

Long ago, in Chicken Smoothie Island, there lived many animals. Dogs, wolfs, cats, rats, chickens, and other animals. Now their great leader, Chicken Goddess was worried. For it was foretold that war would come upon her kingdom and chaos and destruction was the end. To prevent that from happening, she divided the island into 7 pieces. One land belonged to the Dog Clan. One land belonged to the Cat Clan. One land belonged to the Chicken Clan. One land belonged to the Rat Clan. One land belonged to the Butterfly Wolf Clan. One land belonged to the Horse Clan, and one belonged to the evil ones. Those who left their clans were sent here. The great goddess also chose a leader for each clan. When the previous leader gets a sign from the goddess, it will know who will be the next leader and pass their wisdom to the chosen one.


Before you were chosen as a leader, the goddess has to see your skills. You have become a full grown animal before are appointed leader. Take the Dog Clan for example, Blue Feather is a warrior. The Cat Clan and Dog Clan both life cycle of a Kit/Pup, Paw and finally, a special ending for your warrior name. For example, when Blue Feather was born, she was named Blue Pup. Then, when she became an apprentice, she was called Blue Paw. And finally, when enrolled into a warrior, she was named officially Blue Feather. Now Blue Feather was a special dog. When the change started, there was no leader. Then the Chicken Goddess chose Blue Feather as the leader. She had the perfect characteristics for being the Dog Clan leader. That's when she changes her name to Blue Feather Star.


It is against the warrior code to be hunting on another clan's territory. You can be punished by the clan, banned from the clans and sent to the evil side. You can also be doing apprentice duties, or attacked. The warrior code includes defending your territory even if it means your life; young ones, elders and queens must be fed first; give thanks to the Chicken Goddess; all the clans will be gathered on the first day of the new year to a truce that lasts for the night, evil ones are banned from gatherings.


Different clans have different traditions. The Butterfly Wolf Clan and the Chicken Clan both use the same tradition to chose their leader. For them, their names are for example, Queen Pink III. The Chicken Clan is one of those clans that aren't doing well and getting attacked by other clans. The Butterfly Wolf Clan is a good clan. Reproducing up to 5 caterpillars a week. It's easy to reproduce Butterfly Wolfs. The Dog and Cat Clan both use the same tradition. The warrior tradition is a tradition where you change your name as you grow. In both of these clans, you can choose to become a medicine cat/dog or a warrior. Usually, a clan would need only 2 medicine dogs/cats. The Horse Clan uses a mix of both traditions. They have a King and yet follow the warrior code. The rat clan is only starting. They are not ready for actual leading.

Chapter 1: The missing gold bracelet

It was the beginning of the new year, and Blue Feather Star was picking dogs to go to the gathering. “Yellow Pelt!” she cried. Yellow Pelt, the bravest warrior of them all, was chosen first as he was the Deputy. “Holy Swirl!” Blue Feather Star directed. Holy Swirl was the medicine dog. She was responsible for those who were injured in battle. After naming a few other warriors, they headed off to the gathering.


When they arrived, many people greeted them. “Hello Blue Feather Star!” greeted King Butterfly II.

“How are you doing Yellow Pelt?” asked Clover from the Horse Clan.

“Long time no see, River Stripe!” said Mist Flower from the Cat Clan. After a long time of greeting long lost friends, Blue Feather Star leaped on the top rock along with the other leaders.

“May I have your attention please.” shouted Blue Feather Star.

“We will now begin our gathering.” added Fire Star. This year was the Dog Clan's turn to lead the gathering.

“Ahem, so, has there been any trouble with the abandoned ones?” asked Blue Feather Star.

“Not recently.” replied King Butterfly II.

“But they have caused many damage this year.” added Safari.

“They were spotted last seen in your land, Blue Feather Star.” warned Clover.

“That's true! I saw Glow Stripe wander around in our territory last week!” said Yellow Pelt.

“Why didn't you tell me this before?” wondered Blue Feather Star.

“There was so much preparation to be done before the gathering, so he didn't have time to tell you.” concluded Fire Star.

“Why would Glow Stripe be in your territory?” questioned King Carl.

“She was banished from your land, never to return.” added Brave.

“Could there be something that she wants from you?” wondered Breeze Leaf, Mist Flower's mate.

“There is this one golden bracelet,” started Blue Feather Star, “it was given to me by the Chicken Goddess. It represents friendship and bravery. Some say it has mystical powers.”

“Have you ever witnessed any signs of suspicious happenings?” asked Clover.

“Well, the powers only work when he or she is wearing the bracelet.” said Blue Feather Star.

“Did you ever wear it?” wondered Yellow Pelt.

“Only once, but I have to admit, I did feel more powerful.”

“The evil ones could be planning something.” concluded Star Spots, the newly enrolled warrior of the Dog Clan. Suddenly, Yellow Pelt came rushing over to Blue Feather Star.

“News from the Dog Clan,” he informed, “the golden bracelet is gone.”


Everyone stared in shock. Who could have done this?

“Glow Stripe must've stolen it!” concluded Queen Pink III.

“But we have no proof she did it.” debated Safari.

“She was wandering in her land!” argued Queen Pink III. Everyone stood there, all mixed up.

“We need someone to investigate.” concluded Blue Feather Star.

“She's right, that bracelet has mystical powers no one can control.” added Fire Star.

“I'll go.” said Yellow Pelt.

“No! It's too dangerous!” warned Blue Feather Star.

“It's my job, I'll be back as soon as I get some answers.”

“I'll go too!” said the young apprentice, Rock Paw.

“Then it's settled.” ended Clover.

“Yellow Pelt and Rock Paw will find out who stole the golden bracelet.” said Ember Dawn. Blue Feather Star ended the gathering after those words.


“You're sure about this?” asked Blue Feather Star the day after.

“Yes, I'll be fine.” replied Yellow Pelt. They hugged goodbye and they set off. Yellow Pelt was way ahead of Rock Paw.

“Rock Paw, if you want to become a good warrior, you have to be fast.” said Yellow Pelt. Rock Paw just threw him a dirty look. After 5 hours of travelling, they finally made it to the Evil Land. They entered the gates and they saw a sign:


Those who pass this line never return home alive...


Yellow Pelt was bit scared. They passed the line and walked towards a guard.

“You must be Yellow Pelt, the Deputy of the Dog Clan.” remarked the guard.

“No, I am here to uh, inform the great evil.” lied Yellow Pelt.

“Warrior name?” demanded the guard.

“Spotted Leaf.” Yellow Pelt lied again.

“Hi! I'm Rock Paw! I'm from Dog Clan! We're wondering if you stole the golden bracelet! Blue Feather sent us - “ spitted Rock Paw. Yellow Pelt covered his mouth immediately.

“Say... Spotted LEAF! Or should I say, Yellow Pelt...” said the guard. He came closer and Yellow Pelt reacted. He jumped up and scratched the guard. He then body slammed him until he was unconscious.

“Let's go!” directed Yellow Pelt. They sneaked in and found a room.

“Back there, you were real trouble...” said Yellow Pelt. Rock Paw just smiled. Suddenly, Rock Paw ran off into the city of darkness.

“Oh great!” thought Yellow Pelt. Then, he started chasing after Rock Paw. He looked everywhere, until he found Rock Paw in a cage, crying.

“Help me! Help me, Yellow Pelt!” cried Rock Paw.

“I really don't know if I should help you,” said Yellow Pelt, “you've caused enough trouble for one day. I think you deserve to be in that cage!”

“Please! I'll be good! Please just help me!” Rock Paw cried some more. With that, Yellow Pelt helped him out. They went back to the room they found. It had Glow Stripe's name imprinted in purple on the door.

“You stay here, and don't move.” commanded Yellow Pelt. Rock Paw did as he said. Yellow entered the room, and saw something suspicious.


Yellow Pelt heard some suspicious noises. He slowly walked forward.

“Well, hey intruder! If you don't mind, I'm changing, so please knock!” said a girly voice. Yellow Pelt looked up and saw a pretty girl with blond hair standing in front of him. He was embarrassed and looked away.

“Um, sorry about that, didn't mean to - “

“No worries, you know, you're kinda cute!” complimented the girl. Yellow Pelt was flattered. Maybe the evil land isn't all that bad. Blue Feather Star never called him cute.

“Come! Have a seat!” said the girl. They sat down on a hot pink sofa.

“So what's your name?” asked the girl.

“Um, well, I guess you seem nice enough to know,” stumbled Yellow Pelt, “it's Yellow Pelt.”

“Oh! The amazing Yellow Pelt!” she complimented, “I'm Dapple Sky.”

“Such a beautiful name!”

“So, what are you doing here so far away from your beloved Blue Feather?”

“She's not my mate! We're just...”

“I know, I know!”

“Well, I'm here because I need to find the golden bracelet.”

“Oh! Probably Glow Stripe has it! I saw her wearing it!”

“Really? Where is she?”

“She told me she was out of the land for a while. She's doing some secret trade with the Rat Clan. But she did steal it.”

“She's hiding...” thought Yellow Pelt.

“Well, you see, it gets lonely here. There's no guy that matches me...” said Dapple Sky. Yellow Pelt's cheeks were pink. They looked at each other in the eyes. Her eyes shined purple. It was familiar, too familiar. Suddenly, here was a huge bang on the door. As soon as Yellow Pelt looked away, Dapple Sky pulled his head back and kissed him. It was getting late, and Yellow Pelt didn't want to leave his future mate.

“I wish I could take you back to Dog Clan.” he said.

“I will never forget you, Yellow Pelt.” As soon as he was about to leave, Dapple Sky scratched Yellow Pelt and bit him, fought him until he was unconscious. She revealed her true self, Glow Stripe...


Yellow Pelt found himself in a jail cell, there was no sign of Rock Paw. Slowly, he got up and saw Glow Stripe laughing at him.

“You were behind this!” shouted Yellow Pelt, still embarrassed of getting tricked by Glow Stripe.

“Who else wouldn't want more power?” said Glow Stripe looking at her new bracelet.

“Where's Rock Paw?” demanded Yellow Pelt.

“You're full of humour! You see, I never stole the bracelet.” explained Glow Stripe, “I had someone else do it for me!” Then, Rock Paw came out from the corner with a wide grin.

“Rock Paw! That's against the warrior code!” cried Yellow Pelt.

“Little Rock Paw will soon become out great leader and take revenge on all of you who banished us from your kingdoms!” laughed Glow Stripe. With that, she walked away, laughing. Chicken Smoothie Island was gone...


After sitting there for hours, Yellow Pelt remembered he was on a mission. He had to get that bracelet back. He looked around for a secret passage of some sort. His father always told him if he ever gets trapped, there's always a way out. Suddenly, he hit something. A lever! He pulled it and a door opened on the floor. Yellow Pelt sneaked in. At the other side, he was in Glow Stripe's room, again. Then, he looked around the room for the bracelet. And there it was, on the drawer. He wore it and suddenly, he felt so powerful.

“Hey thief!” shouted a guard. Behind Yellow Pelt were a dog, a horse and a butterfly wolf. They started charging towards him. Yellow Pelt reacted super quick. He tripped and scratched the horse, bit the dog and flew off. He was actually flying! The butterfly wolf chased after him. He turned around and sent a beam of light at the butterfly wolf. It fell to the ground, blind. Yellow Pelt safely flew back home.


“Yellow Pelt!” cried Blue Feather Star when he arrived. The Dog Clan was so happy to see him.

“Where's Rock Paw?” asked Holy Swirl. Yellow Pelt explained the whole story to them, except for the part when Glow Stripe tricked him.

“Rock Paw was behind this!” concluded River Stripe.

“Oh and, I learned how to use the bracelet's powers.” said Yellow Pelt.

“Wow! Yellow Pelt, keep the bracelet. Take it as a reward.” replied Blue Feather Star. Yellow Pelt looked down at the bracelet.

“Rock Paw will be banished from this land.” concluded Blue Feather Star. The whole clan cheered with joy. Yellow Pelt looked at Blue Feather Star, who was blushing. He walked towards her. Her blue eyes were brighter than ever.

“The actual reward I wanted was, really just, you...” admitted Yellow Pelt. She blushed and hugged him.

“Mates you mean?” asked Blue Feather Star.

“Mates.” replied Yellow Pelt.


The next day, Yellow Pelt and Blue Feather Star became mates. The clan was the same as usual. Blue Feather Star was still the leader, and Yellow Pelt was still the Deputy. Yellow Pelt wore the bracelet with honour. For the powers only worked on him, for his bravery and love. The bracelet represents bravery and friendship, and Yellow Pelt will forever be that way.

Chapter 2: The fight of the Chickenclan

It was mating season for the birds. The Chicken Clan was full of joy. The royal birds were all grown up. There were 3 royal roosters, Carl, Thomas and Carl, and only 2 special chickens. One of them was to be crowned as the new queen. But a queen is not queen until she has a mate. The 3 roosters have a choice of Jenna, Little Snow, Picasso and Leonardo. But time running out...


It was a beautiful afternoon, Thomas was practising his singing to attract one of the females. Now Thomas wasn't the best singer of all the roosters. Suddenly, Thomas hears a familiar voice... “Hey Tom!” shouted Karl, the best singer of all roosters, but not the best fighter.

“Where did you come from?!” jumped Thomas.

“Looks like your practising for the big night, eh?” realized Karl, “You see, I don't need to practise. I'm a natural and I'm as handsome as a peacock!”

“We'll see about that!” Thomas shouted back.

“Oh you will see! When Picasso lands her eyes on ME!” Karl said with a sassy voice. Thomas had no more words to add. He looked at Karl with a red angry face. As soon as Thomas was about to get into a fight with Carl, Picasso showed up. Thomas looked up and saw her beautiful feathers sway in wind. She came closer with her shiny blue eyes sparkling in the sun. They were brighter than the brightest stars.

“Hey guys!” Picasso greeted. Thomas's cheeks go pink.

“Uh – hi, Picasso...” Thomas replied.

“Hey Picasso! Ready for the big night?” interrupted Karl.

“Um, sure?” said Picasso in surprise, “Anyways, I was here to talk to Thomas.” Karl walks up to Thomas. He whispers in his ear,

“We're dating...” And Karl walks off. Thomas's eye twitched. Inside, he was full of anger. Like a volcano about to erupt of anger because of Mr. Sassy Legs.

“Um – so, Thomas,” stumbled Picasso.


“How's your practises?”

“You know about me practising?!” Thomas exclaimed with surprise.

“You sound amazing Thomas! You're gonna impress a lot of those girls on the big night.”

“So uh, how's you and Karl?” asked Thomas.

“Excuse me?!”

“You know, you guys are dating, right?”

“No! Why would I date Karl?! You're way better than him!”

“Really?” Thomas asked in surprise. They looked at each other for a long time.

“I better be going, I need to fix my feathers. Tomorrow's the big night!”

“Yeah, I bet you're going to be the new queen. You're amazing!”

“Really?” she said. They stared at each other again.

“Well, see ya!” said Thomas.

“See ya.”And they both walked off.


Thomas was walking along, wondering if he was Picasso's dream rooster. Suddenly, he saw Picasso walking with Karl! She was all like “Oh Karl!!!” and “Oh Karl!!!”. Thomas was heart broken.

“Promise you'll chose me at the big night?” asked Karl.

“Of course! You're way better than that TOM guy!”

With that, Thomas ran away with fear. Tears streamed out of his eyes. He was ashamed. Picasso dumped him. Karl was way better than him. Thomas was no match.


That night, Thomas had nightmares. He dreamed that Picasso laughed at him at the big night. He was devastated. He woke for the fifth time, breathing hard from fear.

“It's just a dream, Thomas, just a dream.” he told himself. But he kept on dreaming about it. Before Picasso dumped him, he dreamed good dreams. He thought about the future with him and Picasso. But all those good times, were all gone...


The next day, every chicken and rooster were getting ready, except for Thomas. No one like him. He would be left alone, forever. But he couldn't give up. He kept on practising. Picasso was grooming her feathers. She went up to Thomas.

“How do I look?” she asked. But Thomas just ignored her. She came closer to him till they were beak to . Thomas look at her and walked away. Picasso was heartbroken.


It was the big night. All adult chickens were excited for this night. The first act was Karl. Karl danced, showed his feathers and blow kissed Picasso. When he was done, all of the ladies cheered with amazement. That's when Picasso came towards him and kissed him on the beak. Karl found his mate. After a few other successful performances, it was Thomas's turn. He jumped onto the stage and shook his feathers. He sang like was happy as can be. He twirl, he jumped. He span, and flew. His show was amazing! After Thomas was Carl. This Carl was nice. He didn't do that well, but Jenna came up to him and he found his mate. The only who didn't have a mate was Little Snow. Picasso came up to him and kissed on the beak. Thomas was confused.

“I thought you chose Karl.”

“Why would I? That was my sister Leonard!” she replied. After knowing that the girl who like Picasso was really her twin sister. They went along together, forever.


A few months later, Picasso and Thomas were married and had a chick named Van Gogh. Leonard and Karl had a chick named El Greco. The King of the Chicken was determined to be Carl. That meant the Queen was Queen Jenna. The Chicken Clan lived as it should. All went well. The next generation will be a great beginning. 

Chapter 3: Battle Between Wolves



Before the animals existed, the Chicken Goddess wanted a powerful animal to maintain the land and protect it. She chose the wolves and the dogs. They were considered stronger than most animals. But one day, the great evil killed many of the dogs and warriors. Something more powerful had to be created. The Chicken Goddess took some of the remaining wolves and gave them butterfly wings. They were elegant and strong. The evil lord got mad and also created some of his own wings. But it was only given to Lord Lady Vampire. She was the only dog that had wings. The butterfly wolf were against evil. None of them will be banished, for they are the greatest creatures the Chicken Goddess has ever created... But soon, evil found its way through, and disaster happened...




Flower came rushing towards King Butterfly II, the king of the Butterfly Wolf Clan.

“Sire, the evil ones have taken more and more of our land. We are losing warriors each day!” cried Flower.

“This can't be true! Did we ask for help from the other clans?” asked the king.

“Yes, but the help was no use. The evil ones were too powerful. The Dog Clan didn't want to risk any of their warriors, so they didn't help much.” replied Flower. The king thought for a while. If the Dog Clan weren't that selfish, his kingdom wouldn't be in danger. He can't risk any more warriors. He had no choice.

“Prepare the warriors ready for battle.” demanded King Butterfly II.

“But sire, we are no match for the evil ones.” complained Flower.

“We're not going to fight the evil ones, we're going to take land from the Dog Clan” explained King Butterfly II.


It was a beautiful day for the Dog Clan. But it wasn't going to be beautiful for long. The two clans were great friends, but their friendship was about to end. Mist Flower watched as her 4 pups, Night Paw, Cloud Paw, Wood Paw and Fire Paw play in the grass.

“No one is faster than me!” bragged Fire Paw.

“Oh yeah? You may be fast, but I'm stronger than any of you!” argued Night Paw.

“That's so not true!” complained Cloud Paw, “I'm better than both of you!” The pups argued about who's better. They played, tackled, laughed, cried, except for Wood Paw. Wood Paw was on of those fat, lazy hungry pups.

“Calm down you three,” said Mist Flower, “Daddy and Grandma will soon be home from hunting.”

“Mommy, when will I be big enough to hunt?” asked Fire Paw.

“You can right now, you are an apprentice.” replied Mist Flower.

“Hello!” cried a familiar voice.

“Daddy!” all 4 pups cried back. They ran towards him to tackle him. The pups at their age have to practise fighting and hunting.

“Alright, alright. Go play with some of your friends.” suggested Breeze Leaf after a long day. The 4 pups ran towards the other apprentices who were training. Some of them were with their mentors.

“How was hunting?” asked Mist Flower, after licking Breeze Leaf on the cheek.

“Good, there's enough for the whole clan.” concluded Breeze Leaf.

“I sure miss hunting, the days when we would hunt together...” remembered Mist Flower.

“The butterfly wolves were in our territory. That was sort of suspicious.” realized Breeze Leaf.

“Go tell Blue Feather Star, she'll know what to do.” suggested Mist Flower. With that, Breeze Leaf headed towards the nursery, where Blue Feather Star was talking to Holy Swirl.

“The pups are growing fast and healthy. We'll have more warriors in no time.” said Holy Swirl to Blue Feather Star.

“Good. We need warriors for battles.”

“Blue Feather Star!” greeted Breeze Leaf.

“Breeze Leaf! How's Mist Flower?”

“She's doing fine with the four pups.”

“Good! What brings a father like you here?”

“I am here to report that butterfly wolves were spotted in our territory.”

“Hmm, I didn't recieve any letters from their clan about a visit. I'll go talk to them. In the mean time, go get the warriors ready.” directed Blue Feather Star. Then, Breeze Leaf headed off to Yellow Pelt.

“Get the warriors ready for battle, from Blue Feather Star.” ordered Breeze Leaf. Yellow Pelt nodded and howled to signify the warriors. Red Stripe heard it and started howling. Red Stripe was one of the prettiest dogs of the clan. She had a shiny red coat and beautiful red eyes to match it. Her tail was soft and beautiful. The rest of the clan howled back. Blue Feather Star got to her place.

“The Butterfly Wolf Clan was on our territory. We must be nice, but ready for surprises.” announced Blue Feather Star. Suddenly, butterflies started flying all over the place. It blinded Mist Flower. Out from the trees came howling. King Butterfly II flew out first. Then the rest of the clan.

“Attack!” he shouted.


“Get ready everyone!” ordered Blue Feather Star. The butterfly wolves had an advantage, they could fly.

“Grey Swirl! Protect the nursery!” cried Mist Flower. Gray Swirl ran towards the nursery. Suddenly, a butterfly wolf popped up.

“Kill the children!” cried one of them. Gray Swirl jumped up and bit him and the wolf fell down. She ran and ran and defended the nursery. The pups were whining and crying for all they heard was chaos. Yellow Pelt used the golden bracelet to fly up and kill some of them. Mist Flower ran to protect the apprentices.

“Go hide, when we need you, we will call you.” she directed. All of the pups ran to hide, as if they were playing hide and seek.

“Look out!” cried Breeze Leaf as he jumped towards Mist Flower. She ducked and Breeze Leaf scratched one of the flying wolves. Blood and dead bodies lied everywhere. Queen Pink III was fighting at all her strength. Then, Blue Feather Star met with King Butterfly II.

“Why are you doing this to your people and our people?” asked Blue Feather Star.

“Selfish fool! Do you not know how much we suffered? Our land, our hope, our love, has been destroyed because of your selfish acts! If you had asked some warriors to come defend us, this would have never happened!” complained the king. Blue Feather Star saw his eyes turn black and red. The evil had gotten into the butterfly wolves. What was once impossible was now possible.

“Wake up King Butterfly! The evil is controlling you!” cried Blue Feather Star. But it didn't work. He was lunging towards Blue Feather Star. She quickly dodged away.

“I don't want to hurt you.” she warned. But he still didn't listen. Blue Feather Star escaped from him and ran towards Holy Swirl, who was also at the nursery.

“How do we get the evil out of the clan?” she asked.

“Here, have this. Throw it on the king and everything will go back to normal.” said Holy Swirl as she handed a bottle of potion to her. Blue Feather Star ran towards the battle, holding the potion. She spotted King Butterfly II, and threw it at him. There was a big cloud of smoke, black and white smoke. The smoke slowly turned into a shape of yin and yang. It was the symbol of balance, good and evil. King Butterfly stood there, all confused. Blue Feather went up to him.

“If you ever need something, you can always ask nicely.” said Blue Feather Star. He looked at Blue Feather Star and nodded.

“Thank you. I never thought I would turn out like this.” thanked the king.


The friendship of the two clans remained strong. Blue Feather Star even sent some warriors to help defend his territory. In the end, all went well. And the balance was back in place.

Chapter 4: The Annual Horse Race

It was that time of the year again. The time for the Annual Horse Race. The course is raced by apprentices of the Horse Clan. They have sort of like their own religion. The purpose of the race is to see who shall be the future leader of the Horse Clan will be. According to the Chicken Goddess, a race is the perfect way to determine who is the future leader. This event happened during mid summer to early fall. That was when most of the foals were apprentices. The Horse Clan was a mix of 2 types of horses. The royal horses and the shaggy horses. Royal horses are skinnier and look beautiful when they are full grown. Shaggy horses have messed up hair when they reach adulthood. They are stronger during apprentice age. But when it comes to racing, no one is sure who will win the annual race.


It was July, the month of the Annual Horse Race. Each apprentice was getting ready to race. Some got into gangs to go for a 10 km run.

“Run away shaggy! The new leader will be me!” cried Speed, the fastest runner of all apprentices.

“The only place I'm running to is the finish line!” argued Sunshine. The foals continued arguing about who is going to be the next winner.

“Alright, settle down little foals!” calmed Clover, “Shouldn't you be practising?”

“If we practise too much, we might not have enough energy for the race.” complained Treetop.

“Alright, we'll see which lazy bum will get to the finish line first.” chuckled Clover as she walked away.

“I'm gonna have a huge lap around the land,” bragged Speed, “I was born to be a boarder patrol and runner!” The girls looked at him with awe.

“Can I run with you?” asked Swirl.

“I wish I could be like you...” agreed Woody. The other ponies were admiring Speed, thinking he would be the next leader. But River, Speed's brother, was no match. He couldn't be that fast. His brother had a mentor! And him? He was left alone running around the boarder 7 times a day. Speed bragged about how he ran 10 laps each day. But really, he was only running with his friends for 5 laps.

“Can I please join?” begged Forest.

“No shaggy! You're too fat and slow for us! You're only gonna slow us down!” teased Speed. Forest ran away with tears in her eyes. The other royal foals laughed, except for some of them.

“You can run with me.” said River.

“Thanks.” sniffed Forest.

“Can we run with you to?” asked some other shaggy horses. They all looked sad. They were not being accepted for who they are.

“Sure!” replied River.

“Hey look! River's with the shags!” teased Speed.

“It's not really nice, Speed.” admitted Violet.

“Oh, so now you're on their side too?”

“I'm just saying, it's not nice.”

“It's not nice, meh meh meh meh! I don't CARE!”

“Then I'm gonna run with River. No one wants a mean leader like you!” Violet stomped away. Speed was heartbroken (Violet was his crush), but didn't actually show his feelings.

“Fine! Be that way losers!” screamed Speed. Wing (Speed's mentor and dad) came over.

“Time to train Speed.” said his dad.

“Alright! I'll take some of my friends for a lap or two.” said Speed.

“But remember, the race is in two days, they can't come along during the last day.” concluded Wing. Wing was really proud of Speed. He loved River too, but he wasn't as proud. Mist Glow, his mother, was proud of both of her sons. She knew River could fit in somehow. The gang set off with Wing, also the fastest runner. River just stood there with the other horses.

“Shall we begin?”


From behind them was Brave. He was probably the best warrior, runner, fighter than any of the horses. But he wasn't fast enough when it was his turn to run the race. He could have been leader.

“You want to train us?!” asked Tree.

“Of course. I don't have anything to do in my spare time, and I think you guys are a good team!” admired Brave. They all looked at each other in disbelief. Brave, the best warrior horse, wanted to train them!

“Of course, of course!” shouted all of them.

“Then let's begin.” he said. They followed him to the edge of the border, where their neighbour, the Rat Clan stood in border patrol.

“Let's start with stretching.” he said.

“Stretching?!” said Stripe with surprise.

“Of course, stretching is recommended for runners so they don't pull a muscle when they run.” replied Brave.

“What kind of stretches are we going to do?” asked Violet.

“You'll see,” explained Brave, “the stretches we need to do involve our chest, legs and head.” The foals mimicked the leader as he was performing stretches. After 3 minutes, they stopped.

“We're now going to do some trotting around that field.” he said, pointing at a little meadow.

“Why are we wasting our time doing warm up?” wondered River.

“Because our bodies need to get ready and know we are about to run 10 laps around the border.” explained Brave.

“TEN LAPS?!” cried Forest.

“The actual race is 12 laps. If you want to win, you have to practise. Each day increasing the distance.” he said. They followed him as he trotted around the field.

“Remember, this is not galloping, it's trotting.” he reminded. After 5 minutes, Brave ran to the border's edge.

“We are now ready to begin.” he concluded. Some of the ponies were panting and sweating. But he started anyways. He started off slow. Some of them went ahead of him.

“Don't go too fast!” he warned, “You might run out of energy along the way!” The rest of them stayed behind them.


The first lap was refreshing. The second lap was a bit weird, but he kept on going. The third, fourth and fifth lap were a bit tiring. When they made it to the sixth lap, some of them were walking. But River kept running.

“It's important to keep a steady pace and never stop running no matter how slow you are.” he pointed out. When they reached the last lap, they bumped into Speed and his gang.

“Hello shags!” insulted Speed. But he didn't notice that Brave was there with them.

“What do you mean by 'shags'?” he asked with sarcasm. Speed looked up and saw Brave talking to him. The rest of the gang looked at the running foals and Brave.

“Nothing...” said one of them.

“So Brave, why train them?” asked Sunshine.

“They have great potential. And someone was being really bad...” he said looking at Speed. His cheeks started turning red.

“Sorry, we have to go now. We're finishing our 10 laps.” added River. Speed stared at them as they galloped off.

“Come on! Let's go! We can do 20 laps!” he shouted to his gang. Speed and his gang started galloping at full speed. They got tired at the first lap.

“Slow down!” said Purple. But Speed kept running. At 5 laps, he was on the ground.

“Ow!” he cried. His legs started hurting. River and his friends passed him, this time, they were trotting. They were doing their cool down.

“It is important to have a good warm up and a good cool down so you don't pull a muscle.” pointed out River. Speed looked at him with a dirty look.

“I don't care!” he shouted. When Wing arrived, he took him home.


The following days got better. River's team could run 15 laps non stop under 7 minutes. They were improving. Then came the day... All of the clans (except for the evil ones) joined together at the Horse Clan's territory. River was excited and nervous.

“Alright everyone! Ten minutes till the race begins! Runners, please warm up and get to your stations!” Safari announced. The crowd was going wild. River could hear his mom cheering for him. He started doing his stretches and trotting.

“Remember,” he said to himself, “have fun and never give up.” He got into his position. Speed was showing off and talking. He didn't get ready for the race.

“Get to your places runners!” directed Safari. The race was from Horse Clan territory to Cat Clan territory. It was a straight run.

“On your marks, get set, GO!” he shouted. The runners burst off with speed. Speed was leading. He was ahead of everyone. But River was catching up.

“Loser!” he whispered in River's ear. River stumbled and fell. He got up right away and kept on running. The rest of the race was chaos and tiring. River was second, right behind his brother. When they were about half way, Speed fell down with a huge crash.

“Ow!” he shouted with pain. River stopped and let the others passe him.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Leave me alone!” he cried. River lifted his brother up and cleaned up the blood.

“Inside, I know you are thankful. But I know you won't admit it.” River realized and galloped off. River was running and running. Speed was catching up. They were near the finish line. The crowd was getting louder and louder. Who was going to win? It was only Speed and River. Closer, faster and... It was a tie! The crowd remained silent.

“I won! I won! In your face!” shouted Speed with joy. Suddenly, a glow of light struck from the sky. The light landed on River. It lifted him up and the glow grew brighter. It was a sign from the Chicken Goddess. River had won.


The whole crowd roared with joy. The future king of the Horse Clan was River! River couldn't believe it.

“He has the wisdom and courage!” shouted a horse.

“Long live King River!” cried another horse.

“I'm proud of you, son!” congratulated Wing. It was amazing. When the party was over, he went up to his brother.

“You tried.” he encouraged.

“I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've done.” Speed apologized. The brothers sat there and looked at the stars.

“You can pretend to be anything, but you will forever be my brother. And that is something you can't pretend to not be and I will forever love you.” concluded River.

Chapter 5: Blown Away

While the 3 kits, Cloud Paw, Night Paw and Fire Paw, were playing, Mist Flower came up to them.

“Time for bed my little warriors.” she said.

“No!” cried Fire Paw as he started to make a run for it. But Mist Flower grabbed him.

“Someone is being a hyper kitty today.” chuckled Mist Flower. Fire Paw struggled and fought till he had no more energy. They headed back to the den and each kit got to their spots.

“Tell us a story ma!” begged Night Paw.

“Ya! Tell us a story!” agreed Cloud Paw. The 4 kits begged a couple minutes till Mist Flower agreed.

“Alright, I'll tell you about the day I met your father.” she said.

“No! Not that story again!” groaned the kits. Mist Flower giggled and said,

“Fine, how about the time when you four blew away?” she suggested.

“Ya!” cheered the four. They all sat down and Mist Flower began...


It was a windy November day, it's been a moon since Mist Flower gave birth to her four kits, Fire Paw, Night Paw, Cloud Paw and Wood Paw. The day was super windy. The most windiest of all time.

“Watch the kits,” joked Ember Dawn, Mist Flower's mother, “they might get blown away!”

“Very funny...” laughed Mist Flower as she looked at her four kits. Fire Kit, Night Kit and Cloud Kit were whining. Only Wood Kit was sleeping. Wood Kit ate and slept and made dirt. That's all he ever did. The others would jump around and not go to sleep. This time, they were moving all over the place. They had just learned how to walk. Well, Fire Kit did. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew Night Kit, the youngest, off her feet! She went flying through the wind.

“Night Kit!” screamed Mist Flower as she ran. Breeze Leaf ran after her. Ember Dawn had to stay to make sure the other kits don't blow away. But it was too late. The wind was so strong, it blew Cloud Kit and Fire Kit away! Ember Dawn looked to see that Wood Kit was still there. Made sense why he didn't blow away, he was too fat.

“Watch Wood Kit!” directed Ember Dawn to Holy Swirl. She nodded back and stared at Wood Kit. Ember Dawn chased the flying kits, along with Breeze Leaf and Mist Flower.


When they reached the woods, they heard whining.

“Look!” cried Breeze Leaf, pointing at a tree branch. There, on the tree was a little ball of black fur.

“Night Kit!” cheered Mist Flower. She climbed the tree and took her kit.

“One down, two to go.” sighed Ember Dawn. They searched and searched around the forest, but there was no sign of the other two.

“Could they be at the river?” suggested Breeze Leaf. The three warriors rushed to the river. On a tiny log was poor Fire Kit.

“Meow!” he cried. Ember Dawn jumped into the water and started swimming towards the little kit. Suddenly, there was a huge wave that crashed into them. But Ember Dawn grabbed Fire Kit and swam to shore.

“That's two.” said Breeze Leaf.

“But where's Cloud Kit?” worried Mist Flower.

“I think I found her...” pointed Ember Dawn, looking at the sky. Up in the air, was a little white tiny cloud, who was actually Cloud Kit. The wind carried her down to her mother. They stared at each other in amazement. Cloud Kit had the power to control wind...


The four kits stared in amazement.

“I am awesome!!!” cried Cloud Paw.

“Who cares?” argued Fire Paw, “Maybe I have the power of water or fire!”

“I have the power of earth probably since I was found on a tree...” added Night Paw.

“Alright little ones, time to sleep.” chuckled Mist Flower.

“What about Wood Paw? What power does he have?” asked Cloud Paw. They stared at him for a moment.

“The power of intelligence and food.” he concluded with a grin. They all laughed and went to sleep. With each a great motivation of elements.


Texte: Emberdawn and Purplepandaj
Bildmaterialien: Dunno
Lektorat: Emberdawn
Übersetzung: Nobody!!!!!!!
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.06.2013

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