
1. Chrisily

"James stop it. I'm going to be sick."
"Sorry babe. This is'
"I know." I watched as James paused ad fiddled with the drawstrings of his sweater. He ran his fingers through his hair and resumed pacing. Which made me feel worse.
"Are you sure?"
"James. It's right here."
"But those aren't always accurate..."
"James! This is the fourth test I've done! It's not wrong."
He sighed and ran his hands over his face.
"Seriously babe, my head is starting to spin."
"I'm sorry." He came over towards me and wrapped his arms around me. Just as quick as he came over, he had gotten up and wnt over to his dresser. He opened the drawer and pulled out a small stack of white papers.
"What are those babe?" James held them up and anded them to me.
"They are resumes. When you told me that you thought you were pregnant,I knew you wouldn't be able to work past six months so I'm applying for another job."
"What> But James, you are doing an APPRENTICESHIP. You can't take aother job.."
"I can talk it out with Doran. He'll understand hopefully." He exhaled and started to run his hands through his hair and stopped halfway.
"Sorry." He came back towards me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Babe, want to come with me when I hand these out? I'd be leaving now though."
"Yeah- do you think we could.." He finished my sentence.
"Go to the clinic?"
"Yeah, it's open today. They make doctors appointments.
"Okay lets go."
* * *
The clinic was welcoming but at the same time a little uncomfortable. The waiting area was painted a pale blue, the walls were lined with fabric chairs. I could feel James' hand intwinewith mine. I squeezed his hand and we walked up to the secratery. She was petite. Cute short curly hair framed her face along with big glasses that suited her.
"Hi. How can we be of service to you today?" She smiled.
"I, ummmm, wanted to know if we could see a doctor, and do a pr-pregnancy test..." Her face dropped a little and she looked concerned, but she nodded and smiled.
"I can have Dr.Harwood take you now if you'd like."
James squeezed my hand. We both nodded and she pointed down a hallway.
"Second door on the left. Dr.Harwood will be in momenterily."
"Thanks." I gave her a half smile. We walked through the hallway. I was about to open the door, but James beat me to it. He held it open for me and gave me his crooked smile that love. It was a typical doctors office. There was two chairs and the padded bench with the sheet of annoyingly loud paper spread across it. I sat down on the bench and cringed at the sound of the paper. James chuckled. He stood beside me instead of sitting. He was still holding my hand. He looked at me, cupped my face in his hands and brought it towards his face.
"Babe. Everything will be okay. I promise. If he says you're pregnant, we'll figure something out, and we'll tell your parents. Together." He tucked my side bangs behind my ear, and kissed my forehead. I felt safe. Ironic in this situation. Dr.Harwood walked in and gently shut the door behind him.
"Hello. My name is Dr.Harwood. I understand that you two want to do a pregnancy test, correct?" He had a husky but gentil voice. James answered.
"Yes sir. Chrisily has allready done four pregnancy tests at my place. They all said positive. But we wanted a Doctor's opinion."
"I understand. But before I get Chrisily to do the test, I'm going to ask a few questions, that alright?"
"No, go ahead." My voice was small and quiet.
"Alright, when was the last time you had sex?" James answered that one.
"A week and a half ago. It was on Thursday, I picked her up from work." I odded.
"Alright, when were you expecting your next period?"
"Ummm, five days ago."
"Okay, well I'm going to get you to go across the hall and fill this cup, and then come back in here so we can see the result." He handed me the cup. I did as instructed. When I returned to the office. James took my free hand as I handed Dr.Harwood the cup. He took it and turned around to the counter. He dunked a small white strip int it. After a few minutes passed, Dr.Harwood turned around. I squeezed James' hand and he squeezed mine in return. Dr.Harwood opened his mouth.
"It's possitive. So it means you are pregnant. I'll have my receptionist schedual you in three wees." We all left the room. James went to the secratery and made our appointment. We walked slowly to his car and got in. We sat in the clinic's parking lot for what seemed like hours but was only minutes. James was the one to break the silence.
"Ummm, she put us down for April 1st. Ironic eh Babe?" I looked up giving him a half smile.
"Where were you thinking of applying?"
"Well I had 2 places in mind. The flower shop a few blocks from your high school, and the other is... well actually whereevver is hiring."
"Oh. Alright." We pulled up to the Butcher Shop. I waited in the car while James went in and talked to Doran. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, it was dark and we were pulling up into my driveway. The street lights were on allready, so I guess it was 9:00 ish allready.
"C? You awake hun?"
"Yeah, do you mind if I stayed the night at your house? I know if I goin there, they'll get it out of me, and I'm not ready for that yet..." I was staring into his eyes when he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"You're more than welcome to. Are you going to get clothes or you want to borrow a shirt?"
"Can I borrow a shirt?"
"Yah, no problems there." The car was put into reverse, and we drove to James' house.
When we walked in, his parents were smoking pot and inhaling computer cleaner'dusting' to get high.The smell of that always mkesmy stumache flip, but it was worse now. James hurried me downstars t his room. It was the only room in his house that was drug and cleaner free. Most importantly, the only spot that didn't have contaminated air.
"I'm exhausted!" I collapsed on his bed and let out a long yawn. James laughed and pulled of his shirt revealing his abs. Man, he always gave me butterflys when he did that. I pulled off my blue t-shirt and my skinnies. I was in my underwear and a tank top. James turned the light off and go in got in beside me. His arm found it's way around my waist, and pulled me agianst him. I turned on my other side so I'd be facing him. "I love you James."
"I love you too."

2 -James
"So when do you think we should tell your parents?" She was fiddiling with her fingers and looking at her lap. She hasn't ben able to look at me in the eyes for more than three seconds since we found out she was pregnant.
"I don't know James."
"We have to tell them for sure after the ultra sound..." This was weird. I haven't seen her like this efore. She nodded.
"I know it's hard, but we have to think positive about this. Alright?" She snapped her head up.
"I know, but how? I mean I can't even look at my parents right now." This was really eating at her. It's not being pregnant that's eating at her, it's tellingher parents that she is.
"Well untill you want to tell them , you can stay here."
"Yeah but I have to get clothes, could we get them now?" Before I could say yes, I heard her stumache grawl. She put her hand over it and mummbled "Shut up."
"How long have you been hungary?"
" I don't know, maybe three hours..."
"What?! Three hours? Okay, We're getting you something to eat first hen we'll get your clothes."
"Okay." She got up from my bed and came over to me andgave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled.
"So, chinease, McDonalds, whereever you want to go tell me." I kissed her forehead. There it was. The smile I've been waiting all day to see made it's appreance across her face.
"Ummmm, how about the Italian restaurant on main?" Figures. Chrisily's favourite type of food was italian.
"You got it C." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and led her to the car.
* * *
It smells like tomatoes and pasta in here.
"So what do you and the baby want to eat?" She smirked at me.
"Ummm, we would like spaghetti and meatballs?" Classic.
"That's classic" I made a face at her when she was taking a sip of he water, I ended up wearing it when she spit it out by accident. Well that's what she saidit was atleast.
"I'm so sorry James. I swear I didn't mean to do that."
"It's okay babe. It was my fault. I'm the one who made the face when you were drinking." She giggled.
"So how shouldwe tell your parents that you're pregnant? Personally, I think we should take them to A&W and get them a grama and grampa burger and get us the mama and papa burger..." She laughed. Again! I need to work on my timing cause I got hit by a wave of water.
"Sorry. Again. But I think that would be a great way of telling them! But not untill the day of the ultrasound okay? I made her smile with the A&W idea so let's go with it.
"Okay, are you sure one week is enough time for you to be ready to tell them?" She nodded.
"Alright. I think it will be interesting to see their reactions if they catch on." She giggled.
"Ummm, are we keeping the baby, or is adoption up on the table..." her voice grew small as she asked that.
It's a huge choice either way. It's early and everything, but I'm ready, how about you?" She had a confused look on her face.
I thought for sure you would of said adoption..." her words looked as if they had a sour after taste 'cause she made a face as if someone had squeezed lemon juice in her mouth.
"It's not just my decision, it's yours too. So hatever you choose, I'll back you up on."
"I, ummm, was actually thinking of, uhh" I think she wants to keep our baby.
"of adoption." It sonded like she was sounding the word out. Unsure of how it would sound to me or something.
"You sure?" Before I could finish, she jumped in again.
"Not really, but I'm only 16 and you're only 19! Everything would be more complicated. Me trying to fnish high school and go to college, money issues, housing issues." I haven't tld her that I've been looking at houses in our town. I wanted it to be a surprize.
"The flower shop called, the manager asked if I could start monday."
"Well that's good."
"Okay I'm guna come out and say it. Why don't we keep our baby? It won't be easy, but we can do it. We can work it out so you can finish your school, go to college. We can make it work." I think I surprized her, but then again, maybe not. She had a relieved look on her face.
I'm cnfused Chrisily. Did you want to give the baby up for adoption, or keep the baby?"
"I said all of those things, because I wanted to know what you would say about the whole thing." I must of looked confused 'cause she started to explain further.
"James, I said I wanted to do adoption, to see how you'd react. I don't want to give her or him up for adoption."
"Oh. What do you want, like Girl or Boy? I kind of want a boy myself." She smiled and let out a small laugh.
I want a girl. Well as long as it's healthy, I don't really care."
"True. What do you want for desert?"
"I'm pregnant, I'm not dying. I don't usually have desert when we go out."
"Well tonight special isn't it? We're discussing our future. Our family's future." The last three words made a smile come across her face.
"I'll have some if you have some."
"I'm thinking chocolate cake?" She nodded.
* * *
"Okay, I got clohes. Can we go now?"
"Okay. Did something happen in there? You're upset."
"Nothing." Okay, wrd. The rest of the ride was silent. We went to my room.
"What do you want to do now?" She fell on her back onto my bed. She looked so peacefull. She was out cold. Guess that answers that. I lied down beside her, and wrapped my arms around her stumcahe and closed my eyes.

3. Chrisily
"Babe?" I paused. What's taking him so long?
"Jaes, we're guna be late."
"No we're not." He took my hand and turned me around so I'd be facin him. He kissed me on the forehead then opened the door for me. I smiled. He returned the guesture. I don't know what it was about it, but it alwaysade me melt when he smiled. I hope our baby has his smile. He locked his parents in the house and walked with me to the car. He opened my door for me. As we drove away, my stumache turned. A part of me was still wishing that they had made a mistake on my results from the test.
* * *
"I have to tell you about this dream I had last night, Chrisily. It was soo weird."
I turned to face him and squeezed his hand harder. The lights of the waiting room were blinding me.
"You were pregnant."
"Wow" I could hear the sarcasim in my voice.
"That;s not it!" He smiled - and I tried to keep myself together.
"You...gave birth. They were healthy and so beautiful..."
"THEY?" I wasn't sure if I heard him right. They? 'They' was only used when you're talking about more than one person.
"Well...we had twins" My eyes popped, just as the secratery came and lead us to the ultrasound room. We entered a medium sized room. There was two screens on stands and a chair that looked a like a reclined dentist chair. A young women in her late twenties was in the room playing with the equipment.
"Hello Chrisily and James." She smiled and held out her hand for us to shake it.
"Hello." I gave her a smile back. James waved.
"Alright, so I'm going to have you lay down here hun, and pull your shirt up exposing your stumache alright?" I did as in instructed. I breathed in deeply then exhaled. James squeezed my hand.
"If you look at the screen there, you'll see your baby. There's his or her's head." She pointed at a weird orange-brown circle.
"Is this it's foot?" James pointed at another orange-brown circle on the opposite side of the screen. His question and tone brouht laughter to me.
"No. Not exactly."
"Then what part is that?"
"A head."
"But you said this was the head" He pointed to the left side of the screen.
"Yes, but so is this circle." She pointed the right side of the screen.
"Twins?" I could hea the own confusment in my voice.
"Yes, it's twins. Congradulations." She sounded happy for us. I could feel James getting iratated.
"Did you hear us taling in the waiting room?" The woman looked like she was affended by the question.
"Pardon? I'm not following you hear.."
"In the waiting room. I told Chrisily that I had a dream last night about us having twins!"
"No. I did not. I was in here getting ready for this appointment."
"Sorry." He sounded sincere.
"I understand. Twins is hard enough to deal with but at your age, it will be difficult." She wasn't judging us, but trying to help us.
"Well, umm, when will we able to know the genders?"
"Maybe at your next appontment. Which will be on May 3rd at 2:45 pm."
"Okay. Thanks for you time." I got up and James had a damp cloth and wiped my stumache to get the gell off.
"Thanks." He nodded and smiled. We walked to the car.
"We have to tell our parents today."
"I know."
"I know you don't want to, but we can't keep it from them. They'll know when you start showing."
"But today though?" I really didn't want to tell them.
"Chrisily. They'll start catching on if you keep avoiding them. Plus you really shouldn't stay at my house much longer."
"Why not?" Is he dumping me?! He looked at me. I guess he heard the 'hurt' in my tone.
"My parents get high every day. I don't want you breathing that in, or the baby-babies. You guys need clean air not dirty air."
"Oh. Sorry. I forgot."
"It's okay." He looked back at the road. I fiddiled with my shirt , there was still a few centermeters of my stumache showing.
"I'm guna call my parents and tell them to meet us at A&W. Can you do the same?"
"I allready told mine. I told them to not bother coming if they were high too."
"What time should I ask them to be there at?"
"I told mine 2:00pm."
James and I told our parents to grab a table,andthat we'd order/ I carried mine and James' food and drinks, while he carried our parents orders. We started handing out everyone their burger.
"Hun, I asked for a papa burger." My dad was trying to make a joke. But after he said that, he looked at our burger packages and everyone elses. He was the first one to catch on. He sighed.
"I see. How far are you along?"
"About two and half months. I'm sorry dad. We didn't mean for this to happen." I could feel warm tears going down my cheeks. My mom caught on but chose to deny it.
"Haha! Good one guys!"
"What?" My dad, James and I all said tht at the same time.
"It's april fools day hun. They're pranking us! I must say it's a good one."
"Mrs.Duncan, we're not kidding about this. We have four pregnancy tests, doctor appointments and a sonogram from the ultrasound from earlier today." I took the sonogram out of my pocket and handed it to my dad. James' mom was glaring at me. She spoke.
"You're a slut that is ruining my son's life." I actually expected that. She never seemed to like me. She spoke to James now.
"James, I told you to stay away from her, but you chose to ignore my advice. Now look." My parents and I looked at her. My dad started to defend me, then James cut in.
"Don't talk to Chrisily like that!" James was becomin red in the face.
"James I forgive you. You're welcome to stay, but tat peice of knocked up trash isn't allowed to set a foot on my property." She gave me another death stare.
You know what? Chrisily shouldn't be at our house anyway!"
"There's my boy!" She smiled at him. What a B.I.T.C.H.
"She shouldn't be there from now on, because what you do will harm her and the babies! You guys get high everyday! She can't,and won't breathe that in while pregnant.Neither will the babies. You won't see, or hear your own grandchildren because you're a threat to their health!" My parents, James and I stood up and walked away. James took my hand. I wanted to tun around and stick my tounge out at his mom but we kept walking untill we got to the parking lot.
"Can the two of you stay at our home during the pregnancy? I agree with James. I don't want you or the baby breathing that in." I love how my dad never judges me. Even though this is the first time I've given him reason to be disapointed.
"Dad. It's babies. We're having twins."
"Oh. Alright."
"Were you asking me to move in during the pregnancy?" James was a little shocked the my dad had suggested that.
"es. We are. Chrisily is going to need your support. She has room for you things in her room. I can help you move your things in, if you'd like."
"Are you sure?" Still shocked.
"I mean, I thought you would of hated me now for getting Chrisily pregnant..."
"I don't hate you. It was a stupid choice on both your haves but, it's no reason to hate you."
"Okay. Would you mind if we moved the things out before my parents get home?"
"Yeah, we'll meet you there no if you'd like?"
"Alriht." My dad and mom walked off to their car. James opened the passanger door for me. I smiled and got in. I looked into the A&W window, and I saw James' mom give me th mddle finger. Whatever. We listened to the radio on the way to James' house. My favourite song came on. James turned it up for me. I didn't even have to ask. I love how he knows. We got to his house before my parents did. James reversed his car into the driveway. He parked and took the keys out of the ignition.
"Ummm, I don't wan you doing much lifting okay? I'll hand you things that are light alright?" Wow. I'm only two months but it's nice to see that he cares soo much. I smiled and nodded. We walked up to the front door and he unlocked the house. We went to his room. He tol me to wait in his room while he opened the garage door since his room was near the door that led to the garage. He came bck in.
This way, you don't inhale as much toxins, and it will be faster moving stuff into the cars."
"Oh, alright. What do you want me to carry" He hesitated before handing me his pillow. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.
"OWW! This is SOO HEAVY! Why the pillow?" I made him laugh with my bad acting. I brought it to his car, and came back for more things to carry. This time he handed me a shoebox. I gave it a gentil shake and I heard items move around. I went through the garage and when I got to the car, I opened it up. It had everything I'd given him from our first year of friendship. It also had things I've given him over the two years of our dating relationship. He had a picture of us kissing, a picture of me looking off to the side, a note that given him when we had our first fight. Everything, He still had everything. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms arond my stumache. He was looking over my shoulder.
"Surprized that I kept everything?"
"Actually?..Yeah." I put the lid back on and set the box down on the front passenger's chair. My parents pulled up. And as they got out of the car, James' parents pulled up. His mom was glaring at me. James led me and my parents to his room through the garage. His mom stood in his bedroom doorway. James said he didn't want to bring anything else. We made our way to the cars. His mom followed us to the cars. She stood in the driveway as we drove away.
It's weird. Having James' stuff in my-our room. I like it, but I'm going to have to get use to it.
"So, it's official. We're living together." James was sitting on the bed cross legged.
"Ummm, I guess.." He laughed.
"How are you going to tell your friends? I mean you are going to tell them right?" He looked at me.
"I'm deffinitly going to tell Kenzie, and Christine. Maybe Shanon. I don't know about Taylor though. You know how she is about you. She's a..." James raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry. She gets to me."
"I can see and hear that. It's okay she'll never come between us, so stop hating."
"I don't hate her. I just hate how she trys to throw herself all over you when she sees you."
"What? Like this?" James walked over to me, picked me up and kissed me. He finaly stopped kissing me when I ran out of breath. His kisses always made my stomach fill up with butterflies.
"How are you going to tell them?" He was playing with my hair.
"I was thinking of putting the sonogram picture in my locker, they'll notice it right away."
"Oh. That's original."
I was walking down the stairs with James when it hit me. The smell of baccon. I ran to the washroom and began throwing up. I hated morning sickness. James was holding my hair up. Wen I got up I et over to the sink and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with mouth wash. James was rubbing my back.
"Are you alright babe?"
"No, I'm 16 years old nd 3 weeks pregnant. I'm not alright." I could see James frown a little.
"Sorry for snappig there. Hormones are wacked."
"That'salright Babe. I understand." We walked to the kitchen were my dad was eating the baccon so I wouldn't have a relapse of morning sickness. My mom still thought it was an act.
"Chrisily, can you please cut the act? I know you're not pregnant alright?" We all just looked at her. My dad broke the silence.
"Am I driving you or is James?"
"If it's okay with yourself and Chrisily, I'd like to drive her to school."
"Of course. Well I'll see you guys later. Bye." My dad walked out the door, and my mom left the kitchen.
"You ready?" I nodded.
"You sure you want to go in today?"
"Positive. Kenzie has been starting to worry cause I haven't been texting her lately and I didn't show up to class on Friday or monday." He nodded his head and opened the door for me.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it." We walked to James' car in silence. When we got on, he turned the radio to my favourite station. The ride was short. We were pulling into the student parking lot, he found a spot and parked.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah, I hve to go back now, or I'll never get back to it once the baby is here..."
"Okay, call me if anything goes wrong alright?" I'll text you when I get off for my lunch break."
"'K, that sounds good." I went to open the door but he caught my hand. I turned and looked at him.
"You have your gym note right?" I felt a grin grow across my face.
"Yes I have it. Can I go to class now?"
"Wait." I looked at him, and he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Now you can go." I opened the door and sarted walking to the school doors. When I got it, I went straight to my locker. Did my combo. 15, 09,12. Easiest combo in the world. Well atleast for me. I pulled out the sonogram and taped it onto the door. My gym teacher was walking by, and saw what I was putting up. She came over and talked to me.
Chrisily, if you don't mind me asking, is the sonogram yours?" She was sure to kee her voice down so no other students would notice. I reached into my sidebag and pulled out my doctors note. I handed it to her. She nodded her head.
"Alright. If you need anything or go somewhere during class, let me know. And we're doing health today in gym for the next 2 weeks, so you won't need to sit out." I smiled.
"No problem." She left, and Kenzie saw me and ran over.
"Where have you been missy?!" She trapped me in a bearhug. I laughed.
"I was at the doctors and home. Did you miss me that much?"
"Yes! And why were you at the doctors? Are you okay?" I saw her eyes go to the sonogram. Her mouth dropped. She lipped 'No way.' I nodded.
She pulled me into another bearhug.
"I'm going to be here okay? If you need anything let me know! Omg Does James know?! Did he leave you?!?!?"
"Yes he knows, no he's not leaving me. He moved in over the weekend. My parents know, my mom acts like I'm acting. James' mom hates my guts, and lastly you're the best."
"Well, it's his parents loss. Your mom will come around, It's good that he's owning up to it. And I know. Arn't I the best?" She gave me a third hug.
"So what are you doing about school? Are you going to come untill you show, or are you switching into a GED course?"
"I'm staying here. My gym teacher allready knows. I have to tell all of my other teachers though. Oh great. Here comes Shanon."
"What ever comments she says, I'll back you up. I can help you tell the other three teachers since we have every single class together." We smiled at eachother. I mouthed 'thanks.' Shanon had reached us.
"Hey hoes. What's new?"
"Not much." Kenzie and I said at the same time which made us giggle. Shanon noticed the sonogram.
"What's that? It looks kinda cool. What's it of?"
"My uterus.." I accidently made that sound bitchy, which naturaly, Shanon became a bitch back.
"You're pregnant?!" She said that so loud, everyone in the hall stopped talking and started looking at us. She did that on purpose. She was smiling. Kenzie spoke up.
"Really Shanon? Why would you spread such non-sense? Oh, is it one of your bitch days?"
"That's everyday!" A random kid threw in. Everyone began to laugh. Shanon's face grew red from anger and embarresment.
"Atleast I'm not pregers at 16."
"Your sister was." I threw that in her face. She didn't show any emotion of hurt.
"Yeah,so my sister was a stupid. You, on the otherhand.... Well we all know your reputation."
"A reputation of a hard working, intelligent, caring, sweet loving girl?" Why was James here? I turned and I saw him come up behind me and place his arms around me. He whispered in my ear.
"I knew someone would speak a little loud, so I came in to help." I whispered back.
"Thank you." Shanon spoke.
" James, why are you with her when she's clearly pregnant with another guy's child?" I swore I would of hit her, put James' grip tightened around my waste.
"No, I'm the father. She would never cheat. She's not that type of person." There was a crowd forming around us. The bell rang and everyone started clearing as soon as teachers came out and herded them into class like sheep.
"I have to go to work now. I'll see you at lunch alright babe?" With that he kissed my forehead and left. Kenzie and I entered our Science room. She came up to the teacher's desk with me while I handed our teacher a note. We took our seats. We watched as he nodded his head at the note and began todays lesson.


Texte: The cover is a picture I took myself (Emily) Cassandra and one of our male friends possed. Copy writes go to us I guess. :P
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.04.2011

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