
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

“Exercises of Transforms”




“Exercises of Transforms”

“Exercises of Transforms”


In this book, exercises are carried out regarding the following mathematical topics:

Fourier transform

Laplace transform

zeta transform and discrete transforms

Initial theoretical hints are also presented to make the performance of the exercises understood.

Simone Malacrida (1977)

Engineer and writer, has worked on research, finance, energy policy and industrial plants.






Introduction and definitions

Fourier integral transform

Laplace integral transform

Other integral transforms

Discreet transforms



Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9

Exercise 10

Exercise 11

Exercise 12

Exercise 13

Exercise 14

Exercise 15

Exercise 16

Exercise 17

Exercise 18

Exercise 19

Exercise 20

Exercise 21

Exercise 22

Exercise 23

Exercise 24

Exercise 25

Exercise 26

Exercise 27

Exercise 28

Exercise 29

Exercise 30

Exercise 31

Exercise 32

Exercise 33

Exercise 34

Exercise 35

Exercise 36

Exercise 37

Exercise 38

Exercise 39



In this exercise book some examples of calculations relating to the transforms are carried out.

Furthermore, the main theorems used in functional analysis of transforms and their practical use in order to solve problems are presented.

Transforms are a powerful mathematical means for solving a variety of mathematical topics such as differential equations and some notable integrals.

In addition, transforms are absolutely fundamental in the fields of telecommunications, electronics, information technology and mechanics.

In order to understand in more detail what is presented in the resolution of the exercises, the theoretical reference context is recalled in the first chapter.

What is presented in this workbook is generally addressed in advanced mathematical analysis courses (analysis 3) or as a preparatory practice for specific university courses.




Introduction and definitions


Transforms have been introduced to solve many mathematical problems, especially differential equations.

A first large family of transforms are the integral transforms which are integral applications of a space of functions on another space of functions.

The general form of an integral equation is given by:

Where K(s,t) is the function that characterizes the various transforms and is called kernel.


Fourier integral transform


We begin by considering the Fourier transform, which is also the most important integral transform.

The Fourier transform of a function belonging to the Lebesgue space is:

We will see that the transform can also be extended to the Hilbert space .

Fourier's inversion theorem states that if the function and its transform belong to , then it is possible to write the inversion formula as follows:

This inverse function of the Fourier transform is called the inverse Fourier transform.

The Fourier transform has linearity properties and the following properties:

If a function is real and even, then its Fourier transform is real and even, while if the function is real and odd, then its Fourier transform is imaginary and odd.

Given two functions, one of which has compact support and the other can be integrated according to Lebesgue, then the convolution between the two functions is the following relation:


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-3993-6

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