he leaned closer and his lips touched mine, and that is when the fire exploded, like dynamite in a dark cave, I was a live wire, everywhere his hands touched, an electric shock washed through me. I ran the hand that wasn’t tangled in his hair up his shirt, feeling his stomach, and as I suspected, it was chiseled like stone. He moaned against my mouth, sending chills up my spine. His arm unwrapped around my waist and slid down passed my behind, down to my thighs, he grabbed them and lifted me up, I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, and before I knew it, we were lying on the bed, he was on top of me, and I felt the soft blankets on my back. I broke away to breathe, he stared into my eyes, his dark with desire “you are beautiful” he breathed, taking my cheek in his hand. The desire faded from his eyes, that strange look taking its place. I still could not place this look, I had never seen it before, except for…my father…looking at my mother that way. I shook my head of those thoughts, he could not see me the way father saw mother, father loved mother. I was blushing from that comment that he made, looking away from his face.
“Don’t” he whispered, moving his hand under my chin and forcing me to look at him, I stared into his eyes as he hovered over me “why did you kiss me?” I asked softly.
He looked a little unsure as he answered “because I think you are beautiful” he said, I could hear the slight honesty in his voice, but he seemed to have been wanting to add something else but thought better of it.
I lowered my eyebrows, unhappy with this “you only kissed me because you find me beautiful?” I whispered, a little hurt by that fact.
“Well…yes” he winced slightly.
I pushed him off of me, usually that would be challenging, since he is stronger than I am, but he got up without protesting.
“I’d like to freshen up now, so I would appreciate it if you would leave” I said, keeping the hurt from my voice.
Men, all they think about is bedding a woman, I should have known better. He opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of it and closed it again, walking out of my room. I walked into the bathroom, where a set of clothes sat folded neatly on the floor beside a large tub, filled almost to the brim with lukewarm water. The bathroom door opened again, and in came Aileen with her four pups scurrying behind her. I looked in the large floor length mirror that hung on the stone wall, I was still in my night clothes, my white shirt was dingy and covered in dirt, and my white trousers were the same, I did not look well. I looked thinner, and my stomach was growling. I looked pale, and my hair was dingy and sweaty. I slipped my old night clothes off, grabbing the herbal soup from the stone counter, I got in the bath, dunking my head and enjoying the slight coolness of the bath tub. I pulled myself into a sitting position and lifted my leg above the water, running the mint smelling lumpy bar of soap along the length of it. I couldn’t help but remember the way Logan’s hands felt on my thighs, the way his hands slid sensually down my body, I shook my mind of those thoughts, scolding myself for even thinking them. I lifted my other leg, setting my ankle on the lip of the tub and rubbing the soap along it, getting all the dirt and grime off my body. I then scrubbed the soap through my hair, getting all the dirt out of it. I sat on the edge of the tub, rubbing the soap along my body as well.
After thoroughly washing myself, I got out, grabbing the clothes from the floor and drying off with the hand woven, yet very soft, towel. I slipped the clothes on, obviously royal clothing; they gave me a dress that was velvet red, along with red shoes. The dress was woven of the finest silk, black lacing down the skirt, I had never worn clothing like this; it felt overwhelming, going from the poor farm girl, to the royal princess. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like the evil queen from the fairytale “snow white” or, at least, this is how I imagined her to look. The red dress showed off all my curves, the sleeves going halfway down my arm, the shoes were flat on the souls, red and shiny. Someone knocked on the door; I opened it to find a petite woman with bright red hair and very bright green eyes. She bowed her head and greeted me, also explaining why she was here “your majesty, I have been sent to ready you for dinner, I am sorry I am late, but I had been delayed in my coming here” she explained.
I smiled and opened the door wider, gesturing for her to come in. She bowed her head once more and came in, turning to me; she gently took my hand and led me into the bathroom. She set me down in front of a vanity and picked up a container of something. She picked up a big puffy thing and started patting it lightly against my face. I coughed lightly as I inhaled the powder coming off of it. She smiled slightly, concentrating on her work “you probably shouldn’t breathe until I’m done, majesty” she informed.
So I held my breath, she patted my face a few more times and then put the puffy thing back into the container. I finally inhaled a breath and looked at her, she had a long tube of something, she leaned down and smeared it on my lips, making them feel weird.
“Do this for me please, majesty” she said, making a popping sound with her lips.
I did, and felt a little silly “what are these things?” I asked, taking the tube from her hands.
“This is what we call makeup, my lady, it is used for royalty, your mother absolutely loved it, she would refuse to let us put it on her, always doing her own makeup” she babbled, and then seemed to focus on reality again, she looked at me and immediately shut her mouth, looking down “forgive me, majesty, I do not know what got into me” she said quietly.
I stared at her in surprise “no, please, tell me more about her, and please call me Johanna, or Jo-Jo, I do not like all this “my lady” and “your majesty” business, I want to be called by my given name” I insisted.
She looked at me, surprise in her eyes, “o-okay, as you wish my- I mean Johanna” she said.
I smiled and let her work on my makeup again “well, you see, your mother was a little stubborn, and very independent, she wouldn’t let us help her dress, make her food, she always made her own food…” and she explained about my mother as she worked on my face, smiling slightly here and there as she explained.
After she was done, she straightened up and smiled “very good, would you like to see?” she asked me.
I nodded and she twirled me around, I gasped as I looked in the mirror, I had never looked like this, my lips were blood red, with what the woman named Lilia informed me was lipstick, my face looked clear and inflectionless, you couldn’t tell that the powder was on my cream colored skin, my hair was naturally curly, it was cascading down my back and around my shoulders, longer than I was used to, my mother was going to cut it before she died. I tried to push away the sadness and be grateful for what this woman has done.
I turned to Lilia and hugged her tightly “thank you so much” I whispered.
She smiled at me when I pulled away “you are as sweet as your mother” she informed, making me smile.
She studied my eyes for a few seconds “yet something seems wrong” she murmured.
I sighed, throughout the entire time she told me about my mother, my mind would drift back to Logan; he only thought I was beautiful, he just wanted to bed me.
“Logan…escorted me to my room, and… when we entered the room he…he kissed me” I muttered, confiding in this woman.
Lilia pulled me over to the bed and set me down, sitting beside me “okay, and what happened?” she asked.
“I asked him why” I said, tightening my hands into fists.
“And what did he say?”
“He said the reason was because I was beautiful” I said, lowering my eyebrows.
She raised both of her eyebrows, a look of disbelief on her face “really? Interesting” she said, looking over at the wall across from us, a small smile on her lips.
“What? What is it?” I asked.
“You see, Logan is my nephew, he asked me to do this today, was asking me for advice on how to tell you” she said, looking over at me.
“To tell me what?” I asked.
“He is fond of you, very much so, I see the way he looks at you” she explained.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out, “he is coming back soon to escort you to dinner, so I must go, please do not tell him I told you this, I don’t even think he has accepted it yet” she chuckled, patting my hand.
I nodded, still in a little bit of shock. She hesitated, but then leaned down, kissing my cheek. I smiled at her as she left with a bow of the head.
About ten minutes later, a knock sounded at my door. I opened it and poked my head out to find Logan, he wouldn’t meet my eyes until I smiled at him “hi” I said.
He searched my eyes for a second, and smiled slightly back “hi, umm, are you ready?” he asked.
I nodded and stepped fully out of the room. He sucked in a breath as his eyes roamed down my body “you look, beautiful” he said, looking back up to meet my eyes.
I blushed and looked down “thank you, but Lilia is to thank for this, I’ve never looked like this before” I murmured.
He put his finger under my chin and made me look at him, “I can’t say I agree with that” he said softly.
I blushed deeper, but was unable to look away from his intense silver eyes. “Maybe we should go” I whispered.
He sucked in yet another breath and took his hand from my chin, nodding. A small cry from my room reminded me that Aileen hadn’t eaten in a while either “what about Aileen?” I asked.
“Don’t worry, I had a few servants prepare five bowls of food for them, they will be able to come with us” he assured.
I nodded and took his awaiting hand; he led me through another part of the castle downstairs, this place was becoming more and more like a fairytale, red carpet covered the floor, beautiful paintings covered the walls, the ceiling was painted with angels sitting in clouds. It was a fairytale dream.
As I admired it, I registered Logan staring at me, his silver gaze showing that strange look.
I looked at him and smiled slightly “what are you thinking?” he asked.
“This place is so much like I always imagined when reading fairytales, our king and queen’s castle was always something I dreamed of going into, my father always called me and my sister his beautiful princesses, my sister was very interested in princesses, and had me tell her stories, sing to her, she loved a song that my mother used to sing to her, it was called ‘so this is love’ mother used to dance with me while she sung it” I realized that I was babbling, I quickly shut my mouth and looked down, he didn’t want to know about those kinds of things.
In the corner of my eye, I looked at him, he was still staring at me with that look, it unsettled me,
I looked down at Aileen and pat her on the head; she cocked her head to the side, perking her ears up in curiosity.
“You miss them, don’t you?” he asked.
I looked at him and smiled weakly “they were my family, how could I not?” I whispered.
He smiled as he stopped in front of another very large door, it reached up to the ceiling, which was very high, and it was round. Two men, not exactly guards, stood in front of the door with their hands clasped in front of them.
They bowed their heads as they pulled the door open, I gasped at how beautiful the room was, a dining table sat in the middle, with matching dark mahogany chairs. Plates filled with food lined the table, Vivia and Demetrio sat at the seats closest to us “took you guys long enough!” Demetrio exclaimed, getting up and walking over to us, he and Logan did a manly hug, and Vivia came over, pulling me into a light hug. I smiled lightly at her.
Suddenly, Demetrio pulled me into a bear hug, lifting me off the ground. I let out a breathless laugh as I pat him on the back. He set me back down again, smiling. I laughed, walking over with Vivia to sit beside her. Demetrio sat on the other side of Vivia, and Logan sat beside me.
“So Johanna, have you decided that my brother is too annoying yet?” Demetrio asked.
I laughed “I decided that a long time ago” I teased.
“And yet he is still in the castle” he said, shaking his head in disappointment at me.
I let out another laugh “I have a feeling you two don’t like each other all that much” I said.
Logan smirked and Demetrio snorted “what gave you that idea?” Logan asked sarcastically.
“Just a guess” I elbowed Logan gently.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, not seeming to realize it. I smiled slightly as he looked at me, then his arm and his cheeks got a little pink. “No, they don’t like each other, because they are both big babies and are really good at holding grudges, but I’ll let Logan explain that” Vivia chuckled.
I glanced at Logan again, watching as he flushed and glared at Vivia.
“Well dig in, our food is going to get cold” Vivia said.
I picked up my fork and tried to keep my manners as my stomach almost jumped out of my mouth to get the food. I cut the steak with my fork and stuck it in my mouth, resisting the urge to moan. A few big pieces of potato sat beside the steak, with green beans and another food that I had never seen before “what are these?” I asked curiously.
Logan raised an eyebrow at me “you mean you have never seen rice before?” he asked.
I shook my head, looking at the small grainy looking stuff called “rice”
“No, my family only ever cultivated potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and we hunted” I said.
Logan chuckled “try it, it’s good” he said.
I lifted a grain with my fork, studying it with curiosity “no, like this” Logan said, lifting a big pile with his fork and putting it in his mouth.
I mimicked him, and widened my eyes when I put the food in my mouth. It was salty, and little black specs only seemed to intensify the flavor. Logan laughed as he looked at the expression on my face “I take it that you like it” he said.
I nodded, smiling.

Chapter six:

A banging on my door woke me, and Logan’s angry voice. Aileen was crying softly, hiding her pups behind her. I got up, reassuring Aileen with a pat on the head.
I opened my door, staring at him with tired eyes “what is it?” I asked groggily.
His chest was heaving, and yet he was breathing silently “I need to speak with you” he said.
I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair “you couldn’t have waited?” I asked.
He shook his head and I sighed “alright” I sighed out.
I opened the door and let him in, running a hand through my hair again. I turned around and immediately stopped breathing. He was standing right behind me, hands raised to the tops of my arms, yet not touching them; his face was inches from mine.
“Johanna, forgive me” he whispered, just before smashing his lips to mine.
I tried not to give in, struggling as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist, “please, one last time” he whispered against my lips.
What did he mean “one last time?”
I was losing my battle, so I decided to grant him his strange wish. I melted into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck with a moan of surrender. He tightened his arms around me, kissing me passionately before he pulled away, unwrapping his arms from me.
No, he didn’t intentionally pull away, he was pulled away, by a large group of men,
“Logan?” I asked in confusion, my voice shaking.
He gave me a saddened look as they pulled him out of the room “I love you, Johanna, never forget that” he said.
“No, Logan!” I screamed.
Two men pulled me back as I ran for him, but I easily got out of their grasp “let him go!” I screamed.
The last thing I remember was a sharp pain on my head, and Aileen’s furious bark.

“Johanna, can you hear me?” Demetrio’s soft voice woke me,
My eyes snapped open and panic overtook me “where is Logan?” I asked immediately, sitting up.
A pain in the back of my head alerted me that something was wrong. I didn’t pay much attention to it as I watched Vivia and Demetrio lower their heads in sadness, much like when my father died “we weren’t able to get to him fast enough, they have abducted him” Vivia said, her voice thick with tears.
Tears welled in my eyes and I shook my head profusely, ignoring the pain “no, please god no!” I cried.
The tears flowed freely as I stared at Vivia “he is gone, but still alive, he gave himself up so you wouldn’t be abducted, apparently the humans had been planning this for a long time” she whispered.
I dropped my head in my hands, sobbing “no, no, no please no” I sobbed repeatedly, Vivia wrapped me in her arms, trying to comfort me, but I could hear her crying softly.
Demetrio put his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me as well. “He should have let me go! He should have!” I sobbed.
“He would never have done that, we took an oath to protect the king and queen at all costs” Vivia said.
“Of course, I don’t think that is the main reason he did it-ow!” Demetrio complained as Vivia quickly elbowed him.
A memory came back to me, as they took him away ‘I love you Johanna, never forget that’
I lifted my head, staring at the door that he once stood behind, desperate to kiss me, one last time. ‘I love you too’ I thought, a wave of determination strengthening my resolve to find him. I wiped my eyes and shrugged off Vivia’s arms “Vivia, Demetrio, we are going to get him back, get together the largest army you can within the week, and then, we plan” I said, wrapping my robe around myself and tying the ribbons.
Vivia and Demetrio stared at me in shock “go, quickly!” I ordered.
They both bowed their heads and got off my bed, walking out the door. I quickly ran into the bathroom, throwing my robe off, I slipped my night gown off and got in the warm bath filled with fresh water, I didn’t know who filled it, but they should be thanked. I sunk into the bath water, quickly scrubbing myself with the soap.
After washing my hair, I jumped out, walking over to my wardrobe, I picked out a simple white long sleeve dress and matching flat shoes. I slipped the form fitting dress on and walked out, I didn’t see Aileen, or her pups, and I panicked yet again.
I opened my door and walked out, looking around. “Your majesty?” one of the men by the door asked.
I looked at him with panicked eyes “where is Aileen?” I asked urgently.
“Do not worry majesty, she is being taken care of in the hospital ward” he assured.
“What about her pups?” I asked.
“They are with her, majesty” he said.
“What happened? Why is she in the hospital ward?” I demanded.
“She was protecting you, majesty, the man apparently pulled a knife from his boot and hurt her very badly” he informed.
With that, I ran down the stairs, panic overtaking me, I can’t lose her. I won’t be too late like I was for my father.
I ran into Vivia at the town square, Demetrio wasn’t with her “Vivia, you must lead me to the hospital ward, I have to see Aileen” I gasped.
She nodded quickly and grabbed my arm “do not worry so much Johanna, she is fine, a few cuts in her side, and they broke her leg, she actually saved you, they were planning on taking you, but were badly injured by Aileen” Vivia explained as she led me down another cavern.
“I know, I just can’t lose anyone else right now” I whispered.
“You won’t lose her, she is in high spirits, despite her injuries, she wags her tail when we come in, and even tries to get up a few times, I must warn you about her reaction toward you, she might get too excited, you must calm down” Vivia warned.
I nodded, reining in my panic. I stared ahead as I heard her booming bark echoing down the hall, I heard her urgent cry “what is wrong with her?” I whispered.
“She senses you, and smells you, you have a very unusually strong scent” Vivia informed to calm me.
I was anxious to see her as we walked at a rather fast pace down the cavern, I did not know what she would look like, would she not look as full of life as she did? Or will she look the same as she did before?
As we neared the opening I got more anxious to see her, and by her crying and barking, she seemed to be too.
Finally, we entered the hospital ward, she was lying down on a big comfortable looking bed on the floor, and she looked fine, other than the bandages wrapped around her torso, and the cast around her front left leg. I strode over to her, leaning down and scratching her ears “hey girl! You look terrible” I said, stroking her head.
I looked up at Vivia with a new thought “how did they find the kingdom? And actually get in?” I asked.
“Apparently they had been her since last month, you coming here was as much as a surprise to them as it was to us, they decided to take you, but Logan apparently told them to take him instead, they had been masking their scents somehow, we still have not figured out how though, and we do not know why they accepted Logan’s offer, since they were after the Lorkana” Vivia sighed.
My intuition sparked, and I looked up in realization “they think I’ll give myself up for him” I realized.
Vivia thought about it, and then nodded “it makes sense, they obviously know you feel something for him, and he feels something for you, I doubt he would let you give yourself up though” she said with a slight knowing smile.
I cocked my head to the side, remembering his words once again from that night ‘I love you Johanna, never forget that’ he loves me, he was doing this because he loves me, so I had to save him, not because I had to return the favor, but because I needed to tell him that I love him too.
I pat Aileen’s head softly and got up “we have to get him back, I don’t care what it takes, we must get him back” I said, staring at Vivia with determined eyes.
“But, with all due respect your majesty, we don’t know where he was taken” Vivia murmured gently.
“Then we’ll follow his scent!” I insisted.
“But, your majesty-“
“Vivia, we must find him, he is your brother” I insisted.
“But, Johanna-“
“What, Vivia?” I interrupted, getting irritated.
“They masked his scent, we are unable to track him” she murmured sadly.
Anger flashed through me “if they wanted me so bad, then why did they make it so hard to find him?” I asked angrily.
“We think they have a theory” she said, even quieter than before.
I looked at her expectantly “they think you two are connected in a special way, bonded through the soul, just by meeting! You can communicate through the soul by this bond, knowing where each one is all the time, if you do have this bond with Logan, you will know where to find him” she said.
I stared at her blankly, I never felt any different after I met him, other than the love I felt for him, he once said that he always wondered what I was doing when I wasn’t around him, and I never tried to communicate with him, maybe I do have some kind of connection.
“Johanna, in order to find Logan, we have to test that connection, because I know that you and Logan have it” Vivia said.
“Vivia, I-I don’t even know how to contact him, I can’t begin to know how” I said hopelessly.
Aileen sensed my distress and cried softly. I leaned down and stroked her gently. “I know, but you have to try, you want to get him back, correct?” she asked, staring down at me with dark eyes.
I nodded “of course” I whispered.
“Then we need to find out how to tap into this connection” she said.
I nodded, standing up with one last pat on Aileen’s head. Vivia and I walked back to my room, and when we got there, she sat me on the bed and told me to close my eyes.
I did as I was told “okay, now…just imagine yourself in his arms, or anywhere near him, imagine you are in the same room with him, maybe that will work” she said hopefully.
I did, I imagined him holding me in his arms, cradling me to his chest and telling me that everything was going to be alright. But nothing else happened, I still felt empty, and Logan wasn’t in the same room.
I opened my eyes and looked at Vivia, shaking my head.
“Nothing?” she asked.
“No” I whispered.
“Well don’t lose hope just yet, we’ll find a way” she murmured quickly.
I nodded slightly, and for the rest of the day, we tried to tap into the connection with Logan, trying everything we could think of, even trying to see if I could listen to my heart, and nothing worked, I was still empty, and had lost hope.
I sighed as Vivia tried to think of anything more, it was late, and I was tired “Vivia, I need rest, and though I do not think I’ll be able to rest under these circumstances, I must try. We can test the connection a little more in the morning, alright?” I asked softly.
She studied me for a while, before nodding with a sigh “alright, we’ll speak in the morning” she murmured.
I nodded and said goodbye to her as she left the room, as the day had gone by, and as Vivia and I had been trying to figure something else out, they had brought Aileen back in, seeing that I was well enough. Aileen was under stress the few days she was in the hospital, always trying to get up and leave, they suspected to go find me, she succeeded once, sneaked away while no one was watching, limped all the way to the stairs inside the castle before she couldn’t go anymore, the stairs were too hard to climb. They said that when they found her laying at the foot of the stairs with her head on her paws staring up, just dying to go up and see me.
Aileen had taken her rightful place in the bed on the floor beside mine, with her pups surrounding her. I got off the bed and walked over to my wardrobe, I opened it to pick out a few night clothes. I slipped on a gown that looked so beautiful in the light of the candles, it was form fitting, and the patterns woven into it were absolutely stunning. I slipped the silken dress on and almost melted into its soft feel. I lay back down and sighed, snuggling into my pillows and pretending, just this once, that Logan’s arms were around me, I could almost feel his strong arms around my waist. This is what helped me get to sleep.

I was in a dark room, pitch black, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face, but I sensed another was in the room, I tried to see through the darkness that obstructed my vision, but it was no use, I had to wait for my eyes to adjust.
When my eyes did adjust, I saw a black silhouette standing across the room from me, fear coursed through my veins as he walked closer “who are you?” I asked my voice shaking as I moved away.
The silhouette paused “Johanna” he breathed. I knew that voice!
“Logan!” I cried.
He caught me in his familiar strong arms as I stumbled toward him. I buried my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, breathing in his scent.
“Logan, I was so worried that they had hurt you” I gasped in his chest.
“Johanna, what are you doing here? How did you get here?” he asked urgently, pulling back to look into my eyes.
“I-I don’t know, the last thing I remember was that I was with Vivia, and we were trying to tap into this connection that you and I have, and then I went to sleep and…” I looked up in realization, sleeping, that is the key.
“Sleeping” I whispered.
“Johanna, look at me, how did you get here?” he asked it slowly, trying to figure out what I was saying.
“I fell asleep, imagining that you were with me, to make it easier to rest, Vivia had a theory that you and I were connected by soul, that we each have one half of each other’s soul, and that we can communicate through that bond, we tried all day to tap into that connection, but all it took was me imagining that I was in your arms, and going to sleep” I felt like slapping myself in the face for being so stupid.
Logan stared at me for a while, and I wished I could see his expression “Logan?” I asked after a while of silence.
He brought his hand up to my face, still not saying anything, he stroked my cheek lightly, making me smile under his touch.
Suddenly, he leaned over and lit a candle that was beside us, dimly lighting the room.
Finally, I could see his face; he was staring into my eyes, a serious, yet soft, look on his face. “Logan, you have to tell me where you are” I said, growing serious again.
“No” he shook his head stubbornly.
“Logan, I don’t care what the hell waits for me outside this room, I have to know where they are keeping you” I demanded.
He looked at me in surprise, I had never cursed in front of him before.
“I won’t tell you, I won’t let you sacrifice yourself for me, I took an oath that I would protect you, from anything, I love you, Johanna, and I won’t see you taken away from me” he said, trying to get me to see his side.
I gave him a hard look “like I saw you taken away from me that day? Do you know how much it pained me when I woke up to find you gone? How could you not tell me about this? I feel betrayed, and lied to, you should have told me about this, we could have done something, I could have-“
“No, don’t you dare say what I think you were going to say, that wouldn’t have been an option, I would have given myself up in a heartbeat if I had the slightest idea what you were thinking” he interrupted angrily.
I sighed “please, Logan, just tell me where you are, Demetrio and Vivia are gathering a large group of men to fight our way in, we are going to get you out, if you would just tell us where” I whispered.
He set his jaw in a stubborn way, and I sighed, I leaned up on my toes and pecked him on the lips, “please tell me?” I asked softly.
He shook his head.
“Please?” I asked after a longer kiss.
Again, he shook his head, though he was relaxing.
“Please?” I asked, kissing him the longest yet.
His resolve was weakening, I could see it in the way he only shook his head the slightest bit.
I kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck and letting my passion flow through the kiss, and he didn’t resist this kiss, he just wrapped his arms around my waist with a resigned sigh.
I pulled back, staring into his eyes “please?” I asked again.
He sighed “I’m being held prisoner in the human kingdoms in the dungeons underground” he mumbled.
I smiled and kissed him again, wrapping my arms more tightly around him. “I promise that nothing bad will happen” I said when I pulled away.
He sighed and nodded.
That’s when I woke up, I started awake, gasping for air, the room was dark, nothing but the candle that I kept lit shining dimly beside my bed. I searched my bed for Logan, my mind still hazy, but I found nothing, first, a part of me wanted to cry, but another part of me wanted to rejoice, I have the information I needed.
So I called for Vivia and Demetrio.

Chapter seven:

“How do you know you weren’t just dreaming?” Demetrio asked, still skeptical while Vivia and I practically bounced off the stone walls in happiness.
“Because I…” could I tell them that our small reunion was one of passion?
“Because you what?” he asked, raising an eyebrow with a knowing look.
I flushed “I just know alright? I could feel it-“
“Or you could feel him” he nudged me suggestively.
Vivia elbowed him in the ribs as I blushed scarlet red “I did no such thing!” I spluttered.
He grinned at my defensiveness “whatever you say, Johanna” he chuckled.
I glared at him, but didn’t say anything else “did he tell you where he was?” Vivia asked hopefully.
I nodded “he took a little convincing, I had to ki- Argue with him for a long time” I blushed, seeing Demetrio’s grin widen.
“Well where is he?” she asked.
“In the dungeon, below the human castle” I said.
Vivia grinned “that will be fun” she said.
I frowned for a second, but then sighed “I have to go with you, when you rescue him” I said.
Vivia and Demetrio immediately started shaking their heads “absolutely not” Demetrio said, seriously now.
“Yes, I’m going, and that’s final, so you had better include me in the attack plans, he saved my life, now I have to save his” I said, determination ringing in my voice.
They both measured how determined I was to go with them, Demetrio shrugged and bowed his head “as you wish, majesty” he said, his voice still unsure.
Vivia sighed and bowed her head “alright, but you are staying with us no matter what happens, got it?” she asked severely.
I nodded, “we’ll need to train you in fighting, and make you some armor, just in case we are overpowered and are unable to protect you any longer” Demetrio rolled his eyes, obviously over confident in his strength.
“Okay. And Vivia?” I asked as she was about to leave.
She turned back to me “thank you” I murmured.
She smiled wryly, but nodded.
After they both left, I felt alone again, so I called Aileen into bed with me, and lifted her pups onto the bed, because they couldn’t jump up. Aileen had her back against mine, and her pups snuggled into my stomach with their fluffy bodies. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arm around one of the puppies near my chest. It was still dark out, and I felt exhausted, I missed Logan dearly, I wished I could be near him again, to feel his arms around me, but no matter how hard I tried to envision his arms wrapped around me again, it wouldn’t happen, I couldn’t get that connection again.
I would have told him that I loved him in the dream, but I wanted to have him home, to tell him in person that I loved him, I wanted to know that it was real…

I awoke the next morning to knocking on my door; the pups were sleeping peacefully on my chest while Aileen lifted her head, fully awake and alert. Lifting the pups from my chest and setting them beside their mother, I groggily got up, groaning. I opened the door and peered out, Vivia smiled slightly “I’m sorry to wake you, majesty, but we must have an early start, we have a nice breakfast ready, and then we’ll have to measure your size for the armor, also, Aileen will be coming with us, we’ll have armor made for her as well” she informed.
I nodded, rubbing my eyes in a tired gesture “okay, give me a minute to bathe and get dressed” I mumbled, sighing.
Vivia nodded and I closed the door, walking into my bathroom, I stopped abruptly, a woman was filling the bathtub with fresh water, she bowed her head to me “your majesty, I’m sorry, your bath will be ready soon” she said quickly.
I walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder “please, don’t rush, and call me Johanna, none of this majesty stuff” I said softly.
The woman bowed her head once more “thank you ma- I mean Johanna” she murmured.
I smiled as she blushed under her naturally tan skin. She had dull grey eyes, and greying brown hair.
I left the room to wait for the bath to be ready, and stroked Aileen’s head, deep in thought. I thought of how we were going to find Logan, they had told me last night that they would immediately start planning, so I assumed they would have the plan ready.
I missed Logan’s smile, his warm hands enveloping mine, his soft furry back that I would ride on, his bright silver eyes that could stare straight into my heart and soul, his strong arms that could wrap around me and take all my troubles away, even if I didn’t realize it. I wished that I had told him that I loved, I wished that I could have stayed with him a little longer, but I will be with him soon enough, I was sure of it.
“Johanna, your bath is ready” the woman murmured, her hands clasped in front of her with her head down.
“Thank you, what is your name, miss?” I asked.
“Dana, my lady” she murmured, not looking at me.
I cocked my head to the side, not liking everyone not meeting my eyes “meet my eyes, Dana, please, I’m not used to being royalty, but I do find it respectful to meet someone’s eyes when speaking to them” I said, softly but sternly.
She looked up and met my eyes, I smiled “there, see? It’s better to look at someone when speaking” I murmured.
She finally smiled, it wasn’t a full smile, just a small curve of the lips “if I may, Johanna, you are a very kind queen” she murmured.
“Thank you” I said, nodding once.
After she left, I bathed myself in the warm water, relaxing myself fully. I couldn’t get Logan from my mind, no matter how hard I tried; I could not stop worrying about him, what were they doing to him? Was he injured? Are they torturing him? Are they feeding him? All these questions were swirling around my head as I closed my eyes, I groaned and grabbed the bar of soap, the sooner I can have him in my arms again, the better.
I soaped through my hair, and then lifted myself onto the lip of the tub, washing my legs first. I sighed, staring at the wall as I washed myself.
I jumped out of the bath, wrapping my robe around myself; I looked inside my wardrobe and found a nice baby blue silk dress with lace embroidered on the neck and sleeves. I slipped it on, along with light blue flats. I walked sat down at my vanity and picked up my smooth, wooden brush; I brushed through my tangled hair, staring at my reflection. My bright green eyes looked dull, not as full of life as they used to be, dark circles were barely beginning to form under my eyes, and I looked…empty. My face was blank of emotion, but my eyes shown sadness and longing. I longed to be with Logan again, to feel his embrace. I remembered the night he kissed me, the passion that enveloped us both, the way our bodies fit together perfectly, his chiseled chest against my hands, the way he would wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer…
A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I came back to reality. I got up, and opened the door, I poked my head out to see Vivia again “are you ready, majesty?” she asked.
I nodded, opening the door fully and stepping out, calling Aileen with me. I looked down at my feet as we walked, Logan’s safety heavy on my mind.
“She seems…out of it, Logan’s capture must have been hard for her” Vivia murmured, as if I was not there.
I looked up “who are you talking to, Vivia?” I asked.
She looked at me, confused “I said nothing, Johanna” she murmured.
“hmm, she is acting strange” I heard the words, but her lips never moved.
“How are you doing that?” I asked.
She grew more confused “doing what?” she asked.
My eyebrows lowered over my eyes “nothing” I murmured, looking away from her.
We walked in silence to the dining room, me not knowing what to say, and Vivia studying me curiously. As we entered the dining room, I saw Demetrio speaking with five other men; they all looked up at our entrance.
Demetrio got up and walked over to me, he pulled me into a bear hug.
“Good morning Johanna” he murmured.
I hugged him back “good morning Demetrio, how did you sleep?” I asked when he let me go.
He smiled “I didn’t, I was planning Logan’s rescue with the rest” he said.
I gave him a disapproving look as I sat down “you should be resting” I said.
He chuckled “don’t worry, I’m used to it” he waved a hand.
I sighed but didn’t push it “Johanna, this is my good friends and great companions, Baelof, Kail, Ben, Salvator and Rain” he listed off their names as he gestured to each one.
Baelof was an older man, with brown hair and grey-blue eyes, he was well built, and you could tell he was well trained in battle, with a scar across his right eye.
Kail was younger than Baelof, but still seemed older than Demetrio by quite a few years, he had very sun-bleached hair, and hazel eyes, and he too seemed well informed in battle.
Ben was by far the eldest of them all, with slightly greyed black hair, and a long silky greyed beard growing from his chin to his chest, his grey eyes shown what a long life of battle and killing could do to you, his eyes were emotionless, and cold, they showed that he could kill without showing any emotion.
Salvator, however, was Demetrio’s age, maybe older by a year or two, his eyes were grass green, and he had rather long brown hair, he seemed as arrogant in his strength as Demetrio was, and just as charming.
“Hello, nice to meet you, Johanna” Salvator was the first one to speak.
I took his outstretched hand and shook it with a polite smile “the pleasure is all mine” I murmured.
“So we here you are adamant to come with us on our quest to retrieve our comrade” Ben said, his voice was as inflectionless as his expression.
I nodded once “I will not allow you to go without me” I said, determination strong in my voice.
“Well, we’ll need to train you in the art of the sword, and strategy in battle, it could take weeks to gain even a small bit of skill” Kail crossed his arms, sitting back as he explained.
I grinned “you’ll find that I have more knowledge with the sword then you think” I said, mimicking his actions.
Baelof raised an eyebrow “oh really? And how long have you been training the sword?” he asked skeptically.
“Since I was old enough to speak, my father has trained me in an array of fighting techniques, with an array of swords, and daggers, he wanted me to be able to be strong and protect myself, should the time come” I explained, staring evenly at all five of them.
Baelof opened his mouth to speak, but the servants came out with the food, I recognized Dana as one of them, she met my eyes and smiled slightly.
She set my plate in front of me “thank you Dana” I murmured.
She bowed her head slightly “you are welcome, Johanna” she murmured.
After she left, I looked up, all five of the men were gaping at me “what? I find it respectful to look at someone when speaking to them, and for them to address them by their name” I muttered, looking back down at my food.
I cocked my head at what was given to me, and wished Logan was here to explain what it was, it studied it for a second, it looked like eggs, but it was a big yellow circle, with a lot of specs of red, green and yellow in it, it had the black specs that I found out were pepper on top of it, my family never raised chickens, the king and queen didn’t allow us to unless we sold the eggs and slaughtered the chicken, we never had any chickens on our farm.
I felt a little embarrassed to be asking this, but, as my father used to say, ignorance in this life is well known, even to the smallest things.
“What is this?” I asked Vivia curiously.
She smiled “that is an Omelet, it’s got what is called, bell peppers in it” she explained.
I nodded “yes, I know what bell peppers are, my family raised them. How do you prepare this “Omelet”?” I asked.
“You mean you have never cooked eggs in this way at your home?” Demetrio asked.
I shook my head “we weren’t allowed to unless we planned to sell the chicken’s eggs, and slaughter the chickens, we weren’t allowed to have any of the produce we raised, my father hunted for venison and pork, and any other meat we could hunt up, my father took me hunting with him quite a few times, it’s quite fun, if you set aside the thought that you are killing a helpless animal” I realized I was rambling and quickly shut my mouth.
Demetrio laughed “so I am guessing you are good with the bow, as well” he said, raising a brow.
I smiled “my father said that I was natural with the bow, I find it quite easy to hit the target I aim at, especially moving targets, I love a challenge” I said, smiling as I remembered my father setting up the targets, and encouraging me to shoot it.
I came back to reality and realized that Salvator was studying me.
“It seems we misjudged you, but we’ll see, we’re having a test tonight, in the armory, we’ll see how skilled you are” Ben grinned under his long beard.
I smiled back “sounds fun” I agreed.
After eating, Vivia took my arm, saying a short goodbye to the men; she led me down to what she called the armory. Men and women alike were forging steel armor and swords of every kind, I saw one man finishing the handle of a Claymore, and another man testing out a broadsword’s sharpness, a woman had a jagged looking dagger, its points were sharp enough to slice through parchment without a single snag.
I was watching in wonder as they forged these beautiful swords while Vivia pulled me along, she pulled me to another part of the armory, this place had an artificial sun, and tanning rocks with leather stretched across them, “here she is, Lucian, ready to be sized” Vivia said to a gruff looking man, who was working on a strong looking leather chest piece.
Lucian looked up and smiled; a much unexpected expression from this gruff looking man. I looked at Vivia and then back at Lucian “ah Johanna, it has been so long since I have seen your face!” he exclaimed.
So this man knew me.
I smiled slightly, not knowing what to say.
“I’m Lucian Stronghold, your father and I are old, old friends. I didn’t get a chance to speak to you at the ceremony; as soon as it was over I had to get back to work. Anyway, let’s get you suited up!” he exclaimed.
Vivia widened her eyes “you do not have to measure her?” she asked.
He shook his head with a laugh “no, she is the same size as her mother, I have been preparing this for three days, along with the others, making the pants and gloves” he explained.
Vivia nodded “okay, well I’ll see to it she is suited up, she is having a “training” session with the rest” Vivia rolled her eyes.
His eyes twinkled “well then, you’ll need a sword! We just happen to have one made, especially for you” he said, grabbing my elbow gently.
He led me toward one of the men, shaping a sword, which he had heated until it was bright red, with a hammer.
“Julian, this is Johanna, do you have her sword ready?” he asked.
Julian nodded with a wide smile on his worn and ashy face. I couldn’t help but grin at the sound it made when he pulled the Broad sword out of the sheath; the sound of metal on metal was so satisfying. He hefted the sword in his hands as if it were heavy, and handed it to me; I grabbed the hilt of the sword
and liked the heavy feel of it in my hands.
“This sword was made of the finest steel we have, with a basket handle made entirely of gold and silver, and the hilt wrapped in leather, I am pleased to say it’s the best weapon I have made since I had the honor of making your father his” he explained, grinning at my pleased look.
I lifted the sword, inspecting the perfectly crafted blade, it was reflective, so much so that I could see my face in the shiny blade, and any light that reflected off of it was intensified and brightened.
I smiled at Julian “it’s perfect!”
He smiled back “thank you, Johanna, it’s an honor to hear you say that” he murmured.
Vivia tapped me on the shoulder “we should get to the “fun yard” as they are now calling it” she murmured with a roll of her eyes.
I nodded and thanked Julian one more time, and then followed her to get suited up.
I stood with my back to Vivia as she tightened the straps on my sides, I was in full leather mixed with steel armor, it was easy to maneuver in, and I could easily twist around if there was an enemy behind me. The steel sheath for my sword was designed with a wolves head carved into the top, and swirling patterns down the front all the way to the bottom. I felt like a formidable threat. The woman that I had witnessed testing out the dagger on the parchment gave me the dagger she was testing. And a scabbard to clip into my boot, it was in case I lose my sword. I walked into the “fun yard” as Vivia had said they called it, it was empty
“They will be here in a few minutes, how about you and me have a go while we’re waiting?” Vivia asked excitedly.
I shrugged and nodded “sounds fine with me” I said.
She walked over a grabbed a long sword from the wall, holding it in both of her hands “no, no, you have got a firm hand, hold it in your hand, like this” I pulled my sword, hefting it in one hand.
She rolled her eyes, but did as she was told “this way, your other hand will be free, in case you make your opponent drop their sword, it gives you a chance to grab it” I explained.
She smiled, cocking her head to the side, she made the first move, a simple dueling move, she moved quickly, and I blocked her advance by hitting the side of her sword with my own, we teased each other for a while, moving back and forth, hitting the sides of each other’s swords.
Then it got a little more serious. She caught my sword with hers, and twisted it around the blade, knocking my hand off balance and throwing sparks everywhere, my arms went out to my sides and instinct took over, my foot shot out and I kicked her in the stomach, not hurting her, but making her stumble back as she made an advance toward me, giving me enough time to twist around, my sword caught hers as she defended herself.
Our swords clashed together in a spray of sparks, over and over again, back and forth we moved.
It was too fast to see, but she suddenly twisted around and hit my sword with hers hard enough to knock it out of my hands, we stared at each other for no more than a second, before I sprang into action, I leaned down in a split second movement and grabbed my dagger, pulling it out with a “shing!” as it unsheathed, it shined in the light, glinting off the artificial sun.
We circled each other, her with a sword, me with a dagger; I planned what I was going to do, and I made the move, my sword was about five feet away, so I hit my dagger against her sword, making a medal against medal sound, and knocked her sword out of the way, kicking her in the stomach again and knocking her off balance, I ran for my sword, I was able to grab it before she got back up and put the tip to her chin.
She froze her actions and looked up at me, I grinned “I win” I murmured.
I lowered my sword and held out my hand for her to get up. She grinned back, but before she could answer, clapping erupted from the doorway “amazing! That was the most intense fight scene the Fun yard has ever had!” Ben laughed heartily.
We both looked over at his voice, and realized we had an audience, all six men stood in the doorway, watching us.
I looked back at Vivia and helped her up, putting my sword back in my sheath, and my dagger – which was in my other hand – back in my boot.
I turned to the others as they walked over, “how long have you all been standing there?” I asked.
“We came just as you started, when you were schooling Vivia” Demetrio laughed, punching his sister lightly in the arm.
Vivia laughed with her brother. “So, remember when you told us that you were skilled at the bow?” Salvator asked with his hands behind his back.
I nodded, cocking my head to the side “well I took the liberty of setting something up to test that” He pulled a bow from behind his back and I smiled brightly, the bow was magnificent, it had swirling patterns down both sides, and two wolves heads carved at the top and bottom of the bow, I gripped the handle and inspected the bow, stretching the string with a finger.
He handed me a Quiver full of steel tipped arrows, with feathers on the end. They all led me through a doorway that led into a bright room, set up with moving targets, small targets, targets up in trees, and large simple targets on the ground.
I looked at Salvator with a raised eyebrow “we thought of everything” he said.
I chuckled, shaking my head “well go on! Show us how skilled you are!” Demetrio nudged me forward.
I took a deep breath and knocked an arrow, holding the string with two fingers and pulling it back to my cheek, my eyes zeroed in automatically on the moving target, it was like time slowed, I watched the target, and then sent the arrow flying, without thinking I knocked another arrow and sent it flying towards the other targets, I knocked another and sent it towards the one in the tree.
All of these moves were quick and without hesitation, after I hit all of the targets at least once, I lowered my bow and looked at the targets; I hit the bulls’ eye on each one, I smiled in satisfaction and turned to the others, they gaped at me. I cocked my head to the side “what?” I asked.
Demetrio was the first to recover, but I could still see shock in his eyes as he laughed “I wouldn’t want to be in a battle against you” Demetrio pat me on the back.
“That was amazing!” Salvator recovered from his shock.
Ben was watching me thoughtfully, stroking his beard.
“What a talent” he murmured, I cocked my head to the side,
“What, Ben?” I asked.
He looked at me weirdly “I didn’t say anything” he said, studying me.
“Funny, I could have sworn…” I trailed off as Demetrio grabbed my arm, leading me to the fun yard; no one seemed to notice our exchange.
“Wonder what that was about” my head snapped up as I heard his voice again.
Ben was staring at me thoughtfully.
Strange things were happening to me, first Vivia, and now Ben? What is going on?

Chapter eight:

It has been a week since Logan has been kidnapped, and I missed him dearly. I haven’t been able to make that connection with him again, to be with him. It scares me, what if they have done something to him?
We have been planning our rescue, and finally, we are going in. We are going into the tunnels to try and just get him and get out of there, but with Logan there, and the guards on high alert, we may not have any choice but to fight.
Tomorrow night, was the night that we rescued him. But tonight, we prepared. I had pauldrons made because my shoulders were vulnerable, and, if we were to be attacked, I wanted to be fully protected. Vivia was being suited up, making sure her armor was suitable for battle, she had told me earlier today that she’d had this armor for years, and it had held up for all that time.
They were also having me practice with daggers, because Rain, whom never spoke to me, thought that I had some talent with.
“Okay, we need to rest, for we have a long day tomorrow” Ben announced, coming back from practicing with his sword.
Just as he said that, I yawned, covering my mouth. “Come, Johanna, I’d like to speak with you” Ben murmured, holding out his arm for me to take.
I nodded and hooked my arm through his. He led me through the corridors to the castle, staying silent. I wondered if he had forgotten that he wanted to speak with me, but as we entered the city, he spoke,
“Johanna, have you been…hearing things?”
I cocked my head to the side “what do you mean?”
“I mean…have you heard people speaking? When they really didn’t?” he asked, struggling to find the words to explain.
My eyes widened, did he know what was going on with me? “Yes, it happened three times this week, once with Vivia, six days ago with you, and yesterday with Demetrio” I explained in a rush.
He nodded, that seemed to confirm whatever it was that he was thinking “we can’t let you go with us” he said, wincing as my expression hardened.
“And why not?” I asked in anger.
“Because you are in danger of transforming any day now, it’s a miracle that you haven’t transformed already, and if you should transform on the way, or as we were in battle, you would be far too weak and we would all be in danger” he explained.
I sighed, reining in my anger “how long…?”
He shook his head “like I said, any day, and we just can’t take that risk”
I nodded, looking straight ahead as we walked up the stairs of the castle.
“So, I guess I’ll bid you good luck, please be safe, and try not to get hurt” I murmured as we stopped in front of my door.
He smiled and kissed my cheek “don’t worry, majesty, we’ll all be home safe” he assured.
I smiled back and nodded setting my hands on his shoulders “goodnight, Ben” I murmured.
He bowed his head and walked back down the hall, I smiled at the guards as they opened the double doors to my bedroom. I felt saddened that I wouldn’t be able to help rescue Logan, but confident that they would be home safe.
I changed into my nightclothes, a nice satin nightgown that fit my body snuggly, and climbed into bed, patting Aileen’s head “goodnight Aileen, sleep well” I murmured.
I closed my eyes and tried, once again, to imagine Logan’s arms around me. This time, I could finally relax, I could finally just feel his arms around my waist, and I could at least pretend that he was there.
And I fell asleep peacefully.

I lifted my head, realizing that I was slumped against a wall, this place was unfamiliar. I felt the ground beneath me, and all I felt was smooth, cold stone. It was pitch black, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face, so I relied on my ears. I could hear even breathing, but it was not mine.
I could sense someone was in the room, and as my eyes adjusted, I could see a figure slumped against the wall across from me. The figure was watching me, and as I looked closer, I knew who it was “Logan?” I whispered.
He didn’t answer, so I felt my way over to him, I sat in front of him, taking his face in both my hands “Logan, talk to me” I murmured, worry making my voice falter.
Logan didn’t speak, he lifted his hands to my face, running his finger over my bottom lip, finally, he opened his mouth, “I missed you” he murmured.
I smiled and threw my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest.
“I missed you too, so much! I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t reach you” my words were turning to sobs.
He wrapped a strong arm around me and used his other hand to grip my chin, he lifted my face up to stare into his silver eyes that seemed to glow in the darkness “don’t cry love, it kills me” he said, wiping the tears away with his thumb.
“Well it’s your fault, if you hadn’t have left I wouldn’t be crying” I laughed wetly.
I had meant it to be lighthearted, but he became serious and looked down at his hands as they played with a strand of my hair, “I couldn’t let them take you” he whispered.
I sighed, “Hey, don’t be like that. It’ll be alright, you’ll be home soon, I promise” I murmured, smoothing his messy hair from his face.
He leaned over, lighting a candle that was beside him, the light was bright enough so I could see his face, but only barely.
He stared into my eyes, sadness overtaking his. “I might not be alive when you find me. They have injured me, though in this strange dream world, my injuries are non-existent” he murmured, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
Tears welled in my eyes “no, don’t say that! It’ll be alright, they’ll find you tomorrow, please don’t say that” I begged.
He wiped away the tears that were now flowing freely, but they wouldn’t stop coming “I’m glad I got to see you again, I was afraid that I’d never get the chance, love” he murmured.
I opened my mouth to deny his words, but he suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself closer. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and leaned me back over them.
He pulled back to stare into my eyes again “I love you” he murmured.
I couldn’t stop the tears “don’t…don’t say that like goodbye, this is not goodbye!” I insisted, my voice shaking.
He sighed, smoothing my hair from my face “Johanna-“
“No. No, no, no, no, Logan! You can’t die, not now. Not now!” I was angry, struggling against his hold on my arms as I sobbed.
“Johanna please, Love!” He tightened his hold on my arms and pulled me into a hug.
I struggled to get out of his arms, sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn’t lose him, not now, not when I had just found him. I didn’t think I could handle losing him.
“No, no, I won’t let you die” I sobbed.
“Johanna, listen to me, listen!” he was firm, pulling me back to look into my eyes.
I hiccupped, looking away from him as I cried “look at me” he growled, grabbing my chin and making me look at him.
I looked at his lips, as stubborn as I was, I didn’t want to look into his eyes. “Please look at me” the scoundrel lowered his head, making me look into his eyes.
Tears were still rolling freely as I looked into his eyes, giving up trying to get away. I broke down, so he pulled me into his arms “I can’t lose you” I whispered brokenly.
“Johanna, love, please don’t cry. If I could live, I would, but I just don’t know if I can make it. I feel like I’ve betrayed you, but I can’t stop it. If I could change into my animal form, I could heal but something is holding me back, something won’t let me change” he explained, tightening his arms around me.
I buried my face in his chest, “I don’t care what he says, I’m coming with them” I mumbled to myself.
He didn’t seem to hear me; he just kept stroking my hair, murmuring comforting words. I wasn’t sobbing anymore, but quiet whimpers were escaping my mouth every time I would think of losing him. I couldn’t…no, wouldn’t lose him, he was too important to me.
“I won’t lose you” I declared.
He buried his face in my hair, breathing in deeply “you smell like roses” he murmured huskily.
I pulled away, looking up at him “Logan, why are you so calm about this? I just can’t understand how you can accept this! Logan, you have to promise me that you’ll try to stay alive, for me” I begged, my eyes pleading with his.
Sadness filled his eyes, and a single tear slid down his cheek “I’m not calm about this, I’m afraid, Johanna, I’m afraid that I’ll never see you again. I’m just trying to forget it; this may be my last chance to be with you, unharmed and alive. Can you please…give me that chance?” now it was his eyes that pleaded with mine, how could I refuse?
I was shocked into silence; I had never seen this side of him before. He was vulnerable; all emotions were now showing on his face as the one sparkling tear hung on his cheek.
I finally got the will to speak again,
“Okay, Logan” I wiped the tear away, “I won’t argue, but that doesn’t mean that I accept your dying, I’ll do whatever it takes to get you home alive” I said sternly.
He smiled and pulled me into yet another kiss. I let myself relax in his embrace.
After pulling back, I thought for a second, maybe I can help him.
“Vivia told me more about the…connection we seem to have. She said that biting your mate can heal you; she said that your mate’s blood is the only thing that can save you. Or so she had thought” I muttered.
He stared at me thoughtfully for a long time “our father had told us those legends when we were young, he and my mother were…mates, as he called it. He used to teach us to be true to our mates, and always be there for them” he murmured, stroking my cheek with the tip of his finger.
I was distracted momentarily by his touch, the way my skin tingled, and the way one simple touch could muddle my thoughts so completely. “I was thinking…maybe you should…bite me” I mumbled hesitantly.
He frowned thoughtfully “I…talked to my father about it, if I had ever found my mate, what biting would be like for her. He explained that it was painful as first, but it turns out to be quite…pleasurable, after the first bite” he seemed to grow red under his tan skin.
I blushed as well, looking down at my hands “I don’t know how affective it would be in this dream world, but it’s worth a try. Hurting you is the very last thing in this world that I want to do” he mumbled the last part, stroking a finger across my neck.
I looked up into his eyes “I don’t care how much it hurts, as long as your better when you awake from this” I muttered in determination.
He sighed, staring lovingly into my eyes “so selfless” he murmured, as if to himself.
He leaned over and kissed my neck, where my pulse hammered “I won’t do it if you’re not completely sure” he said, his hot breath hitting my skin.
I gripped the tops of his arms, leaning my forehead on his shoulder “do it” I set my jaw in determination.
He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his strong arms around my waist “I love you” he said before sinking his teeth into my shoulder. It hurt, more than breaking a finger or a toe; I had to muffle my cry in his shoulder. But soon all that was overpowered by pleasure, overwhelming pleasure! I moaned as his arms tightened and he sunk his teeth deeper.
I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders, gripping his shirt so tight I thought I might rip it. My whole body was a live wire; every touch to my skin was like fire, and I could feel it coursing through my veins.
I moaned into his shoulder, making a feral, yet very sexy growl escape his lips. He broke free of the bite, both of us gasping for breath; I don’t think either of us expected the reaction I had. He gently licked the wound clean, watching as it healed.
“I don’t think this is a dream, pleasure like that cannot even be comprehended in a dream” Logan murmured before kissing my neck once again.
We sat in each other’s arms for a while longer, until I felt myself fading. His resigned sigh told me that he could feel himself fading as well “goodbye, Johanna, I love you” he murmured, giving me one last kiss.
I put my hand on his cheek “goodbye Logan…I-“

I woke with a start, my breathing was erratic, and my mind was muddled. The room was dark, except for the small candle beside my bed. I looked down at Aileen, whom was sleeping peacefully by the bed. I worked to slow my breathing; I wished we still had her pups with her. We gave them to children around the town square, so now there is only her and I.
I lay back down, staring at the ceiling.
“He’s safe, Johanna” a familiar warm voice murmured.
I jerked back up, looking around the dark room; I saw nothing “father?”
No answer.
Aileen was awake now, alert and ready as she looked around “must have been my imagination” I mumbled, kneading my forehead.
I lay back down and tried to think, but my father’s imaginary words kept replaying ‘he’s safe, Johanna’
Was he safe? Is he healing? Will I be able to see him again? I missed Logan dearly, and I hoped to God that he was alive and well.
With one last prayer, I fell asleep, my thoughts on Logan’s health.

I awoke to Aileen’s quiet crying; she licked my face and walked over to the door, sitting down impatiently. “Okay, Aileen, I’m up” I mumbled.
I braided my hair, and put on a white, gossamer dress with white slippers. Aileen suddenly barked a booming, urgent sound that made me jump. Right after, I felt my stomach lurch, and excruciating pain in my arm. It suddenly cracked with an audible ‘snap’ and I cried out in pain, holding my now broken arm. My other arm suddenly snapped as well and I cried out again, trying to go and get the guards that would stand outside my doors. Aileen cried and barked a few times at the door, just as I took my fifth step, I felt pain lance up both my legs simultaneously and I screamed, “help me!” as loud as I could as I fell to the ground. I felt my stomach lurch again, and felt the skin there stretch, pain lanced through my hands as my fingers curled inward and my fist started growing chocolate brown hair as it grew bigger.
I felt my face contort and the skin stretch, my ears stretched upward. I had fallen in front of my mirror, and all I could see was part of my body, it was now furry, and huge! The guards slammed into the room, letting out gasps “get Demetrio and Vivia, now!” one of them yelled to the other.
He leaned in front of me “your majesty, don’t fight it! It’s less painful if you let it happen” he informed urgently.
Aileen cried and barked again, obviously not sure what she could do to help me. I was just going to yell at the guard that there was no way to fight it, when Vivia and Demetrio slammed their way into my room, along with Salvator, Ben, Rain, Kail and Baelof.
“Johanna, the transformation is almost complete; you just have to let yourself change!” Vivia insisted, leaning down in front of me.
“I am!” I growled.
“No, you have to relax, Johanna, the change will not complete unless you relax!” she explained.
“How do I relax when it feels like I’ve got twenty daggers piercing my skin?” I asked.
“Close your eyes and think of something comforting to you, try and imagine something comforting” she replied.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting to get this over with, and thought of only one thing, Logan. He was my anchor; the one I so adamantly insisted would live, the one who stole all my thoughts away with a simple touch, the one whom I loved so completely and unequivocally, and the one I was connected to, by heart and soul.
Suddenly, the pain stopped, and all that was left was utter weakness, I couldn’t stand, I couldn’t do anything. I opened my eyes, using the last of my strength to lift my head in a ditch effort to stand, before completely blacking out.

Chapter nine:

I opened my eyes, and sat up, my breathing hard, where am I? It was dark, but I could see as if the room was perfectly lit. I was in the hospital ward, Aileen slept on the floor beside my cot. My white gossamer dress was wrinkled and, to my dismay, ripped from my thigh down, leaving a slit on the side. I had no idea how it could have happened, I didn’t think when I changed that I heard any ripping sounds, and wouldn’t my entire dress be ripped?
“Johanna!” Logan’s voice came from the opening.
I looked up to find him, his arms around both Demetrio and Rain as they carried him in, he had a fresh scar across his right eye, and he wouldn’t put weight on his left leg. Other than that, he seemed fine; his silver eyes were bright as they stared into mine. I jumped from the cot, forgetting about the slit in my dress. I noticed his eyes flit down to my exposed leg and blushed deeply, holding the slit closed.
“Is everyone alright? Did anyone get hurt?” I asked Demetrio.
He nodded “Vivia has had her arm, from her elbow to her wrist, slashed. But other than that, we have no other casualties” he murmured.
“Good. I’m glad you’re all safe and home” I put my hand on his arm “thank you” I said fervently.
He grinned his roguish grin and kissed my hand “anything for the lovebirds”
I rolled my eyes and shoved him toward the opening, waiting for both of them to leave before turning to Logan. He held out his arms and I ran into them, careful not to hurt his leg as I situated myself on his lap, gripping his shirt and snuggling into his chest “I’ve missed you so much, Logan. Please tell me this isn’t a dream” I inhaled his scent, relishing in his warmth.
“It never was a dream, Love.” He whispered.
“I’ve missed you so much” I repeated.
“I know. It’s been hell without you. I’ve missed you like a fish without water. I love you so much” he buried his face in my hair, inhaling deeply.
Suddenly, he pulled back, a shocked look on his face “you smell like wolf” he murmured.
I nodded “didn’t they tell you? I changed…a few nights ago? Last night? I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping, but that’s why I have this rip in my dress” this brought his attention back to my bear leg and he absently traced it with the tip of his finger, a rakish grin spreading over his face. He wrapped a strong arm around me, slipping his hand into my hair.
“Let me bite you again, Love” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
I nodded, leaning my head into the crook of his neck and kissing his warm skin softly, making a low growl emanate from his chest.
He moved my sleeve and pressed his lips to my shoulder where he’d bitten me before, running his tongue along the bite mark. I gripped his shoulders, moaning as pleasure passed through me. He tightened his hold in my hair and wrapped his other arm around my waist.
Slowly, he sunk his teeth into my shoulder, I muffled my moan in his neck, and before I could comprehend what I was doing, instinct took over and I sunk my teeth into his shoulder, I felt his muscles tense, and he snarled. He tightened his hold on me and pulled his teeth from my shoulder, a desperate moan escaping his lips as soon as he broke from me.
I licked his shoulder, giving it a soft kiss after it healed. He licked mine as well and pulled back “I love you” I murmured breathlessly, staring deeply into his eyes.
He sighed in what seemed like relief “I thought I’d never hear those words from you” and then he pulled me into a deep kiss.

Authors note:

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Chapter ten:

Two weeks later:
I was to be officially crowned queen today. We were to begin the ceremony in the spirit sanctuary so that my mother and father could be present. I sat in my room, staring in the mirror as I let Lilia work on me. I was wearing a dark blue floor length dress with strands of beads hanging from the bottom of the bodice and falling almost all the way to the floor, the skirt was flared. The bodice was very flattering and beautiful.
Lilia had left my hair down, using a beautiful silver hairpiece to pin a few natural curls back from my head. She had just put lip color on me when there was a knock at my door.
“My lady. Logan is here to see you” the guard, Harold poked his head in.
“Let him in please, Harold” I said with a smile.
He nodded and opened the door. Logan strode in and stopped immediately when he saw me. A slow smile spread across his face as I stood and adjusted my dress, turning to face him.
“Thank you Lilia. I look beautiful” I hugged her and then she bowed her head and walked out the door.
Without a word, Logan reached me in two strides and pulled me into him “you look gorgeous” he murmured.
I blushed and pushed away from him “you cannot kiss me. Lilia worked hard on my makeup and you’ll smear my lip color” I smiled playfully at him.
He sighed “you are a delicious torment, my love”
I rolled my eyes “don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic? Besides, you can kiss me all you want after the ceremony” despite my assurances, I leaned up and pecked him on his lips.
He sighed again when I pulled away “that lip color doesn’t need to be there anyway, your lips are exquisite without needing help” he grumbled.
Before I could answer, there was a knock at the door “my lady, Vivia and Demetrio are here to see you” Harold informed.
“Let them in” I murmured.
Vivia walked in and her face broke out into a smile “you look gorgeous. Johanna” she pulled me into a brief hug.
Vivia stepped aside and Demetrio pulled me into his bear hug, lifting me off the ground as he did it. I laughed breathlessly as he let me go, setting me back on the ground.
“Are you ready, Johanna?” Vivia asked me.
I nodded and looped my arm through Logan’s. We walked down the stairs, Vivia and Demetrio in front of Logan and me.
Logan entwined his fingers with mine, seeming to feel my nervousness. “There is no need to be nervous, love. I will be with you. Forever.” He vowed in my ear.
I took a deep breath and smiled up at Logan. “Thank you.” I whispered.
He smiled a breathtaking, heart stopping smile. “Anytime.”
As we arrived at town square, I noticed everyone was gone. They must have been at the spirit sanctuary.
We arrived at the spirit sanctuary after a few minutes, and my heart was skipping a few beats. Everyone was there; they all bowed down on one knee as I passed.
As we came into the forest, I saw mother and father, standing in front of the resting rock. Logan sighed and reluctantly let me go. “You must speak with your mother and father alone” he murmured.
I nodded and touched his cheek briefly with my hand. I turned and walked toward my parents. They both smiled and hugged me. “Hello my daughter. It has been too long.” Mother murmured.
She took her crown from her head and set it on a red silk-spun pillow which sat on the resting rock.
Aileen sat faithfully beside me, calm as ever. All too soon, the ceremony began.
“Princess Johanna Julian Marianna. Do you vow with your heart and soul to rule under the influence of your ancestors, to follow in their footsteps, to be as wise as they once were and will always be?” father called loud enough that everyone could hear, but he was staring at me.
Without hesitation, I called “I do”
“Do you vow to listen to your people, to be wise in your decisions and to keep your people as safe as they can be?” he said.
“I do”
“And do you vow to stay true to these words until you join us in the spirit world?”
“I do!”
My father and mother smiled and they both bowed their heads to me “than, in the name of our ancestors, you are Queen Johanna Julian Marianna.”
My mother lifted the crown and gently set it on my head. She smiled and kissed my cheek, and everyone broke out into cheers. I turned around and watched as everyone bowed down to one knee; even Valor had trained his pup to put his head down.
Logan stood first. We both started walking toward each other and met halfway. Without hesitation he pulled me into him and kissed me. We didn’t even notice the cheers that erupted from every side, it was just us. I wrapped my arm around his neck, putting my other hand on his cheek. He pulled away and grinned at me. “You said I could kiss you all I wanted after the ceremony.” He whispered in my ear.
I laughed and pushed his shoulder. We walked by everyone and they bowed their heads saying “your majesty” or “my queen” in greeting.

Just as we entered the main village, we were attacked. Humans, a large number of them, ambushed us. I was pulled away from Logan by arms.
“Logan!” I screamed.
He fighting through a group of humans who were trying to attack him “Johanna!” he yelled.
Before I knew what was happening, I heard a furious bark and then something snapped. The man that was dragging me away suddenly cried out and dropped me. Aileen had her teeth bared and she looked furious.
Logan grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. We started running for the castle, and we were almost there, when everything went black.

Chapter Eleven:

I awoke slowly, squinting against a bright light. When my eyes finally opened and adjusted, I realized I was sleeping in the corner of a room. I lifted my head and looked around, the room was empty, but a tray sat at the door.
I lifted to my feet and stayed against the wall as I heard footsteps approaching. I registered that the bright light was the sun coming from a barred window in front of me.
Two men appeared at my cell door. The door swung open and the man wearing royal clothing stepped in with the other, more humble man.
The man in the royal clothing was tall, with an air of Authority to him; he had sandy blonde hair that was cut short and bright blue eyes. His eyes widened when he saw me, pressed against the wall.
He turned to the man beside him, “you didn’t tell me she was a woman!” he hissed to the man.
“We did not think it important” the other man shrugged.
The man sighed and turned back to me, assessing me with assuring eyes “do not worry, we will not hurt you. The king and queen demand your presence. My name is Prince William Delenaba. What might I ask is your name?” he asked me.
I backed away from him as he moved closer, going to the other side of the room “my name is Johanna. You need not know more” I pushed my hair away from my face, realizing that my clip was gone. That was my mothers’!
That’s when I looked down and realized that my dress was dirty and ruined. Poor dress.
“Please. The king and queen demand to meet you” the Prince said.
I studied him for a second, and then nodded curtly. I walked toward the door, the two men close on my heels. There were a series of prison cells. I searched for my people, they seemed to have gotten away.
“Johanna” a familiar voice came from the cell to my right.
I gasped, forgetting about the two men and walked quickly over to the door. I gripped the bars and looked in at Logan. He strode over to me and gripped my face through the bars with both his hands “my love. I’m so sorry. I couldn’t protect you” he whispered.
“Don’t worry about that now. They won’t hurt you again. I’ll make sure of it.” I stroked his cheek softly.
“Johanna. We must go.” The prince insisted.
Logan sighed and pulled me as close as he could; kissing me briefly through the bars “I love you. I’ll get us out of here, don’t worry” he reached down and entwined his hand with me “we’ll get through this together.”
“Always. I love you too.” I whispered back.
The prince grasped my arm and gently pulled me away, Logan smiled slightly at me “be strong, my love” was the last thing I heard before he was out of sight.
I stared at the ground, feeling a single tear slide down my cheek. “This man, Logan, was the only one we were able to capture. He wouldn’t leave you” the other man murmured.
I didn’t answer; I just played with one of the strands of beads on my dress. Most of the beads were still intact. I just hoped my clip was okay.
“Was I wearing a clip when I came here?” I asked the other man.
The man nodded once and reached into his pocket. He retrieved the clip and handed it to me. I sighed in relief and held it close to my chest.
“I take it the clip means a lot to you” the Prince murmured.
“This clip means more to me than you know” I whispered.
The Prince didn’t answer. I remembered my mothers’ crown as well, but remembered before I blacked out that in all the commotion, it fell.
We were on a winding staircase; one man was in front of me, and one behind. The staircase opened up into the servants residences. They were walking in a line towards a man, whom was untying their bound hands and pointing them to where their jobs would be.
They all glanced at me with inquisitive looks as I passed. I thought it so cruel to tie these people up at night only to make sure they didn’t escape. How would they read? How would they write to their families? It all seemed so cruel.
I used the clip to pull my hair back, and the Prince watched my every movement with a strange look. I knew that look. That was the look Logan used to use on me, I still have not figured out what that look held. Interest? Fascination? I did not know, but it felt very uncomfortable under this mans’ stare.
The strands of hair that got in my face before were now pulled back, and I didn’t have to tuck them behind my ear anymore.
We walked in silence up the next flight of stairs, and that opened up to a grand foyer with vaulted ceilings and large granite pillars. Two pillars stood beside a grand door, one on each side. The door held beautiful carvings; it had been stained dark brown, with a hint of red.
As we approached the door, I noticed two guards leaned against the pillars; both had spears in one hand.
“The king and queen have demanded her presence. Let us through” Prince William told the guards, who immediately complied and opened the door.
The room on the other side was absolutely gorgeous, but I missed the sanctuary of forests around me. This was obviously the throne room, white stone pillars lined up, and behind them were more guards, standing ready to protect their king and queen.
We walked into the room and Prince William stopped me just twenty feet away from the thrones.
On the grand white thrones sat Queen Yuma, and King Labara. They both looked down their noses at me.
“Father, Mother. This is Johanna. She leads the clan of beasts” Prince William bowed his head to them and strode over to his throne, sitting gracefully beside them.
The man whom gave me the clip leaned down on one knee. But I did no such thing. I balled my hands into fists and stood tall “you do not bow, young one, why is that?” Queen Yuma asked me.
“Because I do not bow to those who do not deserve to rule” I spat.
“You think you deserve to rule?” King Labara asked, ignoring the insult.
“One might say that. Yes” I shrugged.
The king and queen laughed, and the man beside me stiffened. “You are no more fit to rule than you are fit to fight. It takes strength, you have to be able to use a sword, you have to be able to make cold decisions to save your kingdom. The people of my kingdom do not love me, they fear me! Your people do not fear you, do they?” the king spat.
I slowly shook my head, smiling up at the king “no. They do not fear me. They respect me. Tell me, if you were attacked by an army, larger than yours, and you needed your people, do you think they would fight for you? Do you think that they would care?” I asked him.
The kings’ jaw set and he stared down at me with hard eyes “they would do it out of fear. And no man can defeat my army” he waved his hand in dismissal.
“Ah. But I disagree. They wouldn’t fear you any longer. They would know that without their help, you would be dead. Would they fight for you out of respect? No. They would not” I shrugged once again.
The king was getting angry, which was my goal. He stared at me with fiery eyes and slammed his hand down on the arm rest of his throne “my army cannot be defeated!” he yelled.
I held my hands up innocently “whatever you say. I’m just stating that my people would fight for me. Your people would just watch you die…your majesty” I mocked.
The king growled and jumped from his seat, he strode over and pulled his sword. I stood my ground as he strode toward me, sword drawn, ready to kill. At the last second, just as he raised his hand, I grabbed him by the wrist and used my strength to squeeze it until he dropped the sword; I caught the sword by the handle and twisted him around, sword at his neck.
“You shouldn’t let your guard down. My king” I said mockingly in his ear. I met eyes with the Prince as he stood, he didn’t make a move to stop me, which was shocking.
I felt a sharp pain in my head and blacked out.

I awoke to the sound of arguing, and the pain of my arms. My arms hung above me, over my head, my wrists were bound and bruised, and I felt weak. My breathing got shallower, and my tried to remember what happened. I couldn’t bring the memory to my mind. It was muddy, hard to remember, but I did remember I was being held prisoner by King Labara, and Queen Yuma.
I recognized the King’s voice, and Prince William, they were arguing heatedly outside the cell I was being held in.
I only heard bits and pieces, but I was able to make out things like “she doesn’t deserve this” from William, and “she couldn’t be trusted” from the king.
I pulled on the binds that held my hands to the wall, and in the process my foot kicked a tray, making a loud clattering sound and making the argument stop. William entered first, but the king quickly followed.
“Where is Logan? What have you done with him?” I didn’t know why, but I was suddenly worried about his safety, knowing they’d done something, but not knowing what.
William opened his mouth but Labara stopped him, an evil smile touching the corner of his mouth “he’s been taken care of. As you can understand, he couldn’t be trusted”
I lowered my eyebrows, not quite understanding what he meant by “taken care of.”
“What do you mean…taken care of?”
“He’s dead” the king shrugged.
And that’s when my entire world came crashing down on me. Prince William opened his mouth again but I saw the king’s hand tighten on his shoulder. My mouth was open, eyes wide, tears flowing freely. I couldn’t say anything.
“No…no. No!” It slowly turned into a shriek, my breathing was shallow, and I felt lightheaded.
Labara dragged his son out of the room, leaving me to grieve.
“No, please God no! No, no” I repeated, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt like my heart just ripped into pieces, and I had no meaning to live anymore.

Chapter twelve:

I sat, hands bound, head hanging low. I was only letting out quiet whimpers now, but I had fallen apart. King Labara paced in front of me, obviously getting impatient “your people have disappeared from the kingdom. Are you not worried for them? Do you not rule them?” he asked me.
I didn’t answer, my lips were numb, and I had no reason to use my voice, I had no reason to eat, to sleep, or to even keep breathing. My heart beat painfully in my chest, as if it too, didn’t see the reason in my being alive.
“Listen to me! If you don’t tell me where your people were taken, I will be forced to take drastic measures” he threatened, grabbing my hair and pulling my face up to look at him.
I stared at him in pure hate “go ahead then. Kill me, do what you want. I could care less. My people are with trusted brothers and sisters, they are safe” my voice was without emotion, dead.
He studied my eyes and then let out a disgusted snort “all this because one man was killed. You are weak!” he scowled.
I couldn’t care less that my arms throbbed so badly I thought they’d fall off. I couldn’t care less that he was insulting me. I was empty, my other half was gone, and I was without a whole.
They had cut my dress so it was only a few inches below my bottom, a form of torture. It got cold at night, but, unknown to them; William came every night with a blanket for me.
The king grunted and finally left. I was left alone to stare at the cell door, still hoping Logan would come to my rescue…he never did.
Almost an hour later, as the air started to get colder, William came in with a blanket folded over his arm. He didn’t speak, but guilt flowed from him like tidal waves.
We never spoke to each other; he just untied me, settled the blanket in my lap and sat beside me. I wouldn’t speak, and he accepted that.
I rubbed my wrists, staring blankly at the red, angry looking burns from the rope.
“Johanna…I’m so sorry” he whispered.
I looked up, he didn’t seem to be saying that he was sorry for the reason I thought he was. He suddenly leaned over and pressed his lips to mine. Before I could push away, he pulled away. I had no idea what to say, I was filled with all these conflicting emotions. Pain, guilt, and…desire?
“I’m sorry…I know that was uncalled for” he whispered.
“Then why did you do it?” I couldn’t help it, it was the first question that came to mind.
“Because…” he trailed off, glancing at me with that strange look again.
“Because…?” I held up my hands for an explanation.
“Gah! I don’t know!” he sighed.
I nodded “okay. Then let’s leave it at that” I drew my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs.
He hesitated before whispering “Logan…loved you very much.”
I stiffened and balled my hands into fists, squeezing my eyes shut.
“I take it you loved him back”
“Our love is not something I’d like to talk about” I managed to whisper.
“Please…I need to know.” He whispered back.
“Why do you care? Why does it matter to you that we were both ready to die for each other? That we were planning to get married, to have children…why does it matter to you? I’ve lost my one and only love and…and you are trying to make me speak of him!” I was crying again.
He pulled me into his side and tucked my head into his chest “that was all I needed to know. I’m sorry” he murmured.

A few hours later, after a short nap, William tied me back up with an apologetic grimace. He took the blanket and, for the first time, kissed the top of my head. He left the room, and a few minutes later, my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten since they put me in here, and my stomach was being stubborn.
I sat staring at the door, waiting for the tray of food that I wasn’t able to eat; another form of torture. This time, a woman came in, instead of the regular guard. She looked around uneasily and set my tray in front of me. She looked around again, sat down, and picked up a piece of bread that sat there waiting for me. I knew her, she was familiar, but where had I seen her before?
“My queen, you are getting thinner by the minute” she said softly, lifting the bread to my lips. My eyes widened and I almost choked on the bread. I worked to chew and swallow. This was one of the servants who served me food at the kingdom of wolves.
“Liberty! What are you doing here?” I hissed softly.
“I followed you and Logan, and then impersonated one of the servants. The guard was easy to persuade. I told him I was under orders by Kind Labara and Queen Yuma to deliver the food, and he just nodded and let me go” she lifted an apple wedge to my lips and I eagerly ate it, sighing in relief.
“Thank you…but this is very dangerous. You could be hurt, Liberty” I scolded.
“My queen, I would give my life if it meant you would still be alive” she proclaimed, lifting an orange slice to my lips.
A tear slid down my cheek and I smiled slightly.
“Oh! William wanted me to give you this…he said that he would be back tonight” she clipped my hair back with the hairpiece that I had thought was lost.
“Thank you. Now you should go, before they catch you! Leave the rest of the food, if it’s gone they would surely ask questions” I murmured.
She nodded, bowed her head, and left.
I sat in silence once again, staring up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes, only meaning to rest them, but I ended up falling asleep instead.

I awoke to the sound of the cell door opening. I opened my eyes to find William standing there; he had the blanket draped over his arm. He nodded in greeting. “Johanna.” He murmured.
I nodded back. “Hello William.” I whispered.
He sat beside me and draped the blanket over my legs, untying me from my binds. I stared down at the angry welts again, they’d gotten worse. “Johanna, I know this is hard for you, but I need to ask one more question about Logan.”
The hand that I was examining tightened into a fist I got a sharp stab of pain in my hollow heart. “I don’t know if I can do this.” I whispered.
“I know. But this needs to be said. There are legends of the rarity of a mate in your kind. It’s said that your kind only ever get a mate once or twice every hundred years or so.” William said. “So my question is, were you two…mated?”
I stared at the gate across the room, my eyes pooling with tears. “I-“ I paused, my heart constricted painfully in my chest, my throat closed over and I closed my eyes. “Yes…we were mates.” I said, swallowing the lump in my throat.
William was silent, and I couldn’t speak anymore. I was overwhelmed, yet again, with the realization that I would never see Logan again. My sweet, white haired, silver eyed prince charming that I loved so much was gone.
My head fell into my hands and I choked on a sob. William rubbed my back, probably not sure what to say. “What am I going to tell Vivia? Or Demetrio? Oh God, they’ll be devastated.” I realized.
“Who are they?” William asked.
“Demetrio and Vivia are Logan’s brother and sister.” I said.
“He has siblings?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Vivia, Logan and Demetrio were like my father’s children. Before I came Logan was heir to the throne.”
William nodded once.
“William, I can’t see my life without him.” I admitted softly.
In the corner of my eye I saw Williams head snap in my direction. “Don’t ever say that!” he said fiercely.
I looked over at him in surprise; he was staring at me with hard, desperate eyes. “You’ll be alright. I’m going to get you out of this, I promise you.”
I looked back down at my hands as a new wave of sadness flowed through me. He reminded me of me when Logan had told me he didn’t think he’d make it. I knew how Logan felt now, why he was so calm, he didn’t want to die, but he knew he couldn’t stop it.
For me it was the opposite, I wanted to be with Logan again, and I was glad I couldn’t stop it. I was calm because I’d accepted it; I wasn’t going to live without Logan.
“Johanna, listen to me. You won’t die; think about Logan, this isn’t what he would have wanted.” William cupped my face in his hands and turned my head so I stared into his eyes. I’d been this desperate with Logan…but that was because I loved him, I couldn’t stand the thought-
I gasped and in an instant I was away from William, across the room against the wall. It all made sense, the strange way he stared at me, the kiss, why he’d brought a blanket every night to keep me warm. “You love me.” I whispered.
He stared into my eyes, not moving from across the room. “Inconveniently, I do.” He said, sighing.
He was right, it was extremely inconvenient. A human and a Beast, was it even possible? “I am a beast, William; to humans I am a monster, an abomination.” I said.
“Not to me.” Was all he said.
I slid down the wall, a tear slipping down my cheek. “What do you expect me to say to something like that? I love another. I’m MATED to another.” I said, trying to make him see that.
He nodded, still seated calmly against the opposite wall. “I don’t expect anything. I’m still trying to convince myself that my feelings for you are only infatuation…so far I’m having no luck.” He sighed.
I nodded once. “So you understand that I can’t…that I am unable-“
“To reciprocate my feelings for you? Yes, I understand.”
I rubbed my arms, realizing how cold it had gotten. William noticed that I was cold, and got up with the blanket, walking over; he draped it over me and sat beside me. “I think we were wrong about your kind. You are not ruthless killers. You are proof of that.” He murmured.
I cracked a humorless smile. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve had the opportunity many times to turn beast and kill me, but you’ve been as docile as a lamb.” William said.
I shrugged. “I haven’t the incentive. You haven’t exactly been the monster my brothers and sisters make you out to be.”
“You don’t see us as your kind do?”
I shook my head slowly. “You could say when I was an infant I was…adopted, by my human father. He invaded the kingdom after I was born, found me in the nursery and took me. He raised me as his own…unfortunately my adopted family is deceased now.” I murmured.
“You mean you were raised by humans?”
I nodded. “My biological father never gave up searching for me. Logan ended up finding me eighteen years later.” I said softly.
“How did he know it was you?”
“If you haven’t noticed, my eyes are not the most common color. Bright green with golden specs. The gold is from my mother, the green from my father. My hair is also from my father, my mother has blonde hair. Anyway, one look in my eyes and you know, it’s the way my father said he’d find me.” I said.
William stared ahead at the wall, and opened his mouth to answer, but the sound of multiple sets of footsteps cut him off. They were too close now for us to be able to do anything, William stood and sighed, he knew he was caught.
“Johanna, I’m sorry.” He whispered.
I didn’t answer; I was trying to find a way for us to escape. There was no way.
Instead of unlocking the door with a key, someone slammed against the door and it popped open. Vivia, Demetrio and…Logan?
I jumped up. “Logan!” I cried.
He caught me in his arms as I stumbled forward. “Logan I thought you were gone!”
“Why would I be gone?” he asked.
“Labara told me they killed you. Oh God I’m so glad you’re okay.” I whispered.
He tightened his arms around me. “Why is Prince William here?” he asked, his voice careful.
“William’s been helping me, he comes here every night to free me from my binds and keep me warm. They cut my dress so I would freeze.” I explained.
William nodded and leaned against the wall on the other side of the room. Logan nodded back. “Thank you, Prince William.” Logan said.
Before I knew what was happening I was pulled from Logan and into Vivia’s arms. “I’m so sorry Johanna. We should have been protecting you.” She said.
I hugged her tightly back and then Demetrio enveloped me into his strong bear hug. “We missed you in the fun room.” He said. I laughed, feeling happy now that I knew Logan was okay.
“Okay. We need to get out of here. We came from the rat ways, but the guards will be making their rounds soon enough.” Vivia said.
Logan nodded and grabbed my hand. “Wait! Let me speak with William for a second.” I said.
Logan glanced at William and then met eyes with me, he nodded once, leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to my lips and then left the room with the others to make sure no guards were coming. I turned to William when they left. “Will you be alright? They won’t find out, will they?”
“No. They won’t find out I helped you. If anything happens, I swear I’ll tell you. I don’t know how I’ll find you, but I promise you, I’ll inform you of anything my father decides.” He said.
I smiled and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you, for everything.” I whispered in his ear.
I kissed his cheek when he let me go. “You’re welcome. I’m sorry about Logan, I assume he escaped and my father decided to tell you that they killed him to get information out of you.” He said.
I nodded. “Now go! The guards will be making their rounds soon.” William urged.
I met Logan in the hall and I saw his gaze drop to my legs. I blushed and grabbed his hand, “let’s go.” I said.
Vivia and Demetrio were in front, sneaking through the halls. As we reached the stairs, I gasped. “Liberty! She’s here, we have to find her!” I said.
“It’s alright. Liberty sneaked out soon after she saw you in the cell. She informed us of where they were keeping you.” Vivia said.
I sighed in relief and we descended the stairs to the rat way. “I have to admit, this is going much better than last time. Last time the guards anticipated we’d come in from the rat way, so they prepared. This time I don’t think they thought we would do it again.” Demetrio said.
I nodded; they expected an attack from the front.
“I wish I could have gotten to you when I escaped, but the kings’ guards were all over where they were keeping you, because they were expecting me to make that move, I couldn’t risk both our lives that way.” Logan murmured.
“I understand.” I whispered.
Logan pulled me into his side and kissed my head softly. I was so happy to have him alive; I’d thought he was dead. My mind flashed to the kiss with William, I’d felt desire, but the desire was overwhelmed by guilt. Maybe part of my heart knew that Logan was still alive.
I sighed and leaned my head on Logan’s shoulder, I couldn’t tell you how alive my heart felt when I saw Logan walk through that door, it was like lighting a torch in a dark cave of despair and hopelessness. I felt so relieved and happy it almost hurt; my heart was bursting with joy.
We stopped as we heard what sounded like footsteps, with my hearing, it sounded like the small pitter patter of some kind of small animal, but it sounded like hundreds at a time. As we walked the sound grew louder, and all of the sudden a montage of probably twenty rats came running at us, I clapped my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream and jumped into Logan’s arms, burying my face in his neck. I may have lived in a ranch most of my life, but I HATED rats.
Logan laughed and kept his grip on me, easily carrying me as if I weighed nothing at all. Vivia was kicking rats aside and pushing through, Logan was grinning as he kicked them aside, and I winced as they squeaked in alarm. Soon they were all behind us, but I kept my grip on Logan.
“They don’t call it a rat way for nothing.” Demetrio chuckled.
I nodded, still keeping my face in Logan’s neck. “You okay, Johanna?” Logan said.
“No! I absolutely hate rats!” I said.
Demetrio barked a laugh and Logan let me down on my feet, keeping a tight grip on my waist. “I’ve never seen you jump that high before, I swear your head almost hit the ceiling.” Logan grinned.
“Be quiet! I have a rat phobia! It’s not my fault!” I said, crossing my arms.
Logan placed a kiss on the top of my head and pulled me into his side. “I think we’re in the clear. Last time they were waiting for us at the stairs.” Demetrio said.
We didn’t answer; we weren’t going to get our hopes up. We walked carefully through the dark place, the ceiling was rounded, and it echoed our every step. There was no light, so we used the night vision our inner animals provided, it was as if it was lit perfectly.
I jumped as a rat scurried across our path and into a hole it had created in the stone wall and Logan tightened his arm around my waist. “Vivia, how is my family?” I asked hesitantly.
Vivia glanced back at me and smiled softly, understanding. “They’re fine. We’ve been taking care of them; we have an emergency settlement not far from here, near the shore.” Vivia said.
I nodded and blew out a sigh of relief.
As we were walking, I could have sworn I’d heard a footfall behind us. I stopped everyone and waited, tilting my head to listen. “Must’ve been my imagination, or just another echo.” I said.
They nodded, but I could tell Logan was listening every few feet, making sure he didn’t hear anyone behind us. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he reached down and pulled my face up to look at him, he smiled softly and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine in a warm kiss. I’d missed this, missed his warmth, his comfort, the way his lips moved perfectly against mine, the way his hands were so gentle and his eyes so loving. I’d missed HIM, and the thought of missing him forever, missing how comforting and warm his arms were around me, missing his lips on mine, and his wolf form, which I’d fallen for from the beginning, it made me sick to think about it.
It’d really made me appreciate every second I had with him, it made me wonder about our future, but it also made me focus on the present.
We paused as both of us heard a footfall this time, and it didn’t sound like an echo. “We’re being followed.” Logan whispered, not loud enough for our pursuer to hear, but loud enough for us to hear.
Demetrio paused and cocked his head to the side, and this time we all heard the distinct sound of a footfall.
Demetrio motioned us forward and mouthed to act normal. “Vivia, what happened to Aileen? Is she alright?”
“Of course. Aileen is fine, one of the men attacking tried to injure her with a bow and arrow, but he isn’t as good as you are. He missed her by a few feet, actually hitting one of his companions.” Vivia chuckled, but her eyes were serious.
I nodded and glanced back, Demetrio had silently crept back, going to search. If these were humans, they had no way of seeing in the dark without some kind of light, they wouldn’t know who was who in this pitch black darkness.
“Johanna, what did Labara ask you?” Logan asked.
“He asked me where my people were moved. Every day was the same thing, “we can end your suffering if you just tell us where your people were moved.” And, “why haven’t my people rescued me yet.”” I muttered.
“And you never told him?”
“I never knew. Remember, I hadn’t even known the kingdom existed until you found me.” I said.
Logan nodded. “Right.”
Demetrio’s face was amused when he crept back over. “It’s Labara’s right hand man and a few guards. They plan to follow us back to the emergency hide-out and infiltrate. They have no idea we know they’re following us.” Demetrio whispered.
Logan grinned. “Let’s have some fun with them.” He whispered back.
Demetrio smiled wide. “Let’s do it.”
Vivia gave them both a disapproving look and I sighed. I took Logan’s arm and unwrapped it from my waist and walked over to Vivia. “They’re both big dumb manly men.” Vivia whispered to me.
I giggled softly. “And they’re egos are too big for their brains.”
Vivia smiled and examined my dress as we walked. “I can’t say I much like the improvement on the dress. It seems a bit drafty.” She said.
I sighed, examining the skirt that had been cut a few inches below my bottom. “A form of torture. The cell gets cold at night. William came every night to untie my binds and give me a blanket. They’d tie me up, and put food in front of me, I was unable to eat it, though.” I said.
Vivia’s eyes hardened and her lips tightened into a thin line. “Labara is a cruel man. And I can tell they’ve been starving you, you’re as thin as they come.” She said.
Logan and Demetrio informed us that they were going to go “play a few games” with the group of humans following us, and that we should keep speaking as if they were there. We both rolled our eyes and told them to be careful.
Vivia and I spoke of home, how everyone was. “Your mother and father even took the spirit of two cardinals to make sure you were alright. They flew to the castle and when they ascertained that you were alright, they came home. They were distraught because they wouldn’t lose you again. They searched every cell, not realizing they had put you in the cell of torture until the last cell they searched they found empty.”
I sighed. “They should not have worried.” I said softly.
Vivia smiled again. “Johanna, everyone worries about you. You’re too kind for your own good, and selfless, if it came to one of the servants and you, whom would you choose?” she asked, as if already knowing the answer.
“I would choose the servant. Of course.” I said.
“See? No explanation why you would choose the servant, you would just do it!” she said.
“I would choose him or her because they do not deserve death. They’d done nothing to deserve it.”
“And you have?”
I paused. “Well…yes. I have.” I said.
Vivia raised an eyebrow at me. “And what have you done that deserves such a punishment?”
I sighed. “When I was younger, about three years ago, my mother bought me a horse, he was a big, black stallion and I was not supposed to ride him without my parents guiding him. I named him Brian, which means high, noble and strong. One night, my mother and I had a fight, she’d told me that my sister was going to go away to a catholic school when she came of age. I’d told her that I’d heard stories of those catholic schools, that they were cruel and that the women would beat you if you did not act correctly. She wouldn’t have it.
“That night, I took my sister Rose from her crib; she was only two years old at the time. I wasn’t trained to ride the stallion I had by myself, but I was going to run away with Rose and keep her from the catholic schools.” I glanced at Vivia; she was listening with rapt attention. “I saddled up the horse, and hopped on with Rose in front of me. I had been running through the forest as fast as I could when a man who’d been hunting late that night crossed my path. I tried to stop the horse before it trampled him, but in the process I’d knocked both Rose and I off the horse. The stallion trampled the man, but I’d taken most of the fall with Rose, she was unharmed. The man, however, died from a terrible head injury.” I said, a single tear escaping the corner of my eye.
Vivia wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. “It wasn’t your fault, Johanna. You were only trying to do what was right. That is hardly a reason to be punished in such a way as death.”
“I killed a man. No matter the way I killed him, it was my horse that trampled him…my actions that caused the man to die. If I’d only tried to reason with mother a little more, I wouldn’t have gone out that night, almost hurting Rose, and killing a man I hadn’t even known.” I whispered.
“As I said before, hardly a reason to punish you in such a way as death, it was an accident, you had no intention of killing the man.” She said.
“I almost killed us that night, Rose and I. I suffered a broken leg and a fractured ankle. Rose had a few scrapes, but it could have been much worse. I regret that night.”
Vivia didn’t answer, we heard the sound of whispered swearing and shuffling feet, I assumed this was the work of Logan and Demetrio. They both came into view, Demetrio was smiling, but Logan was staring at me with anger in his silver eyes.
“You two go on ahead. I need to speak with Johanna.” Logan said.
They both nodded, heading forward quite a ways so they wouldn’t hear what was said.
Uh-oh, he’d heard what I said. He stopped and turned to me, turning my face up to his. “You think you deserve death because you killed a man?” he asked in disbelief.
I nodded slightly. “Of course I do. I’m not heartless, and I can’t forgive myself for killing an innocent man.” I said softly.
“I’ve killed men, plenty of men, does that make me deserve death?” he asked.
I quickly shook my head. “Of course not!”
“Then why is it so different from you? Why does one man’s death not compare to hundreds of lives lost?” he asked me, keeping his eyes locked onto mine.
I stared into his eyes for a while, trying to think of an answer. “See? You don’t know. It does make me deserve death. You just don’t want to admit it, I killed your family. I’ve killed many families, in fact. I’m a killer, a cold blooded monster. I’m what humans call a murderer. What you did doesn’t deserve death. What I did, does.” He said.
I lifted my hands and cupped his face lightly. “Why?” I asked softly.
“They killed my family, Johanna. My family never committed a single crime against the human’s, and they found them one day, and slaughtered them like pigs.” Logan said, his eyes and face devoid of emotion.
My eyes filled with tears and I leaned up on my tippy toes to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. “I’m sorry, Logan.” I whispered in his ear.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled my neck. “You are my family now, Johanna, and I’ll never let anything happen to you.” He whispered.
I sighed and relished in his warmth. “I love you.” I said.
“I love you too.” He laughed softly.
“Now let’s go. We’re going to lose Vivia and Demetrio.” I said.
He pulled me into him, kissed me deeply for a few long seconds and then we caught up with the other two.

We walked for a while longer before we came across a staircase. The door at the top was cracked open and moonlight cast a rectangle of light through the door. We all breathed a collective sigh of relief as we stepped into the night, the sanctuary of forest awaiting us.
Logan whispered as we walked, “We’re going to change into wolves and run, so we can make sure we’re not followed. It takes a while to get to the emergency hide-out, so we’ll stop by the lake on our way and rest.”
We all nodded and Logan stepped away. He smiled at me and then shifted. I smiled and shifted as well. It takes about a second for the shift to complete, but it feels like an hour.
Your skin stretches and your body explodes with fur, your hands grow and your fingers curl inwards, fusing them to your palm. Your claws grow through your knuckles, which is the most painful part. Fur covers your paws and your claws grow sharper. Your ears stretch upwards and turn to a point, and your face stretches outwards while your eyes grow larger to accommodate the bigger head. Your nose flattens and stretches, turning black. And of course, short fur grows across your face.
I stood up on all fours and shook myself, I hated that part. Logan stared at me for a second, and then gave me a wolfy grin. I grinned back and we all took off. The forest wasn’t a blur like I thought it would be; I could see every tree with precision.
I looked up and realized there was an owl following us, gliding high through the trees right above us, as fast as we were going I was amazed it could keep up. The forest seemed full of life, even at night. I could hear every creature, every sound that echoed through the woods. I heard no pursuit though.

After a few minutes the owl reached its destination and landed gracefully in a branch high above us. He was soon behind us.
It seemed like hours later that we reached the lake that Logan spoke of, but it wasn’t a lake at all, it was a pond, a large, beautiful pond. We slowed to a walk, all tired from running non-stop for so long.
Logan shifted and we all followed suit. We walked around the pond until we reached an overhang of rocks. It provided shelter and allowed us to stay hidden in case the humans somehow found us. The overhang hung all the way out over the water.
The water was murky, but the pond was beautiful none the less. Logan sat beside me near the edge of the water as I stared in awe at its beauty. Vivia and Demetrio sat with arms crossed at the base of the overhang, keeping watch, but dozing off as well. “Why don’t you two rest? Logan and I will watch for intruders.” I called softly.
They both nodded immediately, seeming to like this idea. They shifted to wolves and lay down with their heads on their paws, sleeping side by side. They closed their eyes and almost immediately fell asleep. I smiled and turned back to the water. “Would you like me to show you something I learned as a child?” Logan asked me softly.
I looked at him and nodded. “They say a wolf’s spirit can cleanse the forest, make it like no other forest in the world. My father told me that when I was young. We sat by this very lake. He took my hand, and pressed it to the surface of the water.” He said, taking my hand gently placed it so it was just touching the surface. “Now close your eyes, and move your hand in a circle, always touching the water.” I did as he told me to do and felt something vibrate under my hand.
I opened my eyes and gasped softly. The water was clear, and it seemed illuminated with a blue light under the surface. Catfish and carp swam under the water, seeming full of life and color. “Now remove your hand.” He whispered in my ear.
I slowly lifted my hand from the water, and it was as if life exploded from the lake. The fish started jumping in the water, high in the air before falling back in gracefully, birds from everywhere landed at the water’s edge; even the moonlight seemed to dance across the water.
I looked at Logan in awe. “How?”
Logan laughed softly. “Life. You gave life to the pond.” He said.
I looked down as a night lark landed beside me. It cocked its head and hopped closer. I held out my hand and it flew onto it, flapping its wings every once in a while as it stared at me. “Logan…this is amazing.” I whispered, watching as the bird flew away, gliding over the pond.
“It is…but I’ve seen something that doesn’t even compare.” He said.
I smiled at looked over at Logan. “And what is that?”
He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into him, kissing below my ear. “If you could take a guess…” he whispered, trailing light kisses down my neck.
I blushed deep red and shivered involuntarily at his touch. “I love you, Johanna.” He whispered.
“I love you too, Logan.” I whispered back.
He pulled away and pulled me back into his chest in between his legs. He settled his chin on top of my shoulder and sighed. I snuggled back into his warmth and sighed softly as well. We sat in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts.
I watched the pond in amazement as a beautiful carp with wispy fins flowing out around it like a dress swam by. “I’ve never seen something like this before. It’s like a fairytale.” I whispered.
“It is. My father took me to this lake years ago. When I was just a boy. This lake is very special to me.” He murmured.
“And what about your brother and sister? Is it special to them too?” I asked him.
“It’s more special to them then they’ll admit.” He said, kissing my neck softly.

Chapter Thirteen:

I awoke with a start when I felt the cold edge of a blade on my neck. Labara’s right hand man, Gilligan, and his group had caught up with us. He pulled me into him as I yelped in surprise, keeping the blade pressed to my neck. Logan, Vivia and Demetrio awoke with a start at my yelp, Demetrio and Vivia still in their wolf forms, Logan and I still human.
“Let her go!” Logan ordered.
Gilligan laughed menacingly. “I’m under Labara’s orders to bring you all back to the kingdom. You do not comply, she dies.” He said, pressing the knife deeper into my skin to make the point clear.
I whimpered in pain but infinitesimally shook my head at Logan. He stared into my eyes, conflict swimming in his, before looking at Gilligan and nodding once.
“No!” I screamed, and then I acted on instinct.
I grabbed Gilligan’s wrist with my hand and used my strength to squeeze until he grunted and dropped the knife. I whirled around and kicked him in the soft spot and he went down, clutching himself and groaning.
I dusted off my hands and looked at Gilligan’s guards; they all stared at Gilligan with pained looks. “Anyone else?” I asked.
They all looked up at me in anger. I put my hands on my hips and cocked my head to my side. “Well then come get some.” I taunted.
One of the men grabbed his knife from his sheath and ran at me, a bellow of rage coming from his lips. I stood my ground, and just as he reached me, I stepped aside, grabbed the back of his shirt and used my strength to slam him down on the ground. I kicked his knife away and turned just as another charged.
I twisted away as he grabbed my arm and he paused, looking around for me in confusion. I winked at Logan, who stood rigid; Demetrio, now human, had his hand on his shoulder, seeming to be restraining him. I tapped on the man’s shoulder and when he turned I punched him, knocking him out cold. I felt the presence of another man trying to sneak up on me and slammed my elbow back into his ribs, using my wolf strength. I heard a crack and winced, I didn’t mean to break his ribs!
He fell to the ground and I dusted my hands off. Gilligan had regained his composure, but was still hobbling slightly. “You’ll…” he paused to suck in a breath and grab himself. “You’ll pay for this!” he promised.
I shrugged as I disarmed his men, picking up all of the daggers that were on the ground. “Okay. But I don’t have many shillings on me right now, so I’ll pay later.” I said lightly.
Gilligan gathered his men, carrying the one that I knocked out. The one with the broken ribs held his torso, grunting in pain as he walked. I felt bad, I didn’t plan to harm them long term; I just don’t know my own strength.
Logan wrapped an arm around my waist and stared at the men in silence as they walked away. He looked at me when they disappeared and their footsteps faded. “How the hell did you do that?”
Demetrio and Vivia bellowed a laugh, and I smiled. “Do what, Logan?” I asked innocently.
He gave me a look that said ‘you know what.’
“She’s been training in combat since she was old enough to hold a sword, Logan. And she’s a wiz with a bow.” Demetrio said.
I nodded and slipped out of Logan’s arms. “Now let’s go home. I’m tired and I’d like to see Aileen.” I said.
“Wait, wait, wait. So you know how to use a dagger, a sword, and a bow?” Logan asked.
“All manner of weapon, Logan. My father wanted me to be ready in case I was called on to be part of the kings’ army.” I shrugged.
“She hit a moving target at twenty feet with the bow. It was like she wasn’t even looking at the target anymore, her eyes would glaze over, and she’d shoot. She hit the bulls’ eye every time.” Vivia said.
I nodded, and before Logan could ask any more questions, I shifted to my wolf form. Everyone followed suit and we took off through the forest. I followed Demetrio and Vivia, and Logan and I ran side-by-side.

We hit the shore and I skidded to a stop, I’d never been on the shore before. I looked out at the beautiful water and looked over at Logan. This place was beautiful. He gestured with his head for me to follow him and we caught up with Vivia and Demetrio. We came across a well hidden cave; it looked like the side of a cliff, covered in moss and rocks. But as we came closer, I realized that there was an entrance between all of the moss.
Vivia and Demetrio paused and had Logan and I go in first. They followed us back in and we heard the bellowing voice of Ben. “They’re back!” he yelled, his voice echoing through the cave.
We heard the running footsteps and voices filled with relief at our return. Ben appeared first, jogging through the cavern. “Johanna! My lady I’m so glad to have you back home and safe!” He said in relief.
I smiled, Ben was like a grandfather to me, he gave comfort, and he had wonderful stories of when my father’s father ruled the kingdom, he said he was two hundred and five years old, and had a while to go before he was ready to depart from life. Ben pulled me into a tight, affectionate hug and I wrapped my arms around him, smiling and laughing as he lifted me off the ground and rocked us from side to side. “We were all so worried about you, Jo-Jo.” He said when he put me down.
I smiled. “I missed you all so much.” I said.
My people smiled and bowed down on one knee, except for Valor, who stood at the back of everyone else, I spotted him when everyone bowed to his level, he was growing, but he had a ways to go before he could be as tall as everyone else. He held something gleaming in his hands. He walked towards me with Faolan walking faithfully by his side. As he came closer, I realized he had my mothers’ – and now mine – crown.
I took my mothers’ clip from my hair and gave it to Logan, smiling at him. I leaned down on one knee in front of Valor and kissed his forehead. I gently took the crown from his hands and set it on my head. Valor smiled and bowed his head, he then snapped and the dog did the same. I wondered how he taught him that.
I stood and gripped Logan’s hand tightly in mine. “My brothers and sisters! Labara has kidnapped, beaten, and killed us too many times! Though I do not especially like the idea, it is time to retaliate!” they cheered in agreement. “Labara and Yuma are cruel human beings. And they do not deserve to rule! Now I’m not saying that we sink down to their level and kill as many human beings as we could find. But I am saying that we should fight back! We cannot just sit here and wait for the next attack to be brought onto us, we’ll bring the attack to them!” I said, and they all nodded in agreement.
“We’ll show Labara that his army can be defeated, and that his people will not help him once we have brought him down. I just need your help to do it! So my question is, are we going to lie on our stomachs in submission while Labara kills our kind?”
“No!” They all yelled in unison.
“Then join me, that we may we fight together, as brothers, as sisters, as one!” I yelled.
They cheered and I smiled. ‘I told you Labara, my people would fight with me any day.’ I thought triumphantly.

After gathering Salvator and the rest, I told them I would meet them tomorrow when the sun was highest in the sky. They agreed and Logan led me to my room so I could bathe and change. The caverns were different then the wolf kingdom. Instead of a castle, there were thatched houses that lined the edge of a forest. I wondered how these forests grew underground, but quickly pushed the thought to the back of my head when Logan led me to one of the thatched houses.
He kissed me lightly on the lips and then left so I could bathe. The house was small, and the bath sat against the wall with a curtain around it for privacy. I pulled it back and sighed in relief, it was full of water. I stripped my dress and slipped into the bathtub, sighing in content.

Authors note:

I hope you liked the chapter! Please friend me if you'd like me to tell you when I update. If I spelled anything wrong or if there are any grammatical errors that I need to fix, please tell me!


Chapter fourteen.

We sat in a small part of the cave where a natural formation made a smooth table out of stone. My mind was reeling with the information I’d just learned. “They what?” I asked for the third time.
“They captured a dragon; she’s become their…pet I suppose you could say. She will do anything they order her to. Now dragons are our allies, but this dragon they captured has been raised with the humans since birth, serving them is all she knows.” Ben explained.
“So if we should declare war against Labara, he will send this dragon to attack her own kind?” I asked him.
“Yes. If we should ask the dragons to help us, than they will be going against their own kind. Dragons hate that.” He told me.
I sighed. “Well then we will not ask them to help us, I will not have them make a choice between us and their own kind.” I said.
Ben nodded. “Next we have-“
“Hold on.” Salvator interrupted. “In what I’ve read, a dragon would always choose family over friends, no matter the cost. Maybe this dragon will choose its family instead.”
“Yes, that is a possibility, but you have to think about this, this dragon thinks of the humans as family, it has no knowledge of the dragons’ law. It is too much of a risk to take. And if you should have these dragons go against their own kind, they will choose family over friends, and fight against us.” Ben argued.
“He’s right.” Demetrio agreed.
“Next.” Ben looked sternly at Salvator. “We have the fairies, which would also give us aerial coverage, as well as the advantage of dark magic.” He slid a list of the fairies abilities over to me.
The list said;
Major abilities;
Flying, invisibility, shape-shifting and venomous, eyes.
“Venomous eyes? What is that?” I asked.
“They stare into your eyes and give you an incurable illness that incapacitates you for three weeks.” Logan explained.
I set the paper down and looked at Ben. “What do I need to know about them?”
“They are very perceptive, and are able to tell when you are lying. They can spy on you by turning invisible, so you must be very careful when they are around. Don’t make them angry, they are heartless creatures and won’t hesitate to get rid of you.” He told me seriously.
I took a deep breath. “They sound…malevolent.” I muttered.
Ben smiled. “It’s just the way they are. We kill on instinct, they…kill when angered.” He shrugged.
I sighed. “And we’re sure they’ll accept if we ask them?” I asked.
“If we mention the humans, they’ll join us.” Demetrio told me.
“Right.” Salvator, Ben, Rain, Logan, Kail, and Baelof said in unison.
I raised a brow. “Labara banned them from the kingdom, and forbade them to ever come back. Of course they were angry, but, they left without complaint. They may be malevolent, but they never turn down a polite request.” Ben explained.
“It about killed them to do it, but they didn’t want to seem…inherently evil.” Kail said with a chuckle.
I nodded. “Okay, so we send for the fairies.” I said.
Ben pulled another piece of paper. “Next are the angels. Our advantage with them is that they are telepathic. They can use the power of light and are impervious to human weapons.” He told me, handing me the piece of paper.
“And what do they have against the humans?” I asked him.
“That’s a tough one.” Ben said, pursing his lips. “They are controlled by a…Higher Power, you could say. And this Higher Power needs a good reason to punish the humans. Now he may make an exception for Labara, because Labara is a very evil man, but I can’t guarantee he’ll accept. There are a lot of innocent men fighting with Labara as well.” Ben said.
I nodded. “So it’s a maybe for the angels.”
“Yes. We’ll send the messengers out tomorrow. Right now, let’s get some rest, and gain our strength.” Ben said to us.
We stood up and Logan smiled slightly at me. “We’ve hunted and gathered food for tonight, but before we go eat, I’d like you to see something.” He murmured.
I nodded and he took my hand, leading me down the torch-lit cavern. I noticed a bright light at the end of the cave and raised an eyebrow at Logan. “Are we nearing the back entrance of the cave?” I asked him.
He smiled at me. “Not quite.”
We came closer, and I noticed that the rock seemed to slope down, turning into a wall, and leaving a round opening about six feet tall and three feet wide. I heard the sound of running water, and I looked at Logan once more with a raised eyebrow.
Not noticing my confusion, he led me through the opening, and I gasped at what I saw. The cave was enclosed, with a large hole at the top where the sun streamed in. A large waterfall streamed from an opening up at the top of the cave wall. This wasn’t what amazed me though. Animals were everywhere. They drank from the stream, flew overhead, and grazed in the clearing…but that still wasn’t what I was amazed about. Sitting on a large formation of rock, was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen. It was a phoenix. Fire cascaded from its wings like a waterfall, but its body was encased in bright gold armor. Its razor sharp beak was golden as well. I looked up into the creatures eyes, and noticed that they weren’t red or gold, like I expected, but bright, startlingly blue.
I looked at Logan with shock. “what…who…” I was at a loss for words.
I’d only heard about Phoenixes from story books, and they were never described like the one I saw before me. “It is called the Spirit of Hope. As long as it lives, there is hope.” Logan informed me.
The bird leaned forward and glided down to where we were. It landed, shaking the ground as its talons sunk into the rock. “Hello, dear Lorkana.” Its voice echoed through our heads, surprisingly smooth and deep.
“Hello.” I greeted hesitantly.
The birds’ eyes twinkled with delight. “It is so nice to meet you, young one. For I have been told for many years that you would come.” He told me.
“Who has told you this?” I asked him.
“The spirit of the future, of course. He’s a good friend.”
“Is he a Phoenix as well?” I asked curiously.
The Phoenix opened its beak and let out a laugh that seemed to echo for miles. “No, my dear. He is not like me at all. I am afraid he is invisible to the human eye. My eyes see a whole other world than yours. This is how I know you are Lorkana, your spirit it potent, it gives an aura that no other wolf can give.”
I realized I had been squeezing Logan’s hand tighter than I should when he grunted slightly. I made myself loosen my grip and shot him an apologetic look. This brought Logan to the Phoenix’s attention.
“Logan. I hope you are treating the young one well. She needs your help more than anyone if she is to defeat Labara.” The Phoenix told him seriously.
Logan nodded and tightened his hand around mine. “I’ve been doing my best to live up to what she deserves. I’m going to protect her, and be there for her forever.” Logan promised.
The birds’ eyes twinkled with delight. “Good!” He said loudly, making me jump. “Now, it’s time to bless you with power.” He told me, his voice softening.
I took an involuntary step back, nervousness taking over. “Bless me with power? What…how?” I asked him.
A warm chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Do not worry, young one, it will not hurt. I wish to give you the elements. Fire, water, earth, and air, but in order to give you these, I need the other three spirits. Obviously-” he paused, chuckling again, unfolding his wings and spreading them so they spanned all the way across the cavern. “-I am the element of fire, my name is Vatra. Now I must call upon the others.”
He slowly tilted his head back, opening his beak and letting out a song. It sounded like a flute, a smooth, low tune that made shivers run down my spine. His voice slowly faded, and I could hear the song float away through the forest.
A few seconds went by, and then the tune that Vatra sang came back, along with three wispy, white lights that swirled around Vatra before settling down softly on the ground. The lights grew, and before my eyes, they all turned to different creatures.
One was a brown buck, with patches of green, almost like grass, growing like fur from the base of its hooves. It was larger than any buck I’d ever seen, about half the size of Vatra, with antlers that had so many points it almost looked like tree branches, and its eyes were glowing green. Earth.
Another was a mermaid, her beautiful, rainbow scaled face smiling as she took me in with her fiery red eyes. Her hair flowed down her back in a literal waterfall, her entire body scaled in beautiful colors that changed as she moved. She had legs, but her feet were webbed, meant for swimming. She was water.
The last one was a Griffin. Half the size of Vatra, his wings spanned only half as far, but they seemed just as impressive. His head was of an eagle, but his beak was white, almost translucent. The feathers of his wings turned to mist at the end, and as he set his lion paws on the ground, little tornados swirled at his feet. His eyes were a startling gold, and they assessed me with delight. This was air.
I stepped forward, and without thinking, reached out to the buck. It leaned its head down slightly so I could touch its large face, its eyes were wise and kind, it didn’t look at me with delight, it looked at me with understanding, truth, and affection. “Hello, dear one, my name is Zemlja, the element of earth.” His voice echoed softly in my head.
“Hello. It is an honor to meet you.” I told him.
The buck’s eyes twinkled with laughter and he let out a rumble in his chest that I guessed was a chuckle. “No, dear one, it is an honor to meet you.” His voice was gruff, reminding me of my grandfather.
“Yes.” The mermaid agreed, her voice smooth, like silk. “I am called Polijevati, the element of water. It is an honor to meet the peace bringer.” She told me, bowing her head and putting her webbed hands together in front of her.
The Griffin stepped forward, his eyes holding mine as he did. “Hello, dear Lorkana, I am called Zrak, the element of air. We’ve waited years for this day to come, and it seems that now-” the Griffin shifted its eyes to the others. “-Now is the time.” He murmured.
The phoenix shifted its wings so the tip of it touched the tip of the Griffins. The buck shifted his eyes to Logan and he nodded once. Logan nodded back and gave me a reassuring smile. He stepped back a few steps to where he was a safe distance away.
Vatra shifted its other wing so it touched Zrak’s as well, making a large circle around the other elements. Polijevati stepped up and took my hand, and Zemlja stepped up beside me. “Place your hand on my shoulder please, dear one.” He told me softly.
I lifted my hand and placed it on his soft shoulder, smiling slightly at him. “Are we ready for the young one to gain her blessing?” Vatra asked.
“We are ready!” Polijevati called.
“Then it shall begin.”
And together, as if on cue, they started chanting in a language I’d never heard before.
“Element vatra, element zrak, dovesti ih zajedno vezati zemlja i polijevati!
Blagoslovi tu djevojku u svojoj potrazi za dobro, i donijeti mir duhova koji borave u ovom području!”
Wind started to pick up, and I realized Vatra and Zrak’s wings together made a wind tunnel. The fire falling from Vatra’s wings started to swirl with the wind around us. They chanted louder and louder as the wind picked up, swirling around us in a frenzy. The fire from Vatra’s wings grew closer and closer, but it did not burn. The water from Polijivati’s hair flowed down her arms, and from her fingers into the wind and fire swirling around us. I watched as Zemlja’s eyes started glowing brighter, and the light seemed to flow from them in a beam, joining the other elements.
All this time, they’d never stopped chanting. Vatra’s head, which had disappeared behind the swirling tornado of elements we were in the middle of, appeared. His eyes were delighted as they looked into mine. “Now, my dear, enter the elements.” His voice echoed in my head, and he disappeared once again behind the wall of fire.
I released my hand from Polijevati’s, and took my hand from Zemlja’s shoulder. I took a deep breath and started forward. The fire didn’t burn; in fact it warmed my body comfortably. The wind whipped at my hair, and I felt the fire press against my body. I felt the water wrap around my torso, and the light that had shot from Zemlja’s eyes enveloped me completely.
I felt myself lifted into the air. The started absorbing into my arms and the water slid into my hair, seeming to absorb into it as well. Earth absorbed into my hands, and air took over my entire body.
I felt the wind subside, and I floated to the ground, landing softly on my feet. I met Logan’s eyes, and everything seemed to go in slow motion as my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I heard my name called, but it was a distant echo, my eyes drifted closed, and I fell into darkness.


Texte: this book belongs to me, please do not steal it, for that would be mean XD
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.05.2012

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