
Chapter 1: The Peaceful Beginning

The sun shined on the kids playing. I watched as my friends, Jane, Flame and Natalie train. I wasn't much of a fighter. Some say I'm too kind. But some say I am the symbol of peace and love. Shi Fu always said that even though we are not the masters of some things, we have something the other's don't.

My real name is Linda, if you don't know. I used to live in a seperate village from the one I live now. Our houses like acient Chinese houses. Stairs, windows, fancy roofs, luxurious rooms and other amazing things you would expect in a house. I possessed the element of air. Controlling the wind, travelling on a cloud. stealth, a ring like weapon and other powers. But I haven't mastered the power of flying... I'm having a bit of trouble.

From my last journey, I met Jane, Natalie and Flame. They are some of my best friends. Jane has black hair (I guess we all have...) and she likes to keep it down, not in any hairstyles. I'm in pigtails. I wear white usually and Jane wears blue. Jane likes to swim, she can breath underwater, control the weather, levitate the water and heal from the water. With no doubt, she possesses the element of water. How I met Jane? The same way I met the other two. I was walking in the woods, not knowing what to do, scared. I've been a wimp since I was born. Even though I fight demons, I never had the guts to kill someone or anything! Jane was my best friend. She understood me the most.

Flame was a tough girl. She was a great leader and she always knew everything. Smart, quick (actually, FAST), strong and nice at times. When we were off topic, she would remind us to pay attention. She wore red and like her hair in a ponytail. Her weapons were daggers. She could run through fire, control fire, create a fire ball and thow it at her enemy and other scary powers. Sometimes, I saw her as a devil. But she wasn't mean. The one bad thing about her is that she doesn't share her secrets. She can be really sensitive and doesn't want to talk about her past. And that gives her the element of fire.

Natalie is the earth one. The strong, tough and mean one. She wore black and green. In my last trip, she always wore black. But Jane found the Diamond of Truth which gave her the power to save Natalie from an evil bite of a demon. She was bitten when her parents died. I'm not sure how it happened. Natalie was a funny, but sometimes mean girl. She also had a ponytail. Her weapon was a bow and arrow. All of our weapons are made from Copper Gold. Natalie was the strongest out of all of us. She had excellent fighting techniques and skills but she could get very aggressive at times. Shi Fu used to say she was as hard as rock. I wouldn't want to mess with Natalie. No one wants to.

“Liz!” cried Jane. I looked at her and smiled.

“How about a game of soccer?” suggested Flame as she ran up behind Jane.

“Sure!” I said. I got up and joined the rest of the players. There were kids from our village, young and old. Jane was the main star right now, after she'd faced that journey. We didn't take much credit. But I remembered Shi Fu's words: You may not have the strength of an elephant, you may not have the intelligence of a mathematician, but you have the heart of kindness, that's what makes you special.

"Jane, you will be on that team. And so will Natalie!" instructed Flame.

"Can you be on our team too?" asked a boy from Jane's team. Flame turned around and smiled.

"Sure!" she answered with a grin.

"What team am I on?" I asked. The crowd whispered for a while and a girl stood up.

"You can be on our team!" she volunteered. She was on the opposite team of Jane, Natalie and Flame. I sighed and faked a smile. After making the teams, I was on the bad team, again. I wasn't so good at soccer. But I did have a lot of friends. The whistle blew and the game was on. Flame kicked the soccer ball and passed it to Natalie. I watched as she zipped pass the tiny little kids and dodged the big tough ones. She kicked the ball closer and closer to the net.

"Pass it to me!" I heard Jane shout. Natalie didn't pay attention and shot the ball into the net. The other team jumped with glee and huddled up.

"Next time, we need to work as a team!" Flame added. The kids nodded and got back into their positions. Another whistle blew, and the game was on. I watched as the players fought hard for the ball, but just got knocked out of the way by Natalie. My team was losing badly. I just stood there, hopeless. But then, something happened. The soccer ball came towards me. Behind it was Natalie, determined to score the goal. I ran for the ball but tripped and fell towards the ground. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion... I fell but my feet left the ground and they were in the air. I lifted my arms, ready for the fall. Suddenly, I did a somersault in the air. I was floating peacefully as I saw Natalie pass by. When the slow motion stopped, I was back to normal, standing on my two feet.

“Natural training habits.” I thought. The next thing I knew was that Natalie had scored the winning goal. The crowd cheered and everyone was sweaty.

"How about we head down to the lake for a swim?" panted Jane.

"I think that's going to have to wait..." sighed Flame as she looked behind us. A man from the distance ran towards us.

“The Yin and Yang necklace has been stolen!” cried the man. I stood in shock. The Yin and Yang necklace. The great necklace of peace and balance!

“We must find it before the balance of good and evil break!” ordered Shi Fu.

“Quick! Gear up!” directed Flame.

"But I'm sweating and we just finished a game of soccer!" complained Jane. We went to get our weapons ready. Jane sighed and followed us.

“Go girls! You must find it! Take the compass too, it will come in handy.” Shi Fu said, handing us the compass Jane got from our last trip.

“We'll be back in no time!” cheered Jane. With that, we headed off.

“We will be waiting for your peaceful return!” cried the village. I took one last look at the village and walked away.

Chapter 2: The Ninja

I looked ahead of me and saw Jane, Natalie and Flame leaping ahead (we were in the trees). I sighed and rested on a branch. Jane looked back and sighed.

"We're not even close yet!" she pointed out, meaning 'Get back up!'. I sighed again and got up. My legs were sore. It was pretty peaceful. The birds were singing as usual, the trees were whispering as usual, the wind was whistling as usual and Flame was in charge, as usual.

“Do you even know where we're going?” wondered Natalie.

“Of course! The medallion is never wrong!” replied Flame with a firm voice.

“Would the thief leave a trace behind?” I suggested.

“It could be possible it left footprints...” added Jane.

“Look around! We have to find something!” cried Flame as she jumped off. We jumped off like Flame and looked around. We started searching for clues that the thief might have left. I went into the bushes and scratched myself. The branches were sharp. I looked up and saw a Wishing Owl. I smiled and looked at it. The brownish purple feathers made it look dull in the trees.

"How are you doing?" I asked the owl.


"I'm Liz! Have you happen to see a thief around here?"


"A thief. Not sure who he or she looks like."

"Who..." the owl sighed and flew off. I could talk to animals. The owl didn't see anything.

“I found something!” cried Jane. She held a piece of paper with scratches on it.

“It's in ancient writing!” I said. I translated it and read it...


Jumping through the trees,

Swimming in the water,

Feeling the fire,

Flying in the air.

When all elements discover a meaning,

A great power will appear.

The necklace of unspeakable power will shine and give out powers to each.

Better be careful, the puzzle must be complete...


We looked at each other.

“That's all of our elements!” pointed Jane.

“Didn't Jane discover her inner self already? She discovered friendship and unlocked the powers of the water dragon and Diamond of Truth!” added Flame.

“So when we all find a meaning or inner self, we will have awesome new powers? Sweet!” cheered Natalie.

“But it takes time to discover all of our meanings and inner selves. Jane went through a lot in our first trip to actually discover her meaning.” I interrupted the happiness.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!” directed Jane. We started running again. I was way behind. I wasn't as fast as the rest of them. Sometimes, I think they don't actually want to be my friend since I'm so weak. It's like they're using me when they need me... But they wouldn't do that... Would they?


We kept on running. I was getting a bit tired. I made a cloud and started flying on it.

“Cheater!” cried Natalie.

“I'm a bit tired! I don't want to slow you down...” I begged.

“Guys!” shouted Flame. We all came to a stop. She looked around.

“D-demons?” I shivered. There was a slight rustle in the bushes. Suddenly, a ninja star came flying at me. It caught my shirt and slammed me against a tree.

“No one messes with my friends!” shouted Natalie. She jumped up, grabbing her Copper Gold bow and arrow and lunged towards the secretive man. He was dressed like a ninja. Completely black with a mask over his face. He made a hand gesture and demons started coming towards us.

“Do not fear the demons Natalie!” I encouraged. She shot all of them down with her arrow. Black evil smoke disappeared into the air. I pulled the ninja star out and found myself bleeding. It ached. Jane got up and grabbed her water sword. She tried slicing the man but he was fast.

“Fire!” shouted Flame as she threw fire balls at him. He dodged and jumped into the trees. Natalie kicked him down as soon as he was about to escape. Natalie started fighting with him. They blocked, turned, punched, kicked and Flame lunged in. She started using her daggers and tried stabbing him. The man got out a smoke bomb and threw it at us. We coughed and coughed and fell down. The man escaped...


We woke up all confused and dizzy.

“What happened?” I asked.

“If you moved and helped us, we could've caught that guy!” shouted Flame.

“Liz was hurt, you can't really blame her.” Jane defended.

“I tried. But as you know, I'm not the best fighter here.” I added.

“Yeah, 'cause you're the worst fighter here!” joked Natalie. Jane elbowed her after she offended me. Jane was the nicest friend I ever had. We were always looking after each other. Flame and Natalie get pissed off a lot when the mission isn't complete.

“Guys!” shouted Flame, “We can't just give up! We need to keep on moving!”

“Wait!” said Jane, holding my arm. I noticed that I was still bleeding, badly.

“We have to get to the river, I'll heal you.” directed Jane. I put my arm around her neck and she helped me to the river bank. She bent down and touched the water. It was just so magical. She then touch my side where I got cut. Water started running up her arm and went to her other arm that led to my side. It was healing so quickly!

“There. Done.” she concluded. I looked at her with a shy grin.

“Thanks. It feels much better.” I said.

“No big, that's what friends are for.”

“You will forever be my best friend.” I concluded. After that, we headed back to the other girls.

Chapter 3: The Unspeakable Power

When we got back, the gang found some clues.

“Looks like this guy is a highly trained ninja...” admitted Flame after picking up a piece of paper. The paper was an advertisement, for a top secret ninja school. It had a picture of a 3 ninjas all doing a fighting pose. The title was 'Sensei Lotus's Ninja School' and had a subtitle of 'Do you have the skills to make it?'. We looked at each other.

“This guy is from a highly trained ninja school?! Weird...” criticized Natalie.

“Girls, we need to get to that ninja school and get that necklace. We don't want any ninja school to control the 'unspeakable power'.” snapped Flame.

“What is the 'unspeakable power'?” I asked. I was a very curious girl, but not too curious. Flame sighed and sat down.

“I'll tell you the story after we make camp, it's getting dark.” directed Flame. We nodded and split up. Jane went to get the water with Lavender (from our previous trip, Lavender is a Dark Phoenix), Natalie went hunting, Flame went to get the firewood and me, I just stayed there to be on look out. I sighed and looked at the trees above me.

"Why do I always get the weird job?" I said to myself. It was very boring. I sat down and started to meditate. I felt the wind blow my hair, the sound of birds, everything went slow. It was peaceful and quiet, in a good way. Then, I noticed I couldn't feel the ground. Was I floating? I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the ground. Man, was I dizzy.

"What happened?" I mumbled rubbing my head. Lavender flew over and watched me rub my head.
 I looked at him and smiled (Yes, Lavender is a guy). In his talons, he was holding some berries.

“Thanks boy!” I said while patting him on the head. I looked at the trees and wondered what the unspeakable power was... Suddenly, I heard a rustle. It came closer, and closer. I started to hear heavy breathing. It was getting closer. A drop of sweat went down my face. My heart started pounding.

“Demons...” I thought. I wasn't that good at fighting, and I wasn't going to get any better. I got my ring ready and looked at Lavender. He didn't like that sound at all. He got his wings ready to fly and stood there. I looked around myself and froze.

"Should I disappear into mist?!" I panicked. Suddenly, a black figure came towards me and snatched my weapon. I was weaponless. I jumped up and flew into the air. I dived down towards the demon and punched it. The demon scowled at me and dodged. It started to circle me, faster and faster. I picked up my ring and threw it (like a Frisbee or Boomerang) towards the demon. It cried in pain and disappeared into black smoke.

“It's dead...” I whispered to myself, “It's dead...”


We sat around the fire, but no one believed me that I killed a demon.

“Demons usually attack in groups.” explained Flame.

“And plus, why would they want to attack you? You're completely weak!” giggled Natalie. I looked down as a stream of tears came down my cheek. Maybe it was just a mirage.

“How about you tell us the story about the Unspeakable Power, Flame.” suggested Jane after seeing the tears slowly make their way down.

“Alright, but I'm telling ya, if it sounds weird, it's not my fault.” warned Flame.

“Weird?! How would you know the story if you didn't invent it?” joked Natalie.

“I saw it in a scroll in Shi Fu's drawer one day...” admitted Flame.

“Didn't Shi Fu tell us not to go into his room unless we were told to?” I asked.

“This remains between the four of us...” suggested Jane as she giggled.

“Anyway, the prophecy foretells that when the four great element holders,” started Flame.

“That's us!” interrupted Natalie.

“Ahem, when the four great element holder find their inner peace/self or lesson or meaning, they will receive a signal and that is when the unspeakable power will be unleashed.”

“What is the unspeakable power?” I questionned.

“It's unspeakable, what do you think?!” snapped Natalie.

“But it's gotta have some sort of description, like, a consequence to the power.” I argued.

“The prophecy included one part that, the power is neither good and neither bad. But it depends on who activated it.” added Flame. We all sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Well, that's enough weird stories for one day!" Natalie concluded as she broke the silence.

“We better get to sleep.” yawned Jane as she melted into water and into the river. Flame yawned and so did Natalie.

"Yawning is contagious..." Flame said slowly as she went to sleep. I was left there, alone. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


The next morning, I found myself in a tree.

“What the...” I muttered. The rest of the gang were staring at me in disbelief.

“How did you get up there?!” exclaimed Jane. I shrugged and climbed down.

“Sleep climbing?” giggled Natalie.

“We don't have time for this, we need to find a way to get in the ninja school!” reminded Flame.

“We can go undercover.” I suggested.

“Good idea, Liz.” agreed Jane.

“Let's get to the a nearby village to get some ninja clothing.” Flame added.

“There is no nearby village, it was destroyed a couple years ago.” argued Natalie. We were stumped.

“Maybe the ninja school gives out uniforms.” I suggested.

“But how can we get the uniforms if we're not invited?” pointed out Flame.

“I just remembered!” jumped Jane as she pulled something from her backpack, “I got these from Shi Fu, he told me it was his brother's student's uniform.”

“You could have said that earlier...” scowled Natalie. From the bag were one white ninja suit, one black ninja suit, one gray ninja suite and one pink ninja suit. The rest of the gang reached for the black, white and gray suite. I was left with the pink one.

“Good luck with that one...” smirked Natalie. I shrugged and put it on. It was a bit big but it fits. Jane put on the white one, Flame put on the gray one and Natalie put on the black one.

“This material is uncomfortable!” complained Jane.

“Let's just get to the secret ninja school before dark.” suggested Flame. And the four ninjas were off, but it's quite awkward why one ninja would wear a pink suite...

Chapter 4: Hidden Security

The sun was high in the sky and I was starting to sweat in my uniform.

"That's why I didn't want to become a ninja..." sighed Natalie as she pulled off her mask.

"You're the one who chose the colour black! It's unwise to chose a colour that absorbs light on a hot sunny day." explained Flame as we climbed a mountain. The air was getting thinner and thinner. But that didn't affect me. I was fine. Natalie was dying!

"Not my fault! It's better than pink!" she shouted. They all stopped and looked at me.

"It's better than nothing!" I complained back. They giggled and kept on climbing. I looked behind me and saw the landscape. It was amazing... The breeze came and it danced past me. Some tiny little green leaves followed and swayed with the wind. I imagined myself as one of the leaves, flying...

"Hurry up Liz!" exclaimed Flame from above. I saw the others way ahead of me.

"Coming!" I cried back. I was getting tired though. I smiled and created a cloud and sat on it. I thought of flying and the cloud levitated. As I passed the other three girls, I waved with a big smile.

"Cheaters..." groaned Natalie. She sighed and started climbing to the top, except faster. It was her strength. She possessed the element of earth. As she smiled at me when she passed me, I smiled back. I clapped my hands and the cloud levitated faster and higher. Natalie scowled and started climbing even faster. I started to get annoyed. So that's how you wanna play... I clapped my hands again and the cloud went higher and higher, faster and faster. This went on for about five minutes... We got to the top at the same time and sat there, exhausted.

"I still won!" panted Natalie with her remaining breath. I shook my head.

"Don't use all of your energy so fast!" I giggled. She smiled and got up.

"Who said I used all of my energy?" she asked sarcastically.

"You sure look like it!"

"At least I'm not as lazy as you!"

"Because I know how to use my energy wisely" I sighed with relief. From behind us came Jane and Flame.

"Don't go so fast!" suggested Jane.

"No time to talk, let's go!" ordered Flame. She held the medallion in the sky and the top sign glowed. She ran in the direction and looked at us.

"We're coming!" I shouted and started to follow her.


As we ran and ran, I noticed that we were in a forest by now.

"This is when black comes in handy..." reminded Natalie, "And when pink is not!"

"Will you keep it quiet?! We're almost there!" warned Flame. She stopped all of a sudden.

"What gives?" asked Jane.

"We're here..." she murmured, "Hide!" We duck down and waited. As we approached the ninja school, I saw a huge building. It was completely unguarded.

“That's weird...” mumbled Jane under her white mask.

“I was expecting high security...” added Natalie as she shrugged. She turned around ready to leave when Flame caught her shirt.

“Have your forgotten?! This is a ninja school!” whispered Flame harshly as she pulled Natalie back.

“Right, I knew that...” replied Natalie. I looked back at the building which was the school. It was covered with red paint on the walls and the roof was the same fancy roof as the ones in the village. There was a huge gate in the middle of the walls. I looked closer, and the door disappeared.

“Uh, girls, do doors disappear?” I asked suspiciously.

“Depends...” answered Jane. Suddenly, I heard a little rustle. I heard Jane gulp and my heart beating fast.

“Hurry! Let's enter the school before anything happens!” directed Flame. I felt a tug on my shirt and I was dragged away.

“Let go you!” I shouted. I looked back and saw Jane, Flame and Natalie staring at me, frozen.

“Oops...” I said slowly. I said it too loud. I saw a black shadow fly past me. Jane gasped and got her sword out. Natalie and Flame did the same, they got their weapons out.

“Be ready...” I heard Flame murmur to herself. Suddenly, the same ninja from last time appeared. He took his weapon out and swung it at me.

"That's just great! A sword!" sighed Jane in shame. She jumped up and blocked the attack with her sword. I looked back and saw another ninja, just like the one Jane was fighting. This one had daggers. Flame frowned.

"Next time, chose your own weapon!" she shouted at the ninja. She lunged towards him and threw one of her daggers at him. As I tried to get up, a ninja star flew past me, missing me.

"Whoa! You don't dare hurt her!" scowled Natalie. There was a third. Natalie ran up to him, beating him up. The ninja was weak against Natalie. Like I said, never mess with Natalie. I soon realized something. If there was three, there was going to have to be a fourth. I got up and a cold shiver went down my spine. I looked around and saw nothing. Suddenly, it hit me, literally. A nun-chuck swung me across the head, knocking me out. I felt the pain at the back of my head. I looked back at the ninja and got up.

"Guys! Use your elemental powers!" cried Flame. It made sense! Using our elemental powers against theses ninjas was going to be very effective. I grinned at the ninja and turned into mist. He looked around not knowing where I went. This was too fun! I focused on wind and gracefulness and a gust of wind game and took his nun-chucks. The wind slowly turned into a shape of a hand and the nun-chuck came swinging at him. He didn't know who he was messing with. The ninja fell down and I turned back to my normal self, solid. I looked at Jane who was laughing at the ninja being tossed into the air by a water geyser. I smiled at her and looked at Flame. The ninja she was fighting now had a bad burn. Finally, I looked at Natalie, who was looking down at a beaten up ninja.

"We sure tought them a lesson!" exclaimed Natalie under her black mask. All of a sudden, a tornado of leaves surrounded us.

"It's not over yet..." I heard a voice say. I took one last look around me until something hit my head and I was done...


Chapter 5: Lessons

I woke up all of a sudden in a room. The room was like inside of a normal village house. There was an expensive pot on a table, beside it were statues and acient artifacts. There was a cabinet made of glass and wood. Inside were more artifacts. Could this be the thief's house? My head was feeling dizzy.

"W - what happened?" I murmured as I rubbed my head. I felt a bandage on my forhead. I looked at my reflection in a glass window, there was a huge bandage across my head. I heard footsteps coming in. I quickly grabbed my pink mask and put it on (which was beside me).

"I see you have awakened..." the voice said. I looked around the room and saw the ninja I defeated.

"Yes, I'm feeling a bit dizzy, I need to see my - "

"Your friends are okay. Don't talk too much..." he said as he came closer. He sat on the bed beside me and lifted the mask. I stopped him just in time.

"Who are you?!" I shouted. He smiled and took off his mask. He had black hair with dark brown eyes that shined in the light. He looked Chinese and strong.

"I'm Vincent. A student at Sensei Lotus's Top Secret Ninja School. You put up quite a fight there..." he introduced as he rubbed his arm. I looked at his right arm and there was a bad bruise.

"Sorry about that." I apologized.

"It's fine, I get a lot of that from training... The good news is, you qualified for this school!"

"Really?! That easily?!"

"As long as you get past the security, you're qualified!"

"Wow... So how long have you been here?"

"About three years... Here, I'll show you around." he suggested. I got out of bed and went outside. The school was surrounded by a barrier (walls to be precise), and inside the barrier were ninjas training.

"Your friends are in the dining room, waiting for you." he pointed out. I looked around and saw everyone wearing masks. There were several buildings. I looked towards Vincent and followed him. We entered a room full of tables and chefs serving food. I looked around, trying to find a white ninja and a grey ninja (Everyone wore black so there was no point of finding Natalie).

"Hey pinky!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim. I turned around and saw three ninjas sitting together. Instantly, I knew who they were.

"Oh my goodness!" I squealed.

"Don't give away our identity! It's dangerous!" warned the grey ninja, which was Flame. I nodded in response.

"Okay, now that we have all of us, what's the plan?" asked Jane.

"Okay, we're gonna disguise ourselves as ninjas. Then, as we go to class and act as a student, we look for the necklace at the same time." explained Flame.

"I've been here before, no one knows the school master." added Natalie. I stared at her.

"When?" I asked her. Natalie froze for a second.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." she finally answered.

"The necklace is probably highly guarded, not by students but by servants..." claimed Jane.

"It's also probably hidden where the school master can keep an eye on it." I added.

"Alright, we'll split up and try to search for clues. After we've found the necklace, we'll break our way out." concluded Flame.

"Never reveal your identity. We'll meet in our room at the end of each day." added Natalie. My mind was full of questions.

"Where's our room?" I questionned.

"I'll show you later." said Jane. A bell rang and all the ninjas got up and headed outside. I felt a tug on my shirt. It was Vincent.

"The second years go outside. You're a first year, you have to stay here and wait for your teacher to come." he explained. I turned around and saw a bunch of little kids sitting on a bench. I sat down too. A tall man with a nice moustache came in. He was dressed in a robe.

"Good morning class. We have quite a few new students attending our school. What is your name young one?" he said, pointing at me. I gulped and a sweat went down my cheek.

"Alex." I answered. The teacher grinned.

"We shall start our lesson with the rules of this school." he continued, "First, NEVER enter the little room in the bushes. It is forbidden. If you do, you shall get detention." The kids gasped.

"What's the matter?" I whispered to the one sitting beside me.

"The ones in detention never return, alive..." the kid murmured to me. My eyes went wide and I started to think. Could the necklace be there?

"Second, NEVER speak to the school master." the teacher exclaimed. Another question flowed into my mind. Who is the school master?

"Third, NEVER take off your mask unless you are asked to."


"Fourth, obey all teachers and staff no matter what."

Why doesn't anyone get to see the school master?

"Fifth, NEVER touch any artifacts."

Is there something they are hiding?

"Sixth, NEVER leave the school grounds..."

We can't escape?!

"Lastly, you are NOT allowed to leave your rooms at night." the teacher concluded. The students stared at the teacher and waited. I was frozen, full of questions about the rules.

"Are there any questions?" he asked. I shot my hand up.

"Why can't we leave the school when we wish to?" I questionned. The teacher frowned at me, he looked quite mad.

"That is an invalid question! I expect all of you to do your best at this school. You are dismissed." he shouted. The students got up and headed to their classes.

"Why?" I muttered to myself. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around and saw Vincent.

"You shouldn't question about the rules here." he sighed. I looked down and looked back up. Our eyes met and I stared at him.

"I better get going to class." I said, breaking the silence. If only I knew which class I had... He grabbed my hand and smiled.

"The teacher said I better guide you around the school for the first couple of weeks. I looked back at him again. Why couldn't he leave me alone? He was a nice guy and all but still, he should give me some space!

"Oh, um, alright." I managed to stumble. He grinned and took me to a room with desks and students.

"This is history class, you will be here first period." he explained. I sat down and looked at the teacher. It was a man, similar to the one who explained the rules.

"Ahem, today we shall talk about the history of our school." the teacher started, "Sensei Lotus's Top Secret Ninja School or S.L.T.S.N.S. was built a long time ago. It was built by the school master himself. He has been alive since. He trained his first four ninjas who wore four different colours..." The teacher went on, talking awkwardly. I was expecting more detail. He didn't specifically say when was the school built, nor did he say who was the school master. I sat in history class for a long time. I looked down at a scroll, it was my notebook. I was supposed to take notes. I picked up the calligraphy brush and started writing.

- built a long time ago

- school master has been alive for a long time

- school master: unknown

- first students were 4 ninjas

- wearing different colours

- school is heavily guarded

- only talented students allowed

The list went on forever. Everything the teacher said had no detail. I took out another scroll and started to write...

1. go to library (if there is one) to do research on school

2. talk to 'friends'

As I continued writing, the teacher shot a look at me. I froze...

"Are you taking notes, Alex?" he asked suspiciously. I gulped and dropped the brush.

"Um, yes..." I stumbled.

"Alright..." he answered back. The bell rang and all of the masked students exited the room. As I grabbed my scrolls, I ran out the room, hoping to escape from Vincent. I looked behind me and no one was there. I sighed with relief until I bumped into someone.

"Sorry about that..." the person I bumped into said. I looked up and saw Vincent. GREAT!

"No, I should be sorry..." I added as I picked up my scrolls.

"You have training next until lunch." he replied. I smiled and ran outside. There was a little place to train outside and there was a dojo inside too.

"Where do I go?" I whispered to myself.

"Outside." answered Vincent from behind. I jumped and looked at him.

"You're quite secretive..." I admired.

"Thanks, I'm a third year so I have to be." he explained. I took a deep breath and went outside. Suddenly, I remembered that I had to look for clues. I looked around for a little house, the one we weren't aloud to go in. Before I had the chance to look around me, I was pulled over.

"What are you doing?!" said the voice. Surprisingly, it wasn't Vincent. I turned around to see a grey ninja. Flame!

"I was looking for a forbidden house," I pointed out, "looks like we're in the same class!"

"I guess..."

"How was your first class?"

"Not bad, we reviewed the keys of stealth."

"I'm supposed to be Alex, you?"

"Sam." she replied. Suddenly, I ninja popped out of nowhere.

"Greetings students, I will be your gym/training teacher for this semester." he introduced, "We will start off with a relay." The students split up into two teams immediately. I followed Flame, or now I should say Sam. She stood in line and the whistle blew. The first people started to run at top speed and dodged the slicing knives coming at them. They then climbed up a wall and jumped over a trap. The relay was dangerous... The next kids went and repeated the same movements of the first kids. Suddenly, it was my turn. I ran at the speed of wind, dodging the knives by letting them slip trough me (in other words, turning into mist) and jumped to the top of a wall. I was on the last obstacle. I didn't see any traps, so I just jumped down from the wall. Suddenly, instead of landing on my feet, I fell in a ditch. It was covered by leaves before, but now, I was in it. I guess I clonked my head on something because the next thing I know, I was dead.


Texte: Mist Flower/purplepandaj
Bildmaterialien: Mist Flower/purplepandaj
Lektorat: Emberdawn
Übersetzung: anonymous
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.08.2013

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The Spirit duets, Mistflower and Emberdawn.

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