
Chapter 1-The meet

Chop chop girls Mrs.queensland told us to decorate for the new girl,” says Dalila rushing Kaleen and Kassy the twins. “I am happy it is a girl,” say Kassy. They decorate it a beautiful blue. When they walk out every boy does heart eyes and every girl is jealous they walk to the office. “Everyone get a hiding place in the decorated room we are coming HURRY HER CAR IS HERE,” says Dalila on the intercom. Everyone runs to a hiding place. “Hello is anyone here,” says Maddalyn as she comes in. She walks into the room “SURPRISE” everyone says but her eyes immediately fell on Dalila’s so they are both staring eyes to eyes. Maddalyn blinks and says “thank you thank you, everyone.” “Nice to meet you Maddalyn,” says Dalila. “Yes nice to meet you, Dalila,” says Maddalyn. “Ugg does she have to be a girl like that,” says Kaleen. Dalila nugs her in her stomach hiddenly. “Sorry about her she a little mad come on gu bye,” says Dalila

Chapter 2-Bffs

“Hello, again how have you been doing,” says Dalila. “Good I could say,” says Maddalyn. “Hmmmmmmm,” Dalila thinks. Maddalyn runs off before Dalila can say something. When Maddalyn gets done running, she sits and begins to cry her heart out. Maddalyn whispers “I wish we didn’t move. No one here likes me.” Dalila says “no don’t say that it’s your first day of school you make some friends and some best friends.” Dalila thinks “you already have someone on the waiting list.” Maddalyn says “why do you care about me? I am just the horrible new student.” “I care because you’re not the horrible new girl,” Dalila says “you should come to my house.” Dalila gives Maddalyn her address. 1 hour later  Maddalyn comes to Dalila’s house. “shhh,” says Dalila as they walked past the room her step-parents were in. Dalila says “wanna be best friends” Maddalyn remembers her old best friend. “We already are,” Maddalyn says. Dalila remembers her old best friend. Dalila and Maddalyn have a sleepover. Maddalyn sleeps under the bed. Dalila sneaks Maddalyn out. Dalila begins to remember when they used to fake date and begins to gain a crush on Maddalyn.

Chapter 3-caught

 “Dalila are you, okay you have been standing there for about 10 minutes,” says Maddalyn. Dalila jumps and says “oh yes I’m ok for..for ask..asking” Dalila blushes. “Bye,” they say at the same time. They both go to class. Dalila thinks “I’m going to ignore her until these feelings go away.” “Maddalyn you may be dismissed early,” says Mrs.queensland. (Just so you know two days have passed since Dalila first got a crush on Maddalyn). Maddalyn goes to the gym because she knows no one is in there and practices her cheer. “Ok, so it is 10:00 AM and Dalila comes in here at 11:00 AM so 1 hour in here to practice,” says Maddalyn. Maddalyn is doing so good she loses track of time and she stays for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Dalila claps “wow that was amazing I have never seen anyone do it by themselves,” she says. Maddalyn grabs her stuff and tries to run but Dalila grabs her arm. ``where you think you are going my talented BFF” says Dalila. “Why do you want me to stay babe,” says Maddalyn. (Maddalyn knows Dalila likes her and calls her babe to play with her and when she says that Dalila calls her cutie). “Still not funny cutie,” says Dalila.

Chapter 4-Join the team?


“Hey, so Maddalyn would you like to join the team?” says Dalila. “Yes but everyone wants something hard to get or do in return,” says Maddalyn. Dalila says “I want something but it is easy.” “I know you so I’m good,” says Maddalyn. Dalila says “All you have to do is let me call you cutie.” Maddalyn says “Ok I will and if we ever date you can’t call me cutie.” “Wait what can I call if we ever date,” says Dalila. Maddalyn says “hottie duh.” Dalila blushes and screams “STOP MADDALYN THAT IS NOT HUNNY I MENT FUNNY NOW STOP.” The next day. “So yes or no for the deal?” Dalila says. Maddalyn says “or still bye.” “WOW JUST LEAVE ME DON’T YOU” Dalila screams as Maddalyn runs to class because the bell is finna ring. Finally Dalila runs to class and gets in her seat just as the bell rings. A few minutes later. Mrs.Queensland says “Dalila y-.” Dalila grabs her stuff and goes to the gym quickly because she got a text from Maddalyn saying I have decided. “Yes or no,” says Dalila coming into the gym. Maddalyn says “yes also how did you get here so fast.”

Chapter 5-championship

 They win until they get to the championship. Dalila says “We got this we made it here so win or lose we did good.” “Ok,” says the other girls. They go on and get ready to lose or so they thought.  They proform and get 10 + 10 + 10 = 30. “Wow horrible score for a horrible team,” says a rival team who just got a score of 1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Dalila says "smart words coming fron a team that got 1, 1, 1 for their score." They move to round 2 then 3 then 4 last 5 witch is the last round. They do there best rountine and..... "1st place issssss too much color (witch is there team)."


Texte: Ty'ana King
Bildmaterialien: picture (14).png
Cover: Screenshot 2020-11-16 at 9.05.43 AM
Lektorat: Ty'ana King
Übersetzung: Ty'ana King
Satz: start to end
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2020

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